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The effect of coexisting pesticide on adsorption/desorption and mobility of another one was investigated with carbendazim (CBD), imidacloprid (IDP), and atrazine (ATR). The data indicated that adsorption of CBD, ATR, and IDP on the tested soil was fitted well by Freundlich equation and increased with an order of IDP < ATR ? CBD. Adsorption of a pesticide was decreased by the coexistence of another one through their competitive adsorption. The presence of coexisting solute of the more adsorbability played a more important role than that of the lesser adsorbability. The adsorption of IDP and ATR was easier to be affected by 28.9–52.0 % and 31.1–60.7 % with the addition of CBD, while that of CBD was much less influenced by 3.4–18.1 % and 6.9–31.8 % with the presence of ATR and IDP, respectively. An adsorbability-related enhancement in desorption of the three pesticides by the co-adsorbed solute was also observed. As a result of competitive adsorption/desorption, the mobility of the pesticides estimated from soil thin-layer chromatography was altered. The results clearly illustrated that adsorbability and concentration-related alteration in adsorption/desorption and mobility will be caused by the coexistence of pesticides.  相似文献   

Fenlon KA  Jones KC  Semple KT 《Chemosphere》2011,82(2):163-168
The rate of pesticide biodegradation does not remain constant with time, and is dependent on the physico-chemical properties of the soil and of the pesticide as well as on the biology of the soil. Prolonged or repeated contact between soil microbes and pesticides has been shown to result in an increase in the rate and extent of biodegradation. This work assessed the impact of the soil:water ratio on measurement of catabolic induction for 14C-isoproturon, 14C-diazinon and 14C-cypermethrin. Slurrying (1:1 and 1:3 soil:water) with agitation resulted in significantly higher rates and extents of mineralisation than the non-slurried system (P ? 0.05; 1:0 soil:water), except for the mineralisation of 14C-diazinon where the greatest extent of mineralisation occurred in non-slurried soil. Slurrying without agitation resulted in the significant lower mineralisation in all cases (P ? 0.05). There was a significant interaction between the soil:water ratio and length of contact (P ? 0.05). Whilst the use of slurried systems can enhance the extent and rate of mineralisation, there is no improvement in reproducibility, and so for the measurement of catabolic induction, the use of field conditions will lead to a more environmentally relevant measurement.  相似文献   

Imidacloprid, the major component of many widely used insecticide formulations, is highly persistent in soils. In this study, the sorption of imidacloprid by six soils as well as its photodegradation and hydrolysis in water were studied. The soils differed significantly in organic matter content and other physical and chemical properties. Sorption increased with increasing soil organic matter content but was not significantly correlated with other soil properties. Removal of organic matter via H2O2 oxidation decreased the sorption. By normalizing the Freundlich coefficients (Kf) to organic matter contents, the variability in obtained sorption coefficient (Kom) was substantially reduced. These results indicate that soil organic matter was the primary sorptive medium for imidacloprid. The low heat of sorption calculated from Kom suggests that partition into soil organic matter was most likely the mechanism. The photodegradation and hydrolysis of imidacloprid in water followed pseudo-first-order kinetics; however, the latter process needed a six-time-higher activation energy. While both processes produced the same main intermediate, they occurred via different pathways. The hydrolysis of imidacloprid was not catalyzed by the high interlayer pH in the presence of metal-saturated clays, which appeared to result from the lack of the pesticide adsorption in the interlayers of clays.  相似文献   

研究了沿面放电和平板介质阻挡放电处理土壤中阿特拉津和乙草胺的效果。主要以沙子作为研究体系,考察了水分、氧气流速、活性炭和过硫酸钠对降解的影响。结果表明:沿面放电装置和平板介质阻挡放电都能高效降解沙子中的乙草胺、阿特拉津;水分和氧气流速对降解的影响较大,在一定限度内,它们的增加能迅速提高降解效果,但过多的水分反而会抑制污染物的降解。活性炭显著抑制沿面放电降解乙草胺和阿特拉津效果,过硫酸钠与沿面放电、平板介质阻挡放电联用方法没有表现出协同效应。  相似文献   

