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不同质量比的膨松剂对家庭生物有机垃圾堆肥的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冯磊  李润东  李延吉 《环境污染与防治》2007,29(10):731-734,776
为解决家庭生物有机垃圾堆肥反应中含水率高、含有机质多等问题,选择秸秆作为膨松剂对家庭生物有机垃圾进行堆肥处理,重点研究添加不同质量比的膨松剂对堆肥反应中堆体温度、含水率、有机质、pH、电导率及堆料质量减少率等评估堆肥质量参数变化的影响.结果表明,添加质量分数为5%、10%及20%的膨松剂的堆肥反应在第2天堆体温度超过55℃,并持续3 d以上,而添加质量分数为30%的膨松剂堆肥由于其含水率较低(约55%)在整个堆肥反应中堆体温度都低于55℃;堆肥1周内,有机质及含水率下降显著;添加20%膨松剂堆肥的堆料质量减少率最为明显,达39.6%;堆肥反应中,pH在5.5~8.5,在腐熟期pH趋于稳定,呈弱碱性;电导率随堆肥进行呈上升趋势,4种不同质量比膨松剂堆肥产品的电导率均位于1.88~1.96 mS/cm,可以安全使用.  相似文献   

He X  Xi B  Wei Z  Guo X  Li M  An D  Liu H 《Chemosphere》2011,82(4):541-548
This paper aims to characterize the evolution of water extractable organic matter (WEOM) during the composting of municipal solid waste (MSW), and investigate the correlation between maturity and WEOM characteristics. WEOM was extracted at different stages of MSW composting (0, 7, 14, 21, and 51 d) and characterized by FTIR, UV-Vis, and fluorescence spectroscopy. The results obtained show that the composting process decreased aliphatics, alcohols, polysaccharides, as well as protein-like materials, and increased aromatic polycondensation, humification, oxygen-containing functional groups, molecular weight, and humic-like materials. The maturity of MSW during composting was characterized by the presence of the peak with an excitation/emission wavelength pair of 289/421 nm in excitation-emission matrix spectra.  相似文献   

To find a better composting process with low greenhouse gas emission and high humus production, the effect of adding kitchen waste on reduction and humification of organic matter during straw composting was studied. Three processes were compared, consisting of different ratios of straw and kitchen waste (1:2, 1:1, and 2:1). At four time points over a 62-d incubation, the reduction and humification of compost was evaluated by measuring the total mass, carbon content, and humic material content of the compost. Treatment 1 (straw/kitchen waste ratio of 1:2) reduced the total mass of compost the most. Treatment 2 (straw/kitchen waste ratio of 1:1) reduced the total carbon content the most, reflecting the highest emission of greenhouse gas. Treatment 3 produced the most humic acid material and released the lowest amount of carbon. Hence, from the point of view of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing stable organic matter such as humus and humic acid during composting, treatment #3 was optimal. The three treatments resulted in significant differences in microbial biomass and enzyme activity during composting. The highest amount of active microbial biomass was associated with the largest reduction in compost mass (treatment 1). Higher proportions of straw (treatments 2 and 3), which contains more lignin, were associated with greater β-glycosidase activity, which may generate more humus that can improve soil quality. Dehydrogenase activity seemed to be the most important microbial factor in organic carbon catabolism or humification.  相似文献   

城市固体有机废物堆肥实验装置设计   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
根据城市固体有机废物的特点和性质 ,设计了一种堆肥的实验装置 ,该设计包括空间结构设计、通风系统设计和搅拌系统设计。空间结构设计的特点是小型的、用于实验室研究的、仓式动态好氧结构 ;通风系统的设计则是以供氧、散热和去除水分所需通风量为基础 ;搅拌系统设计包括搅拌器的结构设计和所需动力设计  相似文献   

