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The magnitude and ecological relevance of metal pollution of the middle Po river deriving from the River Lambro tributary was investigated by applying different (complementary) sediment quality assessment approaches: (1) comparisons of concentrations with regional reference data, and (2) comparisons with consensus-based sediment quality guidelines (SQGs), as well as by investigations of the partitioning patterns of target heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn). Total metal concentrations in the surficial sediments revealed significant pollution inputs on the whole river stretch investigated, with a distinct peak at the inlet of the River Lambro. Based on the geoaccumulation index of target heavy metals, the middle reach of River Po has to be considered as moderately polluted with Cd (1相似文献   

Environmental magnetic proxies provide a rapid means of assessing the degree of industrial heavy metal pollution in soils and sediments. To test the efficiency of magnetic methods for detecting contaminates from a Fe-smelting plant in Loudi City, Hunan Province (China) we investigated river sediments from Lianshui River. Both magnetic and non-magnetic (microscopic, chemical and statistical) methods were used to characterize these sediments. Anthropogenic heavy metals coexist with coarse-grained magnetic spherules. It can be demonstrated that the Pollution Load Index of industrial heavy metals (Fe, V, Cr, Mo, Zn, Pb, Cd, Cu) and the logarithm of saturation isothermal remanent magnetization, a proxy for magnetic concentration, are significantly correlated. The distribution heavy metal pollution in the Lianshui River is controlled by surface water transport and deposition. Our findings demonstrate that magnetic methods have a useful and practical application for detecting and mapping pollution in and around modern industrial cities.  相似文献   

为分析评价鄱阳湖流域重金属积累污染情况,采集流域内沉积物及土壤样品,测定其Cu、Pb、Zn、Cr、Cd、As、Hg含量以及pH、氧化还原电位(Eh)、有机质(SOM)以及黏粒含量等理化参数,采用地累积指数法、潜在生态危害指数法评价流域内沉积物及土壤的重金属污染水平,利用相关性分析法及主成分分析法解析重金属污染的影响因素...  相似文献   

The Joint Danube Survey (JDS)--a comprehensive monitoring survey to assess the environmental pollution status of the river Danube--was carried out in 2001. Samples were taken at 74 positions along the river from Neu-Ulm (River-km 2589) down to the Danube Delta at the Black Sea (River-km 0) and in 24 main tributaries and anabranches. Besides other biological and chemical parameters, concentrations of Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, Hg, Ni, and Zn were determined in sediments and suspended solids. Lowest heavy metal concentrations were measured around River-km 1800. After an increase down to River-km 1000 (the Irongate Reservoir), a constant level or a slight decrease could be found down to and in the Danube Delta. Very high element concentrations were determined at only a few stations of the river Danube and in some tributaries. An evaluation of the pollution status of the river was carried out by enrichment factors (EFs) calculated using adapted background concentrations of heavy metals. Except single sampling sites and some tributaries, the pollution of the river Danube by As, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, and Zn can be regarded as rather low. However, elevated concentrations of Cd were found in both investigated matrices, particularly in the lower stretch of the river Danube beginning at the Irongate.  相似文献   

Assessment of airborne heavy metal pollution by aboveground plant parts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Italian stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) and oleander (Nerium oleander L.) leaves, bark and wood samples were collected at different sites around an industrial area (Huelva, SW Spain) and compared with samples of the same species from a background site. Samples were analysed with respect to the following pollutants: Al, Ba, Cr, Cu, Fe and Pb by ICP-AES. The suitability of different plant parts as biomonitors of pollution was investigated. In pine samples from the polluted sites the ratio of concentrations between bark and wood was high for Al, Ba, Cu and Fe, whereas no differences were found in samples from the unpolluted area. No differences were detected in oleander for the same ratio. In the oleander species, the ratio between leaves and wood concentration allowed to distinguish between control and polluted sites. The ratio of the concentration between leaves and wood was elevated for Al, Ba and Fe in pine samples from the polluted sites. The ratio of the concentration in bark or leaves to their concentration in wood might be useful to detect inorganic atmospheric pollutants.  相似文献   

