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The tannery effluents contain a high concentration of chromium (Cr). It drastically reduces the crop yield when used for irrigation purpose. A huge volume of tannery effluents is available as irrigation for crop production. It is negatively affecting germination as well as yield of the crop. The wheat seeds were exposed to five different concentrations of Cr (0, 20, 40, 80, and 100 ppm). In Petri plates, 100 seeds were placed and the germination percent was recorded after 72 hour (h). Root elongation and coleoptile growth were measured at 72, 120, 168, and 240 h. Results showed that the germination percent of the test crop decreased with increasing Cr levels. It decreased by 6, 14, 30, and 37 % under the Cr concentration of 20, 40, 80, and 100 ppm, respectively. The root elongation was more sensitive than the coleoptile growth. The negative correlation was found between Cr levels and root elongation as well as coleoptile growth. These growth parameters were significantly affected up to 80 ppm of Cr level. The wheat growers using tannery effluent as irrigation should be well treated prior to application.  相似文献   

Increase in concentrations of tropospheric ozone (O(3)) is one of the main factors affecting world agriculture production. Tropical countries including India are at greater risk due to their meteorological conditions (high solar radiation and temperature) being conducive to the formation of O(3). The most effective anti-ozonant chemical is N-[2-(2-oxo-1-imidazolidinyl) ethyl]-N-phenylurea or ethylene diurea (EDU). Due to its specific characteristics, EDU has been used in the field as a phytomonitoring agent to assess crop losses due to O(3). Field experiments were conducted on five local cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv HUW234, HUW468, HUW510, PBW343, and Sonalika) grown under natural field conditions in a suburban area of Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India during December 2006 to March 2007 to determine the impact of O(3) on their growth and yield characteristics. Mean monthly O(3) concentrations varied between 35.3 ppb and 54.2 ppb at the experimental site. EDU treatment positively affected various growth and yield parameters with difference between cultivars. EDU-treated plants showed increase in shoot and root length, leaf area, absolute growth rate, relative growth rate, and net primary productivity, indicating O(3) induced suppression in growth. EDU treatment was highly significant in different cultivars for total biomass and test weight but not for harvest index. Yield per plant was higher by 25.6%, 24%, 20.4%, 8.6%, and 1.9% in EDU-treated cultivars HUW468, Sonalika, HUW510, HUW234, and PBW343, respectively, than non-EDU-treated ones. These results clearly indicate the sensitivity of all the wheat cultivars to ambient levels of O(3) with cv HUW468 appearing to be most sensitive. The present study also supports the view that EDU has great potential in alleviating the unfavorable effects of O(3) and can be effectively used as a monitoring tool to assess growth and yield losses in areas experiencing elevated concentrations of O(3).  相似文献   

Herbicide is indispensable for crop production. However, substantial usage of herbicide has led to its increasing accumulation in soils and crops. In addition, cadmium has become one of the widely occurring contaminants in soils due to its significant release into environment via anthropogenic activities. In this study, ecotoxicological investigations were made by exposing the food crop wheat to joint contaminations of Cd and metsulfuron-methyl, a sulfonylurea herbicide. We analyzed growth and physiological and molecular responses in wheat exposed to 0.5 mg kg?1 Cd and 0.02 mg kg?1 metsulfuron-methyl (MSM). Soils contaminated with Cd and MSM complex caused significantly detrimental effect on wheat growth and physiological process. Combinative treatments with Cd and MSM damage more severely the plant cells as compared with Cd or MSM treatment alone. Compared with the growth parameter, the biochemical and molecular responses of wheat appeared more pronounced to Cd and MSM complex. Furthermore, compared with control, wheat plants exposed to Cd?+?MSM generated more O2?.and H2O2, both of which were shown to be the cause of enhanced activity of several antioxidant enzymes. Native polyacrylamide gel eletrophoresis and molecular response analyses were performed to validate the results indicated above. Our results indicated that joint contamination with Cd and MSM was more toxic to wheat than a single contamination. These sensitive biological parameters can be used as biomarkers monitoring the ecotoxicological process in plants.  相似文献   

