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喜旱莲子草在中国的入侵机理及其生物防治   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
喜旱莲子草为全球性恶性杂草,也是中国生物多样性国家报告中首批9种重要外来入侵植物之一.本文综述了喜旱莲子草的起源、分布以及在我国的传播扩散和危害,并分析了入侵机制.鉴于这是我国生物防治外来杂草最成功的项目,还介绍了利用昆虫天敌生物防治的过程、实践和经验,讨论了存在的问题及应对策略. 参60  相似文献   

广东省外来物种入侵现状及其生态环境影响调查   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
广东省外来物种种类多数量大,截止到2000年主要外来入侵种的入侵总面积达108.12万hm^2,造成的直接经济损失高达20.71亿元。文章在大量调查的基础上,对广东省外来入侵种的种类、分布、入侵面积及其造成的生态环境影响进行了研究,分析了外来物种入侵规律,并提出外来种入侵的防治对策。  相似文献   

中国生物入侵的现状与趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用文献调研、实地考察与专家咨询相结合的方式,对中国境内森林、湿地、草原、荒漠、内陆水域和海洋等生态系统的外来入侵物种进行调查,共查明488种外来入侵物种并收集其详细信息,包括名称、分类地位、分布、起源、首次发现或引入的地点和时间、入侵途径、危害、营养和环境条件等.在这488种外来入侵物种中,植物265种,动物171种,菌物26种,病毒12种,原核生物11种,原生生物3种.对有较明确入侵时间记载的392种外来入侵物种入侵年代的分析结果表明,1850年以前,仅出现31种外来人侵物种,自1850年起,新的外来入侵物种种数总体呈逐步上升趋势,特别是1950年后的60a间,新出现209种.外来入侵物种首次发现的地点集中在沿海地区及云南和新疆等边疆地区,但首次发现地点有逐步北移的趋势.有意引进与无意引进的外来入侵物种种数所占比例十分接近,近年来无意引进成为首要途径.美洲、欧洲和亚洲其他地区是中国外来入侵物种的主要来源地.外来入侵物种的分布呈现由沿海向内陆逐步减少的趋势.  相似文献   

外来入侵物种是造成全球生物多样性丧失的主要威胁因素,我国是世界上受外来入侵物种危害最严重的国家之一。外来入侵物种的界定是一个富有争议的话题,准确界定外来入侵物种,明确防控对象,是开展外来入侵物种防控的首要条件。综合分析了各类国际公约以及不同国家和地区对外来入侵物种的定义方法,并从表述方式、空间范围、时间范围、影响和层次性5个角度分析界定了外来入侵物种的相关主要问题。通过辨析外来入侵物种的概念与内涵,探讨外来入侵物种的相关重要问题,为我国未来制定外来入侵物种的专门性法规提供新的参考思路。  相似文献   

外来入侵植物在中国的分布及入侵能力研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以近十几年来备受关注的外来植物入侵为背景,综述关于入侵植物在我国分布和入侵能力及其相关因素的研究进展,并探讨了未来研究需要加强的几个方面。不同起源地的入侵植物在我国分布区域不一样,在控制了起源地的作用后,入侵植物主要分布在经济较发达、人为活动较多的省份或地区(大尺度),以及干扰较严重的生境(小尺度)。入侵能力强的多年生植物常有强大的无性繁殖能力、高光合速率和资源利用效率、强化感作用、以及适应异质生境的能力;起源于美洲的入侵能力强的1年生植物常能产生大量的易传播的种子、可自交亲和、强化感作用等;起源于欧亚大陆的入侵能力强的1年生植物常与作物非常相似,在农田中危害严重。未来需要研究干扰促进入侵的机制、化感作用与野外实际情况相结合研究、化感物质通过改变土壤微生态环境间接促进入侵的机制研究、1年生和多年生外来植物的入侵能力与其物种特性之间的关系、以及加强对弱入侵性外来植物的预警研究。这些研究不仅能使我们深入理解外来植物发生入侵和危害的规律,也可为人侵植物的防控和管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

