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Summary The temporal relationships between mating, calling, and movement were studied in natural habitats at different densities in the field crickets, Gryllus veletis, G. pennsylvanicus and G. integer. There was variation between and within species, but males generally showed increased calling at dawn followed by a decline during the day. Matings were also more frequent at sunrise in most observations, and male and female movement declined near dawn. Female movement and sexual receptivity are closely related to levels of male calling and movement.  相似文献   

Summary While traditionally viewed as an extension of intermale competition, mechanisms of sperm competition may be used by multiply mating females for mate choice. In the field cricket G. bimaculatus sperm were shown to mix in the spermatheca. The proportion of offspring sired by the second male increased with spermatophore attachment duration and, therefore, the number of sperm transferred. There was no second male advantage for single matings after an initial double mating. However, the proportion ofoffspring sired by the second male increased in proportion to the number of times he mated such that second males mating three times after an initial double mating had the advantage at fertilization. The data suggested that sperm were utilized in proportion to their numerical representation in the spermatheca. The mechanism of sperm precedence may, therefore, be one of sperm dilution. Female G. bimaculatus may control the degree of sperm competition as a mechanism of mate choice. By accepting large quantities of sperm from chosen males they may determine the paternity of their offspring by diluting out the sperm stored from previous matings.  相似文献   

Summary Body size in the field cricket,Gryllus bimaculatus, contributes to fitness through its effects on competitive male mating success and female fecundity and is a character chosen by females at mating. If females are to benefit from preferentially mating with large males they must be able to pass on the advantages of large size to their offspring. The heritabilities of four aspects of body size were estimated by parent-offspring regression. All aspects were shown to have heritable genetic variation despite the fact that theory predicts characters which contribute to fitness should not be heritable. There may therefore be the potential for female choice in this species to be adaptive. Some possible mechanisms for the maintenance of heritable variation are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A recent model in sexual selection has proposed a role for parasites in maintaining heritable fitness variation. Females are envisaged as benefitting from preferentially mating with males that show resistance to infection. The post-copulatory guarding behaviour characteristic of many species of field cricket, has been envisaged as a means by which females assess male health and vigour. This hypothesis was tested in a field cricket, G. bimaculatus, which harbours a protozoan gut parasite. In enclosed arena trials, no direct correlations between female behaviours and levels of infection in males were found. However, there were significant correlations between the intensity of male guarding and the number of parasites found in the gut; infected males guarded more intensely in order to maintain contact with the female. In a second experiment simulating open field conditions, females left heavily parasitized males sooner than mildly or uninfected individuals. These data are discussed in relation to female choice for male health and vigour.  相似文献   

Summary Females of the field cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus, are known to mate non-randomly with respect to male size. The reproductive output of females allowed to choose their mates was compared with that of females allocated mates. Females allowed to choose their mates laid a greater proportion of their available eggs, thereby investing more heavily in reproduction. Female choice did not appear to influence hatching success, suggesting that no short term benefits are derived from non-random mating. However, the offspring of females allowed to choose their mates developed more rapidly and began their own reproductive output before those of females who had been allocated mates. Furthermore, the faster developing offspring of females who chose their mates tended to have a consistantly higher survival rate as well as a lower variance in survival (i.e. less risk of mortality) at adult eclosion. Female choice may therefore contribute to offspring fitness and thus to long term reproductive success. Females allocated large males as mates did not equal those of females allowed to choose their mates, in terms of reproductive output and offspring fitness. This suggests that females may choose their mates with regard to a mixture of characters of which male size is only one.  相似文献   

Summary The temporal relationship between male-calling and female-walking of Teleogryllus ocearicus has been studied. Both behaviors are under circadian control. A comparison of singingactivity under controlled environmental conditions and in the field at LD 13.75:10.25 h revealed that in spote of the very different situations, calling occurred during darkness; the times of onset, termination of singing and the calling quantity agreed as well. However, significant individual differences in singing activity were observed in either environment, and for specific males on consecutive nights.This paper is dedicated to Mr. Richard B. Gump, whose generosity has made the described research possible and the South Pacific Biological Research Station a reality  相似文献   

