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Even though social network analysis provides an important tool to characterize and compare societies, no studies have used its analytical applications to characterize patterns of sociality in bats. Here I use social network analysis to characterize and compare patterns of sociality between three populations of the leaf-roosting bat Thyroptera tricolor. Sites differed in the density of furled leaves used by T. tricolor for roosting. Finca had more leaves per hectare (77), followed by Ureña (58), and Esquinas (7). The time period over which the probability of association is halved based on fitted models was 1,086 days for Finca, 714 days for Ureña, and 303 days for Esquinas. Finca and Ureña had very similar network topologies, with several small clusters, high-clustering coefficients, short path lengths, low node betweenness, and high network robustness. Social networks at Esquinas were composed of one large cluster and several small isolated ones. Esquinas also had high-clustering coefficients, but path length and node betweenness were high. Network resilience was lower in Esquinas compared to Finca and Ureña. These results show that, unlike many other forest-dwelling bats that switch roosts regularly, T. tricolor does not exhibit a typical fission–fusion social system, and that resource availability seems to affect social networks in this bat. In addition, this study highlights the importance of emigrating individuals in maintaining social cohesion, establishing network connectedness, and determining network robustness.  相似文献   

Summary At a site in Costa Rica, three groups of 8–12 adult female vampire bats, Desmodus rotundus, utilize group-specific sets of hollow trees as day roosts. Long-term nonrandom associations between pairs of females, as measured by the proportion of time one bat spends roosting in the same tree with another bat over a 3 year period, occur even when preferences for particular trees are removed. Significant associations exist between both related and unrelated adult females. Adult male bats, however, show few associations with females or other males. By observing bats within trees and while foraging, and by monitoring feeding flights with radiotelemetry, the following potential benefits of association could be tested. Females roost together to (1) share a suitable microclimate, (2) avoid predators, (3) avoid ectoparasite infestations, (4) minimize travel to mobile prey animals, (5) respond to coercive males, (6) feed simultaneously from a bite, (7) remove ectoparasites by allogrooming, and (8) share food by regurgitating blood to other bats within roosts. The data do not indicate that any of the first five hypotheses provide significant benefits for long-term associations although predators and ectoparasite levels may cause occasional changes in roost sites. Simultaneous feeding was uncommon and apparently confined to females and their recent offspring. Allogrooming, although common, occurred independently of the presence of ectoparasites. Food sharing, however, occurred between both related and unrelated adult females with high levels of association and provides at least one selective advantage for maintaining cohesive female groups.  相似文献   

Summary The variability of period of the free-running circadian activity rhythm (CAR) and the degree to which it is affected by social factors was studied in diurnal marmosets (Callithrix jacchus: Primates, Cebidae), kept either singly or in pairs. Under continuous light intensities between 10-1 and 102 lx, the spontaneous period was always shorter than 24h. It varied in relation to the amount of time spent under constant conditions (after-effects). There was some evidence of an effect of light intensity on free-running period, but no clear correlation between the two. Mutual acoustic social contact caused some males to exhibit pseudo-splitting, ascribable to positive social masking, and in many cases also resulted in relative coordination of the free-running CAR. True social entrainment, however, was not produced. The possibility that the latter could occur under some conditions is discussed, as well as the neural pathways that might mediate the observed acoustically induced social effects on the central nervous system pacemaker(s) of the circadian timing system.  相似文献   

 Adult talitrid amphipods often display a nocturnal activity pattern, which has been shown in a number of cases to be partly controlled by an endogenous rhythm of circadian period. Juvenile talitrids have been little studied in the past, but evidence from field studies indicates that they may display a different diel pattern of locomotor activity from that of adults. This study presents evidence from the field in south–central Chile that juvenile Orchestoidea tuberculata Nicolet show crepuscular activity peaks, contrasting with the nocturnal peaks shown by adult conspecifics. Under constant conditions in the laboratory, both juveniles and adults exhibit endogenous rhythms of circadian periodicity. However, the phasing of activity differs in juveniles and adults, corresponding to the differences observed in the field. It is suggested that differing phasing of peak locomotor activity may be a mechanism to reduce contact between juvenile and adult talitrids. Experimental evidence indicates a significant negative influence on survival of juveniles in the presence of adult conspecifics by intraspecific predation. Other factors influencing the timing of surface activity are also discussed. Received: 3 August 1999 / Accepted: 26 May 2000  相似文献   

