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樗蚕(Philosamia cyntia Walker et Felder)是城镇园林植物上的重要害虫.本文研究了该虫在湖南省衡阳地区的生物学特性、发生规律与防治技术.结果表明,该虫在衡阳地区1年发生3代,以蛹在寄主植物上的丝质茧内越冬.5月中下旬是第1代幼虫危害高峰期,也是全年危害最严重的时期,必须采用适当的方法进行防治.在低虫口密度时,采用剪除越冬虫茧的方法,降低越冬代虫口基数.在高虫口密度时,使用高效、低毒、低残留的杀虫剂喷雾防治幼虫,可以迅速压低虫口密度.对于高大树上的樗蚕,可在其幼虫取食期,采用树干打孔注入内吸性杀虫剂的方式,有很好的防治效果.采用克百威、铁灭克等内吸、传导作用强的杀虫剂埋根的方法防治樗蚕幼虫,防效好,药效期长.  相似文献   

海榄雌瘤斑螟的生物学特性及Bt对其幼虫的毒力和防效   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
海榄雌瘤斑螟(Acrobasis sp.)是危害马鞭草科澳洲海榄雌(Avicennia marina var.austrasica)的主要害虫.在深圳红树林一年发生6~7代,每个世代25~32d,其中幼虫历期13~16d,蛹5~6d,成虫7~10d,卵3~5d.幼虫剥食海榄雌的叶肉,8月低龄幼虫蛀食嫩芽及种子,10月低龄幼虫开始在嫩芽内越冬,翌年3月上中旬,越冬幼虫开始活动.每年4月下旬至6月中旬爆发的第2代和第3代密度较大,造成海榄雌大面积危害.在室内,用Bt感染2龄海榄雌瘤斑螟,致死浓度(C)-死亡几率值(Y)测定的回归线为Y=4.66 1.78C,80%的致死浓度LC80为4.60IU/mL;致死时间(T)-死亡几率值(Y)测定的回归线为Y=4.305T-1.51,80%的致死时间LT80为50.86h.在林间,用8~10IU/mL的Bt稀释液喷雾对海榄雌瘤斑螟进行防治实验,平均防效为90.61%.图3表5参8  相似文献   

在甘肃省夏河县对鼓翅皱膝蝗的种群结构、数量变动、空间格局及动脉进行了系统研究。鼓翅皱膝蝗1a发生1代,以卵在土中越冬,翌年5月中旬开始孵化出土,6月上旬达到出土高峰,此期蝗虫种群仅由1龄和2龄蝗蝻组成,其中1龄蝗蝻占81.8%,2龄蝗蝻占18.2%,成虫于7月上旬开始羽化,8月上旬达到羽化高峰,此期的成虫数量达61.3%,而蝗蝻仅占38.7%,蝗蝻期约为72d,成虫寿命54d左右,每雌平均产卵32.6粒。鼓翅皱膝蝗在草地上属聚集分布,蝗蝻发生期种群的空间动态主要表现出扩散趋势,但初孵化出土时有短暂的聚集行为。取食量随龄期增大而增大,每头鼓翅皱膝蝗取食牧草量蝗蝻期平均为1.5g,成早期约为5.8g,成早期的食量是蝗蝻期的3.7倍。表3参12  相似文献   

以广食性害虫斜纹夜蛾(Prodenia litura Fabriciu)为研究对象,连续6代自二龄或三龄开始用含有大豆胰蛋白酶抑制剂(soybean trypsin inhibitor,SBTI)的人工饲料饲养幼虫,饲养至乳化时分别测定SBTI对斜纹夜蛾幼虫体质量、发育历期和蛹质量的影响。结果表明,SBTI显著抑制幼虫体质量的增长,使幼虫发育延缓,连续饲养6代,与对照相比,对2龄、3龄SBTI处理的幼虫体质量的抑制率分别从60%降至21%、49%降至17%;SBTI显著抑制斜纹夜蛾的蛹质量,使蛹质量减轻,连续饲养6代,与对照相比,对2龄、3龄SBTI处理的幼虫其蛹质量的抑制率分别从37%降至4%、16%降至2%;SBTI延迟幼虫的生长发育,使得世代历期延长;而且SBTI对低龄幼虫的抑制作用更加显著。随着继代代数的增加,SBTI对幼虫体质量的抑制作用减小,体质量增长加快,幼虫发育期缩短;SBTI对蛹质量的抑制作用减弱,蛹质量增加,斜纹夜蛾世代历期缩短。研究结果说明斜纹夜蛾可以通过调节自身的生长发育过程,提高幼虫适应SBTI的能力,逐步缓解SBTI的抑制作用。  相似文献   

