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胡振鹏  葛刚  刘成林 《自然资源学报》2014,29(10):1770-1779
鄱阳湖是东亚地区主要的候鸟越冬地,平均每年约有105 种、34 万多只候鸟在此越冬。鄱阳湖独特的水文过程及五河入湖三角洲众多的碟形湖是形成鄱阳湖湿地生态系统特征和越冬候鸟栖息地的重要条件。论文根据每年的候鸟监测资料和鄱阳湖水位过程记录,通过分析各类候鸟越冬的取食对象和夜宿环境,采用定量与定性分析相结合的方法,研究了鄱阳湖水位对候鸟越冬的影响因素,揭示了越冬候鸟对鄱阳湖水文过程的响应规律。结果表明:①鄱阳湖处于平水年时,对候鸟越冬最为有利,候鸟数量最多;②鄱阳湖丰水期处于高水位时,食物缺乏,对候鸟越冬不利,影响最大的是雁、鸭、鹤和天鹅类候鸟,候鸟数量较少;③鄱阳湖枯水期处于高水位时,对鹳类、天鹅和鸻鹬类候鸟取食造成一定困难,有可能使候鸟数量减少;④鄱阳湖枯水期水位较低时,如果科学管理碟形湖的水位,对候鸟越冬不会产生明显的不利影响,但主湖区水位太低,对候鸟越冬不利。  相似文献   

To determine how fast birds can adapt to magnetic intensities outside the normal functional window of their magnetic compass, we tested migratory birds in a magnetic field of 92,000 nT, twice the intensity of the local geomagnetic field at the test site in Frankfurt a.M., Germany. In the local field, robins showed a significant preference of their southerly migratory direction, whereas in the 92,000-nT field, they were initially disoriented. However, when the birds were preexposed to 92,000 nT for 1 h before being tested, they were able to orient under this intensity, and their behavior did not differ from that in the geomagnetic field. These data show that birds require only a short time to adjust to magnetic intensities, which they cannot spontaneously use for orientation. Interpreting these findings in view of the radical pair model (Ritz et al. 2000), this means that they can learn rather quickly to interpret novel activation patterns on their retina.  相似文献   

崇明东滩候鸟自然保护区的动态变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在80年代末期的鸟类及其生境调查研究基础上,正式提出拟建的上海市崇明东滩候鸟自然保护区,5年来随着滩涂的游涨及90年代初期人工围垦的影响,滩涂自然植被和鸟类的种类,数量,分布也随之有了相应的相应的动态变化。该文在新的调查资料基础上,对崇明东滩鸟类赖以生存地自然植被恢复,候鸟食料的容量分析等作了研究;同时,还论述了崇明候鸟自然保护区的界线范围及其动态变化,以及保护区内部3个功能小区的动态等。  相似文献   

We report on dental and mandibular pathology in Labidosaurus hamatus, a 275 million-year-old terrestrial reptile from North America and associate it with bacterial infection in an organism that is characterized by reduced tooth replacement. Analysis of the surface and internal mandibular structure using mechanical and CT-scanning techniques permits the reconstruction of events that led to the pathology and the possible death of the individual. The infection probably occurred as a result of prolonged exposure of the dental pulp cavity to oral bacteria, and this exposure was caused by injury to the tooth in an animal that is characterized by reduced tooth replacement cycles. In these early reptiles, the reduction in tooth replacement is an evolutionary innovation associated with strong implantation and increased oral processing. The dental abscess observed in L. hamatus, the oldest known infection in a terrestrial vertebrate, provides clear evidence of the ancient association between terrestrial vertebrates and their oral bacteria.  相似文献   

Host choice by mosquitoes affects the transmission dynamics of vector-borne infectious diseases. Although asymmetries in mosquito attraction to vertebrate species have been reported, the relative importance of host characteristics in mosquito blood-feeding behavior is still poorly studied. Here, we investigate the relationship between avian phenotypic traits—in particular, morphometry, plumage coloration, and nesting and roosting behavior—and the blood-feeding patterns in two common Culex mosquito species on a North American avian community. Forage ratios of the mosquito species were unrelated to the phylogenetic relationships among bird species. Culex pipiens fed preferably on birds with lighter-colored plumage and longer tarsi; furthermore, solitary roosting avian species were both bitten by Cx. pipiens and Cx. restuans more often than expected. These associations may be explained by greater mosquito attraction towards larger birds with a greater color contrast against the background. Although communally roosting birds may release more cues and attract more mosquitoes, individuals may in fact receive fewer bites due to the encounter-dilution effect. Mosquito feeding behavior is a highly complex phenomenon, and our results may improve understanding of the non-random interaction between birds and mosquitoes in natural communities.  相似文献   