合毒蛾可危害多种林木,造成严重落叶.笔者对合毒蛾的寄主、危害、形态特征、天敌资源及生物学特性等内容作了介绍.该虫在我国目前尚无分布报道,因此应加强木材、苗木等的检验检疫,防止其入侵我国.参5.  相似文献   

云南临沧地区公路两侧紫茎泽兰分布格局   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
云南省临沧地区是我国紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium adenophorum)传入最早和入侵危害最严重的地区。文章在该地区选取典型路段并设置了10个样地,以等级、路宽、路面状况、路龄、人类活动干扰不同的7条公路为研究对象,分析了紫茎泽兰生物量、株高和株数与距公路距离、公路宽度、景观类型、坡向及海拔的关系。结果表明,公路对紫茎泽兰生物量和株高有显著影响的最远距离为24m,而对株数的影响达34m;6m宽的公路对紫茎泽兰生物量和株数影响最显著,且路龄越长、交通干扰越大的公路两侧的紫茎泽兰入侵危害越严重;紫茎泽兰在公路附近的撂荒地和次生林两个景观类型中入侵危害严重,景观类型对生物量与坡向对株高的影响不显著,位于南坡公路附近的紫茎泽兰生物量和株数最高,研究发现公路附近紫茎泽兰总生物量随海拔升高而增加,在1700m达最大,随后则降低。  相似文献   

作为中国重要生态安全屏障的秦岭,随着经济社会的不断发展,大量人为活动穿梭其中,使得外来植物得以侵入并迅速蔓延和扩张,势必影响当地生物多样性保护,然而这些外来种的入侵现状、危害与风险等信息还缺乏全面详细的研究,为秦岭生物多样性保护埋下巨大“安全隐患”,因此亟待全面系统地研究秦岭林区外来植物的相关现状信息,并对其进行科学有效的入侵风险评估。通过野外调查秦岭中段南北坡外来植物的种类、分布现状、生境类型、扩散趋势等,采用层次分析法构建秦岭外来植物入侵风险评价体系,对该区外来植物进行风险等级划分并提出防范管控措施。结果表明:1)秦岭外来植物有131种,隶属33科87属,主要集中在菊科(Asteraceae)、苋科(Amaranthaceae)、禾本科(Poaceae)、豆科(Fabaceae),其中菊科植物数量最多(35种),占总种数的26.7%;2)秦岭外来植物传入年限主要集中在50-150 a之间(54.2%),大部分通过有意引入和无意引进带入国内(75.6%);3)秦岭外来植物入侵风险评价体系涵盖外来植物入侵性、已入侵分布现状、扩散性和危害与影响4个方面,共设置了13个指标。131种外来植...  相似文献   

酸雨对外来植物入侵的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
廖周瑜  彭少麟 《生态环境》2007,16(2):639-643
酸雨和外来种入侵都是全球关注的问题。结合外来入侵植物的生态适应特性以及酸雨的危害特征,系统分析了酸雨对外来植物入侵产生的影响。酸雨对外来植物入侵的影响是复杂多样的。酸雨导致群落冠层稀疏,群落透光率增加,加之氮沉降后土壤、水体氮素的增加,有利于生长力强的外来喜阳植物入侵;酸雨加速土壤酸化,促使基本离子淋失以及A1毒等危害植物的生长发育,植物的内源激素以及化感作用发生改变,适应力和耐受力强的外来植物在与本地植物竞争中处于相对优势而成为入侵种;酸雨以及外来植物入侵改变了土壤微生物群落结构,影响本地植物的生长而促使外来植物的入侵。  相似文献   