吡虫啉对蜜蜂幼虫的室内毒性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吡虫啉是目前使用最广泛的新烟碱类农药,其不合理使用破坏蜜蜂的嗅觉记忆能力,影响采集行为,导致多种亚致死效应。利用室内人工饲养蜜蜂幼虫技术,选取意大利蜜蜂幼虫为研究对象,经3 d适应性饲养后,连续3 d喂食含不同浓度的吡虫啉日粮,测定蜜蜂幼虫的存活率、化蛹率和羽化率,评估吡虫啉对蜜蜂幼虫生长发育影响。结果表明,吡虫啉处理剂量为15ng·幼虫~(-1)时,并不影响蜜蜂幼虫存活率、化蛹率和羽化率;当处理剂量达到150 ng·幼虫~(-1)时,蜜蜂幼虫羽化率下降,但不影响蜜蜂幼虫的存活率和化蛹率;幼虫7 d半数致死剂量为2 300 ng·幼虫~(-1)。高剂量吡虫啉对蜜蜂幼虫存活率、化蛹率和羽化率均存在影响,处理剂量越高,存活率、化蛹率和羽化率越低,呈高度负相关(r=-0.99,-0.94,-0.89),同时蜜蜂幼虫的羽化时间延长。研究可为吡虫啉的合理使用提供科学参考。  相似文献   

江苏盐城湿地珍禽国家级自然保护区资源开发的阈值管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过分析主要保护对象丹顶鹤的越冬需求和资源开发活动对丹顶鹤及其生境的干扰,提出了针对保护区资源开发的阈值管理技术.设置允许适度开发、限制开发和禁止开发3种准入类型;准入区域限定在实验区内,面积应小于保护区总面积的1/10,且不大于实验区面积的1/3;准入时间上,根据丹顶鹤的越冬需求,确定每年9月末至次年2月末为限制利用期,3月初至次年9月末为适度利用期;停止新的滩涂围垦和风力发电项目建设,大力发展生态旅游.  相似文献   

黄海北部刺参繁殖的时间特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1991~1992年5~9月份对自然海区的亲参性腺指数、性腺基部直径、个体产卵数量及刺参浮游幼体出现期、浮游期、附着期进行了观测和试验,研究黄海北部海域刺参繁殖的时间特点.结果刺参于7月中旬、表层水温为20℃时进入产卵期,至9月中旬结束;在产卵期内,雄性群体排精较早且集中;雌性群体中体重m>200g个体产卵较早;雌体一次排卵最大排卵量Nmax=450×104;刺参浮游幼体出现期为7~9月份,幼体数量高峰形成时间为8月初,刺参浮游幼体以耳状幼体最为常见,幼体附着期为7月下旬至9月上旬,附苗高峰期为8月上旬;刺参浮游幼体附着集中于中、上水层,以δ=3m水层最多.图6表3参4  相似文献   

