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The Role of Roadsides in Plant Invasions: a Demographic Approach   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract:  Non-native plant species are common along roadsides, but presence does not necessarily indicate spread along the road axis. Roadsides may serve merely as habitat for a species spreading independently of roads. The potential conduit function of roads depends on the habitat specificity of the spreading species, its dispersal range relative to the spacing of roads in the landscape, and the relative importance of long- and short-range dispersal. We describe a demographic model of the road × species interaction and suggest methods of assessing conduit function in the field based on the model results. A species limited to roadside habitat will be constrained to spread along the road axis unless its long-range dispersal is sufficient to carry it across the intervening unfavorable area to another road. It will propagate along a road corridor at a rate determined by the scale of short-range dispersal. Effective management of an invasion requires distinguishing between the habitat and conduit functions, a distinction difficult to make with only snapshot data. Invasions can be reconstructed by several methods, but none is totally satisfactory. We suggest comparing stem distributions on transects parallel and perpendicular to the road axis, and beside the road, and away from it, with an idealized Gaussian curve. Such comparisons would allow discrimination between pattern determined by habitat suitability and pattern reflecting random and facilitated dispersal.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Remnant plants in urban fringes and native plants in gardens have the potential to contribute to the conservation of threatened plants by increasing genetic diversity, effective size of populations, and levels of genetic connectedness. But they also pose a threat through the disruption of locally adapted gene pools. At Hyams Beach, New South Wales, Australia, four bushland stands of the rare shrub, Grevillea macleayana McGillivray, surround an urban area containing remnant and cultivated specimens of this species. Numbers of inflorescences per plant, fruits per plant, and visits by pollinators were similar for plants in urban gardens and bushland. Urban plants represented a substantial but complex genetic resource, displaying more genetic diversity than bushland plants judged by He , numbers of alleles per locus, and number of private alleles. Of 27 private alleles in urban plants, 17 occurred in a set of 19 exotic plants. Excluding the exotic plants, all five stands displayed a moderate differentiation ( FST = 0.14 ± 0.02), although the urban remnants clustered with two of the bushland stands. These patterns may be explained by high levels of selfing and inbreeding in this species and by long-distance dispersal (several seeds in the urban stand were fathered by plants in other stands). Genetic leakage (gene flow) from exotic plants to 321 seeds on surrounding remnant or bushland plants has not occurred. Our results demonstrate the conservation value of this group of urban plants, which are viable, productive, genetically diverse, and interconnected with bushland plants. Gene flow has apparently not yet led to genetic contamination of bushland populations, but high levels of inbreeding would make this a rare event and difficult to detect. Remnant plants in urban gardens could successfully contribute to recovery plans for endangered and vulnerable species.  相似文献   

In socially monogamous birds, females may express mate preferences when they first select a breeding partner, through divorce and subsequent breeding dispersal to a new partner and through extrapair mating. We examined settlement patterns, divorce and breeding dispersal in a sedentary Australian passerine, the brown thornbill (Acanthiza pusilla), in relation to two traits known to influence extrapair paternity (male age and male size). Settlement decisions, divorce and territory switching behaviour were all female strategies that reduced their likelihood of breeding with 1-year-old males. Females preferred to settle in territories with 2+ -year-old males, were more likely to divorce 1-year-old males, and only switched territories if they had an opportunity to form a new pair bond with an old male. In contrast, female settlement and divorce decisions were not influenced by male size. Female thornbills obtain a direct benefit from preferring older males as social mates because breeding success improves with male age in brown thornbills. Nevertheless, divorce rates in this species were low (14% of pair bonds were terminated by divorce), and individuals rarely switched territories following the death of a mate. Both of these mating strategies appeared to be primarily constrained by the distance adults moved to initiate a new pair bond (1–2 territories) and by the limited availability of unpaired older males in the immediate neighbourhood.Communicated by M. Webster  相似文献   

