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The type of recycling program initiated by state or local government is related to (a) the environmental awareness of the population and the subsequent reflection of that awareness in government, (b) the state's municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal situation, and (c) the market conditions for recycled materials. Two hypotheses are studied: (1) voluntary participation recycling programs are initiated when environmental awareness is the driving force and market conditions are good and (2) mandatory participation recycling programs result when the driving force is MSW disposal difficulties.New Jersey and Oregon, two of the states, with statewide mandatory and voluntary recycling programs respectively, are studied with respect to the events leading to the enactment of their recycling programs. The hypotheses are supported by the events in each state. Hypothesis 2 is further supported by data from 48 states comparing information on each state's MSW disposal situation with the local and statewide recycling programs reported in a survey. The percentages of mandatory recycling programs increase with increasing MSW disposal difficulty. A measure of environmental awareness must be developed before hypothesis one can be studied with cross-sectional data.  相似文献   

The population of Lagos, the largest city in Nigeria, increased seven times from 1950 to 1980 with a current population of over 10 million inhabitants. The majority of the city's residents are poor. The residents make a heavy demand on resources and, at the same time, generate large quantities of solid waste. Approximately 4 million tonnes of municipal solid waste (MSW) is generated annually in the city, including approximately 0.5 million of untreated industrial waste. This is approximately 1.1 kg/cap/day. Efforts by the various waste management agencies set up by the state government to keep its streets and neighborhoods clean have achieved only minimal success. This is because more than half of these wastes are left uncollected from the streets and the various locations due to the inadequacy and inefficiency of the waste management system. Whilst the benefits of proper solid waste management (SWM), such as increased revenues for municipal bodies, higher productivity rate, improved sanitation standards and better health conditions, cannot be overemphasized, it is important that there is a reduction in the quantity of recoverable materials in residential and commercial waste streams to minimize the problem of MSW disposal. This paper examines the status of recovery and recycling in current waste management practice in Lagos, Nigeria. Existing recovery and recycling patterns, recovery and recycling technologies, approaches to materials recycling, and the types of materials recovered from MSW are reviewed. Based on these, strategies for improving recovery and recycling practices in the management of MSW in Lagos, Nigeria are suggested.  相似文献   

Whilst the education of young people is often seen as a part of the solution to current environmental problems seeking urgent attention, it is often forgotten that their parents and other household members can also be educated/influenced via home-based educational activities. This paper explores the theory of intergenerational influence in relation to school based waste education. Waste Watch, a UK-based environmental charity (www.wastewatch.org.uk), has pioneered a model that uses practical activities and whole school involvement to promote school based action on waste. This methodology has been adopted nationally. This paper outlines and evaluates how effective school based waste education is in promoting action at a household level. The paper outlines Waste Watch's 'Taking Home Action on Waste (THAW)' project carried out for two and half years in Rotherham, a town in South Yorkshire, England. The project worked with 6705 primary age children in 39 schools (44% of primary schools in the project area) to enable them to take the "reduce, reuse and recycle message" home to their families and to engage these (i.e. families) in sustainable waste management practices. As well as substantial increases in students' knowledge and understanding of waste reduction, measurement of the impact of the project in areas around 12 carefully chosen sample schools showed evidence of increased participation in recycling and recycling tonnages as well as declining levels of residual waste. Following delivery of the project in these areas, an average increase of 8.6% was recorded in recycling set out rates which led to a 4.3% increase in paper recycling tonnages and an 8.7% increase in tonnages of cans, glass and textiles collected for recycling. Correspondingly, there was a 4.5% fall in tonnages of residual waste. Waste Watch's THAW project was the first serious attempt to measure the intergenerational influence of an education programme on behaviour at home (i.e. other than schools' own waste). It clearly shows that household recycling behaviour can be positively impacted by intergenerational influence via a practical school-based waste education model. However, although the model could potentially have a big impact if rolled out nationally, it will require seed funding and the long-term durability of the model has not yet been fully quantified.  相似文献   

Future uncertainties involved in the current waste management activities in the developing nations have been addressed through determining plastic waste recovery, recycling and landfilling scenarios in two case study countries — Bangladesh and India. In order to discern and comprehend the material in-flow and out-flow of such complex successive plastics recoveries and recyclings, within the closed-loop recycling systems present in these two countries, a simple mathematical model is developed. The model is based on limited published information, on extensive fieldwork in Dhaka, Calcutta and Delhi, and on experimental data. An environmental legislative factor has been included in the model which will allow balancing of the quality of recycled products and the amount of landfilling non-recyclable plastics. The model has the potential to create and predict a sound waste database for these countries. Bangladesh has been chosen as a model developing country for this study. The mathematical model can be used in future decision making processes within the plastics recycling arena of the countries concerned to achieve an environmentally sound and cost effective waste management option.  相似文献   

