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The paper describes a model designed for analysing interrelated nitrogen (N) fluxes in farming systems. It combines the partial N balance, farm gate balance, barn balance and soil surface balance, in order to analyse all relevant N fluxes between the subsystems soil–plant–animal–environment and to reflect conclusive and consistent management systems. Such a system approach allows identifying the causes of varying N surplus and N utilisation.The REPRO model has been applied in the experimental farm Scheyern in southern Germany, which had been subdivided into an organic (org) and a conventional (con) farming system in 1992. Detailed series of long-term measuring data are available for the experimental farm, which have been used for evaluating the software for its efficiency and applicability under very different management, yet nearly equal site conditions.The organic farm is multi-structured with a legume-based crop rotation (N2 fixation: 83 kg ha−1 yr−1). The livestock density is 1.4 LSU ha−1. The farm is oriented on closed mass cycles.The conventional farm is a simple-structured cash crop system based on mineral N (N input 145 kg ha−1 yr−1). Averaging the years 1999–2002, the organic crop rotation reached, with regard to the harvested products, about 81% (6.9 Mg ha−1 yr−1) of the DM yield and about 93% (140 kg ha−1 yr−1) of the N removal of the conventional rotation. Related to the cropped area, the N surplus calculated for the organic rotation was 38 kg ha−1 yr−1 versus 44 kg ha−1 yr−1 for the conventional rotation. The N utilisation reached 0.77 (org) and 0.79 (con), respectively. The different structure of the farms favoured an enhancement of the soil organic nitrogen stock (35 kg ha−1 yr−1) in the organic crop rotation and caused a decline in the conventional system (−24 kg ha−1 yr−1). Taking account of these changes, which were substantiated by measurements, N surplus in the organic rotation decreased to 3 kg ha−1 yr−1, while it increased to 68 kg ha−1 yr−1 in the conventional system. The adjusted N utilisation value amounted to 0.98 (org) and 0.69 (con), respectively.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the influence that residue and fertilizer management have on nutrient balances, soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics, and crop yields of a flooded rice system in northeast Thailand (1992–1997) and a wheat–forage legume rotation in eastern Australia (1992–1998). Both soils had been subject to at least 18 years of cultivation and had lost up to 90% of the original labile (CL) and 85% of the total carbon (CT).For the rainfed rice cropping systems of northeast Thailand, a system is described in which small applications of leaf litter from locally grown trees are applied annually to rice paddy soils prior to transplanting. Annual applications of 1500 kg ha−1 of leaf litter from different locally grown shrubs for five seasons resulted in increases in rice grain yield in 1997 of between 20 and 26% above the no-leaf litter control. Nutrient balances, determined by the difference between the inputs (fertilizer and added leaf litters) and outputs (grain and straw), indicated net positive balances of up to 457 kg N ha−1, and 60 kg P ha−1, after five seasons of leaf litter applications. Sulfur and potassium balances resulted in net deficits of up to −13 kg S ha−1 and −52 kg P ha−1, where no leaf litter was applied and rice straw was removed following harvest. Soil carbon (C) concentrations increased significantly only where higher fertilizer rate and rice stubble retention were combined.The poor management of fertilizers and crop residues, and excessive cultivation has also resulted in large soil fertility losses in the grain growing areas of Eastern Australia. After five wheat and two legume/fallow crops, negative N balances of up to −303 kg ha−1 were calculated for the treatments where wheat stubble was not retained and bare fallow leys were used. The balance of nutrients such as K, which are contained in larger proportions in stubble, were found to be up to −362 kg ha−1 on the straw-removed treatments and up to +29 kg ha−1 on the straw-retained treatments. Forage legume leys resulted in short term increases in CL and the carbon management index (CMI).Sustainable farming systems require that crop yields are stable through the maintenance of soil fertility and the balance of nutrients in the system. Increases in soil C levels require sustained periods of balanced fertilization and residue retention.  相似文献   

