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可吸附有机卤化物的深度处理实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
可吸附有机卤化物(AOX)是人为污染的重要标志之一,北京高碑店污水处理厂二级出水中约90%的AOX为可吸附有机氧化物(AOCl),研究了自氧氧化,粒状活性炭吸附,粉末活性炭吸附3种深度处理工艺对二级出水中AOX的去除作用,臭氧的氧化反应最多可去除约38%的AOX,粒状活性炭床可运行3200床体积,吸附容量为0.14mgAOX/g GH-16型活性炭,投加木质粉末活性炭200mg/L及25mg/L的聚合氯化铝,能去除24.7%的AOX。  相似文献   

Müller G 《Chemosphere》2003,52(2):371-379
"AOX" is the abbreviation of the sum parameter for water soluble "adsorbable organic halogens" in which 'A' stands for adsorbable, 'O' for organic and 'X' for the halogens chlorine, bromine and iodine.After the introduction of the AOX in 1976, this parameter has been correctly used for "real" AOX constituents (DDT and its metabolites, PCBs, etc.) but also misused for non-adsorbable adsorbed OX-compounds, mostly high molecular organohalogens in plants and even to inorganic compounds being neither organic nor adsorbable.The question of natural "Adsorbable Organic Halogens" (AOX) formed by living organisms and/or during natural abiogenic processes has been definitively solved by the known existence of already more than 3650 organohalogen compounds, amongst them the highly reactive, cancerogenic vinyl chloride (VC).The extension of the AOX to AOX-S18 for Sludges and Sediments, in which A stands for adsorbed (not for adsorbable) is questionable. It includes the most important water insoluble technical organochlorine product: polyvinyl chloride, PVC.In addition to organic halogens it also includes inorganic, mineralogenic halides, incorporated mainly in the crystal lattice of fine grained phyllosilicates, the typical clay minerals (kaolinite, montmorillonite, illite and chlorite) which are main constituents of sediments and sedimentary rocks representing the major part of the sedimentary cover of the earth.Other phyllosilicates, biotite and muscovite, major constituents of granites and many metamorphic rocks (gneiss and mica schist) will also contribute to the AOX-S18 especially in soils as result of weathering processes.Since chlorine is incorporated into the mineral structure and, as a consequence, not soluble by the nitric acid analytical step (pH 0.5) of the S18 determination, it will account to the AOX-S18 in the final charcoal combustion step at temperatures >950 degrees C.After heavy rainfalls sewage sludge composition is strongly influenced by mineralogenic components derived from the erosion of fine grained sediments or soils. Assuming 50% geogenic particles with a mean Cl concentration of 103 mg/kg (as in shales and clays) the mineralogenic Cl-content could add about 50 mg/kg to the organic AOX in sewage sludge.The occurrence of insoluble and non-adsorbable PVC in sewage sludge exhibits the same problems as the mineralogenic constituents: a detection as AOX-S18 is possible when the final high temperature analytical step is applied.Plants as major sources of organohalogens have never been doubted.Only recently [Science 295 (2002) 985] based on the determination of the form of Cl with near-edge X-ray adsorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy and extended X-ray adsorption showed the variations in the inorganic Cl(-) and organo-Cl compounds with increasing humification of plant leaves from "fresh leaves--senescent leaves on plants--senescent leaves on soil--powdered top soil--isolated soil humus". His finding of exclusively inorganic Cl(-) in the starting material (fresh leaves) is controverse to our earlier results indicating the presence of ionic inorganic Cl together with water insoluble absorbed organohalogens (AOX-S18) in eight different macrophytes of both terrestrial and marine environments.Our research on AOX in interstitial water of anaerobic limnic sediments has led to the role of bromine playing in the diagenesis of the organic matter of sediments. In sediments of Lake Constance Br(-) concentrations in lake water at the sediment water interface increased from <0.01 to 0.25 mg/l in the pore water at 77 cm sediment depth.In the Neckar River a Br concentrations of 0.02 mg/l at the water/sediment interface increasing to 0.74 mg/l in pore water in 85 cm depth was found. Here a parallel development could be found with ammonium concentration and alkalinity. The very high positive correlation ammonium:bromide and bromide:alkalinity leads to the conclusion, that bromine, originally a high molecular constituent of the organic matter, is released as bromide during an early dehalogenation stage of diagenesis.The mlusion, that bromine, originally a high molecular constituent of the organic matter, is released as bromide during an early dehalogenation stage of diagenesis.The main general reason to discard the AOX sum parameter as a whole lies in the fact, that adsorbable halogenated substances cannot a priori be categorized as natural/anthropogenic, biotic/abiotic, harmful/harmless. If applied to sludges and sediments, adsorbed organohalogens are not water soluble and therefore not adsorbable, and mineralogenic halogens (X) are neither organic nor adsorbable, and therefore by definition no AOX.  相似文献   

