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Gill anomalies in two fish species (Geophagus brasiliensis and Astyanax bimaculatus) were compared among three freshwater systems with different water quality: one eutrophic river, one eutrophic reservoir, and one oligotrophic reservoir. The raised hypotheses are that reservoirs with low water quality (eutrophic) have fish with more gills anomalies compared with reservoirs with high water quality (oligotrophic), and that the more stable environmental conditions of eutrophic rivers have fish with better healthy conditions than eutrophic reservoirs that have lesser stable environmental conditions. Gills of 36 adult individuals of G. brasiliensis and 23 of A. bimaculatus collected during the winter 2008 and winter 2009 were examined, and the proportions of occurrence of nine histological alterations were compared for the two species among the three systems using a binomial t test for independent samples. Histological changes in fish gills that are reversible and unspecific, such as epithelial lifting, interstitial edema, leukocyte infiltration, hyperplasia of the epithelial cells, lamellar fusion, and vasodilatation were common in both fish species in the three systems. However, lamellar aneurism, which is a more serious and often irreversible anomaly, and lamellar blood congestion occurred only in fish from the two reservoirs. Alternatively, necrosis occurred more in fish from the river. Fish gill anomalies in both species did not differ between the two reservoirs, despite having different water quality. We rejected the hypothesis that reservoirs with lower water quality have fish with more gill injuries compared with high water quality reservoirs. Moreover, the eutrophic river seems to affect differently the healthy condition of fish species, compared with the eutrophic reservoir.  相似文献   

The concentrations of heavy metals and metals (Zn, Pb, Bi, Cd, Ni, Co, Fe, Mn, Mg, Cu, Cr, Ca, Sr, Na, Li, K) were measured in muscle of five species Cyprinus carpio (from I??kl? dam), Scardinius erythrophthalmus (from I??kl? dam), Tinca tinca (from I??kl? dam), C. carpio (from Karaca?ren dam), Carassius carassius (from Karaca?ren dam) caught from I??kl? and Karaca?ren. The highest metal was Na (466.95 μg/g) in C. carassius, while the lowest levels were Fe (0.37 μg/g) and Cu (0.37 μg/g) in C. carpio from I??kl? dam. The mean concentrations μg/g d.w. some of heavy metals in muscle of C. carpio (from I??kl? dam), S. erythrophthalmus (from I??kl? dam), T. tinca (from I??kl? dam), C. carpio (from Karaca?ren dam), C. carassius (from Karaca?ren dam) were as follows: Cd 2.00-2.10-1.95-2.06-2.27, Zn 4.36-2.64-13.13-13.33-24.47, Pb 1.65-1.24-1.90-2.37-2.41, Co 2.46-2.37-2.48-2.58-2.80, Mg 138.51-154.35-218.59-204.58-202.16, Fe 0.37-2.62-3.17-3.01-12.33, respectively.  相似文献   

In the present study, some heavy metals (Cu, Fe, Zn and Mn) were seasonally determined in water, sediment and some tissues of fish Tinca tinca from Bey?ehir Lake, which is an important bird nesting and visiting area, a water source for irrigation and drinking. In the water, Fe has the highest concentrations among the studied metals. Generally, the metal concentrations increased in the hottest period decreased in warm seasons. Results for levels in water were compared with national and international water quality guidelines, as well as literature data reported for the lakes. Fe was the highest in sediment samples, also Cu and Zn were the highest in spring, while Fe and Mn were in autumn. Among the heavy metals studied, Cu and Mn were below the detection limits in some tissues. Generally, higher concentrations of the tested metals were found in the summer and winter, compared with those during the autumn and spring seasons. High levels of heavy metals were found in liver of T. tinca, while low levels in muscle samples. Metal concentrations in the muscle of examined fish were within the safety permissible levels for human consumption. The present study shows that precautions need to be taken in order to prevent further heavy metal pollution.  相似文献   

The Coatzacoalcos Region in Veracruz, Mexico houses one of the most important industrial complexes in Mexico and Latin America. Lead is an ubiquitous environmental pollutant which represents a great risk to human health and ecosystems. Amphibian populations have been recognized as biomonitors of changes in environmental conditions. The purpose of this research is to measure exposure to lead and evaluate hematological and biochemical effects in specimens of giant toads (Rhinella marina) taken from three areas surrounding an industrial complex in the Coatzacoalcos River downstream. Lead levels in toads' blood are between 10.8 and 70.6 μg/dL and are significantly higher in industrial sites. We have found a significant decrease in the delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (δ-ALAD) activity in blood from 35.3 to 78 % for the urban–industrial and industrial sites, respectively. In addition, we have identified a strong inverse relationship between the δ-ALAD activity and the blood lead levels (r?=??0.84, p?<?0.001). Hemoglobin and mean corpuscular hemoglobin levels, as well as the condition factor, are found to be lower at industrial sites compared with the reference sites. Our results suggest that the R. marina can be considered a good biomonitor of the δ-ALAD activity inhibition and hematological alterations at low lead concentrations.  相似文献   

