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Impacts of climate warming on vegetation in Qaidam Area from 1990 to 2003   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The observed warming trend in the Qaidam area, an arid basin surrounded by high mountains, has caused land surface dynamics that are detectable using remotely sensed data. In this paper, we detected land-cover changes in the Qaidam Area between 1990 and 2003 in attempt to depict its spatial variability. The land-cover changes were categorized into two trends: degradation and amelioration, and their spatial patterns were examined. Then we estimated the correlation coefficients between growing-season NDVI and several climatic factors with the consideration of duration and lagging effects. The results show that the inter-annual NDVI variations are positively correlated with May to July precipitations, but not significantly correlated with sunshine duration. We observed no obvious trend in precipitation or sunshine duration from 1990 to 2003. Thus, the authors suggest that their slight fluctuations may not be responsible to the decade-scaled land-cover changes. However, our results indicate a good positive relationship between the NDVI trend and climate warming in the ameliorated areas, but a negative one in the degraded areas. By statistical analyses, we found that degradations mainly occurred at the oasis boundaries and at lower elevations in the non-oasis regions where effective soil moisture might have been reduced by the warming-caused increase in evapotranspiration. At higher elevations where thermal condition acts as a major limiting factor, ameliorations were unequivocally detected, which is attributable to the direct facilitation by temperature increases. We suggest that the impacts of the observed climate warming on vegetation are spatially heterogeneous, depending on the combinations of thermal condition and moisture availability.  相似文献   

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are a major source of energy consumption in buildings, directly and indirectly contributing to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In the urban environment, and depending on local climatic conditions, air conditioning units attribute to these high energy demands. This study analyzes the use of residential air conditioning units and their associated global warming potential (GWP) between 2005 and 2030 for the city of Shenzhen, a fast-growing megacity located in Southern China. A life cycle assessment approach was adopted to quantify the GWP impacts which arise from both direct (refrigerant release) and indirect (energy consumption) sources, in combination with a materials flow analysis approach. The results show that the total GWP (expressed as carbon dioxide equivalents, CO2 eq.) from residential air conditioning systems increased from 2.2 ± 0.2 to 5.1 ± 0.4 million tonnes (Mt) CO2 eq. between 2005 and 2017, with energy consumption and refrigerant release contributing to 72.5% and 27.5% of the total demands, respectively. Immediate measures are required to restrict refrigerant release and reduce the energy consumption of air conditioning units, to help mitigate the predicted additional total emissions of 36.4 Mt. CO2 eq. potentially released between 2018 and 2030. This amount equals to approximately New Zealand's national CO2 emissions in 2017. The findings proposed in this study targets air conditioning units to reduce the GWP emissions in cities, and provide useful data references and insights for local authorities to incentivise measures for improving building energy efficiency management and performance.  相似文献   

Loss of green cover, and increasing pollution is a prime global concern. The problem calls for screening of pollution-tolerant tree species that can be integrated into plantation drives. Recognizing this, the study analyzed bio-indicator responses and performance of commonly occurring plant species along a pollution gradient in western Himalaya. Based on distance from the road, three sites viz., highly polluted (HP), moderately polluted (MP), and least polluted (LP), were identified. From these sites, leaves of commonly occurring 26 tree species were collected and analyzed for dust accumulation, total chlorophyll, relative water content (RWC), ascorbic acid, and pH using standard protocols. Later, assessment of Air Pollution Tolerance Index (APTI) and Anticipated Performance Indices (API) was carried out. The results revealed variations in biochemical characteristics. The pH, RWC, and total chlorophyll increased with decreasing pollution while ascorbic acid increased with increasing pollution. Dust capturing potential of Ficus carica (1.191 mg/m2) and Toona ciliata (0.820 mg/m2) was relatively higher. Based on the results of APTI, Grevillea robusta was classified as tolerant. It scored significantly higher values (21.06, 21.19, and 19.61 in LP, MP, and HP sites, respectively). Quercus floribunda, G. robusta (68.75% each), Juglans regia (68.7%), and T. ciliata (62.50%) were good performers in HP sites. Acer caesium, Betula utilis, and Morus alba that had low API scores (43.75%) were predicted as poor performers. Thus, G. robusta, Q. floribunda, J. regia, T. ciliata, and F. carica were evaluated as best performers. They could be integrated into plantations drives for environmental management.  相似文献   

