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Summary This paper analyzes the flexibility of maternal care in wild house mice (Mus domesticus) under different reproductive conditions in the laboratory. All maternal activities were both qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed over a period of 28 days after birth of a litter. The standard behavior of a lactating house mouse with 7–8 young can be described as follows: During days 1–16 the offspring fully depend on the mother for nutrition. Due to rapid growth of the litter, the energetic demands of lactation reach a peak for the female during days 13–16. During days 17–22, the weaning period, the young begin to eat solid food. This period is characterized by behaviors that indicate different interests of the mother and offspring, and thus the existence of a parent-offspring conflict sensu Trivers (1974). Resting alone and remaining far from the litter indicate the female's interest in avoiding the offspring's demands, which are expressed in frequent attempts to initiate sucking. There is no aggression towards the young during weaning. House mice are weaned at 23 days. The relationship between mother and young appears free of conflict after weaning. Nursing is replaced by resting with body contact, but the offspring do not try to suck. The following results suggest that during the weaning period the offspring do not get more milk than corresponds to the maternal optimum—despite their frequent sucking attempts:(a) When the mother is simultaneously lactating and pregnant, offspring are smaller at weaning than under standard conditions. (b) Small litters are weaned earlier than large ones. Despite a longer nursing period, offspring from large litters are lighter at weaning than those from small ones. (c) Under high energy demand, as after postpartum mating and with large litters, females wean their young at a body weight which corresponds to the earliest physiologically possible state of independence.Parity of the female has no effect on maternal activities, nor has the presence of the father. In the latter case, however, offspring are less often left alone and unprotected.Females seem to adjust their investment according to the body weight of the progeny by delaying or advancing the date of weaning (Table 2). This behavior allows the production of the largest possible number of offspring that can be raised to a minimal physiological threshold corresponding to a body weight of approximately 9 g. Such flexibility in parental care may enhance maternal fitness under different and unpredictable environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Emigration in small mammals may be strongly related to social factors, but direct observations of emigrants are rare. Feral house mice (Mus domesticus) were studied using a population cage system that allowed continuous observation of individually marked animals. Mice that left their natal cage and took up residence in cages that could only be reached by crossing a water barrier were defined as emigrants. Six pairs of house mice with their litters were placed in the system, and data on aggressive interactions, body weight, reproduction, mortality and emigration were collected daily. Both sexes emigrated, but males did so twice as often as females. Population density was not correlated with the frequency of aggression, and had no effect on the weight of emigrating individuals. Male emigrants suffered more aggression before emigration than their non-emigrant brothers of the same age; they were aggressively driven out by other males, predominantly by the father. Female emigration depended on the female’s chances of reproduction. The probability of a female reproducing decreased with increasing birth order. Females born in a late litter, who therefore had only a low chance of reproduction, dispersed earlier than those of early litters. Resident males were reproductively suppressed. Male offspring had two different strategies for attaining top rank. They could develop rapidly and reach sexual maturity early on, but face competition with the father, risking being forced to emigrate. Alternatively, they could develop slowly, stay within their family and wait for a chance to take over the dominant position. It is concluded that emigration in male and female feral house mice is caused by intrasexual competition. Received: 13 July 1995/Accepted after revision: 8 June 1996  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that populations may not be well adapted to their local environments, and as a result, recent interest has focused on understanding factors that constrain adaptive evolution. This study presents data suggesting gene flow may constrain the ability of larvae of the streamside salamander Ambystoma barbouri to avoid predation by fish via escape behavior and life history tactics. Streamside salamander larvae face conflicting selection pressures in different streams. Some streams are ephemeral, where larvae should be active to feed, grow, and reach metamorphosis before stream drying. Other streams contain predatory fish, where larvae should be generally inactive to avoid predation. Previous work has shown that streamside salamander larvae exhibit ineffective antipredator behavior by having inappropriately high activity levels with fish, resulting in high predation in laboratory and field experiments. This study investigated the possibility that gene flow from larvae in ephemeral habitats may reduce the escape performance of larvae from populations with fish and alter their life history characteristics to increase their susceptibility to fish predation. I assayed escape behavior (speed, acceleration, and duration of escape) and life history characteristics (hatching date, size, stage) associated with predator avoidance among laboratory-reared larvae from four populations. As predicted, two populations (one with fish and the other fishless and ephemeral) connected by gene flow were not significantly different in almost all assays. In contrast, larvae from an isolated population with fish had significantly stronger escape behaviors and delayed hatching than both an isolated population that lacked a history of fish co-occurrence and the population with fish but gene flow from a fishless population. These results support theory suggesting that gene flow can constrain adaptive evolution. Received: 22 February 1999 / Received in revised form: 4 April 1999 / Accepted: 26 April 1999  相似文献   

