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环境保护是中国的一项基本国策,在中小学开展环境教育,是贯彻这一基本国策的一项战略任务。文中介绍了环境意识的内涵与特征,阐述了环境意识教育与中小学实施素质教育之间的关系,并对加强中小学环境意识教育,提高学生环境素质,提出了见解。  相似文献   

大学环境教育与环境建设   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从中国生态环境的现状和大学传授学生知识、确立学生观念的特殊地位说明了在高校进行环境教育的必要性。环境教育是让学生了解人类生活和文明发展历程中的环境状况和问题,思考环境保护的意义和价值,进而确立环境观念。提出了建设环境友好型大学。建议在高校中建立讲座、选修、必修三位一体的环境教育教学体系。  相似文献   

广东省新华镇公众环境意识调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用问卷调查与社会访问相结合的方法,对广东省新华镇居民的环境意识进行了调查,并进行较为系统的分析。  相似文献   

环境新闻因与人的切身利益关系密切而备受关注,其传播提高了公众的环境意识。文中探讨了环境新闻的目的和特点,阐述了在当前环境形势下,公众期待新闻媒体在环境保护中扮演怎样的角色,以及如何提高环境新闻报道营造社会良好舆论的几种途径。  相似文献   

对中小学、幼儿园开展环境教育的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从一个环境教育管理工作者的角度出发,阐述了目前对中小学、幼儿园开展环境教育工作所面临的一些误区,并针对这些误区采取的解决办法和途径,提出对中小学、幼儿园开展环境教育,不仅仅是为了让学生掌握丰富的环境科学知识,更重要的是培养孩子们的良好环境情感和环境素养,自觉地形成健康的环境价值观和对环境的态度,增强环保责任感,培养他们理想的环境行为。  相似文献   

当前全国各地掀起的房地产业方兴未艾,然而忽视房地产开发中的环境保护意识的短期行为,必将造成未来域市发展的战略失误。文内列举古、今、中、外有关资料并调查了某些城市房地产开发热中忽视环境保护的典型事例,试图对改革开放形势下的房地产业发展方向有所借鉴。  相似文献   

全面总结了浙江省污染物排放总量管理和市场配置环境资源试点的主要实践措施(包括创新构建总量管理和激励制度、全面构建市场配置环境资源制度、探索建立协同管理和交易机制和深入推进监管执法机制建设)和实施成效(包括市场倒逼污染减排、促进经济转型升级、市场拓宽融资渠道、提升环境管理水平和增强生态环境保护意识),提出了完善环境资源市场配置模式总体设想,为全面推进中国环境资源市场配置实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

浙江省公众环境意识万卷调查报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过浙江省公众环境意识万卷调查活动,了解公众对环境问题的认识和看法,以及他们对环境保护事业的希望和要求,为环境保护工作的决策提供了信息。1调查概况1.1调查的形式、范围及步骤调查采用现场问卷形式,在浙江省内发放近12000份问卷。调查大致分为4个阶段:(1)调查研究,设计问卷;(2)发放问卷;(3)收集问卷,统一编号。输入计算机进行统计分析;(4)撰写浙江省公众环境意识万卷调查的分析报告。1.2被调查公众的基本情况调查共计发放11800份问卷,回收9367份,其中有效问卷8599份。被调查公众的基本情况如下:(1)被调查公众…  相似文献   

熊辉 《污染防治技术》2003,16(Z2):163-165
论述了我国中小学基础环境教育的现状及存在的问题,提出了中小学环境教育的内容、途径以及实施原则.  相似文献   

后阳化工园区是一个面积仅为34 hm^2、由18家精细化工生产企业组成的化工集中区。该化工园区通过建立环境管理机构、环保自律制度、自治巡查组、技术指导组等手段,采取严格入园条件、清污全面分流、废气全面吸收、环境全面整治等环境管理措施,促进了环境与经济的协调发展,为探索小型化工集中区的环境管理提供了有益的尝试。  相似文献   

