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EDTA was percolated in laboratory columns through a soil polluted by heavy metals to investigate the efficiency of and processes involved in soil decontamination by chemical extraction. At high EDTA concentration (10−2 M), elution of Pb and Cd was very efficient for one pore volume, after which it decreased to almost zero due to depletion of available Pb and Cd and to competition with Ca and Fe slowly solubilized during the passage of the EDTA front. Clogging occurred after the end of the EDTA plateau. At lower EDTA concentrations (10−3 and 10−4 M), elution was less efficient, but extraction decreased little with the volume percolated; moreover no Ca above background values was dissolved. The optimum EDTA concentration for heavy metal extraction ranges between 10−2 and 10−3 M. The higher the concentration, the greater the extraction efficiency, but as the EDTA concentration is increased there is an optimum point at which clogging takes place and permeability decreases.  相似文献   

A multi-element, multi-media analysis of waterborne sediments downstream from a secondary lead smelter is presented. Sediments were collected from a closed municipal storm water drain, an open private storm water conveyance, and a channelized river. Characteristic ratios of lead, antimony, arsenic, and cadmium were found in the samples, which were similar to air and soil samples taken at the same site. Additional elements, some associated with lead-acid batteries and some not, were also found. Significant correlation was found among the concentrations of the majority of these elements.  相似文献   

Shaoping H  Xincai C  Jiyan S  Yingxu C  Qi L 《Chemosphere》2008,71(11):2091-2097
The role of acid rain in affecting Pb and As transport from mine tailings was investigated by pumping simulated acid rain at a infiltration rate of 10.2 cm/h through soil columns. Simulated acid rain with pH of 3.0, 4.5 and 5.6 were used as leaching solutions. Results showed that 86.9–95.9% of Pb and 90–91.8% of As eluted from the columns were adsorbed by particles in the leachates. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis showed that particles released from the columns were mainly composed of flocculated aggregates and plate or rod shaped discrete grains. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) showed that these particles were predominantly silicate minerals. Results from our experiments demonstrated that when rapid infiltration conditions or a rainstorm exist, particle-facilitated transport of contaminants is likely to the dominant metal transport pathway influenced by acid rain.  相似文献   

硫化钠对土壤中铅镉的固定效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了硫化钠用于固定土壤中铅镉的可行性,考察了硫化钠用量及土壤pH、有机质对固定过程中土壤铅、镉赋存形态及固定效果的影响。结果表明,添加硫化钠可改变土壤中铅镉的形态分布,明显降低可交换态铅镉的含量。条件适当时,铅镉可交换态下降值分别为63%和73%。硫化钠在固定铅的过程中,固定效率对土壤pH、有机质含量的变化较为敏感,在有机质含量较低或酸性土壤中,硫化钠对铅固定效率较高;相对于铅,有机质含量和pH变化对镉的固定效率影响不是很大。  相似文献   

An incubation experiment was carried out to assess the rate of oxidation of Pb shot and subsequent transfer of Pb to the soil under a range of soil pH conditions. Lead shot corrosion was rapid, so that soil solution and fine earth (<1mm) Pb concentrations increased rapidly within a few months. Corrosion products, dominated by hydrocerussite (Pb(3)(CO(3))(2)(OH)(2)), developed in crusts surrounding individual Pb pellets. However, irrespective of pH, Pb(2+) activities in the soil solutions, modelled using WHAM 6, were much lower than would be the case if they were controlled by the solubility of the dominant Pb compounds present in the Pb shot crust material. In contrast, modelling of soil solid-solution phase distribution of Pb, again using WHAM 6, suggested that, at least during the 24 months of the study, soil solution Pb concentrations were more likely to be controlled by sorption of Pb by the soil solid phase.  相似文献   

Chemical tracer methods for determining contributions to primary organic aerosol (POA) are fairly well established, whereas similar techniques for secondary organic aerosol (SOA), inherently complicated by time-dependent atmospheric processes, are only beginning to be studied. Laboratory chamber experiments provide insights into the precursors of SOA, but field data must be used to test the approaches. This study investigates primary and secondary sources of organic carbon (OC) and determines their mass contribution to particulate matter 2.5 microm or less in aerodynamic diameter (PM2.5) in Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization (SEARCH) network samples. Filter samples were taken during 20 24-hr periods between May and August 2005 at SEARCH sites in Atlanta, GA (JST); Birmingham, AL (BHM); Centerville, AL (CTR); and Pensacola, FL (PNS) and analyzed for organic tracers by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Contribution to primary OC was made using a chemical mass balance method and to secondary OC using a mass fraction method. Aerosol masses were reconstructed from the contributions of POA, SOA, elemental carbon, inorganic ions (sulfate [SO4(2-)], nitrate [NO3-], ammonium [NH4+]), metals, and metal oxides and compared with the measured PM2.5. From the analysis, OC contributions from seven primary sources and four secondary sources were determined. The major primary sources of carbon were from wood combustion, diesel and gasoline exhaust, and meat cooking; major secondary sources were from isoprene and monoterpenes with minor contributions from toluene and beta-caryophyllene SOA. Mass concentrations at the four sites were determined using source-specific organic mass (OM)-to-OC ratios and gave values in the range of 12-42 microg m(-3). Reconstructed masses at three of the sites (JST, CTR, PNS) ranged from 87 to 91% of the measured PM2.5 mass. The reconstructed mass at the BHM site exceeded the measured mass by approximately 25%. The difference between the reconstructed and measured PM2.5 mass for nonindustrial areas is consistent with not including aerosol liquid water or other sources of organic aerosol.  相似文献   

