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Bisphenol A (BPA) and nonylphenols (NP) are of major concern to public health due to their high potential for human exposure and to their demonstrated toxicity (endocrine disruptor effect). A limited number of studies have shown that BPA and NP are present in drinking water. The chlorinated derivatives that may be formed during the chlorination step in drinking water treatment plants (DWTP) exhibit a higher level of estrogenic activity than their parent compounds. The aim of this study was to investigate BPA, 353NP, and their chlorinated derivative concentrations using an accurate and reproducible method of quantification. This method was applied to both surface and treated water samples from eight French DWTPs producing from surface water. Solid-phase extraction followed by liquid chromatography?Ctandem mass spectrometry was developed in order to quantify target compounds from water samples. The limits of detection ranged from 0.3 to 2.3?ng/L for BPA and chlorinated BPA and from 1.4 to 63.0?ng/L for 353NP and chlorinated 353NP. BPA and 353NP were found in most analyzed water samples, at a level ranging from 2.0 to 29.7?ng/L and from 0 to 124.9?ng/L, respectively. In most of DWTPs a decrease of BPA and 353NP was observed between surface water and treated water (36.6 to 78.9?% and 2.2 to 100.0?% for BPA and 353NP, respectively). Neither chlorinated BPA nor chlorinated 353NP was detected. Even though BPA and 353NP have been largely removed in the DWTPs studied, they have not been completely eliminated, and drinking water may consequently remain a source of human exposure.  相似文献   

全氟辛烷磺酸类物质(PFOS)是一种新型持久性有机污染物,对人类健康存在很大威胁,目前世界范围内的水体中均检测到不同浓度的PFOS。研究如何安全有效去除这类新型污染物十分必要。利用HYDRA—COPe10纳滤膜进行PFOS去除研究,在不同操作压力下研究pH、电解质以及与腐殖酸共存对PFOS截留效果的影响。结果表明,随着pH值的增加,截留率上升;二价盐对PFOS截留率的影响要高于一价盐,并且随着二价盐离子强度的增加,截留率上升;腐殖酸共存时截留效率有显著增加,尤其在1mmol/L钙离子存在条件下,PFOS的截留率可达到95.8%,但会引起膜通量下降及膜污染的发生。  相似文献   

The extensive use of Bisphenol A (BPA) in the plastics industry has led to increasing reports of its presence in the aquatic environment, with concentrations of ng L?1 to μg L?1. Various advanced oxidation processes, including ozonation, have been shown to effectively degrade BPA. This paper reviews the current advancements in using ozone to remove BPA from water and wastewater.Most of the published work on the oxidation of BPA by ozone has focused on the efficiency of BPA removal in terms of the disappearance of BPA, and the effect of various operational parameters such as ozone feed rate, contact time and pH; some information is available on the estrogenic activity of the treated water. Due to increasing operational reliability and cost effectiveness, there is great potential for industrial scale application of ozone for the treatment of BPA. However, there is a significant lack of information on the formation of oxidation by-products and their toxicities, particularly in more complex matrices such as wastewater, and further investigation is needed for a better understanding of the environmental fate of BPA.  相似文献   

将内循环吸附与膜分离技术联合,开发一种新型饮水除氟工艺。为明确工艺特性,以模拟高氟水为实验原水,采用连续流小试装置,通过单因素实验和响应面法分析了HRT、吸附剂投加量2个重要参数对工艺除氟效能的影响规律。结果表明,HRT与活性Al2O3投加量对工艺的除氟效能均存在显著影响,在一定条件下存在最优值。响应面分析结果表明,最佳条件为:HRT=3.2 h,活性Al2O3投加量为5 g·L-1。该条件下,出水氟浓度最低可降至0.2 mg·L-1,在瞬时出水氟浓度与累积出水平均氟浓度超标前,单位活性Al2O3的处理水量分别为1.15 t·kg-1和1.36 t·kg-1;工艺运行过程中,TMP处于较低水平且增加缓慢,表明膜污染程度较小;基于吸附原理与物料平衡原理建立了工艺连续流动态数学模型,模拟得出的出水氟浓度动态变化曲线与实测结果较为一致。  相似文献   