Summary Deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus), kept in individual cages under constant dim-light conditions, displayed steady free-running rhythms of activity, the period of which varied between individuals.When two previously isolated mice with different rhythms were placed in a common enclosure, under the same constant light conditions, they soon displayed a mutual synchronization of their activity rhythms. When separated again, the mice lost mutual synchronization (Figs. 1 and 2)The process by which mutual synchronization was attained in the common enclosure is typical of entrainment by an external synchronizer (Zeitgeber). Our results suggest that the activity rhythm of the dominant mouse entrains the activity rhythm of the subordinate, and is thus a social Zeitgeber.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that tropical bats may frequently depart from the predominant mammalian male-biased dispersal pattern. So far, two emballonurid bat species that are closely related to our study species (Grey sac-winged bat, Balantiopteryx plicata) have been found to exhibit exceptional female-biased dispersal that is in accordance with father–daughter inbreeding avoidance. In contrast, using a combination of long-term behavioral observations of banded bats and DNA sequencing of the mitochondrial d-loop, our results suggest that B. plicata is the first Neotropical emballonurid with female philopatry and frequent male dispersal. However, just like in the other emballonurids, the age of females at first conception fell below the tenure of males. Thus, philopatric B. plicata females might face a father–daughter inbreeding risk if mating with males from their roosts. Such risk could be circumvented if mating occurs outside the nursing roost, e.g., in male mating aggregations. In contrast to other Neotropical emballonurid bats, the Grey sac-winged bat forms colonies with a greatly male-biased sex ratio (only 5 and 21 % females). Males of such colonies showed high roost fidelity and the sex ratio did not change throughout the year and for up to many years, suggesting an important role in mating. We conclude that studying the diverse mating and dispersal patterns of Neotropical emballonurids shows great potential to enlarge our understanding on how the proposed ultimate causes (i.e., avoidance of inbreeding and local competition between kin) affect the evolution of sex-biased dispersal.  相似文献   

Summary While honeybees use magnetic fields as references to orient in space, there is no unequivocal evidence that honeybees use magnetic cues to orient in time. In this report, it is demonstrated that magnetic fields usually have no influence on the time sense of honeybees, and the bees' rhythmicity is not driven exclusively by exogenous factors. All the variations of the forager bees' behavior are explicable by an endogenous control of rhythmicity; differences are due to individually different periods of the forager bees and dependent on the season. The coincidence of curves calculated from the constellation of sun and moon and the behavior of bees is shown to be an artifact and not a causal relationship.  相似文献   

The vast majority of bats strongly depend on, but do not make, shelters or roosts. We investigated Lophostoma silvicolum, which roosts in active termite nests excavated by the bats themselves, to study the relationship between roost choice and mating systems. Due to the hardness of the termite nests, roost-making is probably costly in terms of time and energy for these bats. Video-observations and capture data showed that single males excavate nests. Only males in good physical condition attracted females to the resulting roosts. Almost all groups captured from excavated nests were single male-multifemale associations, suggesting a harem structure. Paternity assignments based on ten polymorphic microsatellites, revealed a high reproductive success of 46% by nest-holding males. We suggest that the mating system of L. silvicolum is based on a resource-defense polygyny. The temperatures in the excavated nests are warm and stable, and might provide a suitable shelter for reproductive females. Reproductive success achieved by harem males appears to justify the time and effort required to excavate the nests. Reproductive success may thus have selected on an external male phenotype, the excavated nests, and have contributed to the evolution of an otherwise rare behavior in bats.Communicated by G. Wilkinson  相似文献   