Sub-Saharan Africa is large and diverse with regions of food insecurity and high vulnerability to climate change. This project quantifies carbon stocks and fluxes in the humid forest zone of Ghana, as a part of an assessment in West Africa. The General Ensemble biogeochemical Modeling System (GEMS) was used to simulate the responses of natural and managed systems to projected scenarios of changes in climate, land use and cover, and nitrogen fertilization in the Assin district of Ghana. Model inputs included historical land use and cover data, historical climate records and projected climate changes, and national management inventories. Our results show that deforestation for crop production led to a loss of soil organic carbon (SOC) by 33% from 1900 to 2000. The results also show that the trend of carbon emissions from cropland in the 20th century will continue through the 21st century and will be increased under the projected warming and drying scenarios. Nitrogen (N) fertilization in agricultural systems could offset SOC loss by 6% with 30 kg N ha−1 year−1 and by 11% with 60 kg N ha−1 year−1. To increase N fertilizer input would be one of the vital adaptive measures to ensure food security and maintain agricultural sustainability through the 21st century.  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition of nutrients within agricultural watersheds has received scant attention and is poorly understood compared to nutrient transport in surface and subsurface water flow pathways. Thus, we determined the deposition of phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), and sediment in a mixed land use watershed in south-central Pennsylvania (39.5 ha; 50% corn–wheat–soybean rotation, 20% pasture, and 30% woodland), in comparison with stream loads at several locations along its reach between 2004 and 2006. There was a significant difference in deposition rates among land uses (P < 0.05) with more P and N deposited on cropland (1.93 kg P and 10.71 kg N ha−1 yr−1) than pasture (1.10 kg P and 8.06 kg N ha−1 yr−1) and woodland (0.36 and 2.33 kg N ha−1 yr−1). Although not significant, sediment showed the same trends among land uses. A significant relationship was found between P in deposition and P in soil <10-m away from the samplers suggesting much of the deposited sample was derived from local soil. Samplers adjacent to the stream channel showed deposition rates (1.64 kg P and 8.83 kg N ha−1 yr−1) similar to those on cropland. However, accounting for the surface area of the stream, direct deposition of P, N, and sediment probably accounted for <3% of P and <1% of N and sediment load in stream flow from the watershed (1.41 kg P, 27.09 kg N, and 1343 kg sediment ha−1 yr−1 at the outlet). This suggests that strategies to mitigate nutrient and sediment loss in this mixed-land use watershed should focus on runoff pathways.  相似文献   

Direct and indirect nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and leaching losses from an intensively managed grazed pasture in the Ythan catchment, Aberdeenshire, UK, were measured and compared over a 17-month period. Simultaneous measurements of farm-wide leaching losses of N2O were also made and catchment-wide fluxes were estimated from existing N leaching data. The relative importance of direct and indirect N2O fluxes at the field, farm and catchment scale was then assessed. At the field scale we found that direct N2O emissions were low (1.2 kg N ha−1 year−1, 0.6% of N input) with indirect N2O emissions via drainage waters comprising a significant proportion (25%) of total N2O emissions. At the whole-farm scale, the N2O-N emission factor (0.003) for leached NO3-N (EF5-g) was in line with the IPCC's recent downward revision. At the catchment scale, a direct N2O flux of 1.9 kg N ha−1 year−1 and an indirect flux of 0.06 kg N2O-N ha−1 year−1 were estimated. This study lends further support to the recent downward revision of the IPCC emission factor for N2O arising from leached N in surface and ground waters (EF5-g) and highlights the need for multiple point sampling to ensure that the importance of indirect N2O losses via drainage waters is not misrepresented at the farm and catchment scales.  相似文献   

The article discusses marginal emission factors for N losses from agricultural soils, with rape and wheat as examples, and presents results for EU15 as high-resolution maps and aggregated to Member State level. The results are generated by linking the economic model for the agricultural sector CAPRI (Common Agricultural Policy Regional Impact) with spatial down-scaling, and a statistical meta-model for the bio-physical model DNDC (DeNitrification–DeComposition). For a given agro-economic scenario, CAPRI supplies for each crop the crop share, yield and fertilizer application rate spatially downscaled to clusters of 1 km × 1 km grid cells. The results from CAPRI are processed by a meta-model of DNDC to estimate the local greenhouse gas emissions from the soil. DNDC is a dynamic process-oriented model, which estimates trace gas fluxes and nutrient turnover in agricultural soils. The fit of the regressions is typically very good (0.95R2 for the majority of the regressions), and all coefficients are significant at 99% probability. The meta-model allows a seamless integration between the economic and the bio-physical models, offering additional benefit such as the site-specific calibration of the bio-physical model ensuring the match between simulated and observed yield at the grid-level.The meta-model is used to calculate marginal emission factors for a 1 kg ha−1 increase of mineral N and manure fertilizer rates for rape and wheat, at different levels of fertilization. They show that for Western European farming practice, only a small fraction of extra nitrogen fertilizer would go into increased yields: most of it would be emitted to the environment. The largest spatial variability is observed for N2O emissions. The derivation of marginal emission factors is just one of the many possible uses for the linked regionalized agro-economic and soil chemistry model, which exploits to a large extent both geo-referenced and regionally available statistical information at European scale.  相似文献   

