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An analytical solution is developed to predict the BOD and DO profiles in a stream having several outfalls of waste and intakes of water. The model also incorporates continuous addition and removal of BOD and DO along the stream. A steady state one dimensional dispersion model is used to describe the transport of BOD and DO in a stream. Changes in stream properties along the length are considered by dividing the stream into several segments and changing the parameters of the BOD and DO equations as needed in each segment. By applying continuity equations at the boundaries of these segments and equilibrium conditions at either ends of the infinitely long stream, the arbitrary constants in the solutions to the differential equations for BOD and DO can be determined. Some applications of the results in studying water pollution problems are illustrated.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper describes the Continuous Stormwater Pollution Simulation System (CSPSS) as well as a site-specific application of CSPSS to the Philadelphia urban area and its receiving water, the Delaware Estuary. Conceptually, CSPSS simulates the quantity and quality or urban stormwater runoff, combined sewer overflow, municipal and industrial waste water effuent, and upstream flow on a continuous basis for each time step in the simulation period. In addition, receiving water dissolved oxygen, suspended solids, and lead concentrations resulting from these pollutant sources may be simulated. However, only rceiving water dissolved oxygen (DO) response is considered in this paper. The continuous Do receiving water response model was calibrated to existing conditions usinv observed data at Chester, Pennsylvnia, located on the Delaware Estuary approximately 10 miles down stream from the study area. Average annual pollutant loads to the receiving water were estimated for all major sources and receiving water quality improvements resulting from removal of various portions of these pollutant loads were estimated by application of the calibrated stimultion model. It was found that the removal of oxygen-demanding pollutants from combined sewer overflow and urban stormwater runoff would result in relatively minor improvements in the overall dissoved oxygen resources of the Delaware Estuary; whereas. removal of oxygen demanding pollutants from waste water treatment plant effluent would result in greater improvemens. The results of this investigation can be used along with appropriate economic techniques to identify the most cost-effective mix of point and nonpoint source pollution control measures.  相似文献   

Several published BOD data sets are examined to show that approximately half of them are described best in the least squares sense by treating the BOD equation as being of the three-halves order instead of first order. A dissolved oxygen (DO) sag equation for a stream is developed in which the BOD is described as a three-halves order reaction. The time when the minimum DO concentration occurs is calculated numerically. The DO sag model applied to example problems shows that an increase in the BOD reaction rate constant results in a smaller minimum DO concentration and a decrease in the time to reach the minimum DO.  相似文献   

The classical Streeter–Phelps models for Dissolved oxygen (DO) sag do not account for a significantly settleable portion (about 10% in treated to about 60% in the untreated wastewater discharged) of the total biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) inputs into rivers through wastewater outfalls, and therefore, they can not be used to predict the DO sag to any accuracy and rationality. The author’s rationally composited model for an accurate prediction of stream BOD, accounting for near linear removal of settleable BOD as well as simultaneous exponential decay of the non-settleable BOD, is used to predict the DO sag resulting from a multi-wastewater-outfall system, wherein the settling fields of some of the outfalls interfere and overlap. An illustrative case example has been presented to demonstrate use of the models evolved under varying locations of the multi-wastewater-outfalls. A universal and integrated PC based computer program can also be evolved for the computation of the overall resultant DO sag to confirm the manually computed DO sag.  相似文献   

Abstract: Selection of a biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) reaction model to incorporate into dissolved oxygen (DO) water quality models is an overlooked choice available to river water quality modelers. Data from rivers can serve in screening methods to discriminate between competing water quality models. In this study, 15 published BOD and DO datasets based on a 7 year long study of the Bormida River in Italy are used to calibrate three‐multiorder BOD models: first‐order, three‐halves order, and second‐order, which are then included in three corresponding DO models which incorporate these BOD models. The adequacy of the first‐order, three‐halves order and second‐order BOD models was evaluated by calculating the root mean square error between a model and data. A similar procedure was followed to evaluate three DO models, each of which incorporated one of the three BOD models. The first‐order BOD model most frequently fit the river data best, followed by the three‐halves order and the second‐order BOD models. The DO model incorporating a first‐order BOD model most frequently fit the data best, followed by the DO order incorporating second‐order BOD and the DO model incorporating three‐halves order BOD.  相似文献   

