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This study highlights the implications of selenium (Se) dispersion in groundwater flow regimes of Kahota Industrial Triangle area located adjacent to the Soan River, Islamabad. Initially, a regional groundwater 3-D flow model has been developed, calibrated to the known observed heads of 24 water wells, verified, and confirmed that convergence has actually arrived to satisfy the steady state condition. Later, the transient simulation was carried out adding in the known recharge, storage factor, porosity, and observed drawdown matched with the simulated drawdown that appears to fall in close agreement with a difference of 0.25 m. As such the steady state groundwater model has facilitated to understand the mechanism of groundwater flow regimes in reference to the implications of selenium dispersion from disposal of Kahota Industrial Triangle area. Thirty-five water samples were collected mainly from the industrial water wells for the evaluation of heavy metals. Selenium being the major contributor of pollution has been short listed to monitor its dispersion using a solute transport model modular three-dimensional transport model (MT3D). Chemical parameters related to selenium characteristics including horizontal and vertical transverse dispersivity/longitudinal dispersivity, effective molecular diffusion coefficient and bulk density of the porous medium of aquifers have been used in MT3D contaminant transport model. MT3D is run for 30 years in steady state condition. As usual first run did not produce the exact field conditions. Therefore, the contaminant transport model is calibrated against the 32 values of observed selenium concentrations in boreholes by minor adjustments in the chemical parameter values. The final calibration has been achieved with residual value of 3.88 × 10???5 Kg/m3. Seven hypothetical observation wells are used to monitor the selenium concentrations over a long-term period of time.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the ground water quality assessment in Kahuta Industrial Triangle Islamabad, Pakistan. The objective of the study was to assess ground water quality against the drinking water standards for various toxic inorganic elements. Representative groundwater samples were collected and analyzed in the Water Quality Laboratory of Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) at Islamabad, Pakistan. The samples were run on ICP-MS (Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry), which has the capability to separate and quantify 70 elements at a time. One of the finding of study is that ICP-MS is a very good tool to analyze broad range of toxic inorganic elements to the level of parts per billion (ppb). World Health Organization drinking water standards shows that these toxic inorganic elements such as heavy metals even at this concentration level (ppb) are injurious to human health. This analysis indicated pollution of various toxic elements including Selenium. Vertical leachate through industrial waste septic tanks is identified as major cause of groundwater pollution in the Industrial Triangle. Monitoring of the septic tanks and groundwater quality in study area is suggested along with remedial measures.  相似文献   

Kasur is one of the hubs of leather industry in the Punjab, Pakistan, where chrome tanning method of leather processing is extensively being used. Chromium (Cr) accumulation levels in the irrigation water, soil, and seasonal vegetables were studied in three villages located in the vicinity of wastewater treatment plant and solid waste dumping site operated by the Kasur Tanneries Waste Management Agency (KTWMA). The data was interpreted using analysis of variance (ANOVA), clustering analysis (CA), and principal component analysis (PCA). Interpolated surface maps for Cr were generated using the actual data obtained for the 30 sampling sites in each of the three villages for irrigation water, soil, and seasonal vegetables. The level of contamination in the three villages was directly proportional to their distance from KTWMA wastewater treatment plant and the direction of water runoff. The highest level of Cr contamination in soil (mg kg?1) was observed at Faqeeria Wala (37.67), intermediate at Dollay Wala (30.33), and the least in Maan (25.16). A gradational variation in Cr accumulation was observed in the three villages from contaminated wastewater having the least contamination level (2.02–4.40 mg L?1), to soil (25.16–37.67 mg kg?1), and ultimately in the seasonal vegetable crops (156.67–248.33 mg kg?1) cultivated in the region, having the highest level of Cr contamination above the permissible limit. The model used not only predicted the current situation of Cr contamination in the three villages but also indicated the trend of magnification of Cr contamination from irrigation water to soil and to the base of the food chain. Among the multiple causes of Cr contamination of vegetables, soil irrigation with contaminated groundwater was observed to be the dominant one.  相似文献   

The present work revealed that salinity, water temperature, and food availability were the most crucial factors affecting the abundance of larvae and their settlement as macrofouling community in the coastal waters of Kalpakkam. Quantitative as well as qualitative results showed that late post-monsoon (April–May) and pre-monsoon (June–September) periods were found to be suitable periods for larval growth, development, and survival to adult stages for most of the organisms. Clustering of physico-chemical and biological (including larval and adult availability) data yielded two major clusters; one formed by northeast (NE) monsoon months (October–January) and the other by post-monsoon/summer (February–May) months, whereas; pre-monsoon months (June–September) were distributed between these two clusters. Among all the major macrofouler groups, only bivalves established a successful relationship between its larval abundance and adult settlement. Principal component analysis indicated good associations of bivalve larvae with polychaete larvae and adult bivalves with adult barnacles. However, biotic relation between ascidians and bryozoans was observed both in the larval as well as adult community.  相似文献   

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