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Observer groups rated the scenic beauty of forest scenes represented by color slides presented in the context of different scene mixes. The proportion of scenes from recently harvested, low scenic beauty forests compared with those from unharvested, high scenic beauty forests had a significant effect on judgments of scenes common to both sets. The effects of different scene contexts on scenic beauty judgments can result from changes in observers' perception of the scenes and from shifts in their criteria for assigning ratings. A psychophysical scaling analysis is suggested as a means for dealing with criterion shifts. Because perceptual shifts may also occur, procedures used to assess scenic beauty should be designed to reflect accurately the context to which the assessment applies, and care should be exercised in comparing experimental results obtained in different contexts.  相似文献   

This study concerns design features of urban parking lots which can increase the perception of such areas as both safe and attractive. College students evaluated the attractiveness and perceived security associated with 180 scenes of parking lots adjacent to commercial and multi-family residential structures in Atlanta and Athens, Georgia, U.S.A. High intergroup correlations (r > 0·90) indicated the reliability of evaluations of both perceived features. Regressions of physical features on perceived security ratings and attractiveness ratings yielded highly predictive models (R2 = 0·76 and 0·80, respectively). For both sets of ratings a Maintenance and Design factor accounted for the most variance. Although attractiveness ratings were higher as the total amount of vegetation increased in a scene, security was in general rated higher only when vegetation was well maintained and appeared to be installed as part of a landscape design. Attractiveness was generally higher for multi-family residential scenes than for commercial scenes. Perceived security was higher for frontal views of structures, especially when entrances were proximate to the viewer. Research implications are discussed in terms of the impact of natural features in urban areas for increasing attractiveness and reducing fear of crime.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to examine distance classes of vegetation (foreground, middleground and background) and scene composition (presence of vegetation in left, center or right section of the image) as predictors of perceived scenic beauty. In study one, 41 students rated 63 landscape scenes with regard to scenic beauty. The Scenic Beauty Estimation Method was used to derive interval scale beauty values (SBEs). For each landscape image, areal measures of vegetation in each distance class and for each vertical section were taken and used as predictors. Presence of haze, clouds and human impacts were also recorded. Among the most important contributors to scenic beauty were amount of center middleground vegetation, and center background vegetation. Left foreground vegetation and right foreground vegetation were found to have significant and opposing regression weight signs—negative for the left and positive for the right. Study two was conducted to determine whether these opposing regression weight signs for foreground vegetation were due to a perceptual right-left bias or to some specific content in the image itself. In the second study, the photographic slides used to present landscape scenes to subjects were reversed so that the content which was previously on the right was now left, and vice versa. Thirty-nine students rated the reversed slides with regard to their scenic beauty. The signs of the regression weights in study two shifted such that left foreground was now positively valued and right foreground was negatively valued. This finding suggests that viewers are sensitive to foreground content and its placement in the image, and not simply to one side of the field of vision.  相似文献   

Although theorists have suggested that aquatic environments or “blue space” might have particular restorative potential, to date there is little systematic empirical research on this issue. Indeed the presence of water has, unintentionally, been a confounding factor in research comparing people’s reactions to built and natural environments. Whereas aquatic features (rivers, lakes, coasts) are frequently present in visual stimuli representing natural environments they are rarely incorporated in stimuli portraying built environments. As many towns are, for good reason, located near water this is a potentially significant oversight. The current research collated a set of 120 photographs of natural and built scenes, half of which contained “aquatic” elements. Proportions of “aquatic”/“green”/“built” environments in each scene (e.g. 1/3rd, 2/3rds) were also standardised. Two studies investigated preferences (attractiveness, willingness to visit and willingness to pay for a hotel room with the view), affect and perceived restorativeness ratings for these photographs. As predicted, both natural and built scenes containing water were associated with higher preferences, greater positive affect and higher perceived restorativeness than those without water. Effect sizes were consistently large. Intriguingly, images of “built” environments containing water were generally rated just as positively as natural “green” space. We propose a number of avenues for further research including exploration of the mechanisms underlying these effects.  相似文献   

