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The correlation of runoff phosphorus (P) with water-extractable phosphorus (WEP) in land-applied manures and biosolids has spurred wide use of WEP as a water quality indicator. Land managers, planners, and researchers need a common WEP protocol to consistently use WEP in nutrient management. Our objectives were to (i) identify a common WEP protocol with sufficient accuracy and precision to be adopted by commercial testing laboratories and (ii) confirm that the common protocol is a reliable index of runoff P. Ten laboratories across North America evaluated alternative protocols with an array of manure and biosolids samples. A single laboratory analyzed all samples and conducted a separate runoff study with the manures and biosolids. Extraction ratio (solution:solids) was the most important factor affecting WEP, with WEP increasing from 10:1 to 100:1 and increasing from 100:1 to 200:1. When WEP was measured by a single laboratory, correlations with runoff P from packed soil boxes amended with manure and biosolids ranged from 0.79 to 0.92 across all protocol combinations (extraction ratio, filtration method, and P determination method). Correlations with P in runoff were slightly lower but significant when WEP was measured by the 10 labs (r=0.56-0.86). Based on laboratory repeatability and water quality evaluation criteria, we recommend the following common protocol: 100:1 extraction ratio; 1-h shaking and centrifuge 10 min at 1500xg (filter with Whatman #1 paper if necessary); and determining P by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry or colorimetric methods.  相似文献   

Poultry litter ash as a potential phosphorus source for agricultural crops   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Maryland will impose restrictions on poultry litter application to soils with excessive P by the year 2005. Alternative uses for poultry litter are being considered, including burning as a fuel to generate electricity. The resulting ash contains high levels of total P, but the availability for crop uptake has not been reported. Our objective was to compare the effectiveness of poultry litter ash (PLA) and potassium phosphate (KP) as a P source for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in acidic soils, without and with limestone application. Two acidic soils (pH 4.25 and 4.48) were studied, unlimed or limed to pH 6.5 before cropping. The PLA and KP were applied at 0, 39, and 78 kg P ha(-1), after which wheat was grown. Limestone significantly increased wheat yield, but the P sources without limestone did not. The two P sources were not significantly different as P fertilizer. At the 78 kg P ha(-1) rate, wheat shoot-P concentrations were 1.10 and 1.12 g kg(-1) for the PLA treatment compared with 0.90 and 0.89 g kg(-1) for KP in the nonlimed and limed soils, respectively. Trace element concentrations in wheat shoots from the PLA treatment were less than or equal to KP and the control. The low levels of water-soluble P and metals in the soils and the low metal concentrations in wheat suggest that PLA is an effective P fertilizer. Further studies are needed to determine the optimum application rate of PLA as a P fertilizer.  相似文献   