农田恶性杂草相比普通杂草的传播更为迅速且难以有效防治,对农业生产危害严重.明确典型恶性杂草当前潜在分布面积及未来气候变化下对耕地的潜在入侵风险对农业生产管理具有重要意义.以广泛分布于青藏高原农田中的3种常见恶性杂草,即野燕麦(Avena fatua L.)、一年生早熟禾(Poa annua L.)和狗尾草[Setaria viridis(L.)P.Beauv.]为研究对象,利用广义增强模型(GBM)、广义线性模型(GLM)、人工神经网络(ANN)、最大熵(MaxEnt)、随机森林(RF)及多元自适应回归样条(MARS)算法集合预测上述3种杂草在青藏高原的潜在地理分布以及驱动其变化的关键因子,以评估其对耕地的入侵风险.未来气候场景采用最新的第六次国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6)框架下2050年的4种共享经济路线(SSP1-2.6、2-4.5、3-7.0、5-8.5).结果显示:野燕麦适宜分布区面积约为3.5912×10^(5) km^(2),主要分布于四川西南部及青海东部,零星分布于甘肃、西藏和新疆;一年生早熟禾和狗尾草的适宜分布区面积约为4.3046×10^(5) km^(2)和2.0036×10^(5) km^(2),均主要分布于四川西南部和西藏东南部,零星分布于青海东部和甘肃南部.年均温是3种杂草分布的最主要驱动因子.此外,人类足迹和土壤有效氮是影响野燕麦分布的相对重要因子;土壤酸碱度、最暖季降水量是影响一年生早熟禾分布的重要因子;温度季节性、最暖季降水量是影响狗尾草分布的重要因子.预计至2050年,3种杂草在4种情境下均会出现不同程度的扩张,狗尾草的扩张面积表现出随辐射强迫的增强呈先升高后趋于稳定的趋势,而另两种杂草则呈先升后降的趋势.预计3种杂草的潜在分布面积在耕地中的占比与扩张面积的变化趋势一致,且在主产区的占比高于非主产区.模拟结果表明,未来气候变化下,随着3种恶性杂草的适宜分布区面积的扩张,其对青藏高原耕地的入侵风险将增加,尤其是粮食主产区所面临威胁更为严峻,建议应重点关注青藏高原粮食主产区恶性杂草的生理生态、迁移扩散和防治技术研究.(图6表2参61)  相似文献   

Some invasive plant species appear to strongly suppress neighbors in their nonnative ranges but much less so in their native range. We found that in the field in its native range in Mexico, the presence of Ageratina adenophora, an aggressive Neotropical invader, was correlated with higher plant species richness than found in surrounding plant communities where this species was absent, suggesting facilitation. However, in two nonnative ranges, China and India, A. adenophora canopies were correlated with much lower species richness than the surrounding communities, suggesting inhibition. Volatile organic compound (VOC) signals may contribute to this striking biogeographical difference and the invasive success of A. adenophora. In controlled experiments volatiles from A. adenophora litter caused higher mortality of species native to India and China, but not of species native to Mexico. The effects of A. adenophora VOCs on seedling germination and growth did not differ between species from the native range and species from the nonnative ranges of the invader. Litter from A. adenophora plants from nonnative populations also produced VOCs that differed quantitatively in the concentrations of some chemicals than litter from native populations, but there were no chemicals unique to one region. Biogeographic differences in the concentrations of some volatile compounds between ranges suggest that A. adenophora may be experiencing selection on biochemical composition in its nonnative ranges.  相似文献   

Invasive plants may have variable effects within a given environment depending on their interactions with the dominant native species, yet little research has examined such species-species interactions within a site. Savanna trees with nonoverlapping canopies offer an ideal opportunity to assess associated changes in the ecosystem processes that result from interactions between an invasive species and different native tree species. We examined the influence of the exotic invasive shrub Lonicera maackii on decomposition dynamics under three native tree species: Fraxinus quadrangulata, Quercus muehlenbergii, and Carya ovata. Litter decomposition rates and litter C and N were evaluated over two years using single- and mixed-species litterbags (L. maackii and individual tree species litter); microarthropod abundance was measured at 6 weeks using Tulgren funnels. Litter from the invasive L. maackii decomposed and lost N more rapidly than the litter of the three native tree species. The rate at which L. maackii decomposed depended on its location, with L. maackii litter decomposing and losing N more rapidly under C. ovata than under the other two native tree species. Mixing L. maackii with the native species' litter did not accelerate litter mass loss overall but did result in synergistic N losses at variable times throughout the experiment, further highlighting the variable interaction between native species and L. maackii. Nitrogen loss was significantly higher than expected in mixtures of C. ovata + L. maackii litter at 6 weeks, in F. quadrangulata + L. maackii litter at 12 weeks, and in Q. muehlenbergii + L. maackii litter at 24 weeks. If the effects of invasive species on certain ecosystem processes, such as litter decomposition, are strongly influenced by their association with native species, this could suggest the need for a more nuanced understanding of the vulnerability of ecosystem processes to invasions of L. maackii and potentially other invasive species.  相似文献   

