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The aim of this study was to determine the elemental composition, phenolic content and composition and antioxidant properties of Imleria badia (Fr.) Vizzini (former names Boletus badius (Fr.) Fr., and Xerocomus badius (Fr.) E.-J. Gilbert) fruiting bodies collected from sites with different levels of pollution. Imleria badia was relatively tolerant to soil contamination with toxic elements and was able to grow in As, Cd, Hg and Pb concentrations exceeding 15, 2.9, 0.4 and 77 mg kg?1, respectively. The concentration of elements in soil was reflected in the element content in I. badia. The fruiting bodies from polluted sites exhibited significantly higher content of all the analyzed elements. Among 21 individual phenolic compounds only protocatechiuc and caffeic acids, and quercetin were determined in fruiting bodies of I. badia. The differences between the concentration of the quantified phenolic compounds and the total flavonoid content in fruiting bodies of I. badia from unpolluted and polluted sites were not significant. However, the greatest total phenolic content was found in fruiting bodies from the polluted areas. The antioxidative capacity of mushrooms collected from heavily polluted sites was lower than those growing in unpolluted areas. The concentrations of some metals in soil and fruiting soil were positively correlated with phenolic content and IC50.  相似文献   

The content of arsenic (As) in mushrooms can vary depending on the concentration level of this metalloid in the soil/substrate. The present study evaluated the content of arsenic in Boletus badius fruiting bodies collected from polluted and non-polluted sites in relation to the content of this element in overgrown substrate. It was found that mushrooms from the arsenic-polluted sites contained mean concentrations from 49 to 450 mg As kg?1 dry matter (d.m.), with the greatest content found for specimens growing in close proximity of sludge deposits (490±20 mg As kg?1d.m.). The mean content of total arsenic in mushrooms from clean sites ranged from 0.03 to 0.37 mg kg?1 It was found that B. badius could tolerate arsenic in soil substrate at concentrations of up to 2500 mg kg?1, at least. In different years of investigation, shifts in particular arsenic forms, as well as a general increase in the accumulation of organic arsenic content, were observed. The results of this study clearly indicate that B. badius should not be collected for culinary purposes from any sites that may be affected by pollution.  相似文献   

A study about topsoil antimony distribution and mobility from the soils to the biomass has been afforded in three abandoned Sb mining areas located at Extremadura. Physico-chemical characteristics of the soils and total antimony levels were measured in soils and autochthonous plant species (Cytisus striatus, Cistus ladanifer and Dittrichia viscosa). Comparison with corresponding values in reference areas isolated from the mining activities is discussed. Antimony mobility in the soils was estimated by measuring the water extractable fraction; low results were obtained for the three soil areas, with no statistical differences. Plant ability to accumulate antimony was estimated by use of plant accumulation coefficients (PAC). Seasonal (spring vs. autumn) effects on the antimony content in the plant species. Cytisus striatus from Mari Rosa mine presented antimony excluder characteristics, whereas Dittrichia viscosa specimens growing in San Antonio mine showed a significant antimony bioaccumulation.  相似文献   

Blue crabs from a contaminated estuary (Hackensack Meadowlands-HM) and a cleaner reference site (Tuckerton-TK) were analyzed for Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, and Zn in muscle and hepatopancreas. Crabs from each site were taken into the laboratory and fed food from the other site, or in another experiment, transplanted to the other site for eight weeks. All crabs were analyzed for metals. Overall, tissue concentrations reflected environmental conditions. Tissue differences were found for Cu, Pb and Zn (all higher in hepatopancreas), and Hg (higher in muscle). HM muscle had more Hg than TK muscle, but did not decrease after transplanting or consuming clean food. HM crabs lost Cu, Pb and Zn in hepatopancreas after being fed clean food or transplanted. TK crabs increased Hg in muscle and Cr and Zn in hepatopancreas after transplantation or being fed contaminated (HM) food. Concentrations were variable, suggesting that blue crabs may not be fully reliable bioindicators of polluted systems.  相似文献   