Waste reduction activities such as recycling, composting, and pig feeding in Peru and other developing countries are mainly informal but already reduce about 15 % of waste generation. Although much research on informal recycling in Latin America recommends partnership with current waste pickers, there is a lack of methodologies on how to systematize these activities. This paper proposes a mathematical model that calculates yields and costs of separate waste collection, and analyzes and measures the effect of improvements such as source separation by residents and location of recycling and composting centers. The analysis finds that the largest effect comes from source separation. In this case, separate collection yield can be increased from the current 30 kg/waste picker/day to about 200 kg/waste picker/day, and the cost can be reduced from 110 US$/t to 20 US$/t. These changes affect the profitability of the recycling and composting business. The environmental and social effects of these improvements are also discussed.  相似文献   

The Triad Approach was field‐tested to determine if characterization objectives could be met for a brownfields property that had been identified as a future elementary school site. The new school is in response to a New Jersey Supreme Court ruling (the Abbott decision) that directed the state of New Jersey to fund school construction in poorer districts to expand physical facilities to relieve overcrowding. The Triad Approach is promoted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as a process that has the potential to improve the timeliness and efficiency of site characterization, and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) recently issued a policy statement supporting its potential. Aggressive school construction deadlines are contingent on property acquisitions that are relatively faster than the traditional investigatory process. In addition, given the future sensitive population, the investigations must be thorough. This case study is among the first studies to document the use of the Triad Approach for a future school site. The Triad Approach was used to define site conditions for six areas of concern in a two‐month time frame (from the start of the planning process to completed investigation). © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A review of existing life cycle assessments (LCAs) on paper and cardboard waste has been undertaken. The objectives of the review were threefold. Firstly, to see whether a consistent message comes out of published LCA literature on optimum disposal or recycling solutions for this waste type. Such message has implications for current policy formulation on material recycling and disposal in the EU. Secondly, to identify key methodological issues of paper waste management LCAs, and enlighten the influence of such issues on the conclusions of the LCA studies. Thirdly, in light of the analysis made, to discuss whether it is at all valid to use the LCA methodology in its current development state to guide policy decisions on paper waste. A total of nine LCA studies containing altogether 73 scenarios were selected from a thorough, international literature search. The selected studies are LCAs including comparisons of different management options for waste paper. Despite claims of inconsistency, the LCAs reviewed illustrate the environmental benefits in recycling over incineration or landfill options, for paper and cardboard waste. This broad consensus was found despite differences in geographic location and definitions of the paper recycling/disposal systems studied. A systematic exploration of the LCA studies showed, however, important methodological pitfalls and sources of error, mainly concerning differences in the definition of the system boundaries. Fifteen key assumptions were identified that cover the three paper cycle system areas: raw materials and forestry, paper production, and disposal/recovery. It was found that the outcome of the individual LCA studies largely depended on the choices made in some of these assumptions, most specifically the ones concerning energy use and generation, and forestry.  相似文献   

The paper presents an analysis of the factors influencing the recycling potential of municipalities in Israel, including population size and density, geographic location, current waste levels, and current waste management system. We employ a standard regression analysis in order to develop an econometric model to predict where potential for economically efficient recycling is highest. By applying this model to readily available data, it is possible to predict with close to 90% accuracy whether or not recycling will be economically efficient in any given municipality. Government agencies working to promote advanced waste management solutions have at their disposal only limited resources and budget, and so must concentrate their efforts where they will be most effective. The paper thus provides policy-makers with a powerful tool to help direct their efforts to promote recycling at those municipalities where it is indeed optimal.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the production and management of hazardous waste by approximately 20 000 small-quantity hazardous-waste generators (SQHWGs) in the state of Florida. SQHWGs are generators that produce less than 1000 kg of hazardous waste in a calendar month. There were approximately 117 000 metric tonnes of small-quantity-generator (SQG) hazardous waste produced annually. Included in this total are over 43 000 tonnes of waste oils even though they were not regulated as a hazardous waste at the time of the survey. Approximately half of this hazardous waste is managed using the following methods: recycling, treatment, and disposal in permitted hazardous-waste-management facilities. However, large quantities of this SQG hazardous waste are disposed of in sanitary landfills and discharged to public sewers and these facilities are typically not designed to handle hazardous waste. These data indicate that there are potential environmental and human-health problems associated with the management of SQG hazardous waste in Florida as well as throughout the U.S.A.  相似文献   

