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Observations of reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) in marine air show a consistent diurnal cycle with minimum at night, rapid increase at sunrise, maximum at midday, and rapid decline in afternoon. We use a box model for the marine boundary layer (MBL) to interpret these observations in terms of RGM sources and sinks. The morning rise and midday maximum are consistent with oxidation of elemental mercury (Hg0) by Br atoms, requiring <2 ppt BrO in most conditions. Oxidation of Hg0 by Br accounts for 35–60% of the RGM source in our model MBL, with most of the remainder contributed by oxidation of Hg0 by ozone (5–20%) and entrainment of RGM-rich air from the free troposphere (25–40%). Oxidation of Hg0 by Cl is minor (3–7%), and oxidation by OH cannot reproduce the observed RGM diurnal cycle, suggesting that it is unimportant. Fitting the RGM observations could be achieved in the model without oxidation of Hg0 by ozone (leaving Br as the only significant oxidant) by increasing the entrainment flux from the free troposphere. The large relative diurnal amplitude of RGM concentrations implies rapid loss with a lifetime of only a few hours. We show that this can be quantitatively explained by rapid, mass-transfer-limited uptake of RGM into sea-salt aerosols as HgCl3? and HgCl42?. Our results suggest that 80–95% of HgII in the MBL should be present in sea-salt aerosol rather than gas-phase, and that deposition of sea-salt aerosols is the major pathway delivering HgII to the ocean.  相似文献   

Particle-associated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations were investigated at six sampling sites in the heating (February to March 2001) and nonheating (August to September 2001) periods in an industrial city in Northern China. Thirteen PAHs were measured. The total average concentrations (nanograms per meter cubed) of PAHs ranged between 78.93 and 214.63 during the heating period and from 31.48 to 102.26 in the nonheating period. Benzo(a)pyrene occurred at the highest level at a site near an industrial area but occurred at low concentrations far from the city center and industrial areas. In addition, ambient PAH profiles were studied. The five and six-ring species occurred in high fractions at the sampling site. By diagnostic ratio analysis, the major source at each sampling site in the city was coal combustion in the heating period; in the nonheating period, the major sources were relatively complex. Finally, the similarities among the six regions were assessed by principal component analysis, cluster analysis, and coefficient of divergence. These multivariate statistical analyses produced similar results, which agreed with the results from the diagnostic ratio analysis.  相似文献   

The efficiency of hi-vol samplers with glass fiber filters for collection of atmospheric arsenic was assessed by parallel sampling with a technique able to retain both particle and gas-phase arsenic trioxide. Sampling was done adjacent to the Kennecott copper smelter in Magna, Utah during the winter of 1981. Arsenic concentrations up to 0.2 μg m−3 (24-h average) were observed. The hi-vol sampler retained, on average, 83% of the As retained by the parallel sampler, implying at least 17% As penetration through the glass fiber filter. Laboratory evaluations of the sampling and analytical method are also presented.  相似文献   

Surface–atmosphere mercury fluxes are difficult to measure accurately. Current techniques include dynamic flux chambers and micrometeorological gradient and aerodynamic approaches, all of which have a number of intrinsic problems associated with them. We have adapted conditional sampling (relaxed eddy accumulation), a micrometeorological technique commonly used to measure other trace gas fluxes, to measure surface–air mercury fluxes. Our initial flux measurement campaign over an agricultural soil consisted of two 1-week measurement periods, and was longer in duration than previously reported mercury flux measurement periods. Fluxes during both measurement periods ranged between 190.5 (evolution) and –91.7 ng m−2 h−1 (deposition) with an average evolution of 9.67 ng m−2 h−1. The data showed significant diurnal trends, weakly correlated with shallow soil temperatures and solar radiation. This initial trial run indicates that conditional sampling has much promise for the accurate quantification of both short and long-term mercury fluxes.  相似文献   

An analytical method for measuring atmospheric methyl halides was established based on canister sampling and capillary GC/MS. Stability tests for air samples collected in two kinds of canisters (electro-chemical buffing and fused-silica lined) with smooth inner surfaces, showed that both provided stable storage for CH3Cl, CH3Br, and CH3I. The method was applied to the measurement of methyl halides at a remote island (Okinawa, Japan) in August 1996, where nocturnal ozone depletion had been observed in summer. We found that atmospheric CH3Cl increased during stable nights and was negatively correlated with surface ozone concentration. The highest CH3Cl concentration amounted to as high as 1400 pptv and indicated that CH3Cl emitted from the surrounding coastal areas had accumulated in the boundary layer under a stable atmosphere at that time. A positive correlation was observed between CH3Br and CH3I, suggesting a common source in the area.  相似文献   

