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党的二十大提出要建设人与自然和谐共生的现代化,美丽中国建设是社会主义现代化强国的重要目标之一,是中国式现代化的基本内涵和重要表征。面对新时代美丽中国建设整体部署还需进一步明确的现实需求,本文在总结美丽中国建设进展成效的基础上,分析识别推进美丽中国建设面临的主要问题与挑战,提出推进美丽中国建设的总体思路和目标路径,围绕绿色低碳发展、环境治理、生态保护、应对气候变化、生态环境治理体系和治理能力现代化等美丽中国建设重点领域,提出推进加快发展方式绿色转型、推进国家重大战略绿色发展、推动环境污染防治、打造美丽宜居城乡、提升生态系统多样性、稳定性和持续性、推进碳达峰碳中和、构建生态环境风险防控体系、共建清洁美丽世界等8个方面美丽中国建设重点任务。  相似文献   

本文以可持续发展、生态文明和绿色发展理念为指导,指出了重大工程项目绿色管理的重要意义,构建了重大工程项目绿色管理的概念、内涵、特征、驱动力等理论体系,给出了重大工程项目的绿色决策、绿色设计、绿色施工、绿色运营等绿色管理方法和基于可持续发展指标、碳足迹指标和节能减排指标的绩效评估指标体系,分析了国内外几个典型重大工程项目绿色管理的先进经验和做法,指出了当前我国重大工程项目绿色管理存在的问题和面临的挑战,从制定绿色管理战略和规划、加强全生命周期绿色管理、加强绿色设计与施工、加强绿色技术创新、开展绿色绩效评估、开展重大工程绿色试点示范等六个方面提出了建立我国重大工程项目绿色管理的建议。  相似文献   

介绍了长庆油田生态油气田的建设目标,阐述了具体做法:健全生态环境保护责任体系,依法合规抓项目建设,分步分类解决油田突出环境问题,打造生态文明示范样板,强化环境风险防控,建立生态环境考核体系。得出:坚持正确的保护理念是建设生态油气田的前提,打造生态油气田示范工程,持续推进生态建设、丰富生态保护内涵是促进生态油气田建设向纵深发展的重要因素。坚持开发与保护并重的思想、不触碰生态红线、积极履行生态油气田建设与保护的职责,是企业促进绿色、文明发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

郑军  刘婷 《中国环境管理》2023,15(4):18-25,43
气候变化问题是人类社会共同面临的重大挑战,关系到人类生存和各国利益。推进碳达峰碳中和是中国的一项重大战略决策,是负责任大国对国际社会的庄严承诺,也是推动高质量发展的内在要求。本文归纳分析欧盟、美国、日本、韩国、德国、英国等主要发达经济体碳达峰的经济社会特征、碳中和的路径共识,系统梳理推动实现碳达峰碳中和的经验举措,对比分析中国国内进展和差距,并提出重点借鉴的国际经验与启示。研究发现,中国已经逐步具备实现碳达峰国家的基本特征,但相比发达国家,在降碳效果核算评估、低碳安全高效能源系统构建、碳价格传导机制设计、低碳技术创新和新业态模式打造、法规制度系统化构建等方面仍有差距,仍需加强政策驱动和重点国际经验借鉴,进一步优化“双碳”目标评估指标体系,将构建清洁、低碳、安全、高效能源系统作为能源生产和消费革命的主要目标,有序推进碳排放权交易市场建设和能源资源市场化价格调控,强化绿色低碳技术的研发创新,加快构建形成系统性推动“双碳”目标的法规体系。  相似文献   

This study borrows concepts from healthcare economics and uses cost utility analysis (CUA) to select an optimum portfolio of water quality enhancement projects in Perth, Western Australia. In CUA, costs are handled via standard discounted cash flow analysis, but the benefits, being intangible, are measured with a utility score. Our novel methodology combines CUA with a binary combinatorial optimisation solver, known as a 'knapsack algorithm', to identify the optimum portfolio of projects. We show how water quality projects can be selected to maximise an aggregate utility score while not exceeding a budget constraint. Our CUA model applies compromise programming (CP) to measure utility over multiple attributes in different units. CUA is shown to provide a transparent and analytically robust method to maximise benefits from water quality remediation investments under a constrained budget.  相似文献   