Trapping phosphorus in runoff with a phosphorus removal structure   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Reduction of phosphorus (P) inputs to surface waters may decrease eutrophication. Some researchers have proposed filtering dissolved P in runoff with P-sorptive byproducts in structures placed in hydrologically active areas with high soil P concentrations. The objectives of this study were to construct and monitor a P removal structure in a suburban watershed and test the ability of empirically developed flow-through equations to predict structure performance. Steel slag was used as the P sorption material in the P removal structure. Water samples were collected before and after the structure using automatic samples and analyzed for total dissolved P. During the first 5 mo of structure operation, 25% of all dissolved P was removed from rainfall and irrigation events. Phosphorus was removed more efficiently during low flow rate irrigation events with a high retention time than during high flow rate rainfall events with a low retention time. The six largest flow events occurred during storm flow and accounted for 75% of the P entering the structure and 54% of the P removed by the structure. Flow-through equations developed for predicting structure performance produced reasonable estimates of structure "lifetime" (16.8 mo). However, the equations overpredicted cumulative P removal. This was likely due to differences in pH, total Ca and Fe, and alkalinity between the slag used in the structure and the slag used for model development. This suggests the need for an overall model that can predict structure performance based on individual material properties.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) in runoff from landscapes can promote eutrophication of natural waters. Soluble P released from plant material can contribute significant amounts of P to runoff particularly after plant freezing or drying. This study was conducted to evaluate P losses from alfalfa or grass after freezing or drying as potential contributors to runoff P. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and grass (principally, Agropyron repens L.) plant samples were subjected to freezing and drying treatments to determine P release. Simulated rainfall runoff and natural runoff from established alfalfa fields and a grass waterway were collected to study P contributions from plant tissue to runoff. The effects of freezing and drying on P released from plant tissue were simulated by a herbicide treatment in selected experiments. Soluble reactive P (SP) extracted from alfalfa and grass samples was markedly increased by freezing or drying. In general, SP extracted from plant samples increased in the order fresh < frozen < frozen/thawed < dried, and averaged 1, 8, 14, and 26% of total P in alfalfa, respectively. Soluble reactive P extracted from alfalfa after freezing or drying increased with increasing soil test P (r(2) = 0.64 to 0.68), suggesting that excessive soil P levels increased the risk of plant P contributions to runoff losses. In simulated rainfall studies, paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4, 4'-bipyridinium ion) treatment of alfalfa increased P losses in runoff, and results suggested that this treatment simulated the effects of drying on plant P loss. In contrast to the simulated rainfall results, natural runoff studies over 2 yr did not show higher runoff P losses that could be attributed to P from alfalfa. Actual P losses likely depend on the timing and extent of plant freezing and drying and of precipitation events after freezing.  相似文献   

Contribution of particulate phosphorus to runoff phosphorus bioavailability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Runoff P associated with eroded soil is partly solubilized in receiving waters and contributes to eutrophication, but the significance of particulate phosphorus (PP) in the eutrophying P load is debatable. We assessed losses of bioavailable P fractions in field runoff from fine-textured soils (Cryaquepts). Surface runoff at four sites and drain-flow at two of them was sampled. In addition to dissolved molybdate-reactive phosphorus (DRP) losses, two estimates of bioavailable PP losses were made: (i) desorbable PP, assessed by anion exchange resin-extraction (AER-PP) and (ii) redox-sensitive PP, assessed by extraction with bicarbonate and dithionite (BD-PP). Annual losses of BD-PP and AER-PP were derived from the relationships (R2 = 0.77-0.96) between PP and these P forms. Losses of BD-PP in surface runoff (94-1340 g ha(-1)) were typically threefold to fivefold those of DRP (29-510 kg ha(-1)) or AER-PP (13-270 g ha(-1)). Where monitored, drainflow P losses were substantial, at one of the sites even far greater than those via the surface pathway. Typical runoff DRP concentration at the site with the highest Olsen-P status (69-82 mg kg(-1)) was about 10-fold that at the site with the lowest Olsen P (31-45 mg kg(-1)), whereas the difference in AER-PP per mass unit of sediment was only threefold, and that of BD-PP 2.5-fold. Bioavailable P losses were greatly influenced by PP runoff, especially so on soils with a moderate P status that produced runoff with a relatively low DRP concentration.  相似文献   

Continual application of mineral fertilizer and manures to meet crop production goals has resulted in the buildup of soil P concentrations in many areas. A rainfall simulation study was conducted to evaluate the effect of the application of P sources differing in water-soluble P (WSP) concentration on P transport in runoff from two grassed and one no-till soil (2 m(2) plots). Triple superphosphate (TSP)-79% WSP, low-grade single superphosphate (LGSSP)-50% WSP, North Carolina rock phosphate (NCRP)-0.5% WSP, and swine manure (SM)-30% WSP, were broadcast (100 kg total P ha(-1)) and simulated rainfall (50 mm h(-1) for 30 min of runoff) applied 1, 7, 21, and 42 d after P source application. In the first rainfall event one d after fertilizer application, dissolved reactive P (DRP) and total P (TP) concentrations of runoff increased (P < 0.05) for all soils with an increase of source WSP; with DRP averaging 0.27, 0.50, 14.66, 41.69, and 90.47 mg L(-1); and total P averaging 0.34, 0.61, 19.05, 43.10, and 98.06 mg L(-1) for the control, NCRP, SM, LGSSP, and TSP, respectively. The loss of P in runoff decreased with time for TSP and SM, such that after 42 d, losses from TSP, SM, and LGSSP did not differ. These results support that P water solubility in P sources may be considered as an indicator of P loss potential.  相似文献   