A modified transient version of the Streeter-Phelps model along with the energy balance equation is employed to analyze the effects of waste heat discharge from power plants on stream water quality. Analysis is also made to examine the effects of the upstream water quality and stream velocity on the downstream DO concentration level. The resulting coupled nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equations representing the energy, BOD and DO concentrations are solved by the method of characteristics and simulated on a digital computer. Final numerical results indicate that the allowable quantity of thermal discharge does heavily depend on the upstream quality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this work is to study the installation of artificial aerators for water quality control of a stream which receives thermal and organic waste discharges. The location and numer of diffuser type aerators to be installed along the stream are determined so as to maintain the stream DO content above a certain minimum requirement (4 mg/l or 5 mg/l) for normal aquatic life. Effects of the stream velocity, upstream BOD concentration and rates of thermal and organic waste discharges to the stream are examined.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Deoxygenation process in which carbonaceous BOD is biochemically oxidized to reduced inorganic compounds is of great significance in the oxygen demand of stream waters. The BOD decay rate traditionally determined in a laboratory might not necessarily be the same as estimated for a natural stream. The variation in biochemical activity could occur due to differences in adsorption, dispersion, and biophysical processes taking place in the two environments. The first stage biochemical oxygen demand and benthal oxygen demand that occur simultaneously in a stream, have been considered together to calculate the gross rate of deoxygenation in polluted waters. The available data on deoxygenation measurements has been analyzed in this study to calculate the carbonaceous BOD rate constants in natural streams. The analysis indicates that the dimensionless deoxygenation parameter is a function of the ratio of the Reynolds number and Froude number of flow. The functional relationship between these two parameters essentially follows a straight line on a log-log plot. The applicability of the relationship does not depend upon the volume of the organic load, size, or location of the stream.  相似文献   

A reliable model for any wastewater treatment plant is essential in order to provide a tool for predicting its performance and to form a basis for controlling the operation of the process. This would minimize the operation costs and assess the stability of environmental balance. This process is complex and attains a high degree of nonlinearity due to the presence of bio-organic constituents that are difficult to model using mechanistic approaches. Predicting the plant operational parameters using conventional experimental techniques is also a time consuming step and is an obstacle in the way of efficient control of such processes. In this work, an artificial neural network (ANN) black-box modeling approach was used to acquire the knowledge base of a real wastewater plant and then used as a process model. The study signifies that the ANNs are capable of capturing the plant operation characteristics with a good degree of accuracy. A computer model is developed that incorporates the trained ANN plant model. The developed program is implemented and validated using plant-scale data obtained from a local wastewater treatment plant, namely the Doha West wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). It is used as a valuable performance assessment tool for plant operators and decision makers. The ANN model provided accurate predictions of the effluent stream, in terms of biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total suspended solids (TSS) when using COD as an input in the crude supply stream. It can be said that the ANN predictions based on three crude supply inputs together, namely BOD, COD and TSS, resulted in better ANN predictions when using only one crude supply input. Graphical user interface representation of the ANN for the Doha West WWTP data is performed and presented.  相似文献   

Abstract: Natural channel designs often incorporate rigid instream structures to protect channel banks, provide grade control, promote flow deflection, or otherwise improve channel stability. The long term impact of rigid structures on natural stream processes is relatively unknown. The objective of this study was to use long term alluvial channel modeling to evaluate the effect of rigid structures on channel processes and assess current and future stream channel stability. The study was conducted on Oliver Run, a small stream in Pennsylvania relocated due to highway construction. Field data were collected for one year along the 107 m reach to characterize the stream and provide model input, calibration, and verification data. FLUVIAL-12 was used to evaluate the long term impacts of rigid structures on natural channel adjustment, overall channel stability, and changing form and processes. Based on a consideration of model limitations and results, it was concluded that the presence of rigid structures reduced channel width-to-depth ratios, minimized bed elevation changes due to long term aggradation and degradation, limited lateral channel migration, and increased the mean bed material particle size throughout the reach. Results also showed how alluvial channel modeling can be used to improve the stream restoration design effort.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The estimator equations obtained using invariant imbedding is used to estimate the parameters in river or stream pollution. By using these equations, the parameters can be estimated directly from differential equations representing the pollution model and from measured noisy data such as BOD and DO. Another advantage of this approach is that a sequential estimation scheme is obtained. By using this sequential scheme, only current data are needed to estimate current or future values of the unknown parameters. Consequently, a large amount of computer time and computer memory can be saved. Furthermore, not only the parameters but also the concentrations of pollutants can be estimated. Thus, it also forms an effective forecasting technique. The classical least squares criterion is used in the estimation. Several examples are solved to illustrate the technique. (KEY WORDS: dynamic modeling; water pollution; invariant imbedding; forecasting; least squares criterion; estimation)  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The stochastic nature of some water quality time series were examined. These time series include nine years of daily observations in: (1) the stream flow (Q), (2) the water temperature (T), (3) the dissolved oxygen (DO), and (4) the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of the Passaic River at Little Falls, New Jersey. It was found that the random component contributes more than 60 per cent of the variance in the BOD series, but only 30 per cent or less in the DO series. Autocorrelation analysis suggest that DO and BOD residual series have a persistence of about 30 days. Significant crosscorrelation between DO and temperature T was found when DO lags T for up to 30 days, which indicates that the critical DO probably lags the critical temperature. Also, spectral anlaysis shows multiple peaks in the BOD series, reflecting effects of storm runoff and other non-point source pollution on river water quality.  相似文献   