工业园区的绿色发展是我国经济绿色转型和可持续发展的基石,对实现我国生态文明建设具有重要的意义。而工业园区绿色发展中的基础设施建设等任务的资金需求周期长、盈利性较弱,极其需要开发性金融的大力支持。本文识别了开发性金融引导工业园区绿色发展的重点领域,主要包括构建生态产业链、完善环境基础设施建设、推进清洁生产、促进园区环境能力建设等,并进一步分析了各领域的建设目的、重点项目及实施主体。同时,从加强多方合作、优化投融资方式等角度,提出提升开发性金融服务能力、有效支持工业园区绿色发展的建议。  相似文献   

西湖区区级以上绿色社区50%的覆盖率与城镇化趋势和生态文明建设的高目标还不相适应。与省市绿色社区指标相比,区级指标倾向于公众参与和居民自治,建议从区域环境质量、节能减排、生态文化、"三产"等方面进行补充,并提出量化指标、设置否决指标、动态管理和复查退出机制、绿色示范工程、环境认证管理及碳汇林试点等对策。  相似文献   

绿色油田建设中存在的问题及对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章分析了石油开发对环境的影响,提出了绿色油田建设的必要性与重要性。通过对国内外绿色油田建设现状的调研与对比,总结出目前我国建设绿色油田的瓶颈,提出了建议与对策,并展望了建设绿色油田的前景。  相似文献   

Carbon sequestration through forestry and agroforestry can help mitigate global warming. For Africa, carbon sequestration also represents an opportunity to fund sustainable development through financial inflows. However, with a low share of global carbon trade, there are strong concerns that African countries are losing out on this valuable opportunity. Through a comprehensive review of 23 carbon sequestration projects across 14 countries, this paper discusses ways to overcome critical challenges to scale up carbon investments in Africa. These projects are expected to sequester 26.85 million tCO2 beyond the baseline situation. Within the continent, East Africa is the preferred destination for carbon investors. Most projects are non‐Kyoto compliant and represent voluntary emission reductions. While project benefits such as increased local incomes and improved natural resources are promising, there are concerns that conversion of grasslands into tree plantations can harm local ecosystems. Insecure land tenure constrains new investments and increases the risk that local communities will lose access to forests. Another challenge is that projects with smallholders have high transaction costs. These costs can be overcome by building strong community institutions and simplifying project guidelines. To attract more projects, African governments will need to build their capacity to identify relevant opportunities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Mathematical models are formulated for selection of water resources projects to meet the future additional water requirements of a given region at the minimum present worth cost. The projects available are surface water reservoirs and desalination plants. The modles are used for selecting both the development sequence of projects and their optimum sizes. Decisions with regard to planning time horizon and discount rates are made outside of the mathematical model. The algorithm used for solving these models is an integer programming routine using the implicit enumeration technique. Some computational results are presented for a hypothetical case.  相似文献   

A formal model for consensus and negotiation in environmental management   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Environmental management decisions typically lie at the interface of science and public policy. Consequently, these decisions involve a number of stakeholders with competing agendas and vested interests in the ultimate decision. In such cases, it is appropriate to adopt formal methods for consensus building to ensure transparent and repeatable decisions. In this paper, we use an environmental management case study to demonstrate the utility of a mathematical consensus convergence model in aggregating values (or weights) across groups. Consensus models are applicable when all parties agree to negotiate in order to resolve conflict. The advantage of this method is that it does not require that all members of the group reach agreement, often an impossible task in group decision making. Instead, it uses philosophical foundations in consensus building to aggregate group members' values in a way that guarantees convergence towards a single consensual value that summarizes the group position. We highlight current problems with ad hoc consensus and negotiation methods, provide justification for the adoption of formal consensus convergence models and compare the consensus convergence model with currently used methods for aggregating values across a group in a decision making context. The model provides a simple and transparent decision support tool for group decision making that is straightforward to implement.  相似文献   

