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商标作为架设在商品与消费者之间的桥梁是企业宣传和推销商品的重要手段.商标翻译更是一种跨语言跨文化的交流活动.从语用学的顺应性角度探讨商标翻译,认为在商标的翻译过程中即要保留原文的精华更要顺应商品的特点,顺应地域文化差异、顺应消费者需求、顺应不同的政治制度等诸多因素.希望通过对英语商标翻译顺应性方法的讨论,能够推动商标翻译不断向前发展.参8.  相似文献   

未来消费方式往往源于在世界上主要城市中心首先建立起来的消费趋势 .最近的研究显示 ,世界上 40个主要城市中的消费者渴望 ,无论它们是在发达国家还是发展中国家 ,尽管有文化上或地域上的差异 ,还是显著类似的 .这就是为什么国际性公司一直能制订全球性营销和广告战略来在那些本来看来是不同市场的地方销售产品的一个原因 .因此 ,世界上主要城市中消费者渴望的类似性 ,为宣传更可持续消费趋势提供了一个重要机会 .以下扼要描述市场分割的营销与广告经验 .人性在世界各地都是类似的 ,尽管它可能被文化差异所掩盖 .因此 ,可以利用这种经验推…  相似文献   

本文在定义节庆营销概念和分析武汉国际渡江节发展现状的基础上,深入剖析武汉国际渡江节营销中存在的问题,以4C营销理论为指导提出武汉国际渡江节的营销策略。  相似文献   

当今全球环保思潮的冲击和绿色消费的方兴未艾,企业如果沿袭传统的营销方式,必将被淘汰.企业要想生存发展,并在竞争中立于不败之地,必须适应新的形势,改弦易辙,实施绿色营销,以满足人们的无污染、无公害、延年益寿的需求.本文讨论了绿色营销的现状及其对企业发展的影响,并提出了实施绿色营销的战略对策.  相似文献   

在市场调研过程中对原始信息的统计和运用往往关系到整个市场调研的准确性和真实性,各类营销管理职能的选择依据都来源于准确、科学的前期调研,因此,对市场调研工作中市场一手数据和原始信息的统计和运用进行分析与整理、概述原始信息收集工作的要求和方法,是任何一个营销工作者所必须重视和学习的一项基本功.参4.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的日益发展,农村连锁商业市场发展潜力巨大.本文通过分析我国农村连锁商业企业发展的营销环境,初步探讨了在农村进行连锁商业经营的基本营销战略.  相似文献   

口译工作具有艰苦而有挑战性的特点.在跨文化交际中,译员必须在克服语言障碍的同时,灵活应对非语言障碍.本文主要探讨了如何通过口语训练克服在口译过程中常出现的这种语言和非语言障碍.参8.  相似文献   

结合钱绍昌教授提出的电影语言的五个特点,提出影视翻译的特殊要求即应以译语观众为中心和译者要考虑电影翻译的技术因素制约.文化意象是一种文化符号,承载着独特、广阔、深沉的文化内涵,不同民族的文化差异导致的文化意象的空缺与错位往往使译者处于两难的境地.译者可从文化交流的角度和尊重影视翻译自身特点的基础上,选用译语观众所熟悉的和易于理解的词语以直译,意译,直译意译结合三个方法来传递和翻译文化意象.参4.  相似文献   

旅游目的地吸引力及其影响因素研究--以南澳岛为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘静艳 《生态环境》2006,15(2):371-376
南澳作为广东省唯一的海岛县,资源环境条件优越,近年来旅游业发展迅速,但面临的竞争也日益激烈。文章旨在通过实证研究,分析影响游客选择南澳作为旅游目的地的吸引力因素。研究结果表明,游客可分为三大细分市场:环境偏好者、广泛爱好者和成熟旅游者;影响南澳旅游吸引力的主要因素是旅游项目陈旧、线路单一、服务设施落后、人员素质不高、信息化程度低等。研究成果不仅丰富了实证研究在目的地营销领域中的运用,对南澳旅游的开发和管理也具有实践意义。  相似文献   

企业循环经济发展的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
辛展梅 《生态环境》2005,14(3):449-450
阐述了循环经济的概念;认为现代企业管理应当由原来的企业经济系统管理向企业生态与经济的复合系统管理转变,实行企业循环经济管理;企业应当把资源循环利用和环境保护纳入企业总体的创新、开发和经营的战略中去,建立“绿色技术”体系和“绿色营销”体系,实行全过程控制。  相似文献   

Managing the Koala Problem: Interdisciplinary Perspectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: There is a complex scientific, ethical, and cultural debate in Australia about how best to conserve koalas and their habitat. Despite the diverse array of management and research options promoted by scientists, wildlife agency staff, and koala advocates, there remains a gap in our acknowledgment of the social factors influencing decision making about koala conservation. Koala management research has generated valuable scientific knowledge about koala biology and ecology but has been weak about organizational and policy processes and about the cultures within which we produce, disseminate, and legitimize this kind of knowledge. We suggest that more effective koala conservation will result from making the political and cultural influences on decision making regarding the koala more explicit in research, management, and policy-making forums. Research must be conducted in the context of the cultural significance of the koala. The koala's survival depends on preserving the valuable lands that these creatures (and many others) inhabit. Ultimately, the koala symbolizes conflicting land-use values and illustrates the need for greater collaboration, cooperation, and trust among social and natural scientists in the conduct of koala conservation research, management, and policy.  相似文献   