The influence of microbial activity on the concentration and speciation of trace elements (TEs) was assessed in a study on the bioavailability of TEs for edible plants. A growth chamber experiment with spring wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. USU-Perigee) was conducted and the bulk (Bk) and the rhizosphere (Rz) soil components were collected at maturity. A characterization of the microbial activity and population was made by measuring the microbial biomass, enzymes (acid phosphatase, arylsulfatase, dehydrogenase and urease) and 16S rDNA DGGE profiles. In soil water extracts, major solutes (H(+), Ca, Mg, Na, NH(4), K, Cl, NO(3), SO(4), total N, DON and DOC) and trace elements (Al, As, Cd, Ce, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Tl, and Zn) including monomeric Al species, free Cu(2+) and labile Zn were determined. The partition of the variation indicated that 12.1% of the distribution of TEs in the Bk soil was significantly and exclusively explained by chemical properties while this value was less than 0.1% for the Rz soil. To the contrary, microbial properties contributed significantly to 12.3% of the distribution of TEs in the Rz soil whereas it explained less than 0.1% for the Bk soil. Detailed redundancy analyses identified several potential mechanisms (e.g. weathering of primary mineral, solubilisation of sesquioxides, bacterial effect on the redox status) explaining the fate of TEs in the Bk and Rz soils. This study revealed that microbial activity is strongly associated to the speciation of trace elements in the Rz of edible plants and points to some microbial processes influencing TE speciation.  相似文献   

In the peri-urban areas of central India, sewage water is a valuable resource for agricultural production. In this study, impact of domestic sewage water irrigation for 5 years on Vertisol with no previous history of sewage irrigation was investigated in an ongoing field experiment at Bhopal (India) under subtropical monsoon type climate. The wheat (Triticum aestivum) crop was grown during post-rainy winter season with 30 cm of irrigation (groundwater or sewage water) and four nutrient treatments (T1, 0; T2, 100%; T3, 50%; and T4, 50% of general recommended doses of NPK + FYM at 10 Mg/ha). Results showed that sewage irrigation of about 150 cm over a period of 5 years resulted significant increases in salinity as well as available fractions of N, P, K, and micronutrients, viz., Zn, Fe, and Mn in soils. Carbon and phosphorus applied through sewage water were accumulated more in subsoil layer compared to topmost plough layer. Soil microbiological activity, as indicated by soil respiration, microbial biomass C, as well as dehydrogenase enzyme activity was higher in sewage water-irrigated soils. There was also significant increase in fungal and actinomycetes as well as total coliform population in such soils. Nutrients supplied through sewage water were not able to raise the productivity of wheat to the level that obtained through fertilizers at the recommended level which indicated that additional nutrients through fertilizers are required to obtain higher productivity of wheat under sewage farming. Protein and Zn content in wheat grains were more when the crop was grown with sewage irrigation. Overall results show that except for increase in coliform population, short duration (5 years) of municipal sewage water irrigation did not have any appreciable harmful effect on soil quality as well as crop productivity; rather, it proved beneficial in improving soil fertility, wheat productivity, and produce quality.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in open top chamber during rabi seasons of 2009–10 and 2010–11 at the research farm of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi to study the effect of tropospheric ozone (O3) and carbon dioxide (CO2) interaction on yield and nutritional quality of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.). Mustard plants were grown from emergence to maturity under different treatments: charcoal-filtered air (CF, 80–85 % less O3 than ambient O3 and ambient CO2), nonfiltered air (NF, 5–10 % less O3 than ambient O3 and ambient CO2 ), nonfiltered air with elevated carbon dioxide (NF?+?CO2, NF air and 550?±?50 ppm CO2), elevated ozone (EO, NF air and 25–35 ppb elevated O3), elevated ozone along with elevated carbon dioxide (EO?+?CO2, NF air, 25–35 ppb O3 and 550?±?50 ppm CO2), and ambient chamber less control (AC, ambient O3 and CO2). Elevated O3 exposure led to reduced photosynthesis and leaf area index resulting in decreased seed yield of mustard. Elevated ozone significantly decreased the oil and micronutrient content in mustard. Thirteen to 17 ppm hour O3 exposure (accumulated over threshold of 40 ppm, AOT 40) reduced the oil content by 18–20 %. Elevated CO2 (500?±?50 ppm) along with EO was able to counter the decline in oil content in the seed, and it increased by 11 to 13 % over EO alone. Elevated CO2, however, decreased protein, calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, and sulfur content in seed as compared to the nonfiltered control, whereas removal of O3 from air in the charcoal-filtered treatment resulted in a significant increase in the same.  相似文献   