膜分离技术应用于给水处理中的膜污染研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对膜分离技术应用于给水处理系统中的膜污染问题进行了研究.结果表明,采用亲水性的膜进行给水处理,膜污染可以分为浓差极化污染、可清除污染和不可清除污染三大部分,根据达西方程计算膜分离过程中的阻力,其中膜本身阻力占总阻力的51.2%,浓差极化阻力占21.9%,而可清除污染阻力和不可清除阻力相对较小.因此,在给水膜分离系统中若通过优化操作条件减小浓差极化污染,就可达到改善膜污染的目的.  相似文献   

饮用水源污染与饮用水标准提升双重约束条件下,我国许多饮用水厂都面临提标改造的现实需求。浸没式超滤技术以其水质稳定、占地小、运行管理简单等优点在市政自来水厂提标改造中得到广泛应用。为进一步降低系统能耗和运行成本,提出通过改造膜过滤池(膜池)进水和排水、药剂投加等辅助单元,优化膜池构造和配套设施,充分利用膜池与产水池之间的高差、以重力驱动力完成膜过滤过程,从而省却离心泵正压或抽吸泵负压驱动的耗能模块。工程应用案例显示,重力驱动可以满足膜系统运行要求,相对于传统浸没式膜过滤可节约50%以上能耗、10%左右占地,并有助于提高系统运行稳定性、简化膜系统运行管理,在实际工程中具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

颗粒物粒径和有机物分子量对超滤膜污染的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用不同孔径和截留分子量的膜对原水进行预过滤,研究不同粒径的颗粒物和不同分子量的有机物对膜污染的影响。结果表明,随着预过滤膜孔径或截留分子量的减小,原水中浊度、CODMn、DOC和UV254的去除率逐渐提高,超滤膜运行的跨膜压力(TMP)比直接过滤原水时降低;经孔径为1.2μm和0.45μm的膜预过滤后,超滤膜运行的TMP仍上升较快,而经过截留分子量为100 kDa及以下膜预过滤后,膜污染比较缓慢。对膜阻力构成分析的结果表明,随着预过滤膜孔径或截留分子量的减小,超滤膜运行过程中的表面饼层阻力逐渐减小,堵孔阻力也有明显降低,但预膜滤不能有效降低膜的吸附阻力。超滤膜表面的扫描电镜观察结果表明,经过截留分子量在100 kDa及以下的膜预过滤后,超滤膜表面比较干净,此时的膜过滤阻力主要来源于吸附和堵孔阻力。  相似文献   

In the pioneer days, the main driving forces for research of organics in drinking water treatment (DWT) were human health risks and optimisation of technology. The focus was on natural organic matter (NOM) structure, disinfection by-products (DBPs) formation, NOM removal by means of coagulation, adsorption, and oxidation, and development of the most efficient water treatment trains. Surprisingly, after decades of research, rapid development of analytical techniques and progress in risk assessment, the same driving forces are still in the limelight — although the topics have changed slightly. The attention switched from trihalomethanes to a new generation of DBPs. The definition of hydrophilic/hydrophobic NOM depends on the technique used for characterisation. It has become evident that numerous organic compounds can threaten water supply sources. Some of them had been ignored or overlooked in the past, but have recently been detected by advanced analytical tools even in drinking water. Prioritisation becomes priority per se. As far as processes are concerned, mainstream research has been following three lines: fouling mechanisms, application of hybrid processes and interactions between synthetic organic chemicals, other water constituents and materials used in DWT. Significant development has been made in membrane technology. This paper presents a broad overview of the recent organics research. Although the state-of-the-art technologies seem to have an answer to each and every question raised, it is still necessary to deal with specific problems on a case-by-case basis mainly due to the unique nature of NOM and different xenobiotics that may appear in various types of waters. In the end, human health risk, which derives from the presence/absence of organics, is only the tip of the iceberg — underneath lies a whole new universe — the socio-economic aspect of water treatment and quality that deserves much more attention.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Bisphenol A (BPA) is a plasticizer used widely in many industrial products and is now well established as an endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDC). BPA...  相似文献   