干旱是影响河北省玉米生长的重要农业气象灾害。利用玉米种植区1971-2018年气象资料和1981-2018年玉米(Zea mays)生长观测资料,以有效降水量代替实际降水量计算水分亏缺指数,对河北省玉米生长季干旱分布特征、变化趋势和变化成因进行了分析。结果表明,(1)干旱概率和干旱强度分布特征基本一致,春玉米区由高到低依次为播种期拔节-抽雄期抽雄-乳熟期出苗-拔节期乳熟-成熟期,夏玉米区依次为播种期抽雄-乳熟期乳熟-成熟期拔节-抽雄期出苗-拔节期。(2)春玉米区4月下旬至5月上旬(播种期)和6月下旬至8月上旬(拔节-乳熟期)、夏玉米区6月上中旬(播种期)和8月上中旬(抽雄-乳熟期)受干旱影响较大,其中春玉米区以张家口和承德北部干旱最重,夏玉米区以石家庄东部、衡水西部和邢台东北部干旱最重。(3)春玉米区5月上中旬受需水量减少、降水量增加趋势影响,干旱强度和范围随年代显著下降,8月中下旬受需水量增加趋势影响,干旱强度和范围随年代显著上升;夏玉米区6月下旬受需水量减少趋势影响、9月下旬受需水量减少和降水量增加趋势影响,干旱强度均随年代显著下降。需水量减少与日照时数减少和风速减小密切相关,而需水量增加与气温上升、风速增大、空气湿度减少密切相关。  相似文献   

华山松松茎象幼虫的危害及其防治研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
华山松松茎象是南岳景区松树上新发现的一种重要害虫,该虫严重危害华山松和黑松.本文介绍了其幼虫的取食危害特点及防治方法.该虫幼虫取食华山松和黑松的韧皮部,同时取食新鲜的松脂,越冬后的幼虫仅靠取食新鲜松脂就能正常发育,并化蛹、羽化.单株虫口数量与松树树干基部直径呈明显正相关,即树干基部直径在10.0~20.0 cm 、20.1~25.0 cm 、25.1~35.0 cm之间的松树,平均单株有虫数量分别为1.0头株-1、1.98头株-1和3.30头.株-1.在5~10月间,采用人工清除幼虫的方法可有效地控制该虫的危害,采用化学药剂防治该虫效果不明显.  相似文献   

