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Concentrations of ultrafine (<0.1 μm) particles (UFPs) and PM2.5 (<2.5 μm) were measured whilst commuting along a similar route by train, bus, ferry and automobile in Sydney, Australia. One trip on each transport mode was undertaken during both morning and evening peak hours throughout a working week, for a total of 40 trips. Analyses comprised one-way ANOVA to compare overall (i.e. all trips combined) geometric mean concentrations of both particle fractions measured across transport modes, and assessment of both the correlation between wind speed and individual trip means of UFPs and PM2.5, and the correlation between the two particle fractions. Overall geometric mean concentrations of UFPs and PM2.5 ranged from 2.8 (train) to 8.4 (bus) × 104 particles cm?3 and 22.6 (automobile) to 29.6 (bus) μg m?3, respectively, and a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001) between modes was found for both particle fractions. Individual trip geometric mean concentrations were between 9.7 × 103 (train) and 2.2 × 105 (bus) particles cm?3 and 9.5 (train) to 78.7 (train) μg m?3. Estimated commuter exposures were variable, and the highest return trip mean PM2.5 exposure occurred in the ferry mode, whilst the highest UFP exposure occurred during bus trips. The correlation between fractions was generally poor, and in keeping with the duality of particle mass and number emissions in vehicle-dominated urban areas. Wind speed was negatively correlated with, and a generally poor determinant of, UFP and PM2.5 concentrations, suggesting a more significant role for other factors in determining commuter exposure.  相似文献   


The purpose of the study is to investigate the practical aspects of environmental pollution near motorways by dust particles formed during repair works and to identify specific ways to improve the overall environmental situation near highways and reduce the level of pollution during road maintenance. The leading approach is a systematic analysis of the problems of environmental pollution by dust emissions in general. The study results reflect the entire volume of research efforts made to determine the optimal composition of the concrete mixture for road repairs, which allows reducing the emission of dust particles into the surrounding roadside environment and improves the environmental situation on the roadside.


采用数值模拟,研究不同风向角α (α=0°、45°、90°)及道路屏障位置(中间单路障和两侧双路障)对街道峡谷内机动车尾气污染物扩散的影响。数值模拟采用标准 k-ε 湍流模型且Sct选择0.3时,计算结果与风洞实验结果较好吻合。结果表明,2种路障布置方式可有效降低人行道内污染物浓度,特别是,当α=45°时,污染物浓度最多可降低46.23%。同时,风向角α对街道峡谷内污染物扩散影响较大。当 α=90°时,空气流通不良使得污染程度最为严重,且污染集中在背风侧近地面。单路障比双路障布置对污染物扩散影响更大,前者使污染物主要集中在街道中心背风侧,其他位置浓度明显降低;双路障时仅在一定范围内改善人行道内空气品质,但对街道整体污染物分布影响不大。  相似文献   

Recent observations in Belgium indicated that particulate combustion residues are transported over large distances. The purpose of this paper is to examine in greater detail any factors — size distributions of heavy hydrocarbons, dynamic characteristics of the lowest atmosphere — influencing the advection of these pollutants.  相似文献   

A roadway toxics dispersion study was conducted at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) to document the effects on concentrations of roadway emissions behind a roadside sound barrier in various conditions of atmospheric stability. The homogeneous fetch of the INL, controlled emission source, lack of other manmade or natural flow obstructions, and absence of vehicle-generated turbulence reduced the ambiguities in interpretation of the data. Roadway emissions were simulated by the release of an atmospheric tracer (SF6) from two 54 m long line sources, one for an experiment with a 90 m long noise barrier and one for a control experiment without a barrier. Simultaneous near-surface tracer concentration measurements were made with bag samplers on identical sampling grids downwind from the line sources. An array of six 3-d sonic anemometers was employed to measure the barrier-induced turbulence. Key findings of the study are: (1) the areal extent of higher concentrations and the absolute magnitudes of the concentrations both increased as atmospheric stability increased; (2) a concentration deficit developed in the wake zone of the barrier with respect to concentrations at the same relative locations on the control experiment at all atmospheric stabilities; (3) lateral dispersion was significantly greater on the barrier grid than the non-barrier grid; and (4) the barrier tended to trap high concentrations near the “roadway” (i.e. upwind of the barrier) in low wind speed conditions, especially in stable conditions.  相似文献   

