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Airborne particulate matter was collected and biomonitoring of workers was performed by sampling blood, urine and hair of 84 exposed subjects, 17 occasionally exposed employees, 21 controls from administrative offices and 25 unexposed people (external controls). Determination of Pd was performed using Quadrupole and High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. The Production of Catalysts Department and the Refining Service presented the highest levels of Pd in airborne matter collected by means of an area sampler. The highest level of soluble Pd (1.66 microg m(-3)) was found in the Production of Catalysts Department. The highest concentration of Pd in airborne matter, collected by means of personal devices (7.90 microg m(-3)) was found in the Refining Service. Hair showed a clear distribution pattern among departments, with values ranging from 0.60 to 5.54 microg g(-1). Administrative workers presented blood levels of Pd between 2 and 500 times higher than external controls. Only urine levels correlated with the measurements of airborne Pd collected with personal devices. A very strong association between airborne Pd collected by personal devices and Pd levels in hair (r(2)= 0.569, with p< or = 0.01) and urine (r(2)= 0.684, with p< or = 0.01) was found. On the basis of these findings: (i) blood results appear to be an unsuitable biological marker for occupational exposure to Pd; (ii) urine could be considered as a satisfactorily responsive bio-marker for occupational monitoring; and (iii) hair cannot be considered a good index of time-related exposure.  相似文献   

Urinary copper (Cu), nickel (Ni) and cobalt (Co) concentrations were determined for 127 Cu refinery workers (40 females, 87 males), with values of the 95% upper confidence interval of the geometric mean in nmol per mmol creatinine of 89 (Ni), 42 (Cu) and 3.4 (Co) for electrorefinery workers. In the pyrometallurgical departments, the corresponding concentrations were 37 (Ni), 99 (Cu) and 11 (Co). Female workers had higher Co urinary concentrations than males (p< or = 0.05) while no gender difference was observed for Cu and Ni. Inter-elemental correlations were moderate to weak. Based on the inhalable aerosol levels reported previously for the same workers, the observed urinary Cu concentrations were considerably lower than expected, relative to Co and Ni. This is interpreted in terms of the current understanding of Cu homeostasis.  相似文献   

Individual aerosol particles (n = 1170) collected at work stations in a nickel refinery were analyzed by wavelength-dispersive electron-probe microanalysis. By placing arbitrary restrictions on the contents of sulfur and silicon, the particles could be divided into four main groups. Scanning electron images indicated that most of the particles examined were relatively small (< or = 2 microm, equivalent projected area diameter), and that their morphology suggested formation from a melt. There was an absence of well-defined phases and simple stoichiometries, indicating that exposures to pure substances such as nickel subsulfide or specific oxides appeared not to occur. Although the elemental composition of particles varied greatly, a rough association was evident with the known elemental content of the refinery intermediates. The implications of the findings for aerosol speciation measurements, toxicological studies and interpretation of adverse health effects are explored.  相似文献   

Animal studies have shown that nickel compounds may induce pulmonary fibrosis, but so far only limited documentation in humans has been available. Radiographs of 1046 workers in a nickel refinery in Norway were read blindly and independently by three NIOSH certified B-readers, according to the ILO standards. Pulmonary fibrosis (PF) was defined as a median reading of ILO score > or = 1/0 and following this criterion, 47 cases (4.5%) were identified. In logistic regression models, controlling for age and smoking, there was evidence of increased risk of PF with cumulative exposure to soluble nickel or sulfidic nickel (p = 0.04 for both). For metallic nickel a p-value of 0.07 was found. For soluble nickel there was a dose-response trend for 4 categories of cumulated exposure. In the group with the highest cumulative exposure to soluble nickel (low exposure as reference), the crude odds ratio for PF was 4.34 (95% CI 1.75-10.77). The risk adjusted for age, smoking, asbestos and sulfidic nickel was 2.24 (0.82-6.16), with a dose-response trend. The corresponding figures for sulfidic nickel were 5.06 (1.70-15.09, crude) and 2.04 (0.54-7.70, adjusted for age, smoking, asbestos and soluble nickel). However, the dose-response trend was less clear for sulfidic nickel. Controlling for estimated asbestos exposure at the refinery tended to increase the odds ratios of soluble and sulfidic nickel. This study indicates that in addition to age and smoking exposure to soluble and sulfidic nickel compounds are risk factors of PF in humans. Since the number of cases identified in this study is small and undetected confounders may have been present, further studies in other cohorts are appropriate.  相似文献   