Khan KS  Joergensen RG 《Chemosphere》2006,65(6):981-987
Two incubation experiments were conducted to evaluate differences in the microbial use of non-contaminated and heavy metal contaminated nettle (Urtica dioica L.) shoot residues in three soils subjected to heavy metal pollution (Zn, Pb, Cu, and Cd) by river sediments. The microbial use of shoot residues was monitored by changes in microbial biomass C, biomass N, biomass P, ergosterol, N mineralisation, CO(2) production and O(2) consumption rates. Microbial biomass C, N, and P were estimated by fumigation extraction. In the non-amended soils, the mean microbial biomass C to soil organic C ratio decreased from 2.3% in the low metal soil to 1.1% in the high metal soils. In the 42-d incubation experiment, the addition of 2% nettle residues resulted in markedly increased contents of microbial biomass P (+240%), biomass C (+270%), biomass N (+310%), and ergosterol (+360%). The relative increase in the four microbial properties was similar for the three soils and did not show any clear heavy metal effect. The contents of microbial biomass C, N and P and ergosterol contents declined approximately by 30% during the incubation as in the non-amended soils. The ratios microbial biomass C to N, microbial biomass C to P, and ergosterol to microbial biomass C remained constant at 5.2, 26, and 0.5%, respectively. In the 6-d incubation experiment, the respiratory quotient CO(2)/O(2) increased from 0.74 in the low metal soil to 1.58 in the high metal soil in the non-amended soils. In the treatments amended with 4% nettle residues, the respiratory quotient was constant at 1.13, without any effects of the three soils or the two nettle treatments. Contaminated nettle residues led generally to significantly lower N mineralisation, CO(2) production and O(2) consumption rates than non-contaminated nettle residues. However, the absolute differences were small.  相似文献   

扬州市城区地表水底泥重金属污染现状与风险评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对扬州市城区地表水底泥进行等距离布点采样.分析cd、Cu、Pb、Zn 4种重金属的含量,并应用潜在生态危害指数法对重金属潜在生态风险进行了评价.结果表明:4种重金属的潜在生态风险由高到低的顺序为Cd>Pb>Cu>Zn,其中Cd的潜在生态风险程度已达很强;扬州市城区地表水底泥重金属潜在生态风险程度为强.各条河流底泥重金属潜在生态风险程度由强到弱顺序为古运河>二道河>宝带河>小秦淮河>新城河>水院池塘(对照);从空间上看,扬州市城区东部的地表水底泥重金属潜在生态风险程度高于西部,北部高于南部.  相似文献   

收集了研究区内2008年的历史数据和2018年采集的最新数据,共计278个样品,分析测试了土壤环境污染常提及的Cd、Hg、As、Pb、Cr、Cu、Ni、Zn共8类重金属元素,利用单因子指数评价法、内梅罗综合污染指数法以及土壤环境质量评估法评价研究区内西河和耒水2条河流周边的土壤环境质量类别,结合反距离空间插值法以及空间几何分析,直观地展示出研究区2008—2018年土壤重金属的时空变异特征。结果表明:采集的2期数据中除Cr外,Cd、Hg、As、Pb、Cu、Ni、Zn表层土壤重金属元素均存在点位超标的情况,说明该研究区中整体存在重金属污染;通过单因子指数评价可知,2期数据单因子指数平均值排前2位的均为Cd和Pb,Cr平均值最小,研究区内2期数据Cr超过98%点位均属于优先保护类点位,Cd、As、Pb均存在超过《土壤环境质量农用地土壤污染风险管控标准》(GB 15618-2018)管制值的点位;污染增强区主要分布于采矿及冶炼企业密度较大的西河中上游、耒水上游和耒水下游3个区。为防止今后土壤重金属污染进一步增强,建议对3个高值区采取恰当的管理措施。  相似文献   

Regional monitoring of heavy metal pollution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Chen TB  Zheng YM  Lei M  Huang ZC  Wu HT  Chen H  Fan KK  Yu K  Wu X  Tian QZ 《Chemosphere》2005,60(4):542-551
Assessing the concentration of potentially harmful heavy metals in the soil of urban parks is imperative in order to evaluate the potential risks to residents and tourists. To date, little research on soil pollution in China's urban parks has been conducted. To identify the concentrations and sources of heavy metals, and to assess the soil environmental quality, samples were collected from 30 urban parks located in the city of Beijing. Subsequently, the concentrations of Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in the samples were analyzed. The investigation revealed that the accumulations of Cu and Pb were readily apparent in the soils. The integrated pollution index (IPI) of these four metals ranged from 0.97 to 9.21, with the highest IPI in the densely populated historic center district (HCD). Using multivariate statistic approaches (principal components analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis), two factors controlling the heavy metal variability were obtained, which accounted for nearly 80% of the total variance. Nickel and Zn levels were controlled by parent material in the soils, whereas Cu, Pb and, in part, Zn were accounted for mainly by anthropogenic activities. The findings presented here indicate that the location and the age of the park are important factors in determining the extent of heavy metal, particularly Cu and Pb, pollution. In addition, the accumulation of Zn did not appear to reach pollution levels, and no obvious pollution by Ni was observed in the soils of the parks in Beijing.  相似文献   