Environmental pollution is one of the burning issues of the world. In developed countries, there are lot of awareness about the environment and the impact of various industries on their life and surroundings. A little has been done in this direction in developing countries. In Pakistan, a big problem is the rapid conglomeration of the brick kilns in the outskirts of nearly all the urban centers to cope with the rapid construction work in big cities. A huge amount of low-grade coal or rubber tires is used as fuel in a very non-scientific manner. The purpose of the present study was to look into the impact of the brick kilns on the different aspects of environmental pollution caused by these kilns. Concentration of metals Cu, Co, Zn, Pb, Cr, Ni, Cd, and Mn were measured on 36 soil samples collected from the area and the same number of plant samples in order to establish the distribution of heavy metals in the area and to determine the effect of this distribution on the surrounding atmosphere and the possible effects on human life.  相似文献   

Spentwash is a rich source of organic matter and essential plant nutrients in addition to excess salts. Sugar mills in Pakistan discharge about 3.48 million tons of spentwash annually, with no proper procedures for its disposal or utilization. To test the effect of diluted spentwash on soil and the soil’s ability to support plant growth, sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) variety CPF-237 was planted. The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design involving factorial combination of four concentrations of each spentwash (0, 10, 20, and 30%) and mineral fertilizers (0, 1/3, 2/3, and the full recommended rate of NP). The 10% spentwash plus 2/3 mineral fertilizer treatment substituted 33% each of N and P and 100% of K, saving mineral fertilizer cost (Rs. 48600 ~ US$458) in addition to 29.54% increase in yield over full NP fertilizer. The same treatment also improved the soil organic matter (65%), N (20%), P (25%), and K (230%) over full NP treatment alone. An increase in the salt content of the soil was detected within the prescribed limits, with the exception of HCO3.  相似文献   

The presence of heavy metals in Triticum aestivum L. growing on the soil enriched with granular sludge after chemical protection was observed. The five variants of treatments using herbicide (Chwastox Turbo 340SL) and four fungicides (Topsin M 500SC, Amistar 250SC, Artea 330EC, and Falcon 460EC) were performed. On control and experimental plots, the concentration of Ni, Pb, Cr, and Cu in wheat leaves were in the range 0.32–0.99, 0.92–1.57, 0.89–6.31, and 7.08–12.59 mg/kg and in grains 0.03 to 0.11, 0.14–0.25, 0.11–0.76, and 1.06–1.46 mg/kg, respectively. The concentration of Pb in grain protected by MCPA and 2,4-D with thiophanate-methyl and azoxystrobin was higher than the maximum levels of 0.20 mg/kg D.M. The bioconcentration factor (BCF) differed and depended on chemical protection. The highest value of BCF was achieved for Cd. The statistical analysis showed a significant correlation between concentration of metals and quality parameters of wheat. One observed significant negative correlations between Ni/Zeleny sedimentation value (r = ?0.51) and between Pb/starch content (r = ?0.57). Positive correlations were observed between Cd/yield, the number of grains/ergosterol concentration (respectively, r = 0.41, r = 0.55, r = 0.56), and Zn/thousand grain weight (r = 0.50) at a p ≤ 0.05.  相似文献   

