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某化工污染场地土壤与地下水污染特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以我国南方某典型化工污染场地为研究对象,通过场地调查确定了研究区的主要污染物为六六六、苯、氯苯和二氯丙烷,并进一步分析了污染物在土壤和地下水中的分布特征。污染物在土壤中浓度主要以生产车间为中心向四周逐渐减小,浓度梯度较大;在垂向上已穿透潜水层,浓度峰值出现在潜水层的中下部。污染物在潜水层中的分布呈现出和土壤中相似的特征,并表现出向南迁移的趋势。污染物在承压水层中的浓度峰值点与土壤和潜水重合,受区域地下水流向的控制,呈现明显向北迁移的趋势。由于地表较厚亚黏土的存在,增强了承压水的防污性能,污染物主要被截留于亚黏土中。  相似文献   

本文根据土壤的净化机制,分别对主要污染物在土壤中的转化过程进行了分析,以了解不同条件下土壤对污染物的净化效果及对地下水的影响。探讨了土壤的净化功能在污水处理中的作用,力求进一步解决我国城市污水土地处理与利用问题。  相似文献   

存量污泥是我国目前环境治理的一大难点,其对周边大气、土壤及地下水造成了严重威胁,尤其存量工业污泥危害更为严重。以辛集某制革污泥堆场为例,探索了一套“垂直阻隔+真空预压/浅层固化+原位固化稳定化+水平阻隔”的工程设计方案,经工程验证实施效果良好,可用于存量污泥场地的原位修复。  相似文献   

有机肥结构特征对污染土壤Cd形态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了以污泥和鸡粪为主要来源的两种不同有机肥主要组分和结构特征差异,结合吸附和土壤平衡试验,探讨了各组分对Cd吸附反应特征和土壤Cd形态分布的影响。结果表明:供试污泥有机肥含有较多的羧基,其最大络合量大于鸡厩肥;同时能更有效降低NH4NO3提取态Cd,但因为结合形态相对不稳定,因此导致EDTA提取态Cd有明显增加。而鸡厩有机肥含有更多π键,芳香化和腐熟化程度较高,与Cd吸附更稳定,在降低NH4NO3提取态Cd的同时也能降低EDTA提取态Cd。研究表明有机肥腐殖化、芳香化程度是影响其对重金属污染土壤修复与改良效果的主要因素。  相似文献   

文章通过对尕布沟上下游拟选坝址区场地和地基稳定性,不良物理地质现象及渗漏问题等方面工程地质条件的初步比较分析,推荐出工程地质条件良好的上游坝址区方案,作为实际工作的借鉴。  相似文献   

由北京市四方市政技术开发公司开发、北京市环境保护局推荐的WJZ-H型生活污水处理及中水回用技术适用于住宅区、宾馆、酒店、办公楼、疗养院、学校、工厂及旅游景点等建筑的生活污水处理。主要技术内容一、基本原理本装置为水解、好氧与过滤的组合工艺。生活污水经粗、细两道格栅栏截漂浮物后进入提升井,提升后引入好氧污泥稳定池进行水解酸化,经污泥吸附、生物絮凝和生物降解等反应过程,去除大部分的SS,进一步提高污水的可生化性。成熟的污泥结构密实、性质稳定,含水率较低,可定期清掏并直接用作农肥。经水解酸化后的污水进入接…  相似文献   

含油污泥热解残渣吸附性能初探*   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
含油污泥热解残渣的处理和应用是石油石化企业生产领域急需解决的难题。以含油污泥热解残渣为研究对象,在对其进行无害化处理的基础上,对热解残渣的吸附性能进行了探讨。通过能谱分析可知,热解残渣由碳和无机元素组成,碳元素含量达36.92%;通过SEM电镜扫描、比表面积和孔结构等吸附性质表征研究,含油污泥热解残渣吸附性能优良,对含油污水中的石油类和COD有较好的去除作用。研究结果表明:含油污泥热解残渣可作为一种吸附材料,这项研究为含油污泥热解残渣的资源化利用提供了一条途径。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展,环境污染损害问题日益突出。环境污染直接危害着水体、空气、土壤、生物等环境要素,不仅破坏了生态平衡,造成其服务功能下降,而且以环境为媒介威胁着人们的健康和生命安全。目前发现的受污染场地类型多样,既有仅含某种重金属污染物或某种持久性有机污染物等性质较为单一的污染场地,也有多种污染物并存的复合型污染场地。  相似文献   

文章以湖南某典型工矿冶炼重金属污染场地为例,在明确项目管控目标、管控范围的基础上,构建了集"场地修整+原地阻隔+生态恢复+污水处理+截排水处理+监测系统"为一体的重金属污染场地风险管控体系,采用逐一比对的效果评估方法,对修复后的清洁客土、下游污染区域土壤、场地周边土壤、场地污水处理出水、下游地表水采集样品进行检测分析,以评估项目重金属污染风险管控方案的修复效果,结论显示项目修复管控效果满足相关要求、达到治理修复目标,可为我国典型冶炼场地重金属污染风险管控及效果评估提供参考依据。  相似文献   