In this study, the concentrations of CO, non-methane hydrocarbons, NOX, SO2, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene (BTEX), PM10, and PM2.5 were continuously monitored before and after the fireworks display during the traditional Lantern Festival from March 2?C7, 2007 in Yanshui Town, Taiwan. Major roads in Yanshui Town were surrounded by fireworks 13 km in length, with the display lasting for 45 min. More than 200 small firecracker towers popped up randomly in town, resulting in exceedingly inhomogeneous air quality until the end of display at 03:00 the next day, March 5. During the fireworks display, the hourly concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 at Yanshui Primary School reached about 429 and 250 ??g m???3, respectively, which is 10 times the normal level, and 6 s values even went as high as 1,046 and 842 ??g m???3, respectively. Similarly, BTEX concentration went up to about five to 10 times its normal value during the fireworks display. As indicated by the distribution of submicron particle sizes, the number of particles with a diameter less than 100 nm increased abruptly during the event period. Metal components with concentrations of more than 10 times higher than the normal value at Yanshui Primary School were Sr, K, Ba, Pb, Al, Mg, and Cu, in sequence. Among water-soluble ions, the content of K?+?, Mg2?+?, and Cl??? increased the most, all of which were related to the materials used in the fireworks. The results of this study indicate that fireworks can cause an abrupt increase in the concentration of trace substances in the air within a short period. Although the risks of these trace substances on public health remain to be further assessed, the study results can be utilized in the management of folk events.  相似文献   

The investigation was carried out on a small pond situated on a recent mine spoil at Bolesław in the Olkusz region with Zn–Pb ore deposits. Water of the pond had pH 7.2–8.5 and low concentrations of heavy metals. Concentrations of Pb (487 μg g − 1) and Zn (1,991 μg g − 1) in the sediment were very high and potentially could lead to toxicological effects. In the pond, 48 taxa of macroinvertebrates belonging to Oligochaeta and water stages of Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Megaloptera, Trichoptera, Heteroptera, Coleoptera and Diptera (mainly Chironomidae family) were found. The influence of heavy metals on macroinvertebrates diversity was not found. Effect of heavy metal pollution was observed on the appearance of chromosome aberrations in the polytene chromosomes of Chironomidae larvae. It was manifested by two ways: (1) in Kiefferulus tendipediformis and Chironomus sp. chromosome rearrangements in fixed state (tandem fusion and homozygous inversions), indicated intensive process of speciation; (2) in Chironomus sp., K. tendipediformis, Glyptotendipes gripekoveni (Chironomidae) somatic chromosome rearrangements (inversions, deficiencies, specific puffs, polyploidy) affected few cells of every individual. The somatic functional and structural alterations in Chironomidae species are particular suitable as biomarkers—they can be easily identified and used for detecting toxic agents in the environment.  相似文献   

Growing concern over reproductive hormones in the environment demands sensitive and efficient methods by use of molecular biomarkers to detect these contaminants in oviparous vertebrates. In this study, a real-time quantitative RT-PCR was adopted to investigate the expressions of three estrogen-responsive genes, Vtg I, Vtg II and ERalpha, in hepatic and extrahepatic tissues of male adult zebrafish exposed to varying concentrations of 17beta-estradiol (E2) for selected periods. Without exposure to E2, all the genes were expressed in the tissues of male controls with their levels being much lower than those in the respective tissues of female controls. The expressions of hepatic Vtg I and II mRNAs were induced significantly after 1-day exposure to E2 at as low as 0.25 microg L(-1). Significant induction in the expression of hepatic ERalpha mRNA required a higher E2 concentration (> or = 0.5 microg L(-1)) and a longer exposure (> or = 2 days), suggesting that Vtg I and Vtg II are more sensitive to E2 exposure. The induction of Vtg mRNA in the skin of zebrafish was also significant following a short exposure (1 day) to low E2 concentration (0.25 microg L(-1)), with the levels of Vtg I and Vtg II mRNA being increased by 25 and 5 times, respectively. These results suggest that Vtg I mRNA is a highly sensitive biomarker for determining the estrogenic effects of E2 and that the skin of zebrafish may be an appropriate substitute for liver for such a determination.  相似文献   