Summary Social influence on circadian activity rhythms was investigated in the nocturnal Australian marsupial Petaurus breviceps. The activity of two and two was recorded electroacoustically and observed by an IR television camera in LD 12:12 (101:10-1lx) and in LL (10-1lx) when housed isolated and in pairs (+). In LD-entrained animals the average duration of locomotion, orientation movements, grooming and total activity is influenced by social housing, and individually different activity patterns are harmonized. In constant illumination conditions, however, the members of a pair are not mutually synchronized and free-run with different circadian periodlengths. Therefore social influence on the LD-entrained activity rhythm in Petaurus should be interpreted as social masking rather than direct influence on the circadian system.  相似文献   

Dispersal and migratory behaviours are often important determinants of gene flow in wild species, and we have studied their role using ringing-recapture data in the Portuguese population of Miniopterus schreibersii, a cave-dwelling bat that forms large maternity colonies. Juvenile dispersal, usually a major agent of gene flow, appears to be negligible, as young females never settled to give birth in foreign colonies. Likewise, there was virtually no dispersal of adult females to foreign maternity colonies. This strong philopatry virtually eliminated female-mediated gene flow, but we found a great potential for male-mediated gene flow among colonies, as regional migrations temporarily joined both sexes from different colonies in the same roosts, during the mating season. In fact, females from some colonies were more likely to mate with males from foreign colonies than from their own, thus potentially bringing home genes of foreign males. In spite of this abundant gene flow, we found a pattern of isolation by distance and even strong barriers to gene flow, which is explained by the fact that migrations were usually too short to allow direct flow among distant colonies. We concluded that potential gene flow is influenced by the distance between colonies and the availability of mating roosts between them. In addition, we found this flow to be asymmetrical, with a dominant direction from the largest to the smallest colonies. Our ringing-recapture estimates of potential gene flow based on dispersal and migratory behaviour are compatible with the genetic structure of the population for both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. Our conclusions have implications for the conservation of bats with a spatial behaviour similar to that of M. schreibersii. Colonies should be managed individually because strict female philopatry not only promotes their isolation but also minimises the contribution of immigration in rescuing declining colonies. Furthermore, the results underline the importance of preserving mating roosts to maintain gene flow among colonies.  相似文献   

Colonies and isolated bees of the Cape honeybee, Apis mellifera capensis Esch., were observed for evidence of circadian rhythmicity under constant conditions. It was found that colonies develop free-running activity rhythms in self-selected light-dark cycles, which are slightly shorter than 24 h. The periods of the activity rhythms of individual isolated bees were longer than 24 h in self-selected light-dark and constant light, while they were shorter than 24 h in constant darkness. A greater variability in period was found in the isolated bees than in the colonies. When the rhythms of colonies and individual bees from these colonies were measured simultaneously, the activities of the isolated bees drifted with respect to that of the colonies, their period being either longer or shorter than that of their own colony. After 12 days of isolation of individual bees from their colony, all coincidence between the phases of the two rhythms was lost. We conclude that the periods of common activity and common rest of the bees within a colony result from a mutual (social) synchronization of the rhythms of the individual bees.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - Thermal caves represent an environment characterized by unique chemical/physical properties, often used for treatment and care of musculoskeletal,...  相似文献   

Submarine caves are semi-closed subsystems within the marine littoral ecosystem. One of the most striking features is the progressive reduction of the number of phyla, species, and biomass towards the interior of such a cave. The decrease in biomass has been explained as the result of low exchange rates of the water inside the caves which limit the supply of oxygen and food particles from the exterior. Many authors have proposed that this reduced exchange rate is associated with the occurrence of marked gradients in temperature, salinity, oxygen and light. Measurement of faunal abundance of a cave in the littoral zone of the Medes Islands (Catalonia, north-east Spain) made between June 1983 and July 1984, revealed a zonation similar to that in other Mediterranean caves. Animal biomass decreased from 260 g ash-free dry weight m-2 at the entrance to 80 g ash-free dry weight m-2 at the end of the cave (50 m from the mouth). A special technique for remote water-sampling was developed to avoid problems due to turbulence caused by divers in this semi-closed system. This involved the installation of a series of plastic tubes at different points along the axis of the cave. The water was brought to the surface using a battery-powered electric pump. The reliability of this method was verified by comparing the results with samples collected directly by divers. Sampling both in winter and summer showed no longitudinal gradients for temperature, salinity, oxygen, chlorophylla and the number and volume of suspended particles. These results suggest that there is a constant circulation within the cave which guarantees water-exchange. The decrease in biomass cannot be explained by physico-chemical gradients due to insufficient exchange with the external system. On a finer scale, however, along the walls of the cave there may exist boundary layers that are not affected by the general circulation. This could account for the observed decrease in the biomass of benthic organisms.  相似文献   