A predictive framework for the ecology of species invasions requires that we learn what limits successful invaders in their native range. The red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) is invasive in the United States, Puerto Rico, Australia, New Zealand, and China. Solenopsis invicta appears to be a superior competitor in its introduced range, where it can cause the local extirpation of native species, but little is known about its competitive ability in its native range in South America. Here we examine the competitive ability of S. invicta for food resources in three widely separated Brazilian ant communities. Each of these communities contains 20-40 ant species, 8-10 of which were common and frequently interacted with S. invicta. S. invicta at all three sites was attacked by several species-specific phorid parasitoids, and at one site, two other species were attacked by their own specialized parasitoids. We examined interactions in these local communities for evidence that trade-offs among ant species between resource dominance and resource discovery, and between resource dominance and parasitoid vulnerability facilitate local coexistence. The trade-off between resource dominance and resource discovery was strong and significant only at Santa Genebra, where parasitoids had no effect on the outcome of confrontations at resources. At Bonito, parasitoids significantly reduced the ability of S. invicta, which was the top-ranked behavioral dominant, from defending and usurping food resources from subordinate species. In the Pantanal, S. invicta ranked behind three other ant species in a linear hierarchy of behavioral dominance, and lost the majority of its interactions with a fourth more subordinate species, Paratrechina fulva, another invasive species. Parasitoids of S. invicta were uncommon in the Pantanal, and did not affect its low position in the hierarchy relative to the other two sites. Parasitoids, however, did affect the ability of Linepithema angulatum, the top-ranked behavioral dominant in this community, from defending and usurping resources from behavioral subordinates. These results indicate that both interspecific competition and trait-mediated indirect effects of phorid parasitoids affect the ecological success of the red imported fire ant in its native range, but that the relative importance of these factors varies geographically.  相似文献   

Capers RS  Selsky R  Bugbee GJ  White JC 《Ecology》2007,88(12):3135-3143
Invasive species richness often is negatively correlated with native species richness at the small spatial scale of sampling plots, but positively correlated in larger areas. The pattern at small scales has been interpreted as evidence that native plants can competitively exclude invasive species. Large-scale patterns have been understood to result from environmental heterogeneity, among other causes. We investigated species richness patterns among submerged and floating-leaved aquatic plants (87 native species and eight invasives) in 103 temperate lakes in Connecticut (northeastern USA) and found neither a consistently negative relationship at small (3-m2) scales, nor a positive relationship at large scales. Native species richness at sampling locations was uncorrelated with invasive species richness in 37 of the 60 lakes where invasive plants occurred; richness was negatively correlated in 16 lakes and positively correlated in seven. No correlation between native and invasive species richness was found at larger spatial scales (whole lakes and counties). Increases in richness with area were uncorrelated with abiotic heterogeneity. Logistic regression showed that the probability of occurrence of five invasive species increased in sampling locations (3 m2, n = 2980 samples) where native plants occurred, indicating that native plant species richness provided no resistance against invasion. However, the probability of three invasive species' occurrence declined as native plant density increased, indicating that density, if not species richness, provided some resistance with these species. Density had no effect on occurrence of three other invasive species. Based on these results, native species may resist invasion at small spatial scales only in communities where density is high (i.e., in communities where competition among individuals contributes to community structure). Most hydrophyte communities, however, appear to be maintained in a nonequilibrial condition by stress and/or disturbance. Therefore, most aquatic plant communities in temperate lakes are likely to be vulnerable to invasion.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Identification of factors that drive changes in plant community structure and contribute to decline and endangerment of native plant species is essential to the development of appropriate management strategies. Introduced species are assumed to be driving causes of shifts in native plant communities, but unequivocal evidence supporting this view is frequently lacking. We measured native vegetation, non-native earthworm biomass, and leaf-litter volume in 15 forests in the presence and absence of 3 non-native plant species ( Microstegium vimineum, Alliaria petiolata, Berberis thunbergii ) to assess the general impact of non-native plant and earthworm invasions on native plant communities in northeastern United States. Non-native plant cover was positively correlated with total native plant cover and non-native earthworm biomass. Earthworm biomass was negatively associated with cover of native woody and most herbaceous plants and with litter volume. Graminoid cover was positively associated with non-native earthworm biomass and non-native plant cover. These earthworm-associated responses were detected at all sites despite differences in earthworm species and abundance, composition of the native plant community, identity of invasive plant species, and geographic region. These patterns suggest earthworm invasion, rather than non-native plant invasion, is the driving force behind changes in forest plant communities in northeastern North America, including declines in native plant species, and earthworm invasions appear to facilitate plant invasions in these forests. Thus, a focus on management of invasive plant species may be insufficient to protect northeastern forest understory species.  相似文献   