Urea is an important source of ammonia (NH3) emissions to the atmosphere from agricultural soils. Abatement strategies are necessary in order to achieve NH3 emission targets by reducing those emissions. In this context, a field experiment was carried out on a sunflower crop in spring 2006 with the aim of evaluating the effect of the N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) in the mitigation of volatilized NH3 from a urea-fertilised soil. Ammonia emission was quantified, using the integrated horizontal flux (IHF) method, following application of urea with and without the urease inhibitor NBPT. Urea and a mixture of urea and NBPT (0.14%, w/w) were surface-applied at a rate of 170 kg N ha−1 to circular plots (diameter 40 m). The soil was irrigated with 10 mm of water just after the application of urea to dissolve and incorporate it into the upper layer of soil. Over the duration of the measurement period (36 days) three peaks of NH3 were observed. The first peak was associated with hydrolysis of urea after irrigation and the others with the increase of ammonia in soil solution after changes in atmospheric variables such as wind speed and rainfall. The total NH3 emission during the whole experiment was 17.3 ± 0.5 kg NH3–N ha−1 in the case of urea treated soils and 10.0 ± 2.2 kg NH3–N ha−1 where NBPT was included with the urea (10.1 and 5.9%, respectively, of the applied urea–N). The lower NH3 emissions from plots fertilised with urea + NBPT, compared with urea alone, were associated with a reduction in urease activity during the first 9 days after inhibitor application. This reduction in enzymatic activity promoted a decrease in the exchangeable NH4+ pool.  相似文献   

In the search for new technologies that would ensure optimum yield and environmental sustainability, various irrigation, nitrogen and cropping system management strategies for the production of vegetables with a shorter growing period were assessed at a benchmark site in Slovenia for the years 2006 and 2007. In the studied years four irrigation and fertilization treatments were applied: (1) 50% drip irrigation of plants water requirements ETcrop and the farmer's practice of fertilisation (broadcasting), (2) fertilisation and 100% drip irrigation (fertigation), (3) the farmer's practice of irrigation (sprinkler irrigation using water stored in plastic tanks) and fertilisation, and (4) control (the farmer's practice of irrigation but no fertilisation). An equivalent of 80, 80 and 200 kg ha−1 of nitrogen (N), 50, 50 and 80 kg ha−1 of phosphorous (P) and 120, 120 and 300 kg ha−1 of potassium (K) was added for iceberg lettuce, endive and cabbage, respectively. Nitrogen (N) labelled fertilizer (15N) was applied to trace the movement of the applied N fertiliser. The tested irrigation and fertilisation techniques for the production of vegetables with a shorter growing period in the Slovenian climate showed that environmentally sustainable practices (split application of nutrients compared to broadcast incorporating fertilisation) should be a practice of choice in water protection zones. The results confirm that fertigation and improved irrigation scheduling can be an effective way of minimizing nitrate leaching, and should be considered for vegetable production in or close to groundwater protection zones.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is becoming increasingly important in the cereal-based cropping system of the Nigerian Guinea savanna zone and this justifies research on its effects on soil N. Although soybean can obtain 50% or more of its N requirement from the atmosphere, the N contribution of the crop to the system depends on the amount of N contained in roots, haulms, and fallen leaves after grain harvest. At four sites in the northern Guinea savanna, the effects on N balance of P fertilizer and soybean varieties of different duration were tested. The varieties received P fertilizer at the rates of 0, 30, and 60 kg P ha−1. The total N accumulated aboveground at harvest averaged 104 kg N ha−1 in the early and medium varieties, and 135 kg N ha−1 in the late varieties. Across all varieties and sites, total N content was increased by 40–47% when P was applied. Apparent N harvest index averaged 85% but was not significantly affected by variety or P rate. When only grain was exported, the calculated N balance of the early and the medium varieties was −2.6 to −12.2 kg N ha−1 while the longer duration varieties had positive N balances ranging from 2 to 10.9 kg N ha−1. The N accrual was negative when P was not applied and ranged from 2.4 to 5.2 kg N ha−1 with P application. The interaction of variety and site on the N balance was significant at P<0.05. N balance at the southernmost site was −14.2 kg N ha−1 compared with 2.6–10 kg N ha−1 at the northern sites where N2 fixation was higher. The estimate of N balance is reduced when soybean haulms are exported. A positive N contribution by soybean is, therefore, possible in a soybean–cereal rotation when: (i) P is applied, (ii) the soybean variety is late maturing, and (iii) only grain is exported.  相似文献   

