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The relative contribution of dissolved nitrogen (ammonium and dissolved free amino acids DFAAs) to the nitrogen budget of the reef-building coral Pocillopora damicornis was assessed for colonies growing on control and ammonium-enriched reefs at One Tree Island (southern Great Barrier Reef) during the ENCORE (Enrichment of Nutrient on Coral Reef; 1993 to 1996) project. P. damicornis acquired ammonium at rates of between 5.1 and 91.8 nmol N cm−2 h−1 which were not affected by nutrient treatment except in the case of one morph. In this case, uptake rates decreased from 80.5 to 42.8 nmol cm−2 h−1 (P < 0.05) on exposure to elevated ammonium over 12 mo. The presence or absence of light during measurement did not influence the uptake of ammonium ions. Nitrogen budgets revealed that the uptake of ammonium from concentrations of 0.11 to 0.13 μM could completely satisfy the demand of growing P. damicornis for new nitrogen. P. damicornis also took up DFAAs at rates ranging from 4.9 to 9.8 nmol N cm−2 h−1. These rates were higher in the dark than in the light (9.0 vs 5.1 nmol m−2 h−1, P < 0.001). Uptake rates were highest for the amino acids serine, arginine and alanine, and lowest for tyrosine. DFAA concentrations within the ENCORE microatolls that received ammonium were undetectable, whereas they ranged up to 100 nM within the control microatolls. The contribution of DFAAs to the nitrogen budget of P. damicornis constituted only a small fraction of the nitrogen potentially contributed by ammonium under field conditions. Even at the highest field concentrations measured during this study, DFAAs could contribute only ≃11.3% of the nitrogen demand of P.␣damicornis. This contribution, however, may be an important source of nitrogen when other sources such as ammonium are scarce or during periods when high concentrations of DFAAs become sporadically available (e.g. cell breakage during fish-grazing). Received: 22 April 1998 / Accepted: 3 November 1998  相似文献   

We investigated heterogeneity of light acclimation of photosynthesis in sun- and shade-adapted coenosarc and polyp tissues of Pocillopora damicornis. The zooxanthellar community within P. damicornis colonies at Heron Island is genetically uniform, yet they showed a large degree of plasticity in their photo-physiological acclimation linked to light microclimates characterised by fibre-optic microprobes. Microscale scalar irradiance measurements showed higher absorption in polyp than coenosarc tissues and higher absorption in the more densely pigmented shade-adapted polyps than in sun-adapted polyps. The combination of an O2 microelectrode with a fibre-optic microprobe (combined sensor diameter 50–100 μm) enabled parallel measurements of O2 concentration, gross photosynthesis rate and photosystem II (PSII) quantum yield at the coral surface under steady-state conditions as a function of increasing irradiances. Lower O2 levels at the tissue surface and higher compensation irradiance indicated a higher respiration activity in sun-adapted polyp tissue as compared to shade-adapted polyps. Shade-adapted coenosarc and polyp tissues exhibited lower maxima of relative electron transport rates (rETRmax) (84±15 and 41±10, respectively) than sun-adapted coenosarc and polyp tissues (136±14 and 77±13, respectively). Shade-adapted tissues showed stronger decrease of rETR at high scalar irradiances as compared to sun-adapted tissues. The relationship between the relative PSII electron transport and the rate of gross photosynthesis, as well as O2 concentration, was non-linear in sun-adapted tissues over the entire irradiance range, whereas for shade-adapted tissues the relationship became non-linear at medium to high scalar irradiances >200 μmol photons m−2 s−1. This suggests that rETR measurements should be used with caution in corals as a proxy for photosynthesis rates. The apparently high rates of photosynthesis (oxygen evolution rates) suggest that there must be a considerable electron transport rate through the photosystems that is not observed by the rETR measurements. This may be accounted for by vertical heterogeneity of zooxanthellae in the tissue and the operation of an alternative electron pathway such as cyclic electron flow around PSII.  相似文献   

Ammonium uptake and assimilation by zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium sp.) cultured with an excess of nitrate was enhanced in light. Uptake was decreased by the same amount when zooxanthellae were incubated in darkness either after 6 h pretreatment in light, or at the end of the dark period of a 12 h light: 12 h dark cycle. This suggested that short-term incubations of zooxanthellae were valid tests for light enhancement of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) uptake. Assimilation of ammonium into glutamine (Gln) and glutamate (Glu) was also decreased in darkness. During a 12 h light: 12 h dark cycle, free pools of both Gln and Glu fell quickly at the start of the light period, followed by steady increases until the beginning of the next dark period. Of the four other major components of free amino acid pools tested, only the nonprotein amino acid taurine showed diel fluctuations. Gln and Glu pools in zooxanthellae freshly isolated from reef-forming corals also showed differences between day and night, suggesting changes in patterns of DIN assimilation over the diurnal cycle.  相似文献   

