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为了缩短大型蚤急性毒性实验的周期,并且验证毒性实验的灵敏度和稳定性,对投加酵母提取物饲养的大型蚤的生长周期、2次产卵时间间隔、产卵数量、以及幼蚤灵敏度和稳定性进行研究,并将其应用于已知毒性物质和环境样品的毒性检测.结果表明,酵母提取物的适宜投加量为18.00~22.00 mg/L.在该浓度下饲养的大型蚤可保持较好的怀卵量,生长至成熟期和2次怀卵的时间间隔较短,幼蚤的灵敏度较好,毒性测试结果稳定.采用此方法测定的4种重金属和4种有机物的大型蚤急性毒性的24 h-EC50和48 h-LC50与已发表的实验结果比较相近,证明该方法准确、可靠.将该方法应用于城市生活污水急性毒性的测定发现,投加酵母提取物饲养的大型蚤所产幼蚤可以明显区分生活污水原水和处理后最终出水.因此,采用投加适量酵母提取物饲养大型蚤的方法可以缩短实验周期,为测定环境样品生物毒性提供方便.  相似文献   

The optimization of experimental conditions for radiolytic removal of organic pollutants from water and waste with the use of ionizing radiation via controlling the concentration of target compound(s) requires also monitoring the toxicity changes during the process. Commonly used herbicides 2,4-D and dicamba were shown to increase toxicity measured with the Microtox test at low irradiation doses resulting from formation of more toxic transient products, which can be decomposed at larger doses. The changes of toxicity were examined with respect to dose magnitude and the presence of commonly occurring scavengers of radiation.  相似文献   

The thyroid hormone agonist/antagonist activities of halogenated derivatives of bisphenol A (BPA) were assessed using a yeast two-hybrid assay incorporating the human thyroid hormone α (TRα), both with and without possible metabolic activation by rat liver S9 preparation. In the absence of the rat liver S9 preparation, 3,3′,5,5′-tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), 3,3′,5,5′-tetrachlorobisphenol A (TCBPA), and 3,3′,5-trichlorobisphenol A (3,3′,5-triClBPA) exhibited agonist activity, whereas 3-chlorobisphenol A (3-ClBPA), 3,5-dichlorobisphenol A (3,5-diClBPA), 3,3′-dichlorobisphenol A (3,3′-diClBPA), and BPA did not. The activities of TBBPA and TCBPA increased markedly (7.6-fold and 3.1-fold, respectively) after their metabolic activation with the rat liver S9 preparation. TBBPA, TCBPA, and 3,3′,5-triClBPA inhibited the binding of triiodothyronine (T3) to TRα at 2 × 10−5 M without rat liver S9 treatment and 4 × 10−6 M with rat liver S9 treatment, demonstrating their T3 antagonist activity. These results revealed that metabolic activation by rat liver S9 significantly increased the agonist/antagonist potential of some halogenated BPAs.  相似文献   

An effects-directed strategy was applied to bed sediments of a polluted tributary in order to isolate and identify the major estrogenic chemicals it discharges into the River Po, the principal Italian watercourse. Sediment extract was concentrated by solid phase extraction and then fractioned into 10 fractions by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Estrogenic activity of whole extract and fractions were determined using a recombinant yeast assay containing the human estrogen receptor (YES). The 10 fractions and whole extract were analysed for target compounds, e.g. estrone (E1), 17beta-estradiol (E2), estriol (E3), 4-nonylphenol (NP), 4-tert-octylphenol (t-OP), bisphenol A (BPA), using both liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and non-competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). The YES assay determined high estrogenic activity in whole sediment (15.6 ng/g EE2 equivalents), and positive results for fractions nr 1, 2, 6, 7 and 8. E1, E3 and NP were the main estrogenic chemicals, however, other unidentified compounds contributed to sediment estrogenicity, particularly for polar fractions nr 1 and 2. A GC-MS screening performed in scan mode identified other potential contributors such as phthalates (DBP, BBP), and OP isomers. A next sampling campaign extended to other tributaries and receiving stretches of the River Po confirmed E1, E3 and NP as major estrogenic chemicals potentially threatening other sites of the main river. In general, target compound ELISAs have been shown to be suitable tools for a rapid screening of wide areas or large numbers of environmental samples for estrogenic risk. The potential for interferences suggests however to use cautiously the concentration values obtained from some of the immunoassays.  相似文献   