Forest management has a significant influence on the preferences of people for forest landscapes. This study sought to evaluate the dynamic effects of thinning intensities on the landscape value of forests over time. Five typical stands in Wuxiangsi National Forest Park in Nanjing, China, were subjected to a thinning experiment designed with four intensities: unthinned, light thinning, moderate thinning, and heavy thinning. People’s preferences for landscape photographs taken in plots under various thinning intensities were assessed through scenic beauty estimation (SBE) at 2 and 5 years after thinning. The differences in scenic beauty value between different thinning intensities were then analyzed with a paired samples t test for the two periods. The results indicated that the landscape value of all of the thinned plots significantly exceeded that of the unthinned plots 2 years after thinning (p?相似文献   

本文介绍了旋风分离器的设计选型及在工程应用中对于明显改善作业环境、节约投资有着极其重要的意义。以某化工厂生产立德粉为例,分析尾气组成并进行计算,根据计算结果及有关数据合理选择所需旋风分离器:CLP/B5·4Y;风量:2200M3/h;阻力42毫米水柱;进口风速:128m/s。  相似文献   

  1. Scientific grounds and the concept of monitoring as the system for observations, assessment and prediction of man-induced changes in the state of natural environment, the program and aims of the background monitoring were developed by the author in 1972–1980. These questions were discussed in detail at the International Symposium on Global Integrated Monitoring (Riga, U.S.S.R., December, 1978). It should be stressed that along with significant anthropogenic loading on large cities and industrial areas, natural ecosystems covering most of the Earth's territory are also exposed to quite extended, though insignificant anthropogenic effects. This paper proposes to consider the ways of the background information use for the biosphere state assessment and prediction.
  2. Classification of objects for monitoring from the point of view of the consequences of the man-made impact, pollution in the first hand, is as follows:
  3. population (public health);
  4. ecosystem elements employed by man whose production is used by population (soil, water bodies, forest, etc.);
  5. biotic elements of ecosystems (without the immediate consumed production);
  6. abiotic constituents of natural ecosystems, considerable components of the biosphere, climatic system.
  7. Historically, monitoring in all countries involves the first two spheres. The background monitoring also extends on the next two spheres. It should differentially take into account physical, chemical and biological factors of impacts. Indentification of biological effects is most complex and vital. Human impact at the background level proceeds indirectly through a general (global or regional) deterioration of the state of the biosphere.
  8. Gradually the background monitoring is being practiced on a larger and larger scale. It is shown that the long-range atmospheric transport of pollutants in various regions leads to a gradual general increase of all the natural media pollution and to perceptible biological effects (soil and water acidification and resulting disturbances in the composition of soil and water organisms). The levels of the background impact differ. Thus, the background concentrations of a number of anthropogenic pollutants in Central Europe is 10–20 times higher than in Central Asia.
  9. The area of priority in the background monitoring of the biosphere pollution has become evident: compounds of sulphur, mercury and their derivatives, organochloride pesticides, some radioactive substances (e.g., krypton-85 in the atmosphere).
  10. The World Ocean is practically all contaminated on a global scale. Biological effects of the World Ocean pollution cause special concern. Particularly important consequences, including climate impact, may be caused by disturbances in energy and matter transfer between environmental media (water-air, water-bottom, etc.). The priority of the impact factors can be allocated here as well: oil products, metals, organochloride compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
  11. One of the most effective possibilities of environmental quality control is standardization which consists in elaboration of permissible ecological loadings upon ecosystems and natural media. The approach to ecological standardization differs from that of hygienic control in principle. The objective of ecological standardization is to ensure the integrity of the given ecosystem and natural environment on the whole.
  12. Ecological standardization in its turn requires knowledge related to the damage from this or another impact because in such a case there is a possibility to compare ecological standards for the same ecosystem in the case when impacts are of different origin (e.g., different pollutants).

This study is designed to develop an alternative evaluation method for ecological green space. It offers criteria for identifying ecological green space on building sites. The grey decision-making method is applied to assess the greening project at the first step. The evaluation items are rebuilt by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method at the second step. The range of standard values and the weighting values are also obtained by AHP. Grey classes are identified using the whitening weight function of the grey number. The evaluation system of the ecological green space is framed by grey clusters. We considered the factors of building environment and the scale of building sites in the ecological greenery of green building sites.This study proposes a new model to solve the problems hard to be quantified. Especially for those ecological benefits are too close to decide. Architects and landscape architects can input the engineering data and the design information into the ecological greenery assessment system. The identification and assessment system of green space is fit for Taiwan area. We will obtain the best greening project by the maximum value of absolute degree of grey incidence (max{varepsilon ( ij )}) in grey-decision making. The maximum value of synthetic clustering coefficient (max{sigma ( k )}) in grey clustering assessment reflects the quality and variation of green space.  相似文献   