Individuals differ consistently in their behavioural reactions towards novel objects and new situations. Reaction to novelty is one part of a suit of individually consistent behaviours called coping strategies or personalities and is often summarised as bold or shy behaviour. Coping strategies could be particularly important for migrating birds exposed to novel environments on their journeys. We compared the average approach latencies to a novel object among migrants and residents in partially migratory blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus. In this test, we found migrating blue tits to have shorter approach latencies than had resident ones. Behavioural reactions to novelty can affect the readiness to migrate and short approach latency may have an adaptive value during migration. Individual behaviour towards novelty might be incorporated among the factors associated with migratory or resident behaviour in a partially migratory population.  相似文献   

The evolution of bird migration—a synthesis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We approach the problem of the evolution of bird migration by asking whether migration evolves towards new breeding areas or towards survival areas in the non-breeding season. Thus, we avoid the ambiguity of the usually discussed “southern-home-theory” or “northern-home-theory”. We argue that migration evolved in birds that spread to seasonal habitats through gradual dispersal to enhance survival during the non-breeding season; this in contrast to the alternative idea suggesting that migration evolved towards new breeding areas to increase reproductive success. Our synthesis is based on the threshold model explaining how migratory traits can change rapidly through microevolutionary processes. Our model brings former theories together and explains how bird migration, with the appropriate direction and time program, evolves through selection after genetically non-directed events such as dispersal and colonization. The model does not need the former untested assumptions such as competition as a reason for migration and for the disappearance of sedentary populations or higher reproductive success in temperate breeding areas. Our theory offers answers to questions such as how birds with a southern origin may gradually reach northern latitudes, why migration routes may follow historical expansion routes and why birds leave an area for the non-breeding season and move back instead of breeding on their wintering grounds. The theory proposes gradual change through selection and not sudden changes such as long distance dispersal or mutations and can be applied to migration at all latitudes and in all directions. The scenario provides a reasonable concept to understand most of the existing migratory phenomena on the basis of the ecology and genetics of migratory behaviour.  相似文献   

The annual cycle of migrating birds is shaped by their seasonal movements between breeding and non-breeding sites. Studying how migratory populations are linked throughout the annual cycle—migratory connectivity, is crucial to understanding the population dynamics of migrating bird species. This requires the consideration not only of spatial scales as has been the main focus to date but also of temporal scales: only when both aspects are taken into account, the degree of migratory connectivity can be properly defined. We investigated the migration behaviour of hoopoes (Upupa epops) from four breeding populations across Europe and characterised migration routes to and from the breeding grounds, location of non-breeding sites and the timing of key migration events. Migration behaviour was found to vary both within and amongst populations, and even though the spatial migratory connectivity amongst the populations was weak, temporal connectivity was strong with differences in timing amongst populations, but consistent timing within populations. The combination of diverse migration routes within populations and co-occurrence on the non-breeding grounds between populations might promote exchange between breeding populations. As a result, it might make hoopoes and other migrating bird species with similar strategies more resilient to future habitat or climatic changes and stabilise population trends.  相似文献   

A recent fieldwork in the Ka??zman-Tuzluca Basin in northeastern Turkey led us to the discovery of three vertebrate localities which yielded some limb bones of the giant rhino Paraceratherium, a crocodile tooth, and some small mammals, respectively. These discoveries allowed, for the first time to date some parts of the sedimentary units of this basin. This study also shows that the dispersal area of Paraceratherium is wider than it was known before. Eastern Turkey has several Cenozoic sedimentary basins formed during the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian plates. They are poorly documented for vertebrate paleontology. Consequently, the timing of tectonic activities, which led to the formation of the East Anatolian accretionary complex, is not constrained enough with a solid chronological framework. This study provides the first biostratigraphic evidences for the infill under the control of the compressive tectonic regime, which built the East Anatolian Plateau.  相似文献   

