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Although many governments are assuming the responsibility of initiating adaptation policy in relation to climate change, the compatibility of “governance-for-adaptation” with the current paradigms of public administration has generally been overlooked. Over the last several decades, countries around the globe have embraced variants of the philosophy of administration broadly called “New Public Management” (NPM) in an effort to improve administrative efficiencies and the provision of public services. Using evidence from a case study of reforms in the building sector in Norway, and a case study of water and flood risk management in central Mexico, we analyze the implications of the adoption of the tenets of NPM for adaptive capacity. Our cases illustrate that some of the key attributes associated with governance for adaptation—namely, technical and financial capacities; institutional memory, learning and knowledge; and participation and accountability—have been eroded by NPM reforms. Despite improvements in specific operational tasks of the public sector in each case, we show that the success of NPM reforms presumes the existence of core elements of governance that have often been found lacking, including solid institutional frameworks and accountability. Our analysis illustrates the importance of considering both longer-term adaptive capacities and short-term efficiency goals in public sector administration reform.  相似文献   

It is now well established that the traditional practice of urban stormwater management contributes to the degradation of receiving waterways, and this practice was more recently critiqued for facilitating the wastage of a valuable water resource. However, despite significant advances in alternative “integrated urban stormwater management” techniques and processes over the last 20 years, wide-scale implementation has been limited. This problem is indicative of broader institutional impediments that are beyond current concerns of strengthening technological and planning process expertise. Presented here is an analysis of the institutionalization of urban stormwater management across Sydney with the objective of scoping institutional impediments to more sustainable management approaches. The analysis reveals that the inertia with the public administration of urban stormwater inherently privileges and perpetuates traditional stormwater management practices at implementation. This inertia is characterized by historically entrained forms of technocratic institutional power and expertise, values and leadership, and structure and jurisdiction posing significant impediments to change and the realization of integrated urban stormwater management. These insights strongly point to the need for institutional change specifically directed at fostering horizontal integration of the various functions of the existing administrative regime. This would need to be underpinned with capacity-building interventions targeted at enabling a learning culture that values integration and participatory decision making. These insights also provide guideposts for assessing the institutional and capacity development needs for improving urban water management practices in other contexts.  相似文献   

The ability of an organisation to recognise the value of new external information, acquire it, assimilate it, transform, and exploit it, namely its absorptive capacity (AC), has been much researched in the context of commercial organisations and even applied to national innovation. This paper considers four key AC-related concepts and their relevance to public sector organisations with mandates to manage and conserve freshwater ecosystems for the common good. The concepts are the importance of in-house prior related knowledge, the importance of informal knowledge transfer, the need for motivation and intensity of effort, and the importance of gatekeepers. These concepts are used to synthesise guidance for a way forward in respect of such freshwater management and conservation, using the imminent release of a specific scientific conservation planning and management tool in South Africa as a case study. The tool comprises a comprehensive series of maps that depict national freshwater ecosystem priority areas for South Africa. Insights for implementing agencies relate to maintaining an internal science, rather than research capacity; making unpublished and especially tacit knowledge available through informal knowledge transfer; not underestimating the importance of intensity of effort required to create AC, driven by focussed motivation; and the potential use of a gatekeeper at national level (external to the implementing organisations), possibly playing a more general ‘bridging’ role, and multiple internal (organisational) gatekeepers playing the more limited role of ‘knowledge translators’. The role of AC as a unifying framework is also proposed.  相似文献   

/ Achieving successful and well-integrated environmental management depends on principled and orderly assignment of responsibilities within and between public sector organizations. Guidelines for making these assignments can be found by considering different modes of public response in light of a framework based on some distinguishable patterns in the complexity they exhibit. The basic dimensions of environmental problems can be used to identify these patterns. Two examples from current environmental problems in Taiwan are given, illustrating how this framework can be put to use.  相似文献   

环境信息治理发展历经三个阶段:自给自足、信息公开与公共服务。随着大数据时代的来临,当前环境信息治理处于环境信息公开向环境信息公共服务的转型与变革。这次变革的核心是以公众为本位,表现为环境信息需求的公众主导,以及环境信息供给的公众参与,包括参与环境信息的供给决策、生产过程、以及公共服务质量监督与评价等全过程。当前环境信息治理变革的目标路径重点包括5个方面,即提高公众满意度、优化环境信息公开、严格环境信息质量控制、整合环境信息资源、实现多元供给。  相似文献   

