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太湖流域北部潜在洪涝风险区分析及影响评估   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
太湖流域历来遭受严重的洪涝灾害,并且近年来有不断加重的趋势。本文选择太湖流域北部的无锡市作为典型研究地区,研究其洪涝的危险性并进行潜在损失评估。人类活动,包括修筑圩区、森林破坏、人口增长、城市化等,对这个地区的洪涝形势有较大的影响;自然条件的变化使河道水位升高,洪涝历时缩短,洪峰增高。本文选择不同回归年(2,5,10,20,50年),结合地理信息系统分析模型,计算了潜在洪涝危险区域和洪涝损失,主要结论为:(1)人类活动已经改变了自然的洪涝形势,增大了汇流和洪涝;(2)洪涝危险区与降雨中心有关;(3)筑圩成功地保护了圩内的土地,缩短了洪涝历时,增高了圩外河道的洪涝水位;(4)经济发展使洪涝损失增加。  相似文献   

应急救援是应急管理的一个重要环节。以重庆武隆山体垮塌应急救援为例,分析了我国自然灾害应急救援的现状,指出了我国应急救援存在的主要问题,探讨了提高我国自然灾害应急救援能力的对策。  相似文献   

Risk communication in flood incident management can be improved through developing hydrometeorological and engineering models used as tools for communicating risk between scientists and emergency management professionals. A range of such models and tools was evaluated by participating flood emergency managers during a 4-day, real-time simulation of an extreme event in the Thamesmead area in the Thames estuary close to London, England. Emergency managers have different communication needs and value new tools differently, but the indications are that a range of new tools could be beneficial in flood incident management. Provided they are communicated large model uncertainties are not necessarily unwelcome among flood emergency managers. Even so they are cautious about sharing the ownership of weather and flood modelling uncertainties.  相似文献   

Risk communication in flood incident management can be improved through developing hydrometeorological and engineering models used as tools for communicating risk between scientists and emergency management professionals. A range of such models and tools was evaluated by participating flood emergency managers during a 4-day, real-time simulation of an extreme event in the Thamesmead area in the Thames estuary close to London, England. Emergency managers have different communication needs and value new tools differently, but the indications are that a range of new tools could be beneficial in flood incident management. Provided they are communicated large model uncertainties are not necessarily unwelcome among flood emergency managers. Even so they are cautious about sharing the ownership of weather and flood modelling uncertainties.  相似文献   

Milas S  Latif JA 《Disasters》2000,24(4):363-379
During the 1980s Ethiopia experienced the effects of conflict, drought and famine on a scale far greater than many CPEs elsewhere. In May 1991, after the decisive defeat of the military dictatorship of Mengistu Haile Mariam by the Ethiopian Peoples' Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) and after decades of civil war, drought and famine, Ethiopia faced the prospects of peace and of much needed development. This paper explores both Ethiopia's experience of conflict and humanitarian intervention in areas of Tigray held by the Tigray Peoples' Liberation Front (TPLF) during the 1980s, and its experience of post-conflict rehabilitation and reconstruction in the 1990s. It first deals with the roots of the conflicts within Ethiopia: political marginalisation, heavy state intervention and highly extractive relations between state and peasants, inappropriate and failed development policies, ethnic identity and the politicisation of ethnicity. The Mengistu regime's counter-insurgency measures are then contrasted with the policies and programmes of the TPLF, Ethiopia's most effective opposition movement and the leading element in the EPRDF, and its achievements in mobilising popular support: its establishment of democratically elected structures of local governance and its famine relief distribution programme.  相似文献   

Khan MM 《Disasters》1991,15(4):340-354
Disaster relief and preparedness organisations are concerned with allocating scarce resources in unstable environments, such as those prone to flooding and river erosion. The need to understand the role of powerful elites in such disaster prone environments is illustrated through an analysis of the actual location decisions and biases involved in siting four flood shelters in four communities in northern Bangladesh. The previously unrecognised implications of the location biases for employment, shelter, access and the utilisation of the flood shelter by the powerless people in the target group demonstrate the need for disaster organisations to include an analysis of the local power structure in project preparation and appraisal.  相似文献   

兰州地区滑坡风险因素及其与区域构造的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
滑坡作为一种典型的环境地质灾害,其危害日趋严重。利用地理信息系统及空间分析技术分析了兰州地区滑坡风险的主要影响因素、滑坡风险分布规律及其与地形地貌和地质构造的关系,得到的主要结论为:兰州地区滑坡受地形地貌和地质构造影响较大;滑坡风险分布的集中程度为南部基岩山区和黄土梁区坡度较陡峭区域的滑坡分布较为密集,属于滑坡高风险区,而北部黄土丘陵区坡度平缓区域的滑坡分布比较分散,属于滑坡低风险区;研究区域内滑坡风险相对集中的区域面积较小,而相对分散的区域面积较大;滑坡风险沿市区两山成带状分布,且分布趋势与黄河北岸的北西西向断层、西固北岸的北北西向断层以及黄河以南的北北西向断层方向一致。  相似文献   

