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红色旅游意向市场测算研究——以长沙市居民为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来,红色旅游市场十分火爆,对红色旅游意向市场的研究日渐引起关注.意向市场即指潜在市场.文章通过建立测算意向市场的指标体系,运用意向率来表现长沙市居民对韶山红色旅游的意向高低,旨在为韶山红色旅游市场开发战略的制定提供科学依据.表2,参7.  相似文献   

南岳衡山国内旅游客源市场调查分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对南岳衡山旅游客源市场进行调查分析,可为其旅游产业定位、旅游开发建设的阶段定位、旅游基础设施资源定位、旅游产品开发定位、旅游从业人员定位提供依据,从而推动整个衡山旅游业的发展,并促进其经济发展.本文通过对南岳衡山客源市场的调查分析,提出了对其市场开发定位及开拓策略的建议.  相似文献   

朱亭森林公园旅游开发初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对株洲县朱亭森林公园的旅游开发基本条件进行了多层面的分析,并且对朱亭森林公园如何进行旅游开发规划建设做了初步探讨.对类似朱亭森林公园背景条件的森林旅游资源非优型森林公园的旅游开发具有现实的借鉴指导意义.  相似文献   

浅析相关因子对空气负离子水平的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
空气负离子是一种重要的森林旅游资源,其保健功能迎合了人们追求生态健康的旅游心理.论文着重对其影响因素进行分析,借助于SPSS统计软件对若干因子进行一元回归分析.在分析结果的基础上,对森林旅游地有关保健设施的规划和设计提供一定的建议。  相似文献   

在分析湖南涟源丰富的历史文化、名人文化、民俗文化等人文旅游资源概况和开发现状的基础上,提出了关于开发湖南涟源人文旅游资源的一些建议.参5.  相似文献   

针对黄山风景区的旅游资源开发现状,重点研究了黄山风景区的主要环境问题,游览景区客流分布状况和旅游容量以及黄山游览景区的环境功能分区;并提出了旅游容量的涵义及其指标体系和扩大黄山旅游容量的措施。  相似文献   

黄山风景区旅游容量及相关环境问题研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
针对黄山风景区的旅游资源开发现状,重点研究了黄山风景区的主要环境问题,游鉴景区客流分布状交和旅游容量以及黄山游览景区的环境功能分区;并提出了旅游容量的涵义及其指标体系和扩大黄山旅游容量的措施。  相似文献   

美食旅游是以享受和体验美食为主要动机的一种重要的旅游方式.衡阳美食旅游资源丰富,发展美食旅游潜力巨大,但没有发挥地方优势,将特色美食资源挖掘出来,打造地方特色美食旅游项目.本文分析了衡阳发展美食旅游的资源,针对其中存在的问题,提出打造衡阳美食旅游品牌的思路.参5.  相似文献   

随着我国旅游经济的蓬勃发展、产业素质的提高、旅游行业管理的强化,旅游规划方面的教材也因此逐渐出现了繁荣的局面,有力地推动了旅游规划教育的发展.但旅游规划教材这种繁荣更多地表现在量上的增加,而少有质上的重大突破.原则上说,一本教材之所以有价值,无非是观点有新意;对问题的阐述和分析思考有深度;在理论上或方法上有创新;对某一领域工作的开展有实际指导价值或启发价值.而由陈国生、刘冰清等同志合著的《旅游规划原理》(中南大学出版社2005年2月出版)一书在这些方面,尤其在前三者给人印象深刻.  相似文献   

尼泊尔皇家奇特旺国家公园面临着重大挑战,包括平衡人类使用需要和游客数目不断增加的需求,以及保存和保护方面的挑战.通过实施“缓冲区管理方案”,该公园管理局计划创造一种多用途区划系统,并把公司收入的30—50%投资于社区发展.本文着重指出,如果要实现该公司资源的可持续利用,就必须监测旅游的影响,也必须改善体制合作.  相似文献   

Protected areas are important potential areas from the point of view of ecological tourism because of their natural, historical and cultural richness. In this study, the environmental sustainability of protected areas has been investigated within a sample of the Karagöl-Sahara National Park in Turkey. This national park has, so far, had little exposure to recreational and tourism activities. However, an increase in the number of tourists visiting the park has been observed as a result of the demands of ecological tourism. This area was investigated with respect to ecological planning to prevent intensive usage from causing future damage, as a result of human thoughtlessness, and to protect the park. Additionally, the aim was to determine the usage potential using ecological planning and to propose variations of ecotourism thought to be helpful for the public. The Karagöl-Sahara National Park has valuable natural and cultural resources, and is an area whose recreation-tourism potential has been strongly protected. The national park also has major economic potential for ecotourism.  相似文献   

从我国自然保护区所面临的经费困难和开展生态旅游的现状入手 ,概述了生态旅游资源的价值评估法和加拿大国家公园使用者收费情况 ,并探讨了我国自然保护区生态旅游资源价值实现的若干方式  相似文献   

