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赵浩明 《青海环境》2011,21(1):6-16
这次全省环境保护工作会议是在"十二五"开局之年召开的一次十分重要的会议,主要任务是,全面总结2010年及"十一五"环保工作,明确"十二五"工作思路,安排部署今年工作任务。省委、省政府对这次会议十分重视,省委书记强卫、  相似文献   

2 0 0 3年 2月 1 9日 ,青海省召开了全省环境保护工作会议。省委副书记宋秀岩、省人大副主任洛桑、省政府副省长苏森、省政协副主席马福海、省政府副秘书长胡佩杰出席了会议。各州、地、市、县政府主管领导和环保局长 ,重点企业负责人以及省直有关厅局的领导参加了会议。会议传达了全国环保工作会议精神 ,全面总结了过去 5年的工作 ,安排部署了今年的环保任务。为方便大家全面了解和学习会议的内容和精神 ,现将会议有关材料予以选登 ,以供大家参阅  相似文献   

赵浩明 《青海环境》2007,17(1):7-13
这次全省环境保护工作会议,是新时期加强我省环保工作的一个十分重要的会议。会议的主要任务是,贯彻党的十六届六中全会、省委十届九次全委会议和2007年全国环保厅局长会议精神,总结2006年全省环保工作,部署2007年环保工作任务。马建堂副省长将作重要讲话,对做好今年以至今后一  相似文献   

<正>(2014年1月25日)这次全省环保工作会议的主要任务是,深入学习贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话及党的十八届三中全会、全国环境保护工作会议、省委十二届五次全体会议和全省"两会"精神,总结去年工作,部署今年任务。省委省政府对这次会议十分重视,张建民副省长还将亲临会议作重要讲话,我们一定要认真学习领会,深入贯彻落实。下面,我先讲三个方面的意见:一、关于去年环保工作情况的回顾2013年,全省各级环保部门按照省委省政府  相似文献   

这次全省环境保护工作会议是在全省上下深入学习贯彻党的十六大和省第十次党代会精神 ,为全面建设小康社会 ,实现富民强省而共同奋斗的新形势下召开的。会议的主要任务是 ,贯彻党的十六大精神 ,落实省第十次党代会、省十届人大一次会议和全国环境保护工作会议精神 ,总结过去 5年工作 ,安排部署 2 0 0 3年全省环保工作。一、过去 5年环保工作的回顾过去的 5年 ,在省委、省政府的正确领导下和省直各部门的大力支持与配合下 ,各级环保部门认真贯彻党的十五大和中央人口资源环境工作座谈会精神 ,全面落实环境保护的各项方针、政策和法律法规 ,在…  相似文献   

全省环境保护工作会议今天开幕了。参加这次会议的有省环委会委员,部分州、地、市、县主管环保工作的领导和环保部门的负责同志,以及部分大中型企业的代表。这次会议的主要任务是:认真学习邓小平同志南巡重要讲话和党的十四大会议精神,重点讨论贯彻省委、省政府关于贯彻中办发(1992)7号文件精神,进一步加强我省环保工作的实施意见;总结一年来我省环保工作情况,交流工作经验,布署今年的工作任务,促使全省环境保护事业有一个新的起点,促进经济建设与保护环境协调发展。现在我受省环境保护委员会的委托,向大会做工作报告。一、一九九二年我省环境保护工作的成绩和基本经验 1992年,在省委、省政府及建设厅领导和国家环保局的指导下,我省认真宣传贯彻环境保护这一基本国策,坚持经济建  相似文献   

祁生奎 《青海环境》2004,14(2):53-58
这次全省环境保护工作会议是在我省社会经济陕速健康发展的新形势下召开的一次重要会议。会议的主要任务是,学习贯彻中央人口资源环境工作座谈会、全国环境保护厅局长座谈会、落实省委十届三次全委会、省委经济工作会议和全省人口资源环境工作座谈会精神,总结工作,表彰先进,安排部署2004年环保任务。  相似文献   