Forest/tilled soils and stream sediments from the highly polluted mining and smelting district of Príbram, Czech Republic, were subjected to single extraction procedures in order to determine the available contents of Sb and As. The results obtained from five widely-used 2-h single extraction tests were compared: deionised water, 0.01M CaCl(2), 1M NH(4)NO(3), 0.005M diethylentriaminpentaacetic acid (DTPA) and 0.1M Na(2)HPO(4). The ICP-MS determinations of Sb and As in the extracts were coupled with measurements of pH and Eh and geochemical modelling (PHREEQC-2) to determine their speciation in extracts and possible solubility-controlling phases. According to the speciation calculations, Sb in extracts was present mainly as Sb(V) with the exception of the DTPA extracts from highly organic and acidic forest soils, where Sb(III) species accounted for up to 34% of total Sb speciation. The highest extractabilities were observed for the 0.1M Na(2)HPO(4) solution (up to 9% of the total Sb and up to 34% of the total As concentration). The other extracting media yielded statistically the same results (p<0.05) with Sb extractabilities below 2% and As extractabilities below 8%. Thus, simple deionised water and 0.1M Na(2)HPO(4) extractions are preferred for quick estimates of easily-exchangeable and specifically-sorbed Sb, respectively.  相似文献   

Lakes polluted by pulp mill and urban wastes including chlorobleaching of pulp, semipolluted lakes and reference lakes in nearly natural condition in Central Finland were studied for contents of mercury, methyl mercury and organochlorine compounds in sediment, plankton, roach and pike. Chlorobleaching had caused a 30-fold concentration of Hg in bottom sediment related to that of the purest reference lake. This was not reflected to the mercury levels in fish which were highest at one natural condition (humic) lake and rather high also at semipolluted lake Päijänne. Mercury in fish was shown to be mostly methylated but not completely and its time trends could be estimated. Chloroform showed no but carbon tetrachloride, tetrachloroethylene and chlorinated cymenes significant bioaccumulation in fish. Levels of chlorophenols from bleaching had strongly decreased but pentachlorophenol and 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorphenol levels remained related to earlier results. Using fat basis attenuated the power of estimation of food chain enrichment by a three throphic level model for lipohilic biocides and a strong proof was obtained of the enrichment of hexachlorobenzene. The time trends at Päijänne were decreasing for mercury and DDE but increasing for PCB.  相似文献   

底泥修复对城市污染河道水体污染修复的影响研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
为开发城市黑臭河道的有效治理方法,利用人工模拟河道就河道底泥对上覆水体的二次污染、底泥污染生物修复对其氮磷营养盐释放及河道水体污染生物修复的影响进行了研究,并对实验结果进行了工程现场应证。研究结果表明:河道污染底泥生物修复状况对上覆水体水质产生大的影响,在底泥不加修复时,底泥污染物释放使水体COD、TP、NH3-N浓度分别达到30~35 mg/L、0.4~0.5 mg/L和3.0 mg/L,底泥修复后分别为15~20 mg/L、0.1 mg/L和2.5 mg/L;底泥G值(y)与底泥氮、磷污染物释放量(x)呈负相关关系,关系式分别为:y=0.5124x-0.1394(R2=0.9222),y=0.17772x-0.4781(R2=0.8701);结合底泥的生物修复,采用曝气增氧投加生物制剂措施对水体进行生物修复时COD、NH3-N和PO3-4的去除率分别提高13.6%、25.0%和15.7%;对古廖涌的现场治理工程表明,在未对河道底泥进行生物修复的情况下,经过氧化塘预处理河道水体增氧-水体原位强化生物修复等措施的治理,河道中、下游水体又逐渐恢复黑臭,在对河道底泥进行修复后,河道污染水体水质得到显著的改善和提高。  相似文献   

植物修复--大面积低剂量放射性污染的新治理技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
放射性污染是当今难以治理的环境污染问题,对于大面积低剂量的放射性污染,植物修复是种较适用的新型治理技术.系统阐述了植物修复技术的概念与内容,对放射性污染植物修复技术研究现状与进展、植物修复的优缺点进行了重点评述,并对这技术在未来放射性污染治理中的应用与研究提出了建议.  相似文献   