我国自1999年开始实施旅游黄金周政策以来,出现了前所未有的假日旅游热,与旅游相关的休闲产业也得到了迅速的发展.扩大了内需,刺激了经济的增长.初步形成了以旅游为主导的假日经济,成为我国社会经济文化的一个新现象,也使人民开始了各种新颖的休闲方式.然而在推动休闲产业迅速发展的同时也暴露出许多问题引起了各方的关注.当前,我国的休假制度做出了重大改革,取消了“五一”黄金周,继而出现了一系列的黄金短假期.该文主要分析了黄金周对休闲产业的贡献与冲击,提出了我国发展休闲产业可采取的一些对策。参5.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Studies evaluating effects of human activity on wildlife typically emphasize short-term behavioral responses from which it is difficult to infer biological significance or formulate plans to mitigate harmful impacts. Based on decades of detailed behavioral records, we evaluated long-term impacts of vessel activity on bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops sp.) in Shark Bay, Australia. We compared dolphin abundance within adjacent 36-km2 tourism and control sites, over three consecutive 4.5-year periods wherein research activity was relatively constant but tourism levels increased from zero, to one, to two dolphin-watching operators. A nonlinear logistic model demonstrated that there was no difference in dolphin abundance between periods with no tourism and periods in which one operator offered tours. As the number of tour operators increased to two, there was a significant average decline in dolphin abundance (14.9%; 95% CI =−20.8 to −8.23), approximating a decline of one per seven individuals. Concurrently, within the control site, the average increase in dolphin abundance was not significant (8.5%; 95% CI =−4.0 to +16.7). Given the substantially greater presence and proximity of tour vessels to dolphins relative to research vessels, tour-vessel activity contributed more to declining dolphin numbers within the tourism site than research vessels. Although this trend may not jeopardize the large, genetically diverse dolphin population of Shark Bay, the decline is unlikely to be sustainable for local dolphin tourism. A similar decline would be devastating for small, closed, resident, or endangered cetacean populations. The substantial effect of tour vessels on dolphin abundance in a region of low-level tourism calls into question the presumption that dolphin-watching tourism is benign.  相似文献   

Protected Turkish areas in the Mediterranean region are compared with those of other Mediterranean countries. Policies followed in Turkey for conservation protection of the natural and cultural environment and the use of coastal resources for tourism are discussed. The purpose and application of Turkish law is examined with respect to the interaction between the protection of coastal areas and tourism. Modifications on the administrative and management regulations in Turkey enabling a better use of coastal areas is suggested by combining coastal tourism and protection. The necessity and importance of estabilishing and managing Marine Parks in short-and long-term plans are acknowledged.  相似文献   

该文基于名人文化旅游产品开发建设热潮背景下,全面剖析了名人文化旅游产品开发中存在的问题,并有针对性地提出了名人文化旅游产品开发对策.参12.  相似文献   

南岳宗教文化历史悠久,最早进入南岳的宗教是中国土生土长的道教,据史载,西汉时道家就在南岳活动,到东汉时道教天师张道陵从天目山来南岳谒青玉坛和祭祀祝融神后,道教正式进入南岳活动,约在两晋南北朝时期,佛道传入南岳,至今已有1700年历史;佛道两家虽然信仰不同,追求各异,但友好相处,佛、道共存一山,共荣一庙(南岳庙),佛道共荣的宗教文化尤为国内外宗教名山所罕见,极盛时期,有宫观41所,佛寺150所;基督教于清末传入南岳,也有一定影响,南岳宗教文化的表现形式有:香期、庙会.  相似文献   

In the past few decades, the tourism sector has emerged as a significant economic activity in island nations, particularly in tropical regions. However, most of the tropical islands face similar constraints, viz., threat to natural resources, chances of biopiracy, impact of climate change, population pressure and unsystematic tourist management. Ecotourism, as a concept, envisages promoting tourism with due regard to natural environment and ecological sanctity of the destination. Archipelago of Andaman and Nicobar (A&N) Islands is one of picturesque geographical creation in the Bay of Bengal, India, in tropical region and is an emerging tourist destination. It was observed that around 2.2 lakhs national and international tourists visit the A&N Islands annually. With tourism sector as an integral component, the service sector with share of 56% in gross state domestic product dominates the island economy. An analysis based on primary survey from various stakeholders associated with the sector revealed that factors such as economy in travel and boarding, availability of tourist facilities and comfort, safety, etc. were major factors that determined the choice of the tourists that visited the islands. The weights given by the tourists to the natural sites in A&N Islands revealed that the landscape topped list with 91.6% score by the visitors followed by beaches (91.3%), scenery (86.5%), reserved forests (84.6%), limestone caves (66.3%) and coral sights (65.8%). Coral sites were given weight of 65.8% of tourists, cultural and historical tourism products 85.4% for the natural history. Similarly, historical sites (83.7%), museums (78.6%) and heritage sites (72.8%) were also among top cites attraction. Recent initiatives by the Andaman administration gives due to care to sustainably develop the tourism infrastructure of the islands to harness the potential of eco-friendly tourism in this picturesque tourist haven.  相似文献   


The application of a sustainable tourism management and development framework, including the enhancement of cultural heritage is presented for the city of Nafpaktos (Western Greece) and the surrounding area. Through a qualitative SWOT analysis and a quantitative Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC)–Tourism Carrying Capacity (TCC) framework, an attempt is made to establish thresholds, monitor current conditions, and upgrade tourism activities, with simultaneous development of the tourism-associated economic sectors and the cultural heritage of the city. Activity zones are identified and 18 indicators are selected to describe the environmental/cultural, economic, and social conditions of the area. Reference conditions for each indicator are established either as measured or negotiated thresholds and indicators are accordingly scored to depict the current divergence from reference. The Leopold matrix is used to compare scores and identify restrictions of development. Results reveal high potential for sustainable tourism development of the area, as 9 of 18 indicators received high scores, indicating sustainable conditions, and a variety of underdeveloped tourism endpoints were identified, including the castle of the city, which could potentially support a 90-fold increase in tourism flow. However, restricting factors of development were detected, related to the lack of a tourism management plan, the weak on-site protection of the natural and cultural heritage and the lack of awareness for sustainability among the local people. A strategic plan is finally proposed to provide managers, stakeholders, and the local communities with a guiding framework to upgrade the tourism flow in and around the city within a step-by-step sustainable process.  相似文献   

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