Summary Sex differences in energy allocation were studied in wild stock house mice (Mus domesticus). Peripubertal animals of both sexes, either intact or gonadectomized, were subjected for 8 weeks to one of two feeding requirements by using a caging system in which a pellet dispenser was controlled by activity on a running wheel. Recently weaned animals were required to run 200 vs 300 or more wheel revolutions to obtain a pellet of food. The 200 revolution requirement allowed normal body growth and reproductive development; the 300+ requirement was adjusted weekly to maintain food intake at a level that allowed survival but did not permit normal body growth. Reproductive development was completely inhibited in intact females at 300+ revolutions whereas intact males at 300+ revolutions, despite stunted growth, all experienced normal sexual development. At both feeding requirements, however, females exhibited more total locomotor activity and consumed more food than males, regardless of gonadectomy. Furthermore, at the 200 revolution requirement we often observed extensive running activity beyond that needed to generate the amount of food actually eaten, especially among females. This extra locomotor activity was gonad-dependent in males, but not so in females. These results suggest that male and female house mice employ different strategies when relating their behavior and reproductive development to existing foraging conditions. Females appear more resource-dependent than males.  相似文献   

Net photosynthetic oxygen evolution in Amphiroa anceps (Lamarck) Decaisne is inhibited at high oxygen concentrations. Photosynthesis is highest between pH 6.5 and 7.5. At pH 9 to 10 there is still a significant photosynthetic rate, suggesting that this alga can use HCO - 3 as a substrate for photosynthesis. At pH 7.0 to 8.5, the photosynthetic rate saturates at a total inorganic carbon concentration (Ci) greater than 3 mM. At pH 8.5 and 8.8, calcification rate continues to increase with increasing concentration of Ci. Between pH 7 and 9, the calcification rate in the light in A. foliacea Lamouroux is proportional to the photosynthetic rate, whereas at higher pH where the photosynthetic rate is very low, the calcification rate is stimulated by the higher concentration of CO 2- 3 ion. At all pH values examined, the calcification rate of living plants in the dark and of dead plants is directly proportional to the CO 2- 3 ion concentration, suggesting little metabolic involvement in calcification processes in the dark, whereas calcification in live A. foliacea in the light is influenced both by the photosynthetic rate and the CO 2- 3 ion concentration in the medium.  相似文献   

Summary Behavior of mice whose T-locus genotype was either +/+ or +/t was observed in a seminatural environment. Heterozygous females were less likely to be dominant, less likely to go into behavioral estrus, and less likely to become pregnant than were +/+ females. The relative fitness of +/t as compared with +/+ females was 0.32:1.00. In contrast, +/t males produced 35% more young than did +/+ males. The higher fitness of +/t males was primarily due to a greater production of young on the part of +/t as compared with +/+ subordinate males. Little evidence was found under these naturalistic conditions, of non-random mating with respect to T-locus genotype. The indication of overdominance for +/t males makes it unlikely that heterozygote disadvantage will be sufficient to account for the frequency of t-alleles in natural populations.  相似文献   

Many predators hunt using the social and waste odors of their prey. It is unknown, however, whether potential prey modify their behavior in response to the risks of predation associated with accumulations of conspecific odor. We examined this question by measuring foraging trade-offs of wild house mice (Mus domesticus) in the field where we increased both predation risk and conspecific odor at artificial food patches in a two-factor design. Mouse giving-up densities (GUDs) were significantly higher in open habitats than in closed habitats but did not differ with the addition of mouse odors. Fine-scale behavioral observations of captive mice confirmed their attraction to the conspecific odor in an enclosure experiment, without any change to the GUD. These results indicate that house mice continue to visit and forage at food patches despite accumulations of predator-attracting odors. This most likely occurs for the social benefits obtained from conspecific odor exploration; however, such behavior may cause mice to become vulnerable to considerable olfactory exploitation by their predators. Future work must therefore focus on how mice trade off the social benefits of investigating odors that also attract their enemies.  相似文献   