总结了近年来不同地区对不同环境下大气超细颗粒物的观测和扩散模拟研究进展。大量的观测研究结果表明,大气超细颗粒物的时空分布、组成特征、形成和成长的特性因观测地区的不同而存在很大差异,受气象因素和局部污染源的影响很大;其来源主要包括固定、移动燃烧源的直接排放和大气中颗粒成核现象,前一种来源一般是局部的,而后一种来源则是区域性的。目前,大多数关于大气超细颗粒物扩散的模拟研究都是针对其质量浓度的,对其数浓度扩散的模拟研究主要集中在小范围(机动车排放烟云的研究方面),在城市区域范围上的研究和应用还很少。最后,探讨和展望了大气超细颗粒物今后的主要研究方向和研究中面临的挑战。  相似文献   

Ultrafine particles (UFPs) released from laser printers are electrostatically charged during the working processes of the devices, and the electrostatic force can obviously influence the dynamics of the particles. Due to the measurement difficulty and scarcity of relevant research, this issue was not reported. This study tried to address this issue through experimental measurement of the surface charge of UFPs and numerical investigation on the influence of electrostatic force on the dynamics of UFPs. A test chamber was set up to collect the UFPs, and the Scanning Electron Microscope was used to observe the morphologies of the UFPs. Based on the particle diameter and surface zeta potential, the surface charge of UFPs was calculated. The measurement results gave that particle emitted from laser printers are negatively charged and the average surface charge of particle emissions for four laser printers is in a range of about ?4.16 × 10?17 to ?6.07 × 10?17 C (~?260 to ?379 e). This paper also discussed the influence of electrostatic force on the dynamics of UFPs. According to the numerical investigation, it was found that, in the absence of electric field, the electrostatic force has to be considered when the surface charge is larger than 1 × 10?16 C and when the UFP is very close to the wall with a distance of less than 0.01 m. These findings will guide constructively in predicting the dispersion and deposition of particles emitted from laser printers.  相似文献   

不同粒径分布和浓度的催化裂化(FCC)三旋回收超细催化剂颗粒在旋流场中经过50 h循环回流,颗粒中值粒径变化明显。物料中分散相越多、颗粒粒径越小时,颗粒碰撞越频繁,其聚集趋势越明显。颗粒聚集体在旋流场内不够稳定,通过对比不同进料速率下的旋流场聚集效果,得到最适合颗粒聚集的旋流场雷诺数为20 000。颗粒聚集体存在聚集极限粒径,其最佳聚集时间约为40 h,颗粒聚集后的旋流分离效率提高近5%。  相似文献   



Various publications indicate that the operation of laser printers and photocopiers may be associated with health effects due to the release of gaseous components and fine and ultrafine particles (UFP). However, only sparse studies are available that evaluate the possible exposure of office workers to printer emissions under real conditions. Therefore, the aim of our study was to assess the exposure of office workers to particulate matter released from laser printers and photocopiers.


Concentrations of fine particles and UFP were measured before, during, and after the operation of laser printing devices in 63 office rooms throughout Germany. Additionally, the particles were characterized by electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.


A significant increase of fine particles and UFP was identified in ambient workplace air during and after the printing processes. Particle fractions between 0.23 and 20???m emitted by the office machines significantly affect particle mass concentrations while printing 500 pages, i.e., during the printing process, PM0.23?C20, PM2.5, and PM10 concentrations increased in 43 out of the evaluated 62 office rooms investigated. Additionally, a significant increase was observed in submicrometer particles, with median particle number concentrations of 6,503 particles/cm3 before and 18,060 particles/cm3 during the printing process.


