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Managers of aquatic resources benefit from indices of habitat quality that are reproducible and easy to measure, demonstrate a link between habitat quality and biota health, and differ between human-impacted (i.e., managed) and reference (i.e., nonimpacted or minimally impacted) conditions. The instability index (ISI) is an easily measured index that describes the instability of a streambed by relating the tractive force of a stream at bankfull discharge to the median substrate size. Previous studies have linked ISI to biological condition but have been limited to comparisons of sites within a single stream or among a small number of streams. We tested ISI as an indicator of human impact to habitat and biota in mountain streams of the northwestern USA. Among 1428 sites in six northwestern states, ISI was correlated with other habitat measures (e.g., residual pool depth, percent fine sediment) and indices of biotic health (e.g., number of intolerant macroinvertebrate taxa, fine sediment biotic index) and differed between managed and reference sites across a range of stream types and ecoregions. While ISI could be useful in mountain streams throughout the world, this index may be of particular interest to aquatic resource managers in the northwestern USA where a large dataset, from which ISI can be calculated, exists.  相似文献   

Agricultural systems have experienced rapid expansion and intensification in the last several decades. In Uruguay, since the beginning of 2000, the most common cropping systems have included soybeans. Currently, this crop is expanding towards lowlands traditionally occupied by rice in rotation with pastures. However, the environmental effects of agricultural intensification and diversification are not well known. Thus, some indices have been proposed to quantify the changes in agricultural production systems and assess water quality. The main goal of this study was to develop a water quality index (WQI) to assess the impacts of the diversification of rice production systems in northwest Uruguay. The study was carried out in an agricultural basin where other summer crops have been incorporated in the rice-pasture sequence. Agriculture intensification and crop diversification indices were calculated using information provided by farmers. Water samples were collected downstream of the production area before crop sowing and after crop harvest (2008–2009 to 2010–2011 and 2016–2017 to 2017–2018). Biochemical oxygen demand, nitrates, total phosphorus, fecal coliforms, and total suspended solids were the variables that mainly explained the effects of the agricultural activities on water quality. The proposed water quality index included these unweighted variables, which allowed for the pre-sowing and post-harvest to be differentiated, as well as the degree of diversification. Therefore, the proposed WQI constitutes a tool that can be used to evaluate the water quality in an agricultural basin. Likewise, it can be used to select agricultural sequences that generate the least possible impacts on the associated water resources.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine status of heavy metals in agricultural soils under different patterns of land use. A total of 38, 40 and 45 soil samples for bare vegetable field, greenhouse vegetable field, and grain crop field were respectively taken from surface layer (0–20 cm) from selected experimental areas away from suburbs of ten counties (or districts or cities) in four provinces or municipalities of Huabei plain in north China. Information of crop production history, including varieties, rotation systems and fertilizer use, at the corresponding sampling sites was surveyed. Soil total Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Cr, As and Hg were measured. The results showed that the contents of total Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Cr, As, and Hg in the soil samples, especially soil total Cu and Zn contents, were higher in the bare vegetable field and the greenhouse vegetable field than that in the grain crop field. Long-term use of excessive chemical fertilizers and organic manures in the bare vegetable field and the greenhouse vegetable field contributed to the accumulation of Cu, Zn, and other heavy metals in the soils. The contents of total Cu, Zn, and other heavy metals in soils increased with increasing vegetable production history of the research areas. In comparison with the grain crop field, the comprehensive pollution indices of the seven soil heavy metals and the single-factor pollution indices of soil Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, and Hg based on the second criterion of Environmental Quality Standard for Soils were significantly higher in the bare vegetable field and the greenhouse vegetable field. Soils from the greenhouse vegetable field were slightly contaminated according to the comprehensive pollution index, and soils from the bare vegetable field and the grain crop field were at the warning heavy metal pollution level. The soils were contaminated with Cd according to the single-factor pollution index. The Cd pollution was relatively more serious in the bare vegetable field and the greenhouse vegetable field than that in the grain crop field. The soils selected with different land use patterns were not contaminated with Zn, Cu, Pb, Cr, As and Hg.  相似文献   