An investigation of the relationship between observed nickel aerosol exposures and urinary nickel excretion was undertaken at a Scandinavian nickel refinery. The goal of the study was to assess the impact of nickel aerosol speciation, the use of particle size-selective sampling instrumentation and adjustment of urinary levels for creatinine excretion on the usefulness of urinary nickel excretion as a marker for exposure. Urinary nickel measurements and paired 'total' and inhalable aerosol exposure measurements were collected each day for one week from refinery workers in four process areas. The mean observed urinary nickel concentration was 12 micrograms L-1 (11 micrograms of Ni per g of creatinine). The strongest relationships between urinary excretion and aerosol exposure were found when urinary nickel levels were adjusted for creatinine excretion and when exposure to only soluble forms of nickel aerosol was considered. No significant difference was observed between measures of 'total' and inhalable aerosol in the ability to predict urinary excretion patterns. In the light of these results, it is recommended that consideration be given to the chemical species distribution of nickel aerosol in the use of urinary nickel measurements as a screening tool for cancer risk in occupationally-exposed populations.  相似文献   

Size, morphology and chemical composition of individual aerosol particles collected in a nickel refinery were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX). The phase composition was determined by selected area electron diffraction and EDX in a transmission electron microscope. Most particles are heterogeneous on a nanometer scale and consist of various phases. Nickel phases observed in the roasting and anode casting departments include metallic nickel, bunsenite (NiO), trevorite (Ni,Cu)Fe2O4, heazlewoodite Ni3S2, godlevskite (Ni,Cu)9S8, orthorhombic NiSO4 and an amorphous Ni,Cu.Al,Pb sulfate of variable composition. Additional phases encountered include corundum (Al2O3), murdochite (PbCu6O8), hexagonal Na2SO4, anhydrite (CaSO4), graphite (C) and amorphous carbon. The implications of the occurrence of the different Ni phases and their nanometer size for the study of adverse health effects are explored.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterise personal exposures to dust, acid vapours, and gases among workers in a Norwegian nitrate fertiliser production plant, as part of an ongoing epidemiological study. In total, 178 inhalable and 179 thoracic aerosol mass fraction samples were collected from randomly chosen workers (N = 141) from three compound fertiliser departments (A, B and C), a calcium nitrate fertiliser production department, nitric acid- and ammonia-production departments, and a shipping department. The overall median inhalable and thoracic aerosol mass concentrations were generally low (1.1 mg m(-3) (min-max: <0.93-45) and 0.21 mg m(-3) (min-max: <0.085-11), respectively). Workers at the compound fertiliser departments B and C had significantly higher inhalable aerosol mass air concentrations compared to the other departments (p < 0.05), except for compound fertiliser department A; however, the difference between the compound fertiliser department C and calcium nitrate department was slightly above the significant level. Workers at the compound fertiliser department A had significantly higher thoracic aerosol mass air concentrations compared to the other departments (p < 0.05), except for compound fertiliser departments B and C. The results indicate that the extrathoracic aerosol fraction of the aerosol compared to the thoracic fraction dominated in most departments. Measurement of the main constituents Ca, K, Mg, and P in the water-soluble and water-insoluble aerosol mass fractions showed that the air concentrations of these elements were low. There is, however, a shift towards more water-soluble species as the production goes from raw material with phosphate rock towards the final product of fertilisers. Overall, the arithmetic mean of water-soluble Ca in the thoracic mass fraction was 51% (min-max: 1-100). A total of 169 personal samples were analysed for HNO(3) vapour and HF. The highest median concentration of HNO(3) (0.63 mg m(-3)) was in the compound fertiliser departments B, and all measurements but four of the HF concentrations were below the LOD of 190 μg m(-3). Exposures to NH(3), CO and NO(2) were measured using direct-reading electrochemical sensors and the time weighted overall averages were all below the LODs of the respective sensors, NH(3) 2 ppm; CO 2 ppm; and NO(2) 0.2 ppm, but some short-term peaks were detected. Even though our results indicate that the workers may experience peak exposure episodes when performing job tasks such as cleaning or maintenance work, the overall air concentrations are well below what is considered to cause known health risks.  相似文献   