林业碳汇是应对温室气体排放而提出的新型林业发展理念与方向,在绿水青山就是金山银山的理念下,可以利用林业碳汇发展模式实现经济与生态的互利共赢。从S县的现状看,林业碳汇的开发取得了初步成效,但还存在设施与宣传不足的问题,同时缺乏科学的管理。为此,需要采取有效措施,包括加大普及力度、加强基础条件建设、扩大实施范围、加快不同规则的对接、完善管理制度、搭建第三方交易平台等,以期为林业资源丰富地区探索生态建设与乡村振兴有机结合提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

低碳城市是一种实现低碳经济、进行低碳生产与消费、形成低碳生活、建设良性与可持续发展的能源生态体系的城市模式。通过调控城市绿地系统、优化城市开放空间,有利于低碳城市理念下的生态城市建设,实现城市的可持续发展。首先对低碳城市建设与城市绿地系统优化的关系进行了分析;其次对郑州城市绿地系统建设存在的主要问题进行了探讨,借助AreGIS9.3软件分析了郑州市绿地服务区的影响范围;最后基于城市绿地系统优化原则提出四方面的优化建议——注重城市的生态设计;优化绿地系统的空间布局;实现“点”、“线”、“面”的有机结合;实施适度的绿地容量限制;发展立体绿化与推广绿色建筑材料的使用。  相似文献   

With the urgency of global warming, green supply chain management, logistics in particular, has drawn the attention of researchers. Although there are closed-loop green logistics models in the literature, most of them do not consider the uncertain environment in general terms. In this study, a generalized model is proposed where the uncertainty is expressed by fuzzy numbers. An interval programming model is proposed by the defined means and mean square imprecision index obtained from the integrated information of all the level cuts of fuzzy numbers. The resolution for interval programming is based on the decision maker (DM)’s preference. The resulting solution provides useful information on the expected solutions under a confidence level containing a degree of risk. The results suggest that the more optimistic the DM is, the better is the resulting solution. However, a higher risk of violation of the resource constraints is also present. By defining this probable risk, a solution procedure was developed with numerical illustrations. This provides a DM trade-off mechanism between logistic cost and the risk.  相似文献   

美丽中国建设目标是基本实现社会主义现代化远景目标之一。科学监测和评估美丽中国建设目标的进展是确保实现远景目标的关键,也是目前开展美丽中国建设面临的困难和挑战之一。本文深入分析了美丽中国建设的思想内涵、理论基础和实践认识,提出美丽中国建设内涵丰富,其建设重点内容应突出绿色低碳、环境优良、生态良好、环境健康、生活环境等5个领域。在此基础上,明确了美丽中国建设评估指标库设计要考虑体现美丽中国建设主要领域、重点聚焦生态环境,充分衔接有关方面指标体系、充分吸收地方开展美丽中国建设指标体系等4个方面的思路,提出了指标库设计需要遵循战略导向性、科学合理性和动态差异性等3个方面的原则,构建了五大领域10个维度51项具体评估指标的美丽中国建设评估指标库,最后提出了通过采用剔除、替换、新增等3阶段指标筛选技术步骤,指导各地构建本地区开展美丽中国建设评估时的指标体系,以推动美丽中国建设从理念到实践、从目标到结果的实现。  相似文献   

Office building retrofit is a sector being highlighted in Australia because of the mature office building market characterised by a large proportion of ageing properties. The increasing number of office building retrofit projects strengthens the need for waste management. Retrofit projects possess unique characteristics in comparison to traditional demolition and new builds such as partial operation of buildings, constrained site spaces and limited access to as-build information. Waste management activities in retrofit projects can be influenced by issues that are different from traditional construction and demolition projects. However, previous research on building retrofit projects has not provided an understanding of the critical issues affecting waste management.This research identifies the critical factors which influence the management of waste in office building retrofit projects through a literature study and a questionnaire survey to industry practitioners. Statistical analysis on a range of potential waste issues reveals the critical factors, as agreed upon by survey respondents in consideration of their different professional responsibilities and work natures. The factors are grouped into five dimensions, comprising industry culture, organisational support and incentive, existing building information, design, and project delivery process. The discussions of the dimensions indicate that the waste management factors of office building retrofit projects are further intensified compared to those for general demolition and construction because retrofit projects involve existing buildings which are partially operating with constrained work space and limited building information. Recommendations for improving waste management in office building retrofit projects are generalised such as waste planning, auditing and assessment in the planning and designing stage, collaboration and coordination of various stakeholders and different specialists, optimised building surveying and BIM technologies for waste analysis, and new design strategies for waste prevention.  相似文献   