The pristine waters of Kashmir Himalaya are showing signs of deterioration due to multiple reasons. This study researches the causes of deteriorating water quality in the Lidder River, one of the main tributaries of Jhelum River in Kashmir Himalaya. The land use and land cover of the Lidder catchment were generated using multi-spectral, bi-seasonal IRS LISS III (October 2005 and May 2006) satellite data to identify the extent of agriculture and horticulture lands that are the main non-point sources of pollution at the catchment scale. A total of 12 water quality parameters were analyzed over a period of 1 year. Water sampling was done at eight different sampling sites, each with a varied topography and distinct land use/land cover, along the length of Lidder River. It was observed that water quality deteriorated during the months of June–August that coincides with the peak tourist flow and maximal agricultural/horticultural activity. Total phosphorus, orthophosphate phosphorus, nitrate nitrogen, and ammoniacal nitrogen showed higher concentration in the months of July and August, while the concentration of dissolved oxygen decreased in the same period, resulting in deterioration in water quality. Moreover, tourism influx in the Lidder Valley shows a drastic increase through the years, and particularly, the number of tourists visiting the valley has increased in the summer months from June to September, which is also responsible for deteriorating the water quality of Lidder River. In addition to this, the extensive use of fertilizers and pesticides in the agriculture and horticulture lands during the growing season (June–August) is also responsible for the deteriorating water quality of Lidder River.  相似文献   

Utilization of the water quality index method as a classification tool   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study comprised modification of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) Water Quality Index (CCMEWQI) to obtain a tool in classification of surface waters according to quality defined by the European Legislation—75/440/EEC. Three categories were proposed, and the category ranges of CCMEWQI have been modified depending on the objective chosen. The application of the CCMEWQI with modified categorization scheme was demonstrated to assess overall water quality by integrating observed water quality determinants in the Kucuk Menderes Basin, Turkey. In this scope, the samples analyzed for pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), chlorides (Cl), nitrate–nitrogen (NO3–N), dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), sulfate (SO4), and boron (B), variables taken monthly over 2 years from the five monitoring sites, were processed. Results revealed that the overall surface water mainly fell within the A2 water class. The CCMEWQI with modified categorization scheme is believed to assist water managers to integrate and interpret the picture of overall water quality based on the European legislation concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water in the Member States (75/440/EEC).  相似文献   

Following the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, afforestation of formerly arable lands and/or degraded areas has been acknowledged as a land-use change contributing to the mitigation of increasing atmospheric CO(2) concentration in the atmosphere. In the present work, we study the soil organic carbon sequestration (SOCS) in 21 year old stands of maple (Acer velutinum Bioss.), oak (Quercus castaneifolia C.A. Mey.), and red pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) in the Darab Kola region, north of Iran. Soil samples were collected at four different depths (0-10, 10-20, 20-30, and 30-40 cm), and characterized with respect to bulk density, water content, electrical conductivity, pH, texture, lime content, total organic C, total N, and earthworm density and biomass. Data showed that afforested stands significantly affected soil characteristics, also raising SOCS phenomena, with values of 163.3, 120.6, and 102.1 Mg C ha(-1) for red pine, oak and maple stands, respectively, vs. 83.0 Mg C ha(-1) for the control region. Even if the dynamics of organic matter (OM) in soil is very complex and affected by several pedo-climatic factors, a stepwise regression method indicates that SOCS values in the studied area could be predicted using the following parameters, i.e., sand, clay, lime, and total N contents, and C/N ratio. In particular, although the chemical and physical stabilization capacity of organic C by soil is believed to be mainly governed by clay content, regression analysis showed a positive correlation between SOCS and sand (R = 0.86(**)), whereas a negative correlation with clay (R = -0.77(**)) was observed, thus suggesting that most of this organic C occurs as particulate OM instead of mineral-associated OM. Although the proposed models do not take into account possible changes due to natural and anthropogenic processes, they represent a simple way that could be used to evaluate and/or monitor the potential of each forest plantation in immobilizing organic C in soil (thus reducing atmospheric C concentration), as well as to select more appropriate species during forestation plan management at least in the north of Iran.  相似文献   