Phosphorus enhances eutrophication of fresh water bodies. This study was conducted to determine the influence of tillage and P placement on P losses in runoff water from a somewhat poorly drained soil (Woodson silt loam [fine, smectitic, thermic Abruptic Argiaquoll], 1.0-1.5% slope) in a grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moenchl-soybean [Glycine mar (L.) Merr] rotation. Chisel-disk-field cultivate (ChT), ridge-till (RT), and no-till (NT) in combination with 0 kg P ha(-1) or 24 kg P ha(-1) broadcast or knifed (applied prior to planting grain sorghum) were studied. Runoff volume and losses of sediment and P were summed over the growing season. Significant interactions between tillage and P placement for soluble P losses were found. For example, soluble P loss in 1999 for NT-broadcast in grain sorghum was 358 g ha(-1); significantly greater than 31 g ha(-1) for NT-knife or 23 g ha(-1) for NT-check. Similar results were found for RT but no such differences were found for ChT. Bioavailable P losses were generally highest with broadcast P placement and for NT and RT. Total P losses were significantly higher at 959 g ha(-1) with broadcast P on grain sorghum in 1998, compared with 521 g ha(-1) for the check and 659 g ha(-1) for the knifed P applications. Total P losses in 1999 for soybeans were only 18 g ha(-1) for NT, which was significantly lower than 75 g ha(-1) for ChT and 66 g ha(-1) for RT. The results indicate that broadcast P applications on RT and NT will increase P losses, but the influence of tillage was not consistent.  相似文献   

Currently, several state and federal agencies are proposing upper limits on soil test phosphorus (P), above which animal manures cannot be applied, based on the assumption that high P concentrations in runoff are due to high soil test P. Recent studies show that other factors are more indicative of P concentrations in runoff from areas where manure is being applied. The original P index was developed as an alternative P management tool incorporating factors affecting both the source and transport of P. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of multiple variables on P concentrations in runoff water and to construct a P source component of a P index for pastures that incorporates these effects. The evaluated variables were: (i) soil test P, (ii) soluble P in poultry litter, (iii) P in poultry diets, (iv) fertilizer type, and (v) poultry litter application rate. Field studies with simulated rainfall showed that P runoff was affected by the amount of soluble P applied in the fertilizer source. Before manure applications, soil test P was directly related to soluble P concentrations in runoff water. However, soil test P had little effect on P runoff after animal manure was applied. Unlike most other P indices, weighting factors of the P source components in the P index for pastures are based on results from runoff studies conducted under various management scenarios. As a result, weighting factors for the P source potential variables are well justified. A modification of the P index using scientific data should strengthen the ability of the P index concept to evaluate locations and management alternatives for P losses.  相似文献   

The loss of phosphorus (P) in runoff from agricultural soils may accelerate eutrophication in lakes and streams as well as degrade surface water quality. Limited soil specific data exist on the relationship between runoff P and soil P. This study investigated the relationship between runoff dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) and soil P for three Oklahoma benchmark soils: Richfield (fine, smectitic, mesic Aridic Argiustoll), Dennis (fine, mixed, active, thermic Aquic Argiudoll), and Kirkland (fine, mixed, superactive, thermic Udertic Paleustoll) series. These soils were selected to represent the most important agricultural soils in Oklahoma across three major land resource areas. Surface soil (0-15 cm) was collected from three designated locations, treated with diammonium phosphate (18-46-0) to establish a wide range of water-soluble phosphorus (WSP) (3.15-230 mg kg(-1)) and Mehlich-3 phosphorus (M3P) (27.8-925 mg kg(-1)). Amended soils were allowed to reach a steady state 210 d before simulated rainfall (75 mm h(-1)). Runoff was collected for 30 min from bare soil boxes (1.0 x 0.42 m and 5% slope) and analyzed for DRP and total P. Soil samples collected immediately before rainfall simulation were analyzed for the following: M3P, WSP, ammonium oxalate P saturation index (PSI(ox)), water-soluble phosphorus saturation index (PSI(WSP)), and phosphorus saturation index calculated from M3P and phosphorus sorption maxima (P(sat)). The DRP in runoff was highly related (p < 0.001) to M3P for individual soil series (r2 > 0.92). Highly significant relationships (p < 0.001) were found between runoff DRP and soil WSP for the individual soil series (r2 > 0.88). Highly significant relationships (p < 0.001) existed between DRP and different P saturation indexes. Significant differences (p < 0.05) among the slopes of the regressions for the DRP-M3P, DRP-WSP, DRP-PSI(ox), DRP-PSI(WSP), and DRP-P(sat) relationships indicate that the relationships are soil specific and phosphorus management decisions should consider soil characteristics.  相似文献   