Decrease in lichen diversity is an important biometric tool to assess the prevailing environmental condition in an area. An attempt has been made to explore the utility of lichen diversity in the monitoring of air pollution in the city of Pauri and Srinagar, Garhwal Himalayas, Uttaranchal. Eighty five lichen species were recorded from Pauri and Srinagar (Garhwal) in June 2005. It was observed that polluted sites had very low lichen diversity, mostly dominated by members of lichen family Physciaceae. Kiyonkaleshwar area is the site with maximum lichen diversity (46 lichen taxa) located in a more or less pollution-free area of Pauri city. Two-dimensional principal components analysis plot revealed significant positive contribution of natural (unaltered) sites towards lichen biodiversity, thus affirming the utility of lichen diversity in biomonitoring studies in a wide geographical area.  相似文献   

Remotely sensed imageries were used to analyze the response of desert vegetation to physiographic factors and accumulated precipitation in drier and wetter years within a region of >16,500 km2 sampled with 5,000 random pixels of 30 m. Vegetation development was indexed by the annual maximum values for greenness (SAVI) and canopy water content (NDII). Precipitation was interpolated from the 0.25° grid of the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission satellite-based estimates, showing a regional average of ~55 mm in the wetter year. The vegetation indices were only weakly related to total precipitation, often in a negative sense. Terrain factors that most often affected the vegetation indices, in multiple regression models, were Topographic Wetness Index, elevation, and slope gradient; these often had different signs for SAVI and for NDII. Models for NDII on intrusive igneous rocks gave better results than on extrusive igneous rocks. The strongest patterns in vegetation development were the contrast among Pacific coast, Cordillera, and Gulf coast subregions and the generally stronger results for NDII than SAVI.  相似文献   

The development of mechanization and technology has triggered the growing energy consumption in the agricultural industry. Energy saving in the agriculture industry becomes equally essential with that in the manufacturing, building, and transportation industries. The implementation of reducing energy consumption should be without costing the agricultural production, which is closely related to the food security of human beings. Strong decoupling between energy consumption and economic growth indicates the former decreases while the latter grows, which should be pursued by nations. Therefore, as the first research objective, this study analyzed the decoupling statuses between energy consumption and economic growth in the agricultural industry of 89 countries whose data exist across the period of 2000 to 2016. As a result, only 18 countries have reached strong decoupling. Secondly, this study decomposed agricultural energy consumption in the 89 countries to the effects of a driving factor (i.e., agricultural economic output) and three inhibiting factors (i.e., agricultural land, labor intensity, and energy intensity in descending order). With the identified decoupling statuses, this study provides a substantial understanding of the relationship between agricultural energy consumption and production from a global perspective. Meanwhile, the decomposed factors and corresponding policy implications provide evidence for decision makers of each nation to tailor energy-saving strategies in its agricultural industry.  相似文献   

Noise level monitoring and its reduction with different width and height of vegetation belt were studied in the Varanasi city. Noise level monitoring of the Varanasi city revealed the fact that area category A (without vegetation) was highly polluted as compare to area category B (with vegetation) having less fluctuation of traffic load. Four plant species Putranjeva roxburghi, Cestrum nocturnum, Hibiscus rosasinensis and Murraya peniculata were tested for noise reduction study at different frequencies. Experiment revealed the fact that H. rosasinensis reduced noise highest at both low and high frequencies (100-500 Hz, 22 dB and 2.5-6.3 KHz 26 dB), followed by M. peniculata (100-500 Hz, 18 dB and 2.5-6.3 KHz 20 dB), P. roxburghi (100-500 Hz 15 dB and 2.5-6.3 KHz 17 dB) and C. nocturnum (100-500 Hz 9 dB and 2.5-6.3 KHz 14 dB). Significance of vegetation belt in noise reduction was established with multiple regression models.  相似文献   

The spatial congruence of chemical and biological recovery along an 18-km acid mine impaired stream was examined to evaluate the efficacy of treatment with an alkaline doser. Two methods were used to evaluate biological recovery: the biological structure of the benthic macroinvertebrate community and several ecosystem processing measures (leaf litter breakdown, microbial respiration rates) along the gradient of improved water chemistry. We found that the doser successfully reduced the acidity and lowered dissolved metals (Al, Fe, and Mn), but downstream improvements were not linear. Water chemistry was more variable, and precipitated metals were elevated in a 3–5-km “mixing zone” immediately downstream of the doser, then stabilized into a “recovery zone” 10–18 km below the doser. Macroinvertebrate communities exhibited a longitudinal pattern of recovery, but it did not exactly match the water chemistry gradient Taxonomic richness (number of families) recovered about 6.5 km downstream of the doser, while total abundance and % EPT taxa recovery were incomplete except at the most downstream site, 18 km away. The functional measures of ecosystem processes (leaf litter breakdown, microbial respiration of conditioned leaves, and shredder biomass) closely matched the measures of community structure and also showed a more modest longitudinal trend of biological recovery than expected based on pH and alkalinity. The measures of microbial respiration had added diagnostic value and indicated that biological recovery downstream of the doser is limited by factors other than habitat and acidity/alkalinity, perhaps episodes of AMD and/or impaired energy/nutrient inputs. A better understanding of the factors that govern spatial and temporal variations in acid mine contaminants, especially episodic events, will improve our ability to predict biological recovery after remediation.  相似文献   