In birds, the position and extent of the region of binocular vision appears to be determined by feeding ecology. Of prime importance is the degree to which vision is used for the precise control of bill position when pecking or lunging at prey. In birds that do not require such precision (probe and filter-feeders), the bill falls outside the binocular field, which extends above and behind the head, thus providing comprehensive visual coverage. Flamingos Phoenicopteridae are highly specialised filter-feeders. They employ a unique technique that does not require accurate bill positioning in which the inverted head is placed between the feet. Feeding flamingos often walk forwards with the head pointing “backwards”. Here we show that in Lesser Flamingos Phoeniconaias minor visual fields are in fact the same as those of birds that feed by precision pecking and that feeding flamingos are blind in the direction of their walking. We suggest that this is due to the requirement for accurate bill placement when flamingos feed their chicks with “crop-milk”, and possibly when building their nest. We propose that chick-feeding may be the ultimate determinant of visual field topography in birds, not feeding ecology.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), a large subgroup of the TGF- family of secreted growth factors, control fundamental events in early embryonic development, organogenesis and adult tissue homeostasis. The plethora of dose-dependent cellular processes regulated by BMP signalling demand a tight regulation of BMP activity. Over the last decade, a number of proteins have been identified that bind BMPs in the extracellular space and regulate the interaction of BMPs with their cognate receptors, including the secreted BMP antagonist Chordin. In the early vertebrate embryo, the localized secretion of BMP antagonists from the dorsal blastopore lip establishes a functional BMP signalling gradient that is required for the determination of the dorsoventral – or back to belly – body axis. In particular, inhibition of BMP activity is essential for the formation of neural tissue in the development of vertebrate and invertebrate embryos. Here we review recent studies that have provided new insight into the regulation of BMP signalling in the extracellular space. In particular, we discuss the recently identified Twisted gastrulation protein that modulates, in concert with metalloproteinases of the Tolloid family, the interaction of Chordin with BMP and a family of proteins that share structural similarities with Chordin in the respective BMP binding domains. In addition, genetic and functional studies in zebrafish and frog provide compelling evidence that the secreted protein Sizzled functionally interacts with the Chd–BMP pathway, despite being expressed ventrally in the early gastrula-stage embryo. These intriguing discoveries may have important implications, not only for our current concept of early embryonic patterning, but also for the regulation of BMP activity at later developmental stages and tissue homeostasis in the adult.  相似文献   

The radical pair model of magnetoreception predicts that magnetic compass orientation can be disrupted by high frequency magnetic fields in the Megahertz range. European robins, Erithacus rubecula, were tested under monochromatic 565 nm green light in 1.315 MHz fields of 0.48 T during spring and autumn migration, with 1.315 MHz being the frequency that matches the energetic splitting induced by the local geomagnetic field. The birds responses depended on the alignment of the oscillating field with respect to the static geomagnetic field: when the 1.315 MHz field was aligned parallel with the field lines, birds significantly preferred northerly directions in spring and southerly directions in autumn. These preferences reflect normal migratory orientation, with the variance slightly increased compared to control tests in the geomagnetic field alone or to tests in a 7.0 MHz field. However, in the 1.315 MHz field aligned at a 24° angle to the field lines, the birds were disoriented in both seasons, indicating that the high frequency field interfered with magnetoreception. These finding are in agreement with theoretical predictions and support the assumption of a radical-pair mechanism underlying the processes mediating magnetic compass information in birds.  相似文献   

Although viviparity is most often associated with mammals, roughly one fifth of extant squamate reptiles give birth to live young. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that the trait evolved more than 100 times within Squamata, a frequency greater than that of all other vertebrate clades combined. However, there is debate as to the antiquity of the trait and, until now, the only direct fossil evidence of squamate viviparity was in Late Cretaceous mosasauroids, specialised marine lizards without modern equivalents. Here, we document viviparity in a specimen of a more generalised lizard, Yabeinosaurus, from the Early Cretaceous of China. The gravid female contains more than 15 young at a level of skeletal development corresponding to that of late embryos of living viviparous lizards. This specimen documents the first occurrence of viviparity in a fossil reptile that was largely terrestrial in life, and extends the temporal distribution of the trait in squamates by at least 30 Ma. As Yabeinosaurus occupies a relatively basal position within crown-group squamates, it suggests that the anatomical and physiological preconditions for viviparity arose early within Squamata.  相似文献   