Our data indicate that laser printers and photocopiers could be a relevant source of fine particles and particularly UFP in office rooms.  相似文献   

Motor vehicle emissions usually constitute the most significant source of ultrafine particles (diameter <0.1 microm) in an urban environment, yet little is known about the concentration and size distribution of ultrafine particles in the vicinity of major highways. In the present study, particle number concentration and size distribution in the size range from 6 to 220 nm were measured by a condensation particle counter (CPC) and a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS), respectively. Measurements were taken 30, 60, 90, 150, and 300 m downwind, and 300 m upwind, from Interstate 405 at the Los Angeles National Cemetery. At each sampling location, concentrations of CO, black carbon (BC), and particle mass were also measured by a Dasibi CO monitor, an aethalometer, and a DataRam, respectively. The range of average concentration of CO, BC, total particle number, and mass concentration at 30 m was 1.7-2.2 ppm, 3.4-10.0 microg/m3, 1.3-2.0 x 10(5)/cm3, and 30.2-64.6 microg/m3, respectively. For the conditions of these measurements, relative concentrations of CO, BC, and particle number tracked each other well as distance from the freeway increased. Particle number concentration (6-220 nm) decreased exponentially with downwind distance from the freeway. Data showed that both atmospheric dispersion and coagulation contributed to the rapid decrease in particle number concentration and change in particle size distribution with increasing distance from the freeway. Average traffic flow during the sampling periods was 13,900 vehicles/hr. Ninety-three percent of vehicles were gasoline-powered cars or light trucks. The measured number concentration tracked traffic flow well. Thirty meters downwind from the freeway, three distinct ultrafine modes were observed with geometric mean diameters of 13, 27, and 65 nm. The smallest mode, with a peak concentration of 1.6 x 10(5)/cm3, disappeared at distances greater than 90 m from the freeway. Ultrafine particle number concentration measured 300 m downwind from the freeway was indistinguishable from upwind background concentration. These data may be used to estimate exposure to ultrafine particles in the vicinity of major highways.  相似文献   

In June 1996–June 1997 Berner low-pressure impactors were used at an urban and at a rural site in the Helsinki area for sampling ultrafine particles (UFP, PM0.1). Ten sample pairs, each pair measured simultaneously, were collected in the size range of 0.03–15 μm of particle aerodynamic diameter. More than 40 chemical components were measured. Surprisingly, the average UFP mass concentration was higher at the rural site (520 ng/m3) than at the urban site (490 ng/m3). The average chemical composition of UFP was similar at the two sites. The most abundant of the measured components were sulphate (32 and 40 ng/m3 for the urban and rural sites, respectively), ammonium (22 and 25 ng/m3), nitrate (4 and 11 ng/m3) and the Ca2+ ion (5 and 7 ng/m3). The most important metals at both sites were Ca, Na, Fe, K and Zn with concentrations between 0.7 and 5 ng/m3. Of the heavy metals, Ni, V, Cu, and Pb were important with average ultrafine concentrations between about 0.1 and 0.2 ng/m3. Also the organic anions oxalate (urban 2.1 ng/m3 and rural 1.9 ng/m3) and methanesulphonate (1.3 and 1.7 ng/m3) contributed similarly at both sites. The measured species accounted for only about 15–20% of the total ultrafine mass. The fraction that was not measured includes mainly carbonaceous material and water. It was estimated that the amount of water was about 10% (50 ng/m3) and that of carbonaceous material about 70% (350 ng/m3) at both sites. Aitken modes were observed for most components with the average mass mean mode diameters being between about 0.06 and 0.12 μm. The average concentrations in the Aitken mode differed clearly from those in the UFP for several components.The average contribution of ultrafine mass to the fine particle mass (PM2.5) was about 7% at the urban site and 8.5% at the rural site. At both sites the contribution of ultrafine to fine was especially high for Se, Ag, B, and Ni (10–20%) and at the rural site also for Co (20%), Ca2+ (16%) and Mo (11%). Enrichment in the ultrafine particles suggests that local sources may exist for these elements.Aitken modes turned out to be useful indicators of local sources for several components. The Aitken modes of Ba, Ca, Mg and Sr were similar in several samples, suggesting a common local combustion source for these elements, possibly traffic exhaust. Co, Fe, Mo and Ni formed another group of elements often having similar Aitken modes, the likely source being combustion of heavy fuel oil.  相似文献   