Research on perception of parks and recreation settings has examined several important tree attributes that influence people's visual preferences. This research, however, has usually not considered the spatial arrangement of the trees, partly because of the lack of adequate methods for representing tree arrangements with systematically manipulated geometries. In the study reported here, computer video-imaging techniques were used to construct simulated landscape scenes that varied on specific dimensions of the spatial configuration of trees. The simulations were rated for visual preference by three respondent groups: a university class, a bicycle club, and a women's civic group. Preference ratings were significantly influenced by the number of trees in the scene, by the number of clumps into which trees were grouped, and by the diameter of the clumps. The video-imaging technology implemented in this study offers important methodological advantages for the design of carefully controlled experiments to study human response to variation in landscape treatments.  相似文献   

Five studies utilizing survey, experimental, and diary methods assessed the effects of being outdoors on subjective vitality. In Study 1, we used a vignette method to examine whether being outdoors was associated with vitality, above and beyond the influences of physical activity and social interactions. Study 2 explored the effects of being outdoors on vitality through an experimental design contrasting indoor and outdoor walks. In Study 3, participants were exposed to photographic scenes of either nature or buildings. Results showed that only the nature scenes enhanced subjective vitality. Studies 4 and 5 used a diary methodology to examine within-person variations in subjective energy as a function of being outdoors, again controlling for physical and social activity. Being outdoors was associated with greater vitality, a relation that was mediated by the presence of natural elements. Limitations of these studies are discussed, as well as their implications for research on energy and vitalization.  相似文献   

自然中心主义环境伦理思想作为目前最为热门的学科之一,自然同其它学科一样,有它产生的思想根源、现实缘由和直接的动因。工业社会的精神失落和蓬勃兴起的绿色运动是其思想诱因与直接动因,而它形成的现实缘由则主要是全球面临的生态困境以及对人与自然关系的重新认识。  相似文献   

Evolutionary psychology has been proposed as an analytic framework for the behavioral effects of landscapes displayed in advertising. In this study, an evolutionary and environmental psychology approach is used to analyze affective reactions to advertising depicting specific natural environments or urban scenes, both prominent ingredients of contemporary advertising imagery. The experimental field study exposed 750 participants at random to one advert of a set of 13 experimental green energy advertisements, each displaying a different biome. Six basic emotional responses (pleasure, arousal, happiness, freedom, safety, and interest) as well as attitude toward the ad and brand attitude were assessed subsequently. Anova and structural equation analysis were used for data analysis. Results of the study confirm the leading opinion on generalized more positive behavioral effects toward visual stimuli representing nature scenes with biospheric contents as opposed to pictures of urban environments or desert settings. In line with earlier empirical research, further findings do not support the hypothesis on an innate preference for savanna landscapes in adults but confirm preferences for images of lush green landscapes with water and familiar biomes. Overall results give significant support to the application of environmental and evolutionary psychology to advertising.  相似文献   

The provision of green space is increasingly being perceived as an important factor for quality of life. However, green spaces often face high developmental pressure. The main objective of this study is to investigate a prospective approach to green space planning by combining three-dimensional (3D) visualization of green space scenarios and survey techniques to facilitate improved participation of the public. Aside from the ‘Status quo’, scenarios ‘Agriculture’, ‘Recreation’, ‘Nature conservation’ and ‘Wind turbines’ are visualized in three dimensions. In order to test responses, a survey was conducted both in print format and on the Internet. Overall, 49 different visualizations that belong to one of the scenarios were available in the survey and were rated according to the perceived esthetic, recreational and ecological values.The highest rated scenes include vegetation elements such as meadows with orchards, single trees, shrubs or forest. The least attractive scenes are those where buildings are highly dominant or where there are no vegetation elements.Based on the ratings for the individual images and on the corresponding scenarios, our study shows that there is high potential for improving the existing landscape. All suggested changes are either rated about equal to or considerably higher than the status quo, with the scenario ‘Nature conservation’ receiving the highest scores.  相似文献   

