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Natural emissions of Hg are attracting increased interest both for their environmental implications and for possible applications in the exploration of mineral, petroleum and geothermal fields. However, daily and seasonal fluctuations in concentrations of Hg in the atmosphere, caused by meteorological and environmental variables, has made it very difficult to assess Hg anomalies by conventional analytical procedures. Some species of widespread foliose lichens from an abandoned cinnabar mining and smelting area (Mt. Amiata), geothermal fields (Larderello, Bagnore and Piancastagnaio, Central Italy), and active volcanic areas (Mt. Etna and Vulcano, Southern Italy) seem to be very suitable biomonitors of gaseous Hg; especially as lichen thalli have an Hg content which reflects average values measured in air samples. We discuss the advantages of quantitative biological monitoring by lichens with respect to conventional air sampling in large-scale monitoring.  相似文献   

Many studies are based on the assumption that an area and its surrounding (buffer) area present similar environmental conditions and can be compared. For example, in order to assess the effectiveness of a protected area, the land use/cover changes are compared inside the park with its surroundings. However, the heterogeneity in spatial variables can bias this assessment: we have shown that most of the protected areas in Mexico present significant environmental differences between their interior and their surroundings. Therefore, a comparison that aims at assessing the effectiveness of conservation strategies, must be cautioned. In this paper, a simple method which allows the generation of a buffer area that presents similar conditions with respect to a set of environmental variables is presented. The method was used in order to assess the effectiveness of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, a protected area located in the south-eastern part of Mexico. The annual rate of deforestation inside the protected area, the standard buffer area (based upon distance from the protected area only) and the similar buffer area (taking into account distance along with some environmental variables) were 0.3, 1.3 and 0.6%, respectively. These results showed that the protected area was effective in preventing land clearing, but that the comparison with the standard buffer area gave an over-optimistic vision of its effectiveness.  相似文献   

The Pantanal region is the largest floodplain area in the world and of great biological importance due to its unique flora and fauna. This area is continuously undergoing increasing anthropogenic threats, and has also experienced mercury contamination associated with gold mining and other anthropogenic activities. Pantanal caimans are top-level predators, and, as such, show great potential to accumulate mercury (Hg) by biomagnification. In this study 79 specimens from four locations in the Pantanal were analyzed for total Hg and methyl mercury (MeHg) by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry. Total Hg contents ranged from 0.02 to 0.36 μg g(-1) (ww), and most specimens presented MeHg ratios above 70%. One of the sites, impacted by anthropogenic activities, presented significantly higher total Hg in comparison to three less impacted sites, supporting the hypothesis that caimans can, in fact, be considered effective bioindicators of ecosystem health.  相似文献   

Human milk is usually the only source of food for infants during the first 4 to 5 months of their life. Maternal environmental mercury exposure is directly related to fish consumption or amalgam filling. In this research, 38 human milk samples were collected from mothers of Lenjan area who were not occupationally exposed with mercury. Mercury concentration in human milk was determined by AMA254 Mercury Analyzer. A level of mercury was examined in relation to somatometric, demographic and dental amalgam parameters. Obtained results showed that only dental amalgam significantly increased the mercury level in human milk (p < 0.001). The mean mercury concentrations in milk of mothers without teeth fillings (n = 13), with one to three teeth fillings (n = 10), and four to eight teeth fillings (n = 15) were 2.87, 5.47, and 13.33 μg/l, respectively. The result of this study also showed a positive correlation of mercury milk levels with the number of teeth fillings of the mother (p < 0.05, r = 0.755). The estimated weekly intake of mercury of a breastfed infant in this study was, in some cases, higher than provisional tolerance weekly intake recommended by FAO/WHO, which pose a threat to their health.  相似文献   

A survey of the concentrations of heavy metals — cadmium, zinc and total mercury — in the tissues of fifteen fish species from Samborombón Bay, La Plata river estuary, in Argentina, has been carried out. Liver appeared to be the main organ accumulating cadmium and zinc, while both liver and muscle showed a similar ability for accumulating mercury. The bioaccumulation process was verified for the three metals analyzed, even though low concentrations have been determined. The biomagnification process of the metals studied was not verified in this environment. The highest metal concentrations were recorded in Mugil liza, and particulate matter and sediments — which are closely related to its trophic and ecological habits — seemed to be the main source of metals for this species. Both Micropogonias furnieri and Mugil liza were recognized as possible indicator species for future monitoring programmes for heavy metals in Samborombón Bay. Considering the present results, this area of La Plata river estuary is characterized as a non-polluted environment.Scientific Researcher from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Researches (CONICET), of Argentina  相似文献   

