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环境保护部于4月22日向媒体发布2009年“六·五”世界环境习中国主题:“减少污染——行动起来”。联合国环境规划署确定2009年“六·五”世界环境日的主题为“你的星球需要你,联合起来应对气候变化”(Your planet needs YOU!Unite to combat climate change),强调气候变化和更广范围的环境变化。为呼应这一主题,  相似文献   

为了迎接世界环境日,世界各地的人们都动员起来,积极投入世界环境日的纪念活动中,掀起了一次环境宣传热潮。  相似文献   

陶公 《环境教育》2014,(5):34-35
正有人说,任何靠工业起家的国家如英美日都经历过一个从基础经济到中高端经济的演变。而且他们以前严重的环境问题现在都大大改善了。现在中国至多是重蹈他们先污染后治理的老路罢了。果真如此吗?本人绝不敢贸然做此想,原因很不幸的便是体制不同。西方工业国家以自由市场经济为龙头,平时政府对市场的影响维持在最小,但当环境问题严重到危及民生时,政府便会果断出手干预。这种从无到有的干预是强有力的,但对正常的经济发展影响却不大。亚当·斯密的隐形之  相似文献   

2月12日,联合国环境规划署(UNEP)在阿尔及利亚首都阿尔及尔举行的新闻发布会上宣布,2006年世界环境日庆典将在这里举行。这也是世界环境日庆典首次在北非国家举行。今年世界环境日的主题是“沙漠和荒漠化”。  相似文献   

今天是六月五日——世界环境日。在此,本刊编辑部向为我国环境保护事业做出贡献的同志们致以最诚挚的敬意!自从一九七二年联合国大会第二十七届会议把每年的这一天确定为世界环境日,她已经走过了十四年的历程。  相似文献   

六·五世界环境日是环境保护领域一个具有极其重大意义的节日,根据中华人民共和国环境保护部对六·五世界环境日的宣传部署,各地环保部门均开展形式多样、内涵丰富的宣传活动,为建设生态文明  相似文献   

"六·五"世界环境日是环境保护领域一个具有极其重大意义的节日,根据中华人民共和国环境保护部对"六·五"世界环境日的宣传部署,各地环保部门均开展形式多样、内涵丰富的宣传活动,为建设生态文明、倡导低碳经济和探索环保新道路,营造强大宣传声势和良好舆论氛围,《环境教育》杂志社计划出版"六·五"宣传挂图,用鲜活的图片和文字让人们更加关注我国的环境保护事业。现就征订事宜函告如下:  相似文献   

一年一度的“6·5”世界环境日是公众关注环保程度最高的时段之一,福建省充分借助这一有利时机,按照第38个世界环境日主题“你的星球需要你,联合起来应对气候变化”和中国环境宣传主题“减少污染——行动起来”,结合实际,以全民环境教育为主线,加强横向联系,采取统筹协调、上下联动的方式,引导公众关注污染防治,动员全社会力量积极参与,在全省范围内组织开展了面向不同层面的环境宣传教育活动,  相似文献   

2012年的世界环境日宣传纪念活动,在部领导高度重视和有关方面的大力支持下,圆满地落下了帷幕。“六·五”期间,环保部主办的8项活动以服务环保中心工作为宗旨,  相似文献   

The challenges currently facing resource managers are large-scale and complex, and demand new approaches to balance development and conservation goals. One approach that shows considerable promise for addressing these challenges is adaptive management, which by now is broadly seen as a natural, intuitive, and potentially effective way to address decision-making in the face of uncertainties. Yet the concept of adaptive management continues to evolve, and its record of success remains limited. In this article, we present an operational framework for adaptive decision-making, and describe the challenges and opportunities in applying it to real-world problems. We discuss the key elements required for adaptive decision-making, and their integration into an iterative process that highlights and distinguishes technical and social learning. We illustrate the elements and processes of the framework with some successful on-the-ground examples of natural resource management. Finally, we address some of the difficulties in applying learning-based management, and finish with a discussion of future directions and strategic challenges.  相似文献   

当前,我国正处在工业化、城镇化加速发展的时期,各种自然灾害和人为活动带来的环境风险不断加剧,突发环境事件以更加复杂、多样的形式为公众所关注,有效防范和应对突发环境事件已成为环境保护工作的重要任务之一。我国环境安全的现状是什么?环境应急管理体系是怎样的?  相似文献   

对大型节能活动"20行动"进行了介绍,并对大学生在节能减排中的行为提出了建议。  相似文献   

It has become increasingly clear that desertification can only be tackled through a multi-disciplinary approach that not only involves scientists but also stakeholders. In the DESIRE project such an approach was taken. As a first step, a conceptual framework was developed in which the factors and processes that may lead to land degradation and desertification were described. Many of these factors do not work independently, but can reinforce or weaken one another, and to illustrate these relationships sustainable management and policy feedback loops were included. This conceptual framework can be applied globally, but can also be made site-specific to take into account that each study site has a unique combination of bio-physical, socio-economic and political conditions. Once the conceptual framework was defined, a methodological framework was developed in which the methodological steps taken in the DESIRE approach were listed and their logic and sequence were explained. The last step was to develop a concrete working plan to put the project into action, involving stakeholders throughout the process. This series of steps, in full or in part, offers explicit guidance for other organizations or projects that aim to reduce land degradation and desertification.  相似文献   