饮用水生物处理中微生物量和活性的测定方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
微生物量和微生物活性是饮用水生物处理工艺设计与运行的重要参数。总结论述了适用于表示饮用水生物处理过程生物膜中微生物数量和活性的几种主要指标的测定方法。  相似文献   

微生物量和微生物活性是饮用水生物处理工艺设计与运行的重要参数。总结论述了适用于表示饮用水生物处理过程生物膜中微生物数量和活性的几种主要指标的测定方法。  相似文献   

以黄浦江上游水源地突发苯酚污染为背景,重点考察了粉末活性炭(PAC)吸附、高锰酸钾(KMnO4)氧化及两者联用技术的除酚效能。结果表明,活性炭及氧化剂种类的选择是影响处理效果的重要因素,微孔发达、比表面积巨大的竹炭对苯酚的去除效果明显优于煤质炭、椰壳炭和木质炭;KMnO4对苯酚的氧化能力强于次氯酸钠和高铁酸钾。增大PAC和KMnO4的投加量,可有效提高对苯酚的去除率;PAC吸附-KMnO4氧化联用技术可大大提高除酚效能  相似文献   

From 2010 to 2012, the Yangtze River and Hanjiang River (Wuhan section) were monitored for estrogenic activities during various water level periods. Using a recombinant yeast estrogen screen (YES) assay, 54 water samples were evaluated over the course of nine sampling campaigns. The mean 17β-estradiol equivalent (EEQ) value of raw water from the Yangtze River was 0–5.20 ng/L; and the EEQ level from the Hanjiang River was 0–3.22 ng/L. In Wuhan, drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) using conventional treatments reduced estrogenic activities by more than 89 %. In general, water samples collected during the level period showed weaker estrogenic activities compared to those collected during the dry period. The samples collected in 2010 showed the strongest estrogenic activities of the 3-year period. The lack of correlations between estrogenic activities and selected common water quality parameters showed that estrogenic activity cannot be tied to common water quality parameters.  相似文献   

为探究饮用水厂滤池反冲洗水和排泥水的直接回用和处理后回用对水厂的影响及两类水处理过程中的差异,采用了污染负荷计算、实验室混凝小试和现场混凝-超滤中试装置对两类生产废水分别进行了研究。溶解性有机碳(dissolved organic carbon,DOC)、氨氮 (NH4+-N)、Al3+和全氟类化合物(perfluorinated compounds,PFASs)的污染负荷计算结果表明生产废水直接回用会为水厂带来一定的额外负荷,其中排泥水和反冲洗水分别对PFASs和Al3+负荷贡献较大;通过对小试中浊度,UV254以及5种荧光组分去除效果的对比,反冲洗水的混凝效果稍好于排泥水,同时10 mg·L−1的聚合氯化铝为最佳混凝剂方案;在中试过程中,两类水中的浊度、有机物、Al3+和PFASs均可被有效去除,出水差异较小,但反冲洗水中的亲水性和小分子有机物使得其去除效果低于排泥水。总体来说,经过处理之后,两类生产废水均可回用,回用可有效减少废水排放量,提高水厂水资源利用率。  相似文献   

针对传统饮用水处理工艺的升级改造问题,通过中试实验,系统考察浸没式超滤膜替代砂滤处理东江水的出水水质并研究高通量条件下的膜运行条件。结果表明,浸没式超滤膜出水浊度不受原水水质条件影响,均保持在0.1 NTU以下,与砂滤出水相比具有优势,但有机物去除率与砂滤相差不大。膜系统在高通量条件下运行时,过滤周期应作适当的缩短,采用合理的物理清洗来缓解膜污染,并辅助以有效的在线化学清洗可保证膜过滤的长期稳定运行。  相似文献   

对被黄磷污染的饮用水进行小试研究,采用消毒剂曝气氧化工艺,在对水体消毒的同时,把黄磷氧化成磷酸盐,消除黄磷的有毒污染,是一种安全有效方法。如水中的黄磷含量波动较大或存在高于0.1 mg/L的可能性,则采用加钙盐形成磷酸钙,再经过混凝过滤去除磷酸钙,以确保处理后的水质达到地表水Ⅱ类水标准和饮用水安全。  相似文献   

