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为有效预防电磁辐射对人体的危害,用频谱分析仪监测一个110 k V变电站和一个笔记本电脑的电场和磁场强度,分析典型工频设备电磁场的空间分布,评价电磁场对人体的影响,并提出相应的安全防护对策。研究结果表明:主变压器西侧的电场强度较强,并随距离增加而增大,但增大趋势逐渐变缓;磁场强度最强区分布在主变压器南侧,在该方向上呈现先增大后减小的规律。电源柜正对方位上的电场强度随距离呈幂指数衰减;磁场强度随距离呈对数衰减。而笔记本电脑的电磁场较强区分布在其前后方10 cm范围内,在该范围外均随距离增加而减小。长期处在电磁辐射环境中的工作人员应采取必要的安全防护措施,以免危害健康。  相似文献   

不考虑气象因素的输变电线路的电磁环境预测值与实际值之间有差距,探讨了温度、湿度、风等气象因素对输变电线路电磁环境的影响,并提出减缓措施。结果表明:温度上升,则电磁场强度及无线电干扰强度都会增强;高相对湿度下电磁场强度与湿度成正比,低湿度则无明显影响,湿度对无线电干扰的影响与线路电压有关;风使输电线发生偏移,改变空间电磁场强度。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,许多技术设备包括家用电器都以是电为能源的,这无疑大大地提高了人们的生活水平,同时也不可避免地使人们的工作环境和居住环境中的电磁场污染增加。近年来,公众越来越关心电磁场的长期暴露特别是工频电磁场的长期暴露是否能够引起人体肿瘤。  相似文献   

在计算高压交流输电线下工频电场时,输变电环境影响评价技术导则中推荐的是以地面为镜像的等效电荷法。该法在计算临近高压线建筑物楼顶时的工频电场强度与实测值相比偏小。本文通过理论计算与实测值比较分析可知当计算临近高压线建筑物楼顶时的工频电场强度时应选取建筑物楼顶为镜像面。  相似文献   

工频磁场对计算机显示器的干扰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郝利君 《安全》2003,24(5):14-15
以往由于计算机不很普及,加之缺乏监测工频电磁场的设备,国内对工频电磁场的研究重视较少。近几年来,随着大型写字楼的投入使用,在工作中,发现工频磁场对计算机显示器的干扰,由此对工频磁场的研究开始重视,尽管如此,对于工频电磁场的研究也只是初步的,对于工频电磁场对电子设备的干扰还认识不足,计算机显示器的抖动是比较直观的,因此,大家都能意识到,但是对于其他一些不很直观的工频电磁场对于电子电气设备的危害,就很难看出。  相似文献   

在毛主席无产阶级革命路线指引下,射频作为一 项先进技术,已经广泛地应用在广播、通讯、工业、 农业、国防、医学和科学研究各个领域。 为了适应生产的迫切需要,推动射频辐射防护工 作的开展,本文从普及的角度出发,专门介绍射频电 磁场的基本概念;对人体的某些影响和防护措施等基 础知识,供从事射频防护工作的同志研究射频辐射的 防护措施的参考。 第一节  射频电磁场的基本概念 第一,射频电磁场 为清楚地说明这个问题,我们先介绍一下水波。 当我们向平静的水中投一石子,就会看到从石子落水 处向其周围发射出水波,并且以逐渐变大的圆圈形…  相似文献   

众所周知,电磁辐射对人体健康会造成伤害,诸如:手机、微波炉、发射塔等都有都有电磁辐射.高压输电线路所产生的工频高压电场是否同样会对人体产生不良影响,是否也属于环境污染呢?这样的问题在近几年越来越被人们所重视,在北京百旺家苑小区居民申请的关于220kV架空高压线环保听证会以及广州居民要求地铁三号线五山主变电站做环评报告等等事件可以看出,工频高压电场所造成的无线电干扰、静电感应、可听噪声等环境问题成为社会所关注的热点,也成为制约高压电力建设的一个重要因素.  相似文献   

随着高频技术的广泛应用,高频电磁场对人的影响问题也日益引起人们的注意。目前,国内外在电磁场对人体影响的作用机理和安全阈值等方面还有不同的看法。但有一点是共认的,即人在超过一定强度的电磁场中, 经受一定作用时间后,会引起中枢神经系统的机能障碍和以交感神经疲乏紧张为主的植物神经紧张失调。临床症状主要为神经衰弱症候群,如头痛、头昏、食欲不振、失眠、多梦、疲乏无力等。下面仅就高频(中波段)感应加热设备的防护问题谈一些粗线的看法。 基本防护方法 高频感应加热设备种类很多,防护方法也各有差异。即使同一类型的设备,也可以…  相似文献   

为了研究高频电磁场对人体影响的防护,我们在中央广播事业局、四机部生产调度局的领导下,与北京广播器材厂、北京大学物理系组成场强仪研制协作组,经过八个多月的努力,克服了重重困难,研制成新型高频电磁场(近区)强度测定仪。场强仪频率适用范围为200千周至 30兆周;强度测量范围;电场 1伏/米至 1,600伏/米,磁场 1安/米至 400安/米。同时,研究成功高频电磁场(强场)标准计量技术,井初步建立了电场标准场和标准测量仪器与磁场标准场和标准测量仪器。 北京市科技局等有关单位于一九七六年三月末在北京召开了有关领导机关、生产、使用、科研、卫…  相似文献   