Ammophila arenaria, an invasive European beach grass, dominates most United States Pacific coast beaches north of San Francisco Bay, and it appears to severely reduce opportunities for regeneration of native plant species, including American beach grass,Leymus mollis. The knowledge of how longAmmophila rhizomes can survive in sea-water is important for long-tern management strategies, which must consider the probability of reinvasion of areas whereAmmophila has been eradicated. The bud viability of bothAmmophila arenaria andLeymus mollis remained high following submergence in sea-water for 7 days, andLeymus bud viability was still high after 13 days submergence. In fact,Leymus bud viability appears to be enhanced slightly by submergence for 7 days in sea-water. SinceAmmophila rhizomes retain a mean bud viability of >50% following submergence for 7 days, there is clearly the potential for long distance dispersal to other beaches. Even after 13 days of submergence,Ammophila rhizomes still had a mean bud viability of 8.5%. Assuming near-shore current speeds of 5–45 cm/sec, viableAmmophila rhizomes can be transported up to 505 km in 13 days.  相似文献   

For anisotropic density functions of e.g. fruit or leaf dispersal, most mathematical research is only done in polar coordinates. However, in software solutions aiming to derive inverse models for real world dispersal data, Cartesian coordinates may be preferred for several reasons. Thus, we introduce an anisotropic model in Cartesian coordinates following the approach in Wälder et al. (2009) with the von Mises approach. By introducing a correction factor, we thereby consider the fundamental attribute, that the integral over a density function with respect to the Cartesian coordinates has to be equal 1. It may have been overlooked so far that guaranteeing for this attribute needs different approaches whether working in polar or Cartesian coordinates. One result is that our approach can be used also for other anisotropic models rather than models from the von Mises approach.  相似文献   

鼎湖山锥栗种子特征及其对动物取食格局的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
彭闪江  徐国良 《生态环境》2005,14(4):493-497
通过对鼎湖山自然保护区锥栗种子特征的分析及进行种子取食实验,研究探讨了锥栗种子特征对动物取食格局的影响。结果表明,锥栗作为鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林中的重要建群种之一,其更新困难的主要原因就在于种子扩散前后面临巨大的取食压力。动物对种子取食偏爱同种子大小呈现出一定的相关性,随着种子尺寸增加,取食率有线性增加的趋势。但是,锥栗应对动物取食并非完全被动的,它也发展了一些特有的生活史策略。锥栗种子的颜色与环境凋落物及土壤色相似,可以减少被取食者发现的机率。更重要的是,锥栗种子带刺的总苞有良好的保护作用。具总苞的种子取食的强度,显著低于无总苞的种子(P〈0.01)。  相似文献   

We tested several hypotheses to explain low between-year territory fidelity in a breeding population of yellow-headed blackbirds (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus). During a 5-year study the population of territorial males declined by two-thirds and some of the marshes that supported territories significantly deteriorated. Individual males held territories and bred for an average of 1.9 years. Of males that bred for at least 2 years, 30% skipped owning a territory in the study area during at least 1 year of their breeding lifetimes. Our information suggests that they may have bred outside of the area in those years. Of males with territories in two or more breeding seasons, 60% changed breeding marshes at least once. Males changed territories during 42.9% of between-year opportunities to do so. We found no support for the hypotheses that male yellow-headed blackbirds: (1) are more likely to move when territory density is low; (2) are likely to abandon territories that are deteriorating; or (3) change territories to improve their reproductive success. We suggest three non-mutually exclusive explanations for the yellow-headed blackbird's weak site fidelity: (1) it is a response to habitat deterioration and to other factors that may be causing the population's decline; (2) the males, being migratory, make fresh settlement decisions each year after they arrive on the breeding grounds in the general vicinity of their previous year's breeding; (3) yellow-headed blackbirds may have evolved in, and be adapted to, highly unstable habitats, moving frequently in response to changes in local breeding site conditions. Correspondence to: L.D. Beletsky  相似文献   

福州市园林绿地植物应用调查研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
根据福州市134个园林绿地的调查,分析和总结福州市各类园林绿地(公共绿地,专用绿地,居住区绿地,道路绿地等)的植物种类构成,空间结构和植物配置的生态功能和景观效果,对福州市的园林绿化提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