The paper aims at investigating the contribution of a steel plant located in a rural area in northwestern Italy (700,000 tons of steel/year) to the deposition fluxes of Polychorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Polychorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/PCDFs) at local level through the analysis of sampling data, literature data, and air dispersion model (AERMOD)output data. Total measured deposition fluxes of PCDD/PCDFs in three monitoring stations were consistent with other studies carried out in Italy in urban and suburban areas and in rural European areas; while these were lower than those measured in other European urban/suburban areas or in sites influenced by industrial sources. Furthermore, the measured fluxes were also compared with the pattern of PCDD/Fs in ambient air sampled at the same sites in a previous study. This comparison showed a similarity between air concentration and deposition patterns of the samples collected at the three monitoring stations and a clear distinction of these from the source. The study was completed with AERMOD simulations, conducted with a mass mean particle diameter of 0.5 μm, according to the particle size distribution of the samples collected at the source. AERMOD calculated deposition fluxes of two to three orders of magnitude lower than those measured in two monitoring points; while in the most distant monitoring station, the deposition fluxes were too low to be calculated by the model. The simulations confirmed that the most distant monitoring station was not subject to emissions from the steel plant. The analysis highlighted the limited influence of the source in the local PCDD/F deposition fluxes.  相似文献   

Water with high nitrate concentration (NO3 ) is unfit for human consumption, especially when its concentration exceeded the threshold limit (50 mg/l) recommended by the health authorities such as the World Health Organization (WHO). In Jordan, there is a great concern for determination and monitoring organic and inorganic pollutants that may reach groundwater. Nitrate is highly mobile and present in domestic, agricultural and industrial waste in Jordan, and thus this study focused initially on nitrate as both a contaminant of concern and as an indicator of potential groundwater contamination. The present study determined the extent of nitrate contamination in groundwater in the study area and examined the likely sources of NO3 . A total of 248 groundwater samples were collected from 16 wells in different sites of Al-Hashimiya area, Zerqa Governorate, Jordan, and investigated for NO3 concentrations. Moreover, measurements of temperature, electrical conductivity and pH were carried out in the field. Analysis was carried out according to the methods described by the American Public Health Association (APHA). Results showed that there was a dramatic increasing in NO3 concentrations from the year 2001 to 2006 for some selected wells in the present study. NO3 concentration in 2006 was ranged from 10 to 330 mg/l with an average of 77 mg/l. Overall, groundwater had elevated nitrate concentration with 92% of the samples containing more than 20 mg/l NO3 , indicating the influence of human activities. This study has shown that there is a strong correlation between the nitrate concentration and the wastewater effluents as a source of pollution.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial trends in the variability of PM10 and PM2.5 from 2010 to 2015 in the metropolitan area of Lima-Callao, Peru, are studied and interpreted in this work. The mean annual concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 have ranges (averages) of 133–45 μg m?3 (84 μg m?3) and 35–16 μg m?3 (26 μg m?3) for the monitoring sites under study. In general, the highest annual concentrations are observed in the eastern part of the city, which is a result of the pattern of persistent local winds entering from the coast in a south-southwest direction. Seasonal fluctuations in the particulate matter (PM) concentrations are observed; these can be explained by subsidence thermal inversion. There is also a daytime pattern that corresponds to the peak traffic of a total of 9 million trips a day. The PM2.5 value is approximately 40% of the PM10 value. This proportion can be explained by PM10 re-suspension due to weather conditions. The long-term trends based on the Theil-Sen estimator reveal decreasing PM10 concentrations on the order of ?4.3 and ?5.3% year?1 at two stations. For the other stations, no significant trend is observed. The metropolitan area of Lima-Callao is ranked 12th and 16th in terms of PM10 and PM2.5, respectively, out of 39 megacities. The annual World Health Organization thresholds and national air quality standards are exceeded. A large fraction of the Lima population is exposed to PM concentrations that exceed protection thresholds. Hence, the development of pollution control and reduction measures is paramount.  相似文献   