杨硕欢  张保成  王丽  胡田田 《环境科学》2016,37(12):4780-4788
为揭示水肥用量对农田生态系统土壤CO_2排放的综合影响,试验设高水W1(90 mm)、中水W0.85(76.5 mm)、低水W0.7(63 mm)这3个灌水水平,300、255、210和0 kg·hm~(-2)这4个施氮水平和90、76.5、63和0 kg·hm~(-2)这4个施磷水平,采用静态暗箱-气相色谱法对夏玉米地土壤CO_2排放进行原位观测,分析土壤CO_2排放对水肥调控的动态响应.结果表明,玉米季农田土壤CO_2排放呈双峰曲线,主峰值出现在拔节期至抽雄期,次峰出现在抽雄至灌浆期,其他阶段排放通量较低.W1在高肥F1(N 300 kg·hm~(-2),P2O590 kg·hm~(-2))和低肥F0.7(N 210 kg·hm~(-2),P2O563 kg·hm~(-2))水平下全生育期土壤CO_2平均排放通量均显著高于W0.7(P0.05);中肥F0.85(N 255 kg·hm~(-2),P2O576.5 kg·hm~(-2))和F0.7水平下,W0.85与W0.7差异不显著(P0.05).W1水平下,F1比F0.7显著增大14.82%(P0.05);W0.85水平下,F0.85比F0.7显著增大8.03%(P0.05);而W0.7水平下各施肥水平间无显著性差异.单施氮(N 210 kg·hm~(-2))或磷(P2O563 kg·hm~(-2))、氮磷配施(N 210 kg·hm~(-2)、P2O563kg·hm~(-2))较不施肥处理分别显著增加23.70%、19.00%和12.30%,且氮磷交互作用极显著(P0.01).方差分析表明,供应水平相差15%时,水肥交互作用对全生育期土壤CO_2平均排放通量影响不显著(P0.05),而对土壤CO_2累计排放量影响显著(P0.05);供应水平相差30%时水肥交互作用对全生育期土壤CO_2平均排放通量和累计排放量均影响显著(P0.05).可见,灌水量、施氮量、施磷量单因素均显著促进土壤CO_2排放,而氮磷配施起抑制作用.土壤CO_2排放与水、肥供应水平均有密切关系,水肥交互显著促进了土壤CO_2排放,通过水肥联合调控可有效调节土壤CO_2排放.  相似文献   