彩叶植物是居住小区的重要组成部分,对居住区绿地的可持续发展具有重要意义。通过对昆明33个居住小区样地的调查表明:乔木类出现频度较高的有14种,红叶石楠的重要地位值最高;灌木类出现频度较高的有15种,金叶女贞重要地位值最高;草本类出现频度较高的彩叶植物共有9种,彩叶草重要地位值最高。通过分析发现,乡土彩叶植物种类较少,彩叶植物配置缺少新意,因而进一步完善居住小区绿地的功能结构非常必要。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Wildlife populations in small, isolated reserves face genetic and demographic threats to their survival. To increase the probability of long-term persistence, biologists promote metapopulation management, in which breeding subpopulations are protected as source pools. Animals that disperse from the source pools increase the probability of persistence of the metapopulation across the greater landscape. We used a geographic information system (GIS)–based, cost-distance model to design a conservation landscape along the Himalayan foothills for managing a metapopulation of Asia's largest predator, the tiger ( Panthera tigris ). The model is based on data from 30 years of field research on tigers, recent satellite imagery, and a decade of buffer-zone restoration in this region. We used the model to (1) identify potential dispersal corridors for tigers; (2) identify strategic transit refuges; and (3) make recommendations for off-reserve land management and restoration to enhance the potential of corridors for tigers. This tool can aid the design of conservation landscapes for other endangered, wide-ranging species in human-dominated environments.  相似文献   

Density-dependent emigration has been recognized as a fitness enhancing strategy. Yet, especially in the modelling literature there is no consensus about how density-dependent emigration should quantitatively be incorporated into metapopulation models. In this paper we compare the performance of five different dispersal strategies (defined by the functional link between density and emigration probability). Four of these strategies are based on published functional relationships between local population density and emigration probability, one assumes density-independent dispersal. We use individual-based simulations of time-discrete metapopulation dynamics and conduct evolution experiments for a broad range of values for dispersal mortality and environmental stochasticity. For each set of these conditions we analyze the evolution of emigration rates in ‘monoculture experiments’ (with only one type of dispersal strategy used by all individuals in the metapopulation) as well as in selection experiments that allow a pair-wise comparison of the performance of each functional type. We find that a single-parameter ‘asymptotic threshold’ strategy - derived from the marginal value theorem - with a decelerating increase of emigration rate with increasing population density, out-competes any other strategy, i.e. density-independent emigration, a ‘linear threshold’ strategy and a flexible three-parameter strategy. Only when environmental conditions select for extremely high emigration probabilities (close to one), strategies may perform approximately equally. A simple threshold strategy derived for the case of continuous population growth performs even worse than the density-independent strategy. As the functional type of the dispersal function implemented in metapopulation models may severely affect predictions concerning the survival of populations, range expansion, or community changes we clearly recommend to carefully select adequate functions to model density-dependent dispersal.  相似文献   

Abstract:  We performed a capture-mark-recapture study on one of the last populations of Zingel asper , an endemic percid species of the Rhône River basin in France. The distribution of Z. asper has decreased dramatically during the last century. We sampled three sites in suitable habitats in the Beaume River. No impact of individual tagging on survival was found. The demography of the population was analyzed using capture-recapture methods that allow the estimation of survival, recruitment, and demographic growth rates. Annual survival rates were low (0.35–0.50). The level of transience was high (5% to 25%), suggesting that a significant number of individuals were highly mobile or shifted to suboptimal habitats. Seniority rates suggested random highly variable recruitment between years. The three sites had similar variation patterns in all demographic parameters, indicating broad spatial covariation in population dynamics. We found some local differences in demographic parameters, which could be linked to local habitat quality. Individual tagging allowed for the estimation of demographic parameters that improved our understanding of Z. asper population dynamics and revealed mechanisms that may affect population persistence, such as stochastic recruitment, low survival, and frequent dispersal. The fragmentation of habitat through river damming inhibits dispersal and represents a threat to the persistence of Z. asper in the Rhône basin. Our results offer evidence of the importance of dispersal in nonmigratory fishes and confirm the usefulness of individual tagging methods in rare fish demography.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Because of widespread habitat fragmentation, maintenance of landscape connectivity has become a major focus of conservation planning, but empirical tests of animal movement in fragmented landscapes remain scarce. We conducted a translocation experiment to test the relative permeability of three landscape elements (open habitat, shrubby secondary vegetation, and wooded corridors) to movement by the Chucao Tapaculo ( Scelorchilus rubecula ), a forest understory bird endemic to South American temperate rainforest. Forty-one radio-tagged subjects were translocated (individually) to three landscape treatments consisting of small release patches that were either entirely surrounded by open habitat (pasture), entirely surrounded by dense shrubs, or linked to other patches by wooded corridors that were otherwise surrounded by open matrix. The number of days subjects remained in release patches before dispersal (a measure of habitat resistance) was significantly longer for patches surrounded by open habitat than for patches adjoining corridors or surrounded by dense shrubs. These results indicate that open habitat significantly constrains Chucao dispersal, in accord with expectation, but dispersal occurs equally well through wooded corridors and shrub-dominated matrix. Thus, corridor protection or restoration and management of vegetation in the matrix (to encourage animal movement) may be equally feasible alternatives for maintaining connectivity.  相似文献   