Accumulation of total and methyl-Hg by mushrooms and earthworms was studied in thirty-four natural forest soils strongly varying in soil physico-chemical characteristics. Tissue Hg concentrations of both receptors did hardly correlate with Hg concentrations in soil. Both total and methyl-Hg concentrations in tissues were species-specific and dependent on the ecological groups of receptor. Methyl-Hg was low accounting for less than 5 and 8% of total Hg in tissues of mushrooms and earthworms, respectively, but with four times higher concentrations in earthworms than mushrooms. Total Hg concentrations in mushrooms averaged 0.96 mg Hg kg−1 dw whereas litter decomposing mushrooms showed highest total Hg and methyl-Hg concentrations. Earthworms contained similar Hg concentrations (1.04 mg Hg kg−1 dw) whereas endogeic earthworms accumulated highest amounts of Hg and methyl-Hg.  相似文献   

岩溶地下水是西南岩溶地区重要的生活和生产用水来源,由于其赋存地质环境复杂,受到污染后极难治理。以某含油废水溢流区为研究对象,通过调查污染区域的地质结构、溶洞通道及断层情况,评估污染物的来源、分布范围及主要迁移通道,构建基于地下水自净能力的地下水污染风险评价模型。结果表明:研究区石油烃 (C10~C40) 、氰化物和甲苯污染严重,三者检出率分别为98.7%,75.3%和59.7%,包气带内仍存在大量的石油类污染物,其质量为14.07 t;岩溶断层区地下水系统存在2条岩溶通道,且石油类污染物主要通过第一条通道迁移;地下水中石油类污染物的自然衰减过程符合指数型衰减特征;人工冲洗情景下,污染物和示踪剂浓度下降速度加快,地下水自净能力显著提高;岩溶断层区地下水污染风险指数与泉流量之间呈现负相关关系。该研究成果可为岩溶断层区含油废水溢流地下水污染的自然衰减式治理和风险防控提供参考。  相似文献   

Yi AX  Leung KM  Lam MH  Lee JS  Giesy JP 《Chemosphere》2012,89(9):1015-1025
The state of scientific knowledge regarding analytical methods, environmental fate, ecotoxicity and ecological risk of triphenyltin (TPT) compounds in marine ecosystems as well as their exposure and health hazard to humans was reviewed. Since the 1960s, TPT compounds have been commonly applied as biocides for diverse industrial and agricultural purposes. For instance, they are used as active ingredients in antifouling systems on marine vessels and mariculture facilities, and as fungicides in agriculture. Due to their intensive use, contamination of coastal waters by TPT and its products of transformation has become a worldwide problem. The proportion of quantified TPT to total phenyltin compounds in the marine environment provides evidence that TPT is photodegradable in water and sediment but resistant to biotransformation. Concentrations of TPT in marine biota are consistently greater than concentrations in water and sediment, which implies potential of TPT to bioaccumulate. TPT is toxic to both marine plants and animals. The predicted no effect concentration (PNEC) for TPT, as determined by use of the species sensitivity distribution approach, is 0.64 ng L−1. In some parts of the world, concentrations of TPT in seawater exceed the PNEC, indicating that TPT can pose risks to marine life. Although there is negligible risk of TPT to average human consumers, TPT has been detected in blood of Finnish people and the concentration was greater in fishermen who ate more seafood. It is, therefore, advocated to initiate regular monitoring of TPT in blood and breast milk of populations that consume greater amounts of seafood.  相似文献   