The planetary importance of microbial function requires urgently that our knowledge and our exploitation ability is extended, therefore every occasion of bioprospecting is welcome. In this work, bioprospecting is presented from the perspective of the UMBRELLA project, whose main goal was to develop an integral approach for remediation of soil influenced by mining activity, by using microorganisms in association with plants. Accordingly, this work relies on the cultivable fraction of microbial biodiversity, native to six mining sites across Europe, different for geographical, climatic and geochemical characteristics but similar for suffering from chronic stress. The comparative analysis of the soil functional diversity, resulting from the metabolic profiling at community level (BIOLOG ECOPlates) and confirmed by the multivariate analysis, separates the six soils in two clusters, identifying soils characterised by low functional diversity and low metabolic activity. The microbial biodiversity falls into four major bacterial phyla: Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes, including a total of 47 genera and 99 species. In each soil, despite harsh conditions, metabolic capacity of nitrogen fixation and plant growth promotion were quite widespread, and most of the strains showed multiple resistances to heavy metals. At species-level, Shannon’s index (alpha diversity) and Sørensen's Similarity (beta diversity) indicates the sites are indeed diverse. Multivariate analysis of soil chemical factors and biodiversity identifies for each soil well-discriminating chemical factors and species, supporting the assumption that cultured biodiversity from the six mining sites presents, at phylum level, a convergence correlated to soil factors rather than to geographical factors while, at species level, reflects a remarkable local characterisation.  相似文献   

The use of dendrochemistry for monitoring historical changes in trace metal deposition and mobilisation of metals in soils is evaluated. In experimental studies, mobilisation of trace metals in surface soil following deliberate acidification was recorded in sugar maple (Acer saccharum) tree-rings with minimal lateral movement between rings. Furthermore, positive correlations between wood (3 year section 1993-95) and foliar chemistry (mean concentration 1993-95) were found for Cd and Zn, but not for Cu and Ni, showing that mobility up the tree bole differs between metals. Even so, substantial lateral movement of elements between rings occurs in some species. Stable Pb isotope ratios in tree-rings were used to show that sacred fir (Abies religeosa) is not a useful monitor of Pb deposition because Pb accumulates in the heartwood. Numerous sophisticated analytical techniques are now used in dendrochemical studies, including laser ablation sampling in conjunction with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry that enable the multi-element analysis of extremely small tree-rings with low detection limits. Clearly, not all tree species are suitable for dendrochemical studies, but if careful sampling strategies are used and suitable tree species are chosen, the chemical analysis of tree-rings can provide information concerning historical changes in soil and atmospheric trace metal levels unavailable from any other source.  相似文献   

Lead (Pb), like many other pollutants, is carried into the Arctic by long-range atmospheric transport from industrial centers at lower latitudes. Unlike other pollutants, Pb can be used to assess emission source regions through the use of stable Pb isotope analyses. Using sediment cores from 17 lakes (three profiles and 14 top/bottom sample pairs) in the Søndre Strømfjord (Kangerlussuaq) region, West Greenland (67°N), this study assesses the extent and origin of Pb pollution along a 150 km transect between the Inland Ice and Davis Strait. Like ice core analyses from the interior of Greenland, the isotope analyses suggest pre-industrial contamination, although significant concentration changes in the lake sediments do not occur until the 18th/19th centuries, with the maximum concentrations occurring about 1970. Compared to the background, the Pb concentrations in recent sediments have increased about 2.5-fold, with slightly higher enrichments towards the coast, where annual precipitation is highest. For all of the lakes, there is a major decline in the 206Pb/207Pb ratio in the recent sediments (mean 1.218±0.030) as compared to deeper sediments (mean 1.365±0.084). Using a Pb isotope mixing model, we calculated an excess Pb isotope ratio, i.e. the isotope ratio necessary to produce the observed declines in recent sediments. While studies of atmospheric aerosols in the high Arctic (206Pb/207Pb ratio ∼1.16) have indicated that Russian emissions (206Pb/207Pb ratio ∼1.15–1.16) are a dominant source of arctic pollution, the excess Pb ratios of the lake sediments in the Søndre Strømfjord region (206Pb/207Pb ratio ∼1.14–1.15), in the low Arctic, suggest that W Europe (206Pb/207Pb ratio ∼1.14) is also a major emission source for this region.  相似文献   

