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Effects of validamycin on some enzymatic activities in soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There have been few investigations of the possible effects of validamycin on the enzymatic activities in soil. The objective of this present work was to study the short-term influence of enzymatic activity in validamycin treated soils. The results showed that high dose of validamycin introduced into soil had an significant effect on soil enzymatic activities, the degree of inhibition or promotion of enzymatic activities was not only related to the concentration of validamycin, but also to the remain time. Compared with the control (non treatment with validamycin), 240 ml.mg−1 validamycin treatment caused a significant decrease (14%) of soil catalase activity; validamycin also inhibited urease activity to 67.3%, but subsequently, validamycin stimulated its activity higher than that of the control. Only the highest dose stimulated acid phophatase activities by 29.7%, and other concentration treatments had no effects on these enzymatic activities. The above results indicated that validamycin had effects on soil enzyme, but the effective time was short. It is also interesting to speculate that validamycin can be easily used by the soil microorganism as carbon source and energy.  相似文献   

The present study aimed at evaluating the dissipation of S-metolachlor (S-MET) at three doses in maize growing on diverse physico-chemical properties of soil. The effect of herbicide on dehydrogenase (DHA) and acid phosphatase (ACP) activity was estimated. A modified QuEChERS method using LC-MS/MS has been developed. The limit of quantification (0.001 mg kg?1) and detection (0.0005 mg kg?1) were very low for soil and maize samples. The mean recoveries and RSDs for the six spiked levels (0.001–0.5 mg kg?1) were 91.3 and 5.8%. The biggest differences in concentration of S-MET in maize were observed between the 28th and 63rd days. The dissipation of S-MET in the alkaline soil was the slowest between the 2nd and 7th days, and in the acidic soil between the 5th and 11th days. DT50 of S-MET calculated according to the first-order kinetics model was 11.1–14.7 days (soil) and 9.6–13.9 days (maize). The enzymatic activity of soil was higher in the acidic environment. One observed the significant positive correlation of ACP with pH of soil and contents of potassium and magnesium and negative with contents of phosphorus and organic carbon. The results indicated that at harvest time, the residues of S-MET in maize were well below the safety limit for maize. The findings of this study will foster the research on main parameters influencing the dissipation in maize ecosystems.  相似文献   

Efficacious botanical derivatives can provide an alternative to synthetic pesticides for organic farming systems. However, there is lack of information regarding the side effects of organic pesticides on key soil ecological processes. In this study, we investigated the effects of aqueous extracts from Urginea maritima and Euphorbia myrsinites exhibiting translaminar and systemic activity against pests on microbial biomass and enzymatic activities in soil. Two grams of plant material was extracted with 100 ml of water and then diluted 1:100, 2:100, and 4:100 with distilled water. Diluted plant extracts were applied around hypocotyl of tomato by soil drench. The effect of both plant extracts on microbial biomass C, amount of total N and organic C, and enzymatic activity in soil was significant. After the last application, the highest microbial biomass C was determined in the lowest U. maritima concentration (U 1:100). Soils treated with the highest concentration of U. maritima (U 4:100) had always lower SMBC content than control soil. All concentrations of E. myrsinites decreased microbial biomass C by 18% to 27% compared to the control. Total nitrogen and organic carbon decreased in soils without (control) and with treated U. maritima extract from first application to last application. Phosphatase, urease, and β-glucosidase activities were monitored in plant extract-treated soils. Except U. maritima 1:100 treatments of second and fourth applications, the other treatments of plant extracts negatively affected enzymatic activity in soil. U. maritima and E. myrsinites plant extracts exhibited different effects on soil microbial biomass and activity, probably because of their different chemical contents.  相似文献   

重金属离子对斜生栅列藻毒性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用斜生栅列藻作为生物指示物,对16种重金属化合物的单一毒性进行毒性评价,并分别从微观和宏观角度分析了重金属的致毒机理。实验结果表明:它们的毒性大小顺序为Ag+Cd2+Cu2+Zn2+Sr2+Pb2+Hg2+Sn4+Al3+Cr+Ni2+Mn2+Ba2+Fe3+Co2+Li+。  相似文献   