The combination of morphological, clay mineralogy, physicochemical, and fertilitical properties of inceptisols were compared for monitoring soil quality response following long-term agricultural activities. For this target, fifty-nine paired surface soils belonging to five subgroups of inceptisols from the major sugar beet growing area and the adjoining virgin lands were described, sampled, and analyzed. The soils were alkaline and calcareous as characterized by high pH, ranging from 7.2 to 8, and calcium carbonate equivalent, ranging from 60 to 300 g kg − 1. Following long-term sugar beet cultivation, morphological properties modifications were reflected as weakening of structure, hardening of consistency, and brightening of soil color. Although, the quantity of clay minerals did not significantly change through long-term cropping, some modifications in the XRD pattern of illite and smectite were observed in the cultivated soils compared to the adjoining virgin lands mainly as a result of potassium depletion. Without significant variation, sand content decreased by 4–55% and silt and clay increased by 3–22% and 2–15%, respectively, in the cultivated soils than to that of the virgin lands. Both negative and positive aspects of soil quality were reflected regarding soil chemical and fertilitical properties and the role of negative effects far exceeded the role of positive effects. Typic calcixerepts was known to be more degraded through a significant decrease (P ≤ 0.001) in mean value of soil organic carbon (a drop of 24%), total N (a drop of 23%), available K (a drop of 42%), exchangeable K (a drop of 45%), potassium adsorption ratio and potassium saturation ratio (a drop of 44% and 42%, respectively) and a significant increase (P ≤ 0.001) in EC (a rise of 53%). Soil quality index, calculated based on nine soil properties [coarse fragments, pH, SOC, total N, ESP, exchangeable cations (Ca, Mg, and K), and available phosphorus], indicated that 60% of the all soil types studied had negative changes, 20% had positive changes, and 20% produced no changes in soil heath.  相似文献   

Enrichment ratio (ER) is widely used in nonpoint source pollution models to estimate the nutrient loss associated with soil erosion. The objective of this study was to determine the ER of total nitrogen (ERN) in the sediments eroded from the typical soils with varying soil textures in Beijing mountain area. Each of the four soils was packed into a 40 by 30 by 15 cm soil pan and received 40-min simulated rainfalls at the intensity of 90 mm h?1 on five slopes. ERN for most sediments were above unity, indicating the common occurrence of nitrogen enrichment accompanied with soil erosion in Beijing mountain area. Soil texture was not the only factor that influenced N enrichment in this experiment since the ERN for the two fine-textured soils were not always lower. Soil properties such as soil structure might exert a more important influence in some circumstances. The selective erosion of clay particles was the main reason for N enrichment, as implied by the significant positive correlation between the ER of total nitrogen and clay fraction in eroded sediments. Significant regression equations between ERN and sediment yield were obtained for two pairs of soils, which were artificially categorized by soil texture. The one for fine-textured soils had greater intercept and more negative slope. Thus, the initially higher ERN would be lower than that for the other two soils with coarser texture once the sediment yield exceeded 629 kg ha?1.  相似文献   

Field experiments were carried out during 1996–97at Gulawathi, Muthiani and Salarpur Villages, IARI Farm, NewDelhi and NCPP Campus, Dadri to evaluate changes in soilcharacteristics and growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.),mustard (Brassica juncea L.), lentil (Lence esculentaMoench.), rice (Oryza sativa L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) byvarying amounts of flyash addition (up to 50t ha-1) in soils atsowing/transplanting time of crops. Flyash addition in areasadjoining NCPP Thermal Power Plant, Dadri, Ghaziabad, U.P.ranged from 5–12 t ha-1 yr-1 in 1995–96. Shoot and root growthand yield of test crops at different locations after flyashincorporation resulted in beneficial effects of flyashaddition in most cases. The silt dominant texture of flyashimproved loamy sand to sandy loam textures of the surfacesoils at the farmers' fields. The increased growth in yield ofcrops with flyash incorporation was possibly due tomodifications in soil moisture retention and transmissioncharacteristics, bulk density, physico-chemical characterssuch as pH and EC and organic carbon content. The response offlyash addition in the soil on soil health and cropproductivity needs to be evaluated on long-term sustainableaspects.  相似文献   