Effect of mineral and manure phosphorus sources on runoff phosphorus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Concern over nonpoint-source phosphorus (P) losses from agricultural lands to surface waters has resulted in scrutiny of factors affecting P loss potential. A rainfall simulation study was conducted to quantify the effects of alternative P sources (dairy manure, poultry manure, swine slurry, and diammonium phosphate), application methods, and initial soil P concentrations on runoff P losses from three acidic soils (Buchanan-Hartleton, Hagerstown, and Lewbeach). Low P (12 to 26 mg kg(-1) Mehlich-3 P) and high P (396 to 415 mg kg(-1) Mehlich-3 P) members of each soil were amended with 100 kg total P ha(-1) from each of the four P sources either by surface application or mixing, and subjected to simulated rainfall (70 mm h(-1) to produce 30 min runoff). Phosphorus losses from fertilizer and manure applied to the soil surface differed significantly by source, with dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) accounting for 64% of total phosphorus (TP) (versus 9% for the unamended soils). For manure amended soils, these losses were linearly related to water-soluble P concentration of manure (r2 = 0.86 for DRP, r2 = 0.78 for TP). Mixing the P sources into the soil significantly decreased P losses relative to surface P application, such that DRP losses from amended, mixed soils were not significantly different from the unamended soil. Results of this study can be applied to site assessment indices to quantify the potential for P loss from recently manured soils.  相似文献   

Phosphorus transport from agricultural soils contributes to eutrophication of fresh waters. Computer modeling can help identify agricultural areas with high potential P transport. Most models use a constant extraction coefficient (i.e., the slope of the linear regression between filterable reactive phosphorus [FRP] in runoff and soil P) to predict dissolved P release from soil to runoff, yet it is unclear how variations in soil properties, management practices, or hydrology affect extraction coefficients. We investigated published data from 17 studies that determined extraction coefficients using Mehlich-3 or Bray-1 soil P (mg kg(-1)), water-extractable soil P (mg kg(-1)), or soil P sorption saturation (%) as determined by ammonium oxalate extraction. Studies represented 31 soils with a variety of management conditions. Extraction coefficients from Mehlich-3 or Bray-1 soil P were not significantly different for 26 of 31 soils, with values ranging from 1.2 to 3.0. Extraction coefficients from water-extractable soil P were not significantly different for 17 of 20 soils, with values ranging from 6.0 to 18.3. The relationship between soil P sorption saturation and runoff FRP (microg L(-1)) was the same for all 10 soils investigated, exhibiting a split-line relationship where runoff FRP rapidly increased at P sorption saturation values greater than 12.5%. Overall, a single extraction coefficient (2.0 for Mehlich-3 P data, 11.2 for water-extractable P data, and a split-line relationship for P sorption saturation data) could be used in water quality models to approximate dissolved P release from soil to runoff for the majority of soil, hydrologic, or management conditions. A test for soil P sorption saturation may provide the most universal approximation, but only for noncalcareous soils.  相似文献   

