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Water quality associated public health risk in Bo, Sierra Leone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human health depends on reliable access to safe drinking water, but in many developing countries only a limited number of wells and boreholes are available. Many of these water resources are contaminated with biological or chemical pollutants. The goal of this study was to examine water access and quality in urban Bo, Sierra Leone. A health census and community mapping project in one neighborhood in Bo identified the 36 water sources used by the community. A water sample was taken from each water source and tested for a variety of microbiological and physicochemical substances. Only 38.9% of the water sources met World Health Organization (WHO) microbial safety requirements based on fecal coliform levels. Physiochemical analysis indicated that the majority (91.7%) of the water sources met the requirements set by the WHO. In combination, 25% of these water resources met safe drinking water criteria. No variables associated with wells were statistically significant predictors of contamination. This study indicated that fecal contamination is the greatest health risk associated with drinking water. There is a need to raise hygiene awareness and implement inexpensive methods to reduce fecal contamination and improve drinking water safety in Bo, Sierra Leone.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the environmental changes in southwestern Sierra Leone, West Africa from rutile (titanium dioxide) between 1967 and 1995. Mining in peripheral parts of the world economy is a consequence of larger global economic interests. Historically, long-distance trade and export production of minerals and other natural resources primarily for the benefit of core countries are responsible for transforming the natural environment and landscapes of peripheral sectors of the world economy. Tracking environmental change in developing countries such as Sierra Leone is challenging because of financial and infrastructural constraints on the use of ground methods of evaluation and monitoring. Remote sensing data are invaluable in assessing the human dimensions of Land Use and Land Cover Change (LULCC) with implications for political ecology. Using available multi-date infrared Landsat images supplemented with field hydrological and biophysical data, we monitored the rapid temporal and spatial dynamic characteristic of mining areas in the study area with a focus on physical changes to the landscape. Reservoir construction for mining has caused flooding of alluvial lowlands, deforestation, and the creation of tailings and stockpiles over mined-out portions of the lease. Although the study was conducted at a local scale, it represents the broad, regional, past-to-present manner by which global economic interests exploit natural resources and impact the environment in distant places.  相似文献   

The Three-North Shelter Forest Program is the largest afforestation reconstruction project in the world. Remote sensing is a crucial tool to map land use and land cover change, but it is still challenging to accurately quantify the change in forest extent from time-series satellite images. In this paper, 30 Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+ epochs from 1974 to 2012 were collected, and the high-quality ground surface reflectance (GSR) time-series images were processed by integrating the 6S atmosphere transfer model and a relative reflectance normalization algorithm. Subsequently, we developed a vegetation change tracking method to reconstruct the forest change history (afforestation and deforestation) from the time-series Landsat GSR images based on the integrated forest z-score (IFZ) model by Huang et al. (2009a), which was improved by multi-phenological IFZ models and the smoothing processing of IFZ data for afforestation mapping. The mapping result showed a large increase in the extent of forest, from 380,394 ha (14.8 % of total district area) in 1974 to 1,128,380 ha (43.9 %) in 2010. Finally, the land cover and forest change map was validated with an overall accuracy of 89.1 % and a kappa coefficient of 0.858. The forest change time was also successfully retrieved, with 22.2 % and 86.5 % of the change pixels attributed to the correct epoch and within three epochs, respectively. The results confirmed a great achievement of the ecological revegetation projects in Yulin district over the last 40 years and also illustrated the potential of the time-series of Landsat images for detecting forest changes and estimating tree age for the artificial forest in a semi-arid zone strongly influenced by human activities.  相似文献   

This study has aided an understanding of how the built environment impacts multiple facets of sustainability from perspective of job access that potentially assist in environmental protection, economic development, and social justice. However, the latter two contributions entail tradeoffs that are little-discussed in empirical research. We elaborate upon the manner in which job access affects economic and social sustainability and focus on tradeoffs between the two. We measure and characterize the impact of job access on housing prices and the spatial distribution of disadvantaged populations across New York City, using census data. Results document not only that there are significant positive effects of job access on housing but also that higher housing prices screen out disadvantaged populations and undermine social equity. Findings highlight the paradox in sustainable development that job access seldom exhibits simultaneous positive effects on economic and social equity. We propose that urban built environment might have sigificantimpact on and might be a solution to the tension between economic benefits and social loss regarding job accessibility. That is, appropriate spatial land use planning and public policies could maximize individual welfare and sustainability for future cities-a new perspective of achieving urban sustainability. The major challenge is finding a workable balance between economic and social sustainability that is theoretically sound and empirically feasible.  相似文献   

