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本文以区域地质为背景,对塔里木河流域山区径流水化学组分特征进行分析,探讨溶质的来源及其控制因素.结果表明:塔里木河流域出山径流水体以硅酸盐岩的碳酸化溶滤水为主,离子类型为HCO3--Ca2+型,其次为SO42--(Ca2++Mg2+)混合型.南缘昆仑山/帕米尔高原各子流域的出山径流中,TDS (溶解性总固体)和离子总量的加权平均值(权重为径流量)分别为424.02和356.20 mg/L,远高于北缘天山出山的相应值(268.43和220.04mg/L),这是因为天山山区分布大量的岩浆岩,抑制了区域水化学侵蚀强度.运用吉布斯图及因子分析等方法,确定出山径流的水质主要受硅酸盐岩的碳酸化作用控制,其中南缘昆仑山/帕米尔高原水系不仅伴有蒸发盐岩风化,还与天山阿克苏河水系一样,伴有碳酸盐岩风化.风化过程中,硫化物氧化产生的H+抑制了碳酸化风化,一定程度上限制了大气CO2消耗,尤其是在有煤层、铜矿等硫化物分布的迪那河、喀拉玉儿滚河和喀什葛河流域.塔里木河流域出山径流中除了F-和NO3-外,其他离子和总离子浓度均与冰川覆盖率和融水占径流比例之间存在良好的相关性.总离子浓度与冰川覆盖率之间建立的指数拟合方程,符合我国西北干旱区出山水质的特点,但受自然与人为因素的制约,与全球尺度拟合的方程存在一定差异.  相似文献   

北京市昌平区松针中HCHs 与DDTs 的污染特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
对北京昌平区油松和白皮松松针中的HCHs 和DDTs 的污染状况进行了初步研究.结果表明,昌平松针中HCHs 总量与欧洲20 世纪90 年代基本持平,DDTs 则高于欧洲,HCHs 和DDTs 均低于美国20 世纪80 年代水平,高于喜玛拉雅北坡、意大利山区和加拿大西部山区.昌平松针中HCHs 和DDTs 总量均比20 世纪80 年代北京地区下降了90%以上,表明自1983 年以来,我国禁止生产和使用OCPs,已经取得了明显的效果.常绿树树叶OCPs 污染具有逐年累积、多年富集的特征,其特点为不完全的线性关系,富集速率呈逐年下降的趋势.树叶OCPs 异构体相对组成年际变化明显, α-HCH 显著增加, P, P′-DDT 下降, P, P′-DDE 上升.研究显示,昌平地区近期没有HCHs 工业品的使用, P, P′-DDT 使用大幅度减少,而O, P′-DDT 则有新的输入,三氯杀螨醇的使用很可能是O, P′-DDT 的主要来源.  相似文献   

江西九岭南缘铜多金属矿预测   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
论述了江西九岭南缘大型“裂谷”、裂陷构造、推(滑)覆构造带、走滑冲断带以及长期活动的深断裂带等多层次大型构造叠置成矿环境,厘定了主攻矿床类型,优化了找矿预测的综合标志。综合找矿实践经验,运用新的矿产资源评价思路,预测出大型—超大型矿床的偏在部位,为突破新地区,发现新类型、新矿种,提供了新途径。  相似文献   

Effects of grassland management type and intensity on carabid species richness, number of individuals and species composition were studied in the Swiss Prealps. Carabids were censused in 2001 and 2002 in 21 mown and 20 grazed meadows by means of pitfall traps.Mean species richness was significantly higher in mown plots than in grazed plots and species composition was significantly different between these two management types. Additionally, different species characteristic for mown and grazed plots were found. These results suggest that mown meadows and grazed meadows represent two habitat types for carabid beetles.Within both habitats, management intensity was quantified by fertilizing intensity, the number of cuts, cattle density and/or grazing intensity. The relationship between management intensity and the number of individuals and species was positive. Higher fertilizing intensity was the most important factor for higher species richness and had a significant influence on species composition in both habitats. Other variables positively related to the number of individuals, were the number of cuts in mown meadows and grazing intensity and altitude in grazed meadows. Additionally to fertilizing intensity, cattle density was positively related to the number of species in grazed meadows. These results illustrate that in the extensive management systems found in the Swiss Alps and Prealps, even intensively managed meadows can sustain high carabid diversity and abundance.  相似文献   

本文介绍了柬埔寨王国磅士卑省PRICH山区镍矿地质特征、矿体地质特征、矿床成因及找矿标志,认为PRICH矿区镍矿是与超基性侵入岩有关的蛇绿岩型镍矿床,矿石工业类型为硫化镍原生矿。PRICH山区镍矿体规模较大,具有较好的找矿前景。  相似文献   