Few studies have measured removal of pollutants by restored wetlands that receive highly variable inflows. We used automated flow-proportional sampling to monitor the removal of nutrients and suspended solids by a 1.3-ha restored wetland receiving unregulated inflows from a 14-ha agricultural watershed in Maryland, USA. Water entered the wetland mainly in brief pulses of runoff, which sometimes exceeded the 2500-m3 water holding capacity of the wetland. Half of the total water inflow occurred in only 24 days scattered throughout the two-year study. Measured annual water gains were within 5% of balancing water losses. Annual removal of nutrients differed greatly between the two years of the study. The most removal occurred in the first year, which included a three-month period of decreasing water level in the wetland. In that year, the wetland removed 59% of the total P, 38% of the total N, and 41% of the total organic C it received. However, in the second year, which lacked a drying period, there was no significant (p > 0.05) net removal of total N or P, although 30% of the total organic C input was removed. For the entire two-year period, the wetland removed 25% of the ammonium, 52% of the nitrate, and 34% of the organic C it received, but there was no significant net removal of total suspended solids (TSS) or other forms of N and P. Although the variability of inflow may have decreased the capacity of the wetland to remove materials, the wetland still reduced nonpoint-source pollution.  相似文献   

Vegetative filter strips (VFS) have shown promising results in reducing the downstream transport of many agroecosystem contaminants. A recently developed type of VFS, prairie strips, has been shown to significantly reduce the impact of corn and soybean production systems on water quality in terms of sediment, nitrogen, and phosphorus losses. This study assessed potential additional benefits of prairie strips to include the reduction of pathogens. To assess the impact of prairie strips on manure-laden agricultural runoff, we utilized a physical model of prairie strips in a laboratory flume to conduct highly controlled overland flow experiments. Escherichia coli and Enterococcus concentration reductions of up to 45% and 65% were observed for runoff and infiltration flows, respectively, while mass load reductions of up to 65% were observed for surficial runoff flows. The degree of concentration or mass load reductions was dependent on the residence time of the flow within the strip and the partitioning of overland flow running onto the strip to infiltration and runoff flows. Based on our results and a review of the literature, we developed a design method to provide guidance on the width of prairie strip buffer needed to achieve a user-defined reduction of fecal bacteria concentration.  相似文献   

Predicting dissolved phosphorus in runoff from manured field plots   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dissolved inorganic P transport in runoff from agricultural soils is an environmental concern. Models are used to predict P transport but rarely simulate P in runoff from surface-applied manures. Using field-plot data, we tested a previously proposed model to predict manure P in runoff. We updated the model to include more data relating water to manure ratio to manure P released during water extractions. We verified that this update can predict P release from manure to rain using published data. We tested the updated model using field-plot and soil-box data from three manure runoff studies. The model accurately predicted runoff P for boxes, but underpredicted runoff P for plots. Underpredictions were caused by runoff to rain ratios used to distribute P into runoff or infiltration. We developed P distribution fractions from manure water extraction data to replace runoff to rain ratios. Calculating P distribution fractions requires knowing rainfall rate and times that runoff begins and rain stops. Using P distribution fractions gave accurate predictions of runoff P for soil boxes and field plots. We observed relationships between measured runoff to rain ratios and both P distribution fractions and a degree of error in original predictions, calculated as (measured runoff P/predicted runoff P). Using independent field-plot data, we verified that original underpredictions of manure runoff P can be improved by calculating P distribution fractions from measured runoff to rain ratios or adjusting runoff to rain ratios based on their degree of error. Future work should test the model at field or watershed scales and at longer time scales.  相似文献   