The English-Wabigoon River system in Northwestern Ontario, Canada, was one of the most heavily mercury-contaminated waterways in the world due to historical discharges in the 1960s from a chlor-alkali plant. This study examines long-term (1970-2010) monitoring data to assess temporal trends in mercury contamination in Walleye, Northern Pike and Lake Whitefish, three species important for sport and subsistence fishing in this region, using dynamic linear modeling and piecewise regression. For all lakes and species, there is a significant decline (36-94%) in mercury concentrations through time; however, there is evidence that this decline is either slowing down or levelling off. Concentrations in the English-Wabigoon fish are elevated, and may still present a potential health risk to humans consuming fish from this system. Various biotic and abiotic factors are examined as possible explanations to slowing rates of decline in mercury concentrations observed in the mid-1980s.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) is a toxic metal that bioaccumulates in aquatic organisms and along food chain. Many studies have reported the problem of mercury exposure in aquatic systems from Amazon basin, but very few have focused on the potential risks to wild fish. The present study reports the bioaccumulation of mercury and alterations in target organs of the predator fish Hoplias malabaricus (traíra) from Samuel reservoir, Amazon basin, Northern Brazil. About 18% of fish had mercury levels in muscle exceeding the safe limit for ingestion through food, established by WHO (0.5 μg Hg g(-1)). Fish were separated in two groups according to mercury bioaccumulation in liver (<0.2 μg Hg g(-1)-group I and >0.2 μg Hg g(-1)-group II) for biomarker comparisons. Catalase activity and number of macrophage centers were statistically higher in group II, confirming the potential of Hg to interfere with redox balance and to recruit defense cells to the liver. Conversely, erythrocyte nuclear alterations were less frequent in group II, indicating a more rigorous selection of erythrocytes or hormesis pattern of response. Glutathione S-transferase activity, lipid peroxidation, and histopathological analyses were not statistically different in the liver and gills of both groups. Comparison of lipid peroxidation levels of these fish with others captured in Southern Brazil during another study and the high incidence of morphological alterations in the liver and gills suggest that the bioaccumulation of mercury during continuous exposure is posing potential risks to the species.  相似文献   

Lead,cadmium, arsenic and zinc in the ecosystem surrounding a lead smelter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A lead smelter has been operating at Belledune in the province of New Brunswick, in eastern Canada, since 1966. This paper presents data on the concentrations of the four primary metals emitted from the smelter — lead, cadmium, arsenic and zinc — which were measured in the terrestrial environment near the smelter and the concentrate transport route. Deposition of these metals to the snowpack and the uptake by grass forage are discussed in relation to non-regulatory guidelines, toxicity and atmospheric emissions. A 1992 snowpack transect survey extending 0.5–40 km northwest, southeast and south of the smelter revealed lead concentrations of 2–3193 ppb, cadmium <0.10–49.7 ppb, arsenic <3.0–72.0 ppb, and zinc 3–401 ppb. Deposition estimates within this zone for lead were between 0.046 and 20.1 kg/ha/yr, cadmium <0.007 and 313 g/ha/yr, arsenic <0.016 and 453 g/ha/yr and zinc 0.020 and 2.52 kg/ha/yr. Concentrations of these metals in the snowpack were highest within 3 km of the smelter and were detectable at greater distances SE of the smelter. Lead was dispersed greater distances from the smelter than cadmium or arsenic. Snowpack samples collected within 5–20 m of the railway contained 140–7270 ppb of lead, 0.4–36.9 ppb of cadmium, <3.0–72.0 ppb of arsenic and 41–13100 ppb of zinc. Grass forage sampled within 0.6–16 km of the smelter contained lead 5–152 ppm, cadmium 0.10–4.1 ppm, and zinc 22–154 ppm. Highest concentrations of lead, cadmium and zinc in grass forage were found were found within 2.2 km of the smelter. Grass forage collected within 10–70 m of the railway contained lead 13–288 ppm, cadmium 0.4–1.3 ppm and zinc 98–831 ppm.  相似文献   