Bioassays using Daphnia pulex and Moina micrura were designed to detect cyanobacterial neurotoxins in raw water samples. Phytoplankton and cyanotoxins from seston were analyzed during 15 months in a eutrophic reservoir. Effective time to immobilize 50% of the exposed individuals (ET50) was adopted as the endpoint. Paralysis of swimming movements was observed between ∼0.5-3 h of exposure to lake water containing toxic cyanobacteria, followed by an almost complete recovery of the swimming activity within 24 h after being placed in control water. The same effects were observed in bioassays with a saxitoxin-producer strain of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii isolated from the reservoir. Regression analysis showed significant relationships between ET50vs. cell density, biomass and saxitoxins content, suggesting that the paralysis of Daphnia in lake water samples was caused by saxitoxins found in C. raciborskii. Daphnia bioassay was found to be a sensitive method for detecting fast-acting neurotoxins in natural samples, with important advantages over mouse bioassays.  相似文献   

The results of four toxicity bioassays of selected anionic and nonionic surface active agents were presented. Three widely used anionic surfactants that belong to alkyl sulphates (AS), alkylbenzene sulphonates (LAS) and alkylpolyoxyethylene sulphates (AES) as well as nonionic surfactants: polyoxyethylene alkyl ethers (AE) and polyoxylethylene alkylphenyl ethers (APE) were tested. Three different toxicity assays to aquatic organisms: Physa acuta Draparnaud, Artemia salina and Raphidocelis subcapitata were applied. Additionally, the genotoxicity test with Bacillus subtilis M45 Rec- and H17 Rec+ strains was performed. The obtained results showed that none of the surfactants studied was genotoxic at the concentration 1000 mg l(-1). On the basis of toxicity tests to aquatic organisms all tested anionic surfactants were harmful (LC50 between 10 and 100 mg l(-1)), whereas nonionic ones were toxic (LC50 between 1 and 10 mg l(-1)) or even highly toxic (LC50 below 1 mg l(-1)). Moreover, the bigger was the molecular weight of the tested compound, the higher toxicity was observed.  相似文献   

Acrylic acid, methyl acrylate, ethyl acrylate, and butyl acrylate are commercially important and widely used materials. This paper reports the results of a series of fate and aquatic toxicity studies. The mobility in soil of acrylic acid and its esters ranged from 'medium' to 'very high'. Calculated bioconcentration factors ranged from 1 to 37, suggesting a low bioconcentration potential. Acrylic acid and methyl acrylate showed limited biodegradability in the five day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) test, while ethyl acrylate and butyl acrylate were degraded easily (77% and 56%, respectively). Using the OECD method 301D 28-d closed bottle test, degradability for acrylic acid was 81% at 28 days, while the acrylic esters ranged from 57% to 60%. Acrylic acid degraded rapidly to carbon dioxide in soil (t1/2 < 1 day). Toxicity tests were conducted using freshwater and marine fish, invertebrates, and algae. Acrylic acid effect concentrations for fish and invertebrates ranged from 27 to 236 mg/l. Effect concentrations (LC50 or EC50) for fish and invertebrates using methyl acrylate, ethyl acrylate, and butyl acrylate ranged from 1.1 to 8.2 mg/l. The chronic MATC for acrylic acid with Daphnia magna was 27 mg/l based on length and young produced per adult reproduction day and for ethyl acrylate was 0.29 mg/l based on both the reproductive and growth endpoints. Overall these studies show that acrylic acid and the acrylic esters studied can rapidly biodegrade, have a low potential for persistence or bioaccumulation in the environment, and have low to moderate toxicity.  相似文献   

The acute toxicity of arsenobetaine was studied in male mice. No deaths were observed with oral administration of 10 g/kg of arsenobetaine. Therefore the LD50 value was higher than 10 g/kg. This compound was found in urine in the non-metabolized form. No particular toxic symptoms were observed following administration. These results suggest that arsenobetaine has low toxicity and is not metabolized in mice.  相似文献   