In order to assess the applicability of an earthworm bioassayas a technique for monitoring the soil flushing process, short-term and long-term toxicity tests were conducted on remediatedsoil using various pore volumes of surfactant solution. Resultsobtained on short-term toxicity testing indicated that biomassincreased as the soil flushing proceeded, and on diesel-contaminated soils this testing showed that the effect of dieselis lethal and that 25 pore volumes of soil surfactant were notsufficient to abrogate the toxic effect of diesel. These short-term tests also showed strong sublethal relationships between the development of biomass, and the concentrations of toxic chemicals in the soil. Although relationships between contaminants and the various bioassay parameters examined werenot significant in long-term testing, an increase in the numberof juveniles was observed over time, which may have been a consequence of a reduction in toxicity associated with the flushing process.  相似文献   

Soil biological properties are influenced by trace metals. The main sources of these pollutants in the urban areas are industrial plants, power stations, domestic heating systems and motor vehicles. The aim of this work was to evaluate, in relation to distance from urban roads, soil trace metal concentrations (Pb, Cu, Cr, Cd and V) and their influence on C-microbial biomass as well as on soil respiration and enzyme activities (phosphatase glucosidase, galactosidase, xylanase, cellulase, trealase, protease and invertase). The samplings were carried out at four sites, along a route that goes from Giannone Street to Passionisti Street, two heavily travelled roads at two different times of the year (spring and autumn). Heavy metal contents and microbial activities were highest at the sites near the roads. The highest values of microbial activities were found in the inner site; here, on the contrary, the lowest concentrations of heavy metals were measured. Significant and negative correlations were found between microbial activity and heavy metal contents.  相似文献   

The properties of nanoparticles and their increased use have raised concerns about their possible harmful effects within the environment. Most studies on their effects have been in aqueous systems. Here we investigated the effect of TiO(2) and ZnO nanoparticles on wheat growth and soil enzyme activities under field conditions. Both of the nanoparticles reduced the biomass of wheat. The TiO(2) nanoparticles were retained in the soil for long periods and primarily adhered to cell walls of wheat. The ZnO nanoparticles dissolved in the soil, thereby enhancing the uptake of toxic Zn by wheat. The nanoparticles also induced significant changes in soil enzyme activities, which are bioindicators of soil quality and health. Soil protease, catalase, and peroxidase activities were inhibited in the presence of the nanoparticles; urease activity was unaffected. The nanoparticles themselves or their dissolved ions were clearly toxic for the soil ecosystem.  相似文献   

Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) are shown to be globally distributed, environmentally persistent and bioaccumulative. Although there is evidence that these compounds exist in the serum of non-occupationally exposed humans, the pathways leading to the presence of PFOS and PFOA are not well characterized. The concentrations of PFOS and PFOA in the vacuum cleaner dust collected in Japanese homes were measured. The compounds were detected in all the dust samples and the ranges were 11-2500 ng g(-1) for PFOS and 69-3700 ng g(-1) for PFOA. It was ascertained that PFOS and PFOA were present in the dust in homes, and that the absorption of the dust could be one of the exposure pathways of the PFOS and PFOA to humans. With regard to risk management, it is important to consider the usage of PFOS and PFOA in the indoor environment in order to avoid further pollution.  相似文献   