Carey MP  Wahl DH 《Ecology》2010,91(10):2965-2974
Aquatic communities have been altered by invasive species, with impacts on native biodiversity and ecosystem function. At the same time, native biodiversity may mitigate the effects of an invader. Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is a ubiquitous, invasive fish species that strongly influences community and ecosystem processes. We used common carp to test whether the potential effects of an invasive species are altered across a range of species diversity in native communities. In mesocosms, treatments of zero, one, three, and six native fish species were used to represent the nested subset patterns observed in fish communities of lakes in Illinois, USA. The effect of the invader was tested across fish richness treatments by adding common carp to the native community and substituting native biomass with common carp. Native species and intraspecific effects reduced invader growth. The invader reduced native fish growth; however, the negative effect was minimized with increasing native richness. The zooplankton grazer community was modified by a top-down effect from the invader that increased the amount of phytoplankton. Neither the invader nor richness treatments influenced total phosphorus or community metabolism. Overall, the invader reduced resources for native species; and the effect scaled with how the invader was incorporated into the community. Higher native diversity mitigated the impact of the invader, confirming the need to consider biodiversity when predicting the impacts of invasive species.  相似文献   

Worldwide, invasive species are a leading driver of environmental change across terrestrial, marine, and freshwater environments and cost billions of dollars annually in ecological damages and economic losses. Resources limit invasive‐species control, and planning processes are needed to identify cost‐effective solutions. Thus, studies are increasingly considering spatially variable natural and socioeconomic assets (e.g., species persistence, recreational fishing) when planning the allocation of actions for invasive‐species management. There is a need to improve understanding of how such assets are considered in invasive‐species management. We reviewed over 1600 studies focused on management of invasive species, including flora and fauna. Eighty‐four of these studies were included in our final analysis because they focused on the prioritization of actions for invasive species management. Forty‐five percent (n = 38) of these studies were based on spatial optimization methods, and 35% (n = 13) accounted for spatially variable assets. Across all 84 optimization studies considered, 27% (n = 23) explicitly accounted for spatially variable assets. Based on our findings, we further explored the potential costs and benefits to invasive species management when spatially variable assets are explicitly considered or not. To include spatially variable assets in decision‐making processes that guide invasive‐species management there is a need to quantify environmental responses to invasive species and to enhance understanding of potential impacts of invasive species on different natural or socioeconomic assets. We suggest these gaps could be filled by systematic reviews, quantifying invasive species impacts on native species at different periods, and broadening sources and enhancing sharing of knowledge.  相似文献   