The organic pollutants (OPs) present in compostable organic residues can be recovered in the final composts leading to environmental impacts related to their use in agriculture. However, the composting process may contribute to their partial dissipation that is classically evaluated through the concentration decrease in extractable OPs, without identification of the responsible mechanisms as mineralization or stabilization of OP as non-extractable residues (NER) or bound residues. The dissipation of four (14)C-labeled OPs (fluoranthene; 4-n-nonylphenol, NP; sodium linear dodecylbenzene sulfonate, LAS; glyphosate) was assessed during composting of sewage sludge and green waste. The dissipation of LAS largely resulted from its mineralization (51% of initial LAS), whereas mineralization was intermediate for NP (29%) and glyphosate (24%), and negligible for fluoranthene. The NER pathway mostly concerned NP and glyphosate, with 45% and 37% of the recovered (14)C being found as NER at the end of composting, respectively. In the final composts, the proportions of water soluble residues of OPs considered as readily available were <11% of recovered (14)C-OPs. However, most fluoranthene remained solvent extractable (72%) and potentially available, whereas only 18% of glyphosate and less than 7% of both NP and LAS remained solvent extractable in the final compost.  相似文献   

Oxidative biodegradation of dissolved organic matter during composting   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays an important role in the microbial degradation of compost since it represents the most active organic fraction, both biologically and chemically. The detailed evaluation of the changes in the chemical and biochemical characteristics of DOM induced by oxidative biodegradation, presented in this work highlights the mechanisms involved in the degradation of soluble organic matter during composting. In fact, the results show that during the initial stages of composting, DOM is highly degradable under aerobic conditions, particularly due to the predominance of labile, hydrophilic compounds such as carbohydrates, amino acids and proteins. As such compounds are degraded more resistant aromatic moieties accumulate in solution resulting in a reduction in the degradability of DOM with composting time. This decrease in degradability was found to be highly correlated with microbial oxygen demand, and could have important implications in the evaluation of the composting process.  相似文献   

采用自行研制的一套新型快速堆肥装置——重力翻板式垃圾快速堆肥装置,对易腐有机物含量80%左右,含水率73%左右的生活垃圾进行快速发酵中试研究。生活垃圾在4 d的间歇动态初级发酵期内,能保持70℃以上温度3 d以上,无害化、减量化及节能减耗效果好。  相似文献   

餐厨垃圾和绿化废弃物混合堆肥的试用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以餐厨垃圾和绿化废弃物堆肥作为种植基质,研究了其不同堆肥比例对黑麦草(Lolium perenne L.)生长的影响。结果表明,将不同基质组分别施用后,黑麦草各项生长指标(植株高度、盖度、地上和地下生物量(干重))均良好,其中2#基质(80%土壤+20%堆肥)施用效果优于1#(90%土壤+10%堆肥)和3#(70%土壤+30%堆肥)基质。对比不同堆肥对黑麦草生长的影响发现,(80%+20%)堆肥6处理的黑麦草地上和地下生物量最大,分别约为40 g和28 g,第三茬草地上生物量(干重)与对照组相比增幅为164.3%,盖度达到了98%。本研究确定了堆肥和土壤的最佳配比以及最佳堆肥类型,不但可以解决其资源化再利用的问题,而且植物生长良好,表明该技术在城市绿化中具有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   