Sediment accumulation of organic halogen was studied in two forest lakes, one pristine and one which received 30 m3 of biologically purified bleaching wastewater from a kraft pulp mill in 1979 equivalent to ca. 2 kg of adsorbable organic halogen (AOX). Lake sediments were dated with210Pb,134Cs and137Cs and the annual deposition rates of organic halogens and organic matter were calculated. Organic bound halogen contents of the sediment aged 150 years was 180 μg Cl g?1 d.w. in both lakes. The concentration of organic bound halogen at the topmost 6 cm of the sediments (less than 20-years-old) ranged from 45 to 80 μg Cl g?1 d.w. This suggests that solvent extractable halogen had enriched in the older sediment layers. The deposition of extractable organic halogen (EOX) in the lakes in 1950’s was 4 to 5 mg Cl m?2 a?1. Since then, the depositon of EOX doubled in both lakes. The deposition of organic matter increased concomitantly from 50 g m?2 a?1 to 110 g m?2 a?1 in Lake Mustalampi and from 35 g m?2 a?1 to 62 g m?2 a?1 in Lake Pyylampi suggesting that the increase in the deposition of organic halogen followed the increase in the deposition of organic matter. Of the 2 kg of organic halogen discharged into the lake, 5% or less was detected in the sediment in tetrahydrofuran extractable form 15 years later.  相似文献   

The occurrence of halogenated organic compounds measured as a sum parameter and the evidence of chlorinated benzoic acids in four carbonaceous meteorites (Cold Bokkeveld, Murray, Murchison and Orgueil) from four independent fall events is reported. After AOX (Adsorbable organic halogen) and EOX (Extractable organic halogen) screening to quantify organically bound halogens, chlorinated organic compounds were analyzed by gas chromatography. AOX concentrations varying from 124 to 209 microg Cl/g d.w. were observed in carbonaceous meteorites. Ion chromatographic analysis of the distribution of organically bound halogens performed on the Cold Bokkeveld meteorite revealed that chlorinated and brominated organic compounds were extractable, up to 70%, whereas only trace amounts of organofluorines could be extracted. Chlorinated benzoic acids have been identified in carbonaceous meteorite extracts. Their presence and concentrations raise the question concerning the origin of halogenated, especially chlorinated, organic compounds in primitive planetary matter.  相似文献   

EOX in sediments from the two main Polish rivers (the Vistula and the Oder/Odra) as well as five lakes was assayed coulometrically and its values examined with respect to the location of the sample collection points. EOX values were found to increase near industrial areas and large urban agglomerations, although mean values--comparable for rivers and lakes--were similar to those recorded elsewhere. EOX tends to rise as TOC does so. On the other hand, the EOX:TOC ratio decreases sharply in the case of lakes, since TOC values there are roughly one order of magnitude higher than in rivers. Furthermore, the contents of selected polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides are directly related to EOX values. These relationships constitute a basis for the application of EOX as a parameter reflecting the level of organochlorine compounds in environmental quality evaluation.  相似文献   

Fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) identified in coastal waters within a large salinity range had been widely reported in previous studies, which stated that conservative mixing of terrestrially derived and river-transported FDOM by clear seawaters could account for the relatively low FDOM fluorescence signals in high salinity seawaters. This study aimed at testing the conservative mixing model in high salinity seawaters in a shallow bay (Bohai Bay, China) with low river flow in a dry season. The water showed high salinities varying in a narrow range (30.52???2.07), and salinity effects on fluorescence quantum yields therefore less likely introduced complications to fluorescence data analyses. By applying a parallel factor analysis to fluorescence excitation emission matrices of the water samples, we identified a tyrosine-like FDOM component, a tryptophan-like FDOM component, and two humic substances-like FDOM components. Based on a theoretical analysis, we found that dissolved organic carbon concentrations and suspended solid concentrations of the bulk-water samples as well as the maximum fluorescence signals of each identified FDOM component showed spatial distributions that could not be accounted for by the conservative mixing model. Marine autochthonous processes including microbial activities and FDOM releasing from resuspended sediment were likely to be invoked.  相似文献   

The nature and congener composition of PCBs and PAHs present in sewage sludge composting processes was investigated. These studies included analysis of the most significant process parameters (such as pH, temperature, weight percentage variation) and in addition heavy metals whose typical composting speciation and behaviour were also considered in order to better understand organic compound time profiles. The significant correlation found between Pb, Cd, Cu and PCBs and between PAHs and Hg implies that quite a strong adsorption of PCBs onto organic matter takes place and also provides evidence for the volatilisation of PAHs. Chemical characteristics of inorganic species and organic compounds are summarised to account for the observed correlation and time trend profiles. Moreover, single congener concentrations demonstrate that the number of Cl substituents for PCBs and condensed benzene rings for PAHs determine to what extent they can be broken down for biodegradation and removed through volatilisation respectively.  相似文献   

分别采用两种前处理方法分离富集加硫酸化污泥中的有机酸.方法一,利用阴离子交换树脂分离富集有机酸,在不洗脱的情况下直接和乙醇进行酯化反应,然后进行气质联用分析;方法二,利用活性炭纤维吸附型固相微萃取(ACF-SPME)的方法,顶空萃取分离后进行气质联用分析.两种方法的分析结果都未检测到酸化污泥中存在短链的有机酸,只检测到个别长链的和带苯环结构的有机酸.  相似文献   

The FATE and treatibility estimator (FATE) model, developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency was used for the prediction of the FATE of 26 persistent organic pollutants (POPs), i.e. 7 PCBs and 19 organochlorine compounds (OCs), during the conventional activated sludge treatment process applied in the waste water treatment plant (WWTP) of Thessaloniki, Greece. The removal rates predicted by the model for the primary and the secondary treatment stages were found to differ substantially from those experimentally measured. When the overall treatment was considered, the differences between measured and model predicted removals were within acceptable limits of confidence. Possible reasons that might cause deviations from experimental values were suggested to be the wastewater content in dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and/or the low concentrations of POPs in untreated wastewater.  相似文献   

The Henry's law constant is important in the gas-liquid mass transfer process. Apparent dimensionless Henry's law constant, or the gas-liquid partition coefficient (K'H), for both hydrophilic (methanol, isopropyl alcohol, and acetone) and hydrophobic (toluene and p-xylene) organic compounds in deionized (DI) water, a wastewater with a maximum total dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content of 700 mg/L, and DI water mixed with a maximum activated sludge suspended solid (SS) concentration of 40,000 mg/L were measured using the single equilibrium technique at 293 K. Experimental results demonstrate that the K'H of any of the test volatile organic compounds varied among three situations. First, the K'H of the hydrophilic compounds in mixed liquor with the maximum SS concentration was 9-21% higher than those in DI water. Second, those for toluene and p-xylene were 77% and 93% lower, respectively, in the mixed liquor with the maximum SS concentration. Third, the K'H values of all of the test compounds in the wastewater were only 10% lower than those in DI water. A model was developed to relate K'H with wastewater DOC and the SS concentration in the activated sludge using an organic carbon-water partition coefficient and activated sludge-water partition coefficient as model parameters. The model was verified and model parameters for test compounds estimated.  相似文献   