To determine the genetic population structure of blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun), electrophoretic allozyme analysis was performed on 750 individuals collected from 16 nearshore locations ranging from New York to Texas, USA. Twenty enzymes and non-enzymatic proteins coded by 31 presumptive loci were examined. Twenty-two loci were either monomorphic or polymorphic at less than theP 95 level; alleles for these polymorphic loci were geographically dispersed. Allele frequencies for three of the remaining polymorphic loci were homogeneous over all populations, as were levels of polymorphism and heterozygosity. Phenograms generated by the UPGMA (unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages) and distance Wagner methods exhibited no geographic pattern in the clustering of populations. Estimates ofN em (effective number of migrants per generation between populations) indicated substantial gene flow, with aalues sufficiently high to infer panmixia between all blue crab populations from New York to Texas. However, despite this high level of gene flow, two striking patterns of geographic differentiation occurred: genetic patchiness and clinal variation. Allele frequencies atEST-2, GP-1, IDHP-2, DPEP-1, DPEP-2, andTPEP exhibited genetic patchiness on local and range-wide geographic scales, and allele frequencies atEST-2 varied temporally. Genetic patchiness in blue crabs is likely to be the result of the pre-settlement formation and subsequent settlement of genetically heterogeneous patches of larvae; allele frequencies of those larval patches may then be further modified through ontogeny by localized selection. In the Atlantic Ocean, a regional latitudinal cline ofEST-2 allele frequencies was superimposed on the range-wide genetic patchiness exhibited by that locus. This pattern against a background of high gene flow is highly likely to be maintained by selection. In estuaries along the Atlantic Ocean coast, a combination of low adult long-distance migration and a high retention rate of locally spawned larvae could serve to segregate populations and allow for the development of the geographic cline inEST-2. The Gulf of Mexico showed no apparent cline, perhaps due to long-distance migration of females in some regions of the Gulf, or to masking by genetic patchiness. These results emphasize the importance of both ecological and evolutionary time scales and structuring mechanisms in determining genetic population structure.  相似文献   

Zooplankton and micronekton are often highly aggregated. Density in aggregations can reach 100 to more than 1000 times the average density of the population as estimated by net sampling. In order to assess true abundance of the animals and understand the significance of the aggregations, more information is needed on the behavior and population ecology of individual species and the species-specific attributes of discrete assemblages. We present information on patterns of intense aggregations of protozoans, platyhelminthes, scyphomedusae, copepods, mysids, and sergestids from our own observations. Characteristics behaviors of different species include feeding swarms of Noctiluca miliaris, behaviorally maintained swarms of planktonic flatworms, diel horizontal migration of Mastigias sp. swarms, three patterns of copepod swarms, bathymetric zonation of mysid schools, and seasonal migration and near bottom swarming of Sergia lucens. After the principles were demonstrated, we consider how to relate sampling, behavior, and population dynamics. We stress that the methodology is the result of the question, not the other way round. To tackle the problems associated with behavior in the open ocean, which we did not observe from the surface, it is necessary to sample in more than one way to extract data on differences in population-specific biology that alternative methods supply.  相似文献   

In a population of first-generation offspring from wild-caught house mice (Mus musculus domesticus), previous evidence suggested that male fitness is more strongly affected by an increase in body weight than female fitness. This paper shows that in these mice the young are weaned at heavier weights the smaller the litter and the better the maternal body condition. These effects persisted into adulthood and were less pronounced in female young. However, contrary to expectation from conventional sex ratio theory, maternal condition and litter size had no detectable effect on sex ratios. Also, litter size did not affect sex ratios in two populations of laboratory-kept, wild-caught western (M. m. domesticus) and eastern house mice (M. m. musculus). Wild house mice, therefore, appear not to adaptively manipulate the sex ratio of offspring. It is argued that this absence of sex ratio trends might not be maladaptive, but rather that models currently used to predict sex ratio trends in rodents may not be valid. Received: 13 March 1997 / Accepted after revision: 9 August 1997  相似文献   

In population modeling, a considerable level of complexity is often required to provide trustworthy results, comparable with field observations. By assuring sufficient detail at the individual level while preserving the potential to explore the consequences at higher levels, individual-based modeling may thus provide a useful tool to investigate dynamics at different levels of organization. Still, population dynamics resulting from such models are often at odds with observations from the field. This may be partly caused by a lack of focus on the individual dynamics under conditions of food stress and starvation. I developed a physiologically structured, individual-based simulation model to investigate life history of Daphnia and its effect on population dynamics in response to the productivity of the system. In verifying model behavior with available literature data on life history and physiology, I paid special attention to the dynamics of food intake and the verification of individual level results under conditions of food limitation and starvation. I show that the maximum filtering rates under low food levels used in the current model are much closer to measured filtering rates than the ones used in other models. Being consistent with results on physiology and life history from experiments at a wide range of food availability (including starvation), the model generates low amplitude or high amplitude population density cycles depending on the productivity of the system, as observed in field and experimental populations of Daphnia and with the minimum population densities being one to two orders of magnitude lower in the high amplitude than in the low amplitude cycles. To generate results which are not only qualitatively but also quantitatively comparable to experimental and field observations, however, a crowding effect on the filtering response has to be incorporated in the model.  相似文献   