The periwinkle Littoraria scabra was collected at polluted and pristine mangrove sites along the Tanzanian coastline, including Msimbazi, Mbweni (i.e. Dar es Salaam) and Kisakasaka, Nyamanzi and Maruhubi (i.e. Zanzibar). Periwinkles were morphologically characterized, sexed and their heavy metal content was determined using ICP-MS. Analysis revealed that L. scabra from polluted areas contained higher soft tissue heavy metal levels, were significantly smaller and weighed less compared to their conspecifics from the unpolluted mangroves. The current morphological observations may be explained in terms of growth and/or mortality rate differences between the polluted and non-polluted sites. Although a variety of stressors may account for these adverse morphological patterns, our data suggest a close relationship with the soft tissue heavy metal content. Compared to soft tissue heavy metal levels that were measured in L. scabra along the same area in 1998, most metals, except for arsenic, chromium and iron have decreased dramatically.  相似文献   

Cheng CY  Liu LL  Ding WH 《Chemosphere》2006,65(11):2152-2159
The occurrence and distribution of alkylphenols (APs, i.e., 4-tert-octylphenol (4-t-OP) and 4-nonlyphenol isomers (4-NP)) in oysters (Crassostrea gigas), snails (Thais clavigera), coastal water and coastal sediments of the western coast of southern Taiwan are investigated. Alkylphenols were present in all matrices of interest: in water, ranging from 61 to 370 ng/l, in sediments, ranging from 27 to 190 ng/g, and in biota samples (i.e., oyster and snail), ranging from 20 to 5190 ng/g. Statistical analysis indicated that the probability distribution of most determined concentrations in oyster and snail samples was log-normal distribution. The bioaccumulation of APs resulted in a seasonal variation with respect to their compositions and concentrations in oyster and snail samples. For oysters, concentrations of APs in winter exceeded those in summer. In contrast, those in snails in summer exceeded those in winter. Estimated biomagnification factors of APs from snails to oysters ranged from 1.4 to 4.3 in summer, and 0.5 to 0.8 in winter on the dry weight basis. The results suggested that seasonally mediated physiological changes, such as dilution caused by growth, biotransformation and metabolism, may affect the bioaccumulation of APs in according to season and organism.  相似文献   

This research was conducted in the middle Duratón River (Central Spain), in the vicinity of Burgomillodo Reservoir. An industrial effluent enters the river 300 m downstream from the dam. Fluoride and turbidity levels significantly increased downstream from the effluent, these levels being to some extent affected by differential water releases from the dam. The community of submersed macrophytes exhibited slighter responses and, accordingly, lower discriminatory power than the community of benthic macroinvertebrates, this indicating that metrics and indices based on macroinvertebrates may be more suitable for the biological monitoring of water pollution and habitat degradation in dammed rivers receiving industrial effluents. However, in relation to fluoride bioaccumulation at the organism level, macrophytes (Fontinalis antipyretica and Potamogeton pectinatus) were as suitable bioindicators of fluoride pollution as macroinvertebrates (Ancylus fluviatilis and Pacifastacus leniusculus). Fluoride bioaccumulation in both hard and soft tissues of these aquatic organisms could be used as suitable bioindicator of fluoride pollution (even lower than 1 mg F L−1) in freshwater ecosystems. Echinogammarus calvus exhibited a great sensitivity to the toxicity of fluoride ions, with a 96 h LC50 of 7.5 mg F L−1 and an estimated safe concentration of 0.56 mg F L−1. The great capacity of E. calvus to take up and retain fluoride during exposures to fluoride ions would be a major cause of its great sensitivity to fluoride toxicity. It is concluded that the observed fluoride pollution might be partly responsible for the absence of this native amphipod downstream from the industrial effluent.  相似文献   

The bioaccumulation of atrazine and its toxicity were evaluated for the cyanobacterium Microcystis novacekii. Cyanobacterial cultures were grown in WC culture medium with atrazine at 50, 250 and 500 μg L?1. After 96 hours of exposure, 27.2% of the atrazine had been removed from the culture supernatant. Spontaneous degradation was found to be insignificant (< 9% at 500 μg L?1), indicating a high efficiency for the bioaccumulation of atrazine by M. novacekii. There were no atrazine metabolites detected in the culture medium at any of the doses studied. The acute toxicity (EC50) of atrazine to the cyanobacterium was 4.2 mg L?1 at 96 hours demonstrating the potential for M. novacekii to tolerate high concentrations of this herbicide in fresh water environments. The ability of M. novacekii to remove atrazine combined with its tolerance of the pesticide toxicity showed in this study makes it a potential biological resource for the restoration of contaminated surface waters. These findings support continued studies of the role of M. novacekii in the bioremediation of fresh water environments polluted by atrazine.  相似文献   