The Guadiamar river basin has traditionally received pollutants from two main sources: in its northern section of mining origin, and in its southern section (next to Do?ana National Park) from urban-industrial and agricultural sources. In April 1998, the spill of 6 million m3 of mining wastes (acidic waters and sludge) severely polluted the Guadiamar river basin with heavy metals, which caused serious damage to the local ecosystem. There is a direct association between the physicochemical speciation of an element and its toxicity, biological activity, bioavailability, solubility, etc. This work describes a distribution study of the metals Zn, Cd, Pb and Cu by speciation analysis of surface waters in eleven sampling points of the Guadiamar river basin. Four metal fractions were determined using anodic stripping voltammetry: labile metal forms, H+ exchangeable metal forms, strongly inert forms (associated with organic and inorganic matter in solution), and forms associated with suspended matter. Total concentrations in surface waters followed the trend Zn > Cu > Pb > Cd. The speciation study showed that Zn and Cd were present to a large extent in available forms (labile and H+ exchangeable), while Pb and Cu were found mostly in the less available forms (strongly inert). Moreover, the available forms were found in the northern section (mining pollution) and the strongly inert forms in the southern section (urban, industrial and agricultural pollution). These results can illustrate the potential value of speciation to discern between different sources of pollution.  相似文献   

北京西城区雨水管道沉积物中重金属污染风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用地累积指数法、次生相与原生相分布比值法以及Hakanson潜在生态风险指数法从不同角度对雨水管道沉积物中重金属的污染风险进行了评价。地累积指数法的评价结果表明,不同重金属的污染级别为ZnCuCdCrPbNi。而次生相与原生相分布比值法以及Hakanson潜在生态风险指数法的评价结果表明,不同重金属的潜在污染效应关系和潜在生态危害系数大致排序均为CdCuZnPbNiCr。  相似文献   

Predatory insects as bioindicators of heavy metal pollution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Heavy metal concentrations of different predatory insects were studied near by a steel factory and from control sites. Waterstriders (Gerridae), dragon fly larvae (Odonata), antlion larvae (Myrmeleontidae) and ants (Formicidae) were analyzed by AAS. In most cases the metal concentrations were higher near the factory, but e.g. waterstriders had higher cadmium concentrations in control area. Discriminant analysis clearly reveals that all these insect groups can be used as heavy metal indicators. However, the commonly used ants were the least effective in indicating the differences between the factory and control sites. Waterstriders are good in detecting differences in iron and manganese, but seem to be poor in accumulating nickel and lead. Antlions are efficient in detecting differences in iron. Antlions and ants are effective in accumulating manganese; as well antlions are efficient in accumulating cadmium. Waterstriders are poor in accumulating lead, but antlions and ants are effective.  相似文献   

Ecophysiological responses of Empetrum nigrum to heavy metal pollution   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Chlorophyll, organic (citric and malic acids) and abscisic acid (ABA) contents and stem water potential were measured to indicate possible physiological effects of heavy metal deposition on Empetrum nigrum L. (crowberry). The leaves and stems of E. nigrum were collected at distances of 0.5 and 8 km from the Cu-Ni smelter at Harjavalta, south-west Finland. All the investigated parameters were clearly affected by heavy metal emissions. Chlorophyll contents in the leaves and organic acid contents in the leaves and stems were lower close to the emission source. Generally found increase in organic acid contents with increasing Ni concentrations was not found, which might be due to the lower production of organic acids measured by decreased photosynthesis near the smelter. In contrast, ABA contents in stems and leaves in general, were higher in plants growing 0.5 km from the pollution source. Close to the smelter the stem water potential of E. nigrum was less negative during the day but more negative during the night. These results suggest that smelter emissions have a negative effect on the ecophysiology of E. nigrum even though it is considered to be a tolerant species to heavy metals.  相似文献   