In many organisms, mating behavior occurs at a particular time of day, which may be important for avoiding mate competition or interspecific mating. Crickets of the Hawaiian genus Laupala exhibit an unusually protracted courtship in which males produce a series of nuptial gifts prior to the species-typical time of mating. Mating time is one of several rhythmic behaviors that have diverged among closely related Laupala species, which exhibit an extremely high speciation rate. Mating rhythm may reflect direct selection on male and/or female sexual receptivity or the pleiotropic consequence of selection on other rhythmic behaviors. To examine the role of sexual rhythmicity in Laupala cerasina, we characterized the time boundaries or “circadian gate” of courtship and mating, as well as female phonotactic response to male song. We also examined which sex is responsible for mating rhythmicity by phase-shifting males relative to the female photophase. Our results demonstrate that mating behavior is gated by the end of the light phase. Time limits to female mating receptivity were not observed and thus male rhythm alone appears to be responsible for the timing of mating. Furthermore, when courtship is initiated later in the day, males produce fewer nuptial gifts and increase nuptial gift production rate while delaying mating, suggesting that the number of gifts a female receives is important to male reproductive success.  相似文献   

Summary The biology and behavior of Xylocopa virginica L. were followed in the area of Athens, Georgia (USA) from August 1973 until September 1974. Several nests were X-rayed regularly during the developmental period of the bees, and information about the life cycle and development was obtained. The bees emerge in June and stay in their nests with their sibs throughout the summer, fall, and winter, leaving only occasionally on warm days to search for nectar as food. In March and April males defend nest-side territories and mate with most females. The males die in the late spring and the females dig nests, provision them, and rear up to 8 or 9 bees in each nest. Many females live 2 years, and often 2 to 3 females are present in each nest, but only 1 works and lays eggs. Emergence of adults from pupae is nearly synchronized, irrespective of age.  相似文献   

Crickets can autotomize a limb in order to evade predation; however, this autotomy compromises their escape speed and, therefore, their ability to avoid subsequent predation events. We recorded two measures of predator-avoidance behaviour in field crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus) exposed to varying levels of predation threat, with the most extreme level leading to autotomy of a limb. Our first measure of caution was time to emergence from cover, which was affected by perceived predation treatment, with both autotomized males and females being significantly more cautious than intact individuals. For males (but not females), the presence of a calling conspecific encouraged earlier emergence. Our second measure of caution was alteration of male calling behaviour. Autotomized males remained silent for significantly longer time after disturbance than intact males, but there was no difference in call rate once they had resumed calling, suggesting that behavioural changes were not merely a result of injury response but a controlled modification of behaviour as a result of autotomy. These data suggest that autotomy in field crickets results in altered calling behaviour, which was not significantly altered with different acoustic environments.  相似文献   

Females are generally assumed to prefer larger, more dominant males. However, a growing number of studies that control for male-male competition have shown no correlation between dominance and attractiveness. Aggressive males can interfere with female mate preference either by physically coercing females into mating or by driving submissive males away and restricting mate choice. The most common method of assessing female mate choice is by using simultaneous two-choice tests. These control for male-male interactions, but usually interfere with physical and chemical cues involved in mate selection or alter male behaviour. They are therefore unsuitable for many study species, especially insects. Another method is the no-choice test that measures a females latency to mating when placed with a single male as an indication of male attractiveness. No-choice tests control for male-male aggression while allowing full contact between pairs (they allow actual mating to be directly observed rather than to occur based on a correlated behaviour). So far, however, no study has confirmed that males that entice females to mate sooner actually enjoy increased longer-term mating success. As such, the accuracy of no-choice tests as a method of examining mate choice remains untested. Here, we used no-choice tests on the black field cricket, Teleogryllus commodus, to show that (1) females did not prefer males that won fights (dominant males), and (2) latency to mating predicts actual mating success. We have clearly demonstrated the usefulness of no-choice tests and, considering the advantages of this method, they should be more often considered for a wider variety of taxa.Communicated by D. Gwynne  相似文献   

Summary A deterministic model is presented which shows that multiple mating reduces the conflict between workers and queen in the optimal investment ratio in each sex. The natural risk of the nuptual flights of honeybee queens fits well into the theoretically determined risk when queens tend to optimize the numbers of drones with which they mate.  相似文献   

It is still unclear why females in many bird species pursue extra-pair copulations. Current hypotheses focus mainly on indirect benefits such as obtaining particular good genes for their offspring or maximizing genetic compatibility between themselves and the father of their offspring. Supporting the latter, a recent study of shorebirds suggests that extra-pair matings may function to avoid the negative effects of genetic similarity between mates. Here, we further investigate genetic parentage in the Kentish plover, Charadrius alexandrinus, a shorebird with a highly variable social mating system. DNA fingerprinting revealed that most pairs were genetically monogamous: 7.9% of the broods (7/89) contained extra-pair young, comprising 3.9% of all chicks (9/229). These cases represented, however, three alternative reproductive behaviors: extra-pair paternity, quasi-parasitism (extra-pair maternity) and intraspecific brood parasitism. This is the first study showing the occurrence of all three behaviors in one shorebird species. We also found that extra-pair fertilizations (extra-pair paternity and quasi-parasitism) were more frequent later in the breeding season. There was no consistent relationship between genetic similarity of mates and laying date; the pattern, as well as the degree of genetic similarity, differed among breeding sites within the study population.Communicated by M. Webster  相似文献   