The traditional northern Norwegian fish dish "m?lje", consisting of boiled cod, cod liver, cod liver oil and hard roe, is still consumed frequently during the winter months January to March. The liver of the cod is rich in lipids and the levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are relatively high. To better understand the short-term consequences of this traditional meal on the plasma levels of PCBs and p,p'-DDE, individual intake of liver and cod liver oil during one meal was measured. Blood samples were collected from 33 participants before the meal, and then 4 h, 12 h and 5 days after it. Lipid-weight and wet-weight levels of 10 PCB congeners and p,p'-DDE were determined in the plasma samples and the food. The plasma levels of p,p'-DDE was found to increase significantly from 0 to 4 h, both when expressed as wet-weight (35% change) and lipid-weight (20% change). The corresponding changes (0-4 h) in wet-weight levels of the most prevalent PCB congeners were non significant. By contrast, PCB congeners with low levels in the food showed a significant drop in lipid-weight levels during the first 4 h. The observed changes were independent of amount consumed. Significant differences in fasting and non-fasting samples were found for most PCBs and p,p'-DDE. For the lipid weight levels of sum PCBs there was a significant decrease of 16% from non-fasting to fasting samples. To obtain reliable data on human levels of POPs it is, on the basis of these findings, recommended that blood samples should be collected from fasting individuals and both wet-weight and lipid-weight levels should be reported.  相似文献   

Forest fragmentation is one of the most important threats to global biodiversity, particularly in tropical developing countries. Identifying priority areas for conservation within these forests is essential to their effective management. However, this requires current, accurate environmental information that is often lacking in developing countries. The Cockpit Country, Jamaica, contains forests of international importance in terms of levels of endemism and overall diversity. These forests are under severe threat from the prospect of bauxite mining and other anthropogenic disturbances. In the absence of adequate, up-to-date ecological information, we used satellite remote sensing data and fragmentation analysis to identify interior forested areas that have experienced little or no change as priority conservation sites. We classified Landsat images from 1985, 1989, 1995, 2002, and 2008, using an object-oriented method, which allowed for the inclusion of roads. We conducted our fragmentation analysis using metrics to quantify changes in forest patch number, area, shape, and aggregation. Deforestation and fragmentation fluctuated within the 23-year period but were mostly confined to the periphery of the forest, close to roads and access trails. An area of core forest that remained intact over the period of study was identified within the largest forest patch, most of which was located within the boundaries of a forest reserve and included the last remaining patches of closed-broadleaf forest. These areas should be given highest priority for conservation, as they constitute important refuges for endemic or threatened biodiversity. Minimizing and controlling access will be important in maintaining this core.  相似文献   

The relationship between parasites and environmental stress were studied in two tropical coastal lagoons of Northwest Mexico: Urias estuary (highly polluted) and Teacapan estuary (slightly polluted). Metazoan parasites were examined in 292 white mullet (Mugil curema) specimens collected bimonthly during a year from both systems. Haliotrema mugilinus, Metamicrocotyla macracantha, Ergasilus sp., Caligus sp., Holobomolochus sp., and Lernaeopodidae were found in gills, while Contracaecum sp. larvae III was found liver, hepatic portal vein and kidneys. Ecological indices were influenced by the slightly higher number of parasitic species in Urias compared to Teacapan, as well as the clear dominance of two species: Ergasilus sp. and Contracaecum sp. in both systems. In fact, Ergasilus sp. showed considerably higher abundance in Urias, possibly indicating that its success was a result of adverse conditions affecting the host, while Contracaecum sp showed higher abundances in Teacapan, suggesting that the environmental conditions occurring in Urias could have produced negative impacts on the nematode's infective potential.  相似文献   

Trends in atmospheric acid deposition and in soil solution acidity from 1995 or later until 2007 were investigated at several forest sites throughout Switzerland to assess the effects of air pollution abatements on deposition and the response of the soil solution chemistry. Deposition of the major elements was estimated from throughfall and bulk deposition measurements at nine sites of the Swiss Long-Term Forest Ecosystem Research network (LWF) since 1995 or later. Soil solution was measured at seven plots at four soil depths since 1998 or later. Trends in the molar ratio of base cations to aluminum (BC/Al) in soil solutions and in concentrations and fluxes of inorganic N (NO(3)-N + NH(4)-N), sulfate (SO(4)-S), and base cations (BC) were used to detect changes in soil solution chemistry. Acid deposition significantly decreased at three out of the nine study sites due to a decrease in total N deposition. Total SO(4)-S deposition decreased at the nine sites, but due to the relatively low amount of SO(4)-S load compared to N deposition, it did not contribute to decrease acid deposition significantly. No trend in total BC deposition was detected. In the soil solution, no trend in concentrations and fluxes of BC, SO(4)-S, and inorganic N were found at most soil depths at five out of the seven sites. This suggests that the soil solution reacted very little to the changes in atmospheric deposition. A stronger reduction in base cations compared to aluminum was detected at two sites, which might indicate that acidification of the soil solution was proceeding faster at these sites.  相似文献   