黑水虻对食料中pH值、辣度及盐度的耐受性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑水虻能够高效取食和消化富含营养物质的易腐有机废弃物,将其转化为昆虫蛋白和油脂,为评估黑水虻处置餐厨垃圾的效率和稳定性,通过研究黑水虻在食料环境中对酸、碱、盐、辣椒素等胁迫因子的耐受性水平,分析其在餐厨垃圾处置过程中的抗逆表现.结果显示:(1)强酸性(pH=3)环境对黑水虻生长发育有显著负面影响,整体表现为幼虫体重减轻、化蛹率降低且无法羽化,不能完成完整的生活史;而强碱性(pH=11)环境没有表现出负面影响,反而有利于幼虫的生长发育,表现为体重增加、活力增强,因此黑水虻对强酸和强碱的适应能力是不对称的;pH值在5-11之间的黑水虻化蛹率、羽化率、生物量积累和成活率的差异不显著;(2)盐浓度增加会导致黑水虻幼虫发育期延长,但在本研究中,6%的质量浓度条件下仍没有出现体重、化蛹率、羽化率及存活率的显著差异,显示出黑水虻对渗透压存在较好的适应机制;(3)辣度对黑水虻生长发育无显著影响.综上所述,黑水虻幼虫对食料中的酸碱度、盐度及辣度整体上具有较好的耐受性,可作为动物媒介规模化处置餐厨垃圾,在具体工艺设计中应尽量调节餐厨垃圾至偏碱性、低盐度以提高效率、增加产量.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of the bath sponge Spongia officinalis L. has been studied over 1 year on 11 tagged specimens of different sizes (from 82 to 886 ml, in volume) from Ionian coasts of Apulia (SE Italy). According to literature data, the sponge is viviparous. All the monitored specimens showed sexual reproduction, even if the process usually involved small portions of the sponge tissue. Ten specimens were gonochoric (sex ratio 1:1), one specimen showed successive hermaphroditism, with alternate production of oocytes and spermatic cysts in the same reproductive season. Young oocytes occur almost all year round, whereas large mature eggs show a peak in October–November, concomitantly with the appearance of spermatic cysts. No relationships were observed between the sponge size and the presence of sexual elements within the range of the sponge size considered in this research. Embryo development occurs in patches of choanosomal tissue, which contain four or more elements. Cleavage is total and equal; it starts in November and in May leads to a solid stereoblastula, which develops into a parenchymella larva, from May to July. The stereoblastula lacks flagella and its surface is delimited by elongated cells well segregated from the internal ones. Parenchymella larvae are released from June to July, asynchronously, either at the individual or population level, with a few days of de-phasing. Up to 523 larval elements/48 h for a sponge specimen were counted. The free-swimming larvae are ovoid and uniformly flagellated. Flagella are longer at the posterior region, than on the rest of the larval body. Flagellated cells form a pseudo-stratified epithelial layer, delimiting the outermost larval surface, and are filled with electron-lucent vesicles showing a homogenous content. No choanocyte chambers, pinacocytes or skeletal elements are present in the newly released larvae.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption of individual larvae of the Antarctic sea-star Odontaster validus was measured during the 50-day period following fertilisation. Values ranged from 0.76 pmol O2 h-1 for one specimen at the coeloblastula stage to 77.6 pmol O2 h-1 for one bipinnaria larva. At 0°C the mean oxygen consumption rate of an individual larva increased from 10.9 pmol O2 h-1 (standard error of the mean, SEM, 0.13) for a gastrula larva, 13 days post-fertilisation, to 25.4 pmol O2 h-1 (SEM 3.5) at the bipinnaria stage (50 days post-fertilisation). Gastrulae reared at -0.5°C did not have significantly different oxygen consumption rates between days 13 and 45 post-fertilisation (mean=11.4 pmol O2 h-1). Individual metabolic rates were highly variable, covering more than a 40-fold range. At 2°C gastrula oxygen consumption was on average 45% higher (17.35 pmol O2 h-1), giving a Q10 temperature effect of 4.4. For bipinnaria, mean oxygen consumption in 2°C larvae (31.4 pmol O2 h-1) was not significantly different from that in larvae at -0.5°C, suggesting bipinnaria metabolism may be less sensitive to temperature change than earlier stages. At 2°C the bipinnaria stage was reached at 30-35 days compared with 45-50 days at 0°C, giving a Q10 of 4.5 for temperature effects on development. The method here used a new, highly sensitive micro-respirometry method that is inexpensive and straightforward in design. Individual larvae of O. validus were held in 35- to 50-µl respirometers. These larvae have very low metabolic rates, and published work on such organisms have utilised at least 25 individuals per chamber. The oxygen content of the respirometers was measured using a 25-µl sample injected into a couloximeter. Oxygen consumption rates down to -1 pmol h-1 can be detected. Under optimum conditions oxygen consumption of a single larva of -4 pmol O2 h-1 was measured with an accuracy of ᆨ%. Values of ~15 pmol h-1 could routinely be measured with this accuracy. This method would allow oxygen consumption to be evaluated in individual field-caught larvae of most marine ectotherms.  相似文献   

Larvae of the Antarctic brachiopod Liothyrella uva (Broderip, 1833) were released by brooding females between 10 and 15 January 1992. They were collected and cultured for the ensuing 45 d. At release they were at the gastrula stage, and were recognisable as the usual brachiopod three-lobed larva from around 18 d after release. At 22 d post-release, larvae began to congregate under shell fragments placed in culture vessels as potential settlement substrata. However, the larvae showed no signs of settlement which, combined with the absence of many of the attributes of mature larvae seen in previous studies, was taken as evidence that these larvae had not reached fully competent stages. Previous work had shown that L. uva spawns in October, indicating that the developmental period lasts for a minimum of between 115 and 160 d. The release and subsequent development of larvae also shows that what was previously thought to be a brooding species combines a long brooding period with a free-swimming phase. If this is true of other brachiopod species, then there may need to be a recategorization of some species from brooding to combined brooding and free-swimming developmental types. Even though the development period in L. uva was likely to have been underestimated because a fully competent stage was not reached, a comparison with development rates for temperate species indicated a slowing of between 8 and 70 times. This dramatic slowing of development rate in brachiopods now joins similar data previously reported for echinoderms and nemerteans, suggesting that this is a very widespred, perhaps universal, attribute of Antarctic marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