染料废水中含有大量难生物降解的卤代有机物合成中间体,合成卤代有机物在废水的生物处理过程中容易被吸附到剩余污泥中,如不能妥善处理会引起生态健康风险。研究了零价铁还原、芬顿氧化及其组合技术对染料企业剩余污泥中AOX(可吸附有机卤代物)的去除效果,优化了处理条件,解析了去除机理。结果表明,铁粉投加量为5 g·L-1,厌氧反应30 d时,零价铁还原对污泥中AOX降解率仅为24.7%;Fe2+投加量0.059 mol·L-1,H2O2投加量0.89 mol·L-1,芬顿氧化1.5 h时,污泥中AOX去除率提高至73.7%;投加2 g·L-1的铁粉,还原30 d后再进行芬顿反应,则污泥中AOX去除率可达到90.3%。GC-MS分析结果表明,污泥中的主要AOX物质为2,6-二氯-4-硝基苯胺,该物质经过零价铁还原与芬顿氧化组合工艺处理后,比直接芬顿氧化能得到更有效的去除。  相似文献   

Intention, Goal, Scope, Background The effect of chloride concentration and pH on the UV oxidation systems was examined. Phenol and methanol were used as organic substances. The treatment of these chemicals by UV oxidation using a newly developed lab scale pretest UV-Free Surface Reactor (UV-FSR) with and without Cl– addition at different pH values, is evaluated. Results of this study indicated that the Cl– concentration of the water and the chemical structure of the substances is more important than the pH of the water. There was no AOX at the beginning of the experiments, but a de-novo synthesis of AOX was observed during the batch experiments. This is caused by the high chloride content of the wastewaters. It can be supposed that OHradicals oxidize some chloride-ions to form chlorine, which further reacts with organic compounds. During the treatment, these AOX compounds which are produced from the beginning of the reaction are destroyed again. Evaluations of these experiments were done according to TOC and AOX results. Approximately 80% and 99% TOC removal efficiencies were obtained for the treatment of Phenol and Methanol-containing wastewaters, respectively. Objective In the literature, there are no relevant publications concerning the AOX formation of wastewater by wet oxidation- iron catalysed or by application of UV. For that reason, the main objectives of this study were: 1. to see the influence of chloride concentration and pH on the AOXde-novo formation with newly developed UV-Free Surface Reactor (UV-FSR), 2. to make a comparison of different AOPs, 3. to observe the effect of the chloride concentration on the TOC degradation efficiency, 4. to optimise reaction conditions. Methods In synthetic wastewaters, Methanol (CH3OH) and Phenol (C6H5 OH) are used as pollutants. The concentration of each substance was 1000 mg/l and COD values were calculated theoretically. The H2O2 addition was calculated according to the COD with a convenient stoichiometric factor (e.g. 1). During experiments, the pH was always kept constant with the addition of either 25% H2SO4 or 33% NaOH depending on the experimental conditions. Each substance was treated with the addition of 1000 mg/l Cl–, 10000 mg/l Cl– and without Cl– addition at pH 3, pH 7 and pH 10, respectively. NaCl was used as a Cl– source. Adsorbable Organic Halogenides (AOX) were determined using a TOX analyser (European Standard EN 1485 H 14, 1996). TOC measurements were carried out using an Elementar High TOC Analyzer equipped with an auto sampler. The H2O2 concentration was measured according to German Standard Methods (DIN 38409, Part 15, 1987). Results and Discussion The first step was to determine the effect of pH on the AOX formation in the process. Therefore, experiments were carried out at three different pHs: acidic (pH 3), neutral (pH 7) and basic (pH 10) conditions at a constant initial Methanol concentration of 1000 mg/l and a hydrogen peroxide concentration of 3185 mg/l (1 x stoichiometric). All results were evaluated according to applied pH. At these conditions, the amount of H2O2 (53 ml / 10 l) concentration was nearly zero after 1 hour batch treatment of Methanol. There was no AOX at the beginning of the experiments, but the AOX value increased after 6–18 min. At the end of 1 hour batch treatment this produced AOX was treated again. The maximum AOX production was obtained with the addition of 10000 mg/l Cl–, whereas there is no AOX production during the experiment when Cl– was not used. In all studies, however, TOC values decreased to almost zero after 1 hour batch treatment. After the experiments with Methanol, Phenol treatment was carried out at different pHs as a second experiment. pH was kept constant with the addition of either H2SO4 or NaOH depending on the experimental conditions. During experiments with Phenol, the colour of the water changed from colourless to a yellowish- red. After 1 hour treatment, the colour of the water was red. Therefore, these experiments were continued until the water became colourless again, and this took about 5 hours. Although there was no AOX at the beginning of the experiments, it increased after 30 min to 1 hour oxidation with the addition of 1000 mg/l Cl– and 10000 mg/l Cl–. There was no AOX production during the experiments when Cl– was not added. At the end of 5 hours of treatment, formed AOX was degraded and the TOC concentration decreased from 766 mg/l to approximately 200 mg/l. Conclusion. These experiments of this study showed that the effects of Cl– concentration of the water and the chemical structure of the substances is more than that of the pH on the AOX formation. During the batch experiments, a de-novo synthesis of AOX was observed very impressively due to the high chloride content of the wastewaters. It can be implied that OH-radicals oxidize some chloride-ions to form chlorine, which further reacts with organic compounds so that AOXde-novo is formed. At the end of the reaction times these AOX compounds are also destroyed. Recommendation and Outlook It is more cost effective to use these processes for only purposes such as toxicity reduction, enhancement of biodegradability, decolourisation and removal of micropollutants. However, the most important point is the optimization of the reaction conditions for the process of concern. The AOP applied can be used, for instance, for AOX reduction and TOC removal of industrial wastewaters.  相似文献   