There currently exists a large push for the use, improvement, and expansion via landscape modification of dedicated biofuel crops (feedstocks) in the United States and in many parts of the world. Ecological concerns have been voiced because many biofuel feedstocks exhibit characteristics associated with invasiveness, and due to potential negative consequences of agronomic genes in native wild populations. Seed purity concerns for biofuel feedstock cultivars whose seeds would be harvested in agronomic fields also exist from the agribusiness sector. The common thread underlying these concerns, which have regulatory implications, is gene flow; thus detailed knowledge of gene flow in biofuel crop plants is important in the formulation of environmental risk management plans. Here, we synthesize the current state of knowledge of gene flow in an exemplary biofuel crop, switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), which is native to eastern North America and is currently experiencing conventional and technological advances in biomass yields and ethanol production. Surprisingly little is known regarding aspects of switchgrass pollen flow and seed dispersal, and whether native populations of conspecific or congeneric relatives will readily cross with current agronomic switchgrass cultivars. We pose that filling these important gaps will be required to confront the sustainability challenges of widespread planting of biofuel feedstocks.  相似文献   

Kin-biased social tolerance among house mice has been interpreted in terms of kin discrimination. However, several lines of evidence suggest it may instead be an incidental artifact of group member discrimination. This leads to very different predictions about the social consequences of relatedness within and between social groups. Social interactions between wild-stock adult female and juvenile house mice (Mus domesticus) established in neighbouring territorial groups within enclosures reveal relatedness to dominant males within groups as the major factor determining social tolerance of juveniles by females. Relatedness to the female herself had no significant independent effect on responses indicating tolerance. Females were generally more aggressive toward neighbouring-group juveniles (all unrelated to females) compared with those from their own group (all related to females), but were most aggressive toward neighbouring juveniles sired by the neighbouring dominant male. They were also more aggressive toward their own-group juveniles that had been sired by the neighbouring dominant but only when encountered in the neighbouring territory and with a greater bias against female juveniles. Females were least aggressive toward own-group juveniles sired by their own-group dominant male. The sire-bias in tolerance among females is similar to that reported among the dominant males themselves in an earlier study. As a result of the combined sire-bias in tolerance by adult males and females, juveniles sired by their own-group dominant males become less likely to intrude into a neighbouring territory with time. Overall, the results suggest that differences in social tolerance reflect discrimination on the basis of social group membership rather than relatedness between interactants and thus provide strong experimental evidence in support of incidental kin bias rather than kin discrimination.  相似文献   

Summary The amount of parental milk investment determines not only the number of young the parent can produce, but also affects the offspring's fitness. The antagonism between quantity and quality of offspring was investigated in laboratory mice.In nursing first litters containing 2,4, ..., 14 pups, mothers invested increasing amounts of milk. This mainly extended the intervals between their first and second litters and slightly increased the size of their second litters, whilst third litters were not affected. In the female young, the decreasing amount each individual received as a result of increasing litter size led to delayed birth and reduced the size of their first litters. The intervals between their first and second litters and the size of the second litters were also affected, although to a lesser extent.Taking these results into consideration on a standard lifetime pattern of reproduction, the effects were calculated on net reproductive rates as an expression of fitness. Death rates were assumed that referred to population equilibrium or population growth. In both situations, the fitness curves of mothers and young showed that the actual level of milk investment and the level yielding optimal reproduction were in agreement. There was no significant deviation towards increased investment, as might result from parent-offspring conflict.  相似文献   

During a cruise to the eastern Canadian Arctic (Northern Baffin Bay) in the summer of 1980, we took advantage of the 24-h photoperiod to conduct a 32-h time course experiment of 14C accumulation under natural solar radiation. The degree of non-linearity in the time course was judged against a time-dependent curve of radioactivity constructed by cumulatively adding the amount of 14C taken up in sequential short (2 h) incubations of plankton held in a replicate bottle but left unlabelled until removed for assay. Departure from linearity was due first to decreasing rates of 14C incorporation into polysaccharides and then into lipids. There was a close correspondence between 14C incorporation into proteins in the 32-h incubation and in the sequence of short incubations. These observations are consistent with patterns in utilization of photosynthetic end-products established from laboratory studies of unicellular algal cultures. Based on parallel or independent control experiments, it was judged that complicating factors such as diel light changes, nitrogenous nutrient exhaustion, bottle size effects or inhibitory conterminants in NaH14CO3 stock solutions would not seriously affect our interpretation that non-linearity resulted from catabolic loss of radiocarbon.  相似文献   

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