为改善农药对河岸带土壤污染状况,进而防控农业面源污染,以玉米芯为原料制备生物质炭,利用模拟实验研究其对河岸带土壤中乙草胺和阿特拉津的吸附性能影响,并探讨了其吸附机理。结果表明:河岸带土壤中添加生物炭可使乙草胺和阿特拉津的吸附容量显著增强,其吸附热力学过程与Freundlich和Langmuir模型拟合均有较好的相关性。与对照土壤相比,添加质量分数为1.0%生物炭的土壤对乙草胺的最大吸附量从13.28 μg·g-1升高到769.23 μg·g-1;添加质量分数为0.3%生物炭的土壤对阿特拉津的最大吸附量从70.92 μg·g-1升高到333.33 μg·g-1。伪二级动力学速率方程对河岸带土壤吸附乙草胺和阿特拉津的过程拟合效果较好,优于一级动力学速率模型的拟合结果,吸附量以及吸附速率均与土壤中生物炭投加量成正比。玉米芯生物炭可作为河岸带土壤的修复剂,降低乙草胺和阿特拉津的迁移性。  相似文献   


Atrazine and metolachlor were more strongly retained on earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris L.) castings than on soil, suggesting that earthworm castings at the surface or at depth can reduce herbicide movement in soil. Herbicide sorption by castings was related to the food source available to the earthworms. Both atrazine and metolachlor sorption increased with increasing organic carbon (C) content in castings, and Freundlich constants (Kf values) generally decreased in the order: soybean‐fed > corn‐fed > not‐fed‐earthworm‐castings. The amount of atrazine or metolachlor sorbed per unit organic carbon (Koc values) was significantly greater for corn‐castings compared with other castings, or soil, suggesting that the composition of organic matter in castings is also an important factor in determining the retention of herbicides in soils. Herbicide desorption was dependent on both the initial herbicide concentration, and the type of absorbent. At small equilibrium herbicide concentrations, atrazine desorption was significantly greater from soil than from any of the three casting treatments. At large equilibrium herbicide concentrations, however, the greater organic C content in castings had no significant effect on atrazine desorption, relative to soil. For metolachlor, regardless of the equilibrium herbicide concentration, desorption from soybean‐ and corn‐castings treatments was always less than desorption from soil and not‐fed earthworm castings treatments. The results of this study indicate that, under field conditions, the extent of herbicide retention on earthworm castings will tend to be related to crop and crop residue management practices.  相似文献   

Atrazine and metolachlor were more strongly retained on earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris L.) castings than on soil, suggesting that earthworm castings at the surface or at depth can reduce herbicide movement in soil. Herbicide sorption by castings was related to the food source available to the earthworms. Both atrazine and metolachlor sorption increased with increasing organic carbon (C) content in castings, and Freundlich constants (Kf values) generally decreased in the order: soybean-fed > corn-fed > not-fed-earthworm-castings. The amount of atrazine or metolachlor sorbed per unit organic carbon (Koc values) was significantly greater for corn-castings compared with other castings, or soil, suggesting that the composition of organic matter in castings is also an important factor in determining the retention of herbicides in soils. Herbicide desorption was dependent on both the initial herbicide concentration, and the type of absorbent. At small equilibrium herbicide concentrations, atrazine desorption was significantly greater from soil than from any of the three casting treatments. At large equilibrium herbicide concentrations, however, the greater organic C content in castings had no significant effect on atrazine desorption, relative to soil. For metolachlor, regardless of the equilibrium herbicide concentration, desorption from soybean- and corn-castings treatments was always less than desorption from soil and not-fed earthworm castings treatments. The results of this study indicate that, under field conditions, the extent of herbicide retention on earthworm castings will tend to be related to crop and crop residue management practices.  相似文献   

The sorption-desorption of metolachlor [2-chloro-N-(ethyl-6-methyl phenyl)-N-(2-methoxy-1-methyl ethyl) acetamide], isoproturon [3-(4-isopropyl phenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea] and terbuthylazine [N6-tert butyl-6-chloro-N4-ethyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine] herbicides was studied in two German soils at 1:10 soil to water ratio by batch method. Equilibrium of herbicides between soil and water (0.01 M CaCl2) was attained in 2 h. Sorption data fitted very well to Freundlich equation, represented by very high correlation coefficient (r2 > 0.934). Comparison of Freundlich K values indicated that sorption of all the three herbicides was most pronounced in soil having higher organic carbon content. Koc values were as expected nearly identical for each herbicide in the two soils. The Freundlich constant (1/n) was about 1 for metolachlor and less than 1 for terbuthylazine and isoproturon indicating a L-type of sorption isotherms. Desorption of all the three herbicides showed hysteresis. Nearly equal amounts of metolachlor, isoproturon and terbuthylazine were desorbed from both soils. There was a good correlation between Koc and solubility.  相似文献   

