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Rice is elevated in arsenic (As) compared to other staple grains. The Bangladeshi community living in the United Kingdom (UK) has a ca. 30-fold higher consumption of rice than white Caucasians. In order to assess the impact of this difference in rice consumption, urinary arsenicals of 49 volunteers in the UK (Bangladeshi n = 37; white Caucasians n = 12) were monitored along with dietary habits. Total urinary arsenic (As(t)) and speciation analysis for dimethylarsinic acid (DMA), monomethylarsonic acid (MA) and inorganic arsenic (iAs) was conducted. Although no significant difference was found for As(t) (median: Bangladeshis 28.4 μg L(-1)) and white Caucasians (20.6 μg L(-1)), the sum of medians of DMA, MA and iAs for the Bangladeshi group was found to be over 3-fold higher (17.9 μg L(-1)) than for the Caucasians (3.50 μg L(-1)). Urinary DMA was significantly higher (p < 0.001) in the UK Bangladeshis (median: 16.9 μg DMA L(-1)) than in the white Caucasians (3.16 μg DMA L(-1)) as well as iAs (p < 0.001) with a median of 0.630 μg iAs L(-1) for Bangladeshi and 0.250 μg iAs L(-1) for Caucasians. Cationic compounds were significantly lower in the Bangladeshis (2.93 μg L(-1)) than in Caucasians (14.9 μg L(-1)). The higher DMA and iAs levels in the Bangladeshis are mainly the result of higher rice consumption: arsenic is speciated in rice as both iAs and DMA, and iAs can be metabolized, through MA, to DMA by humans. This study shows that a higher dietary intake of DMA alters the DMA/MA ratio in urine. Consequently, DMA/MA ratio as an indication of methylation capacity in populations consuming large quantities of rice should be applied with caution since variation in the quantity and type of rice eaten may alter this ratio.  相似文献   

The method of Guo et aL (AnaL Chim. Acta, 1997, 349, 313-318) for the determination of the toxicologically relevant arsenic in urine was verified and then used for the determination of arsenic in urine of the Czech population for monitoring purposes. Statistical evaluation at the level alpha = 0.05 did not prove any significant differences between industrial and agricultural regions, between males and females and smokers and nonsmokers. Likewise no differences were found among children in all the regions monitored. In the adult population small differences were found between some regions but these differences were not dependent on industrial pollution. The values of toxicologically relevant arsenic are low for all regions. The summarised value of the median for all groups together is 3.5 microg (g creatinine)(-1).  相似文献   

An investigation of the relationship between observed nickel aerosol exposures and urinary nickel excretion was undertaken at a Scandinavian nickel refinery. The goal of the study was to assess the impact of nickel aerosol speciation, the use of particle size-selective sampling instrumentation and adjustment of urinary levels for creatinine excretion on the usefulness of urinary nickel excretion as a marker for exposure. Urinary nickel measurements and paired 'total' and inhalable aerosol exposure measurements were collected each day for one week from refinery workers in four process areas. The mean observed urinary nickel concentration was 12 micrograms L-1 (11 micrograms of Ni per g of creatinine). The strongest relationships between urinary excretion and aerosol exposure were found when urinary nickel levels were adjusted for creatinine excretion and when exposure to only soluble forms of nickel aerosol was considered. No significant difference was observed between measures of 'total' and inhalable aerosol in the ability to predict urinary excretion patterns. In the light of these results, it is recommended that consideration be given to the chemical species distribution of nickel aerosol in the use of urinary nickel measurements as a screening tool for cancer risk in occupationally-exposed populations.  相似文献   

The mobility of arsenic in Cambisol under the influence of added barnyard manure and application of a phosphate solution to the soil was described on the basis of column experiments. A soil sample containing 126 mg/kg total As and 3.72 mg/kg specifically-sorbed As was extracted using demineralized water (DIW) or a 28 μmol/l phosphate solution in a column containing untreated soil and in a column with added barnyard fertilizer. The pH, Eh, alkalinity, main components, including DOC, and selected trace elements (Al, Mn, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Cr, Co, Ni, Ba and As) were determined in the extracts. Hydrodynamic tests of the flow and transport of the substances in the columns were carried out. The addition of barnyard manure was manifested in elevated concentrations of the main inorganic components, DOC and Al and a decrease in the Eh value and Mn concentration. Application of a phosphate solution was manifested in a decrease in the NO3 and SO4 concentrations, probably as a result of the effect of increased biological fixation. The As concentration in extracts varied from 8.8 to 15.5 μg/l and was not dependent on the composition of the extracting solution or the addition of barnyard fertilizer.  相似文献   