Composting was investigated as a means for safe disposal of organic waste containing bacteria that carry transgenes in recombinant plasmids. To generate model recombinant plasmids, a mobile IncQ plasmid, RSF1010, and a non-mobile plasmid, pGFP, were genetically modified to carry a DNA segment encoding both green fluorescent protein and kanamycin resistance and were designated as RSF1010-GFPK and pGFPK. Escherichia coli (E. coli) C600 harboring these plasmids were inoculated into chicken manure specimens that were placed in compost at 20 and 60 cm from the bottom of a 1.0-m high compost bin. Control specimens were held at ambient temperature. By day 10, compost temperatures at the lower and upper levels of the bin had reached 45.3 and 61.5°C, respectively, and at both levels the target E. coli had been inactivated and the plasmids had lost their capacity to be transformed or mobilized. Furthermore, based on real time Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the transgene fragments along with the host chromosomal DNA fragment from specimens at the upper level had been degraded beyond the detection limit. However, at the lower level where temperatures remained below 48°C these fragment persisted to day 21. At ambient temperatures (0–8°C), the E. coli, plasmids and the transgene fragments persisted in manure specimens throughout the 21 day test period. The study showed the potential for composting as a safe procedure for disposal of bacteria carrying transgenes in recombinant plasmids.  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾堆肥试验装置的设计   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
堆肥装置是研究堆肥过程中各种参数变化和获取优化参数的必不可少的工具。本文从堆肥维持其温度的先决条件出发,并在大量调研的基础上确定了实验室好氧发酵装置的合理尺寸、渗沥水收集和回喷系统、布气系统等。该装置的尺寸为长1m,宽0.5m,高0.6m,堆料的高度为0.48m;根据垃圾样品的理化性质,确定了渗滤液回喷的时间为116S、鼓风机的风量为0.055m^3/min,风压为300Pa,并且对其引入自动控制设备,使通风工作5min、休息35min。最后利用生活垃圾堆肥试验验证该装置满足堆肥的一次发酵要求。该装置采用自动控制系统,布水、布气均匀,保温效果好,发酵过程温度测定方便快捷,而且还有功率消耗小、臭气集中易于处理的优点。  相似文献   

堆肥装置是研究堆肥过程中各种参数变化和获取优化参数的必不可少的工具.本文从堆肥维持其温度的先决条件出发,并在大量调研的基础上确定了实验室好氧发酵装置的合理尺寸、渗沥水收集和回喷系统、布气系统等.该装置的尺寸为长1 m,宽0.5 m,高0.6 m,堆料的高度为0.48 m;根据垃圾样品的理化性质,确定了渗滤液回喷的时间为116 s、鼓风机的风量为0.055 m3/min,风压为300 Pa,并且对其引入自动控制设备,使通风工作5 min、休息35 min.最后利用生活垃圾堆肥试验验证该装置满足堆肥的一次发酵要求.该装置采用自动控制系统,布水、布气均匀,保温效果好,发酵过程温度测定方便快捷,而且还有功率消耗小、臭气集中易于处理的优点.  相似文献   

Composting and digestion are important waste management strategies. However, the resulting products can contain significant amounts of organic pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). In this study we followed the concentration changes of PCBs and PAHs during composting and digestion on field-scale for the first time. Concentrations of low-chlorinated PCBs increased during composting (about 30%), whereas a slight decrease was observed for the higher chlorinated congeners (about 10%). Enantiomeric fractions of atropisomeric PCBs were essentially racemic and stable over time. Levels of low-molecular-weight PAHs declined during composting (50-90% reduction), whereas high-molecular-weight compounds were stable. The PCBs and PAHs concentrations did not seem to vary during digestion. Source apportionment by applying characteristic PAH ratios and molecular markers in input material did not give any clear results. Some of these parameters changed considerably during composting. Hence, their diagnostic potential for finished compost must be questioned.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of bulking agents on the maturity and gaseous emissions of composting kitchen waste. Three different bulking agents (cornstalks, sawdust, and spent mushroom substrate) were used to compost kitchen waste under aerobic conditions in 60-L reactors for a 28-d period. A control treatment was also studied using kitchen waste without a bulking agent. During the experiment, maturity indexes such as temperature, pH value, C/N ratio, and germination index were determined, and continuous measurements of leachate and gaseous emissions (CH4, N2O, and NH3) were taken. The results showed that all of the composts with bulking agents reached the required maturity standard, and the addition of spent mushroom substrate gave the highest maturity (C/N ratio decreased from 23 to 16 and germination index increased from 53% to 111%). The bulking agents also reduced leachate production and CH4 and N2O emissions, but had little impact on NH3 emissions. Composting with sawdust as a bulking agent was found to emit less total greenhouse gas (33 kg CO2-eq t−1 dry matter) than the other treatments.  相似文献   