Atrazine and phenanthrene (Phen) sorption by nonhydrolyzable carbon (NHC), black carbon (BC), humic acid (HA) and whole sediment and soil samples was examined. Atrazine sorption isotherms were nearly linear. The single-point organic carbon (OC)-normalized distribution coefficients (KOC) of atrazine for the isolated HA1, NHC1 and BC1 from sediment 1 (ST1) were 36, 550, and 1470 times greater than that of ST1, respectively, indicating the importance of sediment organic matter, particularly the condensed fractions (NHC and BC). Similar sorption capacity of atrazine and Phen by NHC but different isotherm nonlinearity indicated different sorption domains due to their different structure and hydrophobicity. The positive relationship between (O + N)/C ratios of NHC and atrazine log KOC at low concentration suggests H-bonding interactions. This study shows that sediment is probably a less effective sorbent for atrazine than Phen, implying that atrazine applied in sediments or soils may be likely to leach into groundwater.  相似文献   

The submersed macrophytes Elodea canadensis, Myriophyllum spicatum and Potamogeton lucens were constantly exposed over a five-week period to environmentally relevant concentrations of atrazine, isoproturon, diuron, and their mixture in outdoor mesocosms. Effects were evaluated investigating photosynthetic efficiency (PE) of the three macrophytes and growth of M. spicatum and E. canadensis. Adverse effects on PE were observed on days 2 and 5 after application. M. spicatum was found to be the more sensitive macrophyte. E. canadensis and P. lucens were less sensitive to atrazine, diuron and the mixture and insensitive to isoproturon. PE of M. spicatum was similarly affected by the single herbicides and the mixture demonstrating concentration addition. Growth of E. canadensis and M. spicatum was not reduced indicating that herbicide exposure did not impair plant development. Although PE measurements turned out to be a sensitive method to monitor PSII herbicides, plant growth remains the more relevant ecological endpoint in risk assessment.  相似文献   


The sorption of imidacloprid (l‐[(6‐chloro‐3‐pyridinyl)‐methyl]‐N‐nitro‐2‐imidazolid‐inimine) (IMI) and its metabolites imidacloprid‐urea (l‐[(6‐chloro‐3‐pyridinyl)‐methyl]‐2‐imidazol‐idinone) (IU), imidacloprid‐guanidine (l‐[(6‐chloro‐3‐pyridinyl)‐methyl]‐4,5‐dihydro‐lH‐imidazol‐2‐amine) (IG), and imida‐cloprid‐guanidine‐olefin ( 1 ‐[(6‐chloro‐3‐pyridinyl)methyl]‐lH‐imidazol‐2‐amine) (IGO) was determined on six typical Brazilian soils. Sorption of the chemicals on the soil was characterized using the batch equilibration method. The range and order of sorption (Kd) on the six soils was IG (4.75–134) > IGO (2.87–72.3) > IMI (0.55 ‐16.9) > IU (0.31–9.50). For IMI and IU, Kd was correlated with soil organic carbon (OC) content and CEC, the latter due to the high correlation between OC and cation exchange capacity (CEC) (R2=0.98). For IG and IGO, there was no correlation of sorption to clay, pH, OC or CEC due to the high sorption on all soils. Average Koc values were IU = 170, IMI = 362, IGO = 2433, and IG = 3500. Although Kd and Koc values found were consistently lower than those found in soils developed in non‐tropical climates, imidacloprid and its metabolites were still considered to be slightly mobile to immobile in Brazilian soils.  相似文献   

