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Methanesulfonate (MS), an exclusive oxidation product of dimethylsulfide (DMS), has been analyzed in rainwater at Amsterdam Island (37°50′S 77°32′E) in the Southern Indian Ocean from 1991 to 1999. Rainwater MS concentrations range from 0.004 to 4.59 μmol l−1 with a volume weighted mean value of 0.24 μmol l−1 and present a well distinguished seasonal variation with higher values in summer, in line with the seasonal variation of its gaseous precursor (DMS), which was measured on a daily basis since 1990. The interannual variability of MS in rainwater follows closely that of DMS, indicating that MS in rainwater can be used as a surrogate to study long-term variations of atmospheric DMS, and further confirms the findings of Sciare et al. (J. Geophys. Res. 105 (2000a) 26 369), that large-scale anomalies occurred in the biogenic sulfur cycle in the Southern Indian Ocean during the studied period. Furthermore, on a monthly basis, the MS anomalies in the rainwater were found to be closely related to sea-surface temperature (SST) anomalies. The correlation between MS and SST is consistent with that observed between gaseous DMS and SST in the area and indicates an important coupling between the oceanic and the atmospheric compartments of the biogeochemical sulfur cycle.  相似文献   

Emissions of biogenic sulphur gases from a Florida Spartina alterniflora zone were measured over several tidal and diel cycles using a dynamic flow chamber technique, corroborating recently published information in the literature. The flux of hydrogen sulfide from individual measurements is shown to vary by over four orders of magnitude, and correlates primarily with the stage of the tidal cycle. In contrast, the fluxes of dimethyl sulphide, carbon disulphide and dimethyl disulphide vary by less than an order of magnitude and correlate primarily with the diurnal temperature changes in the sediment surface. These differences are discussed in terms of the various biological and physical parameters which may regulate the release of reduced sulphur compounds to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

The microbial part of the pelagic food web is seldom characterized in models despite its major contribution to biogeochemical cycles. In the Baltic Sea, spatial and temporal high frequency sampling over three years revealed changes in heterotrophic bacteria and phytoplankton coupling (biomass and production) related to hydrographic properties of the ecosystem. Phyto- and bacterioplankton were bottom-up driven in both coastal and offshore areas. Cold winter temperature was essential for phytoplankton to conform to the successional sequence in temperate waters. In terms of annual carbon production, the loss of the spring bloom (diatoms and dinoflagellates) after mild winters tended not to be compensated for by other taxa, not even summer cyanobacteria. These results improve our ability to project Baltic Sea ecosystem response to short- and long-term environmental changes.  相似文献   

Sulphur dioxide, an important industrial gas and air pollutant, is usually estimated using mercury salts. The authors have developed a method in which hazardous mercury salts are avoided. Sulphur dioxide is trapped in aqueous morpholine and mixed with the excess of dichromate solution in acidic medium. The hexavalent chromium in dichromate is reduced to trivalent chromium by sulphur dioxide and the excess of hexavalent chromium is determined with diphenylcarbazide which yields a soluble red-violet complex with an absorption maximum at 540 nm. The decrease in the absorbance values of the red-violet complex formed after reduction, when compared to that of a reagent control, is proportional to the concentration of sulphur dioxide used for reduction. Beer's law operates between 0.4 and 4 microg ml(-1) concentration of sulphur dioxide in solution.  相似文献   