As a proactive step towards understanding future waste management challenges, this paper presents a future oriented material flow analysis (MFA) used to estimate the volume of lithium-ion battery (LIB) wastes to be potentially generated in the United States due to electric vehicle (EV) deployment in the near and long term future. Because future adoption of LIB and EV technology is uncertain, a set of scenarios was developed to bound the parameters most influential to the MFA model and to forecast “low,” “baseline,” and “high” projections of future end-of-life battery outflows from years 2015 to 2040. These models were implemented using technology forecasts, technical literature, and bench-scale data characterizing battery material composition. Considering the range from the most conservative to most extreme estimates, a cumulative outflow between 0.33 million metric tons and 4 million metric tons of lithium-ion cells could be generated between 2015 and 2040. Of this waste stream, only 42% of the expected materials (by weight) is currently recycled in the U.S., including metals such as aluminum, cobalt, copper, nickel, and steel. Another 10% of the projected EV battery waste stream (by weight) includes two high value materials that are currently not recycled at a significant rate: lithium and manganese. The remaining fraction of this waste stream will include materials with low recycling potential, for which safe disposal routes must be identified. Results also indicate that because of the potential “lifespan mismatch” between battery packs and the vehicles in which they are used, batteries with high reuse potential may also be entering the waste stream. As such, a robust end-of-life battery management system must include an increase in reuse avenues, expanded recycling capacity, and ultimate disposal routes that minimize risk to human and environmental health.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP5) was used to model the transport and sediment/water interactions of metals under low flow, steady state conditions in Tenmile Creek, a mountain stream supplying drinking water to the City of Helena, Montana, impacted by numerous abandoned hard rock mines. The model was calibrated for base flow using data collected by USEPA and validated using data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for higher flows. It was used to assess metals loadings and losses, exceedances of Montana State water quality standards, metals interactions in stream water and bed sediment, uncertainty in fate and transport processes and model parameters, and effectiveness of remedial alternatives that include leaving contaminated sediment in the stream. Results indicated that during base flow, adits and point sources contribute significant metals loadings to the stream, but that shallow ground water and bed sediment also contribute metals in some key locations. Losses from the water column occur in some areas, primarily due to adsorption and precipitation onto bed sediments. Some uncertainty exists in the metal partition coefficients associated with sediment, significance of precipitation reactions, and in the specific locations of unidentified sources and losses of metals. Standards exceedances are widespread throughout the stream, but the model showed that remediation of point sources and mine waste near water courses can help improve water quality. Model results also indicate, however, that alteration of the water supply scheme and increasing base flow will probably be required to meet all water quality standards.  相似文献   

: The modeling of dissolved oxygen in streams is a widely used technique, upon which a great deal of money has been spent. This paper concludes that the standard methods of DO modeling by computer are unnecessarily complex, and that for some purposes, they can be replaced without loss of accuracy by desk top BOD models. Taking as an example, a set of data used in DO modeling, it is shown (a) that the data are grossly inconsistent, (b) that simultaneous gathering of data introduces errors in streams of long travel time, (c) that much more data as to pollutant concentrations should have been obtained, and (d) that 24-hour DO data could have been dispensed with.  相似文献   