鸡粪堆肥水溶性有机物转化特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用离子色谱和三维荧光光谱,分别对鸡粪堆肥不同阶段水溶性有机物(DOM)中典型小分子有机酸、磷酸和荧光有机物进行了研究。分析显示,所研究的7种酸(乙酸、琥珀酸、苹果酸、草酸、柠檬酸、酒石酸及磷酸)中,苹果酸的含量最高(1 000 mg/L),草酸的浓度最低(3 mg/L),琥珀酸和柠檬酸未检测到。随着堆肥的进行,各种酸的含量先上升而后下降,堆肥结束降至最低;堆肥过程样品所有荧光峰强度之和与COD达到显著相关(R=0.917,P0.05),类蛋白荧光峰强度与总荧光峰强度的比值不断降低,而类富里酸荧光峰强度与总荧光峰强度的比值不断上升。结果表明,堆肥过程小分子有机酸主要出现在堆肥中期;类蛋白荧光强度或类富里酸荧光强度与总荧光强度之比可以有效表征堆肥腐熟过程。  相似文献   

The concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO) and other gases were measured in the emissions from solid waste degradation under aerobic and anaerobic conditions during laboratory and field investigations. The emissions were measured as room temperature headspace gas concentrations in reactors of 1, 30, and 150 L, as well as sucked gas concentrations from windrow composting piles and a biocell, under field conditions. The aerobic composting laboratory experiments consisted of treatments with and without lime. The CO concentrations measured during anaerobic conditions varied from 0 to 3000 ppm, the average being 23 ppm, increasing to 133 ppm when methane (CH4) concentrations were low. The mean/maximum CO concentrations during the aerobic degradation in the 2-L reactor were 101/194 ppm without lime, 486/2022 ppm with lime, and 275/980 ppm in the 150-L reactors. The presence of CO during the aerobic composting followed a rapid decline in O2 concentrations Significantly higher CO concentrations were obtained when the aerobic degradation was amended with lime, probably because of a more extreme depletion of oxygen. The mean/maximum CO concentrations under field conditions during aerobic composting were 95/1000 ppm. The CO concentrations from the anaerobic biocell varied from 20 to 160 ppm. The hydrogen sulfide concentrations reached almost 1200 ppm during the anaerobic degradation and 67 ppm during the composting experiments.  相似文献   

采用机械淋滤/厌氧生物组合工艺,充分发挥机械淋滤反应器的水解酸化功能和厌氧生物反应器的产甲烷功能,对有机生活垃圾进行了中试规模处理。厌氧生物反应器经过接种,15 d驯化完成。厌氧反应器出水回流淋洗水量对机械淋滤反应器运行特征有较大影响,当回流淋洗水量为3.0 m3/d时,淋滤液COD、VFA第8天时浓度分别为41 000 kg/L和2 000 kg/L。对机械淋滤反应器/厌氧反应器组合工艺进行了多批次实验,每吨有机生活垃圾平均产生沼气87.2 m3,甲烷含量稳定在75%,平均产沼系数为0.46 m3/kg COD,厌氧生物反应器出水COD平均值为560 mg/L,在对有机生活垃圾处理的同时实现有机生活垃圾资源化利用。  相似文献   

餐厨垃圾和绿化废弃物换向通风好氧堆肥   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以某高校餐厨垃圾和绿化废弃物为原料,利用一种换向通风的堆肥降解装置对其进行好氧堆肥处理,研究了2个进气温度(35℃、45℃)和3个通风速率(1.5、2.5和4 m3/h)6个处理组对堆肥原料理化性质(堆体温度、含水率、pH值、有机质含量、C/N、种子发芽指数)的影响。餐厨垃圾和绿化废弃物进行15 d好氧堆肥后,pH值上升到7左右,有机质含量达到20%~80%,C/N都降到20以下,种子发芽指数均大于50%。经过1个月腐熟,其含水率≤30%。上述指标符合有机肥料标准(NY525-2011)的要求,该堆肥产物可用于园林绿地,具有显著的经济效益和生态效益。本研究结果表明,将城市餐厨垃圾和绿化废弃物混合后进行好氧堆肥是废弃物处理的高效工程,具有良好的发展前景。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This article presents the pilot experience of an integrated biowaste management system developed in Tinos island, Greece, which promoted source...  相似文献   

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