Recent market slump in rice, less rainfall during monsoon, high temperature and scarcity of water during dry season leads to lower grain yield and less profit from rice cultivation in India. Farmers’ grow upland crops like chickpea (Cicer arietinum), greengram (Vigna radiate), mustard (Brassica nigra), corn (Zea maize), pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan), potato (Solanum tuberosum), sunflower (Helianthus annuus) etc. along with rice (Oryza sativa) during the dry season. However, knowledge of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission from these rice based cropping systems is very limited. In the present study four rice based cropping systems was studied along with rice-rice rotation system as control in respect of GHG emission, yield potential and economic feasibility. Conventional plantation and fertilizer application methodology was followed for each crop. Methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) flux from field plots were studied with conventional closed chamber method using gas chromatograph. CH4 flux was recorded highest from rice-rice rotation plots (304.25 kg ha−1). N2O flux was recorded 1.02 kg ha−1 from rice-rice rotation system during wet season. However, during wet season, higher N2O flux (1.93 kg ha−1) was recorded from rice-potato-sesame rotation plots. Annual N2O flux was also recorded significantly low (3.42 kg ha−1) from rice-rice rotation plots and high (6.19 kg ha−1) from rice-chickpea-greengram rotation plots. Significantly lower annual grain yield was recorded from rice-rice rotation plots (9.25 Mg ha−1) whereas it was 18.84 Mg rice eq ha−1 from rice-potato-sesame rotation system. The global warming potential (GWP) of rice-rice rotation system was recorded significantly high (8.62 Mg CO2 ha−1) compare to plots with different rice based cropping systems. Computing all C-emission from cradle-to-grave, highest total C-cost was recorded from the rice-rice rotation system ($62.00 ha−1). We have made an attempt to calculate the C-credit of different rice based cropping systems by considering the difference of C-cost with control. The study suggests that the rice-potato-sesame is most sustainable among different cropping system studied in terms of economic profit ($62.00 ha−1). We have made an attempt to calculate the C-credit of different rice based cropping systems by considering the difference of C-cost with control. The study suggests that the rice-potato-sesame is most sustainable among different cropping system studied in terms of economic profit (1248.21 ha−1) and C-credit ($38.60 ha−1). The result of the study may be limited to the study region; however, the study has potential use in respect to the development of agriculture practice for adaptation to climate change.  相似文献   

黏性土壤严重影响土壤水肥运移.采取适宜的农艺措施优化土壤无机氮分布,减少该类型土壤的氮素损失是农业绿色可持续发展的关键.为明确缓控释肥种肥深施对黏性土壤麦田氮素损失的影响,选择常规化肥(CN)和缓控释肥(RCU)这2种类型肥料,采用撒播撒施(B)和机械化条播深施(D),研究了缓控释肥种肥深施对黏性土壤小麦产量、季节麦田氮素径流流失、氨挥发和N2O排放的影响;并分析了其耕层土壤的无机氮时空分布特征.结果表明,相同肥料类型下,D处理的小麦产量显著高于B处理;而相同施肥方式下,RCU处理的产量显著高于CN处理.D-RCU处理的小麦产量最高,达6.97 t·hm-2.季节径流和氨挥发氮损失量高于N2O形态的氮损失,且不同损失途径对肥料类型和施肥方式的响应不同.肥料类型和径流发生时间是麦田径流氮素流失的主要影响因素.受监测年份降雨年型分配影响,RCU处理的季节径流氮素流失量(20.35 kg·hm-2)较CN处理(10.49 kg·hm-2)显著增加.生育后期是麦田氨挥发损失的主要时期,...  相似文献   

The harvest of crops such as sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.), potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), leek (Allium porrum L.) and carrot (Daucus carota L.) causes soil loss from arable land because soil adhering to the crop and soil clods that failed to be separated by the harvesting machine, are exported from the field together with these harvested crops. These soil losses can be of the same order of magnitude as soil losses caused by water erosion processes, but are often neglected in soil erosion research. In this article we developed a methodology to investigate the spatial and long-term (1846–2004) variability of soil loss due to crop harvesting (SLCH) in Belgium and the spatial distribution of the importance of SLCH relative to soil losses caused by water erosion processes in Flanders. The study is based on long-term time series of soil tare data of crop processing factories and area and crop yield statistics. Until the middle of the 20th century, potato and roots and tubers grown as second crop, had the largest share in the SLCH-crop growing area in Belgium. Sugar beet gained importance from the end of the 19th century onwards and has now, of all SLCH crops, the largest growing area. We could estimate that, partly due to increasing crop yields and the mechanisation of the harvesting process, SLCH per hectare of cropland increased from 0.4 Mg ha−1 year−1 in 1846 to 2.4 Mg ha−1 year−1 in the 1970s and early 1980s. Since then mean annual soil losses decreased again to 1.8 Mg ha−1 year−1 in 2004. It was assessed that total yearly SLCH in Belgium rose from more than 575,000 Mg in the middle of the 19th century to more than 1.7 × 106 Mg in the 1970s and early 1980s, while current SLCH values are 1.4 × 106 Mg. We estimated that since 1846, more than 163 × 106 Mg soil was exported from cropland in Belgium through this erosion process, which corresponds to 109 hm3 or an average soil profile truncation of 1.15 cm. Average sediment export from cropland in Flanders was 3.7 Mg ha−1 year−1 in 2002, of which 46% was due to SLCH and 54% was due to water erosion processes. The relative importance of SLCH varied, depending on the agricultural region, between 38% and 94%.  相似文献   

