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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Hydrogen production by methane dry reforming is an important yet challenging process. A performing catalyst will favor the thermodynamic equilibrium...  相似文献   

Methane (CH4) formation under aerobic conditions has been intensely debated, especially since the discovery of CH4 generation by both dried plant material and living plants. In this study we test the hypothesis that non-microbial CH4 formation also occurs in soils. All lyophilised soil samples investigated under aerobic conditions released CH4 at temperatures ranging from 30 to 70 °C exceeding that allowing normal enzymatic activity to proceed. No emissions were observed for single mineral soil components such as quartz sand, clay mineral and iron oxide. Methane release rates from the soils investigated were found to increase both with increasing temperature and higher organic carbon content. Addition of water to dried soils increased CH4 release rates up to 8-fold those observed with the dried material. Our results suggest the existence of a chemical process in soils that produces CH4 under aerobic conditions, a finding which has not been hitherto reported.  相似文献   

Wind tunnel tests were conducted to show that the 2.5 times rule for the determination of a necessary height for a stack close to a building is adequate for a building whose width perpendicular to the wind direction is twice its height, but that it is unnecessarily conservative for a tall thin building. An alternative rule, called Briggs' alternative, is shown to be adequate. The study was undertaken in a meteorological wind tunnel by placing model stacks and buildings in a simulated neutral atmospheric boundary layer. Smoke was used for flow visualization and methane for quantitative concentration measurements downwind of the building. The plumes were neutrally buoyant and the stacks were placed within one building height of the building in all cases.  相似文献   

Benzo[b]fluoranthene (B[b]F) was used in relative abundance ratios (RARs), a parameter obtained by dividing the concentration of individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) found in a given sample by the concentration of B[b]F in the same sample. The B[b]F RARs were derived for PAH concentrations measured at stacks and sampling stations in the vicinity of two S?derberg aluminum horizontal stud smelters (HSSs). The samples collected were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography using UV and fluorescence detection. A total of 15 PAHs were analyzed, but, due to the inefficiency of the sampling method used in collecting gaseous PAHs, only particulate PAHs were considered. Comparisons between the B[b]F RARs obtained simultaneously at the source (stack) and those obtained at sampling stations at the two smelters showed that B[b]F degrades more slowly than or at the same rate as most other particulate PAHs monitored. Twenty-three months of urban sampling in the vicinity of one of the aluminum HSSs are also presented, and the results indicate that B[b]F is more stable than all other particulate PAHs investigated. Sampling conducted during a smelter shutdown period confirmed that B[b]F was a much better marker of this source than was benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), the usual indicator. The remarkable stability of the benzo[k]fluoranthene (B[k]F)/B[b]F ratio is also discussed.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The disposal of dye-contaminated wastewater is a major concern around the world for which a variety of techniques are used for its treatment. The...  相似文献   

The global olive oil production for 2010 is estimated to be 2,881,500 metric tons. The European Union countries produce 78.5 % of the total olive oil, which stands for an average production of 2,136,000 tons. The worldwide consumption of olive oil increased of 78 % between 1990 and 2010. The increase in olive oil production implies a proportional increase in olive mill wastes. As a consequence of such increasing trend, olive mills are facing severe environmental problems due to lack of feasible and/or cost-effective solutions to olive-mill waste management. Therefore, immediate attention is required to find a proper way of management to deal with olive mill waste materials in order to minimize environmental pollution and associated health risks. One of the interesting uses of solid wastes generated from olive mills is to convert them as inexpensive adsorbents for water pollution control. In this review paper, an extensive list of adsorbents (prepared by utilizing different types of olive mill solid waste materials) from vast literature has been compiled, and their adsorption capacities for various aquatic pollutants removal are presented. Different physicochemical methods that have been used to convert olive mill solid wastes into efficient adsorbents have also been discussed. Characterization of olive-based adsorbents and adsorption mechanisms of various aquatic pollutants on these developed olive-based adsorbents have also been discussed in detail. Conclusions have been drawn from the literature reviewed, and suggestions for future research are proposed.  相似文献   