Exposure to arsenic in arsenic endemic areas is most remarkable environmental health challenges. Although effects of arsenic contamination are well established, reports are unavailable on probable seasonal variation due to changes of food habit depending on winter and summer seasons, especially for endemic regions of Nadia district, West Bengal. Complete 24-h diets, drinking–cooking water, first morning voided urine samples, and diet history were analyzed on 25 volunteers in arsenic endemic Chakdah block of Nadia district, once in summer followed by once in winter from the same participants. Results depicted no seasonal variation of body weight and body mass index. Arsenic concentration of source drinking and cooking water decreased (p?=?0.04) from 26 μg L?1 in summer to 6 μg L?1 in winter season. We recorded a seasonal decrease of water intake in male (3.8 and 2.5 L day ?1) and female (2.6 and 1.2 L day?1) participants from summer to winter. Arsenic intake through drinking water decreased (p?=?0.04) in winter (29 μg day?1) than in summer (100 μg day?1), and urinary arsenic concentration decreased (p?=?0.018) in winter (41 μg L?1) than in summer (69 μg L?1). Dietary arsenic intake remained unchanged (p?=?0.24) over the seasons. Hence, we can infer that human health risk assessment from arsenic needs an insight over temporal scale.  相似文献   

In this research, the relative performance in arsenic (As) remediation was evaluated among some barnyard grass and rice species under hydroponic conditions. To this end, four barnyard grass varieties and two rice species were selected and tested for their remediation potential of arsenic. The plants were grown for 2 weeks in As-rich solutions up to 10 mg As L?1 to measure their tolerance to As and their uptake capabilities. Among the varieties of plants tested in all treatment types, BR-29 rice absorbed the highest amount of As in the root, while Nipponbare translocated the maximum amount of As in the shoot. Himetainubie barnyard grass produced the highest biomass, irrespective of the quantity of As in the solution. In all As-treated solutions, the maximum uptake of As was found in BR-29 followed by Choto shama and Himetainubie. In contrast, while the bioaccumulation factor was found to be the highest in Nipponbare followed by BR-29 and Himetainubie. The results suggest that both Choto shama and Himetainubie barnyard grass varieties should exhibit a great potential for As removal, while BR-29 and Nipponbare rice species are the best option for arsenic phytoremediation.  相似文献   

In arsenic contaminated areas of the Ganga-Meghna-Brahmaputra (GMB) plain (area 569,749 sq. km; population over 500 million) where traditionally cow dung cake is used as a fuel in unventilated ovens for cooking purposes, people are simply exposed to 1859.2 ng arsenic per day through direct inhalation, of which 464.8 ng could be absorbed in respiratory tract.  相似文献   

In the present study a sampling and analysis method for arsenic emissions during pyrolysis of arsenic containing wood, such as chromated copper arsenate (CCA) treated wood, has been developed. The procedure is based on the NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) standard for arsenic trioxide sampling. Validation for this specific application is needed since pyrolysis of arsenic containing wood leads to a gas stream containing sticky tar compounds and aerosols. Validation was carried out through tube furnace experiments using both CCA treated wood and arsenic trioxide powder as input. The outlet of the tube furnace was coupled to a cooling section and sampling train. The sampling train consisted of one or more filter sections and impingers. Different combinations of filters (untreated or impregnated) and impingers, as well as different combinations of washing solutions were tested. The different units of the sampling train were analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) in order to determine the distribution of arsenic over the different units. For the working conditions considered (pyrolysis at 350 degrees C for 20 minutes with a nitrogen flow rate of 100 Nl h(-1)) the combination of a quartz cooling tube and a cellulose ester membrane filter impregnated with a Na2CO3-glycerol solution was sufficient to capture the arsenic. Two extra impingers (the first one containing 50 ml HNO3 1 M in the case of CCA treated wood and 50 ml NaOH 0.1 M in the case of As2O3 and the second one containing 50 ml NaOH 0.1 M) were added downstream of the filter section as backup either in case of filter failure or to check whether all the arsenic released is captured by the cooling tube and filter.  相似文献   