Resource allocation is a fundamental and challenging component of common pool resource governance, particularly transboundary fisheries. We highlight the growing importance of allocation in fisheries governance, comparing approaches of the five tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (tRFMOs). We find all tRFMOs except one have defined resources for allocation and outlined principles to guide allocation based on equity, citizenship, and legitimacy. However, all fall short of applying these principles in assigning fish resources. Most tRFMOs rely on historical catch or effort, while equity principles rarely determine dedicated rights. Further, the current system of annual negotiations reduces certainty, trust, and transparency, counteracting many benefits asserted by rights-based management proponents. We suggest one means of gaining traction may be to shift conversations from allocative rights toward weighting of principles already identified by most tRFMOs. Incorporating principles into resource allocation remains a major opportunity, with important implications for current and future access to fish.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s13280-020-01371-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Chau KW  Jiang YW 《Chemosphere》2003,52(9):1615-1621
The rapid economic development in The Pearl River delta region (PRDR) has exerted serious potential pollution threats to areas in the vicinity, which have complicated the task of environmental protection in Hong Kong and Macau. In this paper, a three-dimensional numerical pollutant transport model coupled with a synchronised numerical hydrodynamic model, is developed and employed to simulate the unsteady transport of a representative water quality variable chemical oxygen demand in The Pearl River Estuary. It is demonstrated that there exists a transboundary pollutant transport action between Guangdong Province and Hong Kong for the pollutants in the wastewater discharged from PRDR.  相似文献   

This paper develops a simple model and suggests a plausible chemico-physical mechanism for a non-linear response between atmospheric sulphur and sulphur emissions. It contains simplified representations of transport, deposition and conversion processes and uses a proxy in-cloud oxidant-limited reaction along a pathway connecting an emission source with a receptor site. Individual pathway responses to emissions show linear behaviour above a threshold. However, by averaging the values of SO2 at the receptor site from different pathways a continuous non-linear relationship is obtained. As emissions reduce, distant emission sources become less significant contributors of sulphur dioxide at a receptor site but their emissions are still counted in an emission inventory, leading to an apparent non-linearity. Sulphate is always found to contribute a signal to the receptor site total. This model goes someway to explaining a proposed 'crossover' between observed proportions of wet and dry deposited sulphur in the UK as emissions have been reduced.  相似文献   

“Transboundariness” refers to a new approach that identifies and prioritizes transboundary aquifers using socio-economic and political criteria, improving their characterization by using other variables in addition to their mere physical boundaries. This approach is applied to the hydrogeological units/aquifers shared by Mexico and Texas, with the following results. First, the rankings agree with the current level of attention to transboundary aquifers in the region by both countries, providing a quantifiable system that could be tested in other transboundary aquifers. Second, this approach provides a holistic and integrative perspective for transboundary aquifer assessment and prioritization. Third, this prioritization exercise expands the criteria currently used into a more integrative regime of groundwater links to the community as a whole. Finally, the results reflect not only how the transboundary aquifers are being used (or neglected) but also the socio-political context of the populations that depend on these resources for current and future development.  相似文献   

This paper summarises some of the main results of a two-year experiment carried out in an Open-Top Chambers facility in Northern Italy. Seedlings of Populus nigra, Fagus sylvatica, Quercus robur and Fraxinus excelsior have been subjected to different ozone treatments (charcoal-filtered and non-filtered air) and soil moisture regimes (irrigated and non-irrigated plots). Stomatal conductance models were applied and parameterised under South Alpine environmental conditions and stomatal ozone fluxes have been calculated.The flux-based approach provided a better performance than AOT40 in predicting the onset of foliar visible injuries. Critical flux levels, related to visible leaf injury, are proposed for P. nigra and F. sylvatica (ranging between 30 and 33 mmol O3 m−2). Soil water stress delayed visible injury appearance and development by limiting ozone uptake. Data from charcoal-filtered treatments suggest the existence of an hourly flux threshold, below which may occur a complete ozone detoxification.  相似文献   

