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As the human activity footprint grows, land-use decisions play an increasing role in determining the future of plant and animal species. Studies have shown that urban and agricultural development cannot only harm species populations directly through habitat destruction, but also by destroying the corridors that connect habitat patches and populations within a metapopulation. Without these pathways, populations can encounter inbreeding depression and degeneration, which can increase death rates and lower rates of reproduction. This article describes the development and application of the FRAGGLE model, a spatial system dynamics model designed to calculate connectivity indices among populations. FRAGGLE can help planners and managers identify the relative contribution of populations associated with habitat patches to future populations in those patches, taking into account the importance of interstitial land to migration success. The model is applied to the gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus), a threatened species whose southeastern U.S. distribution has diminished significantly within its native range due to agricultural and urban development over the last several decades. This model is parameterized with life history and movement traits of the gopher tortoise in order to simulate population demographics and spatial distribution within an area in west-central Georgia that supports a significant tortoise population. The implications of this simulation modeling effort are demonstrated using simple landscape representations and a hypothetical on land-use management scenario. Our findings show that development resulting in even limited habitat losses (10%) may lead to significant increases in fragmentation as measured by a loss in the rate of dispersions (31%) among area subpopulations.  相似文献   

Whether animals are active at night or during the day has profound consequences for many aspects of their behavioral ecology. Because of ecological and physiological trade-offs, most animals, including primates, are either strictly nocturnal or diurnal. However, a few primate species exhibit cathemeral activity, i.e., their activity is irregularly distributed throughout the 24-h cycle. Details and determinants of this unusual activity pattern are poorly understood because long-term 24-h observations are not feasible in the field. We therefore used small data loggers to record the activity of cathemeral redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus) from several neighboring groups quantitatively and continuously over a complete annual cycle in order to evaluate various proposed proximate and ultimate determinants of cathemeral activity. Activity data were examined for variation as a function of ambient temperature, time of day, lunar phase, and season. We found that cathemeral activity occurred year-round and that, on average, 3.5 times more activity occurred during the day. Total and diurnal activity increased during the long days of the austral summer. Nocturnal activity increased during the longer nights of the cool dry season. Irrespective of season, lunar phase had a significant effect on the distribution of activity across the 24-h cycle, with most nocturnal activity recorded during parts of the night with greatest brightness. These data indicate that light availability is the primary proximate determinant for the patterning of cathemeral activity. Several lines of evidence suggest that cathemerality in lemurs has evolved from nocturnal ancestors and that it represents a transitory state on the way to the diurnal niche.Communicated by F. Trillmich  相似文献   

Least flycatchers (Empidonax minimus) and American redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla) overlap in the use of food resources on their breeding grounds, promoting high levels of interspecific aggression by the socially dominant flycatcher. We examined the role of song in this interspecific aggression by using repeated-measures-designed playback experiments and observational data on induced aggressive interactions. Flycatchers were more likely to approach the speaker during presentation of redstart song than during intervals of no song or presentation of control song. Approach was close enough to enable visual contact with a singing redstart. In contrast, redstarts made significantly fewer flights following presentation of flycatcher song, when risk of flycatcher attack may be greatest. Reducing the number of flights likely reduces the risk of flycatcher attack on the redstart, as flycatchers do not attack stationary redstart models and are apparently dependent on cues from redstart flight for visual heterospecific recognition. Flycatcher-specific responses of redstarts and marked differences in song morphology rule out misdirected intraspecific aggression as a proximate or ultimate cause of interspecific response to song. Results indicate that song is an important component in aggressive interactions between these two species, and reflect the dominant role of the flycatcher in such interactions. Our results also illustrate the capacity for interspecific interference competition to influence behavior and heterospecific song recognition in two distant avian taxa. Received: 10 January 1995/Accepted after revision: 8 June 1996  相似文献   

Green lacewings in the carnea group of Chrysoperla engage in species-specific heterosexual duets using low-frequency substrate-borne signals. Within each species, both sexes sing nearly identical songs. Songs are the principal barriers to hybridization between sympatric species in the complex. Here, we investigated the responsiveness of males and females of Chrysoperla plorabunda to synthesized, prerecorded songs that differed from the species mean in the period between repeated volleys of abdominal vibration. We tested 15–16 males and 15–16 females using playbacks of two signals that gradually increased or decreased in volley period, starting at the species mean. We found that (1) duets during courtship are accurate, interactive, and adjustable by each participant; (2) in staged duets, both sexes respond best to song tempos near the mean volley period of their population, but can nonetheless maintain duets with signals of nearly twice, or half, the normal volley period; (3) individuals fine-tune their adjustments to signals of different volley periods by changing their own volley duration and latent period, or less often by inserting extra volleys or skipping every other volley; (4) males are significantly better at matching signals of changing tempo than females; and (5) the range of song responsiveness of C. plorabunda does not overlap the natural range of volley periods found in Chrysoperla adamsi, an acoustically similar sibling species, thus reaffirming strong behavioral isolation. In sum, the precise, almost unbreakable heterosexual duets characteristic of song species of the carnea group result from tight mutual feedback between partners. Effective reproductive isolation between species can be based on song differences alone.  相似文献   