Two non-lethal responses, avoidance andimmobility, were observed for thefreshwater gastropod Potamopyrgusantipodarum on exposure to dissolvedarsenic (As) as arsenate (As(V)) orarsenite (As(III)). Two differentpopulations of P. antipodarum, onewith a long history of exposure todissolved As from geothermal fluids andthe other with minimal exposure, werecompared to test for adaptation to As. Both snail populations avoided dissolvedAs(III), the more toxic form, at lowerconcentrations than As(V). As(V), theless toxic form, was avoided by both snailpopulations at much lower concentrationsthan those at which the snails becameimmobile. In contrast, the concentrationsof As(III) which caused avoidance werealmost the same as those which causedimmobility, implying that avoidance may notbe an effective response to protect thesesnails from exposure to As(III). Snailsfrom the exposed population avoided As(V)at about 20% of the concentration thatwas avoided by the snails from theunexposed population. At higherconcentrations of As(V) which causedimmobility, this difference in sensitivitypersisted up to an exposure time of 48 hours. After 96 hours exposure, however,both populations showed similarsensitivity. Snails from the exposedpopulation were more sensitive to As(III),both avoiding the As and becoming immobileat lower concentrations than were observedfor the same responses in the snails fromthe unexposed population. We suggest thatthe differences in sensitivity between thetwo populations could have been the resultof the higher soft body As burden of theexposed snails at the start of thelaboratory experiments.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to find out the sources of mercury and arsenic pollution of water in the industrial area of Peshawar, the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Samples of effluents, mud, and water were collected from the target area (industrial area of Peshawar), the area of water supply source, and from the less polluted area, the Lower Dir district, as the control. Hg was determined by the cold vapor generation technique, while arsenic was determined using the electrothermal atomic absorption technique. Data of the water from the industrial area were compared with that of the source area, control area, as well as with the WHO and some international drinking water quality standards. The results show that some parameters, i.e., TDS, DO, pH, and hardness, were more than the permissible limits. Textile and glass industries were found to be the major sources of Hg and As pollution. Downstream dilution of these contaminants was also observed.  相似文献   

Various solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridges were investigated for speciation of arsenite [As(III)], arsenate [As(v)], monomethylarsonic acid (MMA) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA). Cartridges containing different types of sorbent materials were tested for arsenic retention and elution characteristics. Alumina cartridges were found to completely retain all the four target arsenic species, and are suitable for removal and preconcentration purposes. For speciation analysis, different arsenic species were separated on the basis of their selective retention on and elution from specific cartridges. DMA was retained on a resin-based strong cation exchange cartridge and eluted with 1.0 M HCl. MMA and As(v) were both retained on a silica-based strong anion exchange cartridge and sequentially eluted with 60 mM acetic acid (for MMA) and 1.0 M HCl [for As(v)]. As(III) was not retained on either cartridge and remained in solution. Arsenic species in solution and those eluted from the cartridges were subsequently quantified by using flow injection with hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (FI-HGAFS) and hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (FI-HGAAS). A detection limit of 0.05 microg L(-1) arsenic in water sample was achieved using HGAFS. An application of the method was demonstrated at a drinking water treatment facility. As(III) and As(v) species were determined in water at various stages of treatment. The method is suitable for routine determination of trace levels of arsenic in drinking water to comply with more stringent environmental regulations.  相似文献   

An investigation using in situ analysis by portable X-ray fluorescence (PXRF) has shown that contamination present on industrial buildings at a heritage arsenic works site near Redruth, Cornwall, UK results from the absorption of arsenic by porous and semi-porous building materials that were in contact with arsenic-rich flue gases. Results from a preliminary survey indicate that arsenic remains locked in these materials and is being gradually leached out by weathering processes. This weathering causes general contamination of the adjacent building surfaces averaging 1845 microg g(-1) arsenic, presumably caused by evaporation of leach solutions in contact with air at the surface of the building materials. More extensive crystalline deposits were found under arches protected from dissolution and further dispersion by rain water. These deposits appeared to comprise calcium sulfate (gypsum), associated with on average between 1.2 and 6.8% m/m As. In situ PXRF proved to be highly effective in locating sources of contamination at the site and in providing data that allowed a hypotheses for the origin of this contamination to be formulated and tested in the field.  相似文献   