The tobacco plant contains nickel and several other toxic metals, most probably absorbed from the soil, fertilizing products or from pesticides. It has been stated that nickel in a burning cigarette might form the volatile, gaseous compound, nickel tetracarbonyl, and thereby be introduced into the respiratory tract. Accordingly, the main objective of the present study was to find out if nickel content in inhaled smoke from ordinary cigarettes and nickel-contaminated cigarettes handmade by nickel process workers might be a supplementary source of nickel exposure to cigarette smoking process workers leading to additional risk of occupational respiratory cancer in these workers. Blood and urine samples from 318 randomly selected employees from Falconbridge Nickel Refinery in Kristiansand, Norway, allocated to 197 smokers and 121 non-smokers, were analysed for nickel content. Nickel quantities in tobacco from various cigarette brands, from nickel-contaminated cigarettes made by process workers or from cigarettes added known amounts of various nickel salts were analysed before being smoked. The cigarettes were smoked in a smoking machine device applying an electrostatic filter. Blood and urine, tobacco, ash and precipitates in the filter from the main stream smoke of the cigarettes were analysed for nickel quantities by atomic absorption spectrometry methods as previously described by the authors. The nickel concentrations in blood plasma and urine were quite similar among smokers and non-smokers, 6.2 and 48.1 microg L(-1) in smokers, and 6.4 and 50.5 microg L(-1) in non-smokers respectively. We recovered 1.1% or even less of nickel in the mainstream smoke after smoking the entire cigarettes without leaving any butt. Most of the tobacco nickel was recovered in the ash. We conclude that the inhaled nickel in the working atmosphere is probably the main source of the nickel exposure to the respiratory tract in these workers. It remains to be determined why cigarette smoking still seems to be a decisive cofactor in the development of respiratory tract cancer in nickel workers.  相似文献   

This paper reports the concentrations of metals (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, and/or Zn) and selenium (Se) in kidney and/or liver samples from capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus), willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus), hares (Lepus timidus), common shrews (Sorex araneus) and grey-sided voles (Clethrionomus rufocanus) from the Norwegian areas most heavily contaminated by pollutants from the Russian smelters on the Kola peninsula. In addition to comparing areas that differed in expected pollution rate within Sør-Varanger, comparisons are drawn with reference data from other parts of Norway. The relatively highest levels of metals were found for Cu and Ni in the sub-area most heavily exposed to pollution from the smelters. Also the highest Cr concentrations were found in the areas closest to the smelters. In this study, there is evidence for a direct link between increased metal concentrations in wild animals and pollution from the Russian smelters for Cu and Ni and to some extent for Cr. relatively high concentration of Hg and slight increases in Pb are also documented, but regional differences within Sør-Varanger indicate no direct relationship to the Russian smelters. No samples showed concentrations of any of the analysed metals in excess of the limits where negative effects on animals can be measured.  相似文献   