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals are well known environmental pollutants. Even though numerous studies have been carried out to assess human exposures to these compounds, there is still a lack of data on humans from developing countries, especially in underprivileged children. The objective of this study was to assess the exposure to POPs and heavy metals in children from Dhaka, Bangladesh. One specific aim was to investigate whether children working at, or living close to, open waste disposal sites (WDSs) were more heavily exposed than other urban children. In 2008, blood and serum were collected from 73 children aged 7-16 from five neighbourhoods. Some of the children lived and worked at WDSs (N = 31), others lived next to a WDS (N = 17), whereas some children lived far from such sites (N = 25). Blood levels of lead (B-Pb), cadmium (B-Cd), and selenium (B-Se) were determined by ICP-MS for all subjects. The metal levels were high, with B-Pb overall mean 120 μg L(-1) (range 40-220), B-Cd 0.74 μg L(-1) (0.22-4.1), and B-Se 120 μg L(-1) (81-170). There were no marked differences between children from the different neighbourhoods, or between WDS workers and other children. PCB levels were low and with no contrast between neighbourhoods, for CB-153 the overall mean was 7.0 ng g(-1) fat (2.8-51). In contrast, high levels of DDTs were observed in all children, for 4,4'-DDE 1300 ng g(-1) fat (420-4600), and for 4,4'-DDT 326 ng g(-1) fat (44-1400), indicating ongoing exposure. PBDE levels were low, and BDE-209 was quantitated mainly in children working at or living close to WDSs. In conclusion, the high levels of DDTs, lead and cadmium observed in children from Dhaka are of concern. Many children were exposed at levels where health effects have been observed, or at levels without safety margins.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparative assessment of public perception of drinking water quality in two underprivileged urban areas in Lebanon and Jordan with nearly similar cultural and demographic characteristics. It compares the quality of bottled water to the quality of the drinking water supplied through the public network and examines the economic implications of bottled water consumption in the two study areas. Participants' perception of the quality of drinking water provided via the public network was generally negative, and bottled water was perceived to be of better quality in both areas, thus affecting drinking water preferences and consumption patterns. The results reveal that the quality of bottled water is questionable in areas that lack enforcement of water quality standards, thus adding to the burden of an already disadvantaged community. Both areas demonstrated a considerable cost incurred for purchasing bottled water in low income communities reaching up to 26 % of total income.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) pollution is a growing concern in forests of the greater Sierra Nevada, which lie downwind of the highly populated and agricultural Central Valley. Nitrogen content of Letharia vulpina tissue was analyzed from 38 sites using total Kjeldahl analysis to provide a preliminary assessment of N deposition patterns. Collections were co-located with plots where epiphytic macrolichen communities are used for estimating ammonia (NH3) deposition. Tissue N ranged from 0.6% to 2.11% with the highest values occurring in the southwestern Sierra Nevada (range: 1.38 to 2.11). Tissue N at 17 plots was elevated, as defined by a threshold concentration of 1.03%. Stepwise regression was used to determine the best predictors of tissue N from among a variety of environmental variables. The best model consisted only of longitude (r 2 = 0.64), which was reflected in the geographic distribution of tissue values: the southwestern Sierra Nevada, the high Sierras near the Tahoe Basin, and the Modoc Plateau, are three apparent N hotspots arranged along the tilted north–south axis of the study area. Withholding longitude and latitude, the best regression model suggested that NH3 estimates and annual number of wetdays interactively affect N accumulation (r 2 = 0.61; % N ∼ NH3 + wetdays + (NH3 × wetdays)). We did not expect perfect correspondence between tissue values and NH3 estimates since other N pollutants also accumulate in the lichen thallus. Additionally, other factors potentially affecting N content, such as growth rate and leaching, were not given full account.  相似文献   