The reproduction of scleractinian corals through planular larvae has traditionally been viewed as a strictly sexual process. Here, the results of an electrophoretic study of a ubiquitous Indo-Pacific coral, Pocillopora damicornis, show an exact inheritance of parental genotypes by brooded planulae, demonstrating the existence of an asexual mode of production of planular larvae. Comparisons of the genetical structure of a number of populations with structures predicted for sexual reproduction suggest that, although there is probably also a sexual form of reproduction, asexually produced planulae can be of major importance in the maintenance of populations of this species.  相似文献   

Genetic variation of allozymes within populations of Pocillopora damicornis from southwestern Australia was consistent with a primary role of local asexual proliferation of clones in population maintenance. Populations were composed typically of two to four multilocus genotypes accounting for 40 to 80% of individuals, with the remainder assigned to genotypes occasionally in twos or threes but more commonly singly. In the three populations where recruitment was examined genetically, 84% of all first-year recruits was assigned to clones represented in the population's resident adults. The majority of these recruits came from the most highly-replicated of the adult clones. The observed genotypic diversity was, on average, about half that calculated to occur for the same allelic frequencies in a sexually-reproducing population with free recombination. Despite the prevalence of asexual reproduction, both through planulae and fragments, the existence of a sexual mode of reproduction was inferred from the high level of variation produced by pooling populations, the existence of novel genotypes and the concordance of clonal gene frequencies at many sites with the predictions of Hardy-Weinberg equilibria.  相似文献   

Using 45Ca incorporation into the coral skeleton as a measure of calcification rate, the effect of temperature on clacification rate was studied in the hermatypic coral Pocillopora damicornis. Both immediate and long-term (adaptation) effects were investigated. Temperature has a marked effect on rate — an effect that varies depending on the temperature history of the coral (i.e., temperature adaptation occurs). P. damicornis showed both 27° and 31°C temperature optima, one or the other being dominant depending on the natural water temperature to which the coral was adapted. The two optimum temperatures may indicate two isoenzymes or two alternate metabolic pathways involved in the calcification process.  相似文献   

A coral pathogen was isolated from the diseased tissue of Pocillopora damicornis in Zanzibar. The pathogenic bacterium, referred to as Vibrio coralyticus YB, was classified as a member of the genus Vibrio. Based on its 16S rDNA sequence, V. coralyticus is probably a new species. In controlled aquaria experiments at 26-29°C, inoculation of pure cultures of V. coralyticus YB either into the seawater or by direct contact onto the coral caused tissue lysis of P. damicornis fragments. At 29°C, lysis began as small white spots after 3-5 days, rapidly spreading so that by 2 weeks the entire tissue was destroyed, leaving only the intact bare skeleton. When an infected diseased coral was placed in direct contact with a healthy one, the healthy coral lysed in 2-4 days, further indicating that the disease was contagious. Inoculation with as few as 30 bacteria ml-1 was sufficient to infect and lyse corals. Seawater temperature was a critical variable for the infectious process: infection and lysis occurred rapidly at 27-29°C, slowly at 26°C and was not observed at 25°C. The data suggest that the presence of V. coralyticus YB, even in low numbers, in seawater surrounding a coral reef will lead to tissue destruction of P. damicornis, when seawater temperatures rise.  相似文献   

The growth and development of the tissues and skeleton of settled larvae of the reef coral Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus), collected in December 1983 from Ko Phuket, Thailand, were investigated using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The rate of development of larval skeletons was very variable, preventing the chronological sequencing of skeletal growth. However, four growth stages in the development of a complete larval skeleton from first settlement were identificd: Stage 1, deposition of the first elements of the basal plate upon settlement; Stage 2, completion of basal plate, and deposition of skeletal spines and ridges in positions corresponding to the septal cycles; Stage 3, formation of the corallite wall and septal and costal cycles; Stage 4, the complete larval skeleton which represented the maximum growth attained eight days after settlement. The configuration of the larval tissues, particularly the aboral ectoderm, mirrored the four developmental stages. The deposition of the larval skeleton was correlated with the metamorphosis of the aboral ectoderm from a columnar to a squamous morphology. The basal plate of the larval skeleton had two layers of crystals orientated perpendicular to each other. The architecture of the complete larval skeleton is described and compared to that of the adult skeleton of P. damicornis. The results are discussed with respect to previous concepts of the formation of the larval skeleton of scleractinian corals and coral calcification.  相似文献   

Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus) is a ubiquitous branching coral found throughout the Indo-Pacific region. Like many other species of coral, P. damicornis displays a large range of morphologies. At One Tree Island, it occurs as two distinct morphs that are easily distinguished by the presence or absence of pink pigmentation. The two colour morphs of P. damicornis were found to differ in their distribution and abundance in the One Tree Island Lagoon. The brown morph was more abudant than the pink morph in the shallows (<1 m),whereas the pink morph was more abundant at deeper sites (>3 m). The two morphs also differed physiologically. The brown morph tended to have a greater calcification rate than the pink morph, regardless of environmental conditions. However, the difference in the calcification rate between the two morphs became non-significant under shaded conditions (5% full sunlight), indicating some degree of physiological plasticity of the morphs. The pink colour in P. damicornis was due to a hydrophilic pigment with a major peak absorbance at 560 nm. The expression of pink pigment had both genetic and phenotypic components. The brown morph has a reduced genetic capacity to express the pigment relative to the pink morph. On the other hand, pigment expression could be induced by light in the pink morph. Although genetic differences ultimately determine the differences between the two morphs of P. damicornis, the extent of pigment expression is under some degree of environmental influence.  相似文献   

Size influences the photosynthesis-irradiance (P-I) relationship in colonies of the branched reef-coral Pocillopora damicornis and in intact plants of the branched redmacroalga Acanthophora spicifera. The light saturation constant is proportional to size. Maximum net rate of oxygen production (net photosynthesis) per colony and nocturnal dark oxygen-uptake rate per colony (respiration) increase with increasing size, but the latter increases at a much lower rate. Therefore, the photosynthesis to respiration ratio increases with increasing canopy size. Large increases in chlorophyll per unit reef area also accompany increase in size. The initial slope (alpha) of the chlorophyll-specific P-I curve and assimilation number are inversely related to size. Integrated daytime oxygen production increases with size more rapidly than nighttime oxygen consumption. Consequently, net primary production of an entire colony or plant (or rate per unit area of reef) increases with increasing size of the canopy. Production efficiency also increases with size. The coral is rigid, symmetrical and highly organized. Chlorophyll distribution is more stratified in comparison to the macroalga. The coral shows higher photosynthetic efficiency, as would be expected according to the stratified production model of Odum et al. (1958). This research was conducted on specimens from Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, USA in 1981.  相似文献   

The nutrient status (limitation vs sufficiency) of dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) symbiotic with reef corals in Bermuda was assessed in 1989 and 1990 by measuring the enhancement of dark carbon fixation with 20 M ammonium by isolated symbionts. A colony ofMadracis mirabilis was kept in the laboratory and fed daily or starved for one month. Symbionts from fed portions of the colony had ammonium-enhancement ratios (NH 4dark + ; SWdark;SW=seawater without added ammonium) similar to those of the original field population (1.2 to 1.3). Ammonium-enhancement ratios increased with starvation of the host (x1.7) as did values forV D:V L [(ammonium dark rate-seawater dark rate): light rate in seawater]. Both parameters indicated decreasing nitrogen sufficiency of the algae when the host was not fed, but starvation appeared to affect these algae less than symbionts of sea anemones. Field samples of zooxanthellae fromM. mirabilis (Three Hill Shoals and Bailey's Bay Flats) yielded results similar to those for fed corals, but those taken from Bailey's Bay Flats in May 1990 yielded exceptionally high values for enhancement (>3) andV D:V L indicating pronounced nitrogen limitation at the time of sampling. We sampled zooxanthellae from populations ofMontastrea annularis at 8 m (Three Hill Shoals) and 24 m (Soldier's Point) depths. Enhancement andV D:V L values for zooxanthellae from the 8 m corals were density-dependent: symbionts from corals with normal symbiont densities displayed the most nitrogen limitation (enhancement values=1.4 to 2.0), while those from bleached corals with lower density exhibited enhancement andV D:V L values typical of nitrogen-sufficient algae. Symbionts isolated from the 25 m corals yielded the highest values, and appeared to exhibit the least nitrogen-sufficiency for this species.  相似文献   