EDTA was percolated in laboratory columns through a soil polluted by heavy metals to investigate the efficiency of and processes involved in soil decontamination by chemical extraction. At high EDTA concentration (10−2 M), elution of Pb and Cd was very efficient for one pore volume, after which it decreased to almost zero due to depletion of available Pb and Cd and to competition with Ca and Fe slowly solubilized during the passage of the EDTA front. Clogging occurred after the end of the EDTA plateau. At lower EDTA concentrations (10−3 and 10−4 M), elution was less efficient, but extraction decreased little with the volume percolated; moreover no Ca above background values was dissolved. The optimum EDTA concentration for heavy metal extraction ranges between 10−2 and 10−3 M. The higher the concentration, the greater the extraction efficiency, but as the EDTA concentration is increased there is an optimum point at which clogging takes place and permeability decreases.  相似文献   

大量未经处理的污水排入水体时 ,会导致地面水体严重污染。受污染水体的水质恢复方法有物理法、化学法和生物法 ,它们能控制水体外源性和内源性污染物的排入量、人工强化水体自身的净化能力 ,以降低水体中污染物的浓度、提高溶解氧浓度 ,恢复水生生物的多样性  相似文献   

A multiple-year inventory of atmospheric antimony (Sb) emissions from coal combustion in China for the period of 1980-2007 has been calculated for the first time. Specifically, the emission inventories of Sb from 30 provinces and 4 economic sectors (thermal power, industry, residential use, and others) are evaluated and analyzed in detail. It shows that the total Sb emissions released from coal combustion in China have increased from 133.19 t in 1980 to 546.67 t in 2007, at an annually average growth rate of 5.4%. The antimony emissions are largely emitted by industrial sector and thermal power generation sector, contributing 53.6% and 26.9% of the totals, respectively. At provincial level, the distribution of Sb emissions shows significant variation. Between 2005 and 2007, provinces always rank at the top five largest Sb emissions are: Guizhou, Hunan, Hebei, Shandong, and Anhui.  相似文献   

从污染环境分离和筛选得到了9株PAHs降解菌,以其为基本菌种,构建高效修复PAHs复合污染体系的菌群(D)。采用平板稀释涂布计数法对降解体系中菌群(D)的动态结构进行了解析,数据显示菌群内的微生物在降解过程中能相互协作,发挥稳定且高效的降解作用。实验进一步研究了菌群D对单一PAH和混合PAHs的降解特性,结果表明,无论对单一PAH还是混合PAHs,菌群D均具有较强的降解能力。当降解历时6 d,菌群D能使40 mg/L的单一PAH平均降解85.8%,使60 mg/L的混合PAHs平均去除89.4%。菌群D在多环芳烃复合污染体系的生物修复方面具有潜在的应用价值。  相似文献   

修复PAHs复合污染体系的高效菌群构建及降解特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从污染环境分离和筛选得到了9株PAHs降解菌,以其为基本菌种,构建高效修复PAHs复合污染体系的菌群(D)。采用平板稀释涂布计数法对降解体系中菌群(D)的动态结构进行了解析,数据显示菌群内的微生物在降解过程中能相互协作,发挥稳定且高效的降解作用。实验进一步研究了菌群D对单一PAH和混合PAHs的降解特性,结果表明,无论对单一PAH还是混合PAHs,菌群D均具有较强的降解能力。当降解历时6 d,菌群D能使40 mg/L的单一PAH平均降解85.8%,使60 mg/L的混合PAHs平均去除89.4%。菌群D在多环芳烃复合污染体系的生物修复方面具有潜在的应用价值。  相似文献   

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