土壤盐渍化已成为影响图木舒克地区农业生产与生态环境的重要因素。本文以0~150 cm深度范围内土壤和地下水为研究对象,利用实际野外调查与数据统计分析的方法,研究得出:①强盐渍化主要分布于距离河流与渠道较远的地下水浅埋深区域,在纵向上表层聚盐现象明显,盐渍土类型随着土壤层深度加大从亚氯-亚硫酸盐渍土变为亚硫酸盐渍土。②土壤易溶盐含量与地下水化学类型在平面分布上吻合程度较高、与潜水矿化度呈正的高度相关性、与潜水埋藏深度呈负的中度相关性、沿潜水径流方向各层土壤盐渍化减弱。③当地下水埋深较浅时,潜水通过毛细管将易溶盐带入土壤表层,形成表层土壤盐渍化;地下水埋藏较深时,易溶盐分会随着降水淋滤和灌溉冲洗不断降低,地表盐渍化减弱。中、轻度盐渍化区域应控制灌溉用水矿化度,重度盐渍化及盐土区域可在建立排水系统的基础上采用泡田洗盐法。  相似文献   

This paper is based on long-term monitoring data for soil water, salt content, and groundwater characteristics taken from shelterbelts where there has been no irrigation for at least 5 years. This study investigated the distribution characteristics of soil water and salt content in soils with different textures. The relationships between soil moisture, soil salinity, and groundwater level were analyzed using 3 years of monitoring data from a typical oasis located in an extremely arid area in northwest China. The results showed that (1) the variation trend in soil moisture with soil depth in the shelterbelts varied depending on soil texture. The soil moisture was lower in sandy and loamy shelterbelts and higher in clay shelterbelts. (2) Salinity was higher (about 3.0 mS cm?1) in clay shelterbelts and lower (about 0.8 mS cm?1) in sandy shelterbelts. (3) There was a negative correlation between soil moisture in the shelterbelts and groundwater level. Soil moisture decreased gradually as the depth of groundwater table declined. (4) There was a positive correlation between soil salinity in the shelterbelts and the depth of groundwater table. Salinity increased gradually as groundwater levels declined.  相似文献   

Mercury is a heavy metal which has garnered attention recently in India. Minamata Convention on mercury was established on October 2013 and was joined by India on September 30, 2014. India is seen as a major mercury pollution source after China according to many studies in the past. Various mercury pollution sites that are currently recognized in India are Kodai Lake, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, and Thane Creek, Mumbai. Since 1992, chlor-alkali plants have been regulated to eliminate mercury cell process of manufacturing. Also, medical and health care facilities are discarding mercury-containing equipment and processes. Various anthropogenic sources of mercury to the atmosphere include combustion of fossil fuels, processing and mining of primary metal ores, cement manufacturing units, chlor-alkali plants, and use of mercury in various products like paints, electric switches, and relays. The hazard associated with mercury pollution becomes extremely serious when we consider its ability to be transported over long-range distances. Various atmospheric transport models suggest India and other Asian countries to be a major source of long-range transport of mercury to North America. Considering the hazards of mercury and its widespread presence in our life, a study on mercury pollution in an urban water body is conducted. This study deals with Mithi River located in Mumbai Metropolitan Region (19.0760° N, 72.8777° E) to study the total mercury in water and derive its relationship with other pollution parameters.  相似文献   

闽江流域福州过境段水体病毒污染调查分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
自1998年11月至2000年4月,监测了闽江福州段病毒污染与水质状况。肠道病毒阳性率71 1%,平均病毒浓度5 33pfu L,植物病毒检出率32 2%,阳性率水样平均浓度0 3006枯斑 升,其中三个污染控制断面肠道内病毒阳性检出率及病毒浓度显著高于对照和消减断面,揭示闽江福州段水环境病毒污染水平同福州市内河生活污水排放有直接关系,而引水内河冲污工程的实施显然又加剧了闽江水病毒污染的程度,增加了饮用水的卫生微生物学危险性。而水体环境中的植物病毒对农业生产存在着潜在的威胁。  相似文献   