Runoff was measured from seven plots with different slopes nested in Tuanshangou catchment on the Loess Plateau to study effect of slopes on runoff in relation to rainfall regimes. Based on nine years of field observation and K-mean clusters, 84 rainfall events were grouped into three rainfall regimes. Rainfall regime A is the group of events with strong rainfall intensity, high frequency, and short duration. Rainfall regime C consists of events with low intensity, long duration, and infrequent occurrence. Rainfall regime B is the aggregation of events of medium intensity and medium duration, and less frequent occurrence. The following results were found: (1) Different from traditional studies, runoff coefficient neither decreased nor increased, but presented peak value on the slope surfaces; (2) For individual plot, runoff coefficients induced by rainfall regime A were the highest, and those induced by rainfall regime C were the lowest; Downslope, the runoff coefficients induced by three rainfall regimes presented the same changing trend, although the peak value induced by regime A occurred on a shorter slope length compared to those by regime B and C; (3) Scale effect on runoff induced by rainfall regime A was the least, and that induced by rainfall regime C was the largest. These results can be explained by the interactions of crusting, soil moisture content, slope length and gradient, and erosion units, etc., in the context of different rainfall regimes.  相似文献   

秦岭北坡旅游资源的可持续发展研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
秦岭北坡是陕西省旅游资源密集带之一,由于开发和管理中存在诸多问题,近年发展较缓慢。本文在综合分析其开发优势和存在问题的基础上,提出了要全面规划、合理开发,走可持续发展之路,以实现秦岭北坡经济、社会和生态效益的协调统一  相似文献   

Numerous studies have indicated a broad-based support for open space preservation and protection. Research also has characterized the public values and rationale that underlie the widespread support for open space. In recognition of the widespread public support for open space, various levels of government have implemented programs to provide public access to open space. There are many different types of open space, ranging from golf courses, ball parks, wildlife areas, and prairies, to name a few. This paper addresses questions related to the types of open space that should be prioritized by planners and natural resource managers. The results of this study are based on a stratified random sample of 5000 households in Illinois that were sent a questionnaire related to their support for various types of open space. Through a comparatively simple action grid analysis, the open space types that should be prioritized for public access include forest areas, stream corridors, wildlife habitat, and lakes/ponds. These were the open space types rated of the highest importance, yet were also the open space types rated the lowest in respondent satisfaction. This kind of analysis does not require the technical expertise of other options for land-use prioritizations (e.g., conjoint analysis, contingent valuation), yet provides important policy directives for planners. Although open space funds often allow for purchase of developed sites such as golf courses, ball parks, and community parks, this study indicates that undeveloped (or nature-based) open space lands are most needed in Illinois.  相似文献   

本文对2000年以来国际组织和研究机构针对中国生态环境保护管理体制改革的研究进行了梳理和分析,总结了这些研究中提出的现行生态环境保护管理体制存在的主要问题,以及对于中国生态环境保护管理体制改革思路和方向的政策建议。本文对已实现的建议进行了分析,提出了未来生态环境保护管理体制改革亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

2009年,财政部拟定了新《高等学校会计制励(征求意见稿),要求核算能提供预算管理需要的预算收支信息,增加了与公共财政改革相关的会计核算内容,但高校会计制度(征求意见稿)与公共财政体制依然存在着衔接不当问题。从公共财政体制改革对高校会计的影响出发,解读了高校会计制度(征求意见稿)与财政改革的衔接性,分析了高校会计实务中存在的与公共财政改革不协调的问题,并提出了相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

A contingent valuation survey was undertaken to estimate the public benefits of landscapechanges that could arise from reductions in grazing levels using the example of the Central Southern Uplands of Scotland. A dichotomous choice with continuous follow-up format was used to quantify the environmentalbenefit in terms of the willingness to pay of the general public and visitors. The paper discusses the merits of this format and the evidence of starting-point bias. In addition, the results are compared with the preferences of locals and interest groups as expressed through focus group sessions and subsets of the survey. A strong preference for more tree cover was evident, a landscape feature not well represented in the current landscape.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in southern Ethiopia to evaluate the nutrient status on smallholder farms with respect to land use class (garden, grassland, and outfield) and slope position (upper, middle, and lower). Soil physical and chemical properties were quantified using soil samples collected at two depths (0–15 and 15–30 cm). Available phosphorous was significantly different among the three land use classes. However, organic carbon and total nitrogen were lower in the outfield compared to the garden and grass land but not significantly different. The lower than expected nutrient status of the garden and grassland, which receive almost all available organic supplements, was attributed to the overall low availability of these inputs. Similarly, pH and cation exchange capacity were not significantly different among the different land use classes. However, the sum of the exchangeable cations was significantly higher in the garden compared to the outfields. Comparison at landscape level revealed that the sand fraction was significantly greater, whereas the silt fractions were significantly smaller, on the lower slopes relative to the middle slopes. Moreover, the organic carbon, total nitrogen, cation exchange capacity, Ca, and Mg values were significantly less on lower slopes than upper and middle slopes. Perhaps this is because of leaching and the effect of deposition of coarser sediments from the prevailing gully system. Overall, the fertility of the soil was adequate for supporting smallholder farming, but consideration must be given to reducing pressure on the land resources, addressing erosion problems, and providing a line of credit for purchasing inputs.  相似文献   