The assessment of soil quality after a chemical or oil spill and/or remediation effort may be measured by evaluating the toxicity of soil organisms. To enhance our understanding of the soil quality resulting from laboratory and oil field spill remediation, we assessed toxicity levels by using earthworms and springtails testing and plant growth experiments. Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH)-contaminated soil samples were collected from an oilfield in Sfax, Tunisia. Two types of bioassays were performed. The first assessed the toxicity of spiked crude oil (API gravity 32) in Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development artificial soil. The second evaluated the habitat function through the avoidance responses of earthworms and springtails and the ability of Avena sativa to grow in TPH-contaminated soils diluted with farmland soil. The EC50 of petroleum-contaminated soil for earthworms was 644 mg of TPH/kg of soil at 14 days, with 67 % of the earthworms dying after 14 days when the TPH content reached 1,000 mg/kg. The average germination rate, calculated 8 days after sowing, varied between 64 and 74 % in low contaminated soils and less than 50 % in highly contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Clay loam soil from agricultural field of Gangetic alluvial zone of West Bengal was investigated to evaluate the effect of chlorpyrifos application at field rate (0.5 mg kg???1 soil) and 100 times of the field rate (50 mg kg???1 soil) on soil microbial variables under laboratory conditions. Acetone-induced stress on soil microorganisms was evident in the initial stages in terms of microbial biomass carbon (MBC) content in soil and basal soil respiration (BSR) in control soil samples which received acetone only as compared to control soil without acetone. The soil MBC content increased significantly by application of chlorpyrifos. The BSR and the fluorescein diacetate hydrolysing activity (FDHA) were not adversely affected by chlorpyrifos at field rate, whilst the chemical at higher dosage significantly decreased the metabolic activities of soil microbes in terms of BSR and FDHA.  相似文献   

Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) are anthropogenic substances classified as persistent bioaccumulative compounds and are found in various environmental compartments throughout the world, from industrialized regions to remote zones far from areas of production. In this study, we assessed the effects of PFOA and PFOS on early life stages of marine test species belonging to three different trophic levels: one microalga (Isochrysis galbana), a primary consumer (Paracentrotus lividus) and two secondary consumers (Siriella armata and Psetta maxima). Acute EC(50) values for PFOS were 0.11 mg L(-1) in P. maxima, 6.9 mg L(-1) in S. armata, 20 mg L(-1) in P. lividus and 37.5 mg L(-1) in I. galbana. In the case of PFOA, the toxicity was lower but the ranking was the same; 11.9 mg L(-1) in P. maxima, 15.5 mg L(-1) in S. armata, 110 mg L(-1) in P. lividus and 163.6 mg L(-1) in I. galbana. The Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNEC) for PFOS and PFOA in marine water derived from these acute toxicity values are 1.1 μg L(-1) for PFOS and 119 μg L(-1) for PFOA. This study established a baseline dataset of toxicity of PFOS and PFOA on saltwater organisms. The data obtained suggest that PFOA pose a minor risk to these organisms through direct exposure. In the perspective of risk assessment, early life stage (ELS) endpoints provide rapid, cost-effective and ecologically relevant information, and links should be sought between these short-term tests and effects of long-term exposures in more realistic scenarios.  相似文献   

The soil ecosystem is composed of various groups of organisms which have complex relations. The physical structure and chemical characteristics of the soil provide the boundary conditions. In view of various deteriorating human activities, it is important to find soil quality characteristics with respect to its most important function: the ecological function. An enumeration has been given of chemical, physical and biological soil parameters which are more or less important for soil quality. Several of these parameters are discussed. For use as indicators of deterioration, for a given site, the optimum values of the soil parameters have to be established, as well as acceptable deviations from the optimum, taking into account natural fluctuation. It is concluded that, due to lack of data, such an approach is not possible at this moment. However, it might be possible to identify those soil parameters which should be taken into consideration when evaluating human activities.Paper presented at a Symposium held on 14 and 15 October 1982, in Utrecht, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted under laboratory conditions to investigate the effect of two systemic herbicides, viz. pendimethalin (a dinitroaniline) and quizalofop (an arylphenoxy propionic acid) at their recommended field application rates (1.0?kg and 50?g active ingredient per hectare, respectively), either separately or in a combination, on growth and activities of phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms in relation to their effects on biochemical transformations and availability of organic carbon, total and available phosphorus in a Typic Haplustept soil of West Bengal, India. Application of herbicides, in general, significantly stimulated the growth and activities of phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms which increased microbial biomass resulting in higher accumulation of oxidizable organic carbon, total and available phosphorus in soil as compared to untreated control. The combined application of both the herbicides highly stimulated the proliferations of phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms, while pendimethalin alone significantly accentuated phosphate-solubilizing capacities 36.4% as compared to untreated control and retained highest amount of total phosphorus due to greater microbial activities in soil. The separate application of quizalofop also manifested an induced effect on the proliferations of phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms and accounted significant amounts of organic carbon and available phosphorus in the soil system. The results of the present study thus indicated that the cited herbicides at their field application rates can be safely used to eradicate weeds in the crop fields.  相似文献   