电磁辐射与电磁防护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文讨论了电气进程带来的电磁辐射污染及其防护问题。从电磁辐射的来源、作用人群、对人体的影响方式阐述了电磁辐射防护的必要性。介绍了电磁辐射暴露限值标准、电磁辐射防护原理、防护装备标准及产品现状。提出了现有电磁辐射暴露限值标准及防护装备产品标准的不足,指出现阶段应进行的进一步工作:考虑非致热效应对人体的影响,完善统一电磁辐射暴露限值标准;增加电磁辐射防护装备标准覆盖面,以利加强监管,进一步规范产品市场。  相似文献   

分析了MOSFET(Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor)管固态电源高频焊机在工作过程中产生电磁场的机理,通过定性分析和实际测量描述了不同工作条件下的高频时变电场特征,与ICNIRP发布的限定值比较,分析了焊接作业人员的高频电磁曝露问题。通过对高频焊接环境电磁辐射的定量描述和认识,对于规范焊接操作,尽可能降低从业人员电磁曝露的影响具有指导意义。  相似文献   

The paper presents an analysis of the effect of magnetic fields of power frequency generated by heavy-current electric equipment on the environment. The results of computation and measurements of the magnetic field in the vicinity of power busducts are included. Possible hazards are considered that result from the effects of the magnetic field on workers present in the vicinity of busducts as well as secondary hazards caused by the degrading effect of the magnetic field on ferromagnetic structural materials (in reinforced concrete structures). Attention is given to an ergonomic aspect of interaction of the magnetic field with cathode ray tube computer monitors (annoying oscillation of the image).  相似文献   

With the increased use of electric and electronic equipment in our offices, our daily exposure to electromagnetic fields has become increasingly complex due to the great variety of the frequency content of the fields. Today focus has shifted from monitors as the dominating sources of electromagnetic fields to other electronic equipment, cabling, nearby substations, power lines and stray currents in buildings. In the last 5 years wireless communication has become common in our offices. These devices use radio frequency waves to communicate and are therefore sources of radio frequency fields in our offices. To a certain degree, they all add to the complicated issue of the extensive field frequencies found in offices. The exposure of office workers is generally considered to be low and not in conflict with the existing guidelines, but if a precaution approach is applied there are a number of measures that can be taken to reduce the electromagnetic fields in offices in order to obtain a good electrical environment.  相似文献   

焊接过程产生的电磁场对操作人员健康的影响已得到日益广泛的关注,对高频的防护问题,已成为改善劳动条件、保护劳动力的重要课题.在研究焊接生产电磁辐射环境、劳动者健康与安全现状的基础上,通过试验分析了电磁辐射屏蔽效率及导致屏蔽效率差异的因素.通过对不同部门制定的安全限值的比较分析,提出高频焊机安全使用建议.对控制高频焊接场所电磁辐射,尽可能降低从业人员电磁暴露的影响具有重要意义.  相似文献   

FAE威力评价方法与目标防护分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对燃料空气炸药(FAE)爆炸场特性进行了分析;从冲击波超压- 冲量毁伤准则出发,提出一种以靶板毁伤效应为评价依据的FAE威力评价方法,并结合易损性等效原理,对不同毁伤等级下目标防护问题进行了分析  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to gather results of studies on the relationship between median frequency (MF) and mean power frequency (MPF) and the level of muscle contraction, and to use those results to discuss the differences in the trends according to factors related to measurement technique and subject. Twenty-one studies with 63 cases for upper limb muscles and nine studies with 31 cases for lower limb muscles were analysed. Most results showed an increase in parameters with an increased level of muscle contraction, only some studies showed a decrease. The influence on parameters of the level of muscle contraction and factors such as subjects, type of contraction, muscle length and electrodes was analysed for each muscle. It was concluded that when analysing the influence of different factors on MF and MPF, because those factors interact they should be considered together, not separately.  相似文献   

Medical electronic devices and metallic implants are found in an increasing number of workers. Industrial applications requiring intense electromagnetic fields (EMF) are growing and the potential risk of injurious interactions arising from EMF affecting devices or implants needs to be managed. Potential interactions include electromagnetic interference, displacement, and electrostimulation or heating of adjacent tissue, depending on the device or implant and the frequency of the fields. A guidance note, which uses a risk management framework, has been developed to give generic advice in (a) risk identification--implementing procedures to identify workers with implants and to characterise EMF exposure within a workplace; (b) risk assessment--integrating the characteristics of devices, the anatomical localisation of implants, occupational hygiene data, and application of basic physics principles; and (c) risk control--advising the worker and employer regarding safety and any necessary changes to work practices, while observing privacy.  相似文献   

Many thousands of tonnes of asbestos were used in buildings in the past, especially for thermal insulation of pipes and boilers in power plants. Occupational exposure to asbestos dust now mainly occurs during demolition, renovation and routine maintenance activities. The objective of this study was to evaluate occupational exposure to airborne asbestos during renovation of solid oil-shale fuelled power plants carried out in 2001-2003. Air monitoring inside and outside of the renovation area was performed. The concentration of airborne fibres in the working environment increased during renovation but the valid limit value (0.1 fibres/cm3) was not exceeded.  相似文献   

城市电磁波辐射污染监测及防护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电磁波辐射不仅对通信、无线电管理、电器设备的正常工作有许多干扰,而且对生物体也有严重的影响。为了更有效地避免因射频、微波等高频电磁场对城市居民身心健康的危害,进行城市电磁波辐射水平的监测与评价,并为此采取相应的防护措施是十分必要的。在1990年,用我国研制的电磁环境辐射监测仪对厦门、漳州两城市的电磁波辐射污染进行了测试和评价,为我国各大中城市进行电磁波辐射污染测试和评估提供了切实可行的方法。  相似文献   

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