"十四五"固定污染源排污许可证管理制度改革研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
"十三五"时期我国基本建立了覆盖所有固定污染源的企业排放许可制度,需要通过进一步深化改革完善以排污许可制为核心的固定污染源监管制度体系.本文研究提出了"十四五"时期排污许可制度改革的思路和重点,认为要强化与现有固定源环境管理制度的统筹衔接,建立基于"改善环境质量"的许可限值响应机制,完善排污许可信息共享平台,严格排污许可证后监管,夯实法律基础保障.  相似文献   

Conventional approaches to evaluation of environmental programs have tended to limit themselves to restricted measures of program effectiveness. This paper shows how a social learning approach can be incorporated into evaluating public environmental programs. A social learning approach is particularly suited to complex environmental challenges which are inherently difficult to understand, predict, and manage, thus complicating the evaluation process. The paper presents an Australian case study of dryland salinity management where there are major knowledge barriers impeding conventional management techniques. The research presented in this paper focused on evaluating a public demonstration program to track its impact through its design, implementation, and monitoring phases. The paper shows that, by incorporating social learning principles and practices, program evaluation can promote collective action, critical reflection, and increased knowledge to underpin improved environmental management.  相似文献   

张继荣  陈玲  何培松 《四川环境》2003,22(6):64-66,80
本文介绍了城市污泥在堆制处置时的腐熟度评价的多种方法,这些方法分别从化学、生物学等不同的角度给出了如何评价城市污泥堆制的腐熟度。结合对这些方法的比较,提出了一些建设性的看法和意见。  相似文献   

This study examined neighbourhood level wildfire mitigation programs being implemented in neighbourhoods in Canada (FireSmart-ForestWise), Australia (Community Fireguard) and the US (Firewise Communities). Semi-structured interviews were completed with 19 residents participating in the programs. A wide range of activities were completed as part of the three programs. Despite differences between the three programs, participants appeared to participate in the programs for three main reasons: Fire experience, agency involvement, and personal and family protection. A fire therefore provides a window of opportunity to engage residents in neighbourhood level wildfire mitigation programs. The neighbourhood level wildfire mitigation programs helped to reduce the wildfire risk, but also enhanced both community resilience and relationships between residents and government agencies.  相似文献   

Impact assessment and project appraisal are taking a participatory track but the potential gain from the information, creativity and values stakeholders bring to the process is seldom realized. At issue is the design and preliminary screening of alternatives, which remains the domain of experts: designers, architects and engineers. The authors were involved in a participatory 'quick scan' project around the passage of a new high-speed rail line in which participants were actively involved in generating and screening alternatives. In this case study report they will show that deliberate information management in the design and evaluation of alternatives offers potential for better outcomes, but that the absence of stimulation of participant creativity and insufficient embedding of the participatory process in the larger political setting may prevent this.  相似文献   

Strategies for beneficial use of biosolids in New Zealand and elsewhere are currently focused primarily on land application. The long-term success of these and other strategies is dependent not only on technical factors, but also on their environmental, economic, social and cultural sustainability. This paper briefly reviews the situation with respect to biosolids management in New Zealand, where land application is not yet widespread; the rise in public opposition to land application in the United States; and the biosolids industry's approach to public engagement. We argue that, at least until recently, the industry has misinterpreted the nature and meaning of public opposition and thus substituted public relations for public engagement. We argue that genuine public engagement is necessary and that its purpose cannot be to gain public acceptance for an already-decided-upon strategy. It therefore calls for humility among biosolids managers, including a willingness to open up the framing of 'the problem', to acknowledge areas of uncertainty, and to recognise the role of values in 'technical' decision-making. We then present and analyse an example of the use of the scenario workshop process for public participation in biosolids management policy in Christchurch, New Zealand, and conclude that scenario workshops and related methods represent an opportunity to enhance sustainable waste management when certain conditions are met.  相似文献   

/ During the last decade, a major initiative for community involvement in the management of state forest lands was started in India in the form of Joint Forest Management (JFM) programs. Despite the progress and positive impacts, the JFM program is still in the experimental phase. Latent conflicts related to caste, class, and gender issues are threatening JFM institutions at the village level. The Forest Department is also facing a number of internal conflicts as it tries to adjust to its new role under JFM. Some thoughtful and creative attempts have been made to resolve these conflicts. However, a much more concerted effort is required along with creation of suitable mechanisms at local, state, and national levels to discuss and resolve present and future conflicts.  相似文献   

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