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17β-estradiol and testosterone are naturally occurring steroids that co-occur in poultry litter. The effects of litter on sorption of these hormones to soil are not known. Sorption isotherms were developed for C-labeled testosterone and H-labeled estradiol in a Cecil sandy clay loam with and without poultry litter addition. The effect of applying the hormones alone (single-sorbate) or together (multisorbate) was also investigated. C-testosterone sorption in soil increased from 2 to 48 h and remained relatively constant thereafter. H-estradiol sorption in soil was relatively constant from 2 to 24 h and then decreased to 72 h. These differences may reflect transformation of the parent hormones to products with different solid-phase affinity. The maximum sorption coefficient () in soil for C-testosterone (20.2 mL g) was similar to that for H-estradiol (19.6 mL g) in single-sorbate experiments. When hormones were applied together, sorption of both hormones in soil decreased, but the C-testosterone (12.5 mL g) was nearly twice as large as the H-estradiol (7.4 mL g). We propose this resulted from competition between the hormones and their transformation products for sorption sites, with C-testosterone and its expected transformation product (androstenedione) being better competitors than H-estradiol and its expected transformation product (estrone). When poultry litter was mixed with soil, sorption increased for H-estradiol but decreased for C-testosterone. This may have been because poultry litter slowed the transformation of parent hormones. Our results show that poultry litter could have important effects on the mobility of estradiol and testosterone.  相似文献   

The excreted estrogen rate of all livestock in the United States is estimated at 134 kg d. The influence of manure treatment on the fate of estrogens is critical in deciding the recycling of over 300 million dry tons of livestock produced annually. The effects of two common manure management practices, heated composting and ambient temperature decomposition, on the fate of 17β-estradiol in poultry litter were determined. A mixture of poultry litter, wood chips, and straw was amended with [C]17β-estradiol and allowed to undergo decomposition with a laboratory-scale heated composter (HC) or room temperature incubation (RTI) for 24 d. Radiolabel in the finished products was fractionated into water-extractable, acetone-extractable, nonextractable, and mineralized fractions. Total 17β-estradiol radioactive residues in the HC and RTI ( = 2) treatments were not different ( > 0.05), except that statistically less 17β-estradiol was mineralized to CO during HC than RTI (1.1 vs. 10.0% for HC and RTI, respectively). Estrone was the major degradation product in extracts of HC and RTI treatments as determined by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry analyses. The nonextractable residues indicated no quantitative differences among the humins between the treatments. An estimated 3% of the fortified estrogenicity remained after HC treatment, and 15% of the fortified estrogenicity remained after RTI treatment. If reduction of water-removable, biologically active 17β-estradiol is the treatment goal, then HC treatment would be slightly preferred over ambient temperature degradation. However, unmanaged, ambient temperature litter piles are less costly and time consuming for food animal producers and result in greater mineralization and similar immobilization of estradiol.  相似文献   

Contamination of freshwater by estrogens from manure applied to agricultural land is of grave concern because of the potentially harmful effects on aquatic life and human health. Recent developments in liquid manure (slurry) management include partial removal of particulate slurry dry matter (PSDM) by separation technologies, which may also remove parts of the estrogens and enhance infiltration of the slurry on field application and hence the interaction between estrogens and the soil matrix. This study investigated how 17β-estradiol (E2), a natural estrogen commonly found in pig manure, sorbs to agricultural soils, to different size fractions of pig slurry separates, and to soils amended with each size fraction to simulate conditions in the soil-slurry environment. A crude fiber fraction (SS1) was prepared by sieving (<500 μm) the solids removed by an on-farm separation process. Three other size fractions (SS2 > SS3 > SS4) were prepared from the liquid fraction of the separated slurry by sedimentation and centrifugation. Sorption experiments were conducted in 0.01 mol L(-1) CaCl(2) and in natural pig urine matrix. Sorption in 0.01 mol L(-1) CaCl(2) was higher than that in pig urine for all solids used. Sorption of E2 to soil increased with its organic carbon content for both liquid phases. The solid-liquid partition coefficients of slurry separates were 10 to 30 times higher than those of soils, but the organoic carbon normalized partition coefficient values, reflecting sorption per unit organic carbon, were lower for slurry separates. Mixing slurry separates with soil increased the sorption of E2 to the solid phase significantly in the order: SS1 < SS3 < SS2 for both liquid phases. In contrast, SS4 reduced the sorption of E2 to the solid phase by increasing the sorption to suspended or dissolved organic matter. The study suggested that potentially 50 to 75% of E2 in slurry can be removed from the liquid fraction of slurry by physical separation.  相似文献   

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