National parks have mandates both to preserve and protect natural settings and to assist visitors in viewing and interacting with those settings. Considerable scholarship has examined the trade-offs between preservation and recreation goals, such as protection of a natural setting when some visitors want to experience it from noisy aircraft or ground vehicles. The current project expands on previous noise research that showed the presence of aircraft noise to be detrimental to aesthetic and affective environmental assessments. Participants rated 25 scenes under quiet conditions or while hearing 45 dB(A) or 60 dB(A) of either natural sounds (bird calls, breeze through foliage), natural sounds with aircraft sounds, natural sounds with ground traffic sounds, or natural sounds with human voices. Results indicated that the presence of any anthropogenic noise–air traffic, ground traffic, or voices–negatively impacted environmental assessments, and more so at louder levels, while the natural soundscape had little to no effect on assessments. Additionally, the presence of air traffic, ground traffic, and human voices significantly decreased participant ratings of serenity while also increasing ratings of hostility. These effects were strongest for scenes that were high in scenic beauty. Results are discussed in the context of sound quality management in national parks and other settings.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the effect of the physical environment of the waiting room on perceptions of the quality of care of the physician. One hundred forty-seven college students and 58 senior citizens viewed 35 slides of physicians' waiting rooms. Using a visual analog scale, participants rated the perceived quality of care and the environment of each waiting room. The primary hypothesis was that perceived quality of care would be greater for waiting rooms that were nicely furnished, well-lighted, contained artwork, and were warm in appearance versus waiting rooms that had outdated furnishings, were dark, contained no artwork or poor quality reproductions, and were cold in appearance. Factor analyses of the care and environment ratings produced factors consistent with the hypothesis. Additionally, waiting rooms judged to be those of female physicians were rated higher on both perceived quality of care and comfort in the environment.  相似文献   

A total of 25 scenes representing the five visual quality objectives in the US Department of Agriculture Forest Service visual management system were presented to 18 professional and public interest groups in western Montana. The results indicate that nearly all the groups have similar rank orderings of the scenes in terms of visual preference. However, the groups differ according to the absolute values of their ratings. Most groups were unable, in a statistical sense, to differentiate the scenic quality of areas in the preservation and retention visual quality objectives. Landscape architects tended to rate scenes in a way similar to professional forest management groups.  相似文献   

/ Whereas habitat conservation plans (HCPs) have been intended to provide comprehensive environmental mitigation for multiple species, they often narrow in focus to one species and either one mitigation site or unspecified sites. We developed an indicators framework from which to rate land units for their ecological integrity, collateral values (nonbiological qualities that can improve conservation), and restoration and conservation opportunities. The ratings of land units were guided by the tenets of conservation biology and principles of landscape and ecosystem ecology, and they were made using existing physical and floral information managed on a GIS. As an example of how the indicators approach can be used for HCPs, the 29 legally rare species targeted by the Yolo County HCP were each associated with vegetation complexes and agricultural crops, the maps of which were used for rating some of the landscape indices. The ratings were mapped so that mitigation can be directed to the places on the landscape where the legally rare species should benefit most from conservation practices. The most highly rated land units for conservation opportunity occurred along streams and sloughs, especially where they emerged from the foothills and entered the Central Valley and where the two largest creeks intersected the Sacramento River flood basin. We recommend that priority be given to mitigation or conservation at the most highly rated land units. The indices were easy to measure and can be used with other tools to monitor the mitigation success. The indicators framework can be applied to other large-area planning efforts with some modifications.KEY WORDS: Ecosystem; Indicators; Landscape; Mitigation; Planning; Yolo County; California  相似文献   

According to recent research findings photographs can be considered valid substitutes for real landscapes in studies on the correlation between observer reactions to a scene and photographs of that scene. These findings are partially supported in the present study. It was found that for some scenes and for some characteristics photographs can form a good substitute for reality: for instance, rather small-scale landscapes can be judged accurately on the characteristics ‘intensity of human use’ and ‘historical character’. For other scenes, such as large-scale landscapes with micro-relief, however, photographs formed a bad substitute.  相似文献   