The sorption of imidacloprid (1-[(6-chloro-3-pyridinyl)-methyl]-N-nitro-2-imidazolid-inimine ) (IMI) and its metabolites imidacloprid-urea (1-[(6-chloro-3-pyridinyl)-methyl]-2-imidazol-idinone) (IU), imidacloprid-guanidine (1-[(6-chloro-3-pyridinyl)-methyl]-4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-2-amine) (IG), and imidacloprid-guanidine-olefin (1-[(6-chloro-3-pyridinyl)methyl]-1H-imidazol-2-amine) (IGO) was determined on six typical Brazilian soils. Sorption of the chemicals on the soil was characterized using the batch equilibration method. The range and order of sorption (Kd) on the six soils was IG (4.75-134) > or = IGO (2.87-72.3) > IMI (0.55-16.9) > IU (0.31-9.50). For IMI and IU, Kd was correlated with soil organic carbon (OC) content and CEC, the latter due to the high correlation between OC and cation exchange capacity (CEC) (R2 = 0.98). For IG and IGO, there was no correlation of sorption to clay, pH, OC or CEC due to the high sorption on all soils. Average Koc values were IU = 170, IMI = 362, IGO = 2433, and IG = 3500. Although Kd and Koc values found were consistently lower than those found in soils developed in non-tropical climates, imidacloprid and its metabolites were still considered to be slightly mobile to immobile in Brazilian soils.  相似文献   

Enchytraeids are typical inhabitants of many soils, contributing to vital processes of this environmental compartment. Indirectly they are involved in regulating the degradation of organic matter, as well as improving the pore structure of the soil. Due to their behaviour, they are able to avoid unfavourable environmental conditions. Avoidance tests with enchytraeids, initially developed with earthworms by several authors, are quick and easy to perform. With these tests a first assessment of the toxicity of a (contaminated or spiked) soil is possible in just 48 h by using the reaction of the enchytraeids as measurement endpoint. In this period of time the organisms can choose between the control soil and the other soil (a contaminated or spiked or another soil with different physico-chemical properties). In the tests reported here, the enchytraeids were exposed to control soils spiked with the fungicides Benomyl and Carbendazim and the herbicide Phenmedipham. Several chemical concentrations were tested in order to evaluate the avoidance behaviour to toxic substances. In fact, often these short-term screening tests gave results showing avoidance at concentrations in a range similar to the acute test results but, higher than in chronic tests. Further tests are needed to decide whether the results gained in this study can be extrapolated to other chemicals. It is proposed to standardize the Enchytraeid Avoidance Test as it is currently done for the Earthworm Avoidance Test by the International Standard Organization (ISO).  相似文献   

The environmental fate of the worldwide used herbicide isoproturon was studied in four different, undisturbed lysimeters in the temperate zone of Middle Europe. To exclude climatic effects due to location, soils were collected at different regions in southern Germany and analyzed at a lysimeter station under identical environmental conditions. 14C-isoproturon mineralization varied between 2.59% and 57.95% in the different soils. Barley plants grown on these lysimeters accumulated 14C-pesticide residues from soil in partially high amounts and emitted 14CO2 in an extent between 2.01% and 13.65% of the applied 14C-pesticide. Plant uptake and 14CO2 emissions from plants were inversely linked to the mineralization of the pesticide in the various soils: High isoproturon mineralization in soil resulted in low plant uptake whereas low isoproturon mineralization in soil resulted in high uptake of isoproturon residues in crop plants and high 14CO2 emission from plant surfaces. The soil water regime was identified as an essential factor that regulates degradation and plant uptake of isoproturon whereby the intensity of the impact of this factor is strongly dependent on the soil type.  相似文献   

Reliable predictions of the fate and behaviour of pesticides in soils is dependent on the use of accurate ‘equilibrium’ sorption constants and/or rate coefficients. However, the sensitivity of these parameters to changes in the physicochemical characteristics of soil solids and interstitial solutions remains poorly understood. Here, we investigate the effects of soil organic matter content, particle size distribution, dissolved organic matter and the presence of crop residues (wheat straw and ash) on the sorption of the herbicides atrazine and isoproturon by a clay soil. Sorption Kd's derived from batch ‘equilibrium’ studies for both atrazine and isoproturon by <2 mm clay soil were approximately 3.5 L/kg. The similarity of Koc's for isoproturon sorption by the <2 mm clay soil and <2 mm clay soil oxidised with hydrogen peroxide suggested that the sorption of this herbicide was strongly influenced by soil organic matter. By contrast, Koc's for atrazine sorption by oxidised soil were three times greater than those for <2 mm soil, indicating that the soil mineral components might have affected sorption of this herbicide. No significant differences between the sorption of either herbicide by <2 mm clay soil and (i) <250 μm clay soil, (ii) clay soil mixed with wheat straw or ash at ratios similar to those observed under field conditions, (iii) <2 mm clay soil in the presence of dissolved organic matter as opposed to organic free water, were observed.  相似文献   