Lowland rice fields constitute a semi aquatic environment, which is potentially suitable for fish production. Little is known about the effect of fish on greenhouse gas emissions from integrated rice–fish systems. An experiment was carried out at the Bangladesh Agricultural University to assess the effect of the stocking of fish on methane emissions from rice fields. Common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., and Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.) were stocked in a mixed culture and subjected to three different input regimes: (1) urea fertilization according to the recommendation of the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), (2) supplementary feeding at 2 × maintenance level and (3) an elevated feeding schedule where 4 × maintenance level was fed initially and 2 × maintenance level towards the end of the growth period. Rice only with urea fertilization according to BRRI-recommendation was included as the control. The presence of fish increased methane emissions in all three rice–fish treatments. Average emission over the cropping season was 34, 37, and 32 mg m−2 h−1 in the rice–fish treatments, respectively, and 20 mg m−2 h−1 in rice only. Apart from an increase in methane emission, a significant drop (p < 0.05) in floodwater pH and dissolved oxygen concentration was observed in the rice–fish plots. Both parameters were the lowest in the treatment where a higher feeding rate was provided. Due to the fish activity, floodwater in the rice–fish treatments was more turbid, as reflected in higher particulate inorganic matter (PIOM). An elevated level of dissolved methane was observed in the floodwater of the feed supplemented rice–fish plots. Methane emissions showed negative correlation with morning and afternoon pH of the floodwater (r = −0.46; r = −0.56, p < 0.001) and morning and afternoon dissolved oxygen level (r = −0.53; r = −0.46, p < 0.001). Positive correlations were recorded between morning and afternoon floodwater temperature (r = 0.49; r = 0.44, p < 0.001) and with air temperature (r = 0.54, p < 0.001). The results suggest that the stocking of fish has an increasing effect on methane emissions from rice fields.  相似文献   

Productivity of maize–pigeonpea cropping systems is dependent on facilitative and competitive interactive effects on resource availability. Controlling these interactions may benefit farmers through increased productivity associated with optimized crop yields. Previous research on maize–pigeonpea culture in Sub-Saharan Africa has focused on yield and soil fertility, but provided inadequate information on the mechanisms of possible interspecific competition. We employed a factorial field experiment to examine yield and nutritional responses of maize and pigeonpea to cropping systems (sole maize, intercropping, and improved fallow), N and P fertilizer additions, and cattle manure additions in Dodoma, Tanzania. The study objectives were to assess competition between crops and to determine how manure or fertilizer inputs may mitigate such interactions to improve yields. Intercropping enhanced maize yield over sole maize only when fertilized, reflecting probable nutrient competition. Improved fallows alone or with fertilizers (1.2–1.6 Mg ha−1) increased maize yields over sole maize (0.6 Mg ha−1). These increases were attributed to pigeonpea facilitation through soil nutrient replenishment, reduced competition associated with sequential cropping arrangements, and added nutrients from fertilization. Combined fertilizer and manure applications also improved maize and pigeonpea yields. Plant nutrient diagnosis indicated primary and secondary P and Ca deficiencies, respectively associated with P-fixation and leaching of cations due to high soil acidity and exchangeable Al. Maize competed strongly in mixture suppressing biomass and grain yields of the unfertilized pigeonpea by 60% and 33%, respectively due to limited soil nutrients and/or moisture. These yield reductions suggest that the intercropped pigeonpea did not recover from competition after maize harvesting that reduced competition. Optimizing yields of both maize and pigeonpea would require the addition of prescribed fertilizer when intercropped, but applications can be reduced by half under the improved fallow system due to alleviating interspecific competition.  相似文献   