Green mussel (Perna viridis) and water samples were collected from Ennore creek, Chennai by seasonal sampling and analyzed for organochlorine pesticide residues (OCPs) like dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) and its metabolites, isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and endosulfan. These residues were analyzed by using gas chromatograph (GC) with μECD. In the present study, mussel samples showed very low concentrations of OCPs in the statistical order of DDT (5.83 ng g???1 wet tissue) > endosulfan (2.84 ng g???1 wet tissue) > HCH (2.34 ng g???1 wet tissue). Concentrations of OCPs in water samples were in the statistical order of endosulfan (29.21 ng L???1)?> HCH (17.14 ng L???1)?> DDT (14.63 ng L???1). To our knowledge, this is the first report on the seasonal variation of OCPs and especially the quantification of endosulfan in Ennore Creek. The present study recommends that continuous monitoring in Ennore creek is necessary to assess possible impact on human health.  相似文献   

This paper presents and discusses the levels and temporal trends of concentrations of Cd, Pb, Hg, Cu, Zn, and As in livers and Hg in the muscle tissues of cod (Gadus morhua L) from the Baltic Sea during the period 1994–2010. Concentrations of Pb, Hg, and Cd exhibited significant downward trends. Cu and Zn concentrations exhibited upward trends in the period 1994 to 2010. No trends were detected for concentrations of As. The temporal trends identified in heavy metal concentrations in cod livers corresponded to the directions of changes in concentrations of these elements introduced into the Baltic Sea via river runoff and atmospheric emission, and those in surface and deep waters of the Baltic. Downward trends in the concentrations of toxic metals in cod livers suggest that advantageous changes are occurring in concentrations of heavy metals in the environment of the southern Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations of biometric parameters as well as metal and protein concentrations were analyzed in the liver cytosol of indigenous European chub (Squalius cephalus L.). Fish sampling was carried out in the reproductive (spring) and non-reproductive period (autumn) in order to define parameters which are seasonally dependent. The specimens caught in the spring period had higher biometric (liver mass, condition and hepatosomatic indices) and some biochemical parameters (metallothionein (MT) and Mn) that are characteristic for the reproductive period. Contrary, Fe hepatic cytosolic concentrations were significantly lower in specimens from spring than in autumn period. Total cytosolic proteins, Cu and Cd concentrations were not seasonally dependent. Range of constitutive levels was determined for total cytosolic proteins (17.7 to 24.7 mg ml(-1)) from the whole set of data. Constitutive range of seasonally dependent parameters MT (207 to 337 microg ml(-1)) and Mn (0.11 to 0.19 microg ml(-1)) is based on the data from non-reproductive period. In order to avoid the interference of reproductive cycle on the level of selected biochemical parameters, it is recommended to perform chub sampling during non-reproductive period.  相似文献   

Following our research on copper, arsenic and antimony in Chilean ecosystems, a study to understand the mobility and transport of these elements from soil to plants was carried out. So, the aim of this study, which follows on from the previous work, was to demonstrate if the total concentrations of these elements or their fractions extracted by 0.05 M EDTA pH 7 from different Chilean soils correlate with the respective total concentrations in the edible tissue of alfalfa plants collected simultaneously from 20 different sites affected or unaffected by mining activities. The highest copper fractions extracted by EDTA solutions were obtained in contaminated soils from the central region (41-69%); however the northern soils presented the highest extractable fractions of arsenic (9-34%). The antimony fraction was low in all soils (0.4-8.0%). Alfalfa plants from all contaminated sites presented high copper, arsenic and antimony concentrations (19-126 mg kg(-1), 5.7-16.3 mg kg(-1) and 0.16-1.7 mg kg(-1), respectively). Statistically significant correlations were obtained between the total contents of copper and arsenic and their respective extractable fractions in soils. Good correlations were found between elements in alfalfa plants. Correlations were also obtained between the total concentrations of three elements in soils and in alfalfa plants. However, excepting for antimony in the northern samples, higher correlation coefficients were evaluated when the extractable fractions were considered. Samples from the north region presented the highest copper transfer factor and the lowest for arsenic, in spite of the high concentration of this metalloid extracted by EDTA solution in these soils. There was not a clear trend on the transfer factor for antimony, probably due to the low content of this element in alfalfa plants and/or the low recovery obtained for this element by EDTA.  相似文献   