Measurements of atmospheric COS, CS2, DMS, SO2 and aerosol sulfate and methanesulfonate (MSA) concentrations were conducted in a loblolly pine forest in central Georgia between July and September 1990. The daytime profiles obtained for the reduced sulfur gases (COS, CS2, DMS) often showed significantly higher concentrations at the canopy level than above the forest canopy, indicating a net emission of these gases from the tree tops. No evidence was found for a net uptake of COS by the canopy during daytime. With one exception, all COS concentrations measured during the day were significantly higher than corresponding nighttime values. These results appear to be in conflict with recent studies suggesting a net uptake of atmospheric COS by plants during photosynthetic activity. Possible explanations for these different findings are discussed. Nighttime profiles indicated no major biosphere-atmosphere exchange of COS, CS2 or DMS. Nighttime DMS concentrations were significantly higher than corresponding daytime values. A clear inverse relationship between the diel variations of DMS and MSA was observed, consistent with rapid photochemical oxidation of DMS under the given conditions.  相似文献   

The masson pine (Pinns massoniana Lamb.) forest of 2000 ha situated on Nanshan, the south bank of the Yangtze River near Chongqing, China. From 1982, some trees began to die. Since then, half of the trees have died and the whole forest is in danger. Prom November 1986 to January 1987, a study dealt with the characteristics of fogwater in that area was carried out, in order to explain the relationship between acid fog and masson pine decline. The results of our study showed that the acid fog might be responsible in part for the decline of the masson pine forest.  相似文献   

江西武夷成矿带铜多金属矿产资源远景评价与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华南武夷山地区处于扬子、华夏两大构造单元交接叠加地段,构造变形复杂,中生代岩浆活动强烈,具有十分优越的成矿条件,矿产资源潜力巨大.本文以正在武夷山成矿带开展的矿产远景调查工作和资源评价工作所取得的阶段性成果为基础,分析了武夷山成矿带的成矿地质背景、主要矿床类型及近几年的找矿勘查成果,并对武夷成矿带江西省境内铜多金属矿产资源潜力进行了初步评价,划分了十七个找矿远景区.  相似文献   

江西九岭南坡韧性剪切带与推覆构造成因联系的讨论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文从基本构造特征与运动机制、变形变质作用与构造层次及形成时代等方面,阐述了江西九岭南坡韧性剪切带与推覆构造的各自特征及其关系。指出:两者无直接的成因联系,前者并不是后者的根带,它们是不同运动机制、不同构造层次、不同地质时代的产物。  相似文献   

粤北山区连州市土壤硒含量分布特征及影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以粤北山区连州市为研究区,采集了3009个耕地表层土壤(0~20 cm)样品,利用GS+软件构建的半方差变异函数模型、ArcGIS中的克里金插值法以及SPSS相关性分析等方法,分析了研究区耕地表层土壤硒含量的空间分布特征、硒元素的形态特征及影响因素.结果表明,土壤硒含量的均值为0.432 mg·kg-1,变化范围为0.048~4.650 mg·kg-1,耕地土壤整体处于富硒和足硒的水平,富硒土壤较为丰富.在空间分布上,富硒土壤主要连片分布在连州市的南部和东北部,中西部地区则呈斑状分布.土壤中硒的赋存形式主要以残渣态和强有机结合态为主,二者占全量的60.5%;土壤硒全量与残渣态硒、强有机结合态和腐殖酸结合态硒有显著的相关性.土壤pH和TOC对土壤硒含量具有重要的影响作用,而成土母质是影响连州市耕地表层土壤硒含量分布状况的决定性因素.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of a collaborative study on visualizing climate change at the local scale. A conceptual framework has been developed, in which local scenarios and visualizations of climate change impacts and response were created to facilitate local dialogue on incorporating climate change into long-term planning and implementation of community development decisions. As part of a larger effort to generate a new integrated participatory visioning process, this paper describes a case study of the District of North Vancouver which created visualizations of changing mountain snow and landscape conditions, and provides new insights on issues and dilemmas in using realistic landscape visualizations to depict scientific modelling projections, local responses to climate change, and uncertainty. Results from this study suggest that the visualizations, and subsequent dialogue sessions, did influence emotional response to climate change as well as self-assessed understanding of adaptation and mitigation response options. However, there is a need to test this visioning process with larger heterogeneous groups of participants in order to better assess its effectiveness in enabling dialogue on local responses to climate change.  相似文献   

Atmospheric dry deposition of ions to branches of native Pinus contorta and Pinus monticola (natural surfaces), and nylon filters and Whatman paper filters (surrogate surfaces) were measured in the summer of 1987 in the vicinity of Emerald Lake Watershed (ELW) of the Sequoia National Park located on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada in California. Deposition fluxes of airborne NO3, NH+4 and SO2−4 to native pines at the ELW were much higher than in the eastern Sierra Nevada, but several times lower than deposition fluxes to natural and surrogate surfaces at the highly polluted site in the San Gabriel Mountains of southern California. Deposition fluxes of NO3 and NH4+ to the natural and surrogate surfaces at the ELW were much higher than deposition of SO42−, providing the importance of N compounds in atmospheric dry deposition in this part of the western U.S. A deficit of inorganic anions in materials deposited to various surfaces indicated a possibility of substantial participation of organic acids in atmospheric dry deposition processes. Nylon and paper filters proved to be poor surrogate surfaces for the estimation of ionic dry deposition to conifer branches.  相似文献   

