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矿山企业发展循环经济的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细介绍了首钢矿山公司发展循环经济的基本思路和主要做法,结合其多年的探索与实践,指出发展循环经济既是矿山企业适应时代变化的必然趋势,也是矿山生存与发展的应有前提,是提升矿山企业核心竞争力的合理选择。  相似文献   

煤矸石是煤炭开采和加工过程中排放的废弃岩石,主要有掘进井巷时排出的煤矸石、选煤排出的煤矸石和露天采煤产生的剥离矸石。一般认为,煤矸石综合排放量占原煤产量的15%~20%,全国每年除综合利用约6000Mt外,其余部分作为工业固体废弃物混杂堆积。据资料统计,全国累计堆存煤矸石已达30Gt,形成了1500座矸石山,占地12万hm^2,造成煤矿周边地区或流域的环境问题,影响煤矿的可持续发展。  相似文献   

李广植 《化工环保》1990,10(1):49-53
介绍了化工区域环境评价中主要噪声源的特征及其噪声级的理论估算,用实测数据说明了电厂放空噪声与乙烯火炬放空噪声的危害及其影响程度,对区域性环境评价中重点噪声源的影响范围作了初步探讨,并提出了粗浅的看法。  相似文献   

焦化废水的污染物特征及处理技术的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
张万辉  韦朝海 《化工环保》2015,35(3):272-278
重点分析了焦化废水中存在的特征性有机污染物,强调水质分析是焦化废水工艺选择的基础。针对焦化生产工艺过程的复杂性,探讨了蒸氨、焦油分离、粗苯回收及脱硫过程中典型有机污染物的来源和分布,提出焦化废水污染物源头控制的重要性和必要性。比较了焦化废水预处理、生物处理和深度处理各阶段的污染控制技术,强调技术创新与政策性引导有助于实现本行业污染控制和厂区清洁生产。  相似文献   

既有建筑节能改造市场有序运行需要各方主体积极参与并承担相应的社会责任,要提高社会责任履行的有效性就必须构建其市场主体社会责任共担机制。基于既有建筑节能改造市场特征认识,解构既有建筑节能改造市场主体构成及职能,概述社会责任发展历程,阐释既有建筑节能改造主体社会责任的基本内涵,揭示既有建筑节能改造主体社会责任履行基本特征,将奠定既有建筑节能改造市场主体社会责任共担机理研究的基石。  相似文献   

姚芝茂  武雪芳  康宏  李俊 《化工环保》2011,31(3):230-234
对我国中小型燃煤、燃油、燃气锅炉的NOx排放监测数据进行了统计分析,探讨了NOx的排放特征与管理控制现状.研究结果表明:燃煤锅炉中NOx排放质量浓度小于等于400.00 mg/m3的锅炉占76%,NOx平均排放质量浓度为324.60 mg/m3;燃油锅炉中NOx排放质量浓度小于等于400.00 mg/m3的锅炉占84%...  相似文献   

我国大气铅浓度水平与污染源排放特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结和评价了我国大气铅浓度水平、大气铅污染源的主要类型和排放特征,对今后我国大气铅污染发展趋势进行了说明.汽油无铅化以后,我国城市大气环境中的铅浓度有所下降,一般不超过国家标准的限值,但农村地区大气铅污染状况应引起高度重视.涉铅工业排放、燃煤排放和汽车尾气是大气铅污染的主要来源.我国大气铅污染源涉及行业和部门庞杂,伴随着铅产品的整个生命周期.  相似文献   

工业(产业)园区经过多年的发展探索,已经逐渐超越经济技术开发区、技术产业园等传统园区建设模式,向能够顺应经济社会绿色循环发展需求的循环型的生态工业(产业)园区发展。当前,生态工业(产业)园区的表现形式是多重多样的,但是其发展实质上都是系统地运用循环经济思想来组织企业或生产单元,在共生层次上实现园区物质、能源和信息的循环利用。循环园区是一个由经济、环境、社会等多个因子组成的复杂系统。若采用一个或少数几个指标很难全面、客观地反映园区的发展状况及未来趋势,因此,综合诸多学者的前期研究成果,结合我国正在开展的园区循环化改造的工作实际,分别提出了园区循环化改造的典型特征和评价园区循环化程度的指标体系。  相似文献   

为考察我国废催化裂化(FCC)催化剂的危险性及污染特征,以国内典型FCC装置的废催化剂为研究对象,分析其易燃性、反应性、腐蚀性、浸出毒性、毒性物质含量及急性毒性。研究发现:废FCC催化剂无易燃性、反应性、腐蚀性、急性毒性危险;未检测出具有致癌致突变性的有机污染物;废FCC催化剂的特征污染物为Ni及其化合物,Ni的浸出浓度低于国家标准限值,Ni的存在形态为Ni Al2O4尖晶石,而非具有致癌性的Ni O形态。  相似文献   