Climate change has impacts on both natural and human systems. Accurate information regarding variations in precipitation and temperature is essential for identifying and understanding these potential impacts. This research applied Mann–Kendall, rescaled range analysis and wave transform methods to analyze the trends and periodic properties of global and regional surface air temperature (SAT) and precipitation (PR) over the period of 1948 to 2010. The results show that 65.34 % of the area studied exhibits significant warming trends (p?<?0.05) while only 3.18 % of the area exhibits significant cooling trends. The greatest warming trends are observed in Antarctica (0.32 °C per decade) and Middle Africa (0.21 °C per decade). Notably, 62.26 % of the area became wetter, while 22.01 % of the area shows drying trends. Northern Europe shows the largest precipitation increase, 12.49 mm per decade. Western Africa shows the fastest drying, ?21.05 mm per decade. The rescaled range analysis reveals large areas that show persistent warming trends; this behavior in SAT is more obvious than that in PR. Wave transform results show that a 1-year period of SAT variation dominates in all regions, while inconsistent 0.5-year bands are observed in East Asia, Middle Africa, and Southeast Asia. In PR, significant power in the wavelet power spectrum at a 1-year period was observed in 17 regions, i.e., in all regions studied except Western Europe, where precipitation is instead characterized by 0.5-year and 0.25-year periods. Overall, the variations in SAT and PR can be consistent with the combined impacts of natural and anthropogenic factors, such as atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, the internal variability of climate system, and volcanic eruptions.  相似文献   

Little is known about the quantitative vulnerability analysis to landslides as not many attempts have been made to assess it comprehensively. This study assesses the spatio-temporal vulnerability of elements at risk to landslides in a stochastic framework. The study includes buildings, persons inside buildings, and traffic as elements at risk to landslides. Building vulnerability is the expected damage and depends on the position of a building with respect to the landslide hazard at a given time. Population and vehicle vulnerability are the expected death toll in a building and vehicle damage in space and time respectively. The study was carried out in a road corridor in the Indian Himalayas that is highly susceptible to landslides. Results showed that 26% of the buildings fall in the high and very high vulnerability categories. Population vulnerability inside buildings showed a value >0.75 during 0800 to 1000 hours and 1600 to 1800 hours in more buildings that other times of the day. It was also observed in the study region that the vulnerability of vehicle is above 0.6 in half of the road stretches during 0800 hours to 1000 hours and 1600 to 1800 hours due to high traffic density on the road section. From this study, we conclude that the vulnerability of an element at risk to landslide is a space and time event, and can be quantified using stochastic modeling. Therefore, the stochastic vulnerability modeling forms the basis for a quantitative landslide risk analysis and assessment.  相似文献   

A Burkard personal volumetric sampler was used at Sriniketan, a town about 150 km northwest of Calcutta, in the state of West Bengal, in eastern India to record the frequency of three common airborne Cassia pollen types, Cassia tora, Cassia occidentalis, and Cassia fistula for two consecutive years (2004–2006). Correlation was made between the meteorological factors and the pollen concentration in the atmosphere. The study reports Cassia pollinosis by in vivo skin prick test in respiratory allergic patients. The highest positive reactions were exhibited by C. tora (34.7 %), C. fistula (33.3 %), and C. occidentalis (28.5 %). The allergic potential of these was investigated by in vitro enzyme linked immunosorbent assay test. Their protein components were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, in the range of 15.8–81.5 kDa. In C. occidentalis and C. fistula, 11 bands were found, while it was 10 in C. tora. The results show that the Cassia pollen occur significantly in the atmosphere with the potential to elicit an allergic response in susceptible patients.  相似文献   

The design and model based approaches for making inferences about the number of lakes affected by acidic deposition and the chemical characteristics of aquatic resources at risk are described. In many instances when the lakes in the sample are selected for convenience without any randomization, the model based approach continues to provide valid inferences about the population of lakes. The performances of the two approaches are compared using a small population of 177 lakes which are located in southern Quebec. Examples from the Canadian acid rain monitoring program in the Atlantic provinces are also given.  相似文献   

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