Climate change will require species to adapt to new conditions or follow preferred climates to higher latitudes or elevations, but many dispersal‐limited freshwater species may be unable to move due to barriers imposed by watershed boundaries. In addition, invasive nonnative species may expand into new regions under future climate conditions and contribute to the decline of native species. We evaluated future distributions for the threatened European crayfish fauna in response to climate change, watershed boundaries, and the spread of invasive crayfishes, which transmit the crayfish plague, a lethal disease for native European crayfishes. We used climate projections from general circulation models and statistical models based on Mahalanobis distance to predict climate‐suitable regions for native and invasive crayfishes in the middle and at the end of the 21st century. We identified these suitable regions as accessible or inaccessible on the basis of major watershed boundaries and present occurrences and evaluated potential future overlap with 3 invasive North American crayfishes. Climate‐suitable areas decreased for native crayfishes by 19% to 72%, and the majority of future suitable areas for most of these species were inaccessible relative to native and current distributions. Overlap with invasive crayfish plague‐transmitting species was predicted to increase. Some native crayfish species (e.g., noble crayfish [Astacus astacus]) had no future refugia that were unsuitable for the modeled nonnative species. Our results emphasize the importance of preventing additional introductions and spread of invasive crayfishes in Europe to minimize interactions between the multiple stressors of climate change and invasive species, while suggesting candidate regions for the debatable management option of assisted colonization. Efectos del Cambio Climático, Especies Invasoras y Enfermedades sobre la Distribución de Cangrejos de Río Europeos Nativos  相似文献   

Stricker KB  Stiling P 《Ecology》2012,93(8):1902-1911
The enemy release hypothesis (ERH) is often cited to explain why some plants successfully invade natural communities while others do not. This hypothesis maintains that plant populations are regulated by coevolved enemies in their native range but are relieved of this pressure where their enemies have not been co-introduced. Some studies have shown that invasive plants sustain lower levels of herbivore damage when compared to native species, but how damage affects fitness and population dynamics remains unclear. We used a system of co-occurring native and invasive Eugenia congeners in south Florida (USA) to experimentally test the ERH, addressing deficiencies in our understanding of the role of natural enemies in plant invasion at the population level. Insecticide was used to experimentally exclude insect herbivores from invasive Eugenia uniflora and its native co-occurring congeners in the field for two years. Herbivore damage, plant growth, survival, and population growth rates for the three species were then compared for control and insecticide-treated plants. Our results contradict the ERH, indicating that E. uniflora sustains more herbivore damage than its native congeners and that this damage negatively impacts stem height, survival, and population growth. In addition, most damage to E. uniflora, a native of Brazil, is carried out by Myllocerus undatus, a recently introduced weevil from Sri Lanka, and M. undatus attacks a significantly greater proportion of E. uniflora leaves than those of its native congeners. This interaction is particularly interesting because M. undatus and E. uniflora share no coevolutionary history, having arisen on two separate continents and come into contact on a third. Our study is the first to document negative population-level effects for an invasive plant as a result of the introduction of a novel herbivore. Such inhibitory interactions are likely to become more prevalent as suites of previously noninteracting species continue to accumulate and new communities assemble worldwide.  相似文献   

三种菊科入侵植物的生长与化学防御的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“生活史理论”认为,植物可利用的资源总量是有限的,在植物的不同功能之间存在着此消彼长的权衡关系。入侵植物的生长和化学防御一般优于本地植物,那么其生长与化学防御之间是否存在权衡及其权衡关系怎样,目前尚不清楚。以广东省3种菊科入侵植物[三裂叶蟛蜞菊(Wedelia trilobata (L.) Hitchc.)、飞机草(Eupatorium odoratum)和薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)]为研究对象,并分别以近缘或伴生的本地植物[蟛蜞菊(Wedelia chinenses)、华泽兰(Eupatorium chinense)和鸡矢藤(Paederia scandens)]为对照,研究入侵植物的生长特性(相对生长率和比叶面积)与化学防御物质(缩合单宁和总酚)含量,并基于这2种光合碳分配的主要形式,探讨入侵植物生长与化学防御之间的权衡关系。结果表明:3种入侵植物的相对生长率均高于本地对照种;薇甘菊的比叶面积大于对照种,而其他2种无明显优势。薇甘菊和三裂叶蟛蜞菊的缩合单宁显著高于对照种,飞机草的总酚含量高于对照种。我们的结果显示,入侵植物的生长和化学防御均优于本地植物,但它们的碳同化能力相近;因此,入侵植物特殊的内在资源分配与利用机制可能是其成功入侵的关键。  相似文献   

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