Metallic elements (As, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Fe, K, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, and Zn) in PM10 aerosols were determined at urban and industrial sites, which are affected by traffic and residential sources, metallurgical activity, and petrochemical and steel works. The effect of the long-range transported Asian Dust on the metal content of aerosols was also examined. At the urban sampling site, concentrations of As, Cd, Pb, Se, and Zn were assigned to road traffic and combustion sources, Ca and Fe to soil dust sources from long-range transported Asian Dusts, and Cr and Ni to metallurgical sources transported from the nearby industrial complex, based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Enhanced Cr and Ni concentrations at the metallurgical industrial site suggest that local emissions from metal-assembly facilities and manufacture of alloys contributed to elevated levels of those metals. We also observed that petrochemical activities contributed to increased levels of Sb and Zn. When Asian Dust events occurred, Ca, Fe, K, and Zn concentrations dramatically increased compared to values without the Asian Dust. Two different types of Asian Dust events were observed. For the Asian Dust event 1 (4/1/2007), the Fe and K concentrations were much higher by a factor of 2–3 than those for the Asian Dust event 2 (3/2/2008), while As, Mn, and Zn concentrations were significantly higher on the Asian Dust event 2. Backward trajectory analysis showed that for the Asian Dust event 2, the air mass had passed over the heavily industrialized zones in China during long-range transport to the current sampling site, suggesting that the As, Mn, and Zn may have originated from industrial sources.  相似文献   

Protected areas (PAs) represent real cornerstones in the conservation of biodiversity and natural habitats. Their protection must be a priority today for each society. The enhanced socio-economic requirements increase the pressure upon protected areas, and the effect can result in a reduction of biodiversity. The aim of this study is to quantify forest fragmentation in the pre- (1986–2002) and post-establishment (2002–2016) periods, inside and around (buffer 1, buffer 2 and buffer 3) Apuseni Natural Park (ANP), Romania, using a series of classified Landsat satellite images and six landscape metrics. The results show that forest fragmentation occurred both in the pre- and post-establishment periods, inside and around ANP. Inside the park, the deforestation rate increased four times, from 0.03% year?1 in the pre-establishment period to 0.14% year?1 in the post-establishment period. Around the park, the deforestation rate decreased from 0.31% year?1 in the pre-establishment period (buffer 1) to 0.10% year?1 in the post-establishment period (buffer 1). Forest fragmentation resulted in an increase in the patch density and edge density, and a decrease in the total core area and mean patch size leading to isolation of patches and fragmentation of landscape, especially in ANP in the post-establishment period. Several measures can be taken in order to stop forest fragmentation inside and around ANP, including the education of buffer-zone communities, reforestation, enforcement of park regulations, and forest legislation.  相似文献   

Fifty-seven typical surface soils and 108 deeper soils were collected from five former industrial sites in Beijing and concentrations of total Hg (SigmaHg) as well as pH, total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN), total sulfur, and dissolved organic carbon concentrations determined. The mean concentration of SigmaHg in surface soils was significantly greater than background concentrations in the vicinity of Beijing. Forty-eight percent of the samples exceeded the "critical" concentration of 1.0 mg Hg/kg, dry weight in soils, which has been established by the Chinese government. At depths of 0-80 cm in the soil, profile concentrations of SigmaHg also exceeded the background value. There were significant correlations between concentrations of SigmaHg, TC, and TN in the industrial soils. The greater concentration of SigmaHg in most soils could have been due in part to combustion of coal and leakage from industrial processes.  相似文献   

Urban road dust samples were collected from different land use areas in Suzhou, Wuxi, and Nantong, Yangtze River Delta, China. The dust samples were analyzed for the levels and compositional profiles of deca-polybrominated diphenyl ethers (Deca-BDE), 22 organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), and 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The levels of BDE-209, ∑OCPs, and ∑PAHs in samples ranged from 4.01–1,439 μg/kg, 3.15–615 μg/kg, and 2.24–58.2 mg/kg, respectively. PAHs were the predominant target compounds in road dust samples, comprising on average 97.7 % of total compounds. The spatial gradient of the pollutants (commercial/residential area> industrial area > urban park concentrations) was observed in the present study. The results indicated that the levels of BDE-209, OCPs, and PAHs observed in road dust were usually linked to anthropogenic activities in the urban environment. In addition, there might be a reflection of current usage or emissions of OCPs in urban environment.  相似文献   