以生活污水处理厂二级生物处理出水为研究对象,利用固相萃取、吸附树脂层析等手段,研究了臭氧氧化过程中进出水及不同分级组分的发光细菌急性毒性的变化,揭示了无机离子浓度对臭氧氧化出水急性毒性的影响,并采用三维荧光光谱对急性毒性相关的物质组分进行了解析。结果表明,在反应时间为15 min,臭氧投加速率为2.1 mg·(L·min)-1,臭氧氧化出水的急性毒性明显下降,出水的急性毒性仅为进水的24.7%。水样不同分级组分的生物毒性测试结果显示,生物处理出水中的亲水性物质和疏水中性物质分别贡献了44.6%和27.8%的毒性当量。当生物处理出水的氯离子含量为75~400 mg·L-1时,经臭氧氧化后,出水的急性生物毒性与氯离子浓度成正相关关系,当生物处理出水的硫酸根离子和硝酸根离子含量分别在150~300 mg·L-1和20~110 mg·L-1变化时,经臭氧氧化后,出水的急性生物毒性变化不大,结合三维荧光光谱的分析结果,臭氧氧化出水中急性毒性物质可能主要存在于芳香族蛋白质类似物(Ⅱ区)和类腐殖酸类物质(Ⅴ区)中。  相似文献   


The acute toxicity of two organophosphorus (OP) insecticides, azinphosmethyl and acephate, was evaluated in the mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus. In addition, the effects of certain intrinsic (sex) and extrinsic (salinity and multiple toxicant interraction) variables on the toxic response were also investigated. Azinphosmethyl was by far the most toxic of the two OP insecticides with a 96h LC50 ~ 100,000 x lower than that for acephate. Slight sex differences were observed in the sensitivity of mummichogs to each of the OP insecticides with male fish being marginally more sensitive. Significant effects of low salinity stress were observed only with acephate exposure and, in this case, low salinity appeared to be slightly protective. In general, all of the insecticide mixtures (azinphosmethyl/endosulfan, azinphosmethyl/fenvalerate and acephate/fenvalerate) tested exhibited simple additive toxicity.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - A yeast reporter gene assay system with improved performance for dioxin detection was established. Since yeast reporter gene assays are relatively...  相似文献   

The acute toxicity of two organophosphorus (OP) insecticides, azinphosmethyl and acephate, was evaluated in the mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus. In addition, the effects of certain intrinsic (sex) and extrinsic (salinity and multiple toxicant interraction) variables on the toxic response were also investigated. Azinphosmethyl was by far the most toxic of the two OP insecticides with a 96h LC50 approximately 100,000 x lower than that for acephate. Slight sex differences were observed in the sensitivity of mummichogs to each of the OP insecticides with male fish being marginally more sensitive. Significant effects of low salinity stress were observed only with acephate exposure and, in this case, low salinity appeared to be slightly protective. In general, all of the insecticide mixtures (azinphosmethyl/endosulfan, azinphosmethyl/fenvalerate and acephate/fenvalerate) tested exhibited simple additive toxicity.  相似文献   

In this study, possible toxicity of increasing doses of PCB-118 and transformer oil (TO) on anaerobic sludge digestion was investigated. For this purpose, five different sets of reactors were prepared in which four different PCB-118 concentration (1, 10, 20, and 30 mg L−1) and three different TO concentration (0.38, 0.76, and 1.52 g L−1) were applied. Throughout the study, biogas production and composition, pH, TS, VS, and COD as well as PCB concentration were monitored. Toxicity was investigated by anaerobic toxicity assay (ATA) evaluating the reduction in methane production. A notable inhibition was observed mostly in 30 mg L−1 PCB reactors. A negative influence of PCB-118 and TO was observed on COD and solids removal. A maximum of 26.5% PCB-118 removal was attained.  相似文献   

Copper pollution in soils is widespread, and its accumulation in crop products could pose a risk on human health. In this paper, bioavailability of added copper (Cu) and critical Cu concentrations in a vegetable garden soil was evaluated for Chinese cabbage (Brassica chinensis L.), pakchoi (Brassica chinensis L.), and celery (Apiumg graveolens L. var. dulce DC) based on human dietary toxicity. The availability of added Cu in the soil decreased with incubation time, and had minimal change after 10-12 weeks. After incubated for 12 weeks, about 60% of added Cu was not extractable by DTPA. The same crops were also grown in sand culture to determine their responses to solution Cu. Shoot growth was significantly inhibited at Cu concentrations above 10 mg kg(-1) in the solution or above 150 mg kg(-1) (DTPA-Cu) in the soil. The sensitivity of the crops to Cu toxicity differed among the three vegetable crops. Copper concentration in shoots and edible parts varied with Cu supply levels and type of the vegetables. Negative correlations (r=-0.90-0.99**) were noted between Cu concentration in shoots and fresh matter yields, but Cu concentrations in the edible parts were positively correlated with available and total Cu in the soil (r=0.91-0.99**). The critical tissue Cu concentrations at 10% shoot DM reduction were 19.4, 5.5, 30.9 mg kg(-1) for Chinese cabbage, pakchoi, and celery, respectively. Based on the threshold of human dietary toxicity for Cu (10 mg kg(-1)), the critical concentrations of total and available Cu in the soil were 430 and 269 mg kg(-1) for pakchoi, 608 and 313 mg kg(-1) for celery, and 835 and 339 mg kg(-1) for Chinese cabbage, respectively.  相似文献   