Viviparity (giving birth to live young) in fossil reptiles has been known only in a few marine groups: ichthyosaurs, pachypleurosaurs, and mosasaurs. Here, we report a pregnant specimen of the Early Cretaceous Hyphalosaurus baitaigouensis, a species of Choristodera, a diapsid group known from unequivocal fossil remains from the Middle Jurassic to the early Miocene (about 165 to 20 million years ago). This specimen provides the first evidence of viviparity in choristoderan reptiles and is also the sole record of viviparity in fossil reptiles which lived in freshwater ecosystems. This exquisitely preserved specimen contains up to 18 embryos arranged in pairs. Size comparison with small free-living individuals and the straight posture of the posterior-most pair suggest that those embryos were at term and had probably reached parturition. The posterior-most embryo on the left side has the head positioned toward the rear, contrary to normal position, suggesting a complication that may have contributed to the mother’s death. Viviparity would certainly have freed species of Hyphalosaurus from the need to return to land to deposit eggs; taking this advantage, they would have avoided intense competition with contemporaneous terrestrial carnivores such as dinosaurs.  相似文献   

Long distance dispersal may have important consequences for gene flow and community structure. The dispersal of many plants depends on transport by vertebrate seed dispersers. The shapes of seed shadows produced by vertebrates depend both on movement patterns of the dispersers and on the dynamics and effects of passage through the disperser’s gut (i.e. the retention time, survival and germination of ingested seeds). A combination of experiments with captive waterbirds and aquatic plant seeds was used to analyse the following: (a) the effects of inter- and intra-specific variation in seed size and duck species on seed retention time in the gut and (b) the relationship between retention time and the percent germination and germination rates of seeds. Among the three Scirpus species used, those with smaller seeds showed higher survival after ingestion by birds and longer retention times inside their guts than those with larger seeds. For Potamogeton pectinatus, only seeds from the smaller size class (<8 mg) survived ingestion. Retention time affected the percent germination and germination rate of Scirpus seeds but in a manner that varied for the different plant and bird species studied. We recorded both linear and non-linear effects of retention time on percent germination. In addition, germination rate was positively correlated with retention time in Scirpus litoralis but negatively correlated in Scirpus lacustris. Small seed size can favour dispersal over larger distances. However, the effects of retention time on percent germination can modify the seed shadows produced by birds due to higher percent germination of seeds retained for short or intermediate periods. The changes in dispersal quality associated with dispersal distance (which is expected to be positively related to retention time) will affect the probability of seedling establishment over longer distances and, thus, the spatial characteristics of the effective seed shadow.  相似文献   

Models of ecological speciation predict that certain types of habitat should be more conducive to species diversification than others. In this study, I test this hypothesis in waders of the sub-order Charadrii using the number of morphological sub-species per species as an index of diversity. I classified all members of this clade as spending the non-breeding season either coastally or inland and argue that these represent fundamentally different environments. Coastal mudflats are characterised by high predictability and patchy worldwide distribution, whilst inland wetlands are widespread but unpredictable. The results show that migratory species that winter coastally are sub-divided into more sub-species than those that winter inland. This was not the case for non-migratory species. I argue that coastal environments select for more rigid migratory pathways, whilst inland wetlands favour more flexible movement patterns. Population sub-division could then result from the passive segregation of breeding sites or from the active selection for assortative mating of ecomorphs.  相似文献   

 Magnetic compass orientation in birds is based on light-dependent processes, with magnetoreception being possible only under light containing blue and green wavelengths. To look for possible intensity-dependent effects we tested Australian silvereyes during autumn migration under monochromatic green light (565 nm) produced by light-emitting diodes at various light levels. At intensities of 0.0021 and 0.0075 W/m2, the birds showed normal activity and were oriented in their seasonally appropriate migratory direction. Under low light of 0.0002 W/m2 the birds were less active; scatter increased, but they still oriented in their migratory direction. Under a high light level of 0.0150 W/m2, however, the test birds showed a counterclockwise shift in direction, preferring west-northwest instead of north. This change in behavior may reflect a change in the output of the magnetoreception system, resulting from a disruption of the natural balance between the wavelengths of light. Received: 18 June 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 20 September 1999  相似文献   