Sampling of particles and analysis of their water-soluble part for H+, NH4+, SO42− and NO3 were carried out in a remote and an urban area on the Swedish west coast. For the determination of H+ a special procedure based on Gran's plot was used. High concentrations of sulphate were found in two types of particles of apparently different genetic origin. In fine particles the following solid sulphate phases were identified: (NH4)2SO4, (NH4)3H(SO4)2 and NH4HSO4. Conditions for the formation and range of existence of these phases are discussed. The observed sulphate maxima are divided according to genetic and to some extent geographic origin of the particles into black and white episodes. Black episodes are associated with Continental air. They are accompanied by increased concentrations of nitrate, dark components and metals e.g. Mn. Particles characteristic of white episodes seem to occur in air masses of varying origin. The sulphate maxima in this category are usually accompanied by hydrogen ion maxima, and minima for nitrate, dark components and metals. The formation of particle-borne ions in an urban area (Gothenburg, population 500,000) was also studied. For sulphate, this local contribution was found to be 16% of the mean concentration. Processes which might lead to black and white episodes are discussed.  相似文献   

In summer, high levels of ozone (O3) are frequently measured at both Galicia and Northern Portugal air quality monitoring stations, even exceeding the limit values imposed by legislation. This work aims to investigate the origin of these high O3 concentrations by the application of a chemical transport modelling system over the northwestern area of the Iberian Peninsula. The WRF–CHIMERE modelling system was applied with high resolution to simulate the selected air pollution episodes that occurred simultaneously in Galicia and North Portugal and in order to study both the contribution of local emission sources and the influence of transboundary pollution. Emission inputs have been prepared based on the development of the Portuguese and Galician emission inventories. The obtained results for O3 have been evaluated and validated against observations. Modelling results show possible contribution of the transboundary transport over the border of two neighbour regions/countries, indicating that the O3 episode starts over the urban and industrialised area of North coast of Portugal, reaching the maximum peaks over this region; at the same time, O3 levels increased over Galicia region, where lower concentrations, but still high, were observed. These results pointed out that air quality management should not be driven by political boundaries and highlight the importance of joining efforts between neighbouring countries.  相似文献   

This study presents an assessment of the possible consequences of reducing the emission of sulphur dioxide in Poland according to international sulphur agreement. A computable general equilibrium model was used for this purpose. The model, calibrated for 1995, provides results for year 2010 which suggest that future emission reductions may have positive effects on Polish economic indicators. We should not fear an economic slump in the emitting sectors. Some sectors may increase their sulphur dioxide emissions initially and abate them later, rather than decrease their emissions at once. Poor households may gain, because the welfare effect on them will be positive.  相似文献   

流域跨界水污染纠纷调控机制分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着中国水资源匮乏和水污染态势日益严峻,流域跨界水污染冲突频繁发生.运用博弈论对流域跨界水污染和用水冲突的成因进行解释,并对不同调控策略下流域各方行为进行分析.结果表明,在缺乏有效管制的情况下,由于个体和集体理性的不一致,导致水资源过度利用和水污染,但政府全面管制却导致个体理性不能满足而很难得以有效贯彻实施.因此,运用市场激励机制和政府宏观调控,可以促进流域各方的激励相容,实现流域总体效益的优化.  相似文献   

The calculation of global SO2 emission on the basis of emission factors is made. For 1970 a total of 62 Tg S y−1 is assessed. For the year 2000 can be expected a maximum of 100 TgS y−1. A roughly estimation over the whole “era of the combustion of fossil fuels” indicates a man-made emission of about 5000 Tg S 50% of the total SO2 emission due to man's activities occur between 1970 and 2030.  相似文献   

Work carried out under the European COST 61a Project on the homogeneous oxidation of sulphur compounds in the atmosphere is briefly reviewed. Mechanisms for sulphur dioxide can be divided into three classes;
  • 1.(a) oxidation by free radicals generated photochemically,
  • 2.(b) oxidation by intermediates produced in thermal reactions, and
  • 3.(c) direct photo-oxidation.
Only (a) makes a substantial contribution to SO2 oxidation with calculated maximum rates of between 2 and 6% h−1 in sunlight irradiated urban air during summer months and 1–2% h−1 in unpolluted air. Most of the oxidation is brought about by the attack of the OH radical on SO2 but the contribution of RO2 radical attack is not well determined due to uncertainties in RO2 rate constants. H2S, CH3SH and (CH3)2S react with OH radicals giving atmospheric life-times about 1 day.  相似文献   