ISO14000环境管理系列标准是国际标准化组织制定的关于环境管理体系的国际通用标准。目的在于激发企业自觉采取预防措施和持续性改善措施来改善环境。推行ISO14000认证不仅可以规范环境管理行为,而且提高绿色管理水平和资源利用效率,从而促进中国经济发展。需要政府进一步采取积极措施推广ISO14000环境管理体系认证。  相似文献   

鉴于四川省重要的生态屏障功能和多样的地形气候条件,随机选择该地区10个自然村,通过问卷调查、采样测试等方法,对农村固体废物的处理现状、特性与农民环保意识进行调研,以期为农村典型污染物的管理与处理提供一定的理论支撑和技术指导。调研表明:四川省农村生活垃圾统一清运率相对较高,生活垃圾与塑料薄膜以焚烧为主;人畜粪便主要用作肥料,作物秸秆主要用于生活燃料,绝大部分灰渣均还田,大部分生活污水直接排放,这些处理方式导致了地表水、固体废物和大气的复合型污染。调查村生活垃圾产生量平均值为227g/(人·d),主要组分包括厨余、灰土、纸类、橡胶,生活垃圾平均容重、含水率、灰分、可燃物、低位热值分别为129kg/m3、43.42%、28.22%、28.36%和6 048kJ/kg。农村群众对生活垃圾特性的认知不高,参与环境管理的意愿和对典型污染物处理的支付意愿相对较弱;四川省农村生活垃圾和生活污水处理宜充分利用户用沼气池和中小型沼气工程,采取分散和自行处理为主、集中处理为辅的模式。  相似文献   

对清洁生产、ISO14000环境管理体系的内涵作了简介,着重从理论到实践经验上探讨清洁生产审核在ISO14000环境管理体系推进过程中,环境因素和重大环境因素识别;目标、指标、环境管理方案建立;具体实施过程中的应用。  相似文献   

朱亚新 《污染防治技术》2005,18(4):46-47,55
结合地区经济、社会的状况和特殊的地理位置,分析了环境保护的现状和存在的问题,系统阐述了建设生态滨湖的必要性和可行性。  相似文献   

阐述了宾馆行业在环保设施竣工验收监测中应采取的关键步骤、运营过程中污染物的来源,提出了合理的监测因子和监测时段;同时从管理的角度,提出了验收监测应具备的基础条件。  相似文献   

本文从对中国水环境体制结症分析入手 ,提出了中国水环境管理在体制上存在的主要问题 ;同时收集整理了国际上在水环境管理方面具有代表性的 11个国家水环境管理体制方面的资料 ,系统分析了这些国家在国家级、流域级与区域级的水环境管理体制与主要采取的水环境管理模式 ;并以此为依据 ,提出了我国水环境管理体制改革所需遵循的基本原则与改革方向  相似文献   

依据管理学范畴的规范化理论,简明介绍了工业企业环保工作规范化的概念及特征,重点阐述了工业企业环保工作规范化建设的内容、要求及实施的过程,力图建立新型的工业企业环保管理工作的模式。  相似文献   

采用岩溶地下水评价模型的欧洲法完成重庆市浅层地下水脆弱性评价,以重庆市重点水污染行业空间分布为基础,结合区域页岩气井分布及开采量,完成重庆市浅层地下水污染源负荷评价。基于GIS设置叠置矩阵,实现重庆市页岩气开采浅层地下水污染风险评价。结果表明:重庆市浅层地下水固有脆弱性中等及以上区域面积29 065.4 km2,占全市35.27%,主要分布在渝东北大巴山及渝东南武陵山地区;重庆市页岩气开采污染源负荷中等及以上区域面积29 124.98 km2,占全市35.35%,主要分布在中部涪陵区、渝西都市区及周边;浅层地下水污染中等及以上风险区域面积12 628.07 km2,占全市总面积的15.33%,其中页岩气规划开采区内面积8 450.86 km2,占类型区面积的66.92%,占规划区18.38%,高风险区主要分布在渝中部涪陵及渝东南彭水局部、黔江局部及秀山等地,中等风险区呈分散分布。页岩气开采应尽量避开岩溶大泉、落水洞等高风险区域,强化防范地下水环境风险的措施,以保证区域地下水安全。  相似文献   