Phosphorus loss in runoff from agricultural fields has been identified as an important contributor to eutrophication. The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between phosphorus (P) in runoff from a benchmark soil (Cecil sandy loam; fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludult) and Mehlich III-, deionized water-, and Fe(2)O(3)-extractable soil P, and degree of phosphorus saturation (DPS). Additionally, the value of including other soil properties in P loss prediction equations was evaluated. Simulated rainfall was applied (75 mm h(-1)) to 54 1-m(2) plots installed on six fields with different soil test phosphorus (STP) levels. Runoff was collected in its entirety for 30 min and analyzed for total P and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP). Soil samples were collected from 0- to 2-, 0- to 5-, and 0- to 10-cm depths. The strongest correlation for total P and DRP occurred with DPS (r(2) = 0.72). Normalizing DRP by runoff depth resulted in improved correlation with deionized water-extractable P for the 0- to 10-cm sampling depth (r(2) = 0.81). The STP levels were not different among sampling depths and analysis of the regression equations revealed that soil sampling depth had no effect on the relationship between STP and P in runoff. For all forms of P in runoff and STP measures, the relationship between STP and runoff P was much stronger when the data were split into groups based on the ratio of oxalate-extractable Fe to Al. For all forms of P in runoff and all STP methods, R(2) increased with the inclusion of oxalate-extractable Al and Fe in the regression equation. The results of this study indicate that inclusion of site-specific information about soil Al and Fe content can improve the relationship between STP and runoff P.  相似文献   

Reduction-induced phosphorus (P) release from particles transported by field runoff has been poorly studied for want of a method that could be used for large surveys. To rectify this shortcoming, we modified the bicarbonate-dithionite (BD) extraction step of a sediment P speciation scheme for analyzing redox-sensitive P in runoff without sample preconcentration. The extraction comprised the addition of bicarbonate (pH buffer) and dithionite (reducing agent) into a runoff sample, 15 min of gentle shaking, filtration, and sample digestion. The samples were greatly reduced (Eh < -200 mV), and Fe and P were solubilized, but Al solubility was not increased. Phosphorus release from rock phosphates (calcium phosphates) was greater in the BD extraction than in water or bicarbonate solution, although no more than 0.2% of the total P was released. For runoff from a very fine Typic Cryaquept, the particulate phosphorus (PP) versus BD-PP relationship was linear up to a PP concentration of about 1.0 mg L(-1), but over the whole PP range studied (up to 2.6 mg L(-1)) somewhat better described by an exponential equation (BD-PP = 0.297 x PP(0.766); r2 = 0.91, n = 79). The minimum detectable value given by the method was relatively low, 0.023 mg L(-1), but reproducibility varied, with the coefficient of variation for 10 samples analyzed with 5 replicates ranging from 1.8 to 28.5%. Considering the variable reproducibility of the results and the lack of suitable reference material, the method needs further refinement and testing if it is to be used for quantitative determination of redox-sensitive P in runoff.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is one of the most important mineral nutrients in agricultural systems, and along with nitrogen (N), is generally the most limiting nutrient for plant production. Farming systems have intensified greatly over time, and in recent years it has become apparent that the concomitant increase in losses of N and P from agricultural land is having a serious detrimental effect on water quality and the environment. The last two decades have seen a marked increase in research into the issues surrounding diffuse losses of P to surface and ground water. This paper reviews this research, examining the issue of P forms in runoff, and highlighting the exceptions to some generally held assumptions about land use and P transport. In particular the review focuses on P losses associated with recent P fertilizer application, as opposed to organic manures, both on the amounts and the forms of P in runoff water. The effects of the physicochemical characteristics of different forms of P fertilizer are explored, particularly in relation to water solubility. Various means of mitigating the risk of loss of P are discussed. It is argued that the influence of recent fertilizer applications is an under-researched area, yet may offer the most readily applicable opportunity to mitigate P losses by land users. This review highlights and discusses some options that have recently become available that may make a significant contribution to the task of sustainable management of nutrient losses from agriculture.  相似文献   