Laboratory and field sampling experiments were conducted to determine the phase-distribution of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the ambient atmosphere and to determine the potential for artifact formation due to volatilization and ozone (O3) reaction during normal sampling conditions. The study was conducted in two segments to investigate both summer and winter ambient temperature effects. The winter measurements reflect stronger association of PAH with the particulate phase than the summer data, but data from both seasons show appreciable filter losses due to volatilization of phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, benz(a)anthracene and chrysene. No evidence was found for volatilization of the heavier PAH, including benzo(e)pyrene, benzo(a)pyrene, indeno(l,2,3-c,d)pyrene, benzo(g,h,i)perylene and coronene. Although O3 reacted readily with particulate matter that was freshly spiked with PAH in the laboratory experiments, no evidence was found for reaction of O3 with particulate matter during the field sampling experiments.  相似文献   

The ratios of 1-nitropyrene and hydroxynitropyrenes to inert marker species (fine particulate lead, selenium, and elemental carbon) were considerably higher at a remote site on Bermuda than in Delaware. The results suggested that these nitroaromatic POM are formed in atmospheric reactions. The ratio of benzo(a)pyrene to marker species was not significantly different at the two sites. This result did not reflect the expected loss of BaP in atmospheric photochemical reactions.  相似文献   

The gas phosphine (PH3) is a part of an atmospheric link of the phosphorus cycle on earth. Previous research reported the terrestrial lower tropospheric PH3 at night in the 1 ng m−3 range in remote areas, with the peak of 100 ng m−3 in populated areas, and at daytime even lower concentrations in the pg m−3 range. The data of the global marine atmospheric PH3 are still very sparse.This study presents surprisingly high concentrations of PH3 in the order of 0.1–1 μg m−3 in many of 32 samples of the marine atmosphere in the latitudinal range from 30°N to 65°S (the cruise of research ship Xuelong from Shanghai Harbor, China, to Antarctica). The highest concentrations were measured near coastal areas of Eastern Asia and Western Australia. A significant correlation exists between marine atmospheric PH3 concentration and air temperature at 22:00 (local time). PH3 concentrations at different latitudes strongly decline with daylight intensity according to a logarithmic relationship. These surprisingly high concentrations of the readily oxidizable PH3 in the air indicate hitherto unknown but important PH3 emission sources in marine environment. More work is necessary to evaluate the sources of atmospheric PH3 from marine biosphere.  相似文献   

Methyl ethers of halogenated phenols have been identified in marine air samples from the North and South Hemispheres. The compounds are tribromoanisole, pentachloroanisole and tetrachlorohydroquinone dimethyl ether. The concentrations of these compounds are in the pg m−3 range, and they are among the more abundant high-molecular weight halocarbons in the remote marine troposphere. A probable source of these compounds is the microbial methylation of the biocide pentachlorophenol and tribromophenol of either pollutant or natural origin.  相似文献   

Wet denuders are used in several steam-based semi-continuous aerosol monitors to avoid gaseous absorption artifacts and pre-humidify the air stream, while simultaneously allowing measurements of water-soluble gaseous species. Unlike dry denuders, wet denuders saturate the sample air stream with water vapor, which can lead to re-partitioning of water-soluble volatile species to the aerosol phase, thereby causing a positive artifact in aerosol measurements. This paper investigates the magnitude of the positive artifact formation occurring in wet denuders using modeling techniques. Gaseous nitric acid was used as an example of volatile water-soluble gas in both flat and annular wet denuders. We have also verified the occurrence of the positive artifact in a flat wet denuder through a laboratory experiment. The model results indicate that the magnitude of the artifact is rather limited under typical conditions being less than 2.5% of ambient nitric acid concentration for the flat denuder and less than 0.6% for the annular denuder. The magnitude of the artifact increases with condensational sink of the aerosol (i.e. with the mean aerosol size and number concentration) and aerosol water solubility. While the artifact is relatively small in the absolute sense, it could be substantial for aerosol nitrate measurements, especially in ammonia limited conditions, when the concentration of the nitric acid is high and the concentration of nitrate is low. Therefore, we recommend that the artifact is assessed regularly by replacing the wet denuder with a dry denuder.  相似文献   