Estimates of individual personal exposures to ozone, nitrogen dioxide, pollen, temperature, and relative humidity for a group of asthmatics participating In a health effects study were obtained by means of a modeling approach utilizing fixed site monitoring data, regression relationships between fixed site and indoor and outdoor micro-environment concentrations, study subject activity patterns, and study household characteristics. A considerable improvement in the accuracy of exposure assessment using the exposure model instead of fixed site measurements alone was demonstrated for ozone. This large refinement of ozone exposure estimates was achieved using a simplified approach which emphasized the large differences between Indoor and outdoor micro-environmental concentrations, and assumed relatively little heterogeneity in exposure within either of these two broad micro-environmental categories. Major sources of error in the exposure model for ozone Include: failure to Include Indoor microenvironments with no air conditioning in the development of the model, Inability to accurately apportion within-hour time spent in different microenvironments, and misclassification of hour-specific personal location by study subjects.  相似文献   

Mussels are widespread in coastal environments and experience various physical, chemical, and bacteriological conditions. Owing to the increase of coastal urbanization, mussels are now commonly exposed not only to indigenous bacteria, but also to enteric bacteria originating from pulsed and chronic sewage discharges into coastal environments. Due to its broad resilience to environmental variations, the blue mussel Mytilus edulis is commonly used as an indicator of environmental quality in bio-monitoring programs. However, since mussel immune system capabilities may be affected by the presence of exogenous fecal bacteria in coastal seawater subjected to sewage discharges, we aimed to determine the effect of in vivo bacterial challenges on mussels' immune competency by using two exogenous enteric bacterial strains, Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis, and an indigenous bacterial strain Vibrio splendidus (as control). Bacterial strains were tested individually, by injection into the posterior adductor muscle at three different cell densities (102, 103, and 104 cells). Unlike classic in vitro experiments using higher bacterial concentrations, neither the enteric bacteria nor the indigenous strain induced significant increase or decrease of either cell-mediated (phagocytosis, reactive oxygen species, and NO x production) or humoral components (prophenoloxidase-like, acid phosphatase, and l-leucine-aminopeptidase production) of the immune system. This study demonstrates that, at low concentrations, E. coli and E. faecalis do not represent an additional threat that could impair M. edulis immune competency and, as a consequence, its potential of survival in coastal areas subjected to sewage discharges.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope  

Although highly diverse and specialized prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbial communities in soil degrade polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), most of these are removed slowly. This review will discuss the biotechnological possibilities to increase the microbial dissipation of PAHs from soil as well as the main biological and biotechnological challenges.  相似文献   

In order to provide reliable pollutant and meteorological exposure estimates for an epidemiological study of asthmatics residing in two Houston neighborhoods, a dedicated three-tier air monitoring system was established. This consisted of fixed site ambient air monitoring at the center of each study area, a mobile van performing simultaneous indoor and outdoor measurements at selected residences of study participants, and a limited amount of direct personal monitoring for half of the participants. Monitored pollutants Included all criteria pollutant gases, as well as aeroallergens, aldehydes, TSP, and IP. Laboratory analyses provided concentrations of sulfate, nitrate, and trace elements. Continuous measurements of several meteorological parameters also were obtained. Intensive quality assurance and data validation efforts resulted in a high percentage of valid data for most pollutants. Ozone was the only measured pollutant that exceeded the NAAQS during the six-month (May to October) study period. The monitoring scheme allowed important pollutant concentration differences to be detected between day and night, between Indoors and outdoors, and among various indoor environments. The use of these monitoring data in combination with personal activity and household characteristics data to generate estimates of personal exposures for the epidemiological analysis will be described in a subsequent paper.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Environmental pollution has become more diversified in recent years as technologies for urbanization is increasingly more advanced. Several...  相似文献   


This study evaluates carbon emissions of construction and demolition (C&D) waste generated by building refurbishment, using a life cycle assessment approach through a case study project in China. Three waste management scenarios were developed for a building refurbishment project in the city of Suzhou. Scenario 1 is under the business-as-usual C&D waste management practice in China; scenario 2 is based on the open-ended 3R strategy, which focuses on the downstream impact of waste; and scenario 3 considers both the upstream and downstream impact of waste. The results reveal that the composition of the waste generated from building refurbishment projects is different from construction and demolition projects. In the life cycle of C&D waste management of building refurbishment projects, the refurbishment material stage generates the highest carbon emissions compared to the dismantlement, refurbishment construction, and refurbishment material end of life stages. Scenario 1 produces higher carbon emissions than scenario 2, but the difference is not significant in the whole life cycle of the building refurbishment project, whereas carbon emissions for scenario 3 are significantly less than both scenario 1 and scenario 2. The study finds the reason for this difference is that scenario 1 and scenario 2 are based on a linear economy that relies on unsustainable demand for raw materials, whereas scenario 3 is based on a circular economy that uses upcycled materials to substitute for raw materials and considers waste management from a cradle to cradle perspective. This study fills a research gap by evaluating carbon emissions of different waste management strategies for building refurbishment projects, which are expected to be an increasing portion of overall construction activity in China for the foreseeable future.