以多水期污染监测数据为基础,采用内梅罗污染指数(Pn)法对某在役炼化场地的特征污染物进行识别,并对识别结果进行分析。研究表明:该炼化场地土壤中优先控制的特征污染物有砷、钴、苯、苯并[a]芘、乙苯和石油烃(C10~C40),一般特征污染物有铊、铍、铅、钒、镍、间/对-二甲苯和二苯并[a,h]蒽等;地下水中优先控制的特征污染物有钒、铊、钼、苯乙烯、苯并[a]芘、石油烃(C10~C40)、苯、硫化物、氨氮、耗氧量、硫酸盐、挥发酚和氯化物,一般特征污染物有钴、砷、镍、铍、铅、甲苯、1,2-二氯丙烷、乙苯、间/对-二甲苯、二苯并[a,h]蒽、氟化物、亚硝酸盐和硝酸盐;本工作构建的特定场地特征污染物识别方法简捷有效、科学合理。  相似文献   

着眼全球经济发展方式和格局变化,结合当前中国宏观经济分析以及加快经济发展方式转变的要求,通过对发电企业所面临的能源形势、肩负的使命和主要层面工作的分析,着重研究了加快企业经济发展方式转变和转型的重要性和举措,从而使发电企业竞争力得以持续地提升,以实现科学发展,和谐进步。  相似文献   

A comprehensive approach for the evaluation of the economic feasibility of landfill mining (LFM) should take into account not only the direct costs and revenues for the private investor, but also the social benefits or costs (generally called externalities), in such a way that projects generating major social benefits (and no significant private revenues) are not overlooked.With a view to contributing to the development of a common framework for the evaluation of LFM projects, this paper presents the results of a case study where the issue of the assessment of social benefits from a LFM project is addressed. In particular, the Contingent Valuation Method is applied for the monetary assessment of the community-perceived benefits from the remediation of an old uncontrolled waste deposit by means of LFM and the conversion of the area into a park.Based on the results of a survey carried out on a random sample of people living near the old landfill, the economic values of the individual willingness to pay (WTP) for LFM and the subsequent creation of a public park were calculated and the correlations with the relevant variables (distance from the landfill site, age, income, sex, education level) assessed. The results were then suitably extended and the monetary value of the welfare increase of the whole population resident in the area and potentially affected both by LFM and the creation of the park was calculated.  相似文献   

Landfills have historically been seen as the ultimate solution for storing waste at minimum cost. It is now a well-known fact that such deposits have related implications such as long-term methane emissions, local pollution concerns, settling issues and limitations on urban development. Landfill mining has been suggested as a strategy to address such problems, and in principle means the excavation, processing, treatment and/or recycling of deposited materials. This study involves a literature review on landfill mining covering a meta-analysis of the main trends, objectives, topics and findings in 39 research papers published during the period 1988-2008. The results show that, so far, landfill mining has primarily been seen as a way to solve traditional management issues related to landfills such as lack of landfill space and local pollution concerns. Although most initiatives have involved some recovery of deposited resources, mainly cover soil and in some cases waste fuel, recycling efforts have often been largely secondary. Typically, simple soil excavation and screening equipment have therefore been applied, often demonstrating moderate performance in obtaining marketable recyclables. Several worldwide changes and recent research findings indicate the emergence of a new perspective on landfills as reservoirs for resource extraction. Although the potential of this approach appears significant, it is argued that facilitating implementation involves a number of research challenges in terms of technology innovation, clarifying the conditions for realization and developing standardized frameworks for evaluating economic and environmental performance from a systems perspective. In order to address these challenges, a combination of applied and theoretical research is required.  相似文献   

从我国节能减排的政策出发,分析了“十一五”期间我国已关停的小火电机组容量、机组装机范围、企业分布等特征,以及其节能降耗与环保效果。预测了“十一五”关停小火电机组容量,并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

This article describes landfill-mining tests, including excavation, screening, and fraction characterization, carried out in the Msalycke and Gladsax landfills for municipal solid waste (MSW) in Sweden. The excavated waste in these two sites was 17–22 and 23–25 years old, respectively. The main part of Msalycke was unaffected by degradation, and during excavations no substantial amount of biogas was detected. After screening, three size fractions were obtained: <18mm, 18–50mm, and >50mm. Soil amendment and anaerobic digestion with energy extraction are suggested for the first and second fraction, respectively. Incineration with energy recovery is possible with the third fraction after any coarse (inert) material is removed, and construction/demolition waste can easily be recycled provided that it is not contaminated by hazardous material. Excavated waste taken from different depths was also analysed and compared in relation to composition, calorific value, and leachate constituents.  相似文献   