The concentrations of lead and copper in sclerotium of the mushroom Pleurotus tuber-regium widely consumed in Southeastern Nigeria were determined. The specimens purchased from different markets were mineralized with H2SO4 and H2O2 and analyzed using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The concentrations of Pb ranged from 0.2?±?0.1?mg?kg?1 to 0.8?±?0.5?mg?kg?1 with approximately 91% of the results being below 1?mg?kg?1. The concentrations of Cu ranged from 0.5?±?0.2?mg?kg?1 to 1.2?±?0.6?mg?kg?1 with 78% of the results below 1?mg?kg?1. The results were compared with the literature and levels set by regulatory authorities, with the conclusion that the consumption of sclerotium does not pose a toxicological risk. The low Pb content of the studied products would contribute to only about 1% of the provisional tolerable weekly intake of Pb. The Cu contents would contribute to nutritional intake of the metal in the general population. It is recommended that the outer layers of the sclerotia be properly scrapped before use to reduce metal contamination from exogenous sources.  相似文献   

To respond appropriately to communication signals, animals must have the ability to decipher signal meaning. At a basic level, interpreting the difference between territorial and courtship signals can be vital for the survival and reproduction of social animals. Male and female fiddler crabs communicate with claw-waving displays, but the function of these waves remains uncertain. Species differ in the context in which they wave: Some wave during courtship, some during territorial defence and some during both. In this paper, we provide evidence that males of an Australian species of fiddler crab, Uca perplexa, use two different types of claw waving display, lateral and vertical. Lateral waves are employed solely in a courtship context, whilst vertical waves are employed during courtship as well as territorial interactions. Using video recordings, we show that lateral waves were produced spontaneously (broadcast), and their frequency increased only in the presence of female wanderers. Vertical waves were not broadcast but were elicited by male wanderers during agonistic interactions and female wanderers during close range courtship. Male resident U. perplexa were able to discriminate the sex of wandering crabs on the mudflat at distances of 32 cm. During all resident–wanderer interactions, residents attempted to maintain a position directly between the wanderer and the home burrow and orient themselves to face females and to present the major claw towards males. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of the multiple use of waving displays in a fiddler crab species.  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency uses environmental models to inform rulemaking and policy decisions at multiple spatial and temporal scales. As decision-making has moved towards integrated thinking and assessment (e.g. media, site, region, services), the increasing complexity and interdisciplinary nature of modern environmental problems has necessitated a new generation of integrated modeling technologies. Environmental modelers are now faced with the challenge of determining how data from manifold sources, types of process-based and empirical models, and hardware/software computing infrastructure can be reliably integrated and applied to protect human health and the environment.In this study, we demonstrate an Integrated Modeling Framework that allows us to predict the state of freshwater ecosystem services within and across the Albemarle-Pamlico Watershed, North Carolina and Virginia (USA). The Framework consists of three facilitating technologies: Data for Environmental Modeling automates the collection and standardization of input data; the Framework for Risk Assessment of Multimedia Environmental Systems manages the flow of information between linked models; and the Supercomputer for Model Uncertainty and Sensitivity Evaluation is a hardware and software parallel-computing interface with pre/post-processing analysis tools, including parameter estimation, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. In this application, five environmental models are linked within the Framework to provide multimedia simulation capabilities: the Soil Water Assessment Tool predicts watershed runoff; the Watershed Mercury Model simulates mercury runoff and loading to streams; the Water quality Analysis and Simulation Program predicts water quality within the stream channel; the Habitat Suitability Index model predicts physicochemical habitat quality for individual fish species; and the Bioaccumulation and Aquatic System Simulator predicts fish growth and production, as well as exposure and bioaccumulation of toxic substances (e.g., mercury).Using this Framework, we present a baseline assessment of two freshwater ecosystem services-water quality and fisheries resources-in headwater streams throughout the Albemarle-Pamlico. A stratified random sample of 50 headwater streams is used to draw inferences about the target population of headwater streams across the region. Input data is developed for a twenty-year baseline simulation in each sampled stream using current land use and climate conditions. Monte Carlo sampling (n = 100 iterations per stream) is also used to demonstrate some of the Framework's experimental design and data analysis features. To evaluate model performance and accuracy, we compare initial (i.e., uncalibrated) model predictions (water temperature, dissolved oxygen, fish density, and methylmercury concentration within fish tissue) against empirical field data. Finally, we ‘roll-up’ the results from individual streams, to assess freshwater ecosystem services at the regional scale.  相似文献   

Facultatively solitary and eusocial species allow for direct tests of the benefits of group living. We used the facultatively social sweat bee Megalopta genalis to test several benefits of group living. We surveyed natural nests modified for observation in the field weekly for 5 weeks in 2003. First, we demonstrate that social and solitary nesting are alternative behaviors, rather than different points on one developmental trajectory. Next, we show that solitary nests suffered significantly higher rates of nest failure than did social nests. Nest failure apparently resulted from solitary foundress mortality and subsequent brood orphanage. Social nests had significantly higher productivity, measured as new brood cells provisioned during the study, than did solitary nests. After accounting for nest failures, per capita productivity did not change with group size. Our results support key predictions of Assured Fitness Return models, suggesting such indirect fitness benefits favor eusocial nesting in M. genalis. We compared field collections of natural nests to our observation nest data to show that without accounting for nest failures, M. genalis appear to suffer a per capita productivity decrease with increasing group size. Calculating per capita productivity from collected nests without accounting for the differential probabilities of survival across group sizes leads to an overestimate of solitary nest productivity.  相似文献   

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