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Assessment of environmental and occupational exposure to chemicals can be performed with environmental monitoring (EM) and biological monitoring (BM). Biological monitoring was for a long time considered as a method complementary to environmental monitoring. At present this attitude is changing and in certain areas biological monitoring is applied as the method of choice for exposure and health-risk assessment. This paper examines advantages and disadvantages of those two approaches. In occupational settings environmental monitoring of exposure to VOCs seems to be superior to biological monitoring (possibility of simultaneous determination of components of mixtures, simple interpretation, possibility of evaluation of short-term exposure to local irritants). In the case of this group of compounds BM can be useful in selected cases such as evaluation of dermal absorption or efficiency of protective measures. In the case of metals both forms of monitoring can be used depending on the available methods for interpretation of results. BM of exposure may be considered as superior for evaluating the effects of exposure to lead, cadmium and mercury. However, quantitative evaluation of cancer risk after exposure to arsenic or chromium is possible only on the basis of determination in the air and the use of unit risk values. Both environmental and biological monitoring are useful for evaluation of occupational and environmental exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). In certain areas such as evaluation of exposure to external tobacco smoking, cytostatic drugs, and pesticides, biological monitoring is the method of choice used for individual exposure assessment or tracing the trends of environmental exposure.  相似文献   

The renovation of a building will certainly affect the quality of air in the vicinity of where associated activities were undertaken, this includes the quality of air inside the building. Indoor air pollutants such as particulate matter, heavy metals, and fine fibers are likely to be emitted during renovation work. This study was conducted to determine the concentration of heavy metals, asbestos and suspended particulates in the Biology Building, at the Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia (UKM). Renovation activities were carried out widely in the laboratories which were located in this building. A low-volume sampler was used to collect suspended particulate matter of a diameter size less than 10 μm (PM??) and an air sampling pump, fitted with a cellulose ester membrane filter, were used for asbestos sampling. Dust was collected using a small brush and scope. The concentration of heavy metals was determined through the use of inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy and the fibers were counted through a phase contrast microscope. The concentrations of PM?? recorded in the building during renovation action (ranging from 166 to 542 μg m?3) were higher than the value set by the Department of Safety and Health for respirable dust (150 μg m?3). Additionally, they were higher than the value of PM?? recorded in indoor environments from other studies. The composition of heavy metals in PM?? and indoor dust were found to be dominated by Zn and results also showed that the concentration of heavy metals in indoor dust and PM?? in this study was higher than levels recorded in other similar studies. The asbestos concentration was 0.0038 ± 0.0011 fibers/cc. This was lower than the value set by the Malaysian Department of Occupational, Safety and Health (DOSH) regulations of 0.1 fibers/cc, but higher than the background value usually recorded in indoor environments. This study strongly suggests that renovation issues need to be considered seriously by relevant stakeholders within the university in order to ensure that the associated risks toward humans and indoor environment are eliminated, or where this is not feasible, minimized as far as possible.  相似文献   

This study was performed between January 2004 and December 2004 in 13 stations in the Pediatric Unit of Edirne Government Hospital in order to determine the outdoor and indoor airborne microfungal and bacterial contents. The results of air samplings revealed that 1,376 microfungal and 2,429 bacterial colonies in total were isolated. The isolated microfungal specimens were identified and 65 species from 16 genera were determined. Among these, the most frequent genus was Cladosporium with 462 colonies (33.58%) followed by Alternaria with 310 (22.53%) and Penicillium with 280 (20.35%) colonies. The isolated bacterial samples were grouped based on their Gram-staining properties. The most frequent ones were Gram (+) cocci with 1,527 colonies (62.87%) followed by Gram (+) bacilli with 828 colonies (34.09%) and Gram (−) bacilli with 74 colonies (3.05%). Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Corynebacterium, and Microccus appeared to be the common genera isolated for all months. Statistical analyses were performed in order to see if there existed a relationship between meteorological conditions and the microfungal and bacterial species and their concentrations.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to describe indoor microclimate monitoring at two different locations, Sandham Memorial Chapel, in Hampshire, England, and the castle El Alcázar, in Segovia, Spain. Piezoelectric quartz crystal sensors with novel humidity sensitive poly(ethyleneimine) coatings and Pt resistance thermometers were used to measure the relative humidity (RH) and temperature gradients across one of the paintings of the British artist, Stanley Spencer, housed in Sandham Memorial Chapel. The measurement period extended from December 1997 to September 1998. Each coated crystal was set in its own housing from which temperature and RH measuring circuits were connected via a cable to the computer. The 9 month monitoring period incorporated the range in seasons from winter through to autumn. Between December and February the RH at the back of the painting was found to be lower than that at the front. In March and April the reverse was true. Additionally, there were large spikes in the data in some of the months for both RH and temperature, probably caused by direct sunlight falling on the sensors. At the second site monitoring was performed for a shorter period, from December 1997 to early January 1998. It served, however, to show that abrupt changes can occur in the microclimate surrounding the painting. These fluctuations can with time lead to alterations to the paint surface and result eventually in cracking and damage to the art work.  相似文献   