Indian statutes identify twelve different types of biomedical wastes and give the treatment and disposal options for each. Since it is not possible for every generator of biomedical waste to go for their own treatment and disposal facility, the small-scale generators take the service of centralized treatment and disposal facilities available to them on payment. In the state of Kerala in India, where the basic health indicators match those of many developed countries, the centralized biomedical waste treatment facility is run by Indian Medical Association (IMA), Kerala, under the banner IMAGE (IMA Goes Eco-Friendly) at a place called “Kanjikode” in the Palakkad District. The facility receives biomedical waste from around 4500 hospitals across the State and an equal number of medical laboratories. The plant incinerates the incinerable waste and the other kind of waste are disinfected and decontaminated. The residual ash and dried sludge are then moved to the landfill area. Recently, the facility was in the middle of a controversy due to the alleged health hazards it posed to the surrounding population. An environmental forensic investigation was carried out at the site to establish the merits of the allegation. The reported study is a part of the investigation where groundwater was analysed for the presence of heavy metals. As the biomedical waste contain heavy metals like Zn, Pb, Cd, Cr, and Hg, the presence of these were analysed to establish contamination of groundwater by the facility. The study area is bounded by Malampuzha dam and Korayar river. Groundwater contaminant transport modelling was done for a 3430 m × 3960 m area surrounding the waste treatment facility using Visual MODFLOW and MODPATH. Ground water flow direction and particle pathlines were computed to track the movement of contaminants. Groundwater samples were collected from the area shown to be polluted by the model, if metals were discharged by the facility, and also from outside this area. Water samples were collected conforming to the guidelines in the “Pollution Crime Forensic Investigation Manual” published by INTERPOL. The collected water samples were tested for heavy metal concentration using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The water sample analysis showed that the groundwater is not contaminated by heavy metal discharge from the biomedical treatment facility.  相似文献   

Heavy metal concentrations (Pb, Cd, and Cu) in classroom indoor dust were measured. The health risk (non-carcinogenic) of these heavy metals in classroom indoor dust to children was assessed based on United States Environmental Protection Agency health risk model. Indoor classroom dust samples were collected from 21 locations including windows, fans, and floors at a primary school in Sri Serdang, Malaysia. Classroom dust samples were processed using aqua regia method and analyzed for Pb, Cd, and Cu concentrations. The highest average heavy metal concentrations were found in windows, followed by floor and fan. Pb concentrations ranged from 34.17 μg/g to 101.87 μg/g, Cd concentrations ranged from 1.73 μg/g to 7.5 μg/g, and Cu concentrations ranged from 20.27 μg/g to 82.13 μg/g. Ventilation and cleaning process were found as the possible factors that contributed to heavy metal concentration in window, floor, and fan. Moreover, the hazard index (HI) and hazard quotient (HQ) values for heavy metals Cd and Cu were less than one. By contrast, the HI and HQ values for Pb (maximum values) were more than one, indicating potential non-carcinogenic risk to children. Long-term persistence of leaded petrol, building materials, interior paint, school located near industrial areas and major roads, as well as vehicle emission are the factors attributed to the presence of heavy metals in classroom dust. Further research under a long-term monitoring plan and actual values in a health risk model is crucial before a final decision on heavy metal exposure and its relationship to young children health risks can be made. Nevertheless, the findings of this study provide crucial evidence to include indoor dust quality in school assessment because the environmental processes and impacts of surrounding school area have health risk implications on young children.  相似文献   

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