刁剑  叶宏  龙炳清  邓国海 《四川环境》2010,29(5):139-142
归纳和演绎是两种不同的推理和认识现实的科学方法。一般地讲,演绎是由一般到特殊的推理,归纳是由特殊到一般的推理,在认识过程中二者是相互联系、相互补充的,是个别与一般的矛盾统一。本文论述了归纳演绎法的定义,在环境工艺中的应用成果及其所依据的哲学原理。  相似文献   

This article examines preferences of residents for nearby brownfield sites and the factors affecting preferences. 200 residents in neighborhoods along the railyard in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, participated in a survey of their preferences for different brownfield scenes. Results indicate that scenes with historical landmarks and maintained landscapes received the highest ratings, regardless of preconceptions and health concerns. These are viewed less critically and thus could mask possible harms. In contrast, scenes with scruffy vegetation and rundown buildings revealed mixed preferences. For these types, participant preferences for change versus preservation fluctuated. Lastly, scenes with industrial remnants were preferred the least. Participants tended to associate these types with toxic pollutants that may adversely affect health. This suggests that planners need to convince people that these sites can be reused if they are cleaned up. The results are used to develop more effective engagement strategies for increasing support for brownfield redevelopment projects.  相似文献   

Research has found that human-caused noise can detract from the quality of the visitor experience in national parks and related areas. Moreover, impacts to the visitor experience can be managed by formulating indicators and standards of quality as suggested in park and outdoor recreation management frameworks, such as Visitor Experience and Resource Protection (VERP), as developed by the U.S. National Park Service. The research reported in this article supports the formulation of indicators and standards of quality for human-caused noise at Muir Woods National Monument, California. Phase I identified potential indicators of quality for the soundscape of Muir Woods. A visitor “listening exercise” was conducted, where respondents identified natural and human-caused sounds heard in the park and rated the degree to which each sound was “pleasing” or “annoying.” Certain visitor-caused sounds such as groups talking were heard by most respondents and were rated as annoying, suggesting that these sounds may be a good indicator of quality. Loud groups were heard by few people but were rated as highly annoying, whereas wind and water were heard by most visitors and were rated as highly pleasing. Phase II measured standards of quality for visitor-caused noise. Visitors were presented with a series of 30-second audio clips representing increasing amounts of visitor-caused sound in the park. Respondents were asked to rate the acceptability of each audio clip on a survey. Findings suggest a threshold at which visitor-caused sound is judged to be unacceptable, and is therefore considered as noise. A parallel program of sound monitoring in the park found that current levels of visitor-caused sound sometimes violate this threshold. Study findings provide an empirical basis to help formulate noise-related indicators and standards of quality in parks and related areas.  相似文献   

One hundred and five parents and nonparents responded to a questionnaire consisting of evaluative ratings (general evaluation, social status and safety concern) of six familiar residential neighborhoods; ratings of the traffic accident risk children in the age ranges 2–4, 5–6, 7–9 and 10–12 years run in these neighborhoods; and, finally, ratings of the strengths attributed to factors as causes of traffic accidents (environment, children, parents, drivers and chance). Across neighborhoods and age ranges of children, risk perceptions were found to be related to the rated strengths of the causes. Low-traffic volume neighborhoods were perceived as less risky and were attributed as less strong causes than high-traffic volume neighborhoods were. Perceived risk increased with age of child to a maximum, then decreased. The same relationship with age was found for the attributed causes environment and drivers. The strength of parents as cause was rated to decrease while the strength of child as cause was rated to increase with age. Chance was rated as the weakest cause and the rated strength did not vary across neighborhoods or age. Neither parentship nor gender, singly or in combination, had any clear effects. For parents and nonparents alike the general evaluation of the neighborhoods was influenced by safety concern but not by the particular aspect investigated, i.e. perceived traffic accident risk to children.  相似文献   

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