这次全省环境保护工作会议的主要任务是认真贯彻全国环保工作会议和省委人口资源环境座谈会议精神,统一思想、明确任务,努力做好我省的环境保护工作,促进青海经济社会持续快速健康发展。刚才,曲爱珍同志总结了2004年的工作,安排部署了今年的工作任务,目标明确、任务具体、措施得力,我完全同意。下面我受苏森副省长委托,就进一步做好我省的环境保护工作讲几点意见。  相似文献   

正(2020年2月19日)同志们:在新冠肺炎疫情防控的特殊时期,经省政府同意,我们采用视频会议形式,召开2020年全省生态环境保护工作会议,主要任务是认真贯彻落实党中央国务院、省委省政府关于生态文明建设和生态环境保护的决策部署,全面总结2019年工作,明确今年目标任务。省委省政府对此次会议高度重视。会前,王建军书记、刘宁省长专门提出工作要求,田锦尘副省长就开好会议、推进落实生态环境保护重点工作作了专门安排部署。刚才,宛峰厅长作了工作报告,系统总结了去年工作,对  相似文献   

何东江 《青海环境》2001,11(1):5-11
这次全省环境保护工作会议是在刚刚跨入新世纪,全省上下认真贯彻落实十五届五中全会和省委九届四次全委会议精神的新形势下召开的。主要任务是:传达学习全国环境保护工作会议精神,总结2000年度环境保护工作,研究部署“十五”及2001年的工作任务。通过这次会议,进一步统一思想,振奋精神,以崭新的工作风貌实现新世纪环保工作的良好开局。下面,我讲3个问题: 一、2000年度全省环境保护工作的基本回顾 2000年,是实施“九五”计划的最后一年,也是全省环境保护工作面;临新形势和新发展的一年。在省委、省政府的正确领…  相似文献   

Thinking and acting in favor of sustainable development is internationally recognized; it is necessary but societies and individuals are slow to adopt an appropriate behavior. International organizations such as World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology recommend to opt for frugality, a principle emphasized to avoid over-consumption and consequently the depletion of natural resources. This article thus examines the principle of frugality by proving that it is not necessarily related to consumption as it is understood since the Enlightenment: we have to take into account the Asian perspective that changes the relationship between humankind and nature, first taking into consideration the good of the whole community. I argue that frugality is not necessarily in conflict with economy but certainly challenging it as expressed by the Indian terms Jugaad or Gandhian: a way of thinking and creating new projects that lead to fruitful solutions for the majority. Therefore I intend to provide a positive definition of frugality as a way of creating new projects that lead to fruitful solutions for the majority.  相似文献   

Natural gas development using hydraulic fracturing has many potential environmental impacts, but among the most certain is the land disturbance required to build the well pads and other infrastructure required to drill and extract the gas. We used the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model to investigate how natural gas development could impact streamflow and sediment, total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorous (TP) loadings in the upper Delaware River Basin (DRB), a relatively undeveloped watershed of 7,950 km2 that lies above the Marcellus Shale formation. If gas development was permitted, our projections show the DRB could experience development of over 600 well pads to extract natural gas at build out, which, with supporting infrastructure (roads, gathering pipelines), could convert over 5,000 ha from existing land uses in the study area. In subbasins with development activity we found sediment, TN, and TP yields could increase by an average of 15, 0.08, and 0.03 kg/ha/yr, respectively (an increase of 2, 3, and 15%, respectively) for each one percent of subbasin land area converted into natural gas infrastructure. At the study area outlet on the Delaware River at Port Jervis, New York, we found increases in the annual average streamflow and sediment, nitrogen, and phosphorus loads of up to 0.01, 0.2, 0.2, and 1%, respectively, for a rapid development year, and 0.08, 1.3, 2.0, and 11%, respectively, for the full development scenario. Editor's note : This paper is part of the featured series on SWAT Applications for Emerging Hydrologic and Water Quality Challenges. See the February 2017 issue for the introduction and background to the series.  相似文献   