Bentonite was modified by quaternary ammonium cations viz. cetytrimethylammonium (CTA), cetylpyridinium (CP), rioctylmethylammonium (TOM) and pcholine (PTC) at 100% cation exchange capacity of bentonite and was characterized by X-ray diffraction, CHNS elemental analyser and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The sorption of imidacloprid on organobentonites/bentonite was studied by batch method. Normal bentonite could adsorb imidacloprid only upto 19.31–22.18% while all organobentonites except PTC bentonite (PTCB), enhanced its adsorption by three to four times. Highest adsorption was observed in case of TOM bentonite (TOMB) (76.94–83.16%). Adsorption kinetic data were fitted to pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order and intraparticle diffusion models. For normal bentonite data were best fitted to pseudo-first-order kinetic, while for organobentonites fitted to pseudo-second-order kinetics. Sorption data were analysed using Freundlich, Langmuir, Temkin and Dubinin–Radushkevich isotherm models. Data were well fitted to Freundlich adsorption isotherm. Product of Freundlich adsorption constant and heterogeneity parameter (Kf.1/n) was in following order: TOMB (301.87) > CTA bentonite (CTAB) (152.12) > CP bentonite (CPB) (92.58) > bentonite (27.25). Desorption study confirmed hysteresis and concentration dependence. The present study showed that the organobentonite could be a good sorbent for removal of imidacloprid from natural water sample also. Percentage adsorption and Distribution coefficient (mL g?1) value of different adsorbent was in following order: TOMB (74.85% and 297.54) > CTAB (55.78% and 126.15) > CPB (45.81% and 84.55) > bentonite (10.65% and 11.92).  相似文献   

Low cost agro-waste biosorbents namely eucalyptus bark (EB), corn cob (CC), bamboo chips (BC), rice straw (RS) and rice husk (RH) were characterized and used to study atrazine and imidacloprid sorption. Adsorption studies suggested that biosorbents greatly varied in their pesticide sorption behaviour. The EB was the best biosorbent to sorb both atrazine and imidacloprid with KF values of 169.9 and 85.71, respectively. The adsorption isotherm were nonlinear in nature with slope (1/n) values <1. The Freundlich constant Correlating atrazine/imidacloprid sorption parameter [KF.(1/n)] with the physicochemical properties of the biosorbents suggested that atrazine adsorption correlated significantly to the aromaticity, polarity, surface area, fractal dimension, lacunarity and relative C-O band intensity parameters of biosorbents. Probably, both physisorption and electrostatic interactions were responsible for the pesticide sorption. The eucalyptus bark can be exploited as low cost adsorbent for the removal of these pesticides as well as a component of on-farm biopurification systems.  相似文献   