The present study addresses the theme of recycling potential of old open dumpsites by using landfill mining. Attention is focused on the possible reuse of the residual finer fraction (<4 mm), which constitutes more than 60% of the total mined material, sampled in the old open dumpsite of Lavello (Southern Italy). We propose a protocol of analysis of the landfill material that links chemical analyses and environmental bioassays. This protocol is used to evaluate the compatibility of the residual matrix for the disposal in temporary storages and the formation of “bio-soils” to be used in geo-environmental applications, such as the construction of barrier layers of landfills, or in environmental remediation activities. Attention is mainly focused on the presence of heavy metals and on the possible interaction with test organisms. Chemical analyses of the residual matrix and leaching tests showed that the concentration of heavy metals is always below the legislation limits. Biological acute tests (with Lepidum sativum, Vicia faba and Lactuca sativa) do not emphasize adverse effects to the growth of the plant species, except the bioassay with V. faba, which showed a dose–response effect. The new developed chronic bioassay test with Spartium junceum showed a good adaptation to stress conditions induced by the presence of the mined landfill material. In conclusion, the conducted experimental activities demonstrated the suitability of the material to be used for different purposes.  相似文献   

新疆某油田企业于2007年进行了第一轮清洁生产审核工作,确定了清洁生产方案14项,其中无/低费方案9项,中/高费方案5项,产生的直接、间接经济效益总计为4057.27万元/a。该企业于2011年完成了第二轮清洁生产审核,确定了清洁生产方案14项,其中无/低费方案6项,中/高费方案8项,总计清洁生产方案产生经济效益1954.142万元/a。通过两轮清洁生产审核工作,企业产生了较好的经济效益与环境效益。  相似文献   

针对目前电网建设项目环境保护工作管理现状,利用可视化面向对象开发技术和图形化组态的概念构建出一个图形导航、树状导航相结合的环境保护工作管理信息系统软件。系统分为电网建设项目环境保护工作基础数据管理——项目管理、电网建设项目环境保护工作管理文件查询——项目环保文件查询和国家环境保护法律和法规等文件查询、常用文件管理四部分。应用结果证明,该系统基本满足了当前电网建设项目环境保护工作管理及信息化的要求,为电网建设项目环境保护工作管理提供了更加准确、便利的工具。  相似文献   

In response to federal and state clean water laws, forestry best management practices (BMPs) have been developed and implemented to prevent nonpoint source water pollution. Ellefson and Miles (1985) found that estimated BMP costs in the Midwest could amount to more than half of the net returns on national forest timber sales. Henly et al. (1988) found that government costs to implement forest practice rules ranged from as little as $100,000 per year in Idaho and Nevada to more than $4 million annually in California. A review of studies in the South indicates that estimated BMP costs have increased over time. Lickwar et al. (1992) estimated Southeast average costs of $12.45 per acre, $2.34 per MBF, or 2.87% of gross stumpage values based on 1987 BMPs and prices. Woodman and Cubbage (1994) estimated Georgia average BMP costs of $24.33 per acre or $3.02 per MBF for forest industry lands and $41.65 per acre or $5.39 per MBF for NIPF lands. For Virginia, Shaffer et al. (1998) estimated median BMP costs of $18.90 per acre. These moderate cost increases could be attributed to a higher level of standards in the revision of each state BMP guidelines manual, as well as moderate price inflation. BMPs such as better road construction, water bars, culverts, and broad-based dips have been most expensive so far. To date streamside zones have not been very expensive because the rules allow most of the valuable residual tees to be harvested as long as heavy equipment does not operate near the streams. However, this limitation may become much more difficult and costly – as indicated by Kluender et al. (2000) – as fewer chainsaw fellers and cable skidders are available. Stricter BMPs, such as those already adopted to implement forest certification standards in the South or those used to protect salmon habitat in the West, could prompt more expensive southern BMPs for landowners and state agencies in the future.  相似文献   

After closure, municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills must be managed and controlled to avoid adverse effects on human health and the environment (HHE). Aftercare (or post-closure care) can be brought to an end when the authorities consider the landfill to no longer pose a threat to HHE. Different approaches have been suggested for long-term landfill management and evaluation of aftercare completion. In this paper, research on aftercare and its completion is analyzed and regulatory approaches for the completion of landfill aftercare are reviewed. Approaches to aftercare could be categorized as (i) target values, (ii) impact/risk assessment, and (iii) performance based. Comparison of these approaches illustrates that each has limitations and strengths. While target values are typically used as screening indicators to be complemented with site-specific assessments, impact/risk assessment approaches address the core issue about aftercare completion, but face large uncertainties and require a high level of expertise. A performance-based approach allows for the combination of target values and impact/risk assessments in a consistent evaluation framework with the aim of sequentially reducing aftercare intensity and, ultimately, leading to the completion of aftercare. At a regulatory level, simple qualitative criteria are typically used as the primary basis for defining completion of aftercare, most likely due to the complexity of developing rigorous evaluation methodologies. This paper argues that development of transparent and consistent regulatory procedures represents the basis for defining the desired state of a landfill at the end of aftercare and for reducing uncertainty about the intensity and duration of aftercare. In this context, recently presented technical guidelines and the ongoing debate with respect to their regulatory acceptance are a valuable step towards developing strategies for the cost-effective protection of HHE at closed MSW landfills. To assess the practicality of evaluation methodologies for aftercare, well-documented case studies including regulatory review and acceptance are needed.  相似文献   

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