S. Ward 《Marine Biology》1992,112(4):641-646
The reproductive activity of 88 colonies of Pocillopora damicornis at Rottnest Island, Western Australia, was examined over 12 mo (20 August 1988 to 20 August 1989). Larvae were found close to the three new moons of February, March and April, 1989, but in large numbers only during March; 67% of all corals produced larvae. There was no obvious connection between gametogenesis and the production of brooded larvae; however, those corals which did not produce, larvae also did not produce ova but did produce, sperm, and must be considered male colonies. All colonies which produced ova went on to produce planulae. Spermatogenesis occurred throughout the year, but oogenesis occurred between September 1988 and April 1989. Dramatic declines in the percentage of polyps containing eggs and sperm occurred in early February and early April 1989. On these dates the amount of lipid in the tissue of the corals decreased, which suggests that the decline in the percentage of polyps with sperm and eggs was not due to the gametes being resorbed by the polyps. Therefore, P. damicornis at Rottnest Island appears to be both a brooder and a broadcaster with asexual reproduction through brooded larvae and sexual reproduction through spawning of gametes. This accounts for earlier evidence in the literature that some input from sexual reproduction had been occurring in the populations of P. damicornis at Rottnest Island. There is no direct evidence for spawning, as broadcasting of gametes has not been observed, but the indirect evidence provides a strong argument for the existence of this dual reproduction.  相似文献   

Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus), which is known to release planula larvae on a monthly cycle, was grown in full daytime solar irradiance, but with four treatments of night irradiance: (1) natural night irradiance, (2) shifted-phase (total darkness during nights of full moon with artificial irradiance at lunar intensity on nights of new moon), (3) constant full moon (full lunar irradiance every night), and (4) constant new moon (total darkness every night). The reproductive cycle of the corals held in the shifted-phase treatment moved out of synchrony with the cycle of corals exposed to a natural lunar cycle of night irradiance. Two previously described types of P. damicornis were tested. The Type Y normally start releasing larvae at full moon, with peak production at third quarter. In the shifted-phase treatment they began releasing planulae at new moon (artificial full moon), with peak production at first quarter. The Type B corals, that normally start releasing planulae at new moon with peak production at first quarter, began to release planulae at full moon (artificial new moon), with peak production at third quarter. Populations of corals grown either in the constant full moon or constant new moon treatment quickly lost synchronization of monthly larva production, although production of planulae continued. Thus spawning is synchronized by night irradiance.Contribution No. 702 of the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology  相似文献   

Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus) were collected from Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands, in 1980–1981) and Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, in 1982. Their planula larvae contained 17% protein, 70% lipid, and 13% carbohydrate by dry weight. Calculations based on stored energy reserves and daily metabolic expenditure indicate that planulae could survive approximately 100 d and still settle successfully. Competency experiments demonstrated that larvae settled and metamorphosed after 103 d. This period of time is sufficient to allow immigration of larvae from the Central Pacific to the eastern Pacific, and supports the hypothesis of long-distance dispersal of larvae for the origin of present eastern Pacific populations of P. damicornis.  相似文献   

Initiation of coral-skeleton formation was studied in the reef-coral Pocillopora damicornis Lamarck. Observations were made on sequential skeletal growth stages of newly settled planula larvae during the first 22 days following settling onto glass microscope slides. Techniques used include phase light microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and powder X-ray and selected area electron micro-diffraction. Formation of the skeleton is initiated immediately on settling of the larva. The primary calcareous elements are of two types — flattened spherulitic platelets, and smaller rod-like granules. Rudimentary primary septa are clearly defined within 6 h after settling. Fusion of the primary calcareous elements results in the formation of the larval basal disc within 48 to 72 h. With transmission electron microscopy, this basal disc is found to differ from subsequent adult calcification in (1) considerably lesser degree of mineralization, (2) smaller crystal size, (3) more random orientation of the crystals, and (4) the presence of trace amounts of calcite in addition to aragonite. The basal disc with its septal rudiments constitutes a true larval skeleton, differing in morphology, micro-architecture, and crystal type from the fibrous growth characterizing the adult skeleton.Contribution 419, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii.  相似文献   

Larval dispersal and recruitment are important in determining adult coral distribution; however, few studies have been made of coral larval dispersal. This study examined the larval behavior, survivorship competency periods and settlement of two brooding corals, Heliopora coerulea and Pocillopora damicornis, in relation to different potential larval dispersal patterns. We also examined the lipid content of H. coerulea as a means of flotation and a source of energy. Planulae of H. coerulea were on average 3.7 mm in length, lacked zooxanthellae, and were mostly benthic, probably because of restricted movement and low lipid content (54% by dry weight). Planulae of P. damicornis were on average 1.0 mm in length, had zooxanthellae and swam actively. The competency period of H. coerulea was shorter (30 days) than that of P. damicornis (100 days). Forty percent of H. coerulea planulae crawled onto the substrata within 1 h of release, and 47% settled within 6 h. By contrast, fewer than 10% of P. damicornis planulae crawled onto the substrata within the first hour and 25% settled within 6 h of release. The planulae of H. coerulea may have a narrower dispersal range than those of P. damicornis, settling and recruiting near parent colonies. Thus, brooding corals exhibit variations in larval dispersal patterns, which are characterized by their position in the water column and competency periods.  相似文献   