以某天然气净化厂为例,探讨地下水环境影响评价工作中的主要技术问题。以实例说明地下水环境影响评价工作等级划分、评价范围确定,项目的地下水环境现状调查。通过渗水试验和抽水试验,计算相关水文地质参数以了解场地包气带和含水层的防污性能。分析了地下水污染源项,通过计算确定事故工况下污染源源强,采用数值法预测模型,对水文地质参数进行分区,并对净化厂检修污水池、生化污水处理装置曝气调节池和事故污水池的泄漏情景进行预测。结果表明:该净化厂各装置单元在预测时限内,除污染源附近小范围外,各污染因子浓度均可满足相应的GB/T 14848—93《地下水质量标准》要求。根据项目所在区域的水文地质条件、环境保护目标敏感程度及评价结果,对厂址区、主体装置区、污水处理区等重点区域按GB/T 50934—2013《石油化工工程防渗技术规范》有关要求采取相应防渗措施。  相似文献   

利用城市污水厂剩余污泥制备生物炭吸附镉   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用城市污水厂剩余污泥制备生物炭并用于吸附重金属离子Cd2+,有利于城市污水厂污泥的处置,为污水中重金属的处理与处置和“碳减排”提供新的思路与方法。研究结果表明不同污水厂的污泥的最佳活化温度不同,昆明第一污水处理厂污泥最佳活化温度为300℃,第三、第五污水处理厂污泥为400℃;对于污水厂污泥制备的生物炭对镉的吸附量随着pH值的升高而增加;吸附模型拟和结果表明Freundllch模型在大部分温度下均具有比Iangrmuir模型有更好的相关性。  相似文献   

针对我国现阶段污泥处理过程中管理机制不足的问题,通过对城市污水处理厂污泥管理现状的分析,揭示了污泥处理处置过程中暴露出的管理方式弊病;以广东省东莞市污水处理厂污泥管理实践为例,提出污泥处理项目投融资机制和污泥处理成本分担支付机制,可有效实现城市污水处理厂污泥集中处理处置过程的环境效益最大化。  相似文献   

Morphological changes in flocs were elucidated by small-angle light scattering, free settling tests and microscopic observation to determine the effects of pre-hydrolysis (alkaline treatment and ultrasonication) on two sludges--primary raw sludge from the Malabar Sewage Treatment Plant, Sydney (sludge M) and biological sludge collected at the nitrogen removal unit of St Marys Sewage Treatment Plant in Sydney (sludge S). Ultrasonication or alkaline treatment released a marked amount of insoluble organic matter in a soluble form. The latter treatment was more efficient than the former. Meanwhile, the pre-hydrolyzed flocs had more compact structures than the original ones, as shown by their higher free-settling fractal dimension, lower areal porosity and smaller internal pores. In particular, alkaline treatment yielded flocs with more compact interiors than did ultrasonication. Such detailed structural information could not be elicited by monitoring the change in floc size. The greater resistance to mass transfer of the hydrolyzed flocs thus produced does not reduce the efficiency of subsequent digestion, indicating that the surface reaction rate on the solid surface might have dominated since the pre-hydrolysis steps modified the local chemical environment to promote digestion.  相似文献   

污泥农用对土壤环境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地利用是解决城市污泥处理处置的有效途径之一,本文从土壤理化性质、重金属污染风险以及有机污染风险3方面综述城市污泥农用对土壤环境的影响。城市污泥利用为植物提供营养元素,改良土壤结构,提高土壤肥力。污泥施用年限的长短与土壤中重金属的含量高低关系不明显,导致土壤重金属含量增加的主要因素是污泥施用量和污泥中重金属含量。在正常...  相似文献   

丽江市污水处理厂扩建工程处理规模为1万m3/d,采用了改良型ICEAS工艺。该污水处理系统的启动调试内容,包括调试前的准备工作以及活性污泥的培养与驯化。活性污泥培养驯化历时50 d左右,活性污泥絮体基本形成,生物相基本稳定,处理效果显著,出水各项指标达标。在进水BOD低营养源不足的不利条件下,成功完成了该污水处理厂的启动调试和活性污泥培养驯化,对指导污水厂的调试运行有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