Most marine fishes undergo a pelagic larval phase, the early life history stage that is often associated with a high rate of mortality due to starvation and predation. We present the first study that examines the effects of prey swimming behavior on prey-capture kinematics in marine fish larvae. Using a digital high-speed video camera, we recorded the swimming velocity of zooplankton prey (Artemia franciscana, Brachionus rotundiformis, a ciliate species, and two species of copepods) and the feeding behavior of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) larvae. From the video recordings we measured: (1) zooplankton swimming velocity in the absence of a red drum larva; (2) zooplankton swimming velocity in the presence of a red drum larva; and (3) the excursion and timing of key kinematic events during prey capture in red drum larvae. Two-way ANOVA revealed that: (1) swimming velocity varied among zooplankton prey; and (2) all zooplankton prey, except rotifers and ciliates, increased their swimming velocity in the presence of a red drum larva. The kinematics of prey capture differed between two developmental stages in S. ocellatus larvae. Hyoid-stage larvae (3–14 days old) fed on slow swimming B. rotundiformis (rotifers) while hyoid-opercular stage larvae (15 days and older) ate fast moving A. franciscana. Hyoid-opercular stage red drum larvae had a larger gape, hyoid depression and lower jaw angle, and a longer gape cycle duration relative to their hyoid-stage conspecifics. Interestingly, the feeding repertoire within either stage of red drum development was not affected by prey type. Knowledge of the direct relationship between fish larvae and their prey aids in our understanding of optimal foraging strategies and of the sources of mortality in marine fish larvae.  相似文献   

D. Menker 《Marine Biology》1970,6(2):167-186
Life-cycle, post-embryonic development, as well as organization and development of gonads, have been investigated in 1,970 specimens of Rhabdomolgus ruber Keferstein (1863), dredged near Helgoland from September 1968 to November 1969. The post-embryonic development is divided into 8 stages differing in number of tentacles. Five secondary tentacles are added, in regular sequence, to the 5 primary tentacles. There is only one reproductive period per year, which lasts from April to May. It is estimated that the life span of individuals ranges over 2 or 3 years. Cultivation experiments corroborate the values for duration of the 4 youngest stages calculated from the results of dredgings. Stage 1 (5 tentacles) lasts more than 44 days, stage 2 (5 to 6 tentacles) 11 days, stage 3 (5 to 7 tentacles) 12 days, and stage 4 (5 to 8 tentacles) 30 days. R. ruber hibernates at stage 5 (8 tentacles). The development of the gonad is analysed in detail from the first anlage in the pentactula to the condition in adult individuals. Eggs develop in the front part of the female gonad; yolk is produced in the inner epithelial layer of the middle part. The eggs migrate through the ovarial connective tissue to the tip of the ovary. R. ruber lives in the uppermost 2 cm of the sediment (“Amphioxus-sand”) near Helgoland (southern North Sea). Moving its tentacles over its mouth, the animal feeds from detritus. R. ruber is confined to the mesopsammal biotope. Adhesive capacity of glandular tentacles, resistance to mechanical damage, and direct ontogeny must be regarded as characteristic adaptations to mesopsammal life. The simple organisation of the gonads and the presumably free discharge of germ cells into the ambient sea water represent phylogenetically primitive properties of the species.  相似文献   

为了探讨环境激素邻苯二甲酸丁基苄酯(Butyl Benzyl Phthalate,BBP)对家蚕(Bombyx mori)等鳞翅目昆虫的生物影响,分别用不同浓度的BBP喷洒桑叶后饲养家蚕,调查了BBP对家蚕生长发育、生存及茧质等的影响.结果表明:BBP可显著抑制家蚕的体重、存活率及茧质,随着BBP浓度的增加抑制作用逐渐加大,并且越是发育后期这种抑制作用表现越加明显;BBP对不同时期家蚕的影响程度表现为:3龄起蚕>4龄起蚕>5龄起蚕,引起50%个体死亡的BBP浓度(LC50)分别约为0.16mmol·L-1、1.6mmol·L-1及16mmol·L-1.以上结果表明:BBP对家蚕具有明显的毒害作用,在家蚕体内具有累积效应,家蚕接触BBP时间越早,在蚕体内积累越多,产生的毒性就越大.  相似文献   