Population density regulates the strength of intraspecific competition and may thereby be reflected in life-history variables, such as development time, growth rate, or investment in immune defense. However, population density may also affect the fitness payoffs of different behaviors and consequently shape the development of personality. Here we studied if population density during nymphal development (one, four, or ten individuals raised together) affects the level of boldness, measured as the latency time to recover from freezing and emerge from a shelter, aggressiveness towards conspecifics or their correlation at the adult stage in the field crickets, Gryllus integer. In addition, we tested if individuals invest more resources in immune function or speed up their development in response to a high conspecifics density during ontogeny. Nymphal density did not affect adult boldness or aggressiveness towards conspecific males per se, but these variables showed a negative association, i.e., indicated an unconventional behavioral syndrome in the highest density treatment. Supporting the effectiveness of density treatments in inducing plastic responses, individuals reached maturity sooner and invested more resources in immune function in the highest nymphal density group compared to groups consisting of one or four individuals. Our results suggest that population density may play an important role in shaping both the realized life history and development of behavioral syndromes.  相似文献   

Summary The data on the frequency of mating by queens of eusocial Hymenoptera are reviewed.It is pointed out that the issue of sperm clumping is probably irrelevant to the evolution of eusociality.The hypothesis is presented that multiple mating is an adaptation for maintaining large colonies. In ants there is a significant relation between the size of the colony and the frequency of mating.The effect of multiple mating on the spread of a gene for worker behavior is explored. If a female mates twice, the effective number of matings is less than two except in the case of identical sperm contribution by the males.Sperm bias is defined as the contribution of unequal amounts of sperm by the males that mate with a queen. Sperm bias can be produced as a sampling phenomenon, by inter-male competition for females and by sperm competition.The relation between the ergonomic efficiency of the workers at the production of reproductives and the number of matings that is consistent with the evolution of eusociality is derived. If workers are only about 10% more efficient at producing reproductives within a eusocial colony than they are solitarily, then two matings by the queen will still produce a selective advantage to eusocial behavior.  相似文献   

镉胁迫对小白菜(Brassica campestris L.)抗氧化机理的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用水培的方法,研究了不同Cd2 水平(0、1、2.5、5、10、15mg·L-1)对小白菜(Brassica campestris L.)抗氧化酶(SOD、POD、CAT)活性、非酶物质(SH、GSH、PCs)含晕以及生长的影响.结果表明,小白菜叶片和根系SOD活性随Cd处理质量浓度的增加呈降低的变化趋势,POD、CAT活性以及MDA含量随Cd处理质量浓度的增加而增加.小白菜的生物量、根长、株高、叶绿素质量分数随Cd处理质量浓度的增加显著降低(P<0.05),表明Cd抑制了小白菜的生长,破坏了叶绿素的合成.小白菜地上、地下部镉质量分数均随Cd处理质量浓度的增加而显著增加(P<0.05).当Cd处理质量浓度为15 mg·L-1,小白菜地上、地下部镉质量分数分别达到637.5、1 663.0 mg·kg-1,表明小白菜对Cd有良好的富集效果.小白菜根系与叶片中SH、GSH和PCs含量均随Cd处理质量浓度增加而增加的变化趋势,表明SH、GSH和PCs在解毒小白菜Cd毒害中起着重要作用.  相似文献   