Municipal sewage sludge is often used on arable soils as a source of nitrogen and phosphorus, but it also contains organic contaminants that may be leached to the ground water. Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) is a priority pollutant that is present in sewage sludge in ubiquitous amounts. Column experiments were performed on undisturbed soil cores (20-cm depth x 20-cm diameter) with three different soil types: a sand, a loamy sand, and a sandy loam soil. Dewatered sewage sludge was spiked with 14C-labeled DEHP (60 mg kg(-1)) and bromide (5 g kg(-1)). Sludge was applied to the soil columns either as five aggregates, or homogeneously mixed with the surface layer. Also, two leaching experiments were performed with repacked soil columns (loamy sand and sandy loam soil). The DEHP concentrations in the effluent did not exceed 1.0 microg L(-1), and after 200 mm of outflow less than 0.5% of the applied amount was recovered in the leachate in all soils but the sandy loam soil with homogeneous sludge application (up to 3.4% of the applied amount recovered). In the absence of macropore flow, DEHP in the leachate was primarily sorbed to mobilized dissolved organic macromolecules (DOM, 30.3 to 81.3%), while 2.4 to 23.6% was sorbed to mobilized mineral particles. When macropore flow occurred, this changed to 16.5 to 37.4% (DOM) and 36.9 to 40.6% (mineral particles), respectively. The critical combination for leaching of considerable amounts of DEHP was homogeneous sludge application and a continuous macropore structure.  相似文献   

对常规活性污泥法和一体化氧化沟工艺在中原油田基地污水厂的应用效果进行了对比分析。月度抽查对比监测发现,两种生物处理法对有机物均有较好的去除效果。一体化氧化沟工艺是一种新型的生活污水处理技术,它对SS、NH3-N的去除效果优于常规法。连续三天的日均值监测结果表明,新工艺对各种污染物的去除效果达到91%以上。这种工艺集通氧、沉淀、废渣分离和回收为一体,占地面积小,操作简单,在中原油田污水站取得了较好的应用效果。  相似文献   

杜敬  何红军  陶涛 《四川环境》2011,30(3):13-15
武汉市二郎庙污水处理厂设计规模24×10^4m^3/d,采用改良A/A/O处理工艺。主要介绍了污泥培养驯化方案的制定,过程和经验,可为类似城市污水处理厂的调试和试运行提供借鉴。  相似文献   

A model is described that may help to resolve uncertainty and controversy over the long-term consequences of sludge applications to arable land, especially with regard to the effects of sludge adsorption characteristics on trace metal solubility and bioavailability (e.g., the sludge "time bomb" or sludge "protection" hypotheses). Mass balances of organic and inorganic material derived from sludge and crop residues are simulated. Each pool has a potentially different adsorption affinity for trace metals, and this leads to changes in the adsorption capacity of sludge-amended soil that influence leaching and crop uptake. Model simulations were compared with measured changes in organic carbon and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)-extractable cadmium contents in a clay loam soil following 41 years of sludge applications. The model adequately reproduced the data, although discrepancies in the vertical distribution of Cd were attributed to the effects of macropore transport and root-uptake driven recirculation. A Monte Carlo sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the most important parameters affecting leaching and crop uptake were the Cd loading and parameters controlling adsorption, especially the partition coefficient for sludge-derived inorganic material and the exponent regulating the effect of pH on sorption. Scenario simulations show that no general conclusions can be drawn with respect to the validity of the sludge "time bomb" and sludge "protection" hypotheses. Either may occur, or neither, depending on three key system parameters: the ratio of sludge adsorption capacity to the initial adsorption capacity of the soil, the proportion of the sludge adsorption capacity contributed by the inorganic fraction, and the sludge Cd loading.  相似文献   

The rise in aluminium demand in the world has significantly increased the generation of bauxite residue which occupies huge areas of land worldwide. Direct revegetation of residue storage areas has been unsuccessful because of the high alkalinity and salinity, and poor nutrient contents of the fine residue (red mud). This paper describes glasshouse and field experiments evaluating the potential use of sewage sludge as an organic ameliorant for gypsum amended red mud. The growth of Agropyron elongatum in red mud receiving gypsum (0 and 38.5 t ha−1) and sewage sludge (0, 38.5 and 77 t ha−1) amendment was assessed in a glasshouse study. Leachate and soil analyses revealed that gypsum was effective in reducing the pH, EC and ESP of red mud, while sewage sludge gave additional reductions in EC, Na and ESP. No evidence of any significant increases in heavy metal contents were observed in the leachates following sewage sludge amendment. However, soil Al contents were more available in red mud receiving only sewage sludge treatment. Sewage sludge amendment significantly increased dry weight yield and provided sufficient nutrients for plant growth except K which was marginal. No heavy metal accumulation was observed in Agropyron. Following that, a field experiment was performed having red mud amended with sewage sludge (38.5, 77 and 154 t ha−1) and gypsum (38.5 and 77 t ha−1) to evaluate their effects on soil physical properties of red mud. Sewage sludge significantly reduced soil bulk density (25%) and particle density (9%) and increased the total porosity of red mud (8%). Hydraulic conductivity also increased from 1.5 to 23 × 10−5 m s−1. Plant cover percentage and dry weight yield of Agropyron increased with an increase in gypsum and sewage sludge amendment. The results confirm that sewage sludge is effective in improving both soil structure and nutrient status of gypsum amended red mud. The use of sewage sludge for red mud revegetation provides not just an option for sludge disposal, but also a cost effective revegetation strategy for bauxite refining industry.  相似文献   

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