Environmental Science and Pollution Research - A comparison of Cu extraction yields for three different ethylenediamine-N,N′-disuccinic acid (EDDS)-enhanced washing configurations was...  相似文献   

A chemical mechanism has been developed to predict O3 formation in mixtures of isoprene, α-pinene and NOx in air. The mechanism was tested against 17 outdoor smog chamber data sets from the University of North Carolina chamber and was shown to predict maximum O3 concentrations within ±20%. Reasonably good agreement was found between the predicted and measured time-concentration profiles of other species such as NO2, peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) and aldehydes. Due to the greater availability of kinetic and mechanistic data for isoprene and to the more extensive comparison of this mechanism to experimental data, the mechanism is considered more reliable for isoprene than α-pinene.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The persistence of many micropollutants in water and wastewater is of great concern to the contemporary scientific community. Several types of...  相似文献   

The computer model Industrial Source Complex Short Term (ISCST) was used to study the stack emissions from a refuse Incinerator proposed for the island of Bermuda. The model predicts that the highest ground level pollutant concentrations will occur near Prospect, 800 m to 1000 m due south of the stack. We installed a portable laboratory and instruments at Prospect to begin making air quality baseline measurements. By comparing the model’s estimates of the incinerator contribution to the background levels measured at the site we predict that stack emissions will not cause an Increase In TSP or SO2. The incinerator will be a significant source of HCI to Bermuda air with ambient levels approaching air quality guidelines.  相似文献   

Diffuse phytosanitary pollution is a complex phenomenon to manage. Reducing this type of pollution is one of today’s key socio-economic and environmental challenges. At the regional level, few approaches enable the actors concerned to implement agricultural management strategies to reduce the use and impact of phytosanitary products. Our research problem focused on the consequences of intensive agriculture and, in particular, how to evaluate the impact of phytosanitary products on human health and the environment. In this article, we present the SimPhy simulation game which places the actors from a given region directly into a situation in which they manage farms whilst under pressure to reduce phytosanitaries (quantity and toxicity). The application focused on the Merja Zerga catchment area in Morocco. The region is dominated by intensive agriculture which is located upstream from a Ramsar-classified wetland area. The SimPhy simulation game is based on a decision support system-type tool. It allows us to anticipate the impact of regulations on farming systems. It also enables us to analyse the consequences of the actors’ strategies on farm economies, human health and the quality of ecosystems. Initial results from the SimPhy simulation game enabled the technicians from Agricultural Development Center (CDA) themselves to learn about managing agricultural production systems in a dynamic and interactive fashion. With the simulation game, it was possible to learn about the farmer's ability to adapt to new regulatory constraints, and the involved consequences for toxicity risks for human health and the environment.  相似文献   

Solid waste management (SWM) is a significant challenge for the Seychelles. Waste generation, fueled by economic development and tourism, increases steadily, while landfilling continues to be the main disposal path, thus exacerbating the island nation’s specific weaknesses. Due to the small scale of the Seychelles economy, there is little capital available to stimulate innovations in SWM and generate the knowledge for setting priorities and guiding SWM action. Students from ETH Zurich and UniSey conducted a transdisciplinary case study (tdCS) to fill this knowledge gap and gain insights into the obstacles and opportunities related to sustainable SWM. The tdCS approach allowed students to gain comprehensive and in-depth knowledge about the SWM system required to set priorities for action and next steps. The government should streamline the different financial frameworks according to a clear principle (e.g., polluter pays principle). Specific biogenic waste streams represent a potential source of energy and fertilizers. Expanding the scope and densifying the network of collection points could help raise recycling rates of other waste fractions. Diverting biogenic waste and recycling more glass, metals, paper, and plastics would also significantly reduce landfilling rates. Regardless of future amounts of waste ending up on landfills, the latter must be reengineered before the surrounding environment suffers major adverse impacts. All these actions imply a government-driven approach which integrates the views of stakeholders and consumers alike.  相似文献   

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