Analysis of Hg speciation in combustion flue gases is often accomplished in standardized sampling trains in which the sample is passed sequentially through a series of aqueous solutions to capture and separate oxidized Hg (Hg2+) and elemental Hg (Hg0). Such methods include the Ontario Hydro (OH) and the Alkaline Mercury Speciation (AMS) methods, which were investigated in the laboratory to determine whether the presence of Cl2 and other common flue gas species can bias the partitioning of Hg0 to front impingers intended to isolate Hg2+ species. Using only a single impinger to represent the front three impingers for each method, it was found that as little as 1-ppm Cl2 in a simulated flue gas mixture led to a bias of approximately 10-20% of Hg0 misreported as Hg2+ for both the OH and the AMS methods. Experiments using 100-ppm Cl2 led to a similar bias in the OH method, but to a 30-60% bias in the AMS method. These false readings are shown to be due to liquid-phase chemistry in the impinger solutions, and not necessarily to the gas-phase reactions between Cl2 and Hg as previously proposed. The pertinent solution chemistry causing the interference involves the hypochlorite ion (OCl-), which oxidizes Hg0 to soluble Hg2+. Addition of sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) to the front impinger solutions eliminates this false positive measurement of Hg2+ by selectively reacting with the OCl- ion. In general, the presence of SO2 also mitigates this interference in the same way, and so this bias is not likely to be a factor for Hg speciation measurements from actual coal combustion flue gases. It might, however, be a problem for those few combustor flue gas measurements and research studies where Cl2 is present without appreciable amounts of SO2.  相似文献   

An intercomparison for sampling and analysis of atmospheric mercury species was held in Tuscany, June 1998. Methods for sampling and analysis of total gaseous mercury (TGM), reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) and total particulate mercury (TPM) were used in parallel sampling over a period of 4 days. The results show that the different methods employed for TGM compared well whereas RGM and TPM showed a somewhat higher variability. Measurement results of RGM and TPM improved over the time period indicating that activities at the sampling site during set-up and initial sampling affected the results. Especially the TPM measurement results were affected. Additional parallel sampling was performed for two of the TPM methods under more controlled conditions which yielded more comparable results.  相似文献   

Atmospheric mercury (Hg) species, including gaseous elemental mercury (GEM), reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) and particulate-bound mercury (Hgp), were monitored near three sites, including a cement plant (monitored in 2007 and 2008), an urban site and a rural site (both monitored in 2005 and 2008). Although the cement plant was a significant source of Hg emissions (for 2008, GEM: 2.20 ± 1.39 ng m?3, RGM: 25.2 ± 52.8 pg m?3, Hgp 80.8 ± 283 pg m?3), average GEM levels and daytime average dry depositional RGM flux were highest at the rural site, when all three sites were monitored sequentially in 2008 (rural site, GEM: 2.37 ± 1.26 ng m?3, daytime RGM flux: 29 ± 40 ng m?2 day?1). Photochemical conversion of GEM was not the primary RGM source, as highest net RGM gains (75.9 pg m?3, 99.0 pg m?3, 149 m?3) occurred within 3.0–5.3 h, while the theoretical time required was 14–23 h. Instead, simultaneous peaks in RGM, Hgp, ozone (O3), nitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxide in the late afternoon suggested short-range transport of RGM from the urban center to the rural site. The rural site was located more inland, where the average water vapor mixing ratio was lower compared to the other two sites (in 2008, rural: 5.6 ± 1.4 g kg?1, urban: 9.0 ± 1.1 g kg?1, cement plant: 8.3 ± 2.2 g kg?1). Together, these findings suggested short-range transport of O3 from an urban area contributed to higher RGM deposition at the rural site, while drier conditions helped sustain elevated RGM levels. Results suggested less urbanized environments may be equally or perhaps more impacted by industrial atmospheric Hg emissions, compared to the urban areas from where Hg emissions originated.  相似文献   