The site of reef-coral calcification has been studied in the branching coral Pocillopora damicornis Lamarck. Electron microscopy and X-ray microprobe analysis were performed on the calicoblast epidermis of newly settled larval stages and of adult coral. During settling, the heterogeneous columnar cell composition of the planktonic larva epidermis is replaced by a simple epithelium consisting of a single cell type, the calicoblast cell. Metamorphosis appears tightly linked to settling, with cell changes occurring within hours after attachment, and is marked by the appearance of a new secretory cell. The calicoblast cell of the adult coral is extremely flattened, and interdigitates extensively with adjacent calicoblast cells. This cell possesses a featureless plasma membrane lacking microvilli or flagella. It characteristically contains large membrane-bound vesicles with homogeneously fine granular contents. Preliminary microprobe analysis indicated a higher calcium content in these vesicles than in surrounding tissue; however, not in concentrations suggesting calcium-carbonate precipitation. They may represent sites of organic matrix synthesis. The calicoblast epidermis is separated from the underlying coral skeleton by a narrow gap. This gap appeared devoid of substructure, either organic or inorganic. The coral soft tissues are attached to the skeleton by mesogleal attachment processes, the desmoidal processes. These consist of a complex fibrous network originating in the mesoglea, and inserting onto the skeleton via specialized attachment regions consisting of electron-opaque membranous plaques. Skeletogenesis in reef-corals probably occurs extra-cellularly, external to the calicoblast epidermis, by simple overgrowth of the skeleton.  相似文献   

Samples of the scleractinian coral Pocillopora damicornis were collected from six sites located around four islands in the Ryukyu Archipelago, southern Japan, and subjected to allozyme electrophoresis. Seven polymorphic loci were examined for their allelic patterns. The ratio of observed to expected genotypic diversity (0.30 < G o :G e  < 0.64), the ratio of the observed number of genotypes to the number of individuals (0.47 < N g :N i  < 0.75), and deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium indicated that asexual reproduction plays a major role in the maintenance of established populations. However, populations were not completely dominated by a single or a few clones, and most clones were represented by only a few individual samples. The high frequency of typhoons in the region suggests that, in P. damicornis, fragmentation caused through occasional exposure to powerful waves is a major mode of asexual reproduction, but asexual production of planulae may also be contributing to the maintenance of populations. A significant genetic differentiation (F ST) was found between the six populations examined (0.027 < F ST < 0.092, average F ST = 0.056). The moderate gene flow is discussed according to characteristics of the larval stage of the species, and to circulation patterns in the region. Received: 7 August 1998 / Accepted: 18 May 1999  相似文献   

Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus) and Montipora verrucosa (Lamarck) were collected from Hawaiian reefs. In two experiments (September 1979-January 1980: ca. 4 mo; August-October 1980; ca. 2 mo), these reef corals were grown under sunlight passed through filters producing light fields of similar quantum flux but different spectral composition. In vitro cultures of symbiotic zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium microadriaticum Freudenthal) from M. verrucosa were cultured under similar conditions for 15 d. Blue or white light promoted more coral skeletal growth than green or red light. In both coral species, blue light increased the total amount of chlorophyll a of the coral-zooxanthellae association. In the perforate species, M. verrucosa, the pigment concentration was elevated by an increase in the density of zooxanthellae, but the pigment concentrations per algal cell remained unchanged; in the non-perforate species, P. damicornis, it appears that pigment concentration was elevated by an increase in pigment per algal cell, and not by an increase in density of zooxanthellae. The sunloving reef-flat coral P. damicornis did not grow as rapidly as the shade-species M. verrucosa at the low quantum flux (about 10% sunlight) provided by the experimental treatments. The in vitro cultures of zooxanthellae from M. verrucosa exhibited growth rates in light of altered spectral quality that correlated with the responses of the host coral species: blue and white light supported significantly greater growth than green light, and red light resulted in the lowest growth rate.Contribution No. 678 of the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology  相似文献   

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