Bacterial, azotobacter, actinomycetes, and fungal populations were determined in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) fields between July and November for three consecutive years (1997-1999) after insecticide treatments. Diazinon was applied for both seed and soil treatments. However, imidacloprid and lindane were used for seed treatments. An average half-life (t1/2) of diazinon in seed- and soil-treated fields was found to be 29.32 and 34.87 days, respectively. Its residues were found for 60 days in both cases. In diazinon seed treatment, an increase in azotobacter, fungi, and actinomycetes populations was observed in samples from the 15th and 30th days, and this trend continued until crop harvest. However, the bacterial population had not been affected by this treatment. The diazinon soil treatment had indicated some significant adverse effects on fungi and actinomycetes population, which recovered after 30 days. The population of bacteria and azotobacter increased significantly in this treatment. The residues of imidacloprid and lindane were found for 90 and 120 days with an average half-life of 40.9 and 53.3 days, respectively. Imidacloprid had no significant effect on fungi and actinomycetes populations up to 15 days, and between 15 to 60 days some adverse effects were indicated. However, some significant increases in bacterial and azotobacter population were observed. Lindane had no effect on bacterial and fungal population. However, its adverse effects were observed in actinomycetes and azotobacter populations between 30 to 60 days.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the atrazine mineralization potential in agricultural soil was studied in two soil layers (topsoil and at 35-45 cm depth) in a 3 years field trial to examine the long term response of atrazine mineralizing soil populations to atrazine application and intermittent periods without atrazine and the effect of manure treatment on those processes. In topsoil samples, 14C-atrazine mineralization lag times decreased after atrazine application and increased with increasing time after atrazine application, suggesting that atrazine application resulted into the proliferation of atrazine mineralizing microbial populations which decayed when atrazine application stopped. Decay rates appeared however much slower than growth rates. Atrazine application also resulted into the increase of the atrazine mineralization potential in deeper layers which was explained by the growth on leached atrazine as measured in soil leachates recovered from that depth. However, no decay was observed during intermittent periods without atrazine application in the deeper soil layer. atzA and trzN gene quantification confirmed partly the growth and decay of the atrazine degrading populations in the soil and suggested that especially trzN bearing populations are the dominant atrazine degrading populations in both topsoil and deeper soil. Manure treatment only improved the atrazine mineralization rate in deeper soil layers. Our results point to the importance of the atrazine application history on a field and suggests that the long term survival of atrazine degrading populations after atrazine application enables them to rapidly proliferate once atrazine is again applied.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope  Herbicide fate and its transport in soils and sediments greatly depend upon sorption–desorption processes. Quantitative determination of herbicide sorption–desorption is therefore essential for both the understanding of transport and the sorption equilibrium in the soil/sediment–water system; and it is also an important parameter for predicting herbicide fate using mathematical simulation models. The total soil/sediment organic carbon content and its qualitative characteristics are the most important factors affecting sorption–desorption of herbicides in soil or sediment. Since the acetochlor is one of the most frequently used herbicides in Slovakia to control annual grasses and certain annual broad-leaved weeds in maize and potatoes, and posses various negative health effects on human beings, our aim in this study was to investigate acetochlor sorption and desorption in various soil/sediment samples from Slovakia. The main soil/sediment characteristics governing acetochlor sorption–desorption were also identified. Materials and methods  The sorption–desorption of acetochlor, using the batch equilibration method, was studied on eight surface soils, one subsurface soil and five sediments collected from the Laborec River and three water reservoirs. Soils and sediments were characterized by commonly used methods for their total organic carbon content, distribution of humus components, pH, grain-size distribution, and smectite content, and for calcium carbonate content. The effect of soil/sediment characteristics on acetochlor sorption–desorption was examined by simple correlation analysis. Results  Sorption of acetochlor was expressed as the distribution coefficient (K d). K d values slightly decreased as the initial acetochlor concentration increased. These values indicated that acetochlor was moderately sorbed by soils and sediments. Highly significant correlations between the K d values and the organic carbon content were observed at both initial concentrations. However, sorption of acetochlor was most closely correlated to the humic acid carbon, and less to the fulvic acid carbon. The total organic carbon content was found to also significantly influence acetochlor desorption. Discussion  Since the strong linear relationship between the K d values of acetochlor and the organic carbon content was already released, the corresponding K oc values were calculated. Considerable variation in the K oc values suggested that other soil/sediment parameters besides the total soil organic carbon content could be involved in acetochlor sorption. This was revealed by a significant correlation between the K oc values and the ratio of humic acid carbon to fulvic acid carbon (CHA/CFA). Conclusions  When comparing acetochlor sorption in a range of soils and sediments, different K d values which are strongly correlated to the total organic carbon content were found. Concerning the humus fractions, the humic acid carbon content was strongly correlated to the K d values, and it is therefore a better predictor of the acetochlor sorption than the total organic carbon content. Variation in the K oc values was attributed to the differences in distribution of humus components between soils and sediments. Desorption of acetochlor was significantly influenced by total organic carbon content, with a greater organic carbon content reducing desorption. Recommendations and perspectives  This study examined the sorption–desorption processes of acetochlor in soils and sediments. The obtained sorption data are important for qualitative assessment of acetochlor mobility in natural solids, but further studies must be carried out to understand its environmental fate and transport more thoroughly. Although, the total organic carbon content, the humus fractions of the organic matter and the CHA/CFA ratio were sufficient predictors of the acetochlor sorption–desorption. Further investigations of the structural and chemical characteristics of humic substances derived from different origins are necessary to more preciously explain differences in acetochlor sorption in the soils and sediments observed in this study.  相似文献   

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