Honnedaga Lake in the Adirondack region of New York has sustained a heritage brook trout population despite decades of atmospheric acid deposition. Detrimental impacts from acid deposition were observed from 1920 to 1960 with the sequential loss of acid-sensitive fishes, leaving only brook trout extant in the lake. Open-lake trap net catches of brook trout declined for two decades into the late 1970s, when brook trout were considered extirpated from the lake but persisted in tributary refuges. Amendments to the Clean Air Act in 1990 mandated reductions in sulfate and nitrogen oxide emissions. By 2000, brook trout had re-colonized the lake coincident with reductions in surface-water sulfate, nitrate, and inorganic monomeric aluminum. No changes have been observed in surface-water acid-neutralizing capacity (ANC) or calcium concentration. Observed increases in chlorophyll a and decreases in water clarity reflect an increase in phytoplankton abundance. The zooplankton community exhibits low species richness, with a scarcity of acid-sensitive Daphnia and dominance by acid-tolerant copepods. Trap net surveys indicate that relative abundance of adult brook trout population has significantly increased since the 1970s. Brook trout are absent in 65 % of tributaries that are chronically acidified with ANC of <0 μeq/L and toxic aluminum levels (>2 μmol/L). Given the current conditions, a slow recovery of chemistry and biota is expected in Honnedaga Lake and its tributaries. We are exploring the potential to accelerate the recovery of brook trout abundance in Honnedaga Lake through lime applications to chronically and episodically acidified tributaries.  相似文献   

Aquatic pollution pose a serious challenge to the scientific community worldwide, since lakes or reservoirs find multifarious use and most often their water is used for drinking, bathing, irrigation, and aquaculture. Nine metals and several physicochemical parameters, from four sampling sites in a tropical lake receiving the discharges from a thermal power plant, a coal mine, and a chlor-alkali industry, were studied from 2004 to 2005. Pertaining to metal pollution, the site most polluted with heavy metals was Belwadah, i.e., waters and sediments had the highest concentration of all the metals examined. The reference site was characterized by the presence of low concentrations of metals in waters and sediments. Following the water quality monitoring, 2-month field phytoremediation experiments were conducted using large enclosures at the discharge point of different polluted sites of the lake. During field phytoremediation experiments using aquatic macrophytes, marked percentage reduction in metals concentrations were recorded. The percentage decrease for different metals was in the range of 25% to 67.90% at Belwadah (with Eichhornia crassipes and Lemna minor), 25% to 77.14% at Dongia nala (with E. crassipes, L. minor and Azolla pinnata), and 25% to 71.42% at Ash pond site of G.B. Pant Sagar (with L. minor and A. pinnata). Preliminary studies of polluted sites are useful for improved microcosm design and for the systematic extrapolation of information from experimental ecosystems to natural ecosystems.  相似文献   

The present work aims to study the Zooplankton seasonal distribution and diversity in Karanja reservoir, Bidar district for the period of two years from October 2001 to September 2003. We have recorded 36 species of which, 15 species belongs to rotifera, 11 species belongs to cladocera, nine species belongs to copepoda and ostracoda three species. Among zooplankton, particularly rotifera was the dominant group throughout the study period and highest count was recorded in the month of March 2003. Cluster analysis was also revealed by dendrogram and Shannon diversity index is also presented. Zooplankton community is also correlated with physicochemical parameters.  相似文献   

Winter Quarters Bay (WQB) is a small embayment located adjacent to McMurdo Station, the largest researchbase in Antarctica. The bay is approximately 250 m wide andlong, with a maximum depth of 33 m. Historically, trashfrom the McMurdo Station was piled on the steep shoreline ofWQB, doused with fuel and ignited. That practice hasceased, and the adjacent land area has been regraded tocover the residual waste. The bottom of WQB remainslittered with drums, equipment, tanks, tires, cables, andother objects, especially the southeastern side of the baywhere dumping took place. Sediments are contaminated withPCBs, metals, and hydrocarbon fuels. The objectives of this study were to map the distributionof organic contaminants in WQB, assess the toxicity of WQB sediments using a simple microbial test, anddetermine correlations between toxicity and contaminantlevels. The study suggests that adverse ecological effectshave occurred from one or more of the contaminants found inWQB but the source of the toxic impacts to bay sedimentsremains unknown. Whole sediment toxicity was onlycorrelated with oil-equivalent while solvent extracts ofsediments were correlated with PAHs and oil-equivalent. Theauthors recommend that an integrated research plan bedeveloped that focuses on determining what additionalinformation is needed to make informed decisions on possibleremediation of WQB.  相似文献   