近年来,碳纳米管(CNTs)的产量和使用量不断增大,提高了其释放到环境中的可能性.尽管碳纳米管的水生生态毒性有所报道,但对两栖动物胚胎的发育毒性研究仍比较少.本研究采用分阶段暴露的方式,以热带爪蛙胚胎的死亡率、孵化率、畸形率、畸形类型、心率、体长等作为毒性评价指标,研究不同浓度多壁碳纳米管(25、50 mg·L-1)对爪蛙胚胎发育的胚胎毒性与敏感窗口.结果显示,多壁碳纳米管可导致爪蛙胚胎死亡率升高,孵化率降低,但对其心率、体长没有显著性影响(p>0.05).产生的畸形类型包括心腔水肿、脊索弯曲、泄殖腔畸形、眼睛畸形等,其中,心腔水肿占的比例最大为28.7%.另外,根据死亡率、孵化率、畸形率等指标综合评价爪蛙胚胎对多壁碳纳米管的敏感程度,由强到弱的顺序依次是:原肠胚期、囊胚期、神经胚期、尾芽期.研究表明,浓度为25 mg·L-1和50 mg·L-1的多壁碳纳米管对热带爪蛙胚胎发育具有一定的毒性作用,其作用机理与胚胎卵膜粘附碳纳米管有间接关系,研究结果可为合理评价碳纳米管对水生生物胚胎的影响提供一定的理论参考.  相似文献   

水位对鄱阳湖湿地越冬候鸟生境景观格局的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
鄱阳湖湿地是国际重要湿地之一,是世界上最富有生物多样性的生态系统之一,也是东亚地区最大的水禽越冬地。论文根据多年越冬候鸟野外调查资料,在分析主要越冬候鸟习性和生境偏好的基础上,通过对具有不同水位的鄱阳湖湿地卫星遥感影像进行生境类型分类,利用景观指数定量分析不同水位下鄱阳湖湿地越冬候鸟的生境类型和空间分布结构,得到以下结论:①鄱阳湖主要越冬候鸟以退水后形成的浅碟形子湖范围内的浅水、草滩和软泥为主要取食、休憩和栖息场所;②水位是影响鄱阳湖湿地越冬候鸟生境的主要因素,随水位的增加,越冬候鸟生境范围萎缩,同时越冬候鸟生境的组成结构也不同;③随水位的增加,越冬候鸟生境景观的破碎度增加,连通性和多样性降低,因此,秋冬季维持较高水位不利于越冬候鸟的保护。  相似文献   

本研究于2019-2020年对辽宁滨海(环渤海)湿地开展了春迁徙季、秋迁徙季、繁殖季和越冬季的鸟类多样性调查,共监测到鸟类150种,隶属于16目38科,其中,留鸟25种,夏侯鸟26种,冬侯鸟26种,旅鸟73种;国家一级保护鸟类11种,国家二级保护鸟类20种。调查显示:调查区内鸟类多样性的季节差异明显,春、秋迁徙季,鸟类种类与数量明显高于其他两季,越冬季鸟类的种类数量均最少,丰富度指数、均匀度指数、多样性指数和优势度指数均最低。空间分布显示,盘锦地区鸟类种类和数量均最多,达到78种,473084只;营口地区调查到的鸟类种类最少,为55种;锦州地区鸟类数量最少,只有57723只。从鸟类多样性对比来看,盘锦地区最高,大连地区最低,各地鸟类群落组成的空间差异较为明显,在一定程度上受到该地区鸟类生境种类数量及面积大小的影响。辽宁滨海(环渤海)湿地作为东亚—澳大利西亚候鸟迁徙带上的关键区域,当前正面临气候变化、人类围垦干扰造成的鸟类栖息地减少等不利情况,建议通过扩大保护范围、实施修复和管理对策措施、强化宣传等手段保护鸟类多样性及其栖息生境,巩固渤海综合治理攻坚战的治理成效。  相似文献   

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