关于As和Hg在环境中的形态及其监测分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
叙述了水中重金属形态分析的含义及形态分析工作进展情况,并以Hg、As在环境中的存在形态、动态变化及其监测分析为例,说明随着新仪器的开发研制及前处理技术的发展,现代化的分离技术和检测手段相结合已成为重金属形态分析的主要方法.  相似文献   

该软件对深圳市环境监测站大气、水质、噪声等常规监测、工业污染源监督监测中的现场采样、实验室分析等各个环节进行计算机流程管理和按各种统计方式进行分类统计 ,实现了深圳市环境监测站全自动的计算机操作管理 ,极大地降低了企业员工工作量与工作难度 ,提高了企业员工的工作效率 ,把工作中可能存在的失误、纰漏降到最低。使深圳市环境监测站的综合管理与国际准则“ISO/IEC导则 2 5”进一步接轨。  相似文献   

我国环境监测中的氨氮分析方法   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
对我国环境监测中的氨氮化学分析方法和仪器分析方法进行了概述,并对方法的改进和影响因素予以综述。  相似文献   

"3S"技术在生态环境动态监测中的应用研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
针对传统生态环境动态监测方法的不足,论述了"3S"技术的特点与优势,并结合"四川省岷江中上游生态环境遥感综合调查与评价"项目,介绍了应用"3S"技术进行生态环境动态监测的方法和流程.  相似文献   

省级环境监测信息系统的设计与实现   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
阐述了基于Web的省级环境监测数据库系统和地理信息系统的设计与实现方法、功能特点和组成结构,并就关键技术问题的解决途径进行了简要分析.系统的设计与实现充分体现先进性、开放性、可扩充性与实用性的特点,同时又满足了省级环境监测信息系统对于数据安全性、及时性和准确性的要求.  相似文献   

“入世”对我国环境监测工作的影响及对策初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加入 WTO后 ,我国环境监测工作将面临重大的挑战和机遇 ,文章初步分析了入世对我国环境监测工作的正负面影响以及现存的若干问题 ,积极探索了环境监测工作的新战略和新思路 ,提出了创建新体制和适应新形势的对策。  相似文献   

The MAREL Iroise data buoy provides physico-chemical measurements acquired in surface marine water in continuous and autonomous mode. The water is pumped 1.5 m from below the surface through a sampling pipe and flows through the measuring cell located in the floating structure. Technological innovations implemented inside the measuring cell atop the buoy allow a continuous cleaning of the sensor, while injection of chloride ions into the circuit prevents biological fouling. Specific sensors for temperature, salinity, oxygen and fluorescence investigated in this paper have been evaluated to guarantee measurement precision over a 3 month period. A bi-directional link under Internet TCP-IP protocols is used for data, alarms and remote-control transmissions with the land-based data centre. Herein, we present a 29 month record for 4 parameters measured using a MAREL buoy moored in a coastal environment (Iroise Sea, Brest, France). The accuracy of the data provided by the buoy is assessed by comparison with measurements of sea water weekly sampled at the same site as part of SOMLIT (Service d'Observation du Milieu LIToral), the French network for monitoring of the coastal environment. Some particular events (impact of intensive fresh water discharges, dynamics of a fast phytoplankton bloom) are also presented, demonstrating the worth of monitoring a highly variable environment with a high frequency continuous reliable system.  相似文献   

Environmental monitoring is essential for assessing the current state of the environment, measuring impacts of environmental pressures and providing evidence to government. Recent UK government announcements have indicated an increased role for 'Big Society' in monitoring. In this paper, we review available literature concerning the use of citizen science for monitoring, present examples of successful volunteer monitoring work and highlight important issues surrounding the use of volunteers. We argue that in order to ensure that environmental monitoring continues to be effective it is important to learn from examples where volunteers are currently used, acknowledging constraints and identifying potential approaches which will help to maximise both their engagement and data quality. Effective partnerships between environmental monitoring organisations and volunteers may thus aid the UK in developing robust coordinated monitoring systems that will be less vulnerable to funding variances.  相似文献   

The goals of environmental legislation and associated regulations are to protect public health, natural resources, and ecosystems. In this context, monitoring programs should provide timely and relevant information so that the regulatory community can implement legislation in a cost-effective and efficient manner. The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) of 1974 attempts to ensure that public water systems (PWSs) supply safe water to its consumers. As is the case with many other federal environmental statutes, SDWA monitoring has been implemented in relatively uniform fashion across the United States. In this three part series, spatial and temporal patterns in water quality data are utilized to develop, compare, and evaluate the economic performance of alternative place-based monitoring approaches to current monitoring practice. Part II: Several factors affect the performance of monitoring strategies, including: measurable objectives, required precision in estimates, acceptable confidence levels of such estimates, available budget for sampling. In this paper, we develop place-based monitoring strategies based on extensive analysis of available historical water quality data (1960-1994) of 19 Iowa community water systems. These systems supply potable water to over 350,000 people. In the context of drinking water, the objective is to protect public health by utilizing monitoring resources to characterize contaminants that are detectable, and are close to exceeding health standards. A place-based monitoring strategy was developed in which contaminants were selected based on their historical occurrence, rather than their appearance on the SDWA contaminant list. In a subset of the water systems, the temporal frequency of monitoring for one ubiquitous contaminant, nitrate, was tailored to patterns in its historical occurrence and concentration. Three sampling allocation models (linear, quadratic, and cubic) based on historic patterns in peak occurrence were developed and evaluated. Random and fixed-interval sampling strategies within the context of such models were also developed and evaluated. Strategies were configured to incorporate a variety of options for frequency and number of samples (depending on budget and the desired precision in estimate of peak concentrations).  相似文献   