Tropical peatland is a vast potential land source for biological production, but peatland is a major natural source of greenhouse gases, especially methane (CH4). It is important to evaluate the changes in greenhouse gas emissions induced by cultivation practices for sustainable agricultural use of tropical peatland. We investigated the effects of fertilizer application and the groundwater level on CH4 and carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes in an Indonesian peat soil. The crop cultivated was sago palm (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.), which can grow on tropical peat soil without drainage and yield great amounts of starch. CH4 emission through sago palm plants was first estimated by collecting gas samples immediately after cutting sago suckers using the closed chamber method. The CH4 fluxes ranged from negative values to 1.0 mg C m−2 h−1. The mean CH4 flux from treatment with macroelements (N, P, and K) and microelements (B, Cu, Fe, and Zn) applied at normal rates did not differ significantly from that of the No fertilizer treatment, although increasing the application rates of macroelements or microelements by 10-fold increased the CH4 flux by a factor of two or three. The relationship between CH4 flux and the groundwater table was regressed to a logarithmic equation, which indicated that to maintain a small CH4 flux, the groundwater table should be maintained at <−45 cm. The CO2 fluxes ranged between 24 and 150 mg C m−2 h−1, and were not significantly affected by either fertilizer treatments or the groundwater level. The inclusion of sago palm suckers in a chamber increased CH4 emission from the peat soil significantly. Thus, gas emissions mediated by certain kinds of palm plants should not be disregarded.  相似文献   

Dietary modifications in dairy cattle have been reported as a useful strategy to alter the composition of manure. Many reports have been published on how changes in dietary crude protein content and forage-to-concentrate ratio reduces animal nitrogen (N) excretion, but little information exists about the effect of diet modification on nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitric oxide (NO) emission when the subsequent slurry is applied on grassland. Two diets differing in forage:concentrate ratio (high forage or HF diet, 75:25; low forage or LF diet, 55:45) were tested to detect the improvement of N use efficiency in milk and the reduction of urinary and fecal N excretion. Triticale silage and barley grain were used as the main forage and concentrate sources in the diets. The subsequent slurries were characterized for N and ammonium-N content (NH4+-N) and applied on grassland in order to study total and pattern of emission of N2O and NO.The HF diet reduced the voluntary dry matter intake of the cows, N intake and urinary and fecal N excretion. However, the reduction of N intake did not improve the N use efficiency in milk (NUE) (21.0%) and did not reduce N excretion per unit of milk produced (15 g N l−1) due to the lower milk yield. Slurries were similar in N content but differed in NH4+ content, being lower in HF. Therefore, different slurry amounts were needed to be applied on grassland to reach the correct fertilisation rate (120 kg NH4+-N ha−1). Total emissions of N2O (5.8 and 5.0 kg N2O-N ha−1) and NO (507.2 and 568.6 g NO-N ha−1), and the pattern of emissions were not affected by dietary treatments. When fertilisation management depends on the collected volume to empty the slurry pit, higher N2O and NO emissions per kg of slurry could be expected from LF slurry. Nevertheless, if slurry is applied following recommendation rates, N2O and NO emission per unit of milk produced might be slightly lower from LF slurry. Grass yield (1.5 t dry matter ha−1) and N uptake (50 kg N ha−1) did not vary due to the applications of different slurries, and was attributed to low rainfalls. The correct management of the slurries on grasslands may justify an adequate nutritional strategy of dairy herds from an environmental and productive point of view.  相似文献   