Two species of closely related wood cricket, Gryllus fultoni (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) and Gryllus vernalis, occur together in some parts of the eastern United States and have a similar calling song structure, consisting of three-pulse chirps. A previous study revealed that chirp rate in G. fultoni was highest (greatest difference vis-à-vis chirp rate in G. vernalis) in sympatric populations, intermediate in near allopatric populations that were located close to the sympatric zone, and lowest in allopatric populations. A similar trend was observed in pulse rate, but the mean values of this trait showed much more convergence than chirp rate at the low end of the range of calling temperatures. In this study, we investigated the song discrimination of females from sympatric and allopatric populations of G. fultoni at about 23°C, which is near the middle of the normal range of calling temperatures. We used both single-stimulus and two-stimulus playback experiments to learn if geographical differences in song preferences paralleled those in calling songs. Stimuli presented were representative of calling songs in three classes of G. fultoni populations (sympatric, near allopatric, and far allopatric), a calling song of G. vernalis, and three calling songs with parameter values that were intermediate with respect to those of the songs of far allopatric G. fultoni and G. vernalis. In the single-stimulus playbacks, females of all G. fultoni populations responded poorly if at all to the heterospecific stimulus. Females of sympatric and near allopatric populations responded poorly to all intermediate stimuli, but females of far allopatric populations frequently responded to these sounds. In the two-stimulus playbacks, females of sympatric and near allopatric populations generally discriminated against intermediate and heterospecific stimuli. However, females of far allopatric populations often did not discriminate against intermediate stimuli, whose characteristics resembled the calling songs of G. vernalis. The divergent pattern of female phonotactic discrimination between sympatric and far allopatric populations was thus generally congruent with the pattern of divergence in chirp and pulse rates and would be expected to significantly reduce heterospecific mating in sympatry. These geographical patterns of female song discrimination and male calling songs conform to a commonly used definition of reproductive character displacement.  相似文献   

Iteroparous species maximize lifetime reproductive fitness by balancing current and future reproductive investments. In order to maximize fitness in the face of social or environmental heterogeneity, individuals of the same species may vary in whether they prioritize current reproductive opportunity or sacrifice immediate reproduction in order to prioritize survival and future reproductive potential. Glucocorticoid (GC) secretion plays an important role in mediating this trade-off by promoting behavioral and physiological responses associated with survival, often at the expense of nonessential (e.g., reproductive) functions. We used wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus [Rana sylvatica]) to test whether males and females differed in their (a) physiological response (plasma corticosterone [CORT] concentration) to standardized handling stress—a proxy for predation threat—and (b) performance of reproductive behaviors that may enhance their conspicuousness to predators. We also tested whether levels of male competition influenced sex differences in these factors, as more intense competition may require males to devote more time to risky reproductive behaviors. We found that females had lower baseline CORT but exhibited a significantly greater CORT response to a stressor and spent less time performing potentially risky behavior (surface floating) than did males. These sex differences were consistent across different levels of male mating competition. Our results reveal that during breeding, males and females may differentially respond to stressors and perform risk-prone behaviors, despite facing the same extreme breeding constraints, providing new insight into the survival-reproduction trade-off of explosively breeding species.  相似文献   

Summary Examination of three populations of the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus revealed the presence of an acoustically-orienting parasitoid fly, Ormia ochracea (Tachinidae), in the population of crickets that has been introduced to the Hawaiian Islands. The cricket is native to Australia and the Pacific, and the fly is native to North America but has also been introduced to Hawaii. Up to 27% of males and 7% of females in Hawaii were infested with fly larvae. Song structure in the parasitized Hawaiian population was distinct from that of the other two groups, with the Hawaiian crickets showing several reduced song parameters. In addition, onset and cessation of calling at dusk and dawn were more abrupt in the Hawaiian population. These results are consistent with selective pressure from the phonotactic flies to decrease risky calling. Silent males were present in all three populations, suggesting that these noncallers may not represent a unique adaptation to the parasitoid. Correspondence to: M. Zuk  相似文献   

M. E. Huber 《Marine Biology》1987,93(4):509-515
Colonies of Pocillopora spp. containing the crab Trapezia digitalis were collected from Hawaii in summer of 1979 and of 1980. Individuals of T. digitalis in Hawaii vary extensively in coloration of the carapace: crabs were separated into phenotypic classes by their degree of carapace reticulation. When presented with two females of different phenotype, males preferentially paired with the female which was similar to them in reticulation. The genetic population structure of T. digitalis was unusual by comparison with other species of Trapezia. Previously reported homozygote excesses at esterase-4, hexokinase-1, phosphoglucoseisomerase, and general protein-2 cannot be explained by the single-locus Wahlund effect, since there was not significant genetic differentiation among phenotypic classes, as measured by Wright's F ST statistic. There was significant variation among classes in allele frequencies at a fifth locus, hexokinase-2. Two pairs of loci were in significant gametic disequilibrium. Gametic disequilibrium was not detected in seven other species of Trapezia. It is suggested that multi-locus genetic analysis and an increased geographic sampling range are needed to determine the genetic population structure of T. digitalis in relation to observed variation in coloration.  相似文献   

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