We explored the utility of odor-gated rheotaxis (OGR) with a biomimetic robot. OGR is a widely accepted biological plume-tracing strategy that uses mean flow and chemical detection for guidance. In experiments which contrasted the `classic' single-sensor formulation of the strategy against one which used two sensors and against another which combined the use of two sensors and memory of past stimulation patterns we quantified the relative advantages of each. The use of two, spatially separated, chemical sensors confers a significant advantage and still greater performance is obtained with rudimentary memory. The performance of the American lobster under the same turbulent dispersal regime leads us to conclude that significantly more effective plume tracing strategies remain to be discovered.  相似文献   

宁夏东北部典型荒漠草原植物群落与土壤养分特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以宁夏东北部荒漠草原为研究区,采用野外样方调查、采样和室内植物鉴定、土壤样品测定等方法,探析研究区内植物群落物种组成与土壤养分特征,以及植物多样性指数与土壤养分的相关关系,以期为中国荒漠治理、生物资源保护与可持续性利用提供依据。结果显示:(1)研究区植物共86种,隶属61属21科,其中禾本科(18种)、豆科(16种)、菊科(13种)和藜科(11种)植物占总物种数的67.44%;(2)研究区土壤总体上呈碱性,pH值平均为8.81,全氮、全磷、有机质的质量分数(0-10 cm土层)分别为0.07-0.54、0.16-0.51、0.51-6.24 g·kg^-1;(3)研究区植物多样性指数中的Margalef丰富度指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数与土壤pH值呈显著负相关,与其他土壤养分的相关关系未达到显著水平,其他植物多样性指数与土壤养分的关系均未达到显著水平。研究表明,宁夏东北部荒漠草原植物种类少,禾本科、豆科植物优势明显,土壤养分条件差,土壤全氮、全磷、有机质对植物多样性指数的影响不大。  相似文献   

The Jiushanwai channel is located in the Lucheng district of Wenzhou City, China. Four aquatic plant species (Canna indica, Cyperus alternifolius, Myriophyllum verticillatum, and Lythrum salicaria) were planted on floating-beds constructed in a north-south layout along this channel. Five sites were sampled during spring, summer and autumn. The physiological characteristics (content of chlorophyll and soluble protein, activity of peroxidase and catalase) of the plants and the corresponding water quality were determined and correlations between these indices were analysed. The physiological indices of the plants and water quality changed regularly at the five sampling sites. Myriophyllum verticillatum was the most sensitive species to water quality changes, whereas Lythrum salicaria was least sensitive. Of the physiological indices examined, soluble protein content was most sensitive to water quality changes. The physiological indices of M. verticillatum are deemed to be most suitable to indicate river water quality.  相似文献   

Forest Roads as Partial Barriers to Terrestrial Salamander Movement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract:  Roads can fragment animal populations by disrupting movement among formerly continuous habitats. Although models have demonstrated that disrupted movement can contribute to long-term extinction, there are few empirical data on the effects of roads on animal movement. We used displacement and homing experiments to determine whether forest roads are barriers to the movement of terrestrial salamanders. We displaced 1471 red-backed salamanders ( Plethodon cinereus ) across five forest roads and compared return rates to those of salamanders displaced equal distances toward the forest interior. Roads significantly reduced the return rate of salamanders, with a mean reduction of 51%. Steep roadside verges further reduced return rates, particularly for salamanders moving downhill across verges. The permeability of roads to salamander movement did not appear to be related to road surface type. Gravel roads had both the highest and lowest observed permeability with the two paved roads intermediate between these. We conclude that narrow forest roads are partial barriers to salamander movement and that steep roadside verges may exacerbate these effects.  相似文献   