Substantial and widespread morbidity and mortality of red spruce have been observed in high elevation forests of the northeast under circumstances indicative of a stress-related disease. Whether red spruce at lower elevations are experiencing a more subtle loss of growth and vigor is uncertain. In addition, sugar maple has exhibited decline of varying extent and intensity for several decades. Forests in the northeast are exposed to two air pollutants, ozone (O3) and acidic precipitation, that are widespread in occurrence and have the potential, both individually and collectively, to produce impacts to forest trees. the roles, if any, of these two stress agents in the tree declines found in the northeast are not known.In 1986, a five-year study was initiated to evaluate the effects of O3 and acidic precipitation on red spruce and sugar maple. The trees will be exposed to controlled levels of O3 and acidic precipitation in the field using open-top chambers. The experiment is a 4×3 factorial conducted in split plots with O3 treatments as whole plots and simulated rain treatments comprising the split plots. Broadly stated, the research will evaluate the effects of the pollutants on the processes, fluxes, and pools associated with carbon, water, and nutrients in the soil/tree/atmosphere system. These evaluations will be conducted on a systems level and will be integrated through the development of mechanistic simulation models.Assessment of the effects of the treatments on carbon fixation by photosynthesis, the loss of carbon through respiration, and the allocation of carbon in growth will be a central focus of the study. Whole-tree cuvettes will be used to assess net photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, and stomatal conductance.Considerable emphasis will be placed on determining the influences of the treatments on the biogeochemistry of the system. These studies will focus on the leaching of nutrients from the tree canopy, the mobilization and loss of nutrients from the soil, soil solution chemistry, and the alteration of tree nutrition by the input of additional nitrogen in precipitation.Statistical and simulation modeling will be used to assess and describe the effects of the treatments. The modeling approaches are different in technique, but complementary. Statistical models will be used to describe the responses of growth and physiological variables to the ozone and acidic precipitation treatments. Simulation models will be built to describe the relationships between photosynthesis, respiration, nutrition, and water use, how these processes are affected by the treatments, and how these effects ultimately result in altered growth. The simulation models will initially provide a framework for the formulation of hypotheses regarding the interrelationships of plant components and processes and how they are affected by the treatments.Contribution from Fourth World Wilderness Congress—Acid Rain Symposium, Denver (Estes Park), Colorado, September 11–18, 1987.  相似文献   

The date (Phoenix dactylifera L.) fruits (Soukari, Soulag, Barhi, Khulas, Rozaiz, Soughi and Monaif) were evaluated with respect to some physical and chemical properties. While crude protein contents of fruits change between 1.51 % (Soulag) to 2.41 % (Soughi), crude fibre contents ranged between 1.91 % (Soukari) to 3.90 % (Barhi). Vitamin C contents of date samples changed between 971.82 mg/kg (Soughi) to 1,453.15 mg/kg (Barhi). Antioxidant activity of date fruits ranged from 80.07 IC50 (Soukari) to 81.21 IC50 (Soulag). The highest phenolic content was found in Khulas with a mean value of 198 mg GAE/100 g. Energy values of date fruits ranged from 3,725 kcal/kg (Soulag) to 3,870 kcal/kg (Soukari). Sucrose contents of date fruits changed between 1.02 % (Soulag) to 55.71 % (Soukari). Mineral contents of several date fruits were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Date samples contain potassium at a range between 7,468 mg/kg (Khulas) to 9,619 mg/kg (Soulag). Phosphorus contents of fruits were found between 1,848 mg/kg (Soulag) to 3,066 mg/kg (Rozaiz) and followed by magnesium and calcium. The highest Zn (9.33 mg/kg), Cu (4.27 mg/kg) and Mn (3.26 mg/kg) were found in Rozaiz, Soukari and Barhi samples, respectively.  相似文献   