In order to document the impact of Best Available Techniques (BAT) and implementation of regulation on the improvement of the coastal marine environment state, we examined the case of a representative steel mill located at the Gulf of Elefsis (Greece). The evaluation of metal pollution was based on the analysis of major and trace elements, organic carbon, magnetic properties, and sediment accumulation rates, in sediment cores obtained from the vicinity of the plant. The analytical data are discussed in relation to steel production, changes of production routes, and adoption of BAT introduced in order to fulfill EU and national legislation. The results show that the input of pollutants to sediments and the degree of contamination were reduced by approximately 40–70% in the decade 2003–2015 in comparison to the periods of high discharges (1963–2002), whereas the toxicity risks from “high-to-extremely high” were reduced to “medium-to-high.”  相似文献   

The study, which measured the concentrations of Hg, Pb, Cd, Zn and As in various fish tissues (muscle, gill and liver) of 10 fish species (Abramis brama danubii, Alburnus alburnus alburnus, Barbus meridionalis petenyi, Carassius auratius gibelio, Cyprinus carpio, Lepomis gibossus, Leuciscius cephalus cephalus, Perca fluviatilis fluviatilis, Rutilus rutilus, Scardinus erythrophtlalmus erythrophtlalmus) collected in the Šalek lakes, is the first survey regarding metal concentrations in fish species with samples originating from Slovene lakes, while only a limited number of such studies have been carried out in southeastern Europe. Since these lakes are situated in the close vicinity of the largest Slovene thermal power plant, the study provides an insight into the potential impact of increased levels of metals in the environment as well as an estimate of the contamination of fish tissues with metals. Furthermore, it was possible to compare the results obtained with those from other studies regarding metal levels in freshwater fish species. The mean metal concentrations of different tissues irrespective of species varied in the following ranges: Zn 4.31–199 mg/kg ww, Pb 0.01–0.48 mg/kg ww, As 0.02–0.44 mg/kg ww, Hg <0.01–0.31 mg/kg ww, Cd < 0.01–0.19 mg/kg ww. In general, higher contents of Hg were found in muscles and livers than in gills and higher contents of As in gills and livers than in muscles, respectively. The accumulation of Pb and Zn was most pronounced in gills. The result obtained regarding metal concentrations in fish revealed that the ecosystems of the Šalek lakes are not polluted with Hg and Pb, slightly loaded with As and Cd and moderately polluted with Zn. In addition, the potential human health risk due to fish consumption was assessed. This showed that the estimated weekly intakes for all metals were far below provisional permissible tolerable weekly intakes determined by WHO/FAO. The consumption of fish from the Šalek lakes, therefore, does not pose a risk to human health.  相似文献   

Ground-level concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) were monitored over three seasons, i.e., post-monsoon (September–October), winter (January–February), and summer (May–June) for 1 year during 2013–2014 in Nagpur City in India. The selected gases had moderate to high variation both spatially (residential, commercial, traffic intersections, residential cum commercial sites) and temporally (at 7:00, 13:00, 18:00, and 23:00 hours in all three seasons). Concentrations of gases were randomly distributed diurnally over city in all seasons, and there was no specific increasing or decreasing trend with time in a day. Average CO2 and N2O concentrations in winter were higher over post-monsoon and summer while CH4 had highest average concentration in summer. Observed concentrations of CO2 were predominantly above global average of 400 ppmv while N2O and CH4 concentrations frequently dropped down below global average of 327 ppbv and 1.8 ppmv, respectively. Two-tailed Student’s t test indicated that post-monsoon CO2 concentrations were statistically different from summer but not so from winter, while difference between summer and winter concentrations was statistically significant (P < 0.05). CH4 concentrations in all seasons were statistically at par to each other. In case of N2O, concentrations in post-monsoon were statistically different from summer but not so from winter, while difference between summer and winter concentrations was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Average ground-level concentrations of the gases calculated for three seasons together were higher in commercial areas. Environmental management priorities vis a vis greenhouse gas emissions in the city are also discussed.  相似文献   

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