In this study concentrations of metals in the native plants and soils surrounding the old flotation tailings pond of the copper mine were determined. It has been established that the soil is heavily contaminated with copper, iron and arsenic, the mean concentrations being 1585.6, 29,462.5 and 171.7 mg kg(-1) respectively. All the plants, except manganese, accumulated metallic elements in concentrations which were either in the range of critical and phytotoxic values (Pb and As) or higher (Zn), and even much higher (Cu and Fe) than these values. Otherwise, the accumulation of Mn, Pb and As was considerably lower than that of Cu, Fe and Zn. In most plants the accumulation of target metals was highest in the root. Several plant species showed high bioaccumulation and translocation factor values, which classify them into species for potential use in phytoextraction. The BCF and TF values determined in Prunus persica were 1.20 and 3.95 for Cu, 1.5 and 6.0 for Zn and 1.96 and 5.44 for Pb. In Saponaria officinalis these values were 2.53 and 1.27 for Zn, and in Juglans regia L. they were 8.76 and 17.75 for Zn. The translocation factor in most plants, for most metals, was higher than one, whereas the highest value was determined in Populus nigra for Zn, amounting to 17.8. Among several tolerant species, the most suitable ones for phytostabilization proved to be Robinia pseudoacacia L. for Zn and Verbascum phlomoides L., Saponaria officinalis and Centaurea jacea L. for Mn, Pb and As.  相似文献   

The uptake and distribution of mercury in various organs and tissues of mice were examined after administration with mercuric chloride (HgCl2) or mercuric sulphide (HgS). The results show that mice treated with HgCl2 were found to have significantly higher levels of mercury in various organs and tissues as compared to HgS-treated animals. Except for the kidneys, no significant differences were found in mercury levels between the HgS-treated and control mice. This appears to be due to the higher solubility of HgCl2, allowing for its greater absorption into the body. Irrespective of the mercurial administered, the kidneys contained the highest concentration of mercury, followed by the liver and brain. Mercury was also found to confer protection against Trypanosoma evansi, possibly due to its toxicity. When treated with HgS, enhanced antibody production and increased levels of circulating leucocytes was seen. HgCl2 and HgS-treated mice showed no signs of anorexia, no significant changes being found in growth and food intake.  相似文献   

Revegetation and ecological restoration of a Mn mineland are important concerns in southern China. To determine the major constraints for revegetation and select suitable plants for phytorestoration, pedological and botanical characteristics of a Mn mine in Guangxi, southern China were investigated. All the soils were characterized by low pH and low nitrogen and phosphorus levels except for the control soil, suggesting that soil acidity and poor nutrition were disadvantageous to plant growth. In general, the studied mine soils had normal organic matter (OM) and cation exchange capacity (CEC). However, OM (8.9 g/kg) and CEC (7.15 cmol/kg) were very low in the soils from tailing dumps. The sandy texture and nutrient deficiency made it difficult to establish vegetation on tailing dumps. Mn and Cd concentrations in all soils and Cr and Zn concentrations in three soils exceeded the pollution threshold. Soil Mn and Cd were above phytotoxic levels, indicating that they were considered to be the major constraints for phytorestoration. A botanical survey of the mineland showed that 13 plant species grew on the mineland without obvious toxicity symptoms. High Mn and Cd concentrations have been found in the aerial parts of Polygonum pubescens, Celosia argentea, Camellia oleifera, and Solanum nigrum, which would be interesting for soil phytoremediation. Miscanthus floridulus, Erigeron acer, Eleusina indica, and Kummerowia striata showed high resistance to the heavy metal and harsh condition of the soils. These species could be well suited to restore local degraded land in a phytostabilization strategy.  相似文献   

Feathers serve as a useful, non-destructive approach for biomonitoring some aspects of environmental quality. Birds can eliminate over 90% of their body burden of mercury by sequestration in growing feathers, and they molt their feathers at least annually. Thus mercury concentrations should not vary in avian feathers as a function of age. We tested the null hypothesis that there are no age differences in the concentrations of mercury, lead, cadmium, selenium, copper, chromium and manganese in the feathers of immature and adult common loons Gavia immer from the Northeastern United States where the species is declining. Adults had significantly higher mean levels of mercury (20245 ppb) than immature loons (9677 ppb), but there were no age-related differences for other elements. Even with the small number of immatures, females had significantly higher levels of mercury than males, although the gender difference was not significant for adults.  相似文献   

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