城市街道灰尘重金属污染研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
国外学者对城市街道灰尘中重金属的积累分布、粒径效应及其生物有效性等已展开了一系列有效研究,而中国城市街道灰尘重金属污染相关研究起步较晚,研究内容主要包括重金属污染特征与空间分异。综述了城市街道灰尘重金属污染现状、粒径效应、来源以及重金属含量影响因素等方面的研究进展,并从对今后的城市街道灰尘重金属污染研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

在某废弃的铀矿周围农田选取10个土壤样点,采集表层土壤下(0~60 cm)不同深度的60个土壤样品,分析其中重金属和放射性元素污染水平,并进行污染修复方案设计。结果表明:Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn、As、Hg、Cr、Mn、Ni、U和232Th的平均浓度分别为2 275.69、6.09、71.51、1 230.47、47.87、502.81、46.22、422.39、12.01、74.05和27.28 mg·kg-1,Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn、As、Hg和U的浓度高于研究区域土壤环境背景值,原采矿场和原堆积矿场是重点污染区域;地累积指数(Igeo)显示农田Hg处于高污染水平,Cd、Zn、Pb和U处于中度污染水平以上。采用覆土、钝化和植物修复相结合的方法进行原矿区场地修复。在原矿区场地加入钝化剂或植物提取修复之前进行覆土。结果表明原采矿场、原堆积矿场分别覆土140和120 cm,氡析出率≤0.74 Bq·(m2·s)-1,γ射线剂量率接近30×10-8 Gy·h-1。结果满足环境标准要求。  相似文献   

The content of heavy metals in mineralised dental tissues is an indicator of the exposure of their mineral phase to heavy metals during the time of tooth development and dental tissue formation. Therefore, teeth have been used as bio-indicators which accurately reflect the environmental or dietary exposure of animals and humans to heavy metals. This study follows from the earlier work in which it was demonstrated that the teeth from bank voles inhabiting various environmentally polluted and non-polluted forests in Southern Poland were reliable indicators of exposure to heavy metals. Using analytical techniques employed in the earlier study heavy metal concentrations were obtained in the teeth of bank voles trapped in 1998-2000 to determine if efforts to clean up the environment could be detected in changes in heavy metal concentrations in the teeth. The results show that these efforts are reflected in lower concentrations of heavy metals in the teeth but that cross border contamination remains a problem.  相似文献   

Soils were sampled in three types of wetlands from the young (A) and old (B) reclaimed regions of the Pearl River Estuary. They were analyzed for total concentrations of heavy metals to investigate their distributions and pollution levels in both regions. Results showed that most heavy metals in ditch and riparian wetlands did not significantly differ from those in reclaimed wetlands in A region, while significantly lower for Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in reclaimed wetlands in B region, suggesting higher effects of long-term reclamation. Iron, Cr and Cu were identified as metal pollutants of primary concern and had higher contributions to the total toxic units compared to other metals. Almost all metals exceeded their lowest effect levels and Fe and Cr even exceeded the severe effect levels. Multivariate analysis shows that Fe and Mn are controlled by parent rocks and other metals mainly originate from anthropogenic source.  相似文献   

The levels of copper, lead, chromium, zinc, cadmium, arsenic and silver were determined in periphyton specimens obtained with a diatometer collector. Stations selected were along three important bayous of the Calcasieu River system. Distributions of some metals in the organisms were similar to those found in sediment from the same locations, while other metals appeared to be similar to water concentrations. Concentration ratios of periphyton over sediment greatly exceeded one for the metals chromium, zinc, cadmium, arsenic and silver. The concentrations of heavy metals in the periphyton appeared to yield more information about pollutants than either water or sediment samples collected at the periphyton stations.  相似文献   

为研究燃煤电厂重金属排放对周边土壤重金属污染的影响,测定了某燃煤电厂烟囱入口烟气中Cd、Cr、Hg、Ni、Pb、As含量,同时根据当地气象及地形条件,在燃煤电厂周边采集19个土壤样品,分析了土壤中重金属含量及分布情况,并对其污染程度进行评价.结果表明,燃煤电厂烟气中6种重金属元素的质量浓度为0.02~2.00μg/m3...  相似文献   

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