With the introduction of producer responsibility legislation within the UK (i.e., waste electrical and electronic equipment directive and end-of-life vehicles directive), specific recycling and recovery targets have been imposed to improve the sustainability of end-of-life products. With the introduction of these targets, and the increased investment in post-fragmentation facilities, automated material separation technologies are playing an integral role within the UK's end-of-life waste management strategy. Post-fragmentation facilities utilise a range of purification technologies that target certain material attributes (e.g., density, magnetism, volume) to isolate materials from the shredded waste stream. High ferrous prices have historically meant that UK facilities have been primarily interested in recovering iron and steel, establishing processing routes that are very effective at removing these material types, but as a consequence are extremely rigid and inflexible. With the proliferation of more exotic materials within end-of-life products, combined with more stringent recycling targets, there is therefore a need to optimise the current waste reclamation processes to better realise effort-to-value returns. This paper provides a background as to the current post-fragmentation processing adopted within the UK, and describes the development of a post-fragmentation modelling approach, capable of simulating the value-added processing that a piece of automated separation equipment can have on a fragmented waste stream. These include the modelling of the inefficiencies of the technology, the effects of material entanglement on separation, determination of typical material sizing and an appreciation for compositional value. The implementation of this approach within a software decision-support system is described, before the limitations, calibration and further validation of the approach are discussed.  相似文献   

The USA has significant experience in the field of municipal solid waste management. The hierarchy of methodologies for dealing with municipal solid wastes consists of recycling and composting, combustion with energy recovery (commonly called waste-to-energy) and landfilling. This paper focuses on waste-to-energy and especially its current status and benefits, with regard to GHG, dioxin and mercury emissions, energy production and land saving, on the basis of experience of operating facilities in USA.  相似文献   

针对北京市建筑废弃物产量大、资源化利用率低的问题,分析了北京市建筑废弃物的来源、产量、组分及处理现状,阐述了建筑废弃物资源化利用途径和资源化利用工艺,介绍了朝阳区建筑废弃物资源化示范项目建设情况,给出了北京市建筑废弃物资源化利用设施建设合理建议。  相似文献   

This study employed contingent valuation method to estimate the willingness to pay (WTP) of the households to improve the waste collection system in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The objective of this study is to evaluate how household WTP changes when recycling and waste separation at source is made mandatory. The methodology consisted of asking people directly about their WTP for an additional waste collection service charge to cover the costs of a new waste management project. The new waste management project consisted of two versions: version A (recycling and waste separation is mandatory) and version B (recycling and waste separation is not mandatory). The households declined their WTP for version A when they were asked to separate the waste at source although all the facilities would be given to them for waste separation. The result of this study indicates that the households were not conscious about the benefits of recycling and waste separation. Concerted efforts should be taken to raise environmental consciousness of the households through education and more publicity regarding waste separation, reducing and recycling.  相似文献   

The level of recycling for household waste is significantly higher in Hamburg than in London, yet the extent of materials recovery in both cities is well below technically achievable levels. This paper shows that the higher level of recycling in Hamburg can be accounted for by three main factors: a higher density of recycling facilities combined with the use of more sophisticated collection systems such as a dual-bin service for putrescible wastes; a unified administrative structure for waste management under direct control of an elected regional government; and finally, a system of proportional representation in local government allowing environmentalist political demands to be directly translated into public policy. Despite these differences however, both cities face difficulties with the expansion of recycling derived from the weakness of the secondary materials market, the lack of legislative control over the size and composition of the waste stream, the fiscal constraints on local government and the expense of comprehensive recycling programmes in comparison with alternative forms of waste disposal. This paper concludes that the high cost of recycling presents a fundamental political dilemma for sustainable waste management policy in developed economies.  相似文献   

Collection and recycling of home electrical appliances was started in Japan in 2001 under a new recycling law. The law is aimed at promoting material recycling and at reducing the amount of waste to be landfilled. End of life products are processed by manual disassembly, shredding, and separation in 38 recycling facilities. The authors conducted a questionnaire survey and interviewed at some facilities to obtain information on process flow and material balance. By using the detailed records offered by one facility and by estimating the composition of recovered components, the material balance in the facilities was determined for four typical recycling processes. The heavy metal content of the recovered components was analyzed, then metal flow in the process was determined for each scenario. As a result, it was concluded that emissions to the environment of most heavy metals have been substantially reduced by the new recycling system, while a modest improvement in the rate of material recovery has been achieved.  相似文献   