India has reasons to be concerned about climate change. Over 650 million people depend on climate-sensitive sectors, such as rain-fed agriculture and forestry, for livelihood and over 973 million people are exposed to vector borne malarial parasites. Projection of climatic factors indicates a wider exposure to malaria for the Indian population in the future. If precautionary measures are not taken and development processes are not managed properly some developmental activities, such as hydro-electric dams and irrigation canal systems, may also exacerbate breeding grounds for malaria. This article integrates climate change and developmental variables in articulating a framework for integrated impact assessment and adaptation responses, with malaria incidence in India as a case study. The climate change variables include temperature, rainfall, humidity, extreme events, and other secondary variables. Development variables are income levels, institutional mechanisms to implement preventive measures, infrastructure development that could promote malarial breeding grounds, and other policies. The case study indicates that sustainable development variables may sometimes reduce the adverse impacts on the system due to climate change alone, while it may sometimes also exacerbate these impacts if the development variables are not managed well and therefore they produce a negative impact on the system. The study concludes that well crafted and well managed developmental policies could result in enhanced resilience of communities and systems, and lower health impacts due to climate change.  相似文献   

这次会议是中国石油天然气股份有限公司成立一年来,质量安全环保部经叶开的第一次直属技术机构工作座谈会。参加会议的人员均来自股份公司各直属质量、安全、环保、健康、标准化、计量、节能(以下简称质量安全环保或QHSE)技术机构和股份公司、专业分公司质量安全环保部门的负责同志。会议还邀请了股份公司有关部门的同志到会指导。会议的主要任务是:研究分析股份公司成立后质量安全环保技术机构的面临新形势和新任务;讨论明确直属技术机构“十五”期间的发展思路、发展规划和工作任务;落实直属技术机构“ 十五”期间的设备更新改造计划;总结2000年工作并部署2001年的工作任务。  相似文献   

生物多样性是由生物及其生存环境共同构成的综合资源,经自然长期演化而来,它不仅地球生物圈的重要组成部分,也是人类赖以生存和发展的宝贵财富。提出将生物多样性保护纳入国家国土资源开发以及全球经济发展与合作规划中。  相似文献   

同志们: 我们今天召开的安全生产、环境保护和健康工作会议,是在集团公司重组改制、存续企业和股份公司分开分立、独立运作、HSE管理体系正式发布一年后的专业工作会议。会议的主要任务是:贯彻集团公司2001年工作会议要求,总结经验,部署任务,研讨措施,动员各企业进一步认清形势、加强领导、开拓创新、求真务实,扎实地做好“十五”第一年的安全、环境与健康工作,努力提升新世纪集团公司HSE整体管理新水平。 现在,我代表集团公司质量安全与环保部,做安全生产、环境保护和健康工作报告。主要讲三部分。 1 2000年工作回顾 在集…  相似文献   

We present a framework of a scenario-based model that simulates the development of the municipality of Davos (Swiss Alps). We illustrate our method with the calculation of the scenario for 2050 “Decrease in subsidies for mountain agriculture and liberalization of markets.” The main objective was to link submodels of land-use allocation (regression-based approach), material and energy flows submodels (Material and Energy Flux Analysis), and economic submodels (Input–Output Analysis). Letting qualitative and quantitative information flow from one submodel to the next, following the storyline describing a scenario, has proven to be suitable for linking submodels. The succession of the submodels is then strongly dependent on the scenario. Qualitative information flows are simulated with microsimulations of actor choices. Links between the submodels show different degrees of robustness: although the links involving microsimulations are the weakest, the uncertainty introduced by the land-use allocation model is actually advantageous because it allows one possible change in the landscape in the future to be simulated. The modeling results for the scenario here presented show that the disappearance of agriculture only marginally affects the region’s factor income, but that the consequences for the self-sufficiency rate, for various landscape-related indicators and ecosystem services, and for the economy in the long term may be considerable. These benefits compensate for agriculture’s modest direct economic value. The framework presented can potentially be applied to any region and scenario. This framework provides a basis for a learning package that allows potential detrimental consequences of regional development to be anticipated at an early stage.  相似文献   

为促进小火电机组关停工作,国家发改委近日下发了《关于降低小火电机组上网电价促进小火电机组关停工作的通知》(以下简称“通知”),要求逐步降低小火电机组上网电价。“通知”同时提出,小火电可向高效率机组转让发电量指标,对转让发电量指标并确保关停的小火电机组不再降价。  相似文献   

Book revewed in this article:
SADCC: Energy and Development to the Year 2000 Editors : Jorge Tavares de Carvalho Simoaes  相似文献   

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