A laminated sediment core collected in the southern part of the Baltic Proper was analysed for DDT compounds, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) including the coplanar congeners, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) and polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCN). Two sewage sludge samples were also analysed for the same compounds.

The results of the sediment analyses indicate the presence of PCB, DDT and PBDE compounds in sediment layers dating from the 1950s and later. Neither coplanar PCB nor PCN were detected at any level of the sediment core. The PCB concentrations indicate a slight increase in levels during the last decades, while there were no changes in the levels of DDT compounds. In contrast, TeBDE levels increase 4- to 8-fold and one PeBDE congeners levels increase 10- to 20-fold. The results of sewage sludge analyses showed the concentration of the individual PBDE to be at about the same level as for the individual PCB congeners. The congener pattern in sludge samples indicates low-chlorinated products to be the main PCN source.  相似文献   

H Q Yu  H H Fang  J H Tay 《Chemosphere》2001,44(1):31-36
Two upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors were concurrently operated for 146 days to examine the effects of aluminum chloride (AlCl3) on the sludge granulation process during start-up. Sludge granulation (defined as that over 10% of granules were larger than 2.0 mm) was achieved in the control reactor (R1) in approximate three months. Introduction of Al3+ at a concentration of 300 mg/l reduced the sludge granulation time by approximate one month. Throughout the experiment the AlCl3-added reactor (R2) had a higher biomass concentration, e.g., 13.8 g-MLVSS/l versus 12.8 g-MLVSS/l on Day 146. Granules became visible earlier in R2 compared with R1 (35 days versus 65 days). The average size of granules from R2 was larger than that from R1. The results demonstrated that AlCl3 enhanced the sludge granulation process in the UASB reactors.  相似文献   

Ca(II)在活性污泥生物絮凝中的作用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用4个平行的序批式反应器(SBR),研究了进水Ca2+浓度对活性污泥絮体表面特性和结构稳定性的影响,并由此来确定Ca2+在生物絮凝中的作用。结果表明:随着进水Ca2+浓度的增加,污泥中的Ca含量逐渐增大。进水中Ca2+的加入,增大了污泥絮体的粒径和密度,进而改善了污泥的沉降性能;Ca2+的加入,使可供结合的蛋白质数量最高增至近1倍,污泥表面疏水性也相应增强;污泥絮凝性能的改善,主要和可供Ca2+结合的蛋白质含量增加有关,而非多糖;EDTA通过络合污泥絮体中的Ca2+,破坏了由Ca2+架桥形成的污泥絮体结构,这说明Ca2+可通过和胞外聚合物(extracellular polymeric substances, EPS)中的负电官能团架桥来促进污泥絮体的形成并维持絮体结构的稳定性。  相似文献   