The condensation properties of polydisperse aged ultrafine carbon aerosols (particle diameter<1 μm) have been investigated by means of a variable supersaturation condensation nucleus counter. The critical supersaturation (Sc), as the point, where 50% of all particles have been activated and grew to droplets was compared to the median dry particle diameter for pure carbon aerosols, benzo[a]pyrene-tagged carbon aerosols and external mixtures of the carbon particles with sodium chloride and sulphuric acid aerosols. Additionally, ozone as oxidising gaseous compound was added in some of the experiments. Simple coagulation of pure and benzo[a]pyrene-tagged carbon particles resulted in only slightly lower values for Sc due to the increased median particle diameter. The formation of soluble functionalities on the particle surface, i.e. the coagulation with the soluble sodium chloride and sulphuric acid aerosols or the chemical decomposition of benzo[a]pyrene into polar, hydrophilic products due to the reaction with ozone resulted in significant lower values for Sc for the modified carbon aerosol. The necessary supersaturations for the increased hydrophilic particles dropped to atmospherically relevant values of 3% after 5 h reaction time (benzo[a]pyrene decomposition) and 15 h (coagulation with soluble particles), respectively.  相似文献   

A laboratory-scale electrostatic precipitator has been designed and constructed in which the grounded collector plate has been substituted by a set of wire screens placed perpendicularly to the gas flow. Particles are deposited onto the screens by two mechanisms--electrostatic deposition and diffusional deposition--which act simultaneously. On the one hand, electrostatic deposition is effective for relatively large particles, but it is quite ineffective for the smallest ones because their charging probability in the corona field is too low. On the other hand, the diffusional collection efficiency of particles on fibers is high for small particles but low for the larger ones. Therefore, the simultaneous diffusional-electrostatic precipitation may become a useful technique for efficient filtration of particles below 0.1 microm. A preliminary experimental evaluation of this filtering device has shown that submicrometer particles with diameters down to a few nanometers can be collected with number efficiencies greater than 99%.  相似文献   

This study investigates the levels of particulate matter smaller than 2.5 μm (PM2.5) and some selected volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at 12 photocopy centers in Taiwan from November 2004 to June 2005. The results of BTEXS (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes and styrene) measurements indicated that toluene had the highest concentration in all photocopy centers, while the concentration of the other four compounds varied among the 12 photocopy centers. The average background-corrected eight-hour PM2.5 in the 12 photocopy centers ranged from 10 to 83 μg m−3 with an average of 40 μg m−3. The 24-h indoor PM2.5 at the photocopy centers was estimated and at two photocopy centers exceeded 100 μg m−3, the 24-h indoor PM2.5 guideline recommended by the Taiwan EPA. The ozone level and particle size distribution at another photocopy center were monitored and indicated that the ozone level increased when the photocopying started and the average ozone level at some photocopy centers during business hour may exceed the value (50 ppb) recommended by the Taiwan EPA. The particle size distribution monitored during photocopying indicated that the emitted particles were much smaller than the original toner powders. Additionally, the number concentration of particles that were smaller than 0.5 μm was found to increase during the first hour of photocopying and it increased as the particle size decreased. The ultrafine particle (UFP, <100 nm) dominated the number concentration and the peak concentration appeared at sizes of under 50 nm. A high number concentration of UFP was found with a peak value of 1E+8 particles cm−3 during photocopying. The decline of UFP concentration was observed after the first hour and the decline is likely attributable to the surface deposition of charged particles, which are charged primarily by the diffusion charging of corona devices in the photocopier. This study concludes that ozone and UFP concentrations in photocopy centers should be concerned in view of indoor air quality and human health. The corona devices in photocopiers and photocopier-emitted VOCs have the potential to initiate indoor air chemistry during photocopying and result in the formation of UFP.  相似文献   