饮用水源水质评价指数法探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对水利部水环境监测评价研究中心定期向社会发布的部分重点城市主要供水水源地水资源质量旬报所采用的评价方法——水质指数法进行了分析,针对该方法存在的缺陷提出了改进的水质指数法。  相似文献   

The present report describes some effects of industrial and municipal effluents on the waters of San Vicente Bay. Analyses ofthe main substances contained in the fishing industry effluentsuggest rating criteria based on the oxygen saturation of thewater as an assessment of organic pollution. Six cruises were carried out throughout the Bay, from June to December 1996. Watersamples were analyzed for dissolved oxygen, oil and grease content, and sediment samples for organic matter content. Waterparameters (salinity, temperature) were used to characterize theBay's hydrography, and to calculate values for oxygen saturation. The measurements demonstrated a local broad range of oxygen deficit, with a maximum of 45% in the winter to 95% in the spring. In November more than 65% of the Bay's area showed oxygendeficits greater than 40%. Organic matter was unusually high insediments along the northern sector of the Bay. The results suggest that the oxygen depletion was a representative parameterfor establishing a relative scale of water quality in this Bay.  相似文献   

Soil degradation has caused various problems on the planet. Human disturbance and land use changes always negatively affect soil quality. In this study, we used a modified soil quality index (SQI) to assess soil quality under differing degrees of human disturbance and land use. The alpine grasslands were studied at different levels of degradation [i.e., severely degraded grassland, heavily degraded grassland, moderately degraded grassland, and non-degraded grassland (NDG)] in a case study conducted in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) to test the feasibility of using the SQI. Fifteen chemical, physical, and biological soil parameters were measured in each type of grassland. Significant variations in SQI were found across the different types of grasslands according to severity of human disturbance and changes in land use. Urease, the ratio of microbial biomass nitrogen to total nitrogen, proteinase, and soil organic carbon were found to be the most important indicators for assessing soil quality. NDG had a higher SQI than the other three types of grasslands. It was concluded that SQI is effective for assessing the soil quality of alpine grasslands in the QTP. The intensity of human disturbance had a negative effect on soil quality in the QTP.  相似文献   

At three study sites, representing Mediterranean, semi-aridand mildly-arid climatic conditions, the effect of shrubs onthe spatial patterns of soil moisture was studied. At eachsite soil moisture was measured, on hillslopes, at thevicinity of 8 shrubs. For each shrub the measurements havebeen taken at 3 microenvironments, i.e. under the shrub (US),at the margins of shrub (MS) and between shrubs (BS). At themicroenvironments US and MS the measurements were taken at 3 directions: upslope, downslope and sideslope of the shrubs. At all sampling points soil samples were taken from 3 depths: 0–2, 2–5 and 5–10 cm. In addition, rock fragments cover percentage near the shrubs was determined. A soil moisture pattern was found, around each shrub,which is composed of a radial gradient and a downslope gradient. The radial gradient is expressed by soil moisture decreasingfrom the US microenvironment, in all directions, through the MS towards the BS microenvironment. The US microenvironmenthas a `spatial advantage' of higher soil moisture content dueto (1) relatively higher infiltration rate, (2) capture overlandflow from the BS area upslope that shrub and (3) low evaporationrate because of the shading effect.The downslope gradient is expressed by decreasing soil moisturefrom the upslope direction of each shrub (MS and US microenvironments) towards the downslope direction of that shrub (MS and US microenvironments, respectively). Thisgradient is controlled by the relatively high content of rockfragments near the shrubs at their upslope direction. Suchrock fragments spatial distribution is attributed to (1) thedetachment and transport of rock fragments by sheep and goatstrampling and (2) the effect of shrub on the continuity ofoverland flow and sediment transport. The effect of rockfragments is similar to that of shrubs regarding increasinginfiltration and decreasing evaporation rate. The relativelyhigh soil moisture at the upslope direction of each shrubenhances annuals growth producing a positive feedback loop:soil moisture – annuals growth – trampling. This sequencemaintains the typical rock fragments spatial organization andcontributes to the sustainability of the grazing system.At all the study sites at the US microenvironment there isa trend of decreasing soil moisture with increasing soildepth. At microenvironments MS and BS soil moisture increaseswith soil depth.The results are of great relevance for rehabilitationstrategies as they suggest that in order to combatdesertification in degraded semi-arid and mildly-arid areas,where the main land use is grazing, both shrubs and rockfragment should be kept at their present spatial distribution.  相似文献   