Recycling of packaging wastes may be compatible with incineration within integrated waste management systems. To study this, a mathematical model is presented to calculate the fraction composition of residual municipal solid waste (MSW) only as a function of the MSW fraction composition at source and recycling fractions of the different waste materials. The application of the model to the Lisbon region yielded results showing that the residual waste fraction composition depends both on the packaging wastes fraction at source and on the ratio between that fraction and the fraction of the same material, packaging and non-packaging, at source. This behaviour determines the variation of the residual waste LHV. For 100% of paper packaging recycling, LHV reduces 4.2% whereas this reduction is of 14.4% for 100% of packaging plastics recycling. For 100% of food waste recovery, LHV increases 36.8% due to the moisture fraction reduction of the residual waste. Additionally the results evidence that the negative impact of recycling paper and plastic packaging on the LHV may be compensated by recycling food waste and glass and metal packaging. This makes packaging materials recycling and food waste recovery compatible strategies with incineration within integrated waste management systems.  相似文献   


To create a truly circular economy requires a shift from the traditional view of waste disposal to one of resource management. This is particularly important in developing countries, where municipal waste generation is increasing, and efficient recovery of economic value from waste is rarely achieved. Conducted in the University of Lagos (UoL), Nigeria, this study investigated the efficiency of a recycling scheme with the goal of making recommendations to improve the process. UoL’s recycling policy centers around source segregation of waste into color-coded bins. Waste audit was carried out using the output method and interviews were conducted with staff from the waste management team to understand practices on campus. Substantial contamination of colored bins with non-target material was observed. Organics (30%), mixed plastics (28%) and paper (24%) were the most abundant materials, hence have the greatest potential for recovery, and income generation, if segregation rates could be improved. Despite its recycling policy and infrastructure, 99% of UoL waste was going to landfill. Poor policy implementation results in low recovery rates. Targeted waste reduction and increased material recovery would enhance efficiency. Improved awareness of recycling benefits, in addition to policy enforcement, could serve as tools to increase stakeholder participation in recycling.


There are very few construction and demolition (C&D) waste recycling centres in Brazil. To encourage the building and operation of new units, data were collected and analysed relating to C&D waste management and recycling in Brazil. Based on the results of this analysis, a conceptual model is presented for conducting viability studies of future C&D waste recycling centres. Applying this model to verify the viability of private recycling centres, the results show that under current market conditions in Brazil, C&D waste recycling centres are not financially feasible based solely on revenue from the sale of processed products. Nevertheless, under the same market conditions, the recycling centres could be economically viable for public authorities depending on the particular circumstances of each municipality. The feasibility, however, depends on continuity and the production volume reached. The conceptual model, the results of its applications and the discussions about the experiences of existing centres can strongly support public authorities and private initiatives in their decision-making about investments in Brazil and in other developing countries.  相似文献   

Environmental management of construction and demolition waste in Kuwait   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
There is an increasing pressure on the construction industry to reduce costs and improve the quality of our environment. The fact is that both of these goals can be achieved at the same time. Although construction and demolition (C&D) constitutes a major source of waste in terms of volume and weight, its management and recycling efforts have not yet seen the light in Kuwait. This study focuses on recycling efforts leading to the minimization of the total C&D waste that is currently landfilled in Kuwait. This paper presents the current status of C&D waste disposal system in Kuwait and identifies the potential problems to the environment, people and economy. Then, it investigates alternative solutions to manage and control this major type of waste in an economically efficient and environmentally safe manner. Next, the paper describes the feasibility of establishing a C&D waste recycling facility in Kuwait. It concludes by highlighting the major benefits and bottleneck problems with such a recycling facility.  相似文献   

It is estimated that approximately 6,000,000 scrap TVs and 10,000,000 personal computers are generated each year in China. Cathode ray tubes (CRTs) from these machines consist of 85% glass (65% panel, 30% funnel and 5% neck glass). The leaded glass (funnel-24%, neck-30%) may seriously pollute the environment if it is not properly disposed of. In this paper, the past, current and future status of CRT dismantling technologies as well as the CRT glass recycling situation in China are presented and discussed. Recycling technology for waste CRTs in China is still immature. While the conventional CRT dismantling technologies have disadvantages from both economic and environmental viewpoints, some of the new and emerging treatments such as automatic optical sorting facilities that have been applied in developed countries offer advantages, and therefore should be transferred to China in the next few years to solve the CRT pre-processing problem. Meanwhile, because the demand for CRT glass closed-loop recycling is extremely limited, the authorities should take effective measures to improve CRT glass recycling rates and to facilitate a match to local conditions. Moreover, we also provide a broad review of the research developments in recycling techniques for CRT cullet. The challenge for the future is to transfer these environmentally friendly and energy-saving technologies into practice.  相似文献   

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