Results are reported of X-ray diffraction analysis of extracts derived from lungs of two nickel refinery workers and of three stationary air samples collected inside a nickel refinery. Since environmental samples from the 1950s and 1960s do not exist, two archived production control samples from that period were also analyzed. Because nickel has been found in respiratory tissue of workers retired for more than twenty years, it was likely that the residual nickel compounds must be rather insoluble. Preliminary surveys showed that sulfur was not present in the lung tissue deposits and thus water-soluble and sulfidic nickel were therefore extracted from the ten process samples before the X-ray analysis. A common compound that was found in all 10 samples was trevorite. This is a spinel-type mineral, much like magnetite where the divalent iron is replaced by nickel. It may be formed when trivalent iron reacts with nickel at 1100 degrees C. It has magnetic properties and is very insoluble. Samples from the lungs were obtained by burning off the organic tissue at 630 degrees C. Due to a relatively high detection limit for the X-ray diffraction technique, we were initially not able to detect any mineral nickel compound. But when particles extracted with a magnet were analyzed, a very clear diffraction pattern of trevorite was identified. The main residue after the magnetic separation had a low concentration of nickel (4 microg g(-1)), which suggests that trevorite was the dominating, if not the only, nickel compound present. In addition, chemical analyses were performed on 13 tissue samples from one single lung; one from each main bronchus, two from each lobe, and an additional one from the lower right lobe. Statistical testing showed a highly significant correlation between the five elements determined: Ni, Co, Cu, Fe and Cr. This suggests that these metals are isomorphous and substitute for each other in the mineral structure. These results may indicate that the nickel left in the lungs some years after exposure is trevorite, and may be biologically inert. However, further speciation of nickel compounds in the lungs seems warranted, and trevorite should be tested for its potential toxic effects.  相似文献   

Plantation or green belt (GB) grown around the factories and industrial premises improves the condition of land, mitigates air pollution (as the plants serve as a sink for pollutants and check the flow of dust, etc.), and reduces the level of noise pollution. The software developed by NEERI for the determination of the optimal width of GB in and around an industry is based on the pollution attenuation coefficient of selected plant species of deciduous trees existing in the region. The assessment of the impact of these plantations/green belts of 500-m width in and around a petroleum refinery in the west coast of India is evaluated for reducing/managing various waste generated, and it is observed that the overall efficiency is more than 60%.  相似文献   

The exposure characterisation described in this paper for 135 copper refinery workers (45 females, 90 males) focuses on the concentrations of copper, nickel and other trace elements in the inhalable aerosol fractions, as well as in the water-soluble and water-insoluble subfractions. Some information is also provided on the thoracic and respirable aerosol fractions. Further, results are presented for volatile hydrides of arsenic and selenium released in the copper purification steps of the electrorefining process. For the pyrometallurgical operations, a comparison of the geometric means for the inhalable aerosol fraction indicated that water-soluble copper levels were on average 19-fold higher compared to nickel (p < 0.001) and a significant association was evident between them (r = 0.87, p < 0.001); for the insoluble subfraction, the copper : nickel ratio was 12.5 (p < 0.001) and the inter-element correlation had r = 0.98 and p < 0.001. Although for the electrorefinery workers the relative inhalable concentrations of copper and nickel were not significantly different (p > 0.05), the corresponding inter-element associations were: slope of 7.7, r= 0.54, p < or =0.001 for the water-soluble subfraction and slope of 1.3, r = 0.71 and p < or =0.001 for the water-insoluble subfraction. On average, a good proportion of the inhalable copper and nickel were found in the thoracic (40%) and respirable (20%) aerosol fractions. Cobalt air concentrations were generally low with geometric means and 95% confidence intervals of 3.1 (2.4-4.2)microg m(-3) (pyrometallurgical workers) and 0.3 (0.4-0.5) microg m(-3)(electrorefinery workers). Similarly, the maximum concentrations of cadmium and lead were low, respectively 4 and 25 microg m(-3). Of the hydrides, tellurium and antimony could not be detected, but for the arsenic (arsine) and selenium hydrides measurable exposure occurred for almost all electrorefinery workers, although the levels were generally low at 0.2 microg m(-3).  相似文献   