刘爽  张笑  赵文吉  李珊珊  江磊 《中国环境科学》2019,39(10):4270-4278
选择山地面积占98.5%的北京市门头沟区作为研究区,利用资源三号(ZY-3)三线阵前、后视影像构建立体模型,提取数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model,DEM).由高分二号影像,基于CART(Classification and Regression Tree)决策树的面向对象方法对居住房屋进行提取,获取空间分布与面积,并结合采暖面积、采暖季燃煤量等抽样调研数据确定的深、浅山区(海拔>300m为深山区,海拔<300m为浅山区)燃煤系数,建立燃煤量估算模型.进一步,基于文献调研法获取型煤排放因子,测算燃煤产生的PM10、PM2.5、NOx、SO2、CO的排放量.结果表明:借助遥感技术,基于DEM可对山区燃煤污染物排放量进行快速有效测算.地形对冬季燃煤量有显著影响,深山区燃煤系数分别为12.5kg/m2,浅山区为9.375kg/m2.2017年门头沟使用型煤取暖的房屋面积为5.68km2,冬季燃煤总量为6.52万t,山区各镇大气污染物排放量差别较大.  相似文献   

Experience indicates that the most likely explanation for a mixture of 46,XX/46,XY cells in an amniotic fluid sample is that of maternal cell contamination and that a normal male child is to be expected at birth. We report the birth of a normal female child following prenatal diagnosis of such a mixture. Extensive postnatal studies failed to reveal an XY cell line. The possible sources of the XY cell line are discussed, as are the various techniques that were applied in an effort to discover it's origin. Cross-contamination of samples could be ruled out and there was no evidence of an unsuspected twin pregnancy. It is clear from this case that not all 46,XX/46,XY results obtained in amniotic fluid can be assumed to represent maternal cell contamination and some effort should be made to eliminate other potential sources for such a mixture.  相似文献   

Prediction of future forest carbon (C) stocks as influenced by forest management and climate is a crucial issue in the search for strategies to mitigate and adapt to global change. It is hard to quantify the long-term effect of specific forest practices on C stocks due to the high number of processes affected by forest management. This work aims to quantify how forest management impacts C stocks in Mediterranean mountain forests based on 25 combinations of site index, tree species composition and thinning intensity in three different climate scenarios using the CO2Fix v.3.2 model Masera et al. (Ecol Modell 164:177–199, 2003). The study area is an ecotonal zone located in Central Spain, and the tree species are Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Pyrenean oak (Quercus pyrenaica Willd.). Our results show a strong effect of tree species composition and a negligible effect of thinning intensity. Mixed stands have the highest total stand C stocks: 100 % and 15 % more than pure oak and pine stands respectively, and are here suggested as a feasible and effective mitigation option. Climate change induced a net C loss compared to control scenarios, when reduction in tree growth is taken into account. Mixed stands showed the lowest reduction in forest C stocks due to climate change, indicating that mixed stands are also a valid adaptation strategy. Thus converting from pure to mixed forests would enhance C sequestration under both current and future climate conditions.  相似文献   

Although mating status affects future mating opportunities, the biochemical changes that occur in response to mating are not well understood. This study investigated the effects of mating status on the quantities of sex pheromone components found in whole-body extracts and volatile emissions of females of the rice leaf bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium. When sampled at one of four time points within a 4-day postmating period, females that had copulated with a male had greater whole-body quantities of sex pheromone components than those of virgin females sampled at the same times. The quantities of sex pheromone components emitted by virgin females over a 24-h period were initially high but then steadily decreased, whereas 24-h emissions were persistently low among mated females when measured at three time points within the 4 days after mating. As a result, soon after mating, the mated females emitted less sex pheromones than virgin females, but there were no significant differences between mated and virgin females at the end of the experiment. Thus, postmating reduction in the rate of emission of sex pheromones could explain previously observed changes in female attractiveness to male T. caelestialium.  相似文献   

Exceptionally well-preserved giant spermatozoa observed between abundant decalcified carapace valves of ostracods (Crustacea: Ostracoda) were found in Late Glacial to Holocene (14,400 to 10,000?cal?years bp) lacustrine sediments in the southern Romanian Carpathians. Analysis by scanning electron microscopy and laser scanning confocal microscopy revealed good preservation of the appendages enabling specific identification as Cypria ophtalmica (Candonidae) and indication of the presence of both female and male specimens based on the sexual dimorphism of the second antenna. This record represents the oldest and richest direct evidence of virtually morphologically unaltered animal spermatozoa preserved in females after mating.  相似文献   

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