污水有机组分表征是高负荷活性污泥法(HRAS)模型建立的基础。针对经典活性污泥1号模型不适用于HRAS这一问题,提出了相应的双水解模型,即将污水有机组分中水解型有机物分为快速水解型与慢速水解型2种,发现两者水解动力学参数具有明显差异。对原水氧利用速率进行参数拟合,通过灵敏度和共线性分析,估计了快速生物降解型有机物、快速水解型有机物、慢速水解型有机物以及异养菌等4种污水有机组分,探讨了污水有机组分与增加HRAS碳源捕获率的关系。结果表明:以上4种有机组分均可被准确识别,共线性指数γK低于经验限值,各组分比例分别为13.9%、11.6%、12.6%和12.8%;从污水组分角度来说,提高HRAS碳源捕获率的3个方向分别为:反应器中的异养菌尽可能将快速生物降解型有机物和快速水解型有机物同化生成细胞物质;避免絮体污泥中的慢速水解型有机物过量水解;抑制异养菌衰减,减少内源呼吸产物的产生。双水解模型对污水有机组分成功表征有助于HRAS的设计、运行及优化。  相似文献   

Soil degraded by coal mining activities can be remediated by amendment with agro-industrial organic sludge. However, the environmental impacts associated with this management practice must be properly addressed. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the eco(geno)toxicity of a fresh and a stabilized sludge before use in a laboratory soil remediation test. Chemical analysis of the complex mixtures (degraded soil, fresh sludge, and stabilized sludge) was carried out, as well as a battery of eco(geno)toxicity tests on microbiological enzymes (fluorescein hydrolysis), earthworms, and higher plants (including Vicia faba genotoxicity test), according to published methodologies. The results of these tests showed that fresh sludge was more toxic than sludge stabilized over 6 months toward earthworms and higher plants (lettuce, corn, and wild cabbage), while phyto(geno)toxicity tests with V. faba indicated the same genotoxicity levels for the two types of sludge. In the soil remediation simulation using different mixtures of degraded soil and stabilized sludge, the proportions of 50:50 % (dry weight basis) provided the lowest phyto(geno)toxicity effects and this mixture can be used for the revegetation of the contaminated site.  相似文献   

The degradation of two groups of organic pollutants in three different Mediterranean forest soils amended with sewage sludge was studied for nine months. The sewage sludge produced by a domestic water treatment plant was applied to soils developed from limestone, marl and sandstone, showing contrasting alkalinity and texture. The compounds analysed were: linear alkylbenzene sulphonates (LAS) with a 10–13 carbon alkylic chain, and nonylphenolic compounds, including nonylphenol (NP) and nonylphenol ethoxylates with one and two ethoxy groups (NP1EO + NP2EO). These compounds were studied because they frequently exceed the limits proposed for sludge application to land in Europe. After nine months, LAS decomposition was 86–96%, and NP + NP1EO + NP2EO decomposition was 61–84%, which can be considered high. Temporal trends in LAS and NP + NP1EO + NP2EO decomposition were similar, and the concentrations of both types of compounds were highly correlated. The decomposition rates were higher in the period of 6–9 months (summer period) than in the period 0–6 months (winter + spring period) for total LAS and NP + NP1EO + NP2EO. Differences in decay rates with regard to soil type were not significant. The average values of decay rates found are similar to those observed in agricultural soils.  相似文献   

An activated sludge aeration tank (40 x 40 x 300 cm, width x length x height) with a set of 2-mm orifice air spargers was used to treat gas-borne volatile organic compounds (VOCs; toluene, p-xylene, and dichloromethane) in air streams. The effects of liquid depth (Z), aeration intensity (G/A), the overall mass-transfer rate of oxygen in clean water (KLaO2), the Henry's law constant of the tested VOC (H), and the influent gaseous VOC concentration (C0) on the efficiency of removal of VOCs were examined and compared with a literature-cited model. Results show that the measured VOC removal efficiencies and those predicted by the model were comparable at a G/A of 3.75-11.25 m3/m2 hr and C0 of approximately 1000-6000 mg/m3. Experimental data also indicated that the designed gas treatment reactor with KLaO2 = 5-15 hr(-l) could achieve > 85% removal of VOCs with H = 0.24-0.25 at an aerated liquid depth of 1 m and > 95% removal of dichloromethane with H = 0.13 at a 1-m liquid depth.  相似文献   

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