为了解煤矿开采区道路环境中大气颗粒物重金属元素的污染特征及来源,于2016年12月(采暖期)和2017年5月(非采暖期)分别采集了淮南潘集矿区交通主干线周围大气颗粒物样品,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)测定了As、Cd、Hg、Mn、Pb、Cu、Zn、Ni、V等9种重金属元素以及参比元素Al的含量,并利用富集因子法和因子分析法解析了其来源。结果表明:(1)Zn、Mn、Pb含量较高,占所测重金属元素的82%(质量分数)以上;采暖期总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)、PM10和PM2.5中重金属含量总体上均高于非采暖期。(2)富集程度较高的元素有Pb、Cd、Hg,随着颗粒物粒径减小,各重金属元素的富集因子呈现增大趋势。(3)通过因子分析法得出,潘集矿区道路环境中重金属主要来源为交通排放、煤炭燃烧和扬尘等。  相似文献   

Electrospinning is a simple and versatile process to produce polymer nanofibers, which are useful for ultrafine particle filtration. In this study, a polyurethane filter with an average fiber diameter of 150–250 nm was prepared through the electrospinning process and its filtration characteristics were investigated. We found that the electrospun fiber diameter was highly dependent on the polyurethane concentration, electric field, and tip-to-collector distance. As the polyurethane concentration, electric field, and tip-to-collector distance under the same electric field increased, the fiber diameter increased. We also found that the produced filter media had a minimum collection efficiency at particles sizes from 80 to 100 nm, which implies an electrostatic attraction between the filter and the test particles. Furthermore, we observed that interception was a predominant collection mechanism at Peclet numbers higher than 10 in nanofiber filtration for ultrafine particles.


A polyurethane nanofiber filter with excellent mechanical properties was prepared, and the effect of operating conditions on fiber morphology was examined. The filter fabricated by an electrospinning process is charged and has high filtration efficiency due to electrostatic force. Therefore, it can be a good alternative to control hazardous ultrafine particles.  相似文献   

Total number concentrations, number concentrations of ultrafine (0.01–0.1 μm) and accumulation (0.1–0.5 μm) particles, as well as mass concentration of PM2.5 particles and blackness of PM2.5 filters, which is related to Black Smoke were simultaneously monitored in three European cities during the winter period for three and a half months. The purpose of the study was to describe the differences in concentration levels and daily and diurnal variations in particle number and mass concentrations between European cities. The results show statistically significant differences in the concentrations of PM2.5 and the blackness of the PM2.5 filters between the cities, but not in the concentrations of ultrafine particles. Daily PM2.5 levels were found to be poorly correlated with the daily total and ultrafine number concentrations but better correlated with the number concentration of accumulation particles. According to the principal component analysis airborne particulate pollutants seem to be divided into two major source categories, one identified with particle number concentrations and the other related to mass-based information. The present results underline the importance of using both particle number and mass concentrations to evaluate urban air quality.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the collection efficiency of ultrafine particles into an impinger fitted with a fritted nozzle tip as a means to increase contact surface area between the aerosol and the liquid. The influence of liquid sampling volume, frit porosity and the nature of the sampling liquid was explored and it was shown that all impact on the collection efficiency of particles smaller than 220 nm. Obtained values for overall collection efficiency were substantially higher (~30–95%) than have been previously reported, mainly due to the high deposition of particles in the fritted nozzle tip, especially in case of finer porosity frits and smaller particles. Values for the capture efficiency of the solvent alone ranged from 20 to 45%, depending on the type and the volume of solvent. Additionally, our results show that airstream dispersion into bubbles improves particle trapping by the liquid and that there is a difference in collection efficiencies based on the nature and volume of the solvent used.  相似文献   

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