建立了水生单子叶植物水浮连(Pistia stratiotes Linn.)通过器官发生途径的体久高效再生与繁殖方法.采用叶、茎节和匍匐茎为外植体诱导愈伤组织,只有茎节能够在添加2,4-D和6-BA的MS基本培养基上形成合愈伤组织,而叶和茎在含有不同组合植物激素的培养基上都不能够诱导愈伤产生.将愈伤组织转到添加6-BA和NAA的MS固体分化培养基可以在2wk内形成小苗,将小苗移至含NAA的MS固体生根培养基形成完整的植株.将生根苗转入无植物激素的不同基本液体培养基里比较其生长效果,其中含有2倍大量元素的SH培养基最适合其生长繁殖,在2wk内可由1个小苗每秒殖出10个新的植株.本研究是关于该植物体外再生的首次报道.水浮莲体外再生及繁殖系统的建立不公可以用于在无菌条件下进行基础生理生化研究,还可以用于该植物遗传达室转化系统的建立.由于该植物生长迅速且为无性繁殖,生产成本低,通过基因工程方法表达外源基因将可以用于重组药用蛋白的生产及污染水体的转基因植物修复.  相似文献   

Are Modern Biological Invasions an Unprecedented Form of Global Change?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract:  The uniqueness of the current, global mass invasion by nonindigenous species has been challenged recently by researchers who argue that modern rates and consequences of nonindigenous species establishment are comparable to episodes in the geological past. Although there is a fossil record of species invasions occurring in waves after geographic barriers had been lifted, such episodic events differ markedly from human-assisted invasions in spatial and temporal scales and in the number and diversity of organisms involved in long-distance dispersal. Today, every region of the planet is simultaneously affected and modern rates of invasion are several orders of magnitude higher than prehistoric rates. In terms of its rate and geographical extent, its potential for synergistic disruption and the scope of its evolutionary consequences, the current mass invasion event is without precedent and should be regarded as a unique form of global change. Prehistoric examples of biotic interchanges are nonetheless instructive and can increase our understanding of species-area effects, evolutionary effects, biotic resistance to invasion, and the impacts of novel functional groups introduced to naïve biotas. Nevertheless, they provide only limited insight into the synergistic effects of invasions and other environmental stressors, the effect of frequent introductions of large numbers of propagules, and global homogenization, all of which characterize the current mass invasion event .  相似文献   

Intraspecific crop diversification is thought to be a possible solution to the disease susceptibility of monocultured crops. We modelled the stratified dispersal of an airborne pathogen population in order to identify the spatial patterns of cultivar mixtures that could slow epidemic spread driven by dual dispersal mechanisms acting over both short and long distances. We developed a model to simulate the propagation of a fungal disease in a 2D field, including a reaction-diffusion model for short-distance disease dispersal, and a stochastic model for long-distance dispersal. The model was fitted to data for the spatio-temporal spread of faba bean rust (caused by Uromyces viciae-fabae) through a discontinuous field. The model was used to compare the effectiveness of eight different planting patterns of cultivar mixtures against a disease spread by short-distance and stratified dispersal. Our combined modelling approach provides a reasonably good fit with the observed data for the spread of faba bean rust. Similar predictive power could be expected for the management of resource-mediated invasions by other airborne fungi. If a disease spreads by short-distance dispersal, random mixtures can be used to slow the epidemic spread, since their spatial irregularity creates a natural barrier to the progression of a smooth epidemic wave. In the context of stratified dispersal, heterogeneous patterns should be used that include a minimum distance between susceptible units, which decreases the probability of infection by long-distance spore dispersal. We provide a simple framework for modelling the stratified dispersal of disease in a diversified crop. The model suggests that the spatial arrangement of components in cultivar mixtures has to accord with the dispersal characteristics of the pathogen in order to increase the efficiency of diversification strategies in agro-ecosystems and forestry. It can be applied in low input agriculture to manage pathogen invasion by intercropping and cultivar mixtures, and to design sustainable systems of land use.  相似文献   

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