Under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization, there are a number of international initiatives to promote the development and use of so-called ensemble prediction systems (EPS) for flood forecasting. The campaign to apply these meteorological techniques to flood forecasting raises important questions about how the probabilistic information these systems provide can be used for what in operational terms is typically a binary decision of whether or not to issue a flood warning. To explore these issues, we report on the results of a series of focus group discussions conducted with operational flood forecasters from across Europe on behalf of the European Flood Alert System. Working in small groups to simulate operational conditions, forecasters engaged in a series of carefully designed forecasting exercises using various different combinations of actual data from real events. Focus group data was supplemented by a follow-up questionnaire survey exploring how flood forecasters understand risk, uncertainty, and error. Results suggest that flood forecasters may not instinctively use ensemble predictions in the way that promoters of EPS perhaps think they should. The paper concludes by exploring the implications of these divergent ‘epistemic cultures’ for efforts to apply ensemble prediction techniques developed in the context of weather forecasting to the rather different one of flood forecasting.  相似文献   

Under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization, there are a number of international initiatives to promote the development and use of so-called ensemble prediction systems (EPS) for flood forecasting. The campaign to apply these meteorological techniques to flood forecasting raises important questions about how the probabilistic information these systems provide can be used for what in operational terms is typically a binary decision of whether or not to issue a flood warning. To explore these issues, we report on the results of a series of focus group discussions conducted with operational flood forecasters from across Europe on behalf of the European Flood Alert System. Working in small groups to simulate operational conditions, forecasters engaged in a series of carefully designed forecasting exercises using various different combinations of actual data from real events. Focus group data was supplemented by a follow-up questionnaire survey exploring how flood forecasters understand risk, uncertainty, and error. Results suggest that flood forecasters may not instinctively use ensemble predictions in the way that promoters of EPS perhaps think they should. The paper concludes by exploring the implications of these divergent ‘epistemic cultures’ for efforts to apply ensemble prediction techniques developed in the context of weather forecasting to the rather different one of flood forecasting.  相似文献   

This research examines sources of information for flash floods in two large metropolitan areas, Denver, CO, and Austin, TX. Previous research has noted that information delivery systems for weather forecasts are geared toward the cultural majority and suggests that inadequate warnings are a primary contributor to deaths and injuries from hazards. This investigation used chi-square analysis to determine the prime warning source preferences and preferred time of day for receiving different media. Results indicate that successful warning messages need to be targeted toward specific sub-populations if the warning is to be received, understood, and responded to properly.  相似文献   

This research examines sources of information for flash floods in two large metropolitan areas, Denver, CO, and Austin, TX. Previous research has noted that information delivery systems for weather forecasts are geared toward the cultural majority and suggests that inadequate warnings are a primary contributor to deaths and injuries from hazards. This investigation used chi-square analysis to determine the prime warning source preferences and preferred time of day for receiving different media. Results indicate that successful warning messages need to be targeted toward specific sub-populations if the warning is to be received, understood, and responded to properly.  相似文献   

浙江省梅汛期洪涝灾情分析和预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过所构设的雨涝强度、雨涝影响面积等统计量来估计浙江省梅汛期的灾情,有较高的准确率,能估计出极端情况,为灾害评估工作提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

永嘉县地处浙江省东南沿海,是该省突发性地质灾害预警预报系统研究及应用示范项目的四个示范县之一.首先对影响永嘉县滑坡灾害发育的主要因素进行了评价分析,提出了基于降雨的时空耦合滑坡灾害风险性预警预报研究的基本思路.基于MAPGIS二次开发系统,选取5个因素14种状态作为预测变量,运用信息-物元模型进行了滑坡灾害易发性空间预测.基于有效降雨量模型建立了区域滑坡灾害的宏观危险性预警预报模型.根据浙江省气象台提供的降雨实时信息,进行了基于降雨的台风期滑坡灾害危险性预警.同时基于人口密度和房屋建筑易损性指数对人口易损性和房屋建筑易损性以乡镇为单元进行了评价,与滑坡灾害危险性预警相结合进行了云娜台风期间永嘉县滑坡灾害风险预警预报,并以8个灾害点的实际分布情况验证了预警结果的准确性.将传统的滑坡灾害危险性预警延伸到滑坡灾害风险预警预报,为政府部门防灾减灾提供了重要依据,使防灾减灾工作的针对性大大增强.  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(2):156-186
In this paper, we present a method to assess social vulnerability through the creation of an Open Source Vulnerability Index (OS-VI). The OS-VI provides context to environmental hazards and allows NGOs and local agencies to better tailor services and provide targeted pre-emptive vulnerability reduction and resilience-building programmes. A deductive indicator-based approach is utilised to incorporate a wide range of vulnerability indicators known to influence vulnerability. Unlike many vulnerability indices, the OS-VI incorporates flood risk as well as the loss of capabilities and the importance of key services (health facilities and food stores) through the measurement of accessibility when determining an area's level of social vulnerability. The index was developed using open-source mapping and analysis software and is composed completely of open-source data from national data sets. The OS-VI was designed at the national level, with data for all proxy indicators available across the entirety of England and Wales. For this paper, a case study is presented concerned with one English county, Norfolk.