In the assessment of human health risk, the obtainment of reference values in biological tissues and/or fluids is crucial to estimate the type and magnitude of occupational and environmental exposure. In this context, urine is the major excretion route for many noxious substances that have entered the organism and can be viewed as one of the most useful materials for biomonitoring campaigns. In this study, reference concentration ranges for Cr, Ni and V in urine were achieved in a sub-population of 131 youngsters, aged 6-10, attending primary schools in the urban area of Rome. Subjects under drug therapy or affected by any pathological diseases were not included in this investigation. Strict precautions against contamination or loss of the analytes of interest were adopted for all steps. Determinations were performed by means of high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. In general, the natural log-transformed concentration data for the three elements investigated conformed to a satisfactorily normal distribution. The estimated reference ranges were as follows (microg g(-1) creatinine): Cr, 0.07-0.76; Ni, 0.20-1.23; V, 0.02-0.22. The sex of the youngsters was tentatively treated as a statistical explanatory variable using the Fischer F-test on variance.  相似文献   

The unequal growth of population and buildings in metropolitan regions reflects dispersed urban expansion. This study illustrates an operational framework grounded on a diachronic analysis of urbanization processes in advanced economies that provides a comprehensive evaluation of the mismatch between resident population and building stock. Studying the urban cycle of a European city (Athens, Greece), a mismatch indicator was derived at the municipal level as the elasticity rate of resident population and total building stock changes over 7 time intervals between 1920 and 2010. Results indicate that divergences in population and building stock growth rates increased since the early 1980s. The population-buildings mismatch displays an increasingly asymmetric spatial distribution, evidencing more or less accelerated paths toward dispersed settlements that may outline unsustainable forms of land management. Municipalities with a compact morphology at the beginning of the study period showed a higher rate of self-contained urban expansion than municipalities with more dispersed settlements. A comparative analysis of the impact of town planning on enlarging population-settlement mismatches was finally proposed as a basic knowledge to sustainable land management in (rapidly expanding) metropolitan regions.  相似文献   

Long-term phenol, cresols and BTEX monitoring in urban air   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports the results of a long-term monitoring of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEX), phenol and cresols in the air of Padua during a wide period of the year 2007 using two radial passive samplers (Radiello system) equipped with BTEX- and phenol-specific cartridges. Two sites were monitored, one in the industrial area and one close to the town centre. Relevant pollution episodes have been observed during both the winter and summer periods. Benzene, together with toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes showed their maximum concentrations during the winter season, but the secondary pollutant phenol was higher than benzene for a large period of the year when the meteorological conditions blocked the pollutants in the lower layers of the atmosphere and solar radiation increased the benzene photo-oxidation process.  相似文献   

Water pollution is one of the most critical problems affecting mankind. Weather pattern and land use of catchment area have significant role in quality of water bodies. Due to climate change, there is frequent variation in weather pattern all over the world. There is also rapid change in land use due to increase in population and urbanization. The study was carried out to analyze the effect of change in weather pattern during the monsoon periods of 2008 and 2012 on water quality of a tropical coastal lake system. The nature and extent of variation in different water quality parameters namely electrical conductivity (EC), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), chloride (Cl), sulphate (SO4), turbidity, Secchi disk depth, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), phosphate (PO4), calcium (Ca), and water temperature as well as the effect of various land use activities in the lake basin on water quality have also been studied. There is significant reduction in precipitation, EC, Mg, Na, Cl, SO4, turbidity, and Secchi disk depths whereas a significant rise in the BOD, PO4, Ca, and water temperature were observed in 2012. This significant reduction in electrical conductivity during 2012 revealed that because of less precipitation, the lake was separated from the sea by the sandbar during most of the monsoon period and thereby interrupted the natural flushing process. This caused the accumulation of organic matter including phosphate and thereby resulting reduction in clarity and chlorophyll-a (algae) in the lake. The unsustainable development activities of Thiruvanathapuram city are mainly responsible for the degradation of water bodies. The lack of maintenance and augmentation activities namely replacement of old pipes and periodical cleaning of pipe lines of the old sewer system in the city results in the bypass of sewage into water bodies. Because of the existence of the old sewerage system, no effort has been taken by the individual establishment/house of the city to provide their own treatment system for sewage and sullage and the untreated wastes are discharged into these old sewer pipes and ultimately the wastes reach the water bodies. In this context, decentralized treatment of sewage, sullage, and garbage by individual houses/establishments/hotels/hospitals is a better option for the developing countries. With the rapid developmental activities, and due to the variation of precipitation due to climate change, it is highly essential to provide proper waste treatment/augmentation facilities in urban lake system because a slight variation in the weather pattern can result in serious implications in the already polluted water bodies.  相似文献   

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