D. Neumann 《Marine Biology》1986,90(3):461-465
Within the scope of studies on adaptation of insects to intertidal and sublittoral environments, correlations between the reproduction period of the short-lived chironomid Pontomyia pacifica Tokunaga and tidal conditions were examined at the only known Japanese location of this species in 1980. The larval habitat is situated, except for deeper tide pools in the lower midlittoral zone, mainly within the inner sublittoral zone, whose upper area is covered by Hypnea choroides, the dominating algae during the summer. The aerial adults emerge on the surface of the open sea and swarm there independent of the tidal situation above the submersed sublittoral habitat. Eclosion always started during dusk and all reproductive activities were ended within 2.5 h after sunset. The adaptation of P. pacifica (sublittoral habitat, diel eclosion after sunset with mass concentration of the adults on the water surface, no semilunar or lunar timing of the reproduction period and sinking egg masses) corresponds with those of the convergent marine chironomid Clunio balticus from Europe. On the basis of a few laboratory observations with P. pacifica and detailed experiments with C. balticus, it is supposed that the diel eclosion of P. pacifica is also controlled by an endogenous, circadian timing mechanism and the 24-h light-dark cycle as an environmental time cue.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

Sources, biochemical composition and nutritional value of suspended particulate material were investigated from February 1994 to February 1995 in a submarine cave (Grotta Azzurra, Capo Palinuro, southwestern Italy) with hot sulphur springs and associated mats of chemolithoautotrophic bacteria in its innermost dark part (Snow Hall). Concentrations of total suspended material (TSM), particulate inorganic material (PIM), organic carbon (POC), organic nitrogen (PON), chlorophyll a (Chl a), phaeopigments (Phaeo), carbohydrates (TCH), proteins (TPR) and lipids (TLI) were measured at four stations along an outside–inside transect, in order to address whether the quantity and quality of suspended particles varied over time with increasing distance from the entrance of the cave and estimate the relative contribution of chemosynthesis versus photosynthesis in supplying POC to cave heterotrophs. The abundance and biochemical composition of suspended material available to filter-feeders varied over time, but no significant quantitative or qualitative differences were detected along the outside–inside transect. Concentrations of TSM and of its different compounds (PIM, POC, PON, Phaeo, TCH, TPR, TLI) were homogeneous among the four stations or fluctuated without any consistent trend, with no apparent ageing and degradation of organic material in the innermost dark station. Conversely, concentrations of Chl a significantly decreased from outside to inside the cave at all sampling periods. It is suggested that suspended POC in Grotta Azzurra consists of mixed assemblages of particles coming from advection of photosynthetic material from the open sea and local inputs of carbon by sulphur-oxidizing bacteria. Based on POC/Chl a ratios, the relative contributions of chemosynthesis versus photosynthesis in supplying POC to benthic heterotrophs was estimated to be 31 and 69%, respectively. Received: 9 December 1996 / Accepted: 14 January 1997  相似文献   

Characteristics of the diurnal rhythm of the bioluminescence field are analyzed on the basis of experimental data obtained in the region around Kamchatka peninsula (50°31′N; 163°50′E). The feasibility of reconstructing the nocturnal structure of the bioluminescence field by measurements made at other times of the day has been demonstrated. Diurnal rhythm parameters for the bioluminescent field of several other studied areas of the ocean have been defined. The temporal parameters feature linear latitudinal dependence. At the equator the boundaries of morning and evening transition periods are 05:06 to 07:30 and 17:48 to 19:54 hrs, respectively. In the Barents Sea in spring these boundaries are 02:42 to 04:06 and 19:48 to 21:12 hrs. Boundary times of diurnal rhythm do not deviate from the linear regression by more than 10%. Received: 21 August 1998 / Accepted 4 March 1999  相似文献   

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