伴随着生态环境保护和生态文明建设工作不断发展,中国的生态环境规划经过近45年的探索发展,规划理念与时俱进,规划层级不断提升,规划体系不断优化,规划技术方法不断探索实践,生态环境规划的发展对促进生态文明建设工作、系统谋划环境污染治理,改善生态环境质量发挥了重要作用,但还存在着五年综合规划统领作用未有效发挥、规划实施管理较为薄弱、规划技术支撑不足等问题。在生态文明建设进入到以降碳为重点战略方向、推动减污降碳协同增效、促进经济社会发展全面绿色转型、实现生态环境质量改善由量变到质变、美丽中国建设起步开局的关键时期,生态环境规划要健全规划体系、强化规划空间属性、建立全过程实施管理体系,提升规划编制实施管理水平,进一步发挥规划的基础性、统领性、战略性和创新性作用,促进美丽中国建设目标早日实现。  相似文献   

结合"互联网+",分析大数据服务环境保护的意义,提出了推进"十三五"环境信息化建设的基本思路,认为应该重点加强生态环境监测网络升级建设工程、智慧环保能力提升建设工程、资源回收利用体系建设工程、再生资源在线交易建设工程等环境信息化工程建设.为保证环境信息化战略的实施,建议利用"十三五"前三年时间建立环境信息化工程建设工作机制,基本建立"互联网+ 绿色生态"体系,并提升其管理能力.  相似文献   

Solid waste management (SWM) is at the forefront of environmental concerns in the Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV), South Texas. The complexity in SWM drives area decision makers to look for innovative and forward-looking solutions to address various waste management options. In decision analysis, it is not uncommon for decision makers to go by an option that may minimize the maximum regret when some determinant factors are vague, ambiguous, or unclear. This article presents an innovative optimization model using the grey mini-max regret (GMMR) integer programming algorithm to outline an optimal regional coordination of solid waste routing and possible landfill/incinerator construction under an uncertain environment. The LRGV is an ideal location to apply the GMMR model for SWM planning because of its constant urban expansion, dwindling landfill space, and insufficient data availability signifying the planning uncertainty combined with vagueness in decision-making. The results give local decision makers hedged sets of options that consider various forms of systematic and event-based uncertainty. By extending the dimension of decision-making, this may lead to identifying a variety of beneficial solutions with efficient waste routing and facility siting for the time frame of 2005 through 2010 in LRGV. The results show the ability of the GMMR model to open insightful scenario planning that can handle situational and data-driven uncertainty in a way that was previously unavailable. Research findings also indicate that the large capital investment of incineration facilities makes such an option less competitive among municipal options for landfills. It is evident that the investment from a municipal standpoint is out of the question, but possible public–private partnerships may alleviate this obstacle.  相似文献   

Riparian ecosystems are designated for special protection from development and disturbance at Lake Tahoe. The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) required protection of Stream Environment Zones (SEZs) in its Regional Plan for the Lake Tahoe Basin in 1987. These zones are identified by the presence of key indicators such as the evidence of surface water flow, riparian vegetation, near‐surface ground water, designated floodplain, and alluvial soils. They are mapped on each potential building site and assigned a setback that is also off limits to building construction. The SEZs are protected to maintain their functions and values, including flood attenuation, water quality enhancement, and wildlife habitat. Strict regulations control use or disturbance of SEZs on public and private property throughout the watershed. The TRPA has set restoration targets to increase the acreage of naturally functioning SEZs in the Tahoe Basin. Many SEZ restoration projects have been designed and implemented, but SEZ restoration targets have not been met. More SEZ restoration projects are being designed and funded each year. Restoration designers would benefit from increased effectiveness monitoring of completed projects and Web‐based dissemination of monitoring results.  相似文献   

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