The continually increasing volume of the waste stream has led to numerous calls for strategies to close the loop on material use through industrial symbiosis strategies which direct used material and products (wastes) back to production processes. By use of a survey of recycling, remanufacturing and waste treatment firms in Texas, this paper asks if these firms can operate as a bridge between production and consumption/waste to efficiently increase the flow of used materials and products back to production processes at the local level. The results suggest that while most materials and used products are collected locally, only some can be re(consumed) locally. Moreover, the firms face negative perceptions about their activities from industry and the public at large that likely slow both the rate of entry of new firms into these markets and the expansion possibilities of existing firms. In addition, the types of conventions that characterize the interactions of more successful firms are not well developed in this sector(s). It is unlikely that recycling, remanufacturing and waste treatment firms can become central players in the production, consumption and waste cycle loop until society develops production design, marketing and consumption philosophies that include recycling and remanufacturing at a fundamental level.  相似文献   

The continually increasing volume of the waste stream has led to numerous calls for strategies to close the loop on material use through industrial symbiosis strategies which direct used material and products (wastes) back to production processes. By use of a survey of recycling, remanufacturing and waste treatment firms in Texas, this paper asks if these firms can operate as a bridge between production and consumption/waste to efficiently increase the flow of used materials and products back to production processes at the local level. The results suggest that while most materials and used products are collected locally, only some can be re(consumed) locally. Moreover, the firms face negative perceptions about their activities from industry and the public at large that likely slow both the rate of entry of new firms into these markets and the expansion possibilities of existing firms. In addition, the types of conventions that characterize the interactions of more successful firms are not well developed in this sector(s). It is unlikely that recycling, remanufacturing and waste treatment firms can become central players in the production, consumption and waste cycle loop until society develops production design, marketing and consumption philosophies that include recycling and remanufacturing at a fundamental level.  相似文献   

The increasing construction and demolition (C&D) waste causes both cost inefficiency and environmental pollution. Many countries have developed regulations to minimize C&D waste. Implementation of these regulations requires an understanding of the magnitude and material composition of waste stream. Construction waste generation index is a useful tool for estimating the amount of construction waste and can be used as a benchmark to enhance the sustainable performance of construction industry. This paper presents a model for quantifying waste generation per gross floor area (WGA) based on mass balance principle for building construction in China. WGAs for major types of material are estimated using purchased amount of major materials and their material waste rate (MWR). The WGA for minor quantities of materials is estimated together as a percentage of total construction waste. The model is applied to a newly constructed residential building in Shenzhen city of South China. The WGA of this project is 40.7 kg/m2, and concrete waste is the largest contributor to the index. Comparisons with transportation records in site, empirical index in China and data in other economies reveal that the proposed model is valid and practical. The proposed model can be used to setup a benchmark WGA for Chinese construction industry by carrying out large-scale investigations in the future.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A dynamic, compartmental, simulation model (WETLAND) was developed for the design and evaluation of constructed wetlands to optimize nonpoint source (NPS) pollution control. The model simulates the hydrologic, nitrogen, carbon, dissolved oxygen (DO), bacteria, vegetative, phosphorous, and sediment cycles of a wetland system. Written in Fortran 77, the WETLAND models both free‐water surface (FWS) and subsurface flow (SSF) wetlands, and is designed in a modular manner that gives the user the flexibility to decide which cycles and processes to model. WETLAND differs from many existing wetland models in that the interactions between the different nutrient cycles are modeled, minimizing the number of assumptions concerning wetland processes. It also directly links microbial growth and death to the consumption and transformations of nutrients in the wetland system. The WETLAND model is intended to be utilized with an existing NPS hydro‐logic simulation model, such as ANSWERS or BASINS, but also may be used in situations where measured input data to the wetland are available. The model was calibrated and validated using limited data from a FWS wetland located at Benton, Kentucky. The WETLAND predictions were not statistically different from measured values for of five‐day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), suspended sediment, nitrogen, and phosphorous. Effluent DO predictions were not always consistent with measured concentrations. A sensitivity analysis indicated the most significant input parameters to the model were those that directly affected bacterial growth and DO uptake and movement. The model was used to design a hypothetical constructed wetland in a subwatershed of the Nomini Creek watershed, located in Virginia. Two‐year simulations were completed for five separate wetland designs. Predicted percent reductions in BOD5 (4 to 45 percent), total suspended solids (85 to 100 percent), total nitrogen (42 to 56 percent), and total phosphorous (38 to 57 percent) were similar to levels reported by previous research.  相似文献   

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