Plants grown in contaminated areas may accumulate trace metals to a toxic level via their roots and/or leaves. In the present study, we investigated the distribution and sources of Pb and Cd in maize plants (Zea mays L.) grown in a typical zinc smelting impacted area of southwestern China. Results showed that the smelting activities caused significantly elevated concentrations of Pb and Cd in the surrounding soils and maize plants. Pb isotope data revealed that the foliar uptake of atmospheric Pb was the dominant pathway for Pb to the leaf and grain tissues of maize, while Pb in the stalk and root tissues was mainly derived from root uptake. The ratio of Pb to Cd concentrations in the plants indicated that Cd had a different behavior from Pb, with most Cd in the maize plants coming from the soil via root uptake.  相似文献   

使用镁盐改性硅藻土回收沼液中氮磷制得鸟粪石负载硅藻土 (Struvite-loaded diatomite,SD) ,将其用于土壤中铅 (Pb) 和金霉素 (CTC) 复合污染的原位修复。采用吸附-解吸实验评估SD对Pb和CTC迁移特性的影响,同时,通过测定土壤pH和酸缓冲能力、土壤Pb和CTC的有效态和形态、土壤速效磷和微生物群落结构变化等考察SD对土壤Pb和CTC的钝化能力,借助SEM、XRD、FT-IR等表征手段揭示其修复机理。结果表明,SD能有效降低Pb和CTC在土壤中的迁移特性;SD投加质量分数为3%,稳定49 d后,土壤酸中和能力提升1倍以上,土壤有效态Pb和CTC含量分别降低26%和56%,酸溶态Pb占比降低10%,残渣态Pb占比升高18%, CTC的水溶态和松散结合态占比分别降低5%和13%,紧密结合态CTC升高11%,一定程度上降低了Pb和CTC在土壤中的生物有效性;SD的投加可提升土壤速效磷含量,提高土壤微生物的相对丰度和多样性,尤其增加酸杆菌门 (Acidobacteria) 、绿弯菌门 (Chloroflexi) 和芽单胞菌门 (Gemmatimonadetes) 的相对丰度,降低放线菌门 (Actinobacteria) 和厚壁菌门 (Firmicutes) 的相对丰度;SD对土壤Pb和CTC的钝化机制主要为吸附和沉淀的协同作用。该研究可为污水氮磷资源化利用和重金属抗生素复合污染土壤原位修复提供参考。  相似文献   

Yan H  Wang D  Dong B  Tang F  Wang B  Fang H  Yu Y 《Chemosphere》2011,84(5):634-641
The dissipation of carbendazim and chloramphenicol alone and in combination and their effects on soil fungal:bacterial ratios and soil enzyme activities were investigated. The results revealed that carbendazim dissipation was little affected by chloramphenicol, whereas chloramphenicol dissipation was found to be retarded significantly by the presence of carbendazim. The inhibitory effect of carbendazim on the fungal:bacterial ratios was increased by the presence of chloramphenicol, and the inhibitory effect of chloramphenicol on neutral phosphatase was increased by the presence of carbendazim. Carbendazim increased soil catalase and urease activities, but this increase was partially diminished by the presence of chloramphenicol. Little interaction was observed between carbendazim and chloramphenicol with regard to their influence on soil invertase. The results obtained in this study suggest that combinations of fungicides and antibiotics may alter the compounds’ individual behaviors in soil and their effects on soil enzymes.  相似文献   

Utilizing the analytical capability to measure S isotope ratios of small quantities of S in biological material without any chemical pretreatment, the variation of δ34S within a lichen thallus was investigated using old and young segments of fruticose lichen thalli (Alectoria sarmentosa) from an oil refinery area in Come-By-Chance and two coastal areas, Newfoundland, Canada. Old segments of lichen samples from the oil refinery area showed significantly higher δ34S values (1.0-2.5‰) than their corresponding young segments. Lichen samples from two coastal areas showed no noticeable differences in δ34S values between old and young segments. These results demonstrate that lichen thalli record temporal changes in the isotopic composition of atmospheric S and hence constitute a historical archive of atmospheric S pollution.  相似文献   