Soil is an important compartment in the environmental cycling of trichloroacetic acid (TCA), but soil TCA concentration is a methodologically defined quantity; analytical methods either quantify TCA in an aqueous extract of the soil, or thermally decarboxylate TCA to chloroform in the whole soil sample. The former may underestimate the total soil TCA, whereas the latter may overestimate TCA if other soil components (e.g. humic material) liberate chloroform under the decarboxylation conditions. The aim of this work was to show that extraction and decarboxylation methods yield different TCA concentrations because the decarboxylation method can also determine "bound" TCA. Experiments with commercial humic acid solutions showed there was no additional chloroform formation under decarboxylation conditions, and that all TCA in a TCA-humic acid mixture could be quantitatively determined (108 +/- 13%). Anion exchange resin was used as a provider of solid-phase TCA binding; only 5 +/- 1% of a TCA solution mixed with the resin was present in the aqueous extract subsequently separated from the resin, yet the decarboxylation method yielded mass balance (123 +/- 22%) with TCA remaining in the resin. In aqueous extraction of a range of soil samples (with or without added TCA spike), the decarboxylation method was able to satisfactorily account for TCA in the extractant + residue post-extraction, compared with whole-soil TCA (+ spike) pre-extraction: e.g. mass balances for unspiked soil from Sikta spruce and larch forest were 99 +/- 8% and 93 +/- 6%, respectively, and for TCA-spiked forest and agricultural soils were 114 +/- 13% and 102 +/- 2%. In each case recovery of TCA in the extractant was substantially less than 100%(<20% for unspiked soils, <55% for spiked soils). Extraction efficiencies were generally lower in more organic soils. The results suggest that analytical methods which utilise aqueous extraction may underestimate whole-soil TCA concentrations. Application of both methodologies together may enhance insight into TCA behaviour in soil.  相似文献   

Ecological health of 15 sites in two mining areas on the West Coast of the South Island, New Zealand, was assessed using a non-invasive electrophysiological technique. The conduction velocity (CV) changes in the medial giant fibres (MGF) of the terrestrial earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa were measured on days 0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, and 21 following exposure to soil and/or sediment from six acid mine drainage (AMD) sites, and aquatic oligochaete Lumbriculus variegatus at 0, 3, 6, and 24 h following exposure to water from 14 AMD sites. The colour of the soil/sediments varied from red-brown to black with pH ranging from 4.46 to 7.37. The colour of AMD water samples varied from clear, black, brown to orange, and the pH ranged from 2.99 to 7.66. The CV decreased progressively in A. caliginosa exposed to most soil and sediment samples from the AMD sites (compared with controls exposed to soil from an organic farm) and this was most evident in measurements taken at 7 days. Based on the CV measurements taken on day 7, sites 3 > 2 > 1 were significantly (P < 0.05) the most toxic to earthworms. The CV of L. variegatus exposed to AMD water sampled from many sites also decreased progressively and this was significantly lower than the controls in the measurements taken at 24 h from sites 3 > 9 > 7 > 11. It is proposed that MGF CV in A. caliginosa and L. variegatus worms can be used as a non-invasive, sensitive, biomarker to monitor the toxicity of AMD sites.  相似文献   