Many water-related problems are shared by most of the developing countries and the industrialized nations could be in position of offering aid in such problems. Water scarcity and access to safe water, water pollution, severe storms and floods, droughts, waterborne diseases and landslides and mud floods are the most commonly shared problems among developing nations. These problems were discussed in a workshop organized as part of the Fifth International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics in 2008. The discussion included identification of actors both in the developing and developed nations (vgr. local and national governments, NGOs, universities, foundations and private and public research institutions), aid modalities such as education, technology transfer, technology development and direct investment as well as restrictions and barriers in the form of political and legal issues, economic limitations, cultural differences and geographic distances. Recommendations about how developed nations could help developing countries are issued.  相似文献   

概述了近年来我国农用稀土光转换材料的研究进展及目前存在的问题.重点介绍了转光剂的类型及研究现状,展望了稀土光转换材料的发展前景.  相似文献   

In a world of shrinking habitats and increasing competition for natural resources, potentially dangerous predators bring the challenges of coexisting with wildlife sharply into focus. Through interdisciplinary collaboration among authors trained in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, we reviewed current approaches to mitigating adverse human–predator encounters and devised a vision for future approaches to understanding and mitigating such encounters. Limitations to current approaches to mitigation include too much focus on negative impacts; oversimplified equating of levels of damage with levels of conflict; and unsuccessful technical fixes resulting from failure to engage locals, address hidden costs, or understand cultural (nonscientific) explanations of the causality of attacks. An emerging interdisciplinary literature suggests that to better frame and successfully mitigate negative human–predator relations conservation professionals need to consider dispensing with conflict as the dominant framework for thinking about human–predator encounters; work out what conflicts are really about (they may be human–human conflicts); unravel the historical contexts of particular conflicts; and explore different cultural ways of thinking about animals. The idea of cosmopolitan natures may help conservation professionals think more clearly about human–predator relations in both local and global context. These new perspectives for future research practice include a recommendation for focused interdisciplinary research and the use of new approaches, including human‐animal geography, multispecies ethnography, and approaches from the environmental humanities notably environmental history. Managers should think carefully about how they engage with local cultural beliefs about wildlife, work with all parties to agree on what constitutes good evidence, develop processes and methods to mitigate conflicts, and decide how to monitor and evaluate these. Demand for immediate solutions that benefit both conservation and development favors dispute resolution and technical fixes, which obscures important underlying drivers of conflicts. If these drivers are not considered, well‐intentioned efforts focused on human–wildlife conflicts will fail.  相似文献   

There is a growing recognition that animal behavior can affect wildlife conservation, but there have been few direct studies of animal behavior in conservation programs. However, a great deal of existing behavioral research can be applied in the context of conservation. Research on avian vocalizations provides an excellent example. The conspicuous nature of the vocal behavior of birds makes it a useful tool for monitoring populations and measuring biodiversity, but the importance of vocalizations in conservation goes beyond monitoring. Geographic song variants with population-specific signatures, or dialects, can affect territory formation and mate choice. Dialects are influenced by cultural evolution and natural selection and changes can accumulate even during the timescale of conservation interventions, such as translocations, reintroductions, and ex situ breeding. Information from existing research into avian vocalizations can be used to improve conservation planning and increase the success of interventions. Vocalizations can confer a number of benefits for conservation practitioners through monitoring, providing baseline data on populations and individuals. However, the influence of cultural variation on territory formation, mate choice, and gene flow should be taken into account because cultural differences could create obstacles for conservation programs that bring birds from multiple populations together and so reduce the success of interventions.  相似文献   

Cultural variation can affect the genetic evolution of a species if there are consistent cultural differences that contribute to fitness variation between groups of individuals. In this study, measures of the reproductive success of groups of sperm whales from different cultural clans are used as proxies for fitness. We measure reproductive success using population length distributions from acoustic and photographic measurements and visual observations of the presence of calves. The results obtained are generally consistent between methods; there are large and significant differences between the clans in the measures of reproductive success. The results from this study strengthen the case for cultural hitchhiking in sperm whales by indicating that differences in culture between clans correlate with differences in fitness.  相似文献   

本文从企业的生产成本、资金成本和管理成本等三个方面,谈到了企业在生产经过中降低成本的有效途径和方法,从而增强企业在激烈的市场环境中的竞争力,达到“增收节支”的目的.  相似文献   

该文基于名人文化旅游产品开发建设热潮背景下,全面剖析了名人文化旅游产品开发中存在的问题,并有针对性地提出了名人文化旅游产品开发对策.参12.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the distribution of cultural values associated with forest and non-forest landscapes among stakeholder groups shaping land use and land cover change (LULCC) in an agricultural/forest frontier in the western Brazilian Amazon. The study addresses theoretical and methodological obstacles to the integration of cultural data and social science research into the study of LULCC, providing a simple, systematic, and more accurate way of understanding this missing feature of land change. The findings offer insights on elusive cultural features that influence how diverse actors make land use decisions and respond to drivers, and can thus contribute to enhancing the predictive capacity of land change research.  相似文献   

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