Airborne particulate matter (PM) has become one of the dominant pollutants with the increasing material and energy demand due to global economic growth. The main objective of this research is to provide a comprehensive receptor level characterisation of the particulate matter collected in a city environment. Particulate matter samples were collected on Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance (TEOM) filters from five monitoring sites over a period of 1 year. An Andersen eight-stage cascade impactor was also used to collect airborne PM samples from three other locations to compare with the samples collected by TEOM. All the samples were then subjected to individual particle morphology and chemical composition analysis by SEM/EDS. Bulk chemical composition of the samples were also analysed through ICP–OES. Based on these analyses, possible sources of the PM samples were identified. The results showed that the monitoring sites in residential environments were dominated by transportation-derived particles and other migratory particulates. Monitoring sites near the city centre were dominant by particles from transportation, with biological particles abundant for the site closer to a river. The monitoring station located close to the industrial area, despite only 200 m away from a motorway, has low contribution of non-exhaust particulates from vehicles. Instead, the particulates collected from this site were dominated by industrial sources. An air dispersion modelling package was also used to model the particulate matter dispersion in the city area for the period of sampling. The results from the model showed that the points of high emissions were around industrial areas.  相似文献   

Nickel is a heavy metal which is a stable soil pollutant which is difficult to remediate. An attempt to reduce its impact on the environment can be made by changing its solubility. The right level of hydrogen ions and the content of mineral and organic colloids are crucial in this regard. Therefore, methods to neutralise heavy metals in soil are sought. There are no reports in the literature on the possibility of using minerals in the detoxication of a soil environment contaminated with metals. It is important to fill the gap in research on the effect of zeolites on the microbiological, biochemical and physicochemical properties of soils under pressure from heavy metals. Therefore, a pot experiment was conducted on two soils which examined the effect of various levels of contamination of soil with nickel on the activity of soil enzymes, physical and chemical properties and growth and development of plants. An alleviating effect of zeolite Bio.Zeo.S.01 on the negative impact of nickel on the soil and a plant (oats) was examined. The enzyme activity and the oat yield were found to be significantly and negatively affected by an excess of nickel in the soil, regardless of the soil type. The metal was accumulated more in the oat roots than in the above-ground parts. An addition of zeolite decreased the level of accumulation of nickel in oats grown only on sandy-silty loam. Zeolite Bio.Zeo.S.01 used in the study only slightly alleviated the negative effect of nickel on the biochemical properties of soil. Therefore, its usability in the remediation of soil contaminated with nickel is small.  相似文献   

A study on concentrations of ambient particulates viz. total suspended particulate matters (TSP), respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were carried out at six sites around the Asia’s largest, 12 MMTPA, petroleum refinery in west coast of India. PAH concentrations are correlated with each other in these sites, suggesting that they have related sources and sinks. The present article discusses the monitoring aspects such as sample collection, pretreatment and analytical methods and compares the monitored levels for assessing the source receptor distribution pattern. The main sources of RSPM and PAHs in urban air are automobile exhaust (CPCB, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in air and their effects on human health. “”, 2003; Manuel et al., Environmental Science and Technology, 13: 227–231, 2004) and industrial emissions like petroleum refinery (Vo-Dinh, Chemical analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Wiley: New York, 1989; Wagrowaski and Hites, Environmental Science and Technology, 31: 279–282, 1997). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are ubiquitous constituents of urban airborne particulate mostly generated by anthropogenic activities (Li et al., Environmental Science and Technology, 37:1958–2965, 2003; Thorsen et al., Environmental Science and Technology, 38: 2029–2037, 2004; Ohura et al., Environmental Science and Technology, 32: 450–455, 2004) and some of them are of major health concern mainly due to their well-known carcinogenic and mutagenic properties (Soclo et al., Marine Pollution Bulletin, 40: 387–396, 2000; Chen et al., Environment International, 28: 659–668, 2003; Larsen and Baker, Environmental Science and Technology, 32: 450–455, 2003). Limited information is available on PAHs contributions from refineries to ambient air. Hence this study would not only create a database but also provide necessary inputs towards dose-response relationship for fixing standards. Also, since it acts as precursor to green house gas, the data would be useful for climate change assessments. The objective of this article is to find out the concentration of PAHs in particulate matter around petroleum refinery and compare with their concentrations in major Indian urban centers.  相似文献   