Zhang MQ  Zhu YC  Deng RW 《Ambio》2002,31(6):482-484
Mercury emissions from the coal smoke is the main source of anthropogenic discharge and mercury pollution in atmosphere. The calculated total amount of mercury emissions of China in 1995 is approximately 213.8 tonnes, which accounts for c. 5% of estimated total global discharge of 4000 tonnes in the same period. From 1978 to 1995, total coal consumption increased fourfold. Based on these data it is estimated that the mercury emissions will increase at a rate of 5% a year, and the predicted emissions will be 273 tonnes in China in 2000. Controlling and solving mercury emissions from coal combustion are among the most important environmental tasks facing China.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to assess the current status and trends of total mercury (THg) contamination of the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems in Poland. The study shows that the reduced domestic and worldwide atmospheric emission of Hg resulted in decreased THg level in the terrestrial biotope and biosphere. Considering that Poland is one of the main Hg emitters in Europe, the THg concentrations in its abiotic environment are still elevated. However, the THg level in terrestrial organisms is relatively low, which is because a large proportion of Hg deposited on land is accumulated in organic-rich soils. Regarding the THg concentration, consumption of wildlife and livestock from Poland is safe for humans. Nevertheless, the authors indicate the need for effective environmental monitoring, based on selected bioindicators, which is crucial considering the slowing reduction of Hg emission combined with the consequences of the changing climate.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13280-021-01505-1.  相似文献   

A simple and compact instrument for NO2 measurement by laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) technique with a pulsed solid state laser and a multi-pass excitation system was developed and optimized for several conditions. As a result of laboratory experiment, the limit of detection (LOD) reached 94 pptv for 60 s integration. It was thought that an LIF instrument with this LOD value would be capable of quantifying sub-ppbv NO2 in unpolluted marine atmosphere. As the second step, a field test of the instrument was conducted in the marine atmosphere at Cape Hedo, Okinawa Island, Japan, in summer 1999. Intercomparison between the LIF instrument and a chemiluminescence detector with a photolytic converter (PLC-CL) was also made in this test. Consequently, the LIF instrument was shown to be of practical use for measuring NO2 in clean maritime air.  相似文献   

Atmospheric gaseous elemental mercury [GEM] at 1.8, 4, and 59 m above ground, in parking lots, and in indoor and outdoor air was measured in Toronto City, Canada from May 2008-July 2009. The average GEM value at 1.8 m was 1.89 ± 0.62 ng m(-3). The GEM values increased with elevation. The average GEM in underground parking lots ranged from 1.37 to 7.86 ng m(-3) and was higher than those observed from the surface parking lots. The GEM in the indoor air ranged from 1.21 to 28.50 ng m(-3), was higher in the laboratories than in the offices, and was much higher than that in the outdoor air. All these indicate that buildings serve as sources of mercury to the urban atmosphere. More studies are needed to estimate the contribution of urban areas to the atmospheric mercury budget and the impact of indoor air on outdoor air quality and human health.  相似文献   

This paper presents the 2005 global inventory of anthropogenic emissions to the atmosphere component of the work that was prepared by UNEP and AMAP as a contribution to the UNEP report Global Atmospheric Mercury Assessment: Sources, Emissions and Transport (UNEP Chemicals Branch, 2008).It describes the methodology applied to compile emissions data on the two main components of the inventory – the ‘by-product’ emissions and the ‘intentional use’ emissions – and to geospatially distribute these emissions estimates to produce a gridded dataset for use by modelers, and the results of this work.It also presents some initial results of work to develop (simplified) scenario emissions inventories for 2020 that can be used to investigate the possible implications of actions to reduce mercury emissions at the global scale.  相似文献   

The use of 34S/32S measurements to identify the source of atmospheric sulfur oxides was evaluated in a study conducted at a rural salt marsh. δ34S values of SO2 and non sea salt SO2−4 collected on one side of a large salt marsh were compared with one another and with that of non sea salt SO2−4 collected 4 km away on the opposite side of the marsh. Associations between these values indicated that the measurements were extremely precise and accurate, and that the ground level sulfur cycle was dominated by H2S produced by bacterial sulfate reducers in anoxic marsh sediments. There was no isotopic evidence of the presence of transported pollutant SO2−4 at this location, although the sampled air masses had passed over very large sources of anthropogenic S and high Particulate V and Pb concentrations confirmed that these air masses were contaminated with pollutant effluents. Biogenic SO2−4 and SO2 concentrations ranged up to 24.6 and 26μgm−3, respectively, and were highest in modified marine-tropical air masses. Associations between concentrations of V and SO2−4 and between Pb and SO2 suggested the participation of these trace metals (or constituents for which they function as tracers) in the atmospheric oxidation reactions of the sulfides.  相似文献   

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