Tracing sources of atmospheric sulphur using epiphytic lichens   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The overall objective of this work was to measure the spatial variation of sulphur isotopic composition of lichens across the island of Newfoundland in order to assess the degree to which the atmosphere is being affected by long-range transport of anthropogenic sulphur from eastern North America, and/or local pollution sources. A contour map (based on over 80 composite samples of the lichen Alectoria sarmentosa) illustrates the spatial distribution of sulphur isotopic composition of the Newfoundland atmosphere. It shows a gradient of delta(34)S of sulphur in lichen, decreasing from the coast to the interior of the island. It also shows local anomalies corresponding to the city of St. John's, the Come-By-Chance Oil Refinery, mining areas and fossil-fuel powered pulp and paper mills in central and western Newfoundland. The study strongly suggests that the isotopic composition of sulphur in the Newfoundland atmosphere is influenced more by the ocean (sea salt sulphate) and local anthropogenic activities in the province, than by long-range transport of continental North American sulphate.  相似文献   

The rate of absorption of sulphur dioxide into deliquescent aerosols of MgCl2, NaCl and (NH4)2SO4 has been studied using a radioactive tracing technique. The amount of SO2 absorbed was approximately linear in the calculated liquid water content of the aerosols and reached about 12 mg g−1 water after a reaction time of 145 min. Over the range 1–20 ppm the reaction was zero order in gas phase SO2 concentration. Additional metal catalysts (Mn2+, Fe3+) had relatively small effects on the oxidation rates whilst NO2+ (0–20 ppm) had a large effect on the initial rate but did not significantly increase the final amount of SO2 absorbed. The rates of reaction are shown to be far higher than in pure water and significant reaction continues down to pH 1–2. A detailed model of ionic activities and equilibria in the droplets is developed to aid the interpretation of the results and the implications for natural aerosols such as sea salt assessed.  相似文献   

Dry deposition of sulphur is estimated in three climatic regions of Mpumalanga, South Africa, using the inferential method. Data from June 1996 to May 1997 are used at Elandsfontein and Palmer on the industrialised highveld, as well as data from two-week monitoring campaigns in the late-winter and in summer at Blyde on the eastern escarpment and at Skukuza in the lowveld. Total dry deposition rates for sulphur range across the Mpumalanga highveld from 13.1 kg ha-1 a-1 at Elandsfontein to 3.1 kg ha-1 a-1 at Palmer, are associated with the strong SO2 gradient between the two stations and are attributed mostly to dry deposition of sulphur from SO2. The deposition flux varies less from Palmer eastward over the escarpment and the lowveld and ranges from 3.9 kg S ha-1 a-1 at Blyde to 3.3 kg S ha-1 a-1 at Skukuza. A weak seasonal variation in sulphur dry deposition flux occurs on the central highveld with the maximum in summer and the minimum in winter. Conversely, the maximum sulphur dry deposition on the periphery of the highveld, the escarpment and in the lowveld occurs in winter with the minimum in summer. More than 80% of the dry deposition of sulphur in Mpumalanga occurs during daytime in all seasons.  相似文献   

Sulphur dioxide (SO2) abatement is attracting wide attention, with its generation increasing rapidly in China. In this paper, we calculate the SO2 rational abatement ratio (SRAR) of 30 regions in China from 1990 to 2005, by applying Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) based on the regional own production frontier. Results show that, the more developed area is, the lower SRAR is. The eastern, central and western areas have the lowest, medium and highest 1990-2005 average SRAR (22.17%, 46.99% and 58.28%), respectively. Chinese government should emphasise particularly on SO2 abatement in central and western area. More investment in SO2 management, introducing advanced technology as well as popularising clean coal technology are the urgent tasks for central and western area to improve SO2 emission efficiency.  相似文献   

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