本文揭示了济南炼油厂污水处理厂稳定运行四年多,获得相当好的处理效果的先进工艺,为优化炼油厂污水处理提供了有益的实际经验  相似文献   

This study aimed at relating the variability of Ni biogeochemistry along the ultramafic toposequence to pedogenesis and soil mineralogy. Hypereutric Cambisols dominate upslope; Cambic Vertisols and Fluvic Cambisols occur downslope. The soil mineralogy showed abundance of primary serpentine all over the sequence. It is predominant upslope but secondary smectites dominate in the Vertisols. Free Fe-oxides are abundant in all soils but slightly more abundant in the upslope soils. Whereas serpentines hold Ni in a similar and restricted range in every soil (approx. 0.3 %), Ni contents in smectites may vary a lot and Mg-rich and Al-poor smectites in the Vertisol could hold up to 4.9 % Ni. Ni was probably adsorbed onto amorphous Fe-oxides and was also exchangeable in secondary smectites. High availability of Ni in soils was confirmed by DTPA extractions. However, it varied significantly along the toposequence, being higher in upslope soils, where Ni-bearing amorphous Fe-oxides were abundant and total organic carbon higher and sensibly lower downslope on the Vertisols: NiDTPA varied from 285 mg kg?1 in the surface of soil I (upslope) to 95.9 mg kg?1 in the surface of Fluvic Cambisols. Concentration of Ni in Alyssum murale shoots varied from 0.7 % (Hypereutric Cambisols) to 1.4 % (Hypereutric Vertisol). Amazingly, Ni uptake by A. murale was not correlated to NiDTPA, suggesting the existence of specific edaphic conditions that affect the ecophysiology of A. murale upslope.  相似文献   

A trace analytical method is presented for the analysis of hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyl metabolites (HO-PCBs) and pentachlorophenol (PCP) in human plasma. The described methodology is a modification of a previously validated method used for PCB and organochlorine pesticide analysis. The modified method enables the combined analysis of phenolic and neutral halogenated compounds. A tandem Florisil column is used for separating the HO-PCBs and PCP from the neutral fraction, instead of the more common chemical partitioning. In the same step the neutral fraction is purified for GC analysis. The extraction of the HO-PCBs and PCP was found to be highly dependent on sufficient acidification of the sample and the polarity of the extracting solvent. Analysis of plasma samples gave recovery rates for (13)C(6)-PCP and (13)C(12)-4-HO-CB 187 of 64 and 72%, respectively. The limit of detection ranged between 2-20 pg g(-1) plasma for the HO-PCBs and 5 pg g(-1) plasma for PCP. No matrix interferences were observed in the chromatograms. In plasma samples (n = 15) from the native Chukchi people in Uelen (Russian Arctic), a population with high PCB exposure, the median ratio of sum HO-PCBs to sum PCBs was as high as 0.4 and the sum HO-PCBs and PCBs were significantly correlated (r(2) > 0.7, p < 0.01). The median sum HO-PCBs (10 congeners) was 5920 pg g(-1) plasma with 4-HO-CB 107 as the dominating congener (median: 1670 pg g(-1) plasma). The median PCP level was measured at 642 pg g(-1) plasma.  相似文献   

气相色谱-质谱法表征炼油厂外排废水中的有机组分   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
将水中的有机组分划分为悬浮性有机物(SOC)、溶解性可吸附有机物(EOC)及溶解性不可吸附有机物(NEOC)三类.分别用G3型耐酸滤过漏斗及GDX-502树脂分离和富集了某炼油厂生化处理外排废水中的SOC及EOC,漏斗滤出的和GDX-502树脂富集的有机物分别用二氯甲烷洗脱和Soxhlet提取,提取物经干燥、浓缩后,用GC/MS进行分析.结果表明该废水TOC为27.4mg/L,SOC、EOC及NEOC分别占44.5%、28.1%及27.4%.SOC中共鉴定出有机组分44种,包括正构烷烃21种、异构烷烃15种、烯烃6种及环烷烃2种,其中Ci5-C28正构烷烃的含量相对较高;EOC中共鉴定出有机组分78种,包括脂肪烃18种、芳烃12种、苯酚类10种、吡啶类7种、醇6种、酮10种、醛2种、酞酸酯3种及其它化合物10种,其中苯酚类、邻苯二甲酸正丁酯及1-甲基环己醇含量相对较高.  相似文献   

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