A several year program is underway in Israel for monitoring a wastewater reclamation and storage complex for agriculture irrigation. The program covers wastewater treatment and storage, irrigation, aquifers, air pollution, crops, soil, geography and meteorology, and is operated by one Principal Institution and several Participant Institutions. The institutions feed their data to a central database. Multi-institutional databases are fed by research teams whose areas of activity are traditionally unrelated. The main problem of the Database Administrator consists in combining data created by different methods under different basic assumptions. And to make them available to investigators from several disciplines and institutions who are used to different data analysis procedures. Database Administrator's background should cover both computer and environmental sciences fields. The selection of a flexible multipurpose software is recommended, but there are several decisions on database design that depend not on the software but on the characteristics and requirements of the Monitoring Program. Entering the data from different sources in independent files facilitates input, debugging, administrative control of the contribution of each institution, and changes in units and parameters. This multi-file design also overcomes difficulties due to excessive file size, and better matchs the actual usage of the database in a multi-institutional program. To enter the data with their original characteristics and units also matchs better the database usage. Ready-to-use routines for file merging and unit conversion, and debugging and documentation needs are also discussed. The Database-User interactions are the mechanism that maintains an evolving dynamic Database.  相似文献   

文章以随机过程“各态历径”理论说明了“定点测量法”与“网格测量法”的内在联系 ,提出了以城市建成区内各类不同环境功能区为基础进行城市声环境自动监测系统监测点位布设的技术规范设想。  相似文献   

从70年代后期开始,敖汉旗政府和人民开展以植树造林为主的生态环境建设措施,到90年代生态环境已得到明显改善.文章利用RS、GIS技术结合当地政府的统计资料和实测资料分析了生态环境的变化和当地政府建设生态环境的成功经验.  相似文献   

位于中国南方的江西省德兴矿山开采铜矿已有几十年历史.采矿行为会产生大量废石和尾、,这些废石和尾矿富含铁化合物,不断与氧气、雨水接触,将形成金属离子和酸根离子等污染物,随着降雨过程迅速在地表大面积扩散,最终流入矿山附近的河流、湖泊等水体,因此会造成植被污染、水环境恶化.基于卫星遥感数据源,针对江西德兴铜矿典型的矿山开采环境,对矿山开采环境内植被及水体的影响进行了动态监测分析,可为矿山合理开发、环境监测与可持续发展提供决策分析方法.  相似文献   

EU legislation stipulates that GM crops have to be monitored for potential adverse environmental effects. Monitoring preferably should take place in the most exposed areas-the cultivated fields and their neighbouring environment. Current monitoring designs do not give detailed consideration to the different exposure intensities in agricultural practice. At the same time, the selection of specific, more exposed sites is difficult considering the dynamic and diversity of crop cultivation and rotation systems and their environments. We developed an approach for prioritising the monitoring of on-farm and neighbouring sites based on differing exposure levels using a minimum dataset of cultivation and land use information. Applying a Bt-maize cultivation scenario to Brandenburg, Germany, where presently no GM crops are cultivated, we systemised and categorised areas with different spatio-temporal exposure intensities including 50 m, 200 m and 1000 m buffers. These categories correspond to different suitabilities to serve as monitoring sites. Sites are prioritised using a sequential scheme. This yields an improved and objective spatial monitoring design providing detailed exposure information. This methodology is flexible and transferable to any agricultural setting, therefore enabling superior statistical comparisons between locations and regions and thus enhancing monitoring data quality.  相似文献   

The Nordic Network on Isocyanates (NORDNI) is financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers and is under the administration of Prof. Yngvar Thomassen and co-workers. National Institute of Occupational Health, Norway. The aim of NORDNI is to establish a broad network between the Nordic National Institutes of Occupational Health working within the field of isocyanate exposure and strategies for sampling and determination of isocyanates in workroom atmospheres. This viewpoint article summarizes the resolutions that were established at the 1st NORDNI consensus meeting arranged in Fr?ya, Norway, 31st August-2nd September, 2001. The consensus platform from the 1st NORDNI meeting was presented at the 4th International Symposium on Modern Principles of Air Monitoring, Lillehammer, Norway, 3-7 February, 2002.  相似文献   

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