The acute toxicities (24, 48, 72 and 96 hr) of eight pesticides to Anguilla anguilla were determined. The organochlorine pesticide, endosulfan was the most toxic, with LC50 values in the range of 0.042 to 0.041 mg/L Endosulfan was followed in order of decreasing toxicity by diazinon, fenitrothion, chlorpyrifos, lmdane, methidathion, trichlorfon and methylparathion. When fishes were exposed to the pesticides tested they exhibited signs of restlessness, erratic swimming, convulsions and difficulty in respiration. This response was more persistent in fishes exposed to organophosphorus pesticides.  相似文献   

The acute and chronic toxicity of lanthanum to Daphnia carinata   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Barry MJ  Meehan BJ 《Chemosphere》2000,41(10):1669-1674
The rare earth elements (REEs) are increasingly being used as trace supplements in agriculture. This study measured the acute and chronic toxicity of one REE, lanthanum (La), to Daphnia carinata. The 48-h EC50 of La to Daphnia was measured in three media of differing composition and hardness. Lanthanum was most toxic to Daphnia in soft tap water (TW) with an acute 48-h EC50 of 43 microg/l compared with 1180 microg/l in ASTM hard water (ASTM). In the third daphnid growth medium (DW), based on diluted sea water, the acute 48-h EC50 was 49 microg La/l, however, there was significant precipitation of La in this media. The chronic toxicity of La to Daphnia was measured in the DW and ASTM media. Nominal exposure concentrations were 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 microg La/l. Mortality was a more sensitive endpoint than growth or reproduction in both chronic experiments. Very little La was detected in either media after 24 h and the measured concentrations below were estimated by logarithmic mean of nominal and measured values. There was 100% mortality at concentrations > or = 80 microg La/l (400 microg/l nominal) by day six of the experiment using DW media, but no effect on survival growth or reproduction at lower concentrations. In the ASTM media, La caused significant mortality to Daphnia at concentrations > or = 39 microg/l (200 microg/l nominal), however, at least one animal survived to the end of the study at each of the tested concentrations. There was no effect of La on growth of surviving daphnids at concentrations < or = 57 microg/l (400 g/l), however, second brood clutch sizes were significantly increased at 30, 39, and 57 microg/l (100, 200, 400 g/l nominal) compared with controls. Lanthanum also caused a delayed maturation in Daphnia.  相似文献   

The acute toxicity of nickel to freshwater ciliates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The degradation of the (14)C-labelled fungicide dithianon in an orthic luvisol was investigated under standardized conditions in comparison to stimulated microbial activity by an amendment of maize straw. The compound is characterized by mineralization losses of approximately 33% and the formation of non-extractable bound residues of approximately 63% in 64 days. Despite the major role of microorganisms in mineralizing this compound, the formation of bound residues is not biotically induced. Gel permeation chromatography and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, as different size separation techniques of the humic acids fractions, showed differences in the distribution patterns of non-extractable residues depending on the addition of straw material. The results presented support the existence of humic substances in soil as a micellar system rather than as a biopolymer.  相似文献   

The rainbow trout fish cell lines RTG-2 and RTL-W1 were used to determine the cytotoxic effects of the pesticides bifenthrin, cypermethrin, cyhalothrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, quinalphos and chlorpyrifos. Cytotoxicity was measured by EROD and beta-Gal enzymatic activities, the neutral red (NR) uptake assay, and the FRAME KB protein (KBP) assay. The beta-Gal activity was unaffected by the pesticide exposure. The EROD activity was induced by cyhalothrin and lambda-cyhalothrin (RTG-2 and RTL-W1) and by bifenthrin (RTL-W1). Dose dependent inhibition responses were observed for EROD activity in cells exposed to quinalphos (RTL-W1) and chlorpyrifos (RTG-2 and RTL-W1). RTL-W1 offered a better response for EROD induction. The EC50 values on EROD endpoint were more sensitive than NR and KBP. The acute fish toxicity of chlorpyrifos and quinalphos depends highly on the species; the species sensitivity distributions cover several orders of magnitude and the values obtained for EROS were within the lowest part of the reported ranges.  相似文献   

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