Extensive research demonstrates that public participation in environmental decision making can increase understanding of diverse worldviews and knowledge bases, public faith in governance institutions, and compliance with resulting rules. Concerns linger around costs, possibilities of polarization and decreased legitimacy in cases of poorly executed processes, and the ability of newly empowered groups to gain political leverage over others. If participants in public processes can bracket their personal experience to better assess other viewpoints, establishing mutual respect and understanding through deliberative exchange, they increase the likelihood of maximizing participatory benefits and minimizing risks. Such reflexivity indicates double-loop social learning, change undertaken through collective discussion and interaction. A capacity-building workshop program aims to foster such learning within the Maine fishing industry. Case material draws primarily on participant observation and interview data, using a grounded theory approach to qualitative analysis. Evidence indicates that in social contexts removed from the norms of daily life and the frustrations of past fishery management confrontations, harvesters acquire knowledge and skills that facilitate more strategic and productive behavior in formal and informal marine resource decision venues. Suspensions of longstanding spatio-temporal assumptions around the prosecution and management of fisheries comprise key learning moments, and yield corresponding changes in industry attitudes and actions. With heightened appreciation for a diversity of experiences and management priorities, harvesters can better mobilize a broad spectrum of local knowledge to develop viable regulatory proposals and collaborative decision processes.  相似文献   

2012年的春天,是个令人悲恸的“倒春寒”:从3月,3日到5月18日。长江流域湖南省洞庭湖区域发现12具江豚尸体,长江安庆段也发现8只死亡江豚。而整个长江中下游流域有20多头江豚死亡。几乎是去年全年死亡量。  相似文献   

2014年“6·5”世界环境日中国主题为“向污染宣战”,旨在体现我们党和国家对治理污染紧迫性和艰巨性的清醒认识,彰显以人为本、执政为民的宗旨情怀和强烈的责任担当精神,倡导全社会共同行动,打一场治理污染的攻坚战,努力改善环境质量,保卫我们赖以生存的共同家园。  相似文献   

This article explores individual and community action taken in response to perceived environmental risks by investigating the determinants of environmental action across a range of action types. A conceptual framework is first presented, which provides a foundation for investigating the role of local compositional (i.e., individual characteristics), contextual (i.e., neighborhood environment), and collective (i.e., social networks) factors in environmental action. To test the utility of the conceptual framework, a quantitative survey was administered to a random sample of households (n = 512) in Hamilton, Canada. The results suggest that the predictors of environmental action vary by action type (i.e., personal change, individual civic action, and cooperative civic action), and that factors related to perceived environmental exposure and social capital generally play a stronger, more consistent role in civic environmental action than sociodemographic or neighborhood factors. The results underscore the role of social connection in responses to perceived environmental risks.  相似文献   

This research adds an action research approach to mixed methods to understand the drivers and barriers to residential waste minimisation in Palmerston North, New Zealand. While local, national, and global structural barriers persisted outside the participants’ immediate control, action research enhanced waste minimisation practices within the limits of these structural barriers. The reflexive and collaborative principles of action research allowed research participants to identify individualised needs and challenges. Thus, the research proceeded according to the participants’ circumstances. Some of the key drivers included a sense of accountability, active learning, social support, convenience, affordability, and access to information and resources. The participants also offered recommendations to the City Council, producers, and policy-makers to enhance residential waste minimisation in Palmerston North. While the value-action gap persists in purely quantitative waste research seeking to understand and change waste behaviour, action research was beneficial as it added a more nuanced understanding of participants’ waste behaviours. It also contextualised waste-related practices and attitudes in a specific locale.  相似文献   

Agriculture is a key land user implicated in the causes of, and solutions to, the problem of biodiversity decline. The development, in the late 1990s, of farm biodiversity action plans (farm BAPs) represents an important step towards achieving greater farmer involvement in biodiversity and is the first specific attempt to devise a practical mechanism for meeting biodiversity targets at the farm level. In this paper the processes surrounding the design and implementation of farm BAPs are used to explore how farmers are responding to the biodiversity issue and to highlight challenges and opportunities being faced by the organizations delivering biodiversity to the farming community. It describes the formulation and operation of farm BAPs, and then moves on to present two conceptual domains, governance and ecological modernization, which provide a framework for interpreting the emergence of farm BAPs. Following a brief elaboration of methodology, the paper presents and discusses selected findings from empirical research into farm BAPs across the UK.  相似文献   

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