冶炼厂周边表层土壤重金属关联特征及污染评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以冶炼厂为中心设定27个取样点,检测27个取样点表层土壤中的Cr、Cu、Zn、Pb、As、Cd和Hg 7种重金属浓度,根据国家规定土壤环境质量标准值,使用单因子分析法、内梅罗污染指标分析法以及统计软件对检测数据进行分析评价,结果表明,该区域大部分土壤中重金属浓度超出标准值,其中污染程度排序为CdHgPbZnCrCuAs,Cr、Cu、Cd与Zn、Pb相关性显著,都有相同的污染源,并且土壤中重金属污染的程度与地势高低、风向以及冶炼厂都有密切关系。可初步判断重金属污染的来源以及原因,这对治理和防控土壤重金属污染有重要意义。  相似文献   

The concentrations of selected pesticides, of some of their degradation products and nitrophenols in rain were measured at two stations in Denmark in the period January 2000-July 2001. Forty compounds were quantified at least at one station during at least one sampling period. Additionally 17 compounds could be detected but not quantified, and 22 compounds could not be detected at all. The highest depositions of pesticides were observed for pendimethalin and desethylterbuthylazine, which is a degradation product of terbuthylazine. The deposition of the nitrophenols 2,4-dinitrophenol, DNOC, 3-methyl-4-nitrophenol was much higher than that of pesticides. The deposition of 2,4-dinitrophenol was e.g. up to a factor of 40 higher than that of pendimethalin. Atrazine, chloridazon, 2,4-D, dieldrin, disulfoton, fenitrothion, isoproturon, lenacil, metazachlor and propachlor were found in precipitation, although these pesticides are not allowed in Denmark. It can therefore be concluded that they came from abroad and have been transported over at least 60-80 km. For some of these compounds the transport distance is much longer.  相似文献   

The carbonaceous components of Particulate Matter samples form a substantial fraction of their total mass, but their quantification depends strongly on the instruments and methods used. United Kingdom monitoring networks have provided many relevant data sets that are already in the public domain. Specifically, hourly organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) were determined at four sites between 2003 and 2007 using Rupprecht and Pattashnik (R & P) 5400 automatic instruments. Since 2007, daily OC/EC measurements have been made by manual thermo-optical analysis of filter samples using a Sunset Laboratory Carbon Aerosol Analysis instrument. In parallel, long term daily measurements of Black Smoke, a quantity directly linked to black carbon (measured by aethalometers) and indirectly related to elemental carbon, have been made at many sites. The measurement issues associated with these techniques are evaluated in the context of UK measurements, making use of several sets of parallel data, with the aim of aiding the interpretation of network results. From the results available, the main conclusions are that the R & P 5400 instruments greatly under-read EC and total carbon (TC = OC + EC) at kerbside sites, probably due to the fact that the smaller particles are not sampled by the instrument; the R & P 5400 instrument is inherently difficult to characterise, so that all quantitative results need to be treated with caution; both aethalometer and Black Smoke (converted to black carbon) measurements can show reasonable agreement with elemental carbon results; and manual thermo-optical OC/EC results may under-read EC (and hence over-read OC), whether either transmittance or reflectance is used for the pyrolysis correction, and this effect is significant at rural sites.  相似文献   

Leitgib L  Kálmán J  Gruiz K 《Chemosphere》2007,66(3):428-434
The harmful effects of contaminants on the ecosystems and humans are characterised by their environmental toxicity. The aim of this study was to assess applicability and reliability of several environmental toxicity tests, comparing the result of the whole soils and their water extracts. In the study real contaminated soils were applied from three different inherited contaminated sites of organic and inorganic pollutants. The measured endpoints were the bioluminescence inhibition of Vibrio fischeri (bacterium), the dehydrogenase activity inhibition of Azomonas agilis (bacterium), the reproduction inhibition of Tetrahymena pyriformis (protozoon), and Panagrellus redivivus (nematode), the mortality of Folsomia candida (springtail), the root and shoot elongation inhibition of Sinapis alba (plant: white mustard) and the nitrification activity inhibition of an uncontaminated garden soil used as "test organism". Besides the standardised or widely used methods some new, direct contact ecotoxicity tests have been developed and introduced, which are useful for characterisation of the risk of contaminated soils due to their interactive nature. Soil no. 1 derived from a site polluted with transformer oil (PCB-free); Soil no. 2 originated from a site contaminated with mazout; Soil no. 3 was contaminated with toxic metals (Zn, Cd, Cu, Pb, As). In most cases, the interactive ecotoxicity tests indicated more harmful effect of the contaminated soil than the tests using soil extracts. The direct contact environmental toxicity tests are able to meet the requirements of environmental toxicology: reliability, sensibility, reproducibility, rapidity and low cost.  相似文献   

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