The growth of Scots pine and its suitability for afforestation of post-mining landscapes in Northeast Estonia were assessed in comparative analytical studies by using morphological parameters and mineral nutrition characteristics. The growth and nutrient uptake of Scots pine growing on post-mining substrate were compared with the characteristics of pines of the same age (22–23 years) in a Calluna forest site type predominant in North Estonia in similar climatic zone. Results of the analyses of soil upper layers showed that the concentration of N and P in soil did not differ between the opencast spoil and Calluna site, but significantly higher pH of soil and concentrations of K, Ca, and Mg were found in mine spoil. The concentrations of K and Mg in needles were significantly higher in the post-mining area, but the concentrations of N, P, and Ca did not differ significantly. Comparison of the needle nutrient concentration with the standard for optimum concentrations revealed P deficit in the post-mining area and P and K deficit in the Calluna site. Scots pine formed longer and thinner needles and shoots in the post-mining substrate than in the Calluna site. It was assumed that in the post-mining area the growth of pines is predominantly dependent on K and Ca concentrations in their tissues as the biomass of needles was strongly correlated with the K/Ca ratio, whereas the biomass in the Calluna site was correlated with the N/P ratio. The height and diameter of trees were significantly larger in the post-mining area.  相似文献   

Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were examined and potential sources of PAHs were identified from the dated tree-rings of Masson pine (Pinus massoniana L.) near two industrial sites (Danshuikeng, DSK and Xiqiaoshan, XQS) in the Pearl River Delta of south China. Total concentrations of PAHs (∑PAHs) were revealed with similar patterns of temporal trends in the tree-rings at both sites, suggesting tree-rings recorded the historical variation in atmospheric PAHs. The differences of individual PAHs and of ∑PAHs detected in the tree-rings between the two sites reflected the historical differences of airborne PAHs. Regional changes in industrial activities might contribute to the site-specific and period-specific patterns of the tree-ring PAHs. The diagnostic PAH ratios of Ant/(Ant + PA), FL/(FL + Pyr), and BaA/(BaA + Chr)) revealed that PAHs in the tree-rings at both sites mainly stemmed from the combustion process (pyrogenic sources). Principal component analysis further confirmed that wood burning, coal combustion, diesel, and gasoline-powered vehicular emissions were the dominant contributors of PAHs sources at DSK, while diesel combustion, gasoline and natural gas combustion, and incomplete coal combustion were responsible for the main origins of PAHs at XQS. Tree-ring analysis of PAHs was indicative of PAHs from a mixture of sources of combustion, thus minimizing the bias of short-term active air sampling.  相似文献   

A Neubauer plantlet experiment was carried out using Inceptisol (Typic Haplustept) and Vertisol (Typic Chromustert) soils contaminated with 134Cs at 74 kBq kg(-1) soil to study the transfer factor to wheat crop (Triticum aestivum) as influenced by four levels of humic acid (100, 200, 300, 400 mg HA kg(-1) soil), potassium and NH4-N (36.4, 54.5, 72.7 and 90.9 mg K or NH4 kg(-1) soil) under tropical climate. The biomass yield and K uptake by wheat were significantly improved in Vertisol with NH4-N and K application. The potassium application significantly increased the potassium concentration in wheat plants. The increase in the levels of each of the treatments dramatically improved the yield, K content and K uptake parameters, irrespective of the soils. The 134Cs transfer factors, irrespective of the treatments were observed to be higher in Vertisols as compared to Inceptisols. Among the treatments, the effect of HA was significantly greater than that of K and NH4-N application in Inceptisol, however, in Vertisols both HA and NH4-N were observed to be superior as compared to K application. With each increment in the levels of the treatments, a significantly lowered TF value was found, higher in Inceptisols (56.3%) than Vertisols (48.5%). Comparison of treatments indicates that in general higher potassium concentration in plant drastically lowered radiocesium transfer to wheat. Neubauer plant culture study, a rapid laboratory experimental model based on simple soil-plant system was quite clearly brought out the potential effectiveness of N, K and HA on soil-to-wheat transfer of radiocesium. Such screening technique needs to be extended to cover wider crop species, different climatic conditions and factors governing/modifying the mobility of radiocesium in soil and its absorption by crop plants.  相似文献   

This paper reports an investigation of the sublethal toxicity of cypermethrin (20 µg/l) on the levels of respiration and selected ions in tissues of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). A significant decrease in O 2 consumption and ions was observed in gill, brain, liver and muscle tissues of cypermethrinexposed fish. The decreased rate of O 2 consumption may be due to inhibition of oxidative enzymes during cypermethrin stress.  相似文献   

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