Large scale dairy operations are common. In many cases the manure is deposited on a paved surface and then removed with a flushing system, after which the solids are separated, the liquid stored in ponds, and eventually the liquid applied on adjacent crop land. Management of liquid manure to maximize the fertilizer value and minimize water quality degradation requires knowledge of the interactive effects of mineralization of organic N (ON) to NH4+, crop uptake of mineral N, and leaching of NO3 on a temporal basis. The purpose of the research was to use the ENVIRO-GRO model to simulate how the amount of applied N, timing of N application, ON mineralization rates, chemical form of N applied, and irrigation uniformity affected (1) yields of corn (Zea mays) in summer and a forage grass in winter in a Mediterranean climate and (2) the amount of NO3 leached below the root zone. This management practice is typical for dairies in the San Joaquin Valley of California. The simulations were conducted for a 10-year period. Steady state conditions, whereby an equivalent amount of N applied in the organic form will be mineralized in a given year, are achieved more rapidly for materials with high mineralization rates. Both timing and total quantity of N application are important in affecting crop yield and potential N leaching. Major conclusions from the simulations are as follows. Frequent low applications are preferred to less frequent higher applications. Increasing the amount of N application increased both the crop yield and the amount of NO3 leached. Increasing irrigation uniformity increased crop yields but had variable effects on the amount of NO3 leached. A winter forage crop following a summer corn crop effectively reduced the leaching of residual soil N following the corn crop.  相似文献   

选取内蒙古河套灌区轻度盐渍土S_1(EC为0.46 dS·m~(-1))及中度盐渍土S_2(EC为1.07 dS·m~(-1))为研究对象,在等施氮量条件下,采用静态箱-气相色谱法研究了不同有机无机肥配施比例:CK(不施肥)、U_1(240 kg·hm~(-2)化肥)、U_3O_1(180 kg·hm~(-2)化肥+60 kg·hm~(-2)有机肥)、U_1O_1(120 kg·hm~(-2)化肥+120 kg·hm~(-2)有机肥)、U_1O_3(60 kg·hm~(-2)化肥+180 kg·hm~(-2)有机肥)和O_1(240 kg·hm~(-2)有机肥)对春玉米农田土壤N_2O排放的影响,旨在明确不同施肥策略下土壤N_2O排放特征,为制定盐渍化农田合理的减排措施提供理论依据.结果表明, 2种不同程度盐渍化土壤N_2O排放存在显著差异,同一处理S_2土壤N_2O排放总量较S_1土壤高出11.86%~47.23%(P0.05).各施肥处理对土壤N_2O排放通量影响趋势基本一致,即施肥后出现排放高峰,基肥和追肥后累积排放量占整个生育期排放量60%左右.适当施入有机肥可以显著降低土壤N_2O排放,S_1和S_2盐渍土分别以U_1O_1及O_1处理N_2O排放量最小,较U_1处理显著降低33.62%和28.51%(P0.05),同时可以获得较高的玉米产量.各施肥处理N_2O排放通量与土壤NH~+_4-N呈极显著正相关关系(P0.01),而与土壤NO~-_3-N含量呈负相关关系,表明硝化作用是盐渍化玉米农田N_2O产生的主要途径,配施有机肥可以持续减少土壤NH~+_4-N供给而减少N_2O的排放.从玉米产量及减少温室效应的角度,得到本地区适宜的施肥管理模式:轻度盐渍土为120 kg·hm~(-2)有机肥+120 kg·hm~(-2)化肥,中度盐渍土为240 kg·hm~(-2)有机肥.  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric NH3 levels near intensive livestock operations can add significant N to local agroecosystems. In this study, the potential atmospheric NH3 sorbed by soil and water was assessed over a 2-year period starting October 2000 in an intensive livestock production area in southern Alberta, Canada. Fifty-two uneven grid sampling sites were selected in the 53,905 ha study area. The sorption rate of atmospheric NH3 was estimated weekly by exposing distilled water and air-dried soil samples to the atmosphere at the sampling sites. The increases in NH4–N content in the samples after 1-week exposure was regarded as an index of the atmospheric NH3 sorbed for that week. The NH3 sorption rates were highly variable across the 52 sites, with water ranging from 4 to 125 kg ha−1 year−1 with a mean of 22 kg N ha−1 year−1 and soil from 5 to 84 kg N ha−1 year−1 with a mean of 20 kg N ha−1 year−1. Considerable variation in NH3–N sorption across the study area reflects the effects of size, direction (upwind or downwind) and proximity of nearby livestock operations or other NH3 sources and operators’ activities around the sampling sites. The NH3 sorption rate at each site also varied considerably in response to weather conditions. The high rate of NH3 input poses a direct risk of surface water eutrophication in intensive livestock operation areas. If fertilizer recommendations are not reduced to account for NH3 sorption by soil, excess N may also contribute to eutrophication through runoff and leaching.  相似文献   

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