Battery tests serve as integral tools to decide whether a treatment process is ecotoxicologically safe or not. In the present study, a battery of toxicity tests was employed to elucidate the toxicity of the potential endocrine-disrupting pollutant bisphenol A (BPA) and its advanced oxidation products. For this purpose, BPA was subjected to Fenton treatment in the growth medium of the test organisms employed as well as in real lake water. Treatment results indicated that BPA removals were fast and complete within less than a minute, whereas total organic carbon (TOC) removals were rather incomplete, speaking for the accumulation of refractory degradation products. The presence of chloride and/or natural organic matter influenced H2O2 consumption rates and the treatment performance of the Fenton’s reagent as well. The sensitivity of the selected test organisms for BPA and its Fenton treatment products in different water matrices was found in the following decreasing order: the freshwater microalgae (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) > the freshwater cladoceran (Daphnia magna) > marine photobacteria (Vibrio fischeri).  相似文献   

以我国南方某活性炭-超滤深度处理工艺水厂为研究对象,对工艺过程中三氯乙醛生成潜能(CHFP)及相关有机物指标进行为期1年每月1次的监测,以明晰活性炭-超滤深度处理工艺对CHFP及有机物的去除能力。结果表明:原水CHFP均呈现一定的季节性变化趋势,高温季节(5—9月)相对较高,范围为15.50~64.00 μg·L-1,活性炭-超滤深度处理工艺对CHFP 、TOC、CODMn和UV254去除率范围分别为37.42%~69.12%、25.25%~66.71%、27.33%~61.25%和21.80%~72.46%,平均去除率分别为54.51%、39.21%、45.04%和42.91%;混凝沉淀单元在CHFP和有机物指标去除中均起主要作用,炭滤单元对TOC有较好的去除作用,超滤单元对CHFP和CODMn有较好的去除作用。建议水厂设计与运行中将臭氧与活性炭滤池联合使用,以协同去除CHFP和有机物,进一步提高供水水质。  相似文献   

UV/H2O2工艺降解水中双酚A影响因素的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
研究了UV/H2O2工艺对双酚A(BPA)的降解效果及影响田素.结果表明,UV/H2O2工艺可以有效降解水体中BPA,降解过程符合一级反应动力学模型;紫外光强对BPA的降解速度影响较小;H2O2浓度对BPA的降解具有促进和抑制的双重作用;BPA初始浓度对BPA降解没有影响;在酸性条件下,有利于BPA降解;NO-3、Cl-、HCO-3对BPA降解有抑制作用;当HCO-3、NO-3、Cl-摩尔浓度均为5mmol/L时,对BPA降解的抑制程度为HCO-3>NO-3>Cl-.腐殖酸在低浓度时,促进BPA降解反应进行;在高浓度时,BPA的降解受到抑制.  相似文献   

Parabens have been widely used as antimicrobial agents, mainly in food products, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. Although they are known as safe preservatives, they also cause some harm to human health, which has been discussed lately. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of nine parabens (including isomers) in mineral and drinking waters, besides in drinking water treatment sludge (DWTS) samples with determination by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Both methods solid phase extraction (SPE) and QuEChERS were validated. Calibration curves showed a correlation coefficient of 0.99 for all compounds. LOQ values ranged from 0.04 to 4 μg L?1 in aqueous matrices and from 5 to 500 ng g?1 in DWTS. Recoveries between 70 and 115% were reached with RSD below 20% for all compounds in SPE whereas recoveries between 62 and 119% were found with RSD below 20% for almost all compounds in QuEChERS. Matrix effect had low values (<?20%); it was only above 20% for methylparaben in the SPE and for pentylparaben in the QuEChERS. Using a quick and simple extraction procedures with SPE, QuEChERS, and LC-MS/MS analyses, these methods proved to be selective and sensitive. They were successfully applied to real samples (treated water, mineral water, and sludge), and methylparaben was detected at concentration levels below 0.242 μg L?1 in mineral and treated water samples and 10 ng g?1 in DWTS samples.  相似文献   

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