Human dietary intake and excretion of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and biphenyls (PCBs)--collectively referred to as dioxin-like compounds (DLCs)--were investigated. Two groups of seven subjects were studied during 1999 and 2000: one aged 23.9 +/- 4.5 years, the other aged 49.4 +/- 5.2 years. For each subject, two week-long experiments were held. In one, omnivorous diets were administered, whilst in the other, a vegan diet was studied. While exposures via the omnivorous diets exceeded those via the vegan diet on a sigmaWHO-TEQ basis; for some subjects sigmaPCB exposures were comparable in both diets, implying that plant-based foods can make an appreciable contribution to exposure to sigmaPCB. For all subjects, the average dietary exposure during the omnivorous trial to PCDD/Fs and PCBs combined (expressed as WHO-TEQ) was--at 1.09 pg kg(-1) bw d(-1)--lower than recent UK "food-basket" estimates. For the same diet, the average sigmaPCB exposure for all subjects was--at 5.01 microg person(-1) d(-1)--higher than recent UK "food-basket" estimates, but consistent with recent estimates for other industrialised countries. Net absorption/excretion but not faecal excretion rates of DLCs were related to dietary intakes. Furthermore, excretion rates of the most persistent DLCs--i.e. PCB #s 138, 153, and 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD--were statistically significantly greater for the older subjects. Combined, these data imply that excretion rate is dependent on body burden, and that the majority of DLCs in human faeces arise from endogenous excretion.  相似文献   

An assessment study of the environmental pathways of arsenic released from a coal-fired power plant (CFPP) or introduced into soil as a contaminant by phosphatic fertilizers has been carried out using a time-dependent forecasting model.The long-term predictions indicate that arsenic can be taken up by plants and that it can migrate into the groundwater system through soil layers. However, arsenic exhibits such a high degree of mobility that its retention and accumulation in biota should remain low. This fact may explain the relatively low concentrations of arsenic in environmental media as well as in groundwater systems.  相似文献   

采用原子荧光光度法测定炉气中砷的含量。方法探讨了盐酸酸度对测定结果的影响 ,确定本方法的检测限为2 .1 3ng/ml,样品回收率为 95.2 %~ 97.6%。  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that arsenic can accumulate in drinking water distribution system (DWDS) solids (Lytle et~al., 2004) when arsenic is present in the water. The release of arsenic back into the water through particulate transport and/or chemical release (e.g. desorption, dissolution) could result in elevated arsenic levels at the consumers' tap. The primary objective of this work was to examine the impact of pH and orthophosphate on the chemical release (i.e. desorption) of arsenic from nine DWDS solids collected from utilities located in the Midwest. Arsenic release comparisons were based on the examination of arsenic and other water quality parameters in leach water after contact with the solids over the course of 168~hours. Results showed that arsenic was released from solids and suggested that arsenic release was a result of desorption rather than dissolution. Arsenic release generally increased with increasing initial arsenic concentration in the solid and increasing pH levels (in the test range of 7 to 9). Finally, orthophosphate (3 and 5 mg PO4/L) increased arsenic release at all pH values examined. Based on the study results, utilities with measurable levels of arsenic present in their water should be aware that some water quality changes can cause arsenic release in the DWDS potentially resulting in elevated levels at the consumer's tap.  相似文献   

Reverse stream flood routing determines the upstream hydrograph in a stream reach given the downstream hydrograph. The Muskingum model of flood routing involves parameters that govern the routed hydrograph. These parameters are herein estimated using simulation methods coupled with optimization tools to achieve optimized parameters. Different simulation methods are shown to perform unequally in the estimation of nonlinear Muskingum parameters. This paper presents two simulation methods for nonlinear Muskingum reverse flood routing: (1) Euler equations and (2) Runge-Kutta 4th order equations. Moreover, the generalized reduced gradient (GRG) is used as the optimization tool that minimized the sum of the squared deviations (SSQ) between observed and routed inflows in a benchmark flood routing problem. Results show the Runge-Kutta 4th order equations yield better routed hydrographs with smaller SSQ than obtained in previous research and with the first simulation method (Euler equations).  相似文献   

We examined the daily inorganic arsenic (i-As) intake from drinking water and rice in 45 households (75 individuals) in the An Giang province, Southern Vietnam. The daily i-As intake ranged from 28-102 μg d(-1), equivalent to the daily dose of 0.6-1.9 μg d(-1) kg((body wt))(-1). Increased As concentrations were observed in human hair in the study location. Approximately 67% (n = 44), 42% (n = 28), and 15% (n = 10) of the hair samples had As levels exceeding 1, 3, and 10 μg g(-1), respectively. The total As concentrations in female and male hair correlated well with the total daily i-As intake. Measurement of As concentrations in the hair of people who were consuming or had previously consumed As from contaminated sources may help predict the onset of negative health effects. We suggested an application of the Bayes's theorem to calculate the probability that an individual in a population will acquire a negative health effect, given that the concentration of arsenic in the subject's hair has been determined.  相似文献   

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