A natural population of Pycnogonum litorale Ström was examined every 4 weeks over a period of 15 months and thereafter at yearly intervals for 15 years. Adult pycnogonids – mating couples and males carrying egg batches – and freshly hatched protonymphon larvae within these egg batches were found throughout the year. The second, third, and fourth instar larvae were only found from April to July, during the vegetation period of their hydroid host Clava multicornis. After metamorphosis to the fifth instar (first juvenile instar) the pycnogonids have a significantly larger proboscis than during the larval period, and they feed on the sea anemone Metridium senile. First juvenile instars were found on M. senile from May to August. Older and larger juvenile stages were found over longer time spans throughout the year, and the maximum number of successive instars shifted slowly from June to December. Freshly moulted adults occurred throughout the year. Males, which on the average are smaller, usually reach the adult stage during late autumn of the first year and females, at the end of the following spring. We conclude that in nature the development from egg to adult stage is completed within one year. Continuous reproduction and asynchronous embryonic development provide offspring throughout most of the year. The annual cycle is synchronized by the vegetation period of C. multicornis, the only host of these pycnogonid larvae in the investigated habitat, and by the arrest of growth during low winter temperatures. The low level of locomotory activity of P. litorale probably requires an environment in which both host species coexist. The abundance of C. multicornis, M. senile, and juvenile pycnogonids decreased from 1990 to 1996, maybe due to hydrographic conditions.  相似文献   

The Tailed Jay Graphium agamemnon is one of the attractive papilionid butterflies that enliven the environment of Visakhapatnam. It occurs throughout the year. It lays eggs singly on young leaves of the mast tree Polyalthia longifolia var. pendula (Annonaceae). The eggs take 3-4 days to hatch. The larvae go through 5 instars over a period of 15-16 days. The pupal period is 13-14 days. The total period from egg to adult emergence spans over 33-36 days. Based on this short life cycle, and larval and pupal development success studied every month, this butterfly can be multivoltine with a minimum of 7-8 broods in a year. Both CI and GR decreased with the age of larva, their average figures being 3.78 and 0.43 respectively. AD values are high (average 92%) and decreased through successive instars. Both ECD and ECI followed a similar pattern with an increase from instar I up to II, then a decrease up to IV and again an increase in instar V and the highest value is with fifth instar. Adults frequently visited flowers (12-35 flowers in a min) spending 1.0 to 3.2 seconds on a flower. The nectar concentration ranged between 16 and 58%. Peak foraging activity mostly fell between 0900-1000 h. The proboscis received pollen in most of the floral species visited, thus satisfying one of the characteristics of butterfly pollination. Being a fast and strong flier it is treated as "high energy" pollinator promoting cross-pollination.  相似文献   

为探讨不同径级油松对气候因子敏感度的差异,利用树木年轮学方法研究浑善达克沙地油松林40株油松样本建立的大径级(平均胸径34.5 cm)和小径级(平均胸径15.5 cm)油松的年轮宽度年表与气候因子的关系.结果表明:油松的平均敏感度与胸径大小呈线性负相关;不同径级油松的标准年表对气候因子的响应存在一致性,均表现为与春季温度正相关而与夏季温度负相关,并与降水呈正相关关系;其中与当年1~2月、当年9月的平均温度和最高温度呈显著正相关(P<0.05),与当年6月的平均温度和最高温度呈显著负相关(P<0.05);与当年1~2月和8~9月的最低温度呈显著正相关(P<0.05),与上年10月、当年5月和当年7月的降水呈显著正相关(P<0.05);同时,不同径级油松的标准年表对气候因子的响应还具有一定的差异性,即仅小径级油松表现为与当年6月的降水呈显著正相关(P<0.05),与当年7月的最高温度呈显著负相关(P<0.05).因此,利用树木生态学研究时应该考虑不同径级油松树轮年表对气候因子的响应差异.  相似文献   

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