Water quality index applied to rivers in the Vistula river basin in Poland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary A new method of a water quality index has been proposed. The unit indices were determined from the values of individual parameters using continuous functions. The base for such functions were the four water quality classes used in Poland. The summarized WQI is the square root of the harmonic mean of squares of unit indices. Using this mean we have eliminated the use of weights of parameters. Parameters are divided into basic parameters (7) and other additional parameters (19). The additional parameter is considered only if its unit index is lower than WQI from basic parameters. For many measurements at one point the guaranteed WQI has been calculated. The points of WQI were connected and the curves of WQI along the river were obtained.A method of WQI calculating and preparation of WQI curves has been shown using as an example the Pilica river in Poland. The WQI was then calculated for 31 rivers in the Vistula river basin by measuring points.  相似文献   

Considering that water is becoming progressively scarce, monitoring water quality of rivers is a subject of ongoing concern and research. It is very intricate to accurately express water quality as water quantity due to the various variables influencing it. A water quality index which integrates several variables in a specific value may be used as a management tool in water quality assessment. Moreover, this index may facilitate communication with the public and decision makers. The main objectives of this research project are to evaluate the water quality index along a recreational section of a relatively small Mediterranean river in Southern Lebanon and to characterize the spatial and temporal variability. Accordingly, an assessment was conducted at the end of the dry season for a period of 5 years from 2005 to 2009. The estimated water quality index classified the average water quality over a 5-year period at the various sites as good. Results revealed that water quality of the Damour River is generally affected by the anthropogenic activities taking place along its watershed. The best quality was found in the upper sites and the worst at the estuary. The presence of fecal coliform bacteria in very high levels may indicate potential health risks to swimmers. This study can be used to support the evaluation of management, regulatory, and monitoring decisions.  相似文献   

The optimization of chlorine dosage and the number of booster locations is an important aspect of water quality management in distribution networks. Booster chlorination helps to maintain uniformity and adequacy of free residual chlorine concentration, essential for safeguarding against microbiological contamination. Higher chlorine dosages increase free residual chlorine concentration but generate harmful by-products, in addition to taste and odor complaints. It is possible to address these microbial, chemical, and aesthetic water quality issues through free residual chlorine concentration. Estimating a water quality index (WQI) based on regulatory chlorine thresholds for microbial, chemical, and aesthetics criteria can help engineers make intelligent decisions. An innovative scheme for maintaining adequate residual chlorine with optimal chlorine dosages and numbers of booster locations was established based on a proposed WQI. The City of Kelowna (BC, Canada) water distribution network served to demonstrate the application of the proposed scheme. Temporal free residual chlorine concentration predicted with EPANET software was used to estimate the WQI, later coupled with an optimization scheme. Preliminary temporal and spatial analyses identified critical zones (relatively poor water quality) in the distribution network. The model may also prove useful for small or rural communities where free residual chlorine is considered as the only water quality criterion.  相似文献   

利用1999年1月至2002年7月日照市环境监测站监测的污染物浓度资料和探空及本站地面气象资料,分析了日照地区可吸入颗粒物(PM_(10))、二氧化硫(SO_2)、氮氧化物(NO_x)浓度变化的时空分布特征及气象要素的变化对污染物浓度时空分布特征的影响。在此基础上,建立了可吸入颗粒物(PM_(10))、二氧化硫(SO_2)、氮氧化物(NO_x)浓度指数预报方程及大气质量指数分区预报流程。并用VB6.0语言编程在微机上建立了简洁流畅、操作简便的大气质量指数分区预报系统。实际预报结果较好。  相似文献   

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