A study was initiated to investigate the relationship between soil test P and depth of soil sampling with runoff losses of dissolved molybdate reactive phosphorus (DMRP). Rainfall simulations were conducted on two noncalcareous soils, a Windthorst sandy loam (fine, mixed, thermic Udic Paleustalf) and a Blanket clay loam (fine, mixed, thermic Pachic Argiustoll), and two calcareous soils, a Purves clay (clayey, smectitic, thermic Lithic Calciustoll) and a Houston Black clay (fine, smectitic, thermic Udic Haplustert). Soil (0- to 2.5-, 0- to 5-, and 0- to 15-cm depths) and runoff samples were collected from each of the four soils in permanent pasture exhibiting a wide range in soil test P levels (as determined by Mehlich III and distilled water extraction) due to prior manure applications. Simulated rain was used to produce runoff, which was collected for 30 min. Good regression equations were derived relating soil test P level to runoff DMRP for all four soil types, as indicated by relatively high r2 values (0.715 to 0.961, 0- to 5-cm depth). Differences were observed for the depth of sampling, with the most consistent results observed with the 0- to 5-cm sampling depth. Runoff DMRP losses as a function of the concentration of P in soil were lower in calcareous soils (maximum of 0.74 mg L(-1)) compared with noncalcareous soils (maximum of 1.73 mg L(-1)). The results indicate that a soil test for environmental P could be developed, but it would require establishing different soil test P level criteria for different soils or classes of soils.  相似文献   

Field-scale relationships between soil test phosphorus (STP) and flow-weighted mean concentrations (FWMCs) of dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) and total phosphorus (TP) in runoff are essential for modeling phosphorus losses, but are lacking. The objectives of this study were (i) to determine the relationships between soil phosphorus (STP and degree of phosphorus saturation (DPS)) and runoff phosphorus (TP and DRP) from field-sized catchments under spring snowmelt and summer rainfall conditions, and (ii) to determine whether a variety of depths and spatial representations of STP improved the prediction of phosphorus losses. Runoff was monitored from eight field-scale microwatersheds (2 to 248 ha) for 3 yr. Soil test phosphorus was determined for three layers (0 to 2.5 cm, 0 to 5 cm, and 0 to 15 cm) in spring and fall and the DPS was determined for the surface layer. Average STP (0 to 15 cm) ranged from 3 to 512 mg kg(-1), and DPS (0 to 2.5 cm) ranged from 5 to 91%. Seasonal FWMCs ranged from 0.01 to 7.4 mg L(-1) DRP and from 0.1 to 8.0 mg L(-1) TP. Strong linear relationships (r2=0.87 to 0.89) were found between the site mean STP and the FWMCs of DRP and TP. The relationships had similar extraction coefficients, intercepts, and predictive power among all three soil layers. Extraction coefficients (0.013 to 0.014) were similar to those reported for other Alberta studies, but were greater than those reported for rainfall simulation studies. The curvilinear DPS relationship showed similar predictive ability to STP. The field-scale STP relationships derived from natural conditions in this study should provide the basis for modeling phosphorus in Alberta.  相似文献   

Evaluation of phosphorus transport in surface runoff from packed soil boxes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Evaluation of phosphorus (P) management strategies to protect water quality has largely relied on research using simulated rainfall to generate runoff from either field plots or shallow boxes packed with soil. Runoff from unmanured, grassed field plots (1 m wide x 2 m long, 3-8% slope) and bare soil boxes (0.2 m wide and 1 m long, 3% slope) was compared using rainfall simulation (75 mm h(-1)) standardized by 30-min runoff duration (rainfall averaged 55 mm for field plots and 41 mm for packed boxes). Packed boxes had lower infiltration (1.2 cm) and greater runoff (2.9 cm) and erosion (542 kg ha(-1)) than field plots (3.7 cm infiltration; 1.8 cm runoff; 149 kg ha(-1) erosion), yielding greater total phosphorus (TP) losses in runoff. Despite these differences, regressions of dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) in runoff and Mehlich-3 soil P were consistent between field plots and packed boxes reflecting similar buffering by soils and sediments. A second experiment compared manured boxes of 5- and 25-cm depths to determine if variable hydrology based on box depth influenced P transport. Runoff properties did not differ significantly between box depths before or after broadcasting dairy, poultry, or swine manure (100 kg TP ha(-1)). Water-extractable phosphorus (WEP) from manures dominated runoff P, and translocation of manure P into soil was consistent between box types. This study reveals the practical, but limited, comparability of field plot and soil box data, highlighting soil and sediment buffering in unamended soils and manure WEP in amended soils as dominant controls of DRP transport.  相似文献   

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