Effects of two ecological earthworm species (epigeic Eisenia foetida and endogeic Amynthas robustus E. Perrier) with different densities (15 and 30 individuals per kg of soil) on the removal of soil 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) with two pollution levels (2 and 4 mg kg(-1)) were investigated. Concentrations of DDT and its metabolites, including 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDD), 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethylene (DDE), and 1-chloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethylene (DDMU), were monitored after 60, 180, and 360 days of incubation. The results obtained showed that both earthworm species can significantly enhance degradation of soil DDT to its metabolites. For E. foetida, the higher earthworm density showed significantly higher rate of DDT degradation than the lower one. Anaerobic reductive dechlorination was the main degradation pathway over 180 days of incubation, while the aerobic dechlorination process was promoted between 180 and 360 days of incubation. Some earthworm amended treatments showed significantly higher microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen than the control, which suggested that earthworms might enhance the microbial degradation of DDT. Both earthworm species would have the potential to be applied to enhance the remediation of agricultural lands polluted by DDT.  相似文献   

A compact model for evaluation of acid flushing of heavy-metal-contaminated soil in a small-scale on-site treatment plant is proposed. The model assumes that the soil was re-packed in a container after excavation resulting in a soil structure with heterogeneous and random physical and chemical properties. To evaluate the effects of heterogeneity on the efficiency of contaminant removal by acid flushing, a numerical analysis of lead transport in the heterogeneous soil medium was performed. The model examines cation exchange and surface complexation reactions involving three cations (Ca, Pb, and H) and one anion (Cl) in both dissolved and exchangeable forms, two Pb surface complexes (SOPbCl and SOPbOH), and one Cl surface complex (SOH2Cl). The transport of these species during flushing with acid in a synthetically generated two-dimensional heterogeneous soil was simulated in the model. Results indicated that the flushing fluid preferentially followed pathways with large permeability. The heterogeneous cation exchange capacity (CEC) distribution and surface complexation sites had a significant effect on the transport of dissolved species. Because the CEC was set to a relatively low value, Pb was adsorbed mainly as surface complexes (SOPbCl and SOPbOH). Simulation results suggest that blocks of low hydraulic conductivity located in the upper part of the model domain greatly impede solute transport. Ponding conditions did not significantly affect the efficiency of decontamination. The model and its results are useful in the design of small-scale treatment plants for acid flushing.  相似文献   

Arsenic speciation was determined in Lumbricus rubellus Hoffmeister from arsenic-contaminated mine spoil sites and an uncontaminated site using HPLC-MS, HPLC-ICP-MS and XAS. It was previously demonstrated that L. rubellus from mine soils were more arsenate resistant than from the uncontaminated site and we wished to investigate if arsenic speciation had a role in this resistance. Earthworms from contaminated sites had considerably higher arsenic body burdens (maximum 1,358 mg As kg-1) compared to the uncontaminated site (maximum 13 mg As kg-1). The only organo-arsenic species found in methanol/water extracts for all earthworm populations was arsenobetaine, quantified using both HPLC-MS and HPLC-ICP-MS. Arsenobetaine concentrations were high in L. rubellus from the uncontaminated site when concentrations were expressed as a percentage of the total arsenic burden (23% mean), but earthworms from the contaminated sites with relatively low arsenic burdens also had these high levels of arsenobetaine (17% mean). As arsenic body burden increased, the percentage of arsenobetaine present decreased in a dose dependent manner, although its absolute concentration rose with increasing arsenic burden. The origin of this arsenobetaine is discussed. XAS analysis of arsenic mine L. rubellus showed that arsenic was primarily present as As(III) co-ordinated with sulfur (30% approx.), with some As(v) with oxygen (5%). Spectra for As(III) complexed with glutathione gave a very good fit to the spectra obtained for the earthworms, suggesting a role for sulfur co-ordination in arsenic metabolism at higher earthworm arsenic burdens. It is also possible that the disintegration of As(III)-S complexes may have taken place due to (a) processing of the sample, (b) storage of the extract or (c) HPLC anion exchange. HPLC-ICP-MS analysis of methanol extracts showed the presence of arsenite and arsenate, suggesting that these sulfur complexes disintegrate on extraction. The role of arsenic speciation in the resistance of L. rubellus to arsenate is considered.  相似文献   

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