  • We produce an open-source vulnerability index.

  • Accessibility to health care found to be severely affected by flooding.

  • High vulnerability areas found to be disproportionately impacted by flooding.

  • Urban extent of an area found to increase its level of vulnerability.

  • Flood affected areas more likely to be composed of elderly, sick and poor.


云南虎跳峡"滑石板"岩质滑坡的基本特征与成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1996年10月28日云南虎跳峡左岸发生“滑石板”顺层岩质滑坡。滑坡体呈不规则菱形,长800多m、宽250m、厚30多m,体积不小于500万m^3,高速下滑300多m入金沙江,并堵江成坝。通过详细野外调查和室内资料对比分析,发现该段斜坡系由内外两层结构组成,内层为原生节理的层状结构,外层为节理裂隙化松散结构。揭示了虎跳峡滑石地段斜坡发生滑坡的复杂成因机制,认为该滑坡是在玉龙-哈巴雪山断块强烈隆升背景下,地震、降雨和深切峡谷的强卸荷改造等地球内、外部动力耦合作用的结果。最后对该段斜坡的稳定性进行了初步评价,认为将来还可能再次发生类似岩质顺层滑坡,其周期长短则受内外动力的联合控制。  相似文献   

松花江干流洪水预测和影响评估及对策建议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据历史数据,分析了松花江干流(哈尔滨段)水位变化的历史规律和典型洪水年洪水的成因,计算和分析了其与松花江、嫩江、二松流域面雨量的相关性,统计和分析了其与拉尼娜、厄尔尼诺、太阳黑子等的关系.利用方差周期和均生函数方法,建立了2004-2013年拉尼娜、厄尔尼诺、太阳黑子及松花江、嫩江、二松流域面雨量的预测方法,并进行了预测,建立了松花江干流(哈尔滨段)最高水位趋势的综合预测方法,得出了2004-2013年的预测值.提出了相应治理的对策建议.  相似文献   

中国洪水灾后恢复重建行动与理论探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于中国洪水灾后恢复重建的实践 ,总结了中国洪灾灾后恢复重建的结构体系 ,并依此讨论了洪水灾后恢复重建的若干理论和实践问题。文章指出 ,应明确洪水灾后恢复重建与备灾和防灾的关系 ,并提出了洪水灾后恢复重建的结构体系与程序。  相似文献   

河南省山洪灾害的危害、成因及防治对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对河南省山洪灾害的危害与成因分析,指出暴雨是造成山洪灾害的根源,特殊的地理环境和不合理的人为活动等因素加剧了山洪灾害的形成与发展。提出山洪灾害的防治对策是:加强宣传,增强防灾避灾意识;进一步完善山洪灾害的政策法规保障措施;科学制订防灾预案;加强山洪灾害的监测预报系统建设;因地制宜,分类防治;搞好水土保持,增强防灾减灾能力。  相似文献   

近年来灾害恢复力研究在领域的拓展和定义的延伸等方面取得了较大的进步。灾害恢复力作为系统的一个有价值的属性,与风险、脆弱性和适应性一起成为当前灾害综合管理和减灾研究的重要内容。但目前灾害恢复力研究仍停留在理论和概念层面,鲜有深入的实际操作性强的工作开展。为进一步理解水灾恢复力的内涵和实质,为区域恢复力建设提供切实可行的方案,作者在原有对灾害恢复力研究进展进行综述的基础上,开展了以湖南省洞庭湖区为例的洪水高风险区水灾恢复力理论和实践的研究,提出了由自然维、经济维、组织维、社会维组成的四维区域水灾恢复力概念模型,然后细致分析了区域水灾恢复力利益主体的相互关系,提供了初步的区域水灾恢复力评估模型。最后在定性分析的基础上,对洞庭湖区